THE HEADLIGHT. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY SUBSCRIPTION $100 PER YEAR. A. KOSCOWEK, Editor and Proprietor. Cot.DSP.(.R), N. C, Sopt. 1, lS'.IS. l)ESEfHATIN(i GRAVES. Captain J. A. Duncan, of ihvt Twonty-socojul Kansas Volunteers, lias heen convicted of desecrating the grave of a Confederate officer lmriedon the hattle-field of Hull Kim, Va., and sentenced to im prisonment for five years. Captain Duncan was tried and sentenced hy a court-martial, and therefore his punishment cannot be ascribed to sectional prejudice, as might have been the case if he had been con victed by a civil court in Virginia Captain Duncan was guilty of a most di-graceful offense, and among the first to censure his con duct was the (Jovcrnor of Kansas, who expressed his deep regret that a volunteer from that Stale should have committed a crime so hein ous. It is to the credit of the people of Virginia that they kept within proper bounds the; indignation at the crime of Captain Duncan and others, who, in their .search for relics of the Virginia battle-fields, did not hesitate to desecrate the rraves of Confederate soldiers. The crime would have been equally as detestable, however, if it had been the grave of a Union oflicer. Un fortunately, the matter does not seem to have been regarded in a very serious light by some reput able newspapers, from which the severest condemnation might have been expected. A Philadelphia pa per printed a dispatch recently un der thecaption, "Kebels' Hones As Soldiers'' Kelics, " in which it was stated, without condemnation, that a Pennsylvania regiment had ap propriated as souvenirs the ghastly remains of brave men who fell at Hull Run. Thoughtlessness ma- have been at the bottom of much of the ma rauding that is reported to have oc curred in the vicinity of Manassas, Va., and the people of Virginia w ill doubtless by willing to let it go at that. It is a matter of con irratulation that theconditions were not reversed and Southern volun teers had been guilty of such mi conduct in Northern tramping grounds. If that had been trre case, it would have been a long time be fore we had heard the last of it. As it is, Captain Duncan richly de serves the punishment which the court-martial has decreed and the only regret is that all who were implicated will not be made to share it with him. THAT SLANDER INDORSED. The vilainous slander of the white women of North Carolina as published in the negro pap?r at Wilmington in its issue of August IS, has been endorsed by the negro ministers of that city by the pass age of the following resolution, which this same negro paper print in its issue of August 2i: "Resolved, That the Minister ial Union is in hearty sympathy with the efforts of the Daily Record in (lelenuing the rights or the race. and that each minister inform his congregation of the present situa tion and endeavor to sustain the paper by swelling its subscription list and urging prompt payment." It is almost past belief that such an endorsement as this could have been given to such utterances as were printed in the Daily Record of the lsth, by these ministers, who are looked upon as the most intelligent men of their race, but here it is flat-footed and unmis takable, and printed in the very paper in which the original slander was printed. How true were the words of the great Vance on the floor of the United States' Senate when he said: 'Since theiradmission to citizen ship they have been elected to both branches of Congress and have occupied almost every posi tion under State authority.' They have controlled entire States, counties and municipalities, and in every instance their rule was mark ed by failure and ruin. It was a war against property, intelligence and respectability. The few years of their misrule in the South will be forever remembered in our hist ory for their corruption, retrogres sion, and will constitute a damn able blot on those who authorized it, and who looked on with com placency so long as the thieves were Republicans, the victims were Democrats. " Tin: nation will not forget that the magniiicent work done by our soldiers in lighting against the soldiers of Spain has been done in the face of and in despite of more serious obstacles than the bullets or the entrenchments of the enemy. Ry so much a our heroes were starved, unsheltered and baffled and bedeviled by bungling and criminal incompetency, by so much is their heroism made more admir able and conspicuous. Tlie IUco Crop. We see from our Southern ex changes that the outlook throughout the entire rice belt is exceedingly promising for a very fine crop, not only in quality but especially so as to quantity. Increased acreage in gen eral, and a most propitious season thus far will insure increased yields. Very conservative estimates places the Louisiana crop largely in excess of last year, while the crop of the Atlantic Seaboard will be much above the average; baring storms then, and with fair harvesting weather, a big crop is assured. Our planters should not lose sight of the fact that the rice industry of Louisiana, and even Georgia and South Carolina, possesses many ad vantages that we do not enjoy; being further South, and their season is in advance to ours, thusenabling them to enjoy the benefit arising from sup plying demand for the "New Crop" which means the cream of the de mand. Extremely fertile lands and the very best of seed, coupled with the latest and most improved meth ols of cultivation and harvest ing insures them, not only the benefit arising from quantity but quality and, in short, establishes a competition worthy of our closest attention. The planters of our section could, in a measure, offset many of these natural advantages of our Southern friends, by closer attention to their harvesting, cur ing, and the preparation of their crop for market. Many of the objectionable seed, so troublesome to the mills, and which materially detract from the market value of their rice could, and with but little expense, be removed by sending children through the crop, just before same is cut, and having the seeds pulled up and carried out. The benefit arising would not only enhance the value of that crop, but would eventually reduce the evils of seed to a minimum. Too much attention cannot be given to the cutting and curing. Rice that is over-ripe yields in mill ing poorly, and is an untractive chalky white, clean article that is never popular with the trade. The curing in all instances should be very thorough, and until the rice has tern pered and become thorough!' dry, it should never be offered for sale. Poor seed and careless method of harvesting, the complete disregard for curing, cleaning and drying, has resulted in giving the upland rice of Eastern North Carolina an unsavory reputation throughout all markets. If, with the present crop there could be inaugerated a concert of action on the part of our Eastern friends to harvest their crops carefully, cure clean and dry same before selling, this prejudice could be removed, and the benefit derived would be telling, and with a crop sufficiently large to allow the general milling interest to select their purchases without this action and care, no planter can ex pect to realize profitably on his crop. The indications are that good, well matured, but not over-ripe, dry and clean stock, free from seed and ex cess red, will be in good demand, but soft rice, unattractive in color and appearance, in fact low grades, will be decidedly neglected. There is considerable activity in North Carolina mills, and upon enquiry we are informed that they are introduc ing some new machinery, and en larging their capacity. National Affairs. War Department officials, reply ing to criticisms, allege that the condition of the troops in camps was due to the negligence of their of ficers. The Spanish have only a few ships available as transports to take the troops in Cuba to Spain when the evacuation begins, and will probably ask assistance from the United States, although it is not probable they will be aided by this govern ment. Rear-Admiral Schley was detached from the command of the second squadron of the North Atlantic fleet and ordered to Porto Rico as a mem ber of the military commission. He will fly his flag on the New Orleans and will receive the highest pay of his rank. Rout Receipts Must Be Stamped. Collector Charles II. Treat, of the second New York internal revenue district, received Monday a rulinj from Commissioner Scott affirminj his decision that rent receipts mus be stamped, as being the only evi dence of contract between lessor and lessee. Commissioner Scott rules that the receipts for monthly ren come within the description of memorandum or contract for the hire, use or rent of any land or por tion thereof and to be accordingly subject to the tax of twenty-fiv cents. The ruling would seem to clear away the doubt which has heretofore existed in the minds of both landlords and tenants. Tlll'Vfi is lnm-o (ir-iri-li In fl.lj Cooi;.s of the country than all other diseases i l i n'rnt'r. :in mini i no f.. VP:irs :is smmrwoil tn lo inim !, 'le. For a rreat many years doctors pi iiouneiHi it a loeai disease, and preseril) el local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment. nronoiinrcil if iiii'iira h Mowow.n 1-.... proven catarrh to he a const itutio disease and therefore requires const i ial tu- tional treatment. lT.-ill's r.-itni-i-h n e, manufactured by I. J. Cheney & C I oledo, Ohio, is the only const itutio inal cure on the market. It is t-iLon int.. nally in doses from 10 drops to a tea spoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. 1 hey oner one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for citv-iilnrc and testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. To (Jive is to Receive. We must bless if we would receive a blessing. We must pour the water from the cup if we would have it filled again. Life is an exchange of bounties, a transfer from one hand to another. Earth gives her portion to the flowers, they send their fra grance unto man and man gathe?s them, decks the path of friendship and makes hearts sweeter with their rich fragrance. The sky is mellower for the passing cloud that lowers be neath it. The cloud receives the glory from the orb of days. All things are tributary to one another. The glow worm lights a traveler's path; the pebble turns the tide. Rills fill the river; rivers send their va pors forth and again fill the rill. If love flows our soul unto our neigh bors, something must be dislodged within the breast. It may be envy, pride or hate what matter or it may be sweetest strain of gratitude that will gladden some ear, though not our own. We are but workers, but not like earthly laborers waiting for our pay. It conies in God's time and always at the needed moment. Keep the waves in motion. Roll the ball of love heavenward. It will strike many hearts and gather accel erated speed. Pass the cup around. Bid the thirsty drink, for dust will gather on the cup that stands un moved, and the water it holds will become unfit for our own or another's use. Political Notes from Billrille. Only one office in town seeking the man. The man owes it 500. The candidates are mortgaging the mules, and the mules are kicking- This is the season when the six dollar man is after the sixty-dollar office. There are no politics in heaven. That's why some of the politicians wou't go there. We are disqualified as a candidate for superintendent of the poorhouse. Too many of our relatives there. When we are safely anchored in position let us not close the office door unless it lets in a 50 draft. We never fought in the war, but we're going through the State cam paign and that will entitle us to a pension. It isn't so much the money that's in the office it's just the plain, soul filling satisfaction of beating the other fellow. To trade the Check Tux. The internal revenue department has made a ruling which is of inter est to all who have money on deposit in bank. It is as follows: "If a bank takes money on deposit, and it pays out in partial payments to a depositor upon his signing a re ceipt for each payment, such a re ceipt (containing no words constitut ing an order for payment of money) does not require a stamp under this this act." The effect of the ruling is to enable depositors to go to bank and sign a receipt for any sum they desire paid over to them from their deposit ac count and be relieved of the neces sity of stamping the receipt. This does not of course refer tc checks is sued to a third party. These are negotiable papers and must be stamped. The pain of a burn or scald is almost instantly relieved by applying Chamber lain's Pain I5alm. It also heals the in jured parts more quickly than any other treatment, and without the burn "is very severe does not leave a scar. For sale by M. E. Robinson & lire, J. H. Hill & Son, and Miller's Drug Store, Goldsboro; and J. R. Smith, Mount Olive. OOLDSHOHO MARKET KEI'OKT. Corrected Weekly by llaker, Isler Wholesale and Ketall Grocers. Cotton Bulk Meat ". Salt 55(a Lard N. C. Hams, N. C. Sides Meal per sack Tour '.'.i(d Sugar, granulated 7 Corn Oats Eggs Hay Beeswax, Peas Co., ..5J 6.10 1.25 ..7i . .11 ...8 1.05 4. ..Oi ..35 .12 ..80 ..20 ..05 Dr. Miles' Nervine A REMEDY FOR THE Effects of Tobacco. THE excessive use of tobacco, especially by young men Is always injurious and undoubtedly shortens life materially. Mr. Ed. C. Ebsen, compositor on the Contra Costa A'etrs, Martinez, Cal., writes; "I have used Dr. Miles' Kestorative Nervine and re ceived much benefit from it. I was troubled with nervousness, dizzy spells and sleepless ness, caused by the use of tobacco and stim ulants. I took Dr. Miles' Nervine with mar velously good results. aUaying the dizziness, quieting the nerves, and enahline ma t sleep and rest, proving In my case a very uenenciai remedy." Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine Is especially adapted to restoring the nervous system to its normal condition under such circumstances. Itonntt,. uu sirenginens. Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle fl nervines benefits or money re- Restores f lunaed. Book on dis eases of the heart and Z. Health a? nerves free. Address. DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart. Ind What stoDS Neuralgia? Dr. Miles' Fain PHta. White Men, Read This! (Kinston Free Tress, August 2: .) Editor Free Press: It is doubt less best for a minister of the Gospel to be as non-partisan in his politics as possible. This policy I have here tofore and will continue to pursue, but it has come to a pretty pass in our town when our white daughters can't walk the streets, free from the insults that a stripling negro girl, as black as the ace of spades, much younger than themselves, is to heap upon them. In front of my door to-day I had to go to the rescue of a respectab'e white girl, who was attacked by one of these little coons, with all the daring and gravity of a lord over his slave, and, even-without provocation, as I could see, struck the white girl, the daughter of a respectable, but helpless widow of our town. I want to ask my fellow citizens whither this tendency will lead, if white men are to continue to com mission it? I must confess that it made my very soul sick. C. W. Cr.ANCHARD. Died at the Age of 101. Mrs. Demarius Wood ell died at her home in Fayetteville, Monday afternoon, at the advanced age of 101 years. Born in the latter part of the last century in Duplin county, Mrs. Woodell retained with great vividness memories of her childhood and loved to recount little incidents connected with the war of 1S12, at which time she was in her young womanhood. She retained to the very last every faculty unimpaired, every organ being in perfect accord with a healthy condition of the whole physical structure. The experienc ed no ailments, but simply passed away from the debility consequent upon old age, recognizing and con versing with friends the moment be fore her death. Mrs. Woodell was the mother of 11 children, eight of whom survive her. The Navy Department will pro ceed slowly in the matter of reduc ing the navy before the peace com mission has concluded its negotia tions. The customs duties collected at Santiago amount to $102,003 and af ter paying all expenses, including city government, $90,000 remain in the treasury. Bid You Take cott's Emulsion through the winter? If so, we are sure it quieted your cough, healed the rawness in your throat, increased your weight, gave you more color, and made you fee! better in every way. But perhaps your cough has come back again, or you are get ting a little thin and pale. Then, why not continue the same helpful remedy right through the summer? It will do you as much good as when the weather is cold. Its persistent use will certainly give you a better appetite and a stronger digestion. It will cure your weak throat and heal your inflamed lungs. It will cure every case of consumption, when a cure is possible. Don't be persuaded to take something they say is just as good. All Druceists t c. and $i. Seen i ic Kuwne. Chemists. N.Y. Special Business Locals. FOR SALE ONE BROOK'S COT ton press, iron, in good repair Also one six-horse power W'atertowr engine in excellent condition. A. II. Tolek, Goldsboro, N. C FOR SALE A GOOD PAYING Busi ness in Goldsboro. Requires very little capital to run it. Enquire for pra- ncuiars 10 i-ock uox aa-i, liolilsljoro, X.C. T OST Oil STOLEN ONE IVANIIOE jj iieyie made by Indiana Lvcle t o. No. 122, 255, A suitable reward will b paid for the recovery of same. SOUTHEKLAXD, BllINKLEY & Co. FOll SALE CHEAP-TWO GOOD portable boilers on skids, 50 and CO Horse power. Can be seen running at anj nine. Goldsboho Lcmbek Co., Dover, X. C B ICYCLES AT SOLTIIEULAXI), KlUXKLEY & Co. "'QK WILL BUY A FINE GRADE . heel at SOUTHEKLAXD, BuiXKLEV & Co. TOBACCO FROM 15c UP at SOUTHEKLAND, BuiXKLEY & Co. s HOES, SHOES, SHOES! FROM 9,sc to o per pair at SOUTHEKLAXD, BlilXKLEY & Co. B UGGY HARNESS, ALL GRADES and at lowest prices at SOUTHEKLAXD, BlUXKLEY & CO. jla Motners II iVUU a 1113. For Flatulent Colic.Dlarrhcea, Dysentery.' Nausea. Couehs. Cholera Infantum, Teeth in Children. Cholera Morbus, Unnatural Drains from the Bowels. Pains. Griping. Loss of ArmetitA inHi.ttA. and all Diseases of the Stomach and Bowels, Pitt's Carminative is the standard. It carries children over me emu-Hi period 01 teething, and is rec om'?e.udei PbysieiaDR as the friend of Mothers, Adults and Children It is pleasant to the taste, and never fails to B. """""i. a iew uoees win demon strate its superlative virtues. Price, 2icls. Dr. Miles Pain rills cure Neuralgia. IT mm LEAN PEOPLE Cleanliness goes with health. If we have calarrh any- r) where we can- not ce wholly f clean. ' Make system atic ertorts to be free from this disgusting' disease. Mrs. L. A. Johnston, 103 Pilham and Ripley Sts., Montgomery, Ala., tells her experience with catarrh of the stomach and how she was cured: " I will state to you that I have taken eight bottles of your Pe-ru-na and two of Man-a-lin and rejoice to say, ' Ood bless Dr. Hartman and IV-ru-na." And I earnestly assure you that it has done me more good than any medi cine I have ever taken in my life. I prescribe it to every one I meet who is suffering, as the best medicine in the world, and have made many con verts who ore now rejoicing in the great good which they have derived from the same. I can tell yon that I am almost entirely relieved of indiges tion, that great foe which has tortured me so many years, and can now eat Rnything I desire without it is fruits or Bomcthing acid." To understand the scientific action of Te-ru-na it is best to have Dr. Ilart- man's special book for women or his book on chronic catarrh. These books are mailed free by the Pe-ru-na Medi- eino Company, Columbus, O. All druggists sell Pe-ru-na. 4 k PEACE INSTITUTE, Kaleigli,X. C. A. fiimouA Hcliool foi-Oirln. Very thorough inl of ililfl' JuiIk t!eo. 1). (iray, (.'uliK'per, Vs., says: "I Sincerely believe it is the very best female school of which I have any knowledge." Illustrated catalogue free to all who apply. J AS. Dinwuidii, A. M., Principal. WANTED! -AT- PLANTERS - - WAREHOUSE ! Mulberry, between William and John Streets. 3,000,000 POUNDS OF TOBACCO.... from common sera) to the finest white wrappers for which the Highest Market Price is Guaranteed. Our buyers have immensley large orders and say they must have the-; GOLDEN - Come on to the PLATNEUS WAREHOUSE with your TOBACCO where your welfare and interest will be looked after. YOUK FKIENDS, HARMS & FAULKNER, PROFS. ' TOBACCO -WHO BEST PRICES, Should carry their Tobacco direct to o The Goldsboro Warehouse, GOLDSBORO, 1ST. O. The oldest established Warehouse in town for the sale of Leaf lobacco. Best Lighted. Best Auctioneer. Polite and Experi enced employees and liood Accommodations. Every sale strictly watched, and top market prices guar anteed our patrons. S. W. CHAMBERLAIN, Manager. C. IS. l'AYI.OR, Auctioneer. Every Facility for Fertilizers ! Fertilizers ! 2,000 Tons Prolific (This fir:vilr nf flnnnn cn firnWi, I-r. x .-w.j than before). 500 Tons Prolific Guano for Tobacco. A new brand just put on the market we solicit a trial. 1,000 Tons Gibbs high grade Guano. 500 Tons Carolina Golden Belt. 500 Tons Farmers' Favorite Fertilizers. 1,500 Tons H. Weil & Bros. Genuine German rdl n 11, l"ur uvrn Importation.) 2,000 Tons Cotton Brand high grade Acid. '500 Tons Bone and Potash. None of these goods need any ineir previous purchases are our best salesmen. Orders from dealers and large consumers especially solicited. h. wiilT&iRos. A: HOUSEHOLD NECESSITY! PROPHYLACTIC FLUID WONDERFUL HEALING PROPERTIES 1 For Barns, Scalds, Cuts, Wound, BrulMi, etc., it is invaluable, and fires instant and per- mtneni reuai. 11 immediately allays IN CASE ACCIDENTS. pain. Nothing is neces sary but to apply it di rectly to the parts affect ed. It will keep down Inflamma tion, Gangrene or Proud Fiesta, and in a short time will heal without applying anything else. This was fully proved in Che military hospitals during the late war. it has performed astonishing cures, both in the case of men and animals, afflicted with Chronic Sores. It cleanses and heals obstinate I leers. Bolls, Carbuncles, Krysipelaaand Running- Sores of every kind. It destroys the disagreeable effluvia arising from Cancers, Abscesses, Ulcers, and every kind of purulent discharge. FOR THE TOILET NURSERY. To the water used in bathing; add a umall quantity of Darby Fluid. It is a purifying louon mr uic skii neat ing, cleansing and re freshing. Removes all taint of perspiration from the body or odor from the feet, and whitens and softens the skin. Re HEALING. CLEANSING. DISINFECTING. moving Freckles, &c Whertver a preventing, healing, cleansing Injection or Watk it required it it fotithxTj iat and mott ejficaciout. Cures Eruptions, Tetter, Piles, Prickly Heat, Chafing, Sore Feet, Chilblains, Bites and Stings of Insects, Poison Oak or Ivy. Removes Stains, Ink Spots and Mildew. Used as a Dentifrice it Puri fies the Breath, Preserves the Teeth and cures Toothache, Sore Gums.Sore Throat, and Canker. Sore or Inflamed Kyea, Catarrh, Hay or Itose Fever are speedily cured. lrr fertly hnrmleam, used internally and rjeternally, 4. H. ZEILIN & CO., Philadelphia. USE DARBYS fluid in every sick-room. Ilun't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your IJfe Iway. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag nctic. full of life. nt;rve and vigor, take No-To-Bac, the wonder- worker, that makes weak men strong. All druKists, 60c or 1. Cure guaran teed Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co. . Chicago or New York. - WEED, l:inters irehouse FARMERS WANT- o Opposite Wasli Lamb's Stables, grading tobacco. Cotton Grower. ... . . . ", auaiui's whs year even tugiier of exceptional high-grade, for which introduction nor commend. 10HBMAH L mm-1 ACTUALC0MlS63THA5$15PEEOAX SMITH ii YELVERTOX, Sole Ascnts. .t rf.DlNT1'R. FREE TRIAL TREATMENT TO EVERY ThisolTi-r is made ly the ILLINOIS STATE SANITARIUM provided npf.licutioii to at onec. in order that its inventions, appliances and never failing reme dies may receive tlie widest sille puMieity. and prove tueir own merits ly use and perma nent mres. No money whatever will be received by tuo Illinois State Namtarrini from anyone under its treatment until beneOcial results are acknowledged. Its remedies and appliances have been commended by the Dewspa)-rs of Two Continents and endorsed by the icreatest d ictors in the world . here devel opment is desired, they accomplish it and never fail to invigorate, upbuild and fortify. They infuse new life and enerny. They perma nently stop all loses which undermine the constitu tion and produce despondency. Tliey re-tone, re fresh and restore to manhood, renardless of Ke. They cure evil habits and permanently remove their effects, as well as those of excesses and overtaxed brain work, neurasthenia or nervous exhaustion. N o failure, no publicity, no deception, no disappoint ment. WK1TETU-OAY. ILLINOIS STATE SANITARIUM, Evaxstowk, III. Mr. Heal A. Graham, AN EXPERIENCED BLACKSMITH AND H0RSE-SH0ER, will have charge of our Repair De partment on and after Jlay So. e solicit your patronage and guaran tee satisfaction. Full line of Burial Robes, Metallic and Wood Caskets. Prices to Suit. Goldsboro Undertaking and Repair Co. "YES, SIR ! THE 15EST CUT." We niakf it our aim to pive evt-ry cus tomer hat be or she desires. We can always give every one the 'best' cuts lor your -lwst will not he somebody , else "lH.'st." That's the way we satisfy everj-one. M. SHERMAN, Opposite Mayor's Ofiioe. GEN. B. E. LEE, SOLDIER, Citizen and Christian Patriot. A GREAT XKW BOOK FOK THK TKOrLE. LIYE AGENTS WANTED Everywhere to show sample pages and Get op Clubs. EXTRAORDINARILY UBERAL TERMS. Sloney can be made rai idly, and a vast amount of Kixid done in circubUniK one of the noblest historical works published d iring the past quarter ot a century. Active Agents are now Reaping A Rich Harvest. Some of our best workers are selling OYER ONE HUNDRED BOOKS A WEEK. Mr. A.G. Williams. Jackson county. Vo.. worked four days and a half and secured 51 orders. lie sells the book to almost every man he meets. Dr. J. J. Mason. Muscoei-e county. t;a.. sold 12(1 copies the ' . " -"eu. ii. v. kneels, l alo I into county. Tex., worked a few hours and sold 14 u,rucvu uinuinK. j. ii. n anna, (.as- - j, ... ,. c uiuuiu . waxes ininree days canvass. rig for this book. S. M. White. Calla han county Tex., is selling books at the rate of lit copies a week. The work contains Itlographlcat Sketches f all the Leading Generals, avast amount of His. V.5T. la,.,. ,nd larce number of Beautiful rull-raee II ustrntion It lu - i i i i ladies and gentlemen who can give all or any part of their time to the canvass are bound to make jiq- ui money uanming it. .A-n Klestfint I i-OHi't tin. showing the d.fforent styles of binding, sample pages, and all material necessary to work with will be sent on receipt of aO cents. Th ,,.. I ..,. lery ot portraits, alone, in the prosii-ctus is w..rth double the money. S e furnish it at far less than "-"iiaimiv. aim we would advise fhe1b2stteriqU1Cl'Ii"ind ot eclusiTe control of ROYAL PUCLISHIXG COMPANY, th and Main fts.. RICHMOND. VA. FRANK BOYETTE, D. D. S. Evrvtrt!tn : v. lr . 1U OI ientistrv . "s-" "-j 'c. i ii ivci sausiao- tion Kiiarantced. nPffite ln ront rooms of Borden Building, over Bizzell Bro. & Co 's drv goods store. ry GEORGE E. HOOD, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, GOLDSBORO, X. C. ' v!!CCt'T Pepiby- Practice in J ?.n .an1 adjoining counties. Loans Koiiaiei. ooksCottonRoot COMPOUND. rv , , 1 u"coverr by an old Physician. XucccutaiTviid. idles. Is thoonl rvrtZZiYl 1.. meaiclne dlacov. and reliable medicine disco t. medicine. ln place ofdt5SBU?.s.,iho-?frer nfertor br return mail?0 FuU "iiaml endTwaled! 8 1 Ulu., jiuck, iA'LPJlUh. -- pV Wiiiiiiii ipIiFl Tobacco Vvill cure well, have a bright rich color and flavor, with (Mj() burning properties, if liberally supplied with a fertilizf r con taining at least 10 actual Potash. in the form of sulphate. The quality of tobacco is im proved by that form of Potash. Our books will tell you just what t- use They are free. Send for them. GERMAN KALI WORKS. 03 Nassau St.. New V t f YVil3TVTiv.Ci;iA, AW VO LURA gft Natural bridge JVIUUINTAIIM LAKE V BRISTOi jV) Knoxville CHATTANOOGA . Lookout Mountain h Q BIRMINGHAM NO MEMPHIS ROANOKE KENOVA NEW , ORLEANS CHILLICOTHE COLUMBUS. CHICAG055U I AND THE NORTHWEST. lYirite for Rates. Map. Time Thbles Sletpioj Cut Rejerveiiont.DeiCTiptiuel'jmphleti.taariifltrfvt.i VB BEVILL.j LLENHULL. MFBRACG. CCfMuaPou Aocur. I PnU'OK Pass Aeon j TkiweiwcPms Aim 1893. THE SON. 1893. BALTIMORE, ML). Tilt PAPER OF TUE I'EOI-I.E. Foil the People with the I'lmI'i t. Honest is Motive. . Fearless in Expi:esiov. Sol XII IN I'lllNt ii-i.l. I'.xsweuvisg ix Its em Right Tueouies and Rigut I'hactues. The Sun publhes all tlie news all t!w X.v.iv. l.i.t lt'dues nt allow its columns to be dtcraik-il l-y un clean, immoral or purely sensativinal 'matter. Editorially. The Sun is consistent and um-h:i:ii?-ing 1 ham inn and In fender of Popular Kicl.t- ai j Interests against political machines and niti. r. lies of every character. Indpendeiit in ali tint extreme in none. It is fur good laws, pid cuci.; ment and Rn.d order. Uy mail Fifty I. 'cuts a month. Six Dollars a year. THE BALTIMORE WEEKLY SUN. The Weekly Sun publishes all the news of each week, trivine complete accounts of all events of m terest throughout the world. The Weekly sun is unsurpassed as an AcmcrLTi iiAL Papeh. Ii is edited hy writers of practical experience. Lo know what fanning means and what farmers want in an agricultural journal. It contains rveular re ports of the work of the acricultural experiment sta tions throughout the country, of the proceedings of farmers' clubs and institutes, and the discussion of new methods and ideas in agriculture. Its n:arkl reports, poultry department and veterinary column are particularly valuable to'Country readers. Every issue contains Stories, Poems. Household and I'ui xle columns, a variety of interesting and vKn-tt-J instructive matter and other features, which make it a welcome visitor in city and Country huniet alike. tme Dollar a year. 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To publish ALL THE NEWS pron,, t!v an.! sus clnctly and in the most readable form. illiout elision or partisan bias; to discuss i:s siv-iuUcanc with frankness, to keep an ojn eve for j ublic abuses, to give besides a complt te record ot current thought, fancies and discoveries in all the licp.irt tnenta of human activity in its daily t,'..::"i.s of from 10 to 14 pages, and to provide the whole f.rr.c patrons at the nominal price of one cent that a from the outset, and will continue to be the aim of The ICecord." THE PIONEER one cent morning newspaper in the I'niti J iatis. 'Tin. llnA M ...II I ... . il . .. V.. '"om uu u?auB wnere otners toiiow. 160.000 copies, and an average exceedinc IS" i"J copies for its Sunday editions, while imitations of its plan of publication in every important citv of tho the quantity and quality of its contents, and in tha ished the standard by which excellence in journal ism must be measured. 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