MUNYON'S GREAT FIGHT. Eminently Successful In IlnttURTJ vvitb. Diaonn- of All Kind. Trofo!Mor Mnriyon Is winning frwili trlmiiiilis cnoh day. from nil pans of tha clvllizcil world come words of gladnesa from those who liave bei'ti cured. Physicians themselves admit that Mun yon's new svntim of curing disease Is the most rational of any yet discovered. It 19 an far In advance of the old method ns an elprtric IlKt't Is beyond a tallow dip. Munyon ptinrantees that his Rheumatism Cure will cure neariv all cases of rheumn tliu In a few hours; that hlg Dyspepsia Cure will care Indirection and all stomach troubles; that his Ki.lney Cure will cure t per cent, of nil cases of kidney trouble; that his Catarrh Cure wi!l cure catarrh no matter how lone Ktandinc; that his Head ache Cure will cure anr kind of headache In n few minutes; that his Cold Cure will quickly breuk up any form of cold, and bo on through the entire list of his remedies. Guide to Health and medical advice abso. lutelv free. Prof. Munvon, l.VKi Arch 8t., Philadelphia. PORTER'S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL Tor Barb Wire Cuts. Scratches, S.uldle ami Collar Galls, Cracked Heel I . urns. Old vSores, Cuts, Iioils, liruises, Piles and all kinds of inflammation on man or beast. Cures Itch and Mange Tha Core, Cnt o Bars will ssrer sutler litir the oil in teoa ajj'.lel. T.e prepared for accidents by keeping it in your house or stable. AH Druggists fell lion aguaramco. Ho Cure, No Pay. Price .15 cts. and $1.00. If your Druggist does not keep it send us 2$ cts. in pos mije stamps and we will send it to you by mail, Paris, Tenn., Jan. 20th. 1M. DarBir:I hare iwrl Portir'. aatl.rplle HxallnK Oil t .r H.irneseaml SaiMIe l.alN. Scratch.- ami llarb Wire Cull it!i rf.".'t iatita.-tiiti, and, 1 heartily recumrnend it to 1. 1 l.ivery and btuckmtn. C. li. IRVINE. I.ivery and Feed Stable. BABY BURNED. C.-ntlomen .I am plea'cd to rmoalt a word tor Portrr'i i.itl.rptlo Ileal. u Oil. M v l.alir was hurried a lew month a and after trvinfl all other remedies I applied your -Oil . ! ....... .'i;.....;..,, n, i'p r..i..f n,l in a few davs the A tin t thu best rem l'aris, Tenn. :iy for this purpo , January ltr4 ae that I have ever used. C. T. LEWIS. aiM FACTtr.KD BY PARIS MEDICINE CO., ST. LOCI9, MO. CSTKor sale and guaranteed by all ,lnijj;ists. A is guarantc call at my s; ed at all til to those who w ill mi, which is stock- with the choicest of Pome-tic anil In. ported Liquors and Wines. All the latest drinks compounded and manipulated by skillful men. DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED CIGARS, and a large lot of FIKTE TOBOOO. MY PI..U !' IS HKADijL'AUTEHS FOK Pure North Carolina Corn Whiskey. l&rMr. Jim Howell, better known as "Cheap Jim" is with me and Avould be pleased to see his friends. James L. Dickinson. 1839. THE SUN. 1! IIAI.TIMOUK, 111). Tiik I'aimiu of tiik Peoi'j.e, Kolt lilK l'Kol'l.K AMI WITH THE I'EUl'I.E. 11 ox est i n Motive. l'E.Mi! ESS IN KXI'UKSSIOX. Sol'M) IN I'll! NCU'l.E. I'nsweiivim; in Its;ian( eto KlilllT TlIEOltlES AND IiH;llT I'ltA( TIl'ES. Tin' Sun i-uLlisiiis all the news all tlio time, but it does nut allow its columns to He uegraiieu uy un clean, immoral or purely sensational matter. Kilitoriallv. Tlie Sun is consistent and unelianc- ine, Ch. on). ion ami Hetemler of Popular lights and Interests auainst political machines and monopo lies of every character. Independent in all things. extreme in none. It is for good laws, good govern merit and cood order. liv mail Kitty Cents a month. Six Dollars a year. THE BALTIMORE WEEKLY SUN. The Weekly Sun publishes all the news of each week, civmi; complete accounts of all events ot in terest throughout the world. The Weekly Sun is- irp: sed as an Al.ItlCll.TtliAI. PaI'EK. It is edited by writers of practical experience, who know what farmiim means and what fanners want in an journal. It contains regular re ports of the work of the am iculturalexpenment sta lions throughout the country, of the proceedings of farmers' clubs and institutes, and the discussion ot new methods and ideas in agriculture. Us market reports, poultrv department and veterinary column are particularly valuable to country readers. Every issue contains Stories. Poems. Household and Puz zle columns, a variety of interesting and selected instructive matter and other features, which make it a welcome visitor in city and country homes alike. One Dollar a year. Inducements to getters-up of clubs f.,r The Weekly Sun. lloth the Daily and Weekly Sun mailed free of postage in the l iiited States. Canada and Mexico. Payments invariably in advance. Address A. S. AIIKI.L COMPANY. Publishers and Proprietors, Paltimore, Md. FRANK BOYETTE, D. D. S. Everything in the line of Dentistry donein the best style, liridgeand crown work a specialty. C'Oilice in front rooms of IJorden liuilding, oyer Dizzell 15ro. & Co.'s dry go(Mis store. Drs. John and William Spicer, Physicians and Surgeons. Mlioe ) v-r ZViit ionsil 1 l:mlt, GOLDS150I10, X. C. tiVOlTer (heir professional services to the public for the treatment of diseases of all kinds, and in general practice. CTUR A UF- taft's asthmalekb MO I niVsl-flTjejYv-VL-rfailsndu-iyfflir Hdfrs-:. ..,! nnil tal I'ljlltUil'iTTLUPrir'r" tiB. TAFT'i,H.N.y. T fiBZtZ. AN" EXCELLENT COMBINATION Successful Enterprise Based on Merit. Till: IMl'OKTA.Mfc .i - Tin: 1'im.ic "i" tiik ai u. hi AN KTICIK THKOIWU nir. LEADING NEWSPAPER. 'I ll k few remedies which have attain ed to world-wide fame, as truly bene ficial in effect and giving satisfaction to millions of people everywhere, are the products of t ho knowledge of the most eminent physicians, ana pieseiuen im the form most acceptable to the human system by the skill of the world's great chemists; ami one of the most successful exam pies is the Syrup of Figs manufact ured by the California lig s-yrup 10. Unlike a host of imitations and cheap ubstitutes, Syrup of Figs is permanent ly beneficial in its effects, and therefore lives and promotes good health, while inferior preparations are being cast aside and forgotten. In olden times 11 a remedy gave temporary relief to indi viduals here and there, it was t bought good; but now-a-days a laxative remedy must give satisfaction to all. If you have never used Syrup of Figs, give it a trial, and you will be pleased with it. and will recommend it to your friends or to any who suffer from constipation, or from over-feeding, or from colds, headaches, billiousness. or other ills re sulting from an inactive condition of the kidneys, liver and bowels. In the process of manufacturing the pleasant family laxative made by the '..i;fm-ni i l-'io- SvniD Co.. and named Syrup of Figs, tigs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste; but the medicinal properties of the remedy are obtained from an excellent combination of plants tnnwn to lie medicinally laxative and to act most beneficially. As the true and original remedy, named Syrup of Figs, is manufactured by the California Fio- Syrup Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by ether par ties. The Company has selected for years past the leading publications of tho United States throusrh which to in form the public of the merits of its reme dv, and among them Tiik IlEADLnarr is included, as will be seen by reference to its advertising columns. Cause for Gratitude. ' I cannot sneak too hiirhly of Hood' S:ir:m:n illa. It has cured me of a bad eouo-h and rnven me a good appetite !-'iittl,. o-iri had a stomach trouble and did not see a well day up to the time .-in began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Tin medicine cured her." Mi;?. T: 11. Si r lk it, Stephen's City, Va. Hood's Pill: for 2."c. by C Mass. cure all liver ills. Mailed 1. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Some people are never til they iind out soniethin: them dissatisfied. satisfied 1111 ; that makes Gold is of no value when health is in dauser. What's of more va ue'.' Pratt's up to date Tablets. Will break up a cold in one day, and for Constipation and Pilousness and all ma'arkil troubles, has no equal. Hy mail prepaid for '2v. Pratt Medicine Co., Station 15, Chicago. 111. Scud for .Sample. One way to keep on friendly terms with your neighbor is to keep oil' his premises. If vour blood is thin, appetite poor, or are troubled with night sweats, a bad cold, or la grippe, take Poberts' Taste less ChillTonic. 2-jc a bottle at Hob- son s lnaig More. Once a hero, always a hero especial ly to the hero himself. Roberts' Tasteless Chill Tonic is what you want because it cures, at 2-e per bottle, and is as. pleasant as a Florida orange, r or sale at nouinsou s urug Store. The man who admits he is in the wrong is usually in the right. HOOD'S Sarsaparilla is the One True Blood l'urilier, Great Xerve Tonic, Stomach Regulator. To thou sands its great merit Is KNOWN. Whenever a man becomes wise he is the lirst one to discover his wisdom. Take Roberts1 Tasteless Chill Tonic. Every bottle guaranteed, no cure no pay, 2.3c a bottle at Robinson's Drug Store. Some machines have automatic at tachments ami some have .sheriff's at tachments. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of At Caldwell, Kan., the other day a man chastised his neighbor for referring to his child as a "kid." When the case was brought before a justice of peace Webster's Dictonary was consult ed, and it was found that "kid" was there delined as "a young child or in fant.'" The indignant parent was thereupon adjudged to have been in the wrong, and was tiued S3 and costs. A Strong Fortification. Fortify the body against disease by Tutt's Liver Pills, an abso lute cure for sick headache, dys pepsia, sour stomach , m rJ n r ia . constipation, jaundice, bilirus ness and all kindred troubles. "The FIyVhecf of Life95 Dr.Tutt; Your Liver Pills arc the fly-wheel of life. I shall ever ue grateful for the accident thai brought them to my notice. I fee: as if I had a new lease of life. J. Fairleigh, Platte Cannon, Col. Tutt's Liver ELY'S CREAM BALM Is quickly ab sorbeil. Cleanses the Nasal Passa ges, Allays l'ain and Irrllaniiua tion, Heals and Protects the Membrane from Cold. liestores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Gives IvClief at once and it will cure. COLD HEAD A particle is applied direcily into the nostrils, ia agreeable. 50 ceuta at Druggists or by mail ; sam ples me. nv mail. ELY BKOTllES, 5G Warren Street, New York. Grip makes one sick, weary and restless. )r. Miles' Restorative Nervine brings rest. CATARRH SHORT NEWS STORIES. JisH Duke and the Burglar A Hew una on General Kites Rockefel ler's First Picture. pT.cPTiator .Too Elackbrtrn of Ken tucky entertained a jolly rrty of well known gentlemen at Chainberlin's the oilier ovenmg 'with an amusing descrip tion of the only occasion upon wmcu General Basil W. Duke of ixmisvme, the famous Confederate general, ever took orders from a negro. The general was in the party of listeners and en joyed Mr. Blackburn's version of the story. From his boynoou days ijeneraa Duke had been giving orders to negroes, but recently u big black one came tc see him and reversed things. The gen eral was asleep snd comfortable in his bed at his old Kentucky home, and a noise in the room awakened mm. He got np and slipped on his trousers, struck a light and out trcm beiiina a piece of large furniture sprang a des perate looking negro roouer. He ordered the general at the point of a revolver to di.srote and retire. Ho did so, and then the robber ordered him to tell him where he could find with the least trouble his valuables. This was all duly explained, and tlie general further gave a detailed account of what ho had m his clothes and aooui ma room. In short, he and the robber car ried on half an hour's conversation. The negro secured something over r0 and a gold watch, turned out the light and left. All during the robbery he had his revolver pointing toward the gen eral. It was not very funny at the time, yet it appeared so to Mr. Black burn when he read it in the papers, and when he told it yesterday the general also saw the humorous side of the thing. Washington Tost. A New One on General Uilos. "I heard a story on General Miles the other day," said Mr. Samuel Q. Mor gan of i'ew York to a "Washington Star reporter. "I think that it comes straight and will give it as it was told me by an officer on the general's stnff who accom panied him on the Porto Rican expedi tion. "General Miles is, I understand, a hard man to approach, and his official position as the head of the United States army naturally commands respect from those who come into contact with him. "A day after the general landed in Porto Rico one of his orderlies was tak en sick with fever and had to go to the hospital. A new man was called for, and a private from a western regiment was detailed to take the position. The recruit who showed up at headquarters came from somewhere up on the great lakes and, I think, belonged to a Wis consin volunteer regiment. Anyhow, to state it mildly, he was the greenest and most self important recruit I ever saw. "WELL, MILES, WHAT IS IT?" Along with his early schooling he must have read the clause in the Declaration of Independence that rnns to the effect that all men are free and equal, and he bore himself accordingly. "The morning after he was detailed General Miles was holding a consulta tion at headquarters with some of the big officers of his command. The gen eral called for an orderly to run an un important errand, and the gentleman from Wisconsin sauntered in, made a pass at his hat with his left hand for a salute and ejaculated: " 'Well, Miles, what is it?' "If the Spaniards had dropped a shell in our midst it would have hardly sur prised us more. At first General Miles' face grew black as thunder, and then his scowl changed to a quizzical smile. " 'Don't call me Miles. Call me Xelse. Miles is so formal, you know. ' "The gentleman from Wisconsin had meanwhile realized from the expres sions on our faces what he had done and with General Miles' answer became the most confused man I ever saw. Some one else ran his errand, a regular, I think, and the hero of my story was never seen at headquarters again." Rockefeller's First Picture. When John D. Rockefeller was a boy, he had his first pictnre taken with his class at Oswego academy, Oswego, N. Y., in 1853. It was a daguerreotype, and when Rockefeller became rich he tried to bny it from his former teacher, William Smyth, who refused to sell at any price. Mr. Smyth died a short time ago, and his son has since sent the pic ture to the millionaire. In the eame class were General I. S. Catlin, Bishop George Worthington of Nebraska and Charles R. Colburn, Pennsylvania state superintendent of schools. Substantial Appreciation. Daniel Webster once got a check for $5,000 that he was in nowise looking for. Webster was in tho United States senate at the time and had delivered his masterly speech on the compromise measures, in which ho sought to recon cile the differences between the sec tions. Its broad patriotism appealed to Sir. W. W. Corcoran so strongly that he sent the senator the sum mentioned the next day in a letter expressive of his admiration for the man and the speech. Natural Inquiry. Dolly I noticed in the paper that the Filipinos have neither knives nor 6poons at their tables. Cholly Gracious! Do they have nothing to eat but pie? Indianapolis Journal. That's Different. Orator You see, a man wants to get in sympathy with his. audience. Amateur But suppose the audience throws eggs? Boston Courier. March, April, May. These Arc tbe Months in Which to Purify Your ISlood. This is the season when your blood is loaded with impurities, accumulated during the winter months from close confinement, rich food, and other causes. impurities must be driven from your system or they may breed "serious lis'.'ae and cause untold suffering. IIools Sarsaparilla is the greate-t anil tiest blood purifying medicine it is pos sible to obtain. It is what the millions take in the sprincr. It will purify and enrich your blood, create an appetite, tone up your system, and give you sound, robust health. HOW STORE IN THE BLADDER Was Removed Without a Surgical Operation. This Case Was One of so Much Interest lU t anse of its Severity That it Was Known for Miles Around. Below Will be Found au Interesting His tory ot the Case, Written by Mr. Kailey Himself. A sense of profound gratitude and joy prompts me to write this letter. I bad suffered for ten years with" kidney and bladder trouble.- Last August I was taken with terrible pain in my kidneys which extended to the bladder. The mine that I passed, after standing a while, became thick and ropy, or muddy; left quantities of sediment in vessel, and gave me great agony to void it. Upon advice of my physician I finally consent ed to go to the Hospital at Raleigh. When I got there tlie chief surgeon ex amined me, and said it would be neces sary to remove the stone from the blad der by surgical operation. This he ad mitted was dangerous, owing to my age and feeble condition. I decided if I must die I would go home and die with my family. After I returned from the Hospital in a despondent and almost hopeless state of mind, I took your cer tificate and pamphlet, sent with the sample bottle of Swamp-Root, and went to a kind and wise friend and we read tlie circulars, and disscussed my symp toms and the chances of m' recovery, should I submit to an operation. We decided to try your medicine, and if no relief after a thorough trial to risk the knife. After taking the sample bottle I bought six large bottles of your Swamp Root and used it according to direction?. And about Feb. (ith, to my great delight the stone seemed to crumble:'! lieganto pass small particles of gravel stone, ami on that night I passed the one enclosed, about the size of a large pea. I con tinued to pass these particles and to improve until to-day, tinder (J oil's Tri- vidence through your Swamp-Root treatment, my life has been spared Had I chosen the knife treatment 1 tear I would hae been in my grave. or at the best, lingering in the Hospital. I regard your Swamp-Root as the mo.-t woundeiful medicine for bladder and kidney troubles in the universe, and w i-h I could tell all who sutler as 1 did. the relief and happiness it has brought me. I expect to continue its use occasionally to keep my kidnes and bladder all right, and shall tell all I see in the condition that I was, how easy they can tind relief by u-dng lr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. What I have written can be substantiated by promi nent people of this place. I will answer letters of inquiry if stamps are enclosed for replv. ,1 AS. l. I'.AILKV. IV-b. 8th, isii. . U i5i i;N, X. t, Swamp-Root brings sunshine and glad ness in every home it enters. It is the new discovery of Dr. Kilmer, the great kidney ami bladder specialist. It is not recommenced lor everything Out it you have kidney or bk'.dder trouble it will be found just the medicine you need. At druggists in 50 cents and $1.00 sizes. You may have a sample bottle of Swamp Root the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy and pamphlet telling more about it free by mail. Address Dr. Kil mer & t'o., Ringhamtou, X. Y. Tbe Ilrave nail, tlie Cruel Spaniard. The trumpet sounds again, and the espada takes his sword and his muleta and goes out for the last scene. This, which ought to be, is not always the real climax. The bull is often by this time tired, has had enough of the sport, leaps at the barrier, trying to get out He is tired of running after red rags, and he brushes them aside contemptu ously He can scarcely be got to show animation enough to be decently killed. But one bull that I saw was splendidly savage and fought almost to the last, running about the arena with the sword between his shoulders, and that great red line broadening down each side of his neck on the black, like a deep layer of red paint, one tricks oneself into thinking. He carried two swords in his neck and still fought When at last he, too, got weary he went and knelt down before the door by which he had enter ed and would fight no more. But they went up to him from outside the bar rier and drew the swords out of him, and he got to his feet again and Btood to be killed. Saturday Review. - Sbe Let Him Oft. One night Green came home very late and found his wife evidently prepared to administer a Caudle lecture. Instead of going 10 bed, he took a seat, and, resting his elbows on his knees, seemed absorbed in prief, sighing heavily and uttering such exclamations aa "Poor Watkins ! Poor fellow I" Mrs. Green, moved by curiosity, said sharply, "What's the matter with Wat kins:" "Ah, " said Green, "his wife is giv ing him fits just now." Mrs. Green let her husband oil that time. Liverpool Mercury. gives nature the mild assistance needed for the regulation of the menses. It is of wonderful aid to the girl just entering womanhood, to the wife, and to the woman ap proaching or going through the turn of life. Women who suffer from any unnatural drain, any bearing down pains in the lower abdomen, falling or displacement of the womb, can quickly cure their troub les at home, completely away from the eyes of a physician. A few doses taken each month will regu late the menses perfectly. Large bottles sold ty drag;rists for $1 . the Bradfield Regulator Company, Atlanta, Ga. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat ent business conducted for moderate Fees. Our Office is opposite U.S. Patent Office and we can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrio- tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charere. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the V. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Patent Office. Washington, d. C. AH druggists guarantee Dr. Miles' Paiw r ills to stop ueauaclie. "One cent a dose." THE LADY THE WINNER. Amtmlns Occurrence In an Ofllce Building; Elevator In Chicago. Peonle who ride in "lifts" in this city acquire some queer experiences at times. The calling of the lloors wnere passengers desire to debark or embark not infrequently produces some amus ing situations. " It all depends upon the stylo of the person making the an nouncement. Of course conductors are mute participants in the game. Here is one happening of yesterday which is certainly out of the usual run. Half a dozen passengers entered an elevator in a big down town office build ing. Doctors office there almost to the exclusion of other professions. One bdy with a package asked to be deposited at the second floor. A woman stood mute while a medical man thought he would leave at the fifth. The conductor turned an inquiring head and the re maining passengers with one voice chiming in full chorus shouted : "Tenth." "Seven up," murmured a gentle voice as the car reached the indicated floor. Two men seeking the tenth floor glanced at each other with grins of ap preciation as a stenographer, and a pretty one, by the way, entered the car. She seemed unconscious of having cre ated more than passing interest, but the conductor was alive to the situation. "The lady wins," ho muttered to himself as ho gave the lever a yank and the car shot upward again. Chicago Chronicle. One on the Rector. The little daughter of a local clergy man has reached tho age where hig words are apt to floor her and where she is very sensitive to the remarks of an older brother. Not lomr a:ro she came running to her father. "Pam. nana. George called me names. ' ' "Why, what did Georgie say?" "Oh." said the little girl, with a stronir expression of dissust, "he said I practiced what I preached! I don't, do IY" "Well, my child, I" "But I don't, do I, papa? I don't any more than you do, do I?" And then the rector choked up. But he took a half hour from his sermon and explained the meaning of the ob noxious expression to the best of his ability. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Coincidence. "Somehow I'm awfully stupid to night." remarked young Borum lan guidly the other evening. "Indeed yon are, " retorted Miss Cut ting, somewhat impulsively. "Do yon really mean that?" asked the young man in surprise. "I merely indorsed your remarks. Didn't you just now assert that you were stupid?" she queried. "Yes," he responded, "but I only said so without thinking." "And up to the time you spoke of it," she replied, "I only thought so without saying it." Pearson's Weekly. The Minister- Mistake. This story is told of a prominent preacher: On a hot Sabbath as he was preaching he took from his pocket what he thought was his handkerchief, shook it out and wiped his face, intently talk ing all the time. To his surprise a broad smile was on every face in his audience, when he discovered that what he had put in his pocket for a handkerchief that morning was a pair i f his little chilli's drawers, tlie legs of which were quite visible as he wiped the perspira tion from his face. Homiletic Review. Crippled by Rheumatism. i i Those who have Rheumatism find ; themselves prowing steadily worse nil : the while. One reason of this is that the remedies prescribed by the doctors ; contain mercury and potash, which ul- timately intensify the disease by onus- ; ing the joints to swell and stiffen, producing a severe aching of the bones. 8. S. S. has been curing Rheumatism for twenty years even the worst casea ; which seemed almost incurable. Capt. O. E. TIuKhes, the popular rail rend I conductor, of Columbia. S. (, l ad nn expert- ence wnn iwieuiiittii.-m wmcu convinced Him that there is onlv one cure for that painful dis ease. He says: "I was a preat sutTerer from mus cular Rheumatism for two years. I could pet no permanent relief from any medicine pre scribed by my physlemn. I took about a dozen lwt- tles of your S. S. S., and now l am as well as l everwas lliuiy me. l am Jrt uie iu jour uieuii'int: cured me, and I would recommend it to anv one suffering from any blood disease." Everybody knows that Rheumatism ia a diseased state of the blood, and only a blood remedy is the only proper treatment, but a remedy containing potash and mercury only aggravates the trouble. The being Purely Vegetable, goes direct to the very cause of the disease and a per manent cure always results. It is ths only blood remedy guaranteed to con tain no potash, mercury or other dan gerous minerals. Books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. YES, SIR ! THE 35EST CUT." We make it our aim to give every cus tomer what he or she desires. We can always give every one the "best" cuts for your "best" will net be somebody', else "best.1' That's the way we satisfy everyone. M. SHERMAN, Opposite Mayor's Ofliee. FREE TO ALL: U Our New Illustrated Catalogue of Plants, H Roses, Bulbs, Vines, H Shrubs, Ornamental H 1 rees, Small Krdits, H Grape Vines, 6eeis, etc., will be mailed n toallapplicants. 100 paces. Most com- H Tlloto Plant .1 U P FinoeafVr6atlsfa(,t,on Guaranteed. 5 i&l U Holses. 45 Greenhouses; so acres NubseriesT H H Address t JMa; flfcNLUtH, LiOUISVILLE, Kv. Tf T A S?i2s ft Hs-sfraisrs cored f QTl fc3 H VISIBLE TUBUL. EAI t"- s,,ul wher-a" lmerties ratL. Ilia, book Endorsed by 1 1 'est Virg fria's chief magistrate rccommcnu j c - liemedy ana .. i a., - -a i such prominent knowledge. The me lggw ZfTFZrtiil WJ'i ty pyy- Wi Gov. G. W. Atkixsojt Pe-ru-na is the unflinching foe of of West Virginia. catarrh and overcomes it wherever It may exist. It is the prescription of Dr. Ilartman, President of the Surgical Hotel Columbus, O., who gives personal attention, without charge, to a ' ......ocTvTwI.vnA rn the subiect of catarrhal diseases. Dr. nart- VOIUUII""" iunioi - man's books on catarrh are mailed on for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF In Use For Over 30 Years. THt CCNTlUn COMMNV TT MURRAY BTRCCT, NCW VORK CITY. SEim US G&g DOLLAR SK ijipkow'd Atnfc V' lt..rKl.oKOK.A.VbyfreiiriitC.O. D.,lj ' l.irtsninaiiwa. u ran examine it at vour nearest 1" im aeiwi."" ir v.ii !,ril it eiartly . rejireenteJ". ejiial to organs that retail at f Ti.oo to !.. the p. pa twt Talur you ever taw ami far hetter than oririia'iveiti-e.ihy others at laorr i', )-!vthe freight airent .rril h'J an.oitVr pirr. 1. 5i, lvs tUe (1, or tJO.; o " freife-ht rhanrw. $31.75 IS OilB SPECIAL 93 DAYS PRICE. e.l bv othu l !Su,;h an olier va, never made betoro. Mini)- pnrrri i..nnp.rthei-d.i-mllnl-tltolTl-P.Ui.lC l'jCdl Mnime'it-ever ina.le. lruiutueiilustratioa F mie i.le of it buolirul awwaranr. Made from Solid Pj Quarter Sawed Oak, antinvienniKh.iin'inieiy ie.-.irt- .-B e, latest 1899 Style. ""'""J"' i'S-irrr. 3-0 p- 'Ur.'ls ; ooniams orrr. li Mops v-v- Principal. Iu.rin, JlrLulia. (rlrtr. ( rraiaaa. Max toulrr, Trf i.X ou.l. r, lliapacoa tonr, friarlpal trli-, and ' lluiaa aa; t Oris.- I uapler. 1 lnv Kuril. 1 l.raaj ll-jil Swrll, 4 Sria Irchretranciril Hcvuat.irj Pipr liunlilj llrrd. I Nrlof 13 I'urr Hwrrt Kr'o'iia llrr.S. I hrl ul tt (hamla!? frlllUat OIle Hrr, 1 'rl of Itlrh Jlrllow Sianslk tiipuon tteedj, 1 Set f 44 llralnr "ft Mrhtdimis Principal Itrrd. TUC Pl'C r.flCCM "t-n resist of the w!obratd I Hr. Allftit v' Utl-i -l Hr, v hicri are only used intne hiirhc.t tn.-.truineut'S al-o ritterl with llaa aioadl'ODi'lrrtan I Hunan, alx, tst lluh-r felts, leathers etc., bellow, ot the bet r.ibher rVtn. 8-plv ie!inu- st cli and line.-t I'Un- r i i valvps. THE ACME QUEEN m lini.-heU -it li H xH beveled I'lale Kiein h i;iirr r, nickel I iaTel u ml f rames ami ev-ry nioelerri improvement. VK I KMMI HU:l a organ stool and tbe bt.-torgan instruction ii.,k piiMi-na perfoetlv (.11. ti. "rd.-r :. Uo.ri d.- v. ftMQ Dd IAr:!I !TV R CQTEI KVST) irnrVuni MriMiue i-.-i.e a bi!ioi:i' ) veari . "9 ii-- ryy I! I !, f:, 'tt ? part irivea out -e rejmir it lr of ,-l.arre. fry it oat . j ' Binaihun'l we ill rtt'iml v .r rr. r.ey if you are note- llj-'' Z3t4" rl? -Bc, satisl eJ. iniiri:..-s oru- ns ui.1 be old aiisL .-i-Ai--"-. ,'Ut . V UUII II UL.It1Lf i i.1 I I i J LUIIiL'LI'.IULU """L' the iulli-her or Xi.-- ) ir er, nrM'-trnn.iitan National Bank, Built ot tj.e Keptiitlic. or lUnk of Commerce. Chii-a-: or i ierman Exhanire Bank Vew TnrV n anv rnilroa,! or exnreys Co. mini: v in Chicairo. Via hatr a I r ...r l n iw.i .... 11. "r et !mine.i Iieklv4 i:i I hiearo apt FlVs. (Is.oo aad aj; also ever vt h in ir muic.i peciai or-j-aii. j,isno ann hiu -icai lM'Truuient catai SEARS, RCEBUCK & CO. (Inc.). Fulton. O. A. NOKWOOO. Jr., Pres. M. J. IIKST, .() The National Bank of Goldsboro, GOLDSnOIM), X. c. Any need y.m have for a Iiank in Cohlsboro cr county around hrin or send to us. We want the accounts of people in the country and towns. 11IUECTOHS: J. I' est, (J. A. Nomvtoi, Ju., (i. C. llOYALL, W. Pw. M Allen, K. E. J. XV. Xokavuou, SAVE IF YOU ARE IN Heavy and Staple Groceries. LIME, CEMENT, PLASTER, LATHS and HAIR. Baker &, Elason, WEST WALNUT STKEET, SEXT TO HANK OE WAVXE. SEND MO MONEY you OUR HIGH C. O. D.. arnjeet -GRADE BUKOICK SEWING MACHINE t liVTr i2? c?n ex""ne at at frriakt drpat and if found perfectly aatl.fur. which are fully described in 6ii 1 st-t "P? 'i "t " SI5.50 for tkU 7-DKAWEK BUBntrii Jf..teJ?f2tt"t.X.alu ever offered byav honiP102 IHt bUKUlUK eerJf modern improVement. made, with the defects of none aaVt. JL-STt machine polish, finest nickel drawer nulls Trt.;!5f!l "I"' P,an Idr shuttle, SSS3ie toUta? in7er aiuhlTKln'r Tibr ent tension liberator. Improred loo"'wheild ??Xn' ,at' toot, improved shuttle cirrtcr? S!.Si,fMia Presaer liiit uress pruard. 't auarh.rnt I. fur.i.1. .. " ' T, - L ,rr? Book tellalust how . ZrJJ.II? "8t.ruin M taSTS YOU NOTHING eandexrmfnethla 0. . . tbis m. r,.,v,. . . w ro 15am I.OO. ai KhriK WRITE FOR FREE CATALOGUE. ualut,aTi Xi.r'L "mXJ'SS.'' the Governor 1- r . tr.y , tlie iV ill lunut ' crve PRESEflTATIVb are slow to speak for publication. This is be- . . nwt. The endorse- cause tneir inuuim-c - ment of Governors, Senators and Congressmen ; Tnl in WOrtlS Ol nnus " officials must be . baaed positive recognition wnicii , re-ru-na is constantly receiving iy i" 7 Vm. is verr gratifying. Among recent letters from persons of eminence is the following from Governor Atkinson of West Virginia. The governor says: Charleston, West Va., March 9, 1893. Tlie Pe-ru-na Medicine Co., Columbus, O. Gentlemex: " I can recommend your pre scription Pe-ru-na as a tonic. Its reputation as a cure for catarrh is excellent, it having been used bv a number of people known to with the very best results. Very truly, Gov. G. W. Atkissov. Catarrh is the national disease. Xot an American family is free from it. The search for relief and cure is con stant. Experiments of all kinds are continually made without result for good. Ignorance of the causes and nature of catarrh is universal. Catarrh is elusive, persistent, penetrating. It may exist in any organ of the body. t.,- 1, w -ifirn:il nialadv there exists the national scientific remedy Pe-ru-na -v;..i, 4. t.rivr venrs has Iwen doins? a "-" J J .... in i application. All druggists sell Pc- ru-na. nl employ over mpeople In our own buiiilinir. WKMLL OKbAKHAT (ia oo .a i inn rnmnta at lowest wholesale prices. Write for f re AiidresS, DesplainesaniJWayman Sts.. CHICAGO. ILL. Vice-Proa. 1 c J. M. HOLLOWtLL, Caahier. IiizzEix, II. T. Ham, II. E. Newblhv, J. Y. MlLLEK. U MONEY NEED- -OF -ALSO- ESSX? WU1 "Dd jr Mlr. I W. H iit) erery machine .. ' anri "nn tnose tnn.rt.i,. SEARS. ROFRUoS1 I'iable.-Kd'il'l vtiiCACO. ILL. W. ft. V. R. R. anr! Pr5r.u. ... ... ... ... .W;.wliC58j. Atlantic Coast Line ?,. r. qq f of South Carolina. ' CONDENSED SCIU.I, i .. TRAINS GOINU: DATED Jan. 13. 13S!. r. M. I'. M. 1 1 od '.( 4 i 12 5.V l(j :.; Leave Weldon... Ar. Rocky Mount. Leave Tarboro. . . Lt. Kockr lount 10 :; 11 u Leave Wilson Leave Selma Lv. Fayetteville.. l ii- 3 l.V Amve rlorence IP. SI. Ar. Goldsboro Lv. (ioldsboro Leave Magnolia.. Ar. Wilmington.. TRAINS GOING NuKl i a.m.I !p. v, Leave Florence... 9 M ' 7 f Lv. t'ayetteville.. 12 2.V j t Leave Slnit...... 1 5" Arrive Vils:n.... 2 3o j 11 . Lv. W ilruinpton Leave Macnolia Leave Guldsboro 5 15: P. M . .M Leave Wilson 2 3: & M- 11 1 Ar. Kocky Mount. 3 M 6 lij 1-' Arrive Tarboro 7 01; Leave Tarboro... 12 21 Lv. Kocky Mount. 3 30 1-' n: Arrive Weldon... i 32 12 P. M. A. M Daily except Monday, illaily ex- 1 . Train on the Scotland Neck l'.raru 1, i Weldon 3:35 p. m., Halifax 4:1". j. m . land Neck at 5:0 p. nr., Greenville . ston T:55 p. ni. Returning leaves Kin-;. 1 m., Grti'irviHe 8:52 a. nr., arriving li.iV.i a. nr., Weldon 1 1 :33 a. nr.. daily eveei '. - n Trains on Washington lirancli leave V ;, 8:20 a. m. and 2:30 p. m. arrives I'arn.eV and 4:00 p. m., returning leave 1'anii. i. and 6:30 p. ni , arrives Washington and 7:20 p. nr., daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C, daily. 1 v. day 5:30 p. nr., Sunday, 4:15 p. m., am mouth 7:40 p. m., 0:10 p. m. Iletur .: Plymouth daily except Sunday. 7:."U a. in . day at 9:00 a. 111., arrives Tarboro lO '-. u a. m. Train on Midland N. C. Kranch leave- 1 daily, except Sunday. 7:05 a. nr.. arnvir field 8:10 a. ru. Returning leaves Su:ilL!,t m.. arrive at Goldsboro 10:25 a. ni. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky !:30a. m.. o:40 p. nr.. arrives Nashville I: 4.03 p. m .. Spring Hope 10:40 a. rn., 4. 1 turning leaves Spring Hope 11:00 a. ru.. 4 Nashville !I:22 a. nr.. 5:25 p. m.. arrive Mount 11:15 a. ru.. fi:00 p. no. daily exo 1 : Train on C linton ISranch leaves War-a ton daily, except Sunday, at 11:40 a. m. p. m. Returning leaves Clinton at '. and :v00 p. ru. Train No. 7 makes close connection at for ail points North daily, all rail via 1. II. M. EMERSON. Gcu l 1'a-s. J. R. KENLY.Gen 1 Manager. T. i.. EMERSoN, TralLc Manager. SOUTHERN RAILWAY, THE.... STAND A III) RAILWAY 0, THE SOUTH. The Direct Line to All VulnU. TEXAS, CALIFORNIA. FLORIDA, . CUBA AND PORTO RICO. Strictly- First-Class Eiuinir!it on all Throiurli anl cal Trains; Pullman Palace' Sleeping Cars on all NL'ht Trains; Fast ami Safe Sl!k iIi;!c-. Travel by Hie !ouUi-rii ninlj tti-e assured alt. t 'omlorlii and yxielitioiiK .lonrm y. APPLV TO TICKET AGENT FOK TIME 1.1 HI f.k. AXll GEXEKAL INKOHMATltlV. t !i AI I Kt R. L. VEKXON, F. K. ItAIM'.Y. T. P. A. 1. V. v T. A Charlotte. N. C. Ah. v.:;t-. No Trouble to Answer Ouotimis Frank S.Gannon, J.M.Cnlp, W.A.Tt 3d V.Pa Gen.Man. Traf . Man . I WASHINGTON,!) t. .HE mm '6amSs, xo ATLANTA , CHAi: U TTt AUGUSTA, ATHENS, WILMINGTON, l NEW Ol.LEAV CHATTANOOGA, N ASHVU -v:vi NEW YORK, BOSTON. PHILADELPHIA, ; WASHINGTON, NOHFOLS J RICH3I0ND. I i Nog. 403 and 40-J -Tlie Atlanta Solid Vestibult'd Train of VuV." -m i Coachea between Waslnnirt. n . i fullman Sleeirs between l''r-: -u:U ter.S. C. Son. 41 and 38"Tlie s. A. 1- '' Solid Train, Coacbes ant! Iuli:t:.-i -N. , tween Portsmouth and Atlanta. 1 "a-!" " i era between Columbia and Atlar : s ' Both trains make iumediate ' - lanta for Montgomery. Mol'ile. N. ' i California, Mexico. Chattanooga . N-i-'-1-' i phia, Maoon, Florida. For Tickets, Sleeiers. i H. S. LEAKD, T. P. A. Z. P. SMITH. K. ST.JOIIX. II. W !' Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr. ' V. E. McBEE. 1 General Sujierintondent. M.l.KN- General Offices, PohtsssOUTH- -t GEOIKJE K. IK()P1 Attorney and Coursslior at K: GOLDSr.OIIO. N Ctilleftions a sjx'fia VVajriH and adjoining negotiated. II. 15. PAIiK Attorney at AmlXoiary nl l" ' CSoltNboro. 1 -Practice in Wayn- 'l counties. Collectinii n: 1 negotiated i si . 1 I