Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon .'iTx-r1 disappear when the kid- rf neys are out 01 oruer "jjfcLJ- or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent J that it is not uncommon II I (nr r-hUA in hf hnrn :.Vr?3 -t:-..J ...:t jniSZT1 neys. !f the child urin-i-i"5 ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it, the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty- A nno r.llor sizes. You may have a lyjfjjjjj sample bottle by mail iSi free, also pamphlet tell- Home of Swawp Root. ing all about it. including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, remon) Ixt tli(! iiaine, Swamp-ltoot, Dr. Kil mer's Svvamp-Iiont, ami the aiMress, IJiiitfhaniton, X. Y., on every bottle. SOUTHERN RAILWAY, I.V EFKKCT (K'TOliEK 4TH, l'JO.i. Tnis condensed schedule is published as infor mation ami is subject to chantfe without notice to the lull. he: No 107 daily, leaves (ioldsboro fi:iO a ni, arrives KuleiKh 8:1(1. Durham !i:3.i, arrives at Oreeusboro Jl :'.! a m. No l:;.", daily, leaves (JoUKboro 1 :X5 p m. Kaleih 3 T.t. Puriium 4 'li. arrives at (reensburo .ij p comierts at Greensboro forall points north, south mid west. No I.M mixed daily, except Sunday, leaves (iolds boro s DO a m, arrives at Italeiijh .'t 20 p m. No 1 1 1 mixed daily, leaves ( ioldsboro :i Kip m, ar rives at liuleiicti 11 i: p in, leavesltaleiKh i Til) a in, arrives at ireensboro 4 511 a m ;cori Meets at (ioldsboro with A ' 1. train No 411 from Wilmington, A 4' 1. No III.! from Norfolk, and A .V N 4' from Mondiead City: carries I'ulliuan sleejiing cars from (ioldsboro to ireensboro. No 112 mixed daily, leaves Greensboro 1 10 a m. Durham .') .'ill a in, Kaleiuh 5 a m, arrives at (ioldsboro 7 M a m; connects at (ioldsboro with A C I, No 41 for WilmiiiL'ton. ACL No 1112 for Nor folk and A N (' for Newbern; carries I'ulliuan hleepiim car from (ireensboro to (ioldsboro. No Ins daily, leaves (ireensboro? 21) a ni. Durham v 22.lial.Mnh HI :UI, arrives at (ioldsboro 12 2(1 p m. No I'll', daily, leaves (ireensboro I 27 p m. Dur ham .'( ;t7,ltaleiKh 4 io.arrives at (ioldsboro (i 4il p ui. Ask any Ticket Agent for full information, or address It. L. VEltNOX, J. L. KoYALL. Traveling Pass. Agent, Ticket Agent, Charlotte, N. C. Goldsboro. N. C. S. II. IIAUDWICK, General Passenger Agent, C. II. ACKKKT, W. A. Tl'KK, (ieneral Manager, Passenger Traffic Manager, Washington, D. C. Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac R. R. Washington Southern Railway. The l!icIinion(l-Wiishington Line The link connecting the ATLANTIC COAST LINK K. 1!. HALTIMORK and OHIO 11. 11. CHKSAPKAKK ami OHIO IIV. l'ENN SYLVAN 1 A 11. H. SKA MO A 111) AUt LINK RY. and SOUTHERN RAILWAY, hot ween all points via Richmond, Va. Iist INIsiil, I nswener, Kxprens, mid Iroijiht Ii.onte liotwcon Richmond, Washington. Ralti ni ore, Philadelphia, New York, Hoston, Pitt.sl)iir;, lJulTalo and all points North, South, East and West. W. I). Dt'KK. C. W Ci (loti'l Manager, . As. (Jon'l Manager. V. P. Tayi.ou, Trailic Manager. r ( LURAY qROTTOES Natural bridge jviouNTAiN Lake BRISTOL Knoxville CHATTANOOGA Lookout Mountain BIRMINGHAM M riui olj i? NO ROANOK KEN OVA vJh 0RLEANS CHILLICOTHE COLUMBUS, CHICAGO M AND THE NORTHWEST. Il'riVe fcrRnfes. Maps.Time Tables Steeping Cut Aejerva ticns Descriptive pjmphteh. tt anyenfato V.B BEVILL.1 ALLENKULL. KFBRAGG CEMfRPs Atrm. Pivu.ok Pam Agent! Traveling Pass Act . RoANOriiy. 1 COLunaus.Q RoANone.VA. Why Not Take a Trip This tinier Through Florida to Cuba. '1 his beautiful State and Island has Wen Drought within easy reach by the splendid through train service of the Atlantic Coast Line, the great thoroughfare to the tropics. WINTER TOURIST TICKETS are now on sale to all points in Florida and to Havana. For rates, schedules, maps, sleeping ear and steamship ac commodations write to W. J. CRAIG Cieiiernl lii.KMfriKt.'r Afnt, "wirno-ro, jv. o. "What to Say in Spanish and how to Say If sent to any address upon re ceipt of a two-cent stamp. HOLIDAY EXCURSION TICKETS. One and one-third first-class fare, via Norfolk and Western Railway, will lie sold to ihe public December '22. 23, 24, 2", I50, 31 and January 1st. Final limit January 4, l'.H4. Upon presentation and surrender of certificate signed by superintendent, principal or president of college or school, excursion tickets will be sold to students December l(5th to 22d: linal limit January H, 11K)4. Additional information upon applica tion to agents of Norfolk and Western Railway. W. 1$. Bevill, (J. P. A. T iat I. ante Jttirk enn lie vurcil with hi Mites' NliliVE FLASTEIi. Oul ac. .J 1. T I ml ZS c .I f At I CI Sunt Old Story. Actress I'.u' Therese, tell the re porters I'm taking my milk bath. New York Evening .b unial. A Year and a D.'iy. "I always feel a pity for the poor young men of (Ireenland. those Eskimo chaps, you know." said Clarence. "No matter if those poor fellows keep their New Year's resolutions a whole year people would throw it up to them ttat they could hardly stand by their prin ciples for two days. Sad, isn't it? Very ." C h i ca go T ri bu i le. Years and 51 en. The year is 3yinB; soon 'twill li Behind us in the fading' past. We watch it goinpr. and we sigh To think it couldn't always last. All pensive for a little while We count the vanished years and fret. Then greet the new one with a smile And hurry onward and forget. The passing: years are like the men We have to serve they pass away. W'e mourn the master dead, and then The new one welcome and obey. We soon forget. If he Is kind. The virtues of the kindly dead: We do not mourn the years behind If hope lies in the one ahead. S. E. Kiser In Chicago Record-Herald. Cures RheumatlHiii or Catarrh in a Hay. Treat luent Free. 15. B. 15. (Botanic Blood Balm) cures the worst and most stubborn eases by draining the poison out of the blood and bones, and building up the broken-down constitution. Aches and pajns in the bones or joints, swollen 'glands, drop pings in the throat, hawking, spitting or bad breath, etc., all disappear prompt ly and permanently. B. B. B. cures where all else fails. Druggists, ft. Treatment of B. B. B. sent absolutely free and prepaid bv writing to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, (la. Describe trou ble and free medical advice given until cured. B. B. B. puts new color in jour skin, and makes the blood redder and more nourishing, stoppingall aches and pains. Over 3.000 cures by'B. B. B. A man seldom knows when he is well off until he is away oil. Kelief in Six Hours. Distressing kidney and bladder dis eases relieved in six hours by "New (Jkkat Soi'th American "Kidney (Juke.11 It is a great surprise on ac count of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in bladder, kidneys and back, in male or female. Relieves re tention of water almost immediately, If you waut quick relief and cure this is the remedy, bold by Jl. i.. Robinson iSs bro., druggists, doldsboro, i. (J. Most of the worry is caused by antici pating tli3 things that never happen. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem ishes from Jiorses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, sweeney, ring bone, stitles, sprains, all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save o0 by use of one bottle. Warrant ed the most wonderful blemish cureever known. Sold by M. E. Robinson & Bro., druggists, (ioldsboro, N. C. Female pickpockets are rare. No lady will pick any pocket but her husband s. Itch on human cured in 30 minutes by Wool ford's Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by M. E. Robinson & Bro., druggists. Lots of people would rather die a na tural death than send for a doctor. Women loe a clear, healthy complexion. Pure hlooci makes it. Burdock Ulood Hitters makes pure liodily pain loses its terror if you've a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Ecleetric Oil in the house. Instant relief in cases of burns, cuts, sprains, accidents of any sort. Never judge an actress by the dia monds she thinks you think she wears. 'Neglected colds make fat graveyards." Dr. Wood's Norway I'ine Syrup helps men and women to a nappy, vigorous old age. Eczema, scald head, hives, itchiness of the skin or any wort instantly relieved, permanently cured. Doan's Ointment. At any drug store. As a rule, popular subscriptions are in tne unpopular class. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Br omo-Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 23c. It is sometimes easier to meet a bill mat to dodge it. WEAK STOMACH is strength ened and toned by Hood's Sar saparilla, the medicine that cures dyspepsia and POOR APPETITE. The cup that cheers is a noisy piece oi erocKery. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of $ua&ffi&ld444 Dr. James Sully, the eminent Wash ington psychologist, claims to have DVOVed llV llin,TlK,.vnt;,.n ,inrl n c.-'w.o of mechanical experiments that society's "an against neany laughter as bad form" is mvidneino- n mirthloee nml sour-visaged race. People in the "smart set, says Dr. Sully, do not laugh as their forefathers did because they think that to do so would be quite vulgar. iiti's rills After eating, persons of a bilious habit will derive great benefit by taking one of these pills. If you have been DRINKING TOO MICH, tney will promptly relieve the nausea. SICK HEADACHE . and nervousness which follows, restore the appetite and remove gloomy feel ings, tlcgantly sugar coated. Take No Substitute. Resumed Butcher Business. This is to inform my friends and former natrons that I am back aimin in the butcher business at my former stand uu anuu street, and that 1 am ready to pay highest market price for fat cat tle and green hides. Will sell only the best beef the market affords. Mr. J. 1 1. Trent has been re tained to serve the wants of all who want the best. Respectfully, M. Sherman & Son. A. S. GRADY, Attorney At Law, MOIST OLlVfX. C. AMERICA'S Greatest Medicine is ilood's arsaparilla,because it pos sesses unequalled curative powers and its record of cures is GREATEST. New Year's on the Old Plantation CHRISTMAS was never celebrat ed to any great extent in the south back in the good old days "befoh de wah." New Year's day took its place among the masters, and the prolonged, rollicking "co'n shuckin' " supplied the slaves of Kentucky and Missouri especially with all the jollity -they desired. It was an Institution peculiar to the south, pecul iar not in being confined to those sec tions, but peculiar in the manner in which it was conducted, for husking bees have been known In New England since the mind of man remembers and Indian corn has been gathered. When a "co'n shuckin' " was decid ed upon notices were sent out to the slaves of all adjoining plantations stat ing that on a certain night Judge S. or Squire R. would give a corn shuck ing of so many thousand bushels-and that all colored people, male and fe male, were invited to attend. Great preparations were made by "ole mas sa" and "ole missus" for this event, for, while they expected a good night's work in the shape ,of wagon loads of yellow corn, pleasure was to be the main part of the programme. Supper was always provided on a large scale and generally consisted of two or three roasted pigs, turkeys and chickens, with side dishes of vege tables, in equal proportion. Bushels of sweet potatoes were baked, boiled and fried, and hundreds of rich, golden pumpitin pies were turned out of the ovens, done to a mouth watering brown. A band of musicians was engaged, for no "co'n shuckin' " would be com plete without it. On those nights ne groes worked not happily save to the twanging of the banjo and wailing of the fiddle. A corn shucking always lasted three nights continuously on one plantation, and then the negroes moved on to the next, where three more were devoted to the corn of the owner, and so on until all the maize of the neighborhood had been husked. About twilight the darkies began to arrive from all over the country, the "boys" clad in their suits of Jeans, with that pride of the darky's heart, his "long tailed clawhanimer blue." Every negro who made pretensions to being "anybody" possessed one in more or less condition of wear. The female portion of the gathering was coquottisbly dressed in linsey THE NEOUOKS WORKED HAPPILY TO TEE MCSIC OF BANJO AND FIDDLE. woolsey frocks, with their heads tied up in flaming red bandanna handker chiefs, the redder the better, and with a white handkerchief crossed upon their breasts. They came in groups, and each party of buskers from a neighboring planta tion was announced long before it ar rived by the well known tunes preva lent in those days floating down the road and over the fields as the happy boys and women hastened to the gath ering. A favorite tune was this: Yes, we's gwlne to de shuckin', Yes. we's gwlne to de shuckin', Ve's gwine to de shuckin' of de co'n. An' we'll be dar In de mo'nin". An' we'll be dar In de mo'nin'. We'll be dar in de mo'nin", sirjah as yo's bo'n. As soon as the darkies were all as sembled the oldest slave present went to "ole massa" and begged a piece of silver money. This was always ex pected, and a plantation owner would as soon have thought of having a "shuckin' " without corn as to be un prepared to produce the bit of silver on the first evening. Taking this piece of silver, the an cient darky returned to the field and there performed a ceremony the exact meaning of which has not come down to us. Whetting his jackknife upon the silver, he solemnly pronounced an Invocation for a bountiful crop of corn the following year. And It is doubtful if the "ole massa" would have been any more willing to allow the husking to proceed without this kindly prayer than would his white haired servitor, who by its means thus once a year stood in the attitude of high priest to the family he served. After the preliminary prayer the "twelve wise men" were chosen, and their first duty was to select two of the brawniest negroes in the company, who, when called out, with much pride at their distinction. Indulged in a good humored contest of strength, which was known as "rasslin' fo de capt'in." The victor became the master of cere monies, and upon him devolved the duty of seeing that no one shirked in work or entertainment. The matter of the captaincy being decided, the "twelve wise men" chose four big fellows, who formed a "pack saddle" by crossing their hands and the captain was elevated upon it and car ried half a dozen times around the heaps of corn, while the darkies sang this melody or something akin to it: When our days am done Don't we darkles hab a time? When our days am done Dor-'t we darkles cut a shine? Back o our mbin we will go. Back In the eai!y mo'n, But we'll be here in de eb'nin To do de shuckin' ob de co'n. Then the corn shucking proper be gan. Stacks of fuel had been placed at intervals of a few yards near the corn, and after they had been lighted, under the supervision of the "twelve wise men," the fun began. As the corn was husked it was thrown into piles and would be hauled away In the morning. Twelve workers were se lected for each heap of unhusked corn, and, as back In New England, the red ear was eagerly sought for, but with a different purpose. When a man got it he shied it at a big nigger's head. and if he hit the mark the unfortunate darky would not "marry for ten years." If by shrewd dodging he miss ed it his happiness would be crowned within the year. If a dusky belle se cured a red ear she had the option of choosing a sweetheart from any of the darkies around the corn pile. Cincin nati Enquirer. NEW YEAR'S CARDS. They Originated In Japan, Where Ther Are Now Obsolete. In Japan originated the art of mat ing and the custom of exchanging New Year cards. Today both are as obso lete in the Flowery Jvingdom as is New Year's calling in the United States. More charming art, more de lightful custom, are not numbered among the good things that have passed away to suffer in their time, let us hope, a happy revival. For more than a hundred years the designing and coloring of New Year cards occupied the attention of the foremost draftsmen and wood engrav ers of Japan. They were made at the command of the noblemen of the em peror's court. In size they were from six to eight inches, and each was in scribed with a poetic sentiment dictat ed by the noble giving the order. They were printed from five or six blocks. each color requiring, as In modern color printing, a separate block. The blocks were the property of the noble, who retained or destroyed them at will. No reprints for another were ever permitted. A nobleman's New Year card was like his coat of arms or his sword. The surimonos, as Japan'B New Year's cards were called, were designed specially to please some Iady love. New York Fress. New Year's Cookies. Beat to a cream three-quarters of a pound of butter and a pound of sugar. Add three eggs and beat them through the butter and sugar till thoroughly mingled. Then add half a pint of sour milk and a level teaspoonful of salera tus dissolved in a tablespoonful of hot water. Next put in a gill of caraway seeds and a level teaspoonful of mace Stir in flour till the dough is stiff enough to roll out thin. After It is rolled as thin as pie crust cut the cookies out with a scalloped round cut ter, lift them with a pancake knife from the pastry board, put them In a dripping pan, sprinkle over each cooky a little sugar and bake them in a mod erate oven. The New Year's Wassail Cap. Throughout all Europe the wassail cup in one form or another Is a feature of the day. In old times one cup of gigantic size served the entire compa ny, and when a man arose and took the huge vessel in both" hands to drink to the guests a trusted friend rose with him and with drawn sword stood by his side lest he should be traitorously stabbed in the breast while drinking. Selected. OLD FOLKS TESTIFY. VIXOL WORTH $1000 TO A. J. BAKER. The Aged, and All Sons and Daughters of Aged People in (ioldsboro Should Be Interested. Mr. A. J. Baker, of 713 Locust street, Evatisville, Ind., writes: "I believe there is no other medicine equal to Vinol for elderly people. I would not take $1,000 for the good it has done me. It makes strength for the aged as do other medicine seems to do, and invigorates the whole sys tem. Vinol was first recommended to me for a bad cough, which I could not seem to get rid of. Vinol not only cured my cough, but it made me strong and well, and I enthusias tically indorse Vinol." poldsboro Drug Co., when inter viewed in regard to this matter, said: "We have never sold in our store such a wonderful vitalizer and strength maker for the aged as Vinol; it is nature's remedy for the sick, the weak and the aged. "Vinol owes its virtue and great medicinal power to the fact that it contains in a highly concentrated form all the active curative proper ties of cod liver oil, without a drop of the nauseating grease which char acterizes old-fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions. "Vinol acts first upon the stomach, toning it up and enabling it to obtain from the food eaten the elements needed for rich, red blood, healthy body material and sound, steady nerves. In this way it repairs worn tissues, checks the natural decline pf the aged and never fails to replace weakness with strength. "In the strongest manner we un hesitatingly indorse and guarantee Vinol to increase the appetite, cure stomach troubles, give strength and renewed vitality to the aged, build up the run down, tired and debilitat ed, make the weak stroDg, cure chronic coughs, colds and build up the convalescent, or we will return to the purchaser every dollar paid for it." Goldsboro Drug Co. This seemed a strong statement for reliable druggists to make, and we think every person in Goldsboro ought to take advantage of their of fer; as, of course, they have very wide knowledge of medicines, and what they will or will not accom plish. Editor. i A. J. BAKER. SCROFULA Ie'St. Scrofula manifests itself in many ways. Swelling of the glands of the neck and throat, Catarrh, weak eyes, white swelling, offensive sores and ab scesses, skin eruptions, loss of strength and weakness in muscles and joints. It is a miserable disease and traceable in almost every instance to some fatniltr r r A tainf Scrofula is bred in the bone, is transmitted from parent to child, the seeds are planted in infancy and unless the blood is purged and pu rified and. every atom of the taint removed Scrof ula is sure to develop at 180 South some period in your hie. No remed v emials S. S. S. as a cure up the blood, makes it rich and pure, and under the tonic effects of this great Blood Remedy, the general health improves, the digestive organs are S. S. S. is guaranteed purely vegetable and harmless; an ideal blood, purifier and tonic that removes all blood taint and builds up weak constitu tions. Our physicians will advise without charge, all who write us about their case. Boole mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CA, BBS! AVfcgetable Preparattortfor As similating titcFoodandBeguIa ting he Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur nessandRest.Conlains neillicr Opium.Morpliine norXiiteral. Kotarcotic. Atyr aroidl-SAKL TL PITCHER Jtx.Senn Japtnrmt -Hi (urbomUrSala Sugar hmtrrymm flavor. Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca Worms .Convulsions .Fcverish ncss and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. EC Don't Go to BUT STAY AT Echols' Piedmont Concentrated Iron and Alum Water Our remedy is made by reducing the ent minerals which compose it are introduced into the system even better than by the use of the natural water. ' This is not a patent medicine, but Nature's remedy, which trives toevery orcan of the body those minerals which have escaped, it is not compounded by is and we only deserve credit for beinc able to put it up in concentrated form, whereby a person of small means can ins cured at who can afford to go to the bprings. Chronic diseases such as indigestion, rheumatism, catarrh, female complaints, kidney and bladder disorders, nervousness, stomach and bowel troubles, torpid liver, scrofula and all blood diseases are permanently cured by its use. Money refunded if a fair trial does not by the (ioldsboro Drug t'o. and all druggists. 8 ounce bottles 50 cents, (equal to 10 gallons of the natural water). 18 ounce bottles $1.00, (equal to 2 gallons of the natural water). The $1.00 si.e will Ihj sent only on receipt of price by prepaid express, if 3'our dealer will not get it for you. j. m. bchols co., ma, Lynchburg, Va. ATTENTION We desire to inform those who are headquarters for all kinds of supplies. Quality Should Be Considered when buying groceries and we know that if vou will give us a trial vou will be satisfied that we sell the best lowest possible prices. USf Highest market price paid for beeswax. ""STovirs For Groceries, BIZZELL & W00TEN. What Can't Be Cured, May Be Endured, If YOU ARE INSURED! We represent only reliable Life, Fire and Ac cident Insurance Companies. Oncewith us, always with as. Humphrey-Gibson Co., Real Estate and Insurance. You Can Drive in Safety By buying your harness at my establishment. Hip loads need not bother team or driver as long as the harness holds, and that is what I sell harness that will stand the test. A Large Stock to Select From. Now is the time to buy lap robes, horse blaukels, etc. Sly store is also headquarters for all kinds of Sporting Goods, guns, revolvers and am munition. Light hardware, sewing machines, bicycles and supplies. I guarantee to save j'ou money on every purchase. Gun and bicycle repairing a specialty. General jobbing done with neatness and dispatch. , East Centre Street, O-olcisTooro, 1ST. C. little grandchild when only 18 month nM mrnad mni.ilv over her body. The disease next attacked the eyes and we feared she would lose her sight. Em inent physicians were-consulted, but could do nothing to relieve the little in nocent. It was then that we decided to try S. S. S. That medicine at once made a speedy and complete cure. She is now a young' lady, and has never had a sign rf tViA n un r a tn Mtnrn. MRS. RUTH EERKLT, 5th Street. Salina, Kan. for Scrofula. It cleanses and builds strengthened, and there is a gradual uut sure return to health. The deposit of tubercular matter in the joints and glands is carried off as soon as the blood Jb restored to a normal condition, and the sores, erup tions, and other svmotoms of Scrofula disappear. IT fill) For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years 0) m p covnni. new Tons CfTT. the Springs HOME AND USE natural water 100 times, and tin? 20 ditTer- home even bettor than his rich neighbor produce satisfactory results. For sale FARMERS! arc not already convinced that we and nothing but the best at the A A (UK TKt ffNTaf Pre-Inventory Reduction Sale Epstein Bros. OlDID FELLOWS' CORNER. We are preparing to take inventory of our stock, and we have but few davs in which to dean up the remnants and odd lots of our great Christ inas selling of Hovs' and Men's Clothing. Hats and Shoes, and to do so promptly we have reduced the prices, regardless of cost or value, and It is up to you whether to buy for use now or put away. NOW is the time to buy. Bargains in Ejipstein. Bros., Odd Fellows' Oorner. New Year Perhaps you overlooked .some friend in distributing your Christ mas presents, or 3-011 desire to return u'kindness with a New Year's gift. We can supply your wants. New Goods Arriving daily. Umbrellas, Novelties, .Watches, Cut (5 lass, Kings Jewelry, Fountain Pens and a lot of other things. I2?Goods sold at our store are engraved free of charge. L. O. GIDDBNS, OPTICIAN JEWEXjER. Phone 240. Call TJs TJ;p. The Food That Does Good Is the right thing for your digestion and how to obtain that kind of food is the question. Our store is headquartest for digestive food, as we keep Nothing But The Best. The best "patent" Hour to be found in the city is kept by us. Come to our store and we shall convince you that this is not 4 uig talk but facts." Have Everything You Need in heavy and fancy groceries and can please you as to quality, quantity and price. Save money and trade with us. Fonvielle Grocery Co., Goldsboro, N. C. Between the North nd South Florida Cuba. A passenger service unexcelled for luxury and comfort, equipped with the latest Pullman Dining:, Sleeping and Thoroughfare Cars. For rates, Schedule, naps or any informa tion, write to WAL J. CRAIG, General Passenger Agent, Wilmington. N. C. Southern Railway iVjESilF1 QUICK ROUTE NORTH - SOUTH Through Trains Between AFFOKDIXU FIRST-CLASS ELFJJANT ITLLMAX SLEEPING D1XIXG. CLIB AND For Speed, Comfort and Courteous Employees, travel via the Southern Railway. Kates, Schedules and other information furnished by addressing the undersigned: R. L. VKRSOS, Tr. Pum. Agt., J. II. WOOD, IMtrl t Tang. Agent, Charlotte, N. C. Afhevllle, N. C. XV. A. Tl'KK, Psu. Traffic Mgr., S. II. HAKIMVICK, tien'l Ph. Agt., WASHINGTON. I. C. md SAIJ. T' .11. ANDY r i kri l &3 VZ m J5. fcy) ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED ,?";ofTOB,.5o-c tk.22R2i Pleiad bookWfree. id. STEEL? GOLDSBORO UNDERTAKING CO., Kegistered Embalmers. Coffins and Caskets. HERMAN SMITH, Sec, and Treas., Phone 136. CARL STANLEY, Manager, Phones 225 and 149. .-A.T- Hats, Shirts, Shoes, Pants, Suits. Gifts I HOpOl I fi H FAR P dffQftVr- o .OOO MILKS TO ALL POINTS - EAST - WEST. Principal Cities and Resorts. ACCOMMODATIONS. CARS ON ALL THROUCII TRAINS. OBSERVATION CARS. E! J!RRTFarm lmpI LHnULOl House in tli emerrt. the South f Buggies, Harness, Saddles, 4 ri j- novvs and bastings, Pumps and Well Fixtures. ENGINES. SAW MILLS. THRESHERS, BINDERS, MOWERS, FENCING, WIRE. Write tor Catalogue and ask for Special Low Priest. THE IMPLtMENT CO,,30B2;0"iist' CATHARTIC