sr .el i Farm Cl'ra o FORERUNNER OF ft 1 II m if il o ' CONSUMPTION. l ew realize what a deep-seated, obstinate disease Catarrh is, regarding it as a simple inflammation of the ne and throat little or no attention is given it. But, however insignificant it may seem at first, it " "S;"! Sif fflmu? rirculati-n poison the entire system. The stomach, ki.lney.-in fart Jn thefripis - feel the . fiV t of this catarrhal poison, and when the lungs are reached .ts progress i -md destnu tive. and fmallv ends in consumption. . , ii f re" e tl happens that the'senses of hearing and smell are m part or entirely lost, the soft bones of the X i t a &rovel, causing intense suffering and greatly disfiguring the face. Vhi:e sprays, ! Ts K : a s I mv give temporarv relief, no permanent benefit can be expected from such treatment. CATARRH IS A CONSTITUTIONAL OR BLOOD DISEASE, . t i , ! tl,.. r,..,, l, ,,f mere loral remedies Those who rely upon them for a cure lose valuable time, meet with di sap- v? ureT -'"arrn ' ..... . 1 i,,.- ,.iU,.,c tim wK.m of all noisonous accumulations. puts new mlo lae siuggisn wo:n-oui uiaii.-,, .um j i- Mr- J.-vphitie I'ol'.ull. of Due Wc. S. C, rites: " I had Catarrh which Imme so deep- . . J . 1 , r - i ..1! i.,c;,in tu.P iTirlnflmc Tart of the bone. 1 seatel that I Mmijilu-.l scat i if tli! deaf in one ear. and all inside of mv nose, including ra".01 lne. Done, ; di-eae had gone this far the physician gave me up as nicuraoie i as a !-t resort a:id began to improve at once. It seemed to get at the lifter a few weeks' treatment I was entirely cured, and for more than sign of the disease." S S S is of roots, herbs and barks of wonderful tonical and purifying properties' It is the onlv vegetable blood purifier known, and a certain and safe cure for all Mood trouble's. Send for our book on Wood and Skin Diseases, and at the s.inie time write our ph vsidans about your case. They will cheerfully give you any information or advice wanted. We make no charge for this. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. mi Y Soot M1 on Vour Pans !liiy A Cleanliness is one virtue of the Wickless Blue Flame J In' fj ' Ijj Oil Stove that good housekeepers appreciate. Perfect jj riM T&zffir safety is another. Convenience and cool cooking are others. j jj lf If you're figuring on CZTT I I hSp. Mr savIns monc3r on fuel Sjp I'll '. "kS SUmmer ure n g ! Wickless ;MS I Blue Flaino S't Oil Stove PHHlpf 1 It burns the cheapest fuel you can buy the jljiffl fflfl 'Iw "iff i ll same oil you burn in your lamps. No odor. 'y 'iikiim 'S jjjj If your dealer dues not have them, write to ; i Farmers and Friends! "NVhon you A'isit Goldsboro consider this a standing invitation to make our store your headquarters. Come in and shake hands with us at any rate. Leave your bundles with us, and meet your friends. We are always glad to have you, and will try and make it pleasant while with us. Your friends, Bizzell & Wooten, GROCERS. Mr. Bercher'i Sarrnsm Was Effective. In the Ply mouth consrrejjatiou there was at one time a. woman who was a thorn in the tlesh. She had a harsh voice and a stiff manner of speaking. Her lone; drawn out, dull discourses wearied the. congregation, liut Mr. Iteecher was patient. At last he, too, reached the limit of endurance, and one evening when she sat down, after talk ing nearly half an hour, he arose, and in his deep tones said slowly, "Never theless, I still believe in women speak ing in meeting." She spoke no more. Ladies' Home Journal. 1 AM DETERMINED TO SAVE YOU MONEY If you will call at my store and examine the complete line of Spring Goods 1 have to offer you. My specialty is Shoes and Tobacco but on Dry Goods, Notions and Groceries I can do equally as well. I shall be glad to see you and show you my stock at any time, whether you wish to look or R B. EDMUNDSON. THE IMPORTANCE OF DRESS. It i- i m 1 1 i ; 1 1 to utif daily life and adds comfort and beauty to the man. To buy (lood and STYLISH GOODS, You iii n t ;o to a kice where they kecji tiieiu. Call on the Leading Clothiers and Men's Out litters, EPSTEIN BROS., O ld Fellows corner, ( ioliWImro, N. C. There, quality and style reigns and jiriees as low as the lowest. Your money back if you are not sat-i-lied. A full assortment of fat and lean Men's Clothing. Be sure and go to Headquarters. Epstein Bros Odd Fellows' ('(il ller. Oold-boro. X. C. Pianos and Organs, Furniture and Carpets. tir ll'.CCEU STOCK THAN EVER, LOWER PRICES THAN EVER.g Y have (lett'rmined to run thit years business far ahead of any previous year and to do this Ave will make OUR PRICES Under all competition and oiler unequaled bargains in all bin's. Write us for our late price list. We guarantee every tiling we sell. The Only Great Furniture, Carpet and Music House in the Carolinas. Write us for estimates and prices. E, f,l, Andrews Furniture & Music Go,, CHARLOTTE, 3ST. O. Your blood is thin and yellow, your system weakened, your appetite gone, your liver idle, and you are all out of order when malaria lurks in your sys tem. Drive it out with Bobekts" Chill Tunic. It will make you well and hay. .".(. per bottle." For sale by Jenkins & Fai ries and Dr. J. H. Powell, Ool.lsboro. N. C. The man who boasts of a family tree thinks lie has a shade the better of his neighbor. lU-lii-f In Six Hour. Distressing kidney and bladder dis ease relieved in six hours by "New (iUEAT SolTII AmEKICAN KlDNEY Vi;k." It is a great surprise on ac count of its exceeding promptness in re lieving pain in bladder, kidnevs and back, in male or female. Believes re tention of water almost immediately. If you want ipiick relief and cure this is the remedy, bold by M. E. Robinson & tiro., druggists Goldsboro, N. C. When a fellow is not used to drink ing,a couple of swallows will make him think he's a bird. Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Euw. a powder. It cures painful, siiiartini:. swollen feet and ingrowing nails, and in stantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's lliu greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easv. It is a certain euro for sweating, callous and hot. tired, aching feet. Try it to day. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. l!y mail for 2.. in stamps. Trial package KKEE. Address. Allen S. Olmsted, Le Koy, .N. 1 . Although they have little else in common, the undertaker and the faro dealer both indulge in lav-outs. ioo. Dr. i;. Detclion ' Antl Oiuretir May be worth to you more than $100 if you have a child who soils bedding from ineontenenee of water during sleep. Cures old and young alike. It arrests the trouble at once. $1. Sold by M. E. Kobiuson & uro., druggists. The railroad corporation has the ad vantage over the lee Trust, because when it comes to catching a train nobody ob jects to short waits. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Eears the Signature of Thirty -eight years ago Augustus Bliss, of Warwick, Mass., ipiit cutting brush on his father's farm, hung his scythe on a pine tree and went otl to enlist in the L'uion army for the civil war. He never returned, and the scythe has never been taken down from the tree on w liich he hung it. It has become imbedded in the growing wood, and now it is a fixture. Prevention better than cure. Tutt's Liver Pills will not only cure, but if taken in time will prevent Sick Headache, dyspepsia, biliousness, malaria, constipation, jaundice, torpid liver and kindred diseases. TUTT'S Liver PILLS ABSOLUTELY CURE. o'arshiy POSITIONS GUARANTEED, Under $3,000 Cash Deposit. Rat' road Fare Paid. Open all year to Bota Sex' 8. Very Cheap Board. Georgia-Alabama Uu sin ess College, Macon, Georgia. To Care Constipation Forever. Take Ciscarets Candy Cathartic, 10c or 25c II C. C. C. tail to cure, druggists refund money. TILL THEN. Uke the South Cyins swallows the) summer has flown. Like the fast falling star from unknown to un known, Life flashes and falters and fails from our sight; Ooud night, friends, gooJ night. Like homecoming swallows that seek the old eaves, Like the buds that wait patient beneath the dead leaves, Love shall sleep in our hearts till our hands meet again Till then, friends, till then. Arthur Sherburne Hardy in New Tork Inde pendent. I THE LITTLE BLACK IMPS f t I A Story of a German Baron and au American "Woman. o Back in Berlin the name of Max LTertzcr had been of some account. He was, to begin with, a Ilertzer, which meant much. As a matter of course, he was an officer in the army his sisters had starved themselves for his commission and maintenance and he was handsome, even for a German officer. Unfortunately for him he sans the love songs of his country, and they arc quite the most moving love songs in the world. They move the singers as well as the listeners. They moved Ilertzer, and on one night in particular when he was bidden to the house of a certain titled lady he was so lifted out of himself by the charm of his music that he proposed to an American girl who was present and to his startled dismay was accepted. It was a misfortune, for he was not In sympathy with the American point of view; he did not like the Insistence and intellectual arrogance of American women, and he had quite made up his mind to marry a senseless and well born little fraulein who did network and went to kaffee klatsches. He al most loved her, she was so nondescript, and would be well content to make a harmless background of herself for his benefit. Moreover, in spite of all his vanity, he was rather soft hearted, and It hurt him to think how many tears would bedew those soft blue eyes when she heard of his engagement to the American glrL The American girl had, moreover, been known to do things which were shocking. She had gone shopping about the streets of Berlin unaccompanied, she had once used slang before a Wei mar professor of philosophy, and she had been heard to say that she did not like the shape of the emperor's nose. She was not known to be rich even. which is the only excuse that an Amer ican girl has for living, and it was said she made some serious mistakes in hor interpretation of the "Fifth Sym phony." Yet he married her, and they went to America. "It is just as well," said his friends sadly. "Iteally, you know, it is all over with poor Max." They felt that he was as good as dead. It was dull In America. Well, New York wasn't so bad perhaps, but the other towns bah! There wasn't true city among them. It didn't count for a man to be anybody. No one paid any attention to Max because ho was a Ilertzer. It made him bitter. He had a little summer house built in the yard back of the house where they lived and smoked his pipe there and dreamed of Iieilin. Also he planted some flowers and some little trees. lie liked tln?se and paid much attention to them. He studied a great deal military tactics and botany. But he neglected to pro vide the daily bread. No one could blame him for it. It was an oversight on his part. His wife taught music. She gave private lessons and class les sons, and she sometimes performed at concerts. Her peculiar treatment of the "Fifth Symphony" did not militate against her in America. In course of the long and busy years four children were born to the Ilert zers, but still the burden of the bread winning devolved uion madam. She never complained. It was the greatest pleasure In the world for her to return home and find the baron sitting there. She never saw a man so handsome. And he was always kind. Sometimes he found odd jobs to do bookkeepin or work in a railroad ofllce or book criticism. He was willing but not ea ger to work. Time was apt to hang heavily on his hands. And so it be came his habit to amuse himself In s peculiar way namely, by the making of little black devils. He made them on anything that chanced to be handy an envelope, a scrap of paper, a play Ing card or a book margin. He repre sented them In every imaginable antic. He gave them a thousand subtle indl vidualities. His mind appeared to be beset by them. Many of his acquaint ances had wondered In the course of their intercourse with him what It was that filled that large, handsome head. Now they seemed to be finding out The little inky imps trooped out of his cranium In such numbers that they threatened to leave it quite void and empty. The children were growing up, and children cannot do that, no matter how unobtrusive they endeavor to be, with out costing some one something. These children developed talents, and In a utilitarian age talents cannot be allow ed to go to waste. Madam Ilertzer considered it Incumbent upon her to ee that one studied dramatic expres sion and another the violin and an other wood carving and another model ing In clay, besides all of the regula tion studies. She brought a great cir cle of friends about her, who adored her bohemlan evenings and who con sidered the baron one of the most in teresting gentlemen they had ever met. The baron did not consider himself Interesting. He was bored with him self. He wondered if time would nev er pass In America and drew little black devils while he was waiting to find out Among the many pleasing and heter odox friends who visited the IIertzer9 was a newspaper man of a whimsical turn of mind. He had been the re cipient on a certain occasion of a pack of playing cards in which each club, spade, heart or diamond was repre sented by scarlet or black devils, and the design upon the backs of the cards was a writhing, twisting inferno of the same grotesque little creatures. He looked at these long and appre ciatively, did the newspaper man, and he was seized with an idea. This idea was the outcome of his observations. He had noticed that there was a look of extreme weariness in the eyes of the amiable Madam Ilertzer and that she walked more slowly than she used, and her selections at the piano, which had once been noted for their length, were now brief and lacking in spirit. In short, the brave spirit of Madam Ilert zer drooped under many burdens. So the newspaper man entered upon the making of a collection, assisted by the energetic and talented children of the baron. Little black devils were gath ered from every part of the bouse, heads were torn from letters that the WILL BRIGHTEN WOMAN'S LIFE IF SHE USES notion IN ALL CASES OF FEMALE WEAKNESS, i fascinating imps might be preserved. leaves were rent from books, and even a pocket handkerchief done In a pro cession of dancing Imps In indelible ink was taken in charge. The practical friend sent these to a certain much illustrated comic weekly and anxiously awaited the results. The family was of the opinion that there would be no results. The baron was in a state of peaceful ignorance. But the results were almost dramat ic. The comic weekly was amused and 'It is not easy to amuse a comic weekly. It wanted a series. Indefinite ly continued, of little black devils illus trating current events. The officious friend carried the good news to Baron von Ilertzer. "Sir," stormed the baron, "you have exceeded your privileges. You have made me ridiculous. I am no clown to fillip and kick while the people laugh Will you have the great goodness to re call these personal possessions of mine from the stranger to whom you have confided them?" The newspaper man was obdurate. "You will be distinguished in a t minutes," he said. "I'm going to set my alarm clock so I ca: wake up at the proper moment and see the fuu No. I'll not write for the Imps. I've already sold part of them. The check will reach you in a few days. And you must be about those Illustrations current happenings. When they want a thing on paper they want it. They don't care tc "Am I f. . . leek and call of these men a horn I have never seen?" "It Is not necessary to see them la order to be at their beck and call." The baron considered all Americans stupid, but he regarded this one as particular! v so. especially when he found that his family was leagued with the perverse man to insist upon the making of the little devils. Under protest, and with frequent lamentings that he would be made ridiculous, the baron worked on. The first few davs were drudgery, but the second week saw him tolerant, the third week found him interested and at the end of month he was enthusiastic. The joy of work Individual, creative work- was an emotion he had only just dis covered. And when the monetary re sults became appreciable he grew al most purse proud. He began to gather ideas about the propriety of women working and finally he commanded his wife to cease her money earning. With a great show of wifely submission Madam Ilertzer obeyed. She rested at last, after the day's heat and burden. and a smiling German gentleman, lord of his house and dictator over his do minions, made adorable little black devils in the solitude of his study. Ex change. Sapphires Not All Illae. "It is commonly believed that the sapphire Is known only as a gem of a rich velvety blue in color," observed an experienced dealer in precious stones to the writer the other day. "As a matter of fact, the sapphire occurs in various hues. In Ceylon, for instance, where the finest specimeus of this gem are found, it ranges from the soft vel vety blue to the peacock blue, gradu ated in the latter to au almost faultless white. It also occurs in whites, greens and yellows, the latter shade being known as the oriental topaz and the green the oriental emerald. "The white sapphires are often found clouded or streaked with blue, so that many specimens are cut which are white when looked at transversely, but having a bit of fine blue tint on the un der point. Then there Is the red sap phire, or Ceylon ruby. It is valued as highly as the finest Burmese rubies. Those most highly prized are of rich pigeon blood cr rose red color. "Some very fine sapphires have been found in Montana during the past ten years. The American gems are light blue, blue green, green and pink, but the deep blue and red stones, which are chiefly in demand as jewels, have so far never been discovered In any part of this country." Washington Star. When others fail, take Hobekts' Tasteless Chill 'I onic. It cures chills, fevers, malaria and general bad health. 25c. A red cross on the label assures you of the pure, high-class material that makes Uohehts' a success. Doif t take a substitute. For sale by Jenkins & Far lies and Dr. J. II. I'owell, (Joldsboro. Dyspepsia is the scapegoat that car ries the blame for many a naturally ugly disposition. At no Time is Man Secure from Attacks of such disorders of the stomach as cholera morbus, cramps and diarrhoea; but these complaints are common dur ing the heated term, when it is danger ous to neglect them. Tain-Killer is a remedy that has never failed and the se verest attacks have been cured by it. Avoid substitutes, there is but one Pain Killer, Perry Davis', i'.jc. and 50c. When a woman has an artistic tem perament she doesn't waste much time in WHEN YOU are feeling tired and out of sorts you will lind Hood's Sarsaparilla will do vou wonderful good. Be sure to GET HOOD'S. CURIS WHlrtf All FIKf FAI1 S. Best l'uuk!h Syrup. Tcxtes Guud. Use in tim. sole tv drueirtsr ft .iJlHII.'IAiil.UI JM SIe !Ude It I.tVe StsTrcb. It is true that in Ireland, with the spread of general knowledge and Im proved medical aid, "cures" and super stitious are on the wane, but still "the misthress bottle" is much preferred to the doctor's, and the advice of a "lucky woman" is of much higher val ue than that of an M. D. Apart from the medical knowledge required, it is no light matter to undertake to pre scribe for one's neighbors, as the fol lowing will show: 'If It's plazin to y'r honor, I'm come to ax for a bottle," said an old woman. "I was tuk that bad last night I thought the life 'u'd lave me." After due Inquiry into her symptoms she was given a packet of arrowroot, with minute directions how to prepare It. As she scarcely seemed to take them In, a happy thought struck the lady. "You know how to make starch, don't you?" she asked. "Yes," said the old woman. "Then make it just like that," said her friend, "and add a little sugar to It." The old woman departed, to return next day with the Information that she was like to die after atln what Miss Xorah gave her, and. with all due respect to her, she couldn't get it all down; It wint so ag'inst her. She was requested to bring what re mained for Inspection, which revealed that the directions as to starch had been literally carried out. She had put blue in it. Cornhill Magazine. The Foretit of Fontalnefolean. "We spent the night In Barbizou, paid a goodly bill and set off In the company of our English friends for the town of Fontainebleau. lying at the center of 50 square miles of forest," writes a girl from Paris to The Ladies Home Journal. "It is never wild, never mysterious, this forest that thousands of artists have loved to paint, but It is calm and grand and never tedious. For eight hours we wandered over plains covered with towering oaks, among rocky gorges, out of which slen der, graceful beeches rise, and through miles of fragrant, giant pines. And everywhere are feathery ferns and purple heather. "There Is not the slightest chance of losing one's way. Every square inch of the forest has been mapped out, and at the Intersection of every two ave nues a red hand joiuts to the town, and a blue hand indicates the direc tion of one of the 'sights.' And Fon tainebleu? We saw only the palace, a bewildering maze of magnificent rooms. Everywhere there was rich ness, everywhere wonderful frescoes, wonderful stairways, wonderful tapes try, wonderful inlaid furniture. The grandeur is oppressive, and we were glad to get out into the park, to wan der about in the different courts." Work Kmumeil. (iukUboro, X. C, May 23, l'.'OO. Xoah (iregory of this place states that his blood was out of order, he lost hisapie- lite and would 1m? dizzy. He was obliged to give up work and medicines did not seem to reach his case, lie saw Hood's Sarsaparilla advertised and determined to try it. After taking tlie first few doses he felt like going to work. He con tinned taking the medicine until he was strong and well. Adhralre and Pressed Stamps. "Wait until I have washed oft the postage stamp on this envelope, spoiled In the addressing," said a man. "It Is not necessary to do that, as is commonly supposed," said a lawyer. "You may take your scissors and cut out the adhesive inot the Impressed.) stamp and stick it fast to your new en velope with mucilage notwithstanding the adhering piece of the old envelope. "It does not look nice and may be come detached in the mall, but If the stamp is a genuine, unused, adhesive stamp It is not questioned. The gov ernment when it sells an adhesive 2 cent stamp undertakes for such consid eration to transport and deliver to des tination the letter to which It is affixed. The fact that it has a piece oi' an en velope to which it was formerly at tached, but not used or deposited for mailing, does not relieve the govern ment to execute its part of the con tract when the letter Is deposited for maillug, the stamp being otherwise perfect. "An impressed stamp, however, cut from an envelope Is defective and In valid for iKtstage purposes. It is as tonishing how many of these are used, some people apparently being unable or too Ignorant to discriminate between adhesive and Impressed stamps." Washington Star. IH.OOI) POISON t l RED BY 11. 15. II. Ilettle Free to Sufferers. Deep-seated, obstinate cases, the kind that have resisted doctors, hot springs and patent medicine treatment, quickly yield to B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Biihn), thoroughly tested for 30 years. Have you mucuous patches in "the mouth? Sore Throat? Eruptions? Eating Sores? Bone Pains? Itching Skin? Swollen Clauds? Stiff Joints? Copper Colored Spots? Chancres? Ulceration on the ImmIv? Hair and eyebrows fall out? Is the Skin a mass of boils, pimples and ulcers? Then this wonderful B. B. b. specific will completely change the whole body into a clean, perfect condition, free from eruptions, and skin smooth with glow of perfect health, b. b. b. drains the poison out of the system so the symp toms cannot return. At the same time B. b. B. builds up the broken down con stitution and improves the digestion. So sufferers may test n. b. ii. a trial bottle will be given away free of charge. H. b. it. for sale 'by druggists at $1 per large bottle, or G large bottles (tull treatment) 5. Complete directions with each bottle. For trial bottle, address Blood Balm Co.. 23 Mitchell street At lanta, ia. Describe trouble ami Free medical advice given. HOTEL BRUNSWICK. There U no Hotel in New York City more like home than the Brunswick. Larjje, well ventilated rooms, electric lights, elevator run ning ;dl night, and tirst-class. ser vice. The variety and quality of the cusine, with excellent service, is the winning card of the Brunswick. Extra inducements for gentle men; single room or double" room for two; extremely low prices. Pleased to show apartments and quote prices. J. A. X utter Hotel Co., Madison Ave. ami 8!th St., Xew York City. designs ' 1 TRine.uiov l Knu iurinibHIS voixincu PATENTS ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY Notice m "Inventive Age" Book "How to obtain Paun ' Charges moderate. No fee till i,ton i. P r HS1' confidential. AddreMT 1 E. G. SIGGERS. PeMLief, W.,hlnon, b .C. 1 1 FRFFi 1 ";J. Ule Pf rpi oi m mrctmntckl or inventi... ., i I sSsasaaJKffiL. t" I HI ILILO Konse h v - ? "V SMI Bucraies, Harness, h iju 'llflll Plows and Casting," "' Pumps and Wei! Fixtures t riiifro on;y utile tzjit--,... E.i2l-f- ndinrno ttnucne rcuefr ... ' Write for Catalogue and ask fcr Cpciiui : H lfeS: THE IMPUMHIT i r32fssa n nMSJ III kill AVreeetablcPrcparatlonror As similating tbrTFoodandRcguIa ting the Stomachs aruiBowels of Promotes DIgesUon,Cheeiful ness atid BfestContains neither OpnanOlorphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Alx.Srnna Stfi Hpmitmint -Jfi Ctir&anaMSoia, fiermSttd - Anofect Remedy- f or Constipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, Worms .Convulsions .Jeverisn ness and Loss of Sleep. Tac Simile Signature of TEW YORK. exact copy or wrappeq. For Infants and ChildrorL The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature of A A si' IF For Over Thirty Years THE CCNTAU COHNNT, NEW VO C'TV UnderThree Flags. DR. WORTHINGTON'S SOUTHERN REMEDY Diseases of the Stomach and Dowels, Colic, Ciiolera, Cholera M : ' i-. Cramps, Diarrhoea, Dysentciy, Dvspepia, Inlireti'!i. Neuralgia, Hums, Catarrh of the Stomach, etc. Successfully Used in Three Annies, to-wit: Confederate States, Cuhan an l United States, endorsed l Surgeon Generals, viz: S. P. Moore, C. S.. Edward Wanvn. and lley. K. Warren, Krypt, also 1 one Attorney General I. Amos T. Ackerman, Ga., Iy one Solicitor General, Hon. Keim. ner, three U. S. Senators, lions. Solon Iiorland, of Arkansas I lirajrfr ami M. W. Kansom, of S'. C. ly one Chief Justice of preme Court of X. C, lion. W. X. II. Smith; by six ineinheis ?ress, viz: Hon. J. .1. Yates, A. II. Arlington", IJ. II. liimn. Shaw, W. X. II. Smith, Kenneth Kavner: by six Jud-res. Hon Heath, Hon. W. A. Moore, Hon. 'Mills L. Eurellon. I : arnre, non. i. . jkmhv, lion. n. li. Ucauianu By More Than One Hundred Physicians OF1 HIGH CHARACTER. PRICE 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. For Sale Wholesale and Ketail by Jenkins & FarrieSj Sole Agents, East Walnut Street, Gold.-boro, X. C. v ' : Y . i: iii l ii1 !;.' .'t ( II. . i. LIVING PACTS. Are better than dead issues. Our bargains appeal suecesfu!!; ! all live go-ahead buyers. Looking co-ts nothing. Examine our gools all you like. The m :. . investigate the more you will luiv. We have jut reeeive.l a :: -new stock of PRETTY SPRING. DRY GOODS, Notions, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Clothing, (Iroeeries. etc.. which we an ... - -tively selling at 10 per cent, piolit. We believe in .iniek -a V small pro tits. Come to see us an. I WE WILL CONVINCE YOU That this is the unvarni.-he truth. We oecupv the gocxl ol.l ! ,'. bin it n & Scott, and Mr. Frank I losea vln served them f.r .i; i -lswitlius.and he will Ik? glad to see his friends and give them l a: - - - W. K. Parker & Co. T. C. BRYAN Tin and Sheet Metal Worker. Tobacco Flues, Stove Pipe, Valley Tin, Hoofing, Plumbing, Repairing, T!tr. , You can save money by seeing me before placing your orders. All work done by experienced men with disnaffii teed. 1 ' Thanking the public for their past patronage and ni continuance of the same, I am ' "especttully, T. C. BRYAN, Walnut Street, THE III'sTLEi: tv?s 7?J a fWp ill r THROUGH 'v -eF WcTVifvSiiiiA, Natural bridge jwountain LakE PISTOL IffiyU CHATTAN00G KENOVA COLUMBUS. CHICAGOlfu I!. AND THE NORTHWEST? Write fcr Rafts. Map. Tin it JR.Vf-' -c " WiB.BEVILL. yU.LENKuLL. j r1F-iu, CtNtWtPIU AbC NT. PltlSWnPAU Ai.t" Ts i' 1 A'. ,'i4. MEMPHIS NHrV new M ORLEANS -.f uaiumore, Md. OB. TA.FT BRUS..HOC'Iitili;a.N- "

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