1 UVJfiuiilU, ill He? Life Mr. R. D. Jenkins, of Lithonia, Ga., says that his daughter, Ida, inherited a severe case of Kczema, which the usual mercury and potash remedies failed to relieve. Year by year she was treated with various medicine;, external appli cations and internal retnqdics, without result. Her sufferings were intense, and her condition grew steadily worse. All the so-called blood remedies did not seem tc reacn tue dis ease at all until S. S.S. was given, when an improvement was at once noticed. The medicine was continuecd with fav orable results, and now she is cured VIk4 imperfectly if I wlhi f ciear anu. puic she has been saved from what threat ened to blight her life forever. S.S.S. guaranteed purely vegetable) curei Kczema, Scrofula, Cancer, Rheu matism, or any other blood trouble. It is arealblocd remedy and always cures even after all else fails. A Real Blood Remedy Take a blood remedy for a blood disease; a tonic won't cure it. Our books on Liloo'l and skin diseases mailed free to any address. Swift Spe c i fi c Co., Atlanta, Ga. POSTER'S ftSITKCPTH! HFAJIKRfiii FiJl I IVill E I -J IIL.i1i.ilEU For Birb Wire Cuts. Scratches, Raddle and Collar Galls, Cracked Heel Burns, Old Sores, Cuts, Boils, Bruises Piles and all kinds of inflammation on man or beast. Cures Itch and ilanjje. 7hjC::3, C;t o: Sura r'.ll t57:f sisUcj lHar tis oil tti toen &;;ilei lie pt'jparcii for .Tcci.lc-.ts b" keeping it ii your house orsiaMe. Ail Drjg-iistssoll it an aguarantee. ho Cure, Ho Pay. l'rice 25 cts. ;i;..l $1.00. If your lru(rist does not kcup it s,-nd us 25 cts. in pos tage stamps auU we will sen J it to you by mail, f'.-.r . Te !! . Jui. ?'t'i. l-'M. riraiBir-I h-vc tir 1 rMr'i tr.:l-r,.r'c ll.nlHc Oil for lUrotwai-J .id.lli:::i.S.T3t-l."aii.l Hub Wired! with ppriVvt b..tifiirti..n. uud 1 heartily rcc imucis.l it to ill Livery ana Slock'urn. C. 1!. liwixr, I.ivcry and F.-ca subie. EABY CURNta. Cc'lt"mrn .I ii'i ill-flu ;! to sptnk .1 wot;1 for Portrr'a antlsrptki li.al.o OH Hvl,i!.m lmnio.1 s few moi.ths ajj .. un.l after trvin-j all 't u-r romoho I applied jour il" and tin- (list .ii..1ii-ati..n twv r.-li-f.and in a few days the t-:re was well. 1 also ,l ' on riv "took and find that it 1J tad be.,t ret.ie.iV Mr lain purnusc taat i Have ever used. V ui". C. X.LEWla. Taris, Tcr.n., January BAM IMITI KED lit PARIS MEDICINE CO., ST. LOUIS, NO t-i"7For sale mi l guaranteed by all -Iruggists. L PAPER! ("all In see tin; largi1--! assortment of latest ilr.-i ns in colorings of Alfred Reals' Beautiful Wall : Papers. I curry samples of his entire sto-k; over li.iMlt) samples to seleet from. Can sine yon .ri() per cent, on your purchases. Especially do I call the attention of my friends living in the country and the public in general ly, that I only sell from samples and order goods direct from New York at prices FK03I 2-12 CENTS UP. You have no freight to pay and get new, fresh goods, not shelf-worn nor out of style. Would thank you for your orders, even if you do not Give Me Your Work. Reside Alfred Peats' samples I have a complete outlit of samples to se lect from, from one of the largest manufacturers in the United States. lS'Siti Painting a speciality. F. J. MAGE, Sr., Agent, West Centre St., Coldsboro, N. C. A HAPPY WELCOME is guaranteed to those who will call at my saloon, which is stock ed at all times with the choicest of l'omestie ami Imported Liquors and Wines. All the latest drinks compounded ami manipulated by skillful men. DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED CIGARS, and a large lot of FIKTE TOBACCO, my peace is iieapquakteks for Pure North Carolina Corn Whiskey. K."Mr. Cullen Howe:! is with mo and would be pleased to see his friends. James L. Dickinson. WE The best line of STOVES In town. Price ranges from sT.50 up. We have also just received a NICE LINE of SAUSAGE MILLS Give us a call. R. KORNEGAY, Mount Olive, N. C. FRANK BOYETTE, D. D. S, Everything in the line of Dentistry done in the best style. Perfect satisfac tion guaranteed. OHico in front rooms of IJorden Building, over liiz.ell Bio. & Co.'s dry goods store. ' s s s Eloped on Her Wedding Night. Worn Oak-man. Walker county, Ala., comes a story of a marriage .vluch did not take place in ttie usuai way. James U luingiiam, a promi nent young farmer residing near ;Jerrv, was to have been married a few ni -hts ul'o to a Miss Drown, one of the belles of Oakinan. All pre parations were made for the atlair, which was expected to be the swell society event of the season. Willing- ham and four friends drove over trom P.orrv to Oakinan in buL'L'ies. Thev reached the home of the prospective bride s parents but a snort tune oe fore the hour set for the marriage. The guests were rapidly gathering and the kitchen and dining-room pre sented a scene of activity, where pre parations were in progress for an elaborate wedding supper. Just be fore the arrival of the happy hour it was found that the bride was missing. Investigation brought to light the fact that a short time before she had quietly left the house, and, having met another lover, had eloped with him. The pair drove across the coun try to Jasper and were married. W'illingham took the matter good na turediy, but the assembled guests and the parents of the young lady were greatly shocked. However, at Wiilingham's suggestion, the supper was served and all partook of it, none more heartily than the dis appointed young man whose intend ed bride at that hour was hurrying to Jasper with a voung farmer named J. T. Kcho'.s. Smallest Book In The World. The smallest book in the world is not much larger than a man's thumb nail. It was made in Italy by a firm of Padua publishers, the Salmin Brothers. It is four-tenths of an inch high and about a quarter of an inch wide. The volume contains 2oS pages, each having nine lines and from nir.ety-live to loo letters. The text is an unpublished letter written by the famous inventor of the pendu lum clock to Mme. Christine, of Lor raine, in the year ltil5. The next smallest book is issued by the same firm. It is an edition of Dante's '"Divine Comedy," being a little more than an inch high, a little less than an inch wide, with type so small that it takes a microscope to read the letters. A genuine gost-story has yet to be attes ted : but not so a genuine blood-purilier. Over and over again it has been proved that Ayer's Sarsaparil'a stands alone among medicines as the most reliable tonic-alterative in pharmacy. It stood alone at the World's Fair. To desire what is impossible, and to lie insensible to t lie troubles of others, are two great maladies of the soul. ivcjyboisy Sajs So, Cap cure's Car. ly Catburiic, the most won deriul medical li.santn' the ape. picas sat ami rofivsiiin'.' to the taste, a-i pentiy ami positively on kiiinrys. liver a ml bnwois, cleansiii'.r t!;o caf iro system, tfisiin'l colds, euro headache, lever, li;iiit'i;il ecr.tiiat.icn and bi'ioasiii'KS. Picas.' h iv ami trra box cf C. C. (J. to-duy: 10, .-.. re "eoms. buhl cad guaranteed to euro by druggists. It is belter to be a mu-tard seed than a mountain of dead rock. SCROFULA in its worst form yields to the blood cleansing power of Hood's Sursaparilla. Thousands of cases have been perfectly CURED. There are too many church members and not enough Christians. Our lives please (bid when they make sinners want to know Christ. Dun't Toliacco Spit ami Smuke Your IJfe Away. To quit tobacco easily nrnl forever, be mns netic, lull of life, nerve and viiror, take No-To-I$;ic, the wonder worker, that makes weal: men strong. All druppists, Wc or ?1. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. It never hurts (bid's work any for peo ple to get mad at his truth. No-To-lSac for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 5uc, 81. All druggists. When a man of opposite views readily agrees with you, you have either suc ceeded in convincing or tiring him. Take JOHNSON'S CHILL & FEVER TONIC.s God can see jewels where "3 can see only common sand and gravel. Ednrate Your Kowela With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 2oc. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. Next to rolling oil a log, the easiest thing is to tell other people how they ought to bring up their children. For Infants and Children. Tie fe- is ca wrapper. A selfish parent cannot make an un selfish child. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic, pic or 25c. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. After all is said about rules, the only true way to train a child is to be what you would have him to he. Kelief in Siv Hours. Distressing Kidney and Bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by the "Xkw (i KEAT Soi'TII AmEUIC.VN KlDXEY CL'UK" This new remedy if a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kid neys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your rem edy. Sold by M. E. Robinson & Bro., druggists, Goldsboro, X. C. What a woman should demand of a man in courtship or after it is, lirst, re spect for her, as she is a woman; and next to that to be respected by him above all other women. ARE YOU BANKRUPT i n health, constitution undermined by ex travagance in eating, by disre garding the laws of nature, or physical capital all gone, if so, NEVER DESPAIR Tutt's Liver Pills will cure you. For sick headache, dyspepsia, sour stomach, malaria, torpid liver, constipation, biliousness and all kindred diseases. Tutt's Liver Pills an absolute cure. Ml druggists sell Dr. Miles' Nerve Plasters. Would Not Show Her Leg For $5,000. Sandusky. O., is the home of a wo man who would not show her limb to ti jury for $.j,ooo. bhe brought suit against the city for $5,ooo damages, tuii-oing tnat the fell on the sidewau and injured one of her limbs above and below the knee. She dressed the injured member herself. She is Miss Maria lVevoncha a professional nurse. When she was placed upon i lie stanit tue counsel ior inc city rnispd a point as to the character of the injury, and insisted that in order that the jury could better jude of the facts Miss lVevoncha should ex hibit her injured limb to the jur .Never: she lainy nisseu, as sue pointed her finger at the City Prose cutor. "The demand is monstrous. The nrosoeutor insisted and ouoted authorities, and there was a long argument, .i he judge finally ueciu ed that it would be indelicate to en force the demand, and the case went to the jury, which returned a verdict for the city. Our Nation's Wealth In Gold Dollars. The wealthiest nation of the world is the United States. The census of ISfMI shows the true valuation, or fair selling price, of the real and personal property of the country to be 05, 0:7,091,lil7. It is an increase of over -111 per cent on the valuation of the previous decade and is about six times the value of the money in the entire world. The mind cannot grasp the meaning of such figures without graphic illustration. This amount in gold dollars would load 123,r7o carts, each carrying a ton. If 2.ooo gold dollars were piled one on the other, thev would form a stack three feet high. Make similar piles close togeiher till a wall of gold one mile long and worth .23o,4oo,ooo is formed. Increase this wall to 2S', miles and the amount would repre sent our national wealth. Placed, side by side the coins would form a carpet of g;old covering; five square miles. Johnson's CIlW and Fever Tonic Cures Fever In One Day. Oierpowcred II j li ds. Attacked by several hundred tierce rats, which swarmed upon him while he was imprisoned in a narrow space from which he could not escape, il-.b-crt Crook, cf Fairview, Pa., fought them until his strength failed and, unable to beat them oil", fell senseless, lie had been terribly mutilated when he was rescued and his sight had been destroyed. Mr. Crook, who is a wealthy farmer, constructed a mon ster rat trap in the loft of one of his barns. This trap was like a big box, Mr. Crook completed it a week ago, baited it and then left it to do its work. He found several hundred rats in the trap Tuesday, and thrust his terrier Spot into the cage to kill them. The rats made short work of the dog.killingand partly eating him. Then Mr. Crook entered the cage with two clubs, but soon tried to get out. He found himself locked in, owing to the closing of a door with a spring lock. He fought until he fell senseless, and was rescued later by his farm hands. His injuries may prove fatal. Water Famine in Kansas. Kansas is sutl'ering from a water famine. Many towns are without water. The prolonged -drought has become a serious matter. Streams from which the towns and cities get their supply are' dry and the wells which atlbrd the people water for do mestic purposes have failed. In a dozen of the larger towns the rail roads are hauling water and deposit ing it in tubs for the people. Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic Cures Fever In One Day. A Romantic Marriage. Mr. J. A. May, of Arizona, and Mrs. Lucy M. Hanks, widow of Dr. Lucius Hanks, were married in Dur ham, Saturday. "With this marriage is coupled quite a little bit of ro mance. Mr. May was born and rear ed in Chatham county, where he lived up to about twenty-two years ago. In their early days he and Mrs. Banks were much together, and lov ed and became sweethearts. But the course of true love did not run smooth with them. Mr. May went to Arizona and Miss Mai lory married Dr. Lucilus Hanks. Mr. May has been eminently successful in the far West and is reported to have made a nice little fortune. He came and claimed his first love. Married The Other Fellow. Miss Bessie Burk Mills, of Macon, Ga., and William E. Padgett, of Tampa, Fla., were married at Macon Saturday night. They were engag ed hardly twenty four hours be fore the ceremony. W. N. Auld, of Athens, had asked Miss Mills on Fri day to be his bride. She told him she would give him her answer on Saturday. Early Friday morning Mr. Padgett appeared on the scene and stole the consent of the bride, which ruled Mr. Auld out. When Mr. Auld called to see Miss Mills she quietly, instead of promising to be come his wife, invited him to the wedding of herself and Mr. Padgett. Those Who 1 11 dure The p:iins of rheumatism should be re minded that a cure for this disease may bd found in Hood's Sarsaparilla. The experience of those who have taken Hood's Sarsaparilla for rheumatism, and have been completely and permanently cured, prove the power of this medicine to rout and conquer this disease. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the One True Blood Puri lier, and it neutralizes the acid which causes the aches and pains of rheuma tism. This is why it absolutely cures when liniments and other outw:ard ap plications fail to give permanent relief. Be sure to get Hood's. XL'S i2h?& V.l The harmless sports, innocent crimes and social N amusements of life ? f o a 1 o ii jr way I towr.Tfl maVin? life A I ivnrlh living. Hut Nfc-'VfeufcM I an tie innocent en joyments of life are wearisome and even painful to the woman who feels in every fiber of her body that she is in the relentless prasp of ill-health, and is playing with death for an opponent. Thousands of women feel this, but are ig norant of the real cause of their trouble. The family doctor, when called in, looks wise and says stomach trouble, nerve trouble or heart trouble, when the real trouble is weakness, disease or dcrar.pre ment of the feminine child-begetting or ganism. There is a sure, safe and speedy cure for all troubles of this character. It is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It does away with all embatrassing examinations and local treatment from'which modest wo men shrink. It makes the distinctly wo manly organism healthyand strong. It fits for wifehood and motherhood. It banishes the usual discomforts of the period of sus pense and makes baby's advent easy and almost painless. It is a marvelous medi cine for women. Thousands have testified to this. Honest druggists will not try to induce you to take au inferior substitute. "I feel as well and stroni; as I ever did," writes Mrs. Jennie Warren, of Clifton, (irali.im Co., Arizona. " With your kind and good ad vice, and Dr. Pierce's Oolden Medical Discovery, and his " Favorite Prescription' I have been en tirely cured. Gentlemen, 1 thank you a thousand times. I think that if every person v.-ho is sick in any way will write to you fir advice ami will take your medicines according to directions, no other doctor's services will be needed." If you want a $1.50 doctor book, in r-aper covers, kkkk, send 21 one-cent stamps, to cover cost of mailing only, for Dr. Tierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser. For French cloth binding, send ten cents extra. Address, Dr. R. V. Pierce, Uuffalo, N. Y. His Hani (J row. J. W. Fes'.er, of Morgantown, Ind., has a barn which threatens to de velop into a "sky scraper," says Home and Farm. In lS'Jl, having need of a new barn, he buiit a small structure, and in its construction he used green willow posts at the cor ners and along the sides. These he sank into the ground in the usual manner. For some time nothing un usual was noticed, but after a year he saw that, whereas, he laid the floor near the ground, it was above the soil. " He discovered that the willow posts, instead of being dead, were alive, and had taken nut and were growing. In their upward movement they carried the barn a long. Last spring the lu.rn was en stills nine fc. t high. i.e put i:: a ne floor the o-ts it a I w- a Hie; Mr. with a siding, thereby inakii.g t ;o s ry a!;'uir. There U r spaeo of seven inches bet wi e: new floor and the groi.nd. ai.i Fesler expects to have a three barn in the cour.se of time. I The town of Brushy Fork, 111., has ! a spinster, who, because he was I di.-nppointeJ in l ive in the days of her confiding and unsophisticated youth : hasn't spoke to a man in forty years and uoesn t propose to have anything to do with them when she is dead, an event for which she is preparing-. In her will she provides that no man shall have anything to do with her funeral, that the preacher, pall bear ers, hearse driver and every one who participates in disposing of her re mains shall be women. Take JOHNSON'S CHILL & FEVER TONIC Sense of Touch Wanting. One has heard of heartless women and women without feeling, but that a human being' can exist without any sense of touch seems marvelous. Yet that is claimed for Mrs. Evar tina Tardo, a young widow in the West Indies. Physicians who have known her case pronounce it a phy siological freak. She is said to be wholly without feeling, has swallow ed poison, been shot, bitten by rat tlesnakes, received a puncture in her heart from a doctor's lance and had her neck dislocated, all without ex periencing any pain. Besides these experiments, she can, without in jury, drink benzine and light the gas at a hollow needle needle which pier ces her cheek. This strange asser tion is backed by the word of physi cians of repute. As a child she was bitten by a cobra, and it is claimed that her sensory nerves were para lyzed and her system inoculated with poison. The Enquirer says Mr. W. E. L. Williams, of Union, has been farm ing on the intensive plan this year. On an acre of land he cut a fine crop of hay in the Spring, and after the hay crop was off he planted the land in corn and made 500 bundles of fod der and 50 bushels of corn on it. CURE CONSUMPTION. T. A. Siwnm, M. , the Great Clipmist aixl Sen lit iit, O (Tits to en.l I ree totli .Yliiit te.l, T.'irre tV.ttles .r llis N-w-ly l.-isi-ovi'ii il Kfin, fii-s to Cure I oiisiiitiiil io:i anil All I.uui; l'roii!ili, ?-'tliir.sr O'li'.l le fairer, ni 're lii:i;-i!m.i' or e.-ir.y r.ii.i joy in U-, v.ake than tj,c. ,:r, r i t T. A. Slocmn. M. C.,.f !s l ine street, .. York City. l iiiiliilent tliHt he has ilisrovon il an ah-nlutc onro fur isinsuiiii'tiiin unci all iilmoiiiiry ivmii'iaints. and to make it-s jireat merits known, he wili suid, free, three buttles (the Slufiim new system of nieilii ine) tu any reader of The lleadliulit who is iulierintf from chest. throat and lunu truubli-s or conMiiiitiuii. lie invites thuse desirous of ulitailiinu lit- reme dies tu simjily send him their express and pustoliice address, ami receive in return the three buttles. Already this "new scientilie course of medicine" has ermanently cured thousands of aM'armtly homeless cases. lie considers it his religious duty a duty which he es ui unmanny-to donate his infallible cure offered freely. uart from its inherent strength, is enough to commend it. and more so is the perfect eoniidenceof the great chemist making the oiler. He lias proved consumption to be a curable dis ease beyond any doubt. There will be no mistake in sending-the mistaks w ill be in overlooking the Iioetor's generous invita tion, lie has on lile in his American and Kuro pean laboratories thousands of testimonials of ex perience from those cured, in all parts of the world. Oelays are dangerous: mail your address to T. A. Slocum, M. V.. Sis 1'ine Street. New York, and when writing the Doctor, please mention reading this ar ticle in The Headlight. MOORE. & ROBINSON. ESTABLISHED IN ISnO Are still at their old stand with a full line of Wood and Metallic CoSes and Casfcets and rejiairinir liugf'ies, Wagons, Carts, etc. We guarantee prices and quality on all our work. .loiiu St.. 1J. JJupti.-t Cliurch. 7w? i Undertakers $ Carriage-Makers, Housed in a Steeple The only man in the United States who lives in a church steeple is Heze- kiah Hradds, the sexton of the bap tist Church at West port, Mo., a suburb of Kansas City. 1 he room is small, scarcely larger than a dry goods box. In that tiny room he cooks, eats and sleeps. It is just under the bells. Through the small windows that furnish light in the day time he can see a portion of Kansas City. Abcut his head the swallows twitter as ihey !ly in and out througn the lattice work.' In his small room are a bed, a dresser, a tiny stove and a table. He has been sexton of the church for several years, and has oc cupied this room in the steeple since his wife left him. Some years ago he married a widow with a grown son. The son proved a bone of contention, and after numerous quarrels the wife left her husband, taking the furni ture with her. Then the church trus tees suggested that Mr. Bradds move into the little room beneath the bells. Church members furnished the room comfortably, and since then Mr. Bradds has lived a lonesome life. Improved Fanning Methods. A half dozen farmers from Illinois and Iowa have recently purchased farms in Georgia, in the vicinity of Little River Station, on the Georgia Kail road. They have brought with them improved farming machinery and implements, and the Augusta Chronicle says it makes a new de parture in farming in that State One of the new settlers, who went to Georgia in February last, has a! ready made one crop and demonstra ted what scientific farming will do. He used the most improved machin ery and had sixty acres of land in corn, which he broke up with steel sulky plows and cultivated with six- shovel sulky plows. The yield was over fifty bushels shelled corn per acre, which was more than he made per acre in Illinois. This gentleman says, on his arrival, he was told the Illinois system of farming would not do in Georgia, but that he produced more than twice as much corn as his native neighbors. Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic Cures Fever In One Day. A IVcidiar Boy. ; J.r. iiorton liair.es, wno lives up on the B:g E,k, was in Elkin, Tues day, says the Elkin Times, and with him was his son, San ford Haines, a , liov of 13 vear. well grown and in- jtelligcnt, but with the peculiarity j that he cannot be induced bv his fa- ther or any person to speak a word ! when he is away from home, but ' while he is at bona bilks as glibiv as anybody; we tried to get hirn to speak, but it was a failure. His fa trior savs that when the boy was quite small, he was visiting a neigh bor, and a man teased the boy, wlio got mad, and from that time on he has steadily refused to speak a word while awav from home. He who learns therules of wisdom without conforming to them in his life is like a man who plows his held but does not sow. NOT ALWAYS UNDERSTOOD. A fact often overlooked, or not always understood, is that women suiiVr as much from distresMiio- kidney and l!ad tier troubles as the men. The wonili is situated hack of and very close to the bladder, and for that reason any dis tress, disease or inconvenience mani fested in the kidnevs, back, bladder or urinary passage, is often, bv mistake, at tributed to female weaknesses or womb trouble of some sort. The error is easily made and may be as easily avoided by setting urine aside for tweiitv-four hours; a sediment or settling is evidence that your kidneys and bladder need doctoring. If you have pain or dull aching in the back, pass water too freiiuently, or scanty supply, with smarting or burning these are also convincing proofs of kid ney trouble. If 3-011 have doctored with out benelit try lr. Kilmer's Swamj) Itoot, the great kidney remedy. The mild and the extraordinary clTect will surprise you. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures. It you take a med icine you should take "the best. At druggists fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail. Men tion The IIkaduioiit and send your ad dress to Dr. Kilmer it Co.. liinghani ton, X. Y. The proprietor of this paper guarantees the genuineness of this otter. GOLDSBORO SCHOOL . of STENOGRAPHY, TYPEWRITING and TELEGRAPHY. YOUNG MEN and WOMEN instnu'te.l for positions :is op orutors, shorthand and typewrit iiipr. A Good Trade Acquired F Information In a Few Months. w T. H. BAIN, Secretary; Tjjjj!i;l : ;r",-, I'M!!:!!', "YES, STII ! THE 3 JEST CUT." We make it our aim to give very cus tomer what he or she desires. We can always give every one the ' best" cut, for your "lxist" will not be somebody's else "best' That's the way we satisfy everyone. M. SHERMAN, Opposite Mayor's Ol'iiee. Or. Miles' Ncrvo Masters 23c. at all druggist. !1 larjre packwre of the world i best clean r for a ulckvL still greater economy m 4-pound package. All grocers. Made only by m,,,, v KimiilVK rnMPAXY. CkIcajo, St Louis, New York. Boston. i'LUmlulybla. H OPEN To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IX TIIE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF TIIE WORD "CASTORIA," AND PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR TRADE MARK. , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, cf Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," tha same thai has terra and c'tes no on ever Lear the fac-simiio Ugnatura of Cjiyx7Uc wrapper. This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA" vhich has been used in tha hemes cf the mcihors cf America for over thirty years. LOCK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the kind you have always bought, . - r- on the and has the signature of CJukjicUc wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletcher a President. , . March 8, 1897. (2 --.Z. THE CtNTAUK COKNIII. TT UKH STRICT, MCW YORK CITT. 1ANDY CURiCOnSTiPATION ID iRftT T1TPT V nTT13 J?nTI7:1 1 fore ar caseorcoaslipsJipt). favsrets are the Ideal Laxa pleumi booklet free. A . Srl.RMMJ Ui.Ml'KV O.. hi-, . Suntreal. i nil., or ew York. sir WE CAN SAIS YOU MONEY IF YOU ARE IN NEED or Heavy and Fancy Groceries. LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, LATHS and HAIR. BAKER, ISLER & CO., WEST I'ENTKi: STREET, (JOLDSUORO, N. V. PHE FINEST GROWN IS WHAT I OFFER YOU IX eed - I have only a liiiiitcd qnrnitily to olfor if you would like an Oat that never has rust, Mack-lauds, or is killed l-y cold weath er, and is Mire to make a lu crop, you had hot supply your self at once. I. B. FONVIELLE. COME AND SEE! WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED -A lai;e cheap towels freh from the mill. A full size :0-inch towel for.")cts. Oiher sizes and (piality in proportion. A full line of ladies' and gentlemen's underwear. Misses and children's hose from 5ets. up. They are as gootl as can he made for the money. THE NICEST - LINE - OF - OUTING in the city for 0. s and lo cents per yard. If your want to htiy a lioy's or oi;-rs (.:,p t:,is is the -place C -t it. Ju-t re ceived to-day a lot of nice canvass and other " Trunks With Roller Tys. Also tele-copis and huixl-ba, which we. will l!1 .it prices tu suit the hard tunes Come one and all old and youn. Bizsell Bros. Go COILNEIi 8TOIM-:, NEXT DOOII TO THE IJAXK. To the Merchants of GOLDSBORO and lWmTV Having formed a joint stock company for the purpose of doin an Exclusive Wholesale Grocery Business, wo l.cr to invite the'trade to sec us before buying groceries, as we have bought our pKid.s DIRECT FROM TIIE MANUFACTURERS and arc in a position to save you money, and to "ive you the largest stock to select from that has ever been brought to Goldsboro. We Sell To Dealers Only. IT WILL HE TO YOUR INTEREST TO SEE US. Goldsboro - Grocery - Co. mwmm LETTER GATflAR lot of TIC U1MU . DISplaj NEW FALL GOODS AT THE- NEW YORK BARGAIN STORE. choicest a:jd i;ey;est shades i DRESS S00BS. Special Drives in Shoes and Hosiery, A NEW LINE -OF HATS and RUGS! Trunks and Valises A T Bed : Rock : Prices. GENTS' FURNISHING :-: GOODS A SPECIALITY. Stationery Just Gn2-Sl2lf the Regu lar Price. Come to See Us! AVE AKE IIKAIiOrAKTKUS Ki'U :-: BARGAINS :-: -I X General : Merchandise verytliing Goes at One Price! Bargains For Eery "foody ! Come, See and be Convinced. SSfPolite attention given to :iH :u'l those who trale with us one time will le sure to come again Respectfully, THE NEW YORK Bargain : Store, Sontherland, ErMIey & Co. West Centre Street. Colksiiuk". N C. am Schsiule in Effect Leave Reteusui -i:i. I vn i : South am Westuoi-xii. No. 1. H.lJ 1. in. No. 3. 10:;i0 a. in. East ami Noi;tiii:oim. No. - 1,1 a. ni. No. 4, H:15 j. m. No. !,;:;:; :1-'" TICKETS !?lldpotnts: OHIO, INDIANA, ILUNOIS, WISCONSIN, MISSOURI, KANSAS. NEBRASKA, COLORADO ARKANSAS. CALIFOflftl TEXAS, Tte WEST, EORTH-WEST, SOUTH-WEST FIRST CLASS, SECOND CLASS AND EMIGRANT TICKETS. - THE BEST ROUTE TO THE NORTH AND EAST. PULLMAN VESTIEULEO COCH'S ill THAT T3U9 T::TJ KA3 Ml THE NORFOLK WESTERN RAUHO M) . CHEAPEST, BEST ahv QUICKEST LIN- Crite for Rates. Mr. Tmie-TaWe. I"!'1'" I'amphlets, to auy Maticn A'cnt, or to W.St.BCVILL. UlLIN HUU, M.r. 6B- cb. Psm. Agt. Bi. Past. Ajt Tr.r. 'omou.va. cstoweus. 6. gOS6-.'-

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