rOLDSBOi 0 HEADLIGHT ESTABLISHED 1887. _QOLD8BQBO, N. C„ EBlj^fl FEBRUARY 16. 1917. NO. ‘287 ■aa “•afa-H," UR fcntWOfl j Mi la Qaiaabon — * i wm.ill aa tba wona a boat eon nut y bn Oatiaban Dru» Co, aai U. K. Bean. an i nro, ~ _ FEEL ALLJSED UP? lab *f tfilMm Pupil la Dm yoar baakarho roaataailyF Do roa kora akarp twtugaa abas alooplag or IIMogF Far I all a aad ao—aa It yoa eootd go aofoitkar* Wky not look to yaar kidarraF Wky oat oap Doaa'a CMaag PIlla? Moldaboro paooU Kara dooa ao Tkoy tali you Uaa raaiaU. Mra KruaM Pota, add E. Aab 5k. Iloldaboro, aata. ”1 aaffarrd from arvara palaa In my bark aad tola*. I too id gat ao ran altkor day or Bight aad Urad ao aaaily tbal I aoold hardty da at koaavork. 1. had kaadaebaa aad dlaay apslla aad otkar dgps of hMaay inaUk A hoa ol Doad'a Eld oay PIUa aooa rotloyad tao at all Inpa af kldoop traoMo. 1/aana oaa of at tamlly aaVarad Aa aak htdaaya aad araa alao aeaoyad by lhali too tHyaaat antoa. 1 garr bar Doaa'a •Udooy PHIa aad Ikoy rorad bar la a rary abort Unto” Prloo Mbe, ot all doalora. Doo't alm ply oak lor a kldaay rarnrdy—gal Doaa'a EMaar P1IK—Ika aaaia Ikat lira Pata racanamanda I'aatar-Mlt borw Co., Pmortal ora. Hoffalfl. H. T. jBMjjjMjL.sssa, K. F. MINTZ ^ ATT0BRBT-4T-UW National Bank BM|, OuMaboru H. B. IVEY, 1. D. RanMI la Dili. n. MlMftlM ulMi a. OSaaaaar Mallaaal Hank. OBca Pknaa (U RraMenaa «tt flOLMBOKO, B. C DR. W. A. LANE KWMn mi-m Brim MMIh. Tttrd tlw o*-rw— m. • m-L DR. e. R. WARREN, DENTI8T OMm I* «•» Or*M BbIMIx Iw wUrW. ImillMli naHM DR. A. H. 2EALY. MTMPATM RmB< 411.4M. 4U, Bart* BM«. T BaUa»ara. M & 0*ii fVai IT I. MHww a>n a m. ■ T. IMIwn M4«tm4 M. Uh Dickinson ft Land tTtM«m.lT44«. 0*wm0w«I Ww «a—r» O. O. DaKKIA If. D. fra, MA MM UMW4IT mSm •»»(•!>» ••»«»» rwa>«r* WLSON MAY WAR WITH0UTWARNIN6 Final Dadnttoa Rot 1i PmiUoot’j pud. WILL PROTECT AHERtCARS Pragma In (H af "Oort Aaa' ta Aak c ■ag'n Par Authority ta Uaa Army and Nary Par Thai |,„ , Mg tha Kant Mar* «a Him, a ay. Ttoa fatafol 'nan ntng' la lha cm troraray between tha United Starr, arldlanaany all doc ba a (toe to ration af wan Tkla dactaion aaa marbad at a mooting of Praahlrat Tntacw a caM not. which rariawcd la Mil ita dak rata tataraatlanal .ttuatUm bow can frenting tha coaotry. Still waiting far tha 'omet acr that will form thu •*atry ta man. the iraatflanr and hto adalaan tot II ba kuowa that tha to* lowing coaraa hat bam dsetdod open: Wbaa tha prmMeat ta utudrd that 'Amartcan Brat and Ajaartraa ohipn" barn baaa daatroyad on the high neat to rtototlaa of tha aabmarhaa ptod—i Stomarty maila by Germany ba will lay tba mattar brfora cuaagraaa ~ Ha will not anggrrt a declaration af war. but will aak aattaortty In aaa thr military and aaral form tor tha pro tactlaa of tha llrm and rtghta of Amor lea na at aaa. He win ttao proroad to in tbr Bin •**» natal forme tor Uh parpoao, •tarteg iha Mil no*, lo Germany IW» would mult h a "Mat* of war." bat wow Id loaro tta artwal darUratkm to BarUm II WU otatad uoequlTorany that tta iwaulriiut h dourntaad that rwapacMt Witty far a phynlrml clank bat-wtoa tta twa nation moat rant wine Germany oad that Ita l’attod Stain ahall rater ao rlieumutaacm forra tta tour Thlo to la Uaa with tta aarnaat aodranora of tta adm taw ration to promt ny art whdrh coaid be caaacraad aa an olietma or affront la (termany during tta pm oat diplomatic brook la carry lag out Ibta dotarmla allow. It wao otatad, taw •*or, tta praaMwt wtll an to It that to into off coding tta honor of tta na Oaff or tranagraaalag tta ngMa of Ita ettlaaaa ahall ao awpantahed. If am bora of tta cahlaot roportod tta Bketawy of tta pararaiaaat tally sorry oat tta program laU irrta. agtag if tta d roasted "srrort art" fatroo tta paaaddaat to pat tta mltnarr fonpa of tta aallta Is Bottom Karol odfaern of high rank oppngc tta aatabtohmeat of aaral rantoyi for merchant ahlpa, dxbtHag that It woglil pear* aaly partly ofTerttre nod would oporata to dMiBato widely iba antta af tta tatttn Sret. which. they a nan atawld bo oBployod aa a airaiotb- wait On tta qaaatloa of arming AmacVao Barr boat altlpa lor their own dafroea aU rahtnet mtmton gad tta Whtu Hewae prtmrre complete eOeaim They dederod that the matter reeled oa the ■aatraedoaa to ahlpptag linen that they tare tta right to redat unlawful at tacks at at Ann nnw ranting narrirar/ •f Mata laaatag gad Cooaaalor Po3 at On atata dapartraaat eoafaciad at Iaag9 aad It waa raderatoad dtacoao ad tka arming of Barrhaat aaaaata. Latar Ooaoaetor Patk rtatiad iacra la77 ad tka Mar/ Daalaia. bat botk radaaad la dtacom tka qmaafloa of ana lag ala pa lapaat War WHhIn War a. With all ajaa ta Waaklagroa lomnt •award tka aabauitoa araa. admlala tralbm kadrra darlarad that na atngla atakfag ao far faralafaad tka ■virrrt act" ainanr/ to fona tka ptwddrnl to act It waa polalad am. krrwarar. Wat rttkar a atngla groat oataatrapba ta tka aataaa ad 1 rlotatlaa of Amort aa rtgkta n aa arramalatlaa of aatoor rlolattawg rack aa Ifcoaa a 1 rood/ r/ pectad woaM prompt tka pnaktaot to •gala ta, tka mattar baton rogmt Caaaaratloa admiatatrattoa adrlarta •aid tka/ batlorad tka paaatdant wqaid ■• ta tka rapitot aa tka mattar wttkli a waak Ta too aaa ra Harman, aa to tka tr/at meat of Damn nfcfaata la tka llattad ktatak tka dgaartaarnt tea facvgrdad to form n, la kaatla eggdaa ad atata aaaota goaaaataalag Oanaan aW>>eta protartloa aa tkatr /report, aad fnada •ad tlaetatmlng aa, lataat to man Oarmaa war boaad aktpa ten OttMal taraatlgallaa ad tka mote, •f akga tarot ring Amartraaa aamtta •aw It waa atarad km that laraatl gatlaoa bad dataroWaad Hut tka rktl araa « Mar/ J ODooboII ad PkOadol pkka won am Amataia ft waa aa •mod tkat tkatr (atkar waa aa mi aataaa Band altn aad tka child m. at mmamm wan la VIIM BUta*. war* tkarafar* *H*n. TW ctMm war* Iwt Ik IW atnkln* at IW Ha** C*k iwivaOMrMtigaMw tm am tank tkat flum Waafct** taw. tka atTiil Awarlfta »«ara tow am tka Twta* *aa t Brttvk awkWl Tktra war* aa tawWaa *a IW tW rtaa, tlaal atkiilak TW In* ramtta at IW war* proa* aata rarWarta* W WHiUw J. Irrkk •a* Wa f«W«»ara aata Ha wiaa*, •a aarngaam akaa B »*■»*»»!»• It* I»«r *r Tata*. • a*rw■ -o rt**o bar Ajurrhma Wma I ■■rirbiQt. Ilia former aerreter* of elate. tat to iaced a racalutleo proposing a nxaU rational amendment to rent the right to declare eir to the people of the United Static rather than la nncitea rWre l| near ream The amraduirm » I tap ka* »f*rt Irmly tb* affart of mak tar pad Ike Ikmat klorkad* tkraal bnl H waa atatod It term Id k* tnadrlw aid* t<» dotafb naral raaaata t* farm rear or* It waa ala* at* tad tkat anrk ranrarr weald be taatimnnnt la ltd art ad war* and tk* admtakrtretkwi wtll not andar aar dfremwtanrda taka a atop wMrk weadd (te* flirmaay amend far oKanan It waa aotkorttaiieaty atatad tkat tka daralapad Ula aa "waft ad" attain taa raqabamaata laid dawa ay tax praa ldaat aa la "Aiaartraa Hira aad Aaai kaa ablpa." It vaa atatad. kawaraa. that Iplaula Paaa aad Cnaaal Fraat at Qnaaaa'ewa, lata atdara la ■aaka f plain raparta an tba atatln It I* ayparaat that tba ateklkrattaa ■111 aat tala a aartana atap ant it it k aatkdad tbat tba "oaart MT nTlaH by iba pmatdant baa haan OatilnratfTj aad rally lylttad OTSr «m U. b Nan. Tbn tank Nan nan aad UmSp* bar tala ad raat aA bar a baaa aFarad ta tba ■atara—at “k raaa ad war" by tba •da*Iran Patmtank nayaay tkraaab A U Dabaay. Ha praaldaat. aba aka •Farad Ida prbraaa yarbi - ‘ «OUNBOMOttillirt MfVBt ESTp«: :::::::::& STii rabla Paw .bad par ba ■nib Maad. tba aarlb U»d... Data tba par lb 5*1? *Maa. Mtr prMb Dm Maai .ttbparbaa fdar.parkb) pm PakIlk.dbapar ba »•**■•« »«5pl.,. • m#aa hap Jakaa baad Maal.Ikdparba* PREPAREDNESS BILLSRU! I»y ill Arny Appropriatfe . 6a hvnii nts wi MORE POWER FOR PRBI Maaaa ra will Em Mil Par Half Billion ITrjiaradaaaa laCklaUas Mb tba ooncraasloual atasa Ibla waa*. Tba raab to pal tba lead a ad aaa 0*1 ua« Curtna af iba laUoa la paefoci trim far arary caoarsani y wbl ruotlaae oaabal ad. Hist peasant* aria ba tba ordea af Iba bear la bod a iba aaaeca and (ba An asraroaaaf laa. ban rraabed arbaraby tba aaral appropriation tabl. with 11a many Important amaadmaata daalcaad to lacnaa tba aatborlty or Iba aaarotlra department of tba por arcmant In oaawt of war, wilt ba lata art by tba boons. This claata tfaa way fur Iba mUlcary appropriation bill, wttb Ba bsd*at of 1dl7.UJ0.CnjU. Tbla anal auiadi aaaaaa. me wm be raabad u imp. and K to the hope of Cha trass Oeot ef the eoanmhtee no unitary affaire ttol the • rtav hill ami be on Its way to the esti It* bafore the rod ef Ike week. Aa a result or the arcing of erttea hy ■ecreury Denials. It has become tear neatly aaeured that the uarel MU will carry a proeietoo far the amampttoa hy the president of eimtplets eoutrol of eMpyarda. monltkei plaota aod ell ror taleted tudseirtre la time of war "or the I la alias nee of orer.~ Committee Cheated AttHede. The boaer rules roauailttaa, following a cuafarsoce with Secretary Denials, rated to grant a apodal rule e-i-i-ii thto and other adminhuratloo anatd meet* to the naval but prf alleged Lear Krtday the coaumltlae had taker advene action cm I ha net -* The urgency of IV sltnaUot ee ex plained to tbs committee by fteereaagy flea tele wrought tbe change la attl tude. The amemlmcat wkkh the reaa mil tea will admit aa privileged limits the paxlod within which the I may commandeer shipyards a area hearing oa tbe present seat the gtrrymmeut la the matter of yaep atwtlmt for war ary eaahtag t iwllma Woe They are tbe ayrtos ef aatMtoy meaaera reported fararabiy hy the fa. dWgry oumenltlee. tbe Chambartaln aalvenal military tratutor bill and the admlutotrathm'a rev sou# taaaanre which Is expected to add more than half a button duOare to the trnmury balance ip the course uf the annular •acul year. la addition to three Mila Senator New land* win rodeo r er 10 have tbe admlntotratlou rmllemy MB In tu amended form considered at an early dale, la thin bill tbs re la a pm* too toe (he rommaedeerlag ef the entire trine postaUon facilities of the asttau by the pratdent m the avaut of war or uie lb real of hoetUlttoe. Tha Unload In t» lunlnp baTura Um •anata la tho anooal pnatoBfcs ngiro pdatloa Mil Upon thh awara a •harp «rtt la rapwlnd on taro llama. Tha prnpoaad tarraaaa In tha aaraod eJaaa Nil maitar rata aad lha - — ml BMnl U> Iba aalauna atalalr rruardlnn •cat Hua mail abocbj “drop hilar*’ • lattaai (hr dallaary (rota lha HUM poaladflca lu which I try ara poatad— will iwiM/a nclj a rant par ooaca. The rtrer aad harbor appropriation' MO and Ilia Bond mu trot uua ara lu Una tor roualdaraUou la tha aanata. That* la asrtoaa appcadttoa lo both ihaaa hula. Tba admlalatrailon haa lac It ha knorru that tha paaaaga of tba .Twin Hlratt mt wherahi prortaloa for ri landing ABprlrgp ittlaaaahlp la Ihp In. ha blunt* of lha Maad. la UaMrad hj lha prratdaul Tha adailaialrathm hi ••Id to ram that u la hlably daalrmUla In Iba iraiut amargaocy that tha Porto Ria-aoa shall ha tall lad and A mart* an rltlasoa. “FOUHDATIOHS" BARREO. tout aliiWIi' Intldaa^t •attend in Aa •mdaait to tha ■ prVwUarai Mb adapted bp tha aaiaata after a l|>t eater M a rrtaJeal tdfaaaa far aa/ par •aa r on oar-tad with tha dapartteaart at agrlmttwra to ba drawing pa/ f»» tb, fararataral and froaa tha Hnrbafaltet •artaral adaeattaa board ar ••/ atiitet ad arganteatVm. Paeatnr Kat/aa dartarad tha paean adaratiaa board war VlaMtag aa to aid tew ttotnaaea gate tor Cbatahartela htaa men ad that tha beard bp ah* aat af tha department WHtard tePgM Pal teak /Oibatar (W hl«tt coat of bread cane RppreeeQtaUra lUloey of i fvnu of a letter to (Wire- \ rultara llgoatmi ** be wrote, “the «aliiaj of ; taeu to taactfv ai to what | t»et a pooctrtfd rfirt to ' P®t kpr the brica of bread Paul Schutxe. fUUkrialra baker, of Chlrafo: 8 V MrOknald of UemtdUa. of the ^lathaAl ilaeter Baker*' auuda Oo«t; J. II Bell or Chkino. eo, ret nr y of tMjrfhateattaB; Job* U..d of Minor khohlL altorcay for (be wheat miller*, fba editor of t)»e Mode:* Millar ef ML Lav* » intsv mm iwvine At tha euoreotlnu of me master baker* hr>«ajt Lake Pity la* August Mr Mc ansoeoord ‘a nation wIda more wtfuM h« Um ami rated at aaace by l1*udah| and publicity to educate tbaBwUh' to a teo cent loaf Mure ■flak the first innmniwiunt to that ■mde by the tVlialae flak tag tfld*ay of dilcmgu a abort ii*» after tha c-ooreuuocj ' Raiaej asserted that the bakers' aa hdMloi» was BgbClttg the pending leg htaUc* designed to rvpeaU the tax oo *cot*rd' four, which awn aura be aald. FflM lead to reduce bread prices A A WILL MOT~STARVE. Wreduee Own Feed In Event af War Clining Imports. Ifei faction of food*off* in the Cult «r|tit(n Is ample to meet all war **m detngnds. and the nstlua would *1 fad even tbnogh imports should hitaly cat o4T. A sale taut Berra Agriculture Cart Vruumu aa k b review of the country'* wewta wal production ui Import fig compiled otwice Mr. Vroonaa'a allow the eat km prod nr aa pounds of moat sad Its than 100.000.QOt pounds _Jt bad rlta predoctJoo ugre _ 4.QOQ.COD wo bushels. Tha coan nomkally lsaporta about Bpoc.000 _he*a of com. tf.OOQ.OQO bushel* of Wheat aad 2JUO.OOO pounds of rice (ihlldbl of sweet and Irlah potatoes hmocsts to 4fiO,OOOjDOQ bushels. About iDQjiDO ha abets are Imported. GERARD QUfTS GERMANY.' hmbaaaader Cbasrful ae He hide Fere # . wed «e OMeJsJa. . islaaa W Gerard, recall ml anabases Ipr from Germany, left Berlin Bunder 4ght at t JO lie was accompanied by It® members of cue embassy staff, cou ■Mar l|ntA Red Oosr workers and rOrrsepcadentA *« uuuudor apparently «u In Stood ipiilb. He aaWj farewell to tbe ®draM« Ctoaareilor ran Batfimann HMlwe* and tba aacretary of foreign attain. Herr Uaaemaau. a few txfttoa before bla iNiiif. » % Oerard ref need to bo quoted. Hr tafcorlaed tbe aunuaacetaeflt that be baf not ottered any •vpreaalo* for tbe poeoa alare Saturday He Bald *.• wo«ld refbibi dortaf Ida trip from taoieet Igfr any way oa tba tateraatkmal alt £U*QTti oalreratty wtll aeud on a bMs «Ued tyarft and laid team for tba ftofesm tatercolteslatea. which wUI be toatf May » am) aa Tbe Cardtaata Wife MM tba Culrereltj of feeitharo far* oc MICH THE BLOOD ~T£scTiii.::T— lir/Wy la troutted M tbla m aon aiUr toaa of man tv. failure of aatpsfcta. that Uxad feet I re, or with Mwv« turn* dull headochea. indi featfbl and other atonech troeblaa. d^wph etaapioe and otoer^•rept^ae uwali nu1"^*l2>uwrSi!i<£?i»>u ■eUdlt (hat haa stood the teat rrf totf Tsara-tha* aakw nra rich red * bleed—that street then* seer/ yffc dwd wute the wnoia art r. v a .d WrHvi'i SpecUl GrassClover PAPER SHORTAGE LESS. Federal Trad* Cemmleaieo Cs«*iple*ea IUp«r( mm iHvaiitn The Federal Trad*- ('natElskuu hat completed If* new* print p*i»er lucre tigs Due end *UJ mod Us report to coo grass soon. For a time It Mas ooi derided whotb er to make the complete report or an interim report. Pot dr* eJopiaeala wMb la tbe last few da/a. It Is aaid. bes mad* It possible to tin lab the Inquiry. The report, it in andetvtoed. will cover development* to tb* new* print »!tsaltan since tbe trade rommlHka Uegse tareetlgatteg last arnn—er. It wUJ ibuw that tke menial—Wu a efforts te bring maoefactorrra and publisher* toga*bar Save roliavad the slDmtiua to oooa# aatent I-ogtalaliaa will be asked flTlttf the Cwwseay Marsh k It baa Lean uuioinred oArftally si ibe White House that tbe seeoad inau Karelian of Ooeidret WUsnn will bo ^boervod with “tho greatest pnoaihU tlmplkdt/,-' owing to th* internstloaai situation. After ■ conference with Secretary Tumulty rhairuaau Harper of the tn augural committee loaned tke follow, lug otafomast at tbe White Hoose. ”1 a to pkeued te announce that th» Inaogurarkxi ceremonies altl bo hold While tbe frenieat possible simplicity will he observed, If U tat coded to make ilk koaugu ration oneanalty laprea atve to order tv afford an opportunity fnr a perfectly spontaneous asbtbitfc* »' tbo iw trio tic feeling of the country % RUSH ROCKAWAY FORT. Will H«v* liitaw Iwoh Q«i*l U K* IMI Hew Yerk H acker. Work bu bora tuna] by imj et> gliacwra oa the great fortification* at Uoekivty designed to protect New York hsrbur. They ertlJ be oqulp i*ed with sixteen Inch rides The powerfm focf st Hot.kaway, to set her with the Kandy (look strong l»old. wQ) virtually rloee New York harbor to ail hoaUfe teasels The guiw si the aew coast defease station would bar# a range of shoot tw«®tj-on© ml lea, control dug absolutely the Am tiroes chenuel. tbruugh wtilrh all tm »ela of large ilreft would have t«» past mto New York harbor They ale would have n char sweep of tbe we lens aroand Coney lalstal. EXTRA STEEL DfVIDEHD. Owe and Three-quarters Deetared ea Csiwswen Sleek. Oa top of record met earmlugs of H0njMdUM7 for tbe last three moot be 9t 1911, directors of the Called State* ■tael corporation declared an extra Jlvtdend of J\ per cent ow the coir mao acock. This was la addition to the regular disbursements of 1*4 per cent «a rbe rommoo slock aa<1 1\ per rent oa tbe preferred. This extra dividend com paras with an extra dividend of 1 p»r real la the last prevkme quarter '"be remarkable abowtng of net cera laga exceeds all recent estimate*. The total of |10A.IMfUU7 comperes with |Sa^l7.0C7 In the third quarter of 1911 . NEW SUFFRAGE MOTTO. WMU M*«h P'foWaU Nm Carry Amar Flap*. BufTrmiM pickrfm at tbe Whha Houa 1a IVarblDgtou changed ibHr bauoam for AnnaV-rn flajp* and a ufM UKXto II raatW Anwrlrm woman aan to Aarmdtd apoa la uphold Amtnran Maala Lot tLam eala FEWER PEOPLE GROWING OLDER The Public Health Service reports that more people live to the am of forty years to-day, but from forty to sixty years mortality is Increasing from degenerative diseases Thousands of well-informed men and women to-day are learning the true value of SCOTT'S EMULSION OP NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL as a powerful blood-emicher and Wrength-builder to ward off the header baa and **a~frarhni that mean weakness. SCOTT’S helps fortify the body against grippe, pneumonia and weakening colds, through na force of medicinal nourishment. UMliaMhbliKtaneDsIWCeUkMliiaOIL 6PBA1 KWS [VENTS. He»p>nlaat W Inteceel I* Vtrbua Fart« af Oar Ceentry. There Will ha ao b*«t ‘ Aarhi Mg o*cu" •• Car aa the Putted Stale* army ta cooceroed. for the war defartonaat baa had all Uyoorta “blued" ao aa .at Co attract ailcutloa >o artioot at Baa Dire*. Oal. Thai la be* I D*i ad to bn tba Drat 11 mo such a (wit *r* ■"»»tfaie-a. *» «<>*. NOTTS ftOII F0KB6N LANDS. Whs Fella Are Data# art the Other •Ada af the AieM. Tba ttrfctah tioard of trada Agurra for ■lanoary show that Imports ta creased IT6.l4Ti.OOf>. principally in raw mate rial*. tnHihllnc ty-ffre of lb* paaeeoffeea and crew were acted. • • • FROM IMF SP0RTH6 WORLD. ▼fee and That In Ametesr and Esalae ■ isoel Athtetlaa. Bob FotweU laea signed hi* contract to coach the Pcumylraula football team aeit fall Tba document to wldcfc Kolweli put bis name contalna a coo lugtatcy clauaa. and It may be changed nr abrogated la esse this country should go to war ami it should be do j cided tu abandon the football schedule for 1917 Another aim (hat racing aanriatl'm* expect a prwteroaa eeaaoo this year waa fort brood jig in (he aauooBCecaaat of ftahee to be run at the Karaioga and Bmpire City meeting* Kerb raring association has lacTwaaed largelj tba money to be Kireu, *ad on* new a taka bar been ndded to the flat urea at tha ffpa and Yotikera. ! SEA BATTLE OFF BRAZIL • H*wH «f Fipht o4 Irtish CmlMn and RiMwi In Doubt. Two German t nmna+tre raider* atnJ licit lah (TTiiovra fuujjbt for iifiera honra off the bland of Frmaodo do Nornoha. taya a OM**a£tf from Braatdaa oilcUIa o«j ibf wiaud aa flT»a out by tt» ado Ur«r of aaiiua at Hlo Janeiro. Tht* 0041 a mm prortoua report ■ of a mw Imir>* to that locality. Tim moll waa usA. teamed OLD PRESCRIPTION FOR WEAK KIDNEY! A medicinal preparation like Dr K mcr’a beauiip Uoua. ihal lux real car* tWe value almovt to I la Herff I.Ike a eadlaee olain irdi'iu the inucdv rreomrTXe«lrU by (ir Kilmer A (*o. Binghamton. > Y.. for a sample b -ttly. V\ ben urillo be aura and imutloo tlie taykJeU-r Headlight What Kind { of a Market Does Your Meat Come From? deadline** in oi»r walcbword. You aru cordially invilrd lo . come and look nor our up lo date murki I fr«'tn I hr front , door lo the IkArkdiHir. Our Meats are al ways Absolutely Fresh and Tender. PURE F000 MARKET PHONK93, till ANT III.DO . NOTICK OF SALK. Uuilei and li? elrln* of il,» putter • nala cun la Iiiiai la a ceilmit Morigat, IAhI rinculej on ihc l*i «fny of Mm IK14. bj .Inmoa llogan* nod w|f«. ]|«ti Hogan* to I. Ho mi-. whitL t<* ii'Mii •d 10 Book 141. page 101. in ih* oflV of the KagiaUr of llcrd* of \V*>| Counry, the .* nde rtlgm-.l will wll in rash, ml tw*h« o'clock M . on the yf.t 4lf of Febtaaiy. I!>)7. at i Co* . Holt* door tu ti* follow *n tola of inod annate 10 Hn.ilaliorv* Toe i ■bi|v Wayuc County. no-1 Uu.odail r fallows Firat tract: Beginning at (be Nor:l wwlero coiner uf the Harriet IaHIu • no ihw A*»> Iuni Nal. and nnn *1, • «hW1 road easterly 41 feat to I * > ■ I'ota’s corner, theocw witn Uia ». . a 1SU food Ihi'tio* **c«ur r If f* thenca .wonhw*wlerly 1 <9 ‘feet a i salrt Harriet l.nua'* line to the bet • oiog. cootaiumg out ciguib ;I H) uf n aero, huut or lea* ttrcntiti ti ai'l1 Adjoining tJ.a lii. of W K. Parker, K II Horde... a. : • mad la* Ing from (.ulduboro to Little Hi* • Bridge: tbance will* aakl road b stake on Him «lr**al given !»or *-■*id Pa** live new a. 14 w. 71S fti*l to lha bfgi nlng. eootaianig ou*>hai| il2) nr more or |eo« i ni rvi inn . m n • I hr enrver fin thy rnml mailing fr ttaldaborn in AnInm wbm«t »h« Uud • Jama* sni y in I hr line i f VV VI |ualn-e; ih-nrr nllh *yi