“Oa-TIa-Ylat tat ■a'taMf tyriakr SBntaBakaOanTAiraf I •old la OolAaboro aatf racoranxodaa aa Um wort4i haat com ranadr hr OoMaboro rv.« C«. aad M. E. RaMa aaa A On DON’T TAKA CHANCE Me<*»kkre f-*pb kknold let to Tim*. “~to, II you n(tr from bnckncbn; l( jam kATw bonluht, diner »polk. I( lb klda.y Mmlon Rr, lrn|» tor. Uoa’I dtlty -libly your ildunyi sn tick Uotdokoro paaplo nMnmiil Itoao'i Kldnoy Pill* H»i’i i Goldsboro oinn't oiporV D. 1. Molpoon. pointer. IL V- L> No. I, Golmkorn. tort: “My kMuti be aoao orok. I kod dull poinj in toy kook sod Mot and la Ike morning I OH aoro aid I, mo nod 11 rod rorf oo«Cy. I line kod koodoekue ood din oy upon• ood tka kldaey aaorotiooa wore llrrogolnr lo ponoli*. tnaov. klgkly rolorod and eonloioad oadt * wont. ttooa'a Kldnoy mil oooo re Itoeed tka kookorko sod ll» otber ermptOM offcWoey iroekle toft " Prkoa tor. at oJI drol.ro. ^JJoo't olm p«r oto loro kidney romidr—got Uoen'k Kldc.r PlIK— Ifcn nu tkol Mr. Molpaei rororamr.d. kn.ior.kIit bero Co.. I’mvrtriurn, Hnffnln. S T. FRECKLES ftartfc V rings Oat Uaakktlj Sfmt*. Raw la. lUmta laa4lf. Tba aotaan whb land or ilia dnad* March bacauaa la la TUntv lo Onrar bar fara with a*ljr fraction. Hu b attar boa Ulrh lar till. Urtua and wind* Mtianroof tai4#oay to mak« bar frwfek FortHaaloir far bar paaea of tstad tba prraarlptloa. otlilwa’ -<1 >> a b I a ■rmgtb. Bikaa ii poatlhU for bras tbaaa wvb awaaptlbta lo frcakloa (a kaap tlwfr kkU altar aad wbita No miliar bow rfabbara a a*aa of Track Ira >oa bam, tba daahka atraactb oihlaa RoiM ranfrota I bam Uat aa mir*oc from joor droutal aad ban lab tba frock laa. Mo oar book II It fiik. R F. MINTZ ATTOBH KT-AT-LAlf Nafinniil (Unk lililw OitldldilMtm H. B. IVEY, 1. D. Haora t«i la 114* a m. tm ta 4*0, IM la IM*. m. IHMaa o»»» MaMaaal Hank UMm Pknaa (14, RaaUaaw (II GOLDS BORO. K C ~ DR. W. A. LANE Mirur. ftOOMI Ml—Ml ■orlaa AutM'.ae Tktr» Hoar Otaa Pkaaa Ml Mnaldaaaa 1*7-1. DR. E. R. WARREN7 DENTI8T (Xl«f »• P#« RriM ««« • tirVkor 114 III IUmM 6R A. H. ZEAlVT OMTHUPATH ’ Rohm 411. 41*. 411 M..ri1aa Bids OvUahnrn. H 0. Oflra Pkuna 171 k-aulauea pkaaa im M T lAaklaaaa MairdM I a, Dickinson & Land 4TTMklTlk.4r.L4W. UWaaa aa Caart Haaaa Aaoara. o. c. DANirr.8, m . 57 m, 141, MM AM TIM4T n«aa ta lariaa Mule. Mu—(Ml Haara •> a lal , a I to I ,a _Pkaaa Ml MESTtl L LASSITES. H. I. OMaar kaaaal (tear (aa llaali II4« MXMOMT. I. C. OMaa rkaaa III Huaal Pkaaa (I ■ l|M Pkaaa • 4 WILSON ORDERS TRADERS ARMED Calls Erin Stsslci if Coi piss For Aril 16. WILL EXERCISE FULL POWER From Slabbed Celle Legieia •« l« Orhr That Big Ap.ro,rt^.a Le« Ova. May Ba Paa—d and O^aaaa LegiaUUeet ftuehed In Prep areetea Per flnaxiitm. America* merchant vraneta hat. baan ”ttaaad armed to ttofy tba Gran mbmarlaa ■on. ot death and dratruc a“. aad PraMdent Wilson from bla airk bad be* nailed tb* kllly.ftnk cab Ptn to meet h> pirmardtnary I- eat la Monday. April l«, to hindla wuh >e«to la tit* boalneoa u this nep may reader neraaanry. With tb* fateful “bmI etep” to pro tart American 11-re and American rlghta at ana aader tray tb* United •Metre today to prank-ally on a trar latala. and wlibit, Mi woeha all of the machinery of the (orennacitl a 111 be mobilised In Washington prepared tor any arautaMlty. I'M. preeklent'a order to the nary d*. partnaant to place natal gtma and gnn. area aboard merchant tram-la and tb* proctataannn ratlins the new congress cemc tomallniieonaly. FYora kto at.-a room In tbe White llotam h* on h la own reaponaUdlity ordered that the ratal power of tba United State* be wardaed to anablr American com mete* to rcoume Ua rlchtfal place on tba aeran ease a# I—a ImlN. KXia secretary eat Uned tba prratdont’a rlewa both aa to arm tag stripe and a# tn tba aanl for an axtraordtaary mm ■loa of caagrraa In ttila statement: •aeratary Ta molly states in or onset lea with |k* pfwMmr* call far aa eatra m —aa af waiiw that iha preetaeat la eos rtaead that be has lie powfr to ana ▲awrlaaa merchant tatlpe ud U fa* la • rere—e It at mkc Bat aa much aaraa aary teatataikon la pea—tag tor <r>«ek*ere~ tlaa that ha a cost tare* that k la ta the haaa Interest* at Iha aoaalry ta here aa aarlr aaaalon of tha tasty-Aftt oo«*rma. ahflaa aapaart ba win alao need - all "wttara cot—tarsi to tha o«f*na« at our raer—taat atari aa. Tba arming af Americas aerrbant raao. adaioiatratloD ofeitala pay. will pnt tba hast more in tha game 'ip to Qinaaaj1." I Qrar«ly it was admitted that tba ■feting of an armed American ship by a Genoa a aahmartae or tba Jeatrue ’UOB or a NbnrtH by aa Amwrbwa |rmael would bring tba two naiWaa to tha rarge of an actual physical clash. Prwsldeat Wllena. bowrrer. f«<rl> that tba pracartlou of Aamrliaa npbfi at am fe paramount and that those rights will be aaf rewarded, w hat err r cduae qaaaera Germs ay may fore* (la will proroad at one* to t»Uce taw aatloa on a baa- of aelf dofedfaa which will pro rlda for say tualuy. Whether the prrafctcaf wig lit tha wrw coagrraa to reaffirm end Icdoraa hla alap to arming Amert< an merchant mra — to doubt It uma l«oluted oat that by April 16. whra tba congraae coot earn, the fet nation may ha aattlre ly cheated by actual otvumuu* ta the war acme. 1«a» Va*a Lirf* Ivea. Tader tba » ad say and all legislative boatnaaa < as la pressed before tba art •loo. and Riidoabtadly the aarenU big appropriation MTU which failed to (be roogratloo sad turmoil which marked U— rloaa of tba laat rougrraa will be the flrat msita/a roualdered Three tododr tba tdg army MU, nr rytag f2T7.onn.niw. el tally maautlal ta the prapamlaaaa plssa of tba gorarw ■—«i; tba sundry clrtl bill pmvldtag f UR.000/60 for tba drU aaubilatimaat. tba general drfVtcrwy bill, providing fOAjOOO/jno Uapenttlr« for Immediate aaa ta »ariot— Use# of gorrran—Btal •ctlrtty. aad tba Military academy bill, carry tag 11X0040. It araa stated that aa aooa aa 0— new WPM cawrawaa tba pr—Idrat win lay before a feint •—aloe b— Hewa and deelrwa aa to feglaiatlaw. if ba wants tafia toil'a as action fer hla atafi la arm ing ship*, cougre— leader* declared. It weald far pallidly farthromtag. REBELS FLEE SANTIAGO. Coboo Imrwwnot Finn Now Con wot I top* no or CWy. Ttko uadbur of Aararfraa aurtna* ol ■mUw>. t^o bo, vaa utmpaiWd nUboat haw of Ufa ar injory of toy of Iko Aaaartraa forraa, I'oaaaiaBdor M oap baa atdlOad ibr aary daportaaoal Tbo Cobb11 ■oraanaoout forraa bora fauy ncalard control of lb* rtty. lb* aaot of too laaaurTartbaa. arrortilnf la official ftrpafrbaa ta Iba nary 4# pan •MBf. N* aimrbjo of a a«h( al ■artlaao ap. paara. lit* H la aaarrtad that Iba rate***, 'mM rill* tbay wara traitor* and abaal te ba captarod." Ibran away ibrir puna and Had Maw I *a an want adrVoa imttratad that lb* rabafllan la prartlrafty at aa Had. lba**b tbara waa affil truoM* in Orfanta pandora. Had Caaaa baarolllap liapa Tb* ptraaal Wtrraallooal rdaW baa fnaapad laaralfbn la Iba raaba af tb* dad Oraaa aoafaty by a btaodaw Tarb b*ad***rWm faa Tart ‘ a fti tba AttaatW dtolafaa nitb aaara Ikaa aaaaal wttb mom aad Chiaapa tMad nib Mddd ! 9"--—<?' | mum IN CONGRESS , Fattier Represents : Alabama In Senate, Son In the House. | °-——c ! re———■ .... LJ ! I g - * »•> Ji Ur AAtrtfM Prraa Aworlallaw. Alabama aftjAM tb* or. I qua aiMWxoWVt * Harin* two "Vmfcrri or tb* ami rant ■» rrpraaant a*r in cowgriaa. Aanatn* Jana H Bonkhaai ta bar rrpnnnmm • la lb« araoto a ad bta anrv. W. B B*o.k> *aad. tb* TVatl) dlatrtcl la tba aowaa ***** arc rtMB Jaapcr MUCH LESS WHEAT IS HELD ON FARMS Bif Fining Off Alsi In Cirn Not SokL Oom told on fano* March 1 ttuoont *d to TMtfc 110.010 bu*lw»J*. an 0 per tent of the 1&1H crup. ugulust 1.1 HbTOu.aiyj bwatofe Men U I. ii*hj» ubuli * *. 37 j per cent of the 1013 rmp. the bureau of crop nthMitN reports. Wlaott held on fanan March l arnaiDt. •d to I0l.3ia.>jru iMieliide. or 15.11 par coa< of ftto 10id crv*. agattiat OOO Imetofc* Mutch 1. told* which was HR |or cent or th« 1013 crop Oote held no farms JIuMi I unoi«lol to aicuM-'^su buatola or 31.3 |wr ceut of the 1D1C crop. agaiiiat VJM.14H.iioo btwiicla March 1. loin, which * u 3M.d per cetit of tlie 1013 Cl'gi. Harley told •mounted to SSJMI.OTM bo* be la. •»r 18.3 |>er cent, against fJV Wl.OOO bnsbelj last year, which »n 233 par <-cn| ut tto 1013 crup. Of the *oro 1 r»d» about 17.il per cent will to shipped from the counties wliar# grows ugatast 1K.T of the 1013 crop and 1R «i per reot of the lwi 1 c»uf». Of tto crop M |»r cent t» **iuerrli«iut tide'* f?,UM.72&.U0U tniabHa) acalnM 71 I per cent rz.l374J03jOuO ticsttosi of tto 1013 crop. Of the wheat rrop about ftd.c pur ceat •^Ul to •ffiMe I oat of the counties where grown iiynln't Cl.7 per cent of the 1013 crop ei.ri no.7 per crat of (to 1014 crop. Wheel held lu comity mills ami ela r a tors Msrh 1 ha i*4iu**trd to ba MO. 014.0UH bustofta. 14 pee ratal of the I01C crap. •• OkiD|wirani with 136.027.100 a year ago. ar oull.i- to • report of tto tmrean of rmp vail mi a lea sunk e40,4ioTons. Oarmane Claim U 0m 0Mcieu Sint* Flk. 1 Deere*. Tto following la a roropilathwi (.t t»erman ngv;a 1 of (■ •nniiise de stroyed by l-luata In the I air red </.□«* •lore Feb 1 Tlwee report* give the total t»nnage rcr«<r1t«l •« certain days to hare beet) nook during certain pe rtoda: -»— — innm 1w.11. Sma ra a.... cm ** H . .. CM » •. MM r«M * &« nt »... BB «. MM . rum Marc* I.. . CM •.. ... M MB llafrk ?. Main “•Nfc I.. m oat •••.~ .. *♦>.«!• 6ERARD HAS RETURNED. Uwft at Hava— inf Hyrrlaa fa Map Waaf WatMflftMi. Jia*4 W. I fata id, roraJJad T?nkad tfataa aaiaacHlor to Ucmau;. arrival at Mat ana ou tlaa •t—«i#|ilp laftuta Itabal fn« ( or«ui, Hpain Ha laft for Kay Want. ru. Monday. tHro'-a mnlilof a feurrlod trip by rail to WaaMnntiai COUNT ZEPPEUlT DEAD. Ma+ad aa In—ar mi Wn (Malplfcta •allaan. f ount IrppHli*. laraMov of fh* Zap. pnltn dlrlptMa Halim, la daod. amt*, lag tn a dtapatrfc fna Barilo. Bn Btd M CBnftntWnharf. mr Bar IB frra liCiBnntiM at IM hragu Mm f>»< »UtorM, IMM. »!■«■ ■ iWl.iiln . pm van Ilk*. . |irC» MM Wan u|Ih (o. h NmCmTmTmm Dm SECOND DEATH TIES THE HOUSE Rspitlicins ill OmbctiU Eidi Hin 214 Mralm. 5 INDEPENDENTS DOUBTFUL •*»•<» t. Adjeura WUntil Idrivtiar, Imlm an* Will Da vata Tima Until That ta CeaeldtHa* Naminatu., hr PvulAw.l — BryeW, flflMhfltt Treaty With Oafamhfh a. Uhal.- u Bo Rati had. • j The ductal mdu of the senate win wUoara not later than Wcdoeaflay It moots pil, bed the prlaritwi object lar which U« waa called—tumefy, tba raetmoa o< us rule. m that herbartar' w micti uklMtlon of hhlary tactlca tnd lotarfercuca with (ha wUbaa of the 'ettly damlnaut majority of the upper hoate may be reenacted Ttw other object of rte naeailillai. the raliflcatjoa of the Bryan treaty »l»6 the republic of Colombia, where, by the Called Matas encages to pay IIYUOl.fjoo to that oathm. will ant be talned. The senate baa a majority fa rorabl* to the retiiWatkm of the treaty, but tba two-thirds majority heremary to tba complete acceptance of the part tato the Ottranle uw of tba Colled • Death Brings (quality. The *en«u bw ftwtr aoailiuUaaa to coaalder than la usual following am tbe toductiwi of a u«w administration. Tbe 1.000 and more of oomlaatlona which felled of artio« Lb the riming hours of the Sixtyfourth poor rasa were not re oewed for tbe exception of ■ very few. hut among the ember «U the aleve thm of Dr Cary T. Ureyaoa. C. B. K, tbe president a eld end family phyti rten. from the rank of lteutmaat com. vendor to that of rear admiral in tbe owllml corps of tbe imrj. With the rcusaunihltng of — ngriee Iq extraordinary eeeeioo only flee weeks Ustaat tbe greatest tnteruee ta develop tog In tbe probable complexion and control of tbe next bouse. Tbe iniKnuKvnMM of tbe auddea teeth of Re presea ta tire Cyroa Buiio vay at Now Hampshire, a Republican, agatm tie* the big parties te the home ®**h has 514 certain adherents. Tbe lodepcndaot group remains tbe yams, 5w doubt ft iJ qoanclttea. with rhaaeue Favoring tbs lineup of three of tbe so mlled Independeuta with the RefxxbtV ana on qaeeGoas of orgaxtbaitloa and fbe posture orrtaioor of ftm^tRance Indapendeeta Aligning Tlawail is Representative Mall. tbe Mbs—of Prjgrsartvc. cleared the situation eome ahat by anaounrtBg tbt he would not hold ont aa an Independent or go Into inj •'little group of willful ossa** win ing to halt the organisation of tbe bwee uadi they can win for them wives extraordinary con Rida ration ta lb« way of committee pieces sad pat ronage. Tlih la accepted at once to bmuq that He hall will affiliate with the fUpcblle uia. Krprce* statics Poller of Masse Aurtu win without danbt vote with tbe nepobdeena on orgauUstton. U la Asserted bv men who know blxa. Kefv revesttatlvw Martin, tbe Louisiana Pro (romlve. ta still reckoned In tbe doubt ful column. Oovenmr WLltaaaa'a laiagara) la teat Ion to e»U a special election to fill Ebe vacancy caused by tbe death at Representative Conry. Democrat, at New York city, ft Is expected, will re mit lo a atm liar action by tbe governor uf New Hampshire to fill tbe recency mused by tbe teeth of Representative Holloway. TRAINMEN NOT TO STRIKE. Offer Cewipremlea With Railroads te Avert Crisis. Bvttlcmrot of tbe rail rued right hour controversy. Irrespective of whether the ROprraw court holds tbe Adanaoo lew cooerilottosel or not. Is expected to result from ths sctlou of tbe confer ence of brotherhood leudeea si (bra had. Asoouiwcrarfit of the four uioaa* -mi|ironivr plan to be th.uabad out at A meeting with rail coed officiate ta New York Thursday came afaauttane •naly wlfh tbe sews that tbe brother knod chiefs bed aetJfled President Wil son that a strike or thrmtenad strike would out le perm It red to aaiberram the government ta case tbe United Rtatea was drawn Into war. nc VUL I LtAUfcn I A At FI. Qmoral OWW » * Cwtlft lt*f Cap tvra* la Cuka. (Janciai viiyrwi u.mvt, roaaalw off ihr irmlattna U> Cuba, baa baao n|i(oni1. tupikw »Mh hta awtlra staff, tvnii h« ir*4rr an* bU rhl#f limit** au’t pc'*4 rta the lockl«am <*f tka rar talifltm i« rrpnlisl aa brokao I*raratnaUli' rh« <t|4«ra a ia tka op rata# of tlia la»Hk* at t/u»nen«n 4 lift* ul’li,* N<4tH, lIn- flgkt to rap ror |ivra!*tot|lsi «u tiff fa* a ti'r Xrn ilau,i»hm «ff raps* • lit iSHps. JTM rn f ’,/ - ■. J -S NERVOUS^SPELLS Aa* CamtonaOlan aff ▼reabUt RaHaaff by a CaaMaallaa aff IMMm> A a oat a i to* from ora rear* lal«ar: 1 k*va kaaa taking HmA> boroapa r..a an* paptlran rm« a* a aaaraa aff ■nltriao aa* Aa* thla natlpllai kaa a •»»%•* Ilka a rtona Tbaa MM m I ka* onr* da, an* rorUMr I pat in a vary lav to* PoHwpbf •lata aff MtUk f awfTrr** ulna# aitt aaryaa* mat * 4 ka* aonralpl* paipa to I mMA am »wp m«Ma nrko— Mmo ap*u war* a**afll 1 MtH tbait uklr* Hoot , barm •wnta an* Paptlra* I Ml*- aaa ktftia Mania rk« otw afftar—tHa rupnaaOpa Hn»rk at flamrak’r aa tkal I kaaa taka* Ik* prmticirmp rtroftOf aa* fatuafaky a*tk tanas raaalka *ft la a leap tuna to* alana I kaaa ba* aaa aff Ikon —■vara ativai apasia I ran Aa a paa* Pap's MaiataA. aaa aark la mt parbaa aa* «*Jk a Mila* Mrs rra* i Wmktojr. >iiA|C Flk Trir inMit vb ba piaaaa* ta an pair ran Wak tbaaa pan* Mabftolaaa IT FOR ENEMY HERO, I aft Gun tition on Dock of , S. S. Permiylvania. -- ■ 6 r'Ljv fi rWio fcr Am^mM Tr.m AweOHuli BAGDAD CAPTURED : BY THE BRITISH Tits Si'ftr Their Went to wn ol Wtr. BdBdad te| fallen to tbe Brlllah. From U* citadel vf tbe ancient Me* oftotaBlaii taotrvfigUa flutter* «b# anion >ck( a ad far bayuod tba city a nor abirto Brit lab cavalry la bard uo the baetA of the Turk* Bering oorthwcei orar| aloug both be*k* of Tbe Tlcrla. Wbac m«* uf Bagdad * captor* by i Cl tea ml Maude* army roarhrd l.oa Ate it waa proonnly fleeted broadcaat o»X11 |kll Rorupe ae oit* of tba ttertty woald fail teener or later vai* faoerahy expected, but that the cap tor* would retae ao *uoo eorprtar<l the mat aeagulae BritUh milt ta ry expert* The Turk* had been • siteded to , mala a atnbboru stand ou tbe rl'ar 1 Diala, dx miles away. Only a few daya ago Major Genera) yrrdretck H Manrlce. rlitef director of military oj> araboaa at the Bi trial war other. had predicted a Haiti battle. Tbe Idea «a* general Hilt for two years live Turks lad bean busy constructing i«warful defeaaea to ward off tbe final British ooalauabc The captor* of Bagdad, It la felL gttaa a lo«f way towaid roettabllsblnc badly Impaired British prrstaga In tie war aad far w*l. It wipes out five bomUlatlag Wot of Kat al Amara aail obliterates math of tbe blackoaaa tba DanlatMliaa Clisaater left be bind. Premier (Joyd-Ucorge. lUr Duugtaa Ha% and oilier atateamea and military chiefs bare acm congratulatory man tagse to Geoeml Maude, and a alalia r teUrram Is to ba fflapatrbad by tba klag. The Brit lab m rants odor's victory at Bagdad la rcganlad aa oao of ths mart brilliant strategic feats of tbe war It Is a culmination of a long *e riaa of victor lea of wklcb tba reorropo tioa of Kot was tbe gtnddwat newt I^adon had rrcHved store Omersl Tosmabend* fiasco. Mowbar* la all the widely separated war areas, mili tary ertrtea pul at otit. baa BrlrUfi pluck and tenacity been lie tier or aa well It COAL OPERATORS PLEAD. Dtay C#n^lr«cjr U learaaaa PHm« Far Faal. Ftra af Ibc Bflj-Bra coej oparatora Indicted WeJMaUjr ware an abroad in Maw Xnrk TbnrwUj and antarad teat a Ur* plaBa af jiot falltr before Judea Held in tb« federal court. They ware •t>ao VatQ Marrb 18 t® ebaa^a UkHr p4-ipL T. Maun of the «k It Idea OJfvht4 Caka cutapanj, Tboama B Farrell * the rocaboata* KuH con peaj. I rank Kiltaon of tbe C. fl. Utek# Coal company and W Da L WalbrVIe* of Iba American Coal rotepau) far otabad booda of JSjOOO aaefe. J. B. Bar iett of tba *lfurwialo Coal roapta; eat* • bond of 18,008. $2,500,000 ON MORGAN. FhiwMW Appltoo F,f Imwmm. Plm tbo tonoAciocy Irw ToM nf# lanrtar* clrrloo won In Art id by tbs now* tint J. r Mn oi'a oysHnlMn Mr ■ policy of H myna »M mtor roootlonllna by ibo Kow Ton l.lfo Imanor* mpt, TbL I* no of Ibo Nim tooi.ui.iol patrloo oo rororC Tbo traowai win l>o oMhnd •■oil otbrr rm[oabo 4' Moo ton** policy win ml appro*. thaoioly IUMM t yooc brtwooa too ui *M P«r fl OOO Tb, Mono* (no in bo Mots tbo boootrlory M tbo ^niooiooo ■TooTTTopooT”” . It* poo lb Poos I M jor bn M. loo poo bo loot . Ob' partb .... .. r7ct/> 10c por ib . Ibr por too NtM.. . Mr por Ib tool .110 por bot . 10.00 por bb) ::::• 'ZZ\l . I. II por bo „..Wo por bo BEa;™:S53 \ SENATE VOTES CLOTURE RULE Oily Tirol Agiiist Delate Hull in Fiiil Test. EXTRA SESSION WAT CLEAR i Preside*« Oratlfted at Aot.en *f Neuaa. hat MiNm No AhmmwmwwU AWat IomhI Call Par New Campraaa ta Mast—La PaJIatta. Oraam and Maraia Vat* Against Pula. OwQWjataf tha tradition of more tbaa a can Jury, tha United States sen ate has rvitad to adopt n Umliatknri an •eaata debate Dy a rota of TO ta 8 tt | adopted n ml* Imj-wiiu; n modified farm of clotsrv on the apper bouse Tha rale aril! clear the ana/ for act km on Prwlitcat Wilton's demand anther tain* him t» tastltote armed neutrality tf tM rails ao e*Uu •vul>« of rongrre*. Raceaity tha pmaUUnt aakl tha unllos Itrd dutiate rule In th« satiate would make iba mlllug of aa extra ameloa ou tba question uf »iuwl neutrality futile. TL* three senators who toted against | tba cloture rale wcrv La ITollette of Wteroast*. Oituqi «* North Imkota A»d Hbcnsau of IHlnoi*, all RmxiI> Arana. TLe result of the rota wan communi cated to Preaidant >vu»nti at tha White Uoumv He fipreeoeO bis amtlAratlon. but ao burned lute nuaounnoneat ns to Wit* ios dr Tt»« sew rule. •• adopted by both «oru»es would allow two-thirds of tbe sotiats to Rmlt debate ua any pcod* **f oaewsure la the Democratic cmo cua Serna tor Kobe Smith foucbt foe a proposal to allow a majority of tka aenats to Si the limitation. hut wai oaaorctMafal There was som*- aeon Bant Si tbe KeptibUcau < anrne for me lortty cloture Tbs rale a a adopted read: Thai V at any Um a nottot stewed by states* asAst«ra to twin* to a doss ttM Om bata iwon say psmll>« mo«ur« la prams*t - ed vs tbs asset* i».s prastOlr* ofHcer sXsl at SWoa Simla the motion to the sens!* amd eras hour ulur tbs sssats assets an the following ml setter dsy bet «h b* aaan toy tbs wtha Moo tbs asrteis and direct that tbs secretary ml) Um mil apoa Um secart sir nwnt that a uwonsei is Pvsesnt. ih» pma)dtn« officer abaU. with. o*jt drbeu. mbmlt to tbs senat* by mm ays and nay vuto ttM q«n(lr* -la b ths •amae of tbs asnais ibel tbs debate shaD be brvawht to a clew- “ And If Ibst awaattaA ahstl Vs dsettod te >t« Ulrmsllo by a tvethirfl* sots oi tbama **Un| Um said meamrv shall b» Uie eadnlebed IsSsna u> the tichsMi «f all other bmmoes aattf ab»m—f sf Thmmm ftmr ns MM'or stall be sniitisd to apaalt ta all worm than era hour dl tws perwtons mmmrs. in# imsmdaeol* thereto aad rroibos slfecttrc »h# him. and li abaii M 11# doty of the trmtdind officer to heap tbs Has af «•«♦< am# lor mho A>M»« Kscapt by aoaakaooa c nasal no amendment HmU hs ta under a/tsr »h# ▼ots to Urine IIm deLaio in a (low on Ira* Um seme has tMsa presented sm) rwt<) prior to tbat ttmo Nn dfUtnsy imiimi ai dilatory smsrtdmsnt or amend, t.cut not •ha>l he in order I'otn's of or der. Irvclodlnd qwealuma of rstsTnory srwJ appeals from tha «te<-nmnrt of lbs prcwldln* ofPrtr. shall bs decided wtiboot debate L’blrf tiila rule, after tv o-t hints of the senate rota to cioar ddaia Blurt jr all Imai ra uf 01 scum Ion will be s I low ad. i CARRANZA IS ELECTED. Firm* ClwtiaB In M*n*o« tine* Aw—jl nation mi Madar*. ElKtkau were bald Monday through oat the republic of Mat Ire for provi dent. alii (on end deputle*. Tba elec tion of VaouatUuo Onnuu. who ai chief” of the Cue* tit ut Iona I let rarolutiua ha a dominated Uaxlco aim • tba overthrow <*f t)»e Hoertn govern n*aut1 nan conceded. ft wvaa the Orat national election star? (hat whkh Indeed Fmnaiaco Madaro lu tha preafcJaucy for hi a abort llv*«l term of office Tlila fait » him) morb anthn ■Uxxa irujok tba people Tharp war* eevcrnl dlaloibanrta reported In aowie ptacee. duo directly to tba electoral campaign. But tbee« were bhwdUM* ifftaja According to an official statement, tba b«»nee of rvprranitnthea will bo In etallod April Id, and Ha araeloaa will begin May 1, vino ('arrnnsa will aa aama tba prratdmcy. GUILTY OF OVERT ACT. Garment Cawvleted Far Sinking Ship at Charlaatan. Fight officers of tba German steamer Lftebenfet*. annk In Ckarlaatox harbor, Fab 1. warn found not guilty of coo xplrxcy They ware found guilty of an overt act la tha sinking of the ship In the United State* court at Florence. A 0 Car prana man tullaway Deed. 1 HurwrtatN Cyna# A. ftulloway. Republican, of How Hampshire, la (Wad at Waablnxton from pswumool*. after • few days' lit none If* bad repr«*ar nt •d tba First Hew Hampshire dlafrlrt In the bower for several term* FVr waa defeated for rewlartlm in 1914 by S Democrat, but waa alartad to tha llxty fourth rim gram by a email me Wily._ Mean of Kim. ■ha- Aha*! a horrid ftrl ■a— A ttrartl va fir la aaoaflf arw NOTtS PROM FORflOM LANDS. wkh Am Doing on U* Otftae •Ido of the Glow Ualn and iui*Worm« orv aw replug the entire [value* la of H*wln Traloa are Mi^e^ and romtauolcatloua Inter rupted. Tho Berlin* r Tageblatt <*y* aiwjvti. •km of all beer brewing lu uottbera Germany la luinlnvat to tare mala* for brend atul malt to replace oofTro King Ouatat of Hwedem haa adnl bla ca bluet to remain la o®oe •lr*l,t* tLctr rweigiMiikma. which followed a defeat of the gurertimanit m iwrMaaoat oo a requrwt for the appropriation of 3n,ouo.(WO cTowna to he nw«1 la |«re aervlng Swedeu't acut ratify Ml* American dortura hare arrived In t^mdon to \aalat in tbe work of Loo doo hfmpilaU. haring board that thoao loaCttulkmo were badly oadarmaoaed. fact *11 dlwlueed by a hnapltal •ccretury Chat two of the donor* work ed their *tj or*r *• atobera. Bnoaae of a lack of coal an*} traaa port fo«Hitte* there will be aa a!m<*t complete of IndiMtry io Uct glom within • fo«» day* virtually the entire population of Belgium will \m fhna unemp.ojod. witb aoch f*w«crvp Clnn* *• re*elv* apvrlal perm ha loo fmen tbe civil author!tire to coatioae their boaineea DEATHS Of NOTED PEOPIL Nwmi *4 Prtmtntmm WH# Havg DM In Uu Lam WmIi. Kdwanl Payantt Fran*. cOocatur aaJ author, dk*l at hi* fwaue in New York rlty la hi* nighty fifth year He waa foe Blue year* pnilrMw ot tauderm kB|ua(H at thr (’ulwrsily of Mlchl Saa Arthur Hojwb, iturnerr architect and •evgloeec what waa a mot la tad with Ir Mad Stanford. Mark Hopklu and Co) tla P llBntliigtuu lu the early days of railroad bulVllog In lla* far wcat. la dead at Oakland. Cal . aged eighty all Jndjt* Jrwrph I) PkUoc. for forty yaara prraMi. * Jam lew of thr sooth BoMub UlatrVt court op to bis retlra vrBt two years ago. dUd In Bottom at the »r of lIm yaara lla waa graduared ftuwt Holy Cross ooUasrs with highest honor* in 1858 aod was «ie of the oldest aluoxoL John Crvlng. sun of the late Colonel Joho Rrving. V. tt. A-. and 1CibU> B. Blwyn Langilnn. a dtwcendaat of one uf the oldest famlllea In Near York am) New England, died at bis home 1? West rifUHb at rad. Vtw lark, la bis eighty foorm year He was a direct desnowclant of General William Shirley, eolocial govsrsor of Ifst—cbuastt*. aod Oomnor John Lanaedoo of 8Uw lli«p ahlra. TROW ThTsPOITM WORLD. This and Tkai In Amataur ted Prsfts* •isetwi AtHUttss. Tbo oatlooa) bsaebsl) rmanjiaiton baa reliwitatad Hocuwtl naarniao Howard lla ker to good aland mg anil recognised thr right of (hr Kcw York National League fJuh to hU aertbrr*. I laker waa carried Uy New York an Its nw ervatkou Ust !u 1V10 os s vutuetarUy retired player An informal nshraramicta# of the New York Judiciary committee has been ap pointed at Albany lo rotifer with Gar ertior WhUauu lit an effort to Indues him to change bis position for I ha re peal of I hr «1ale hosing law lot to oonaant Instead to non stringent r*gu latlooa of tbe spurt John K Tiwr, prt-aklrot of tbe Ns I kraal league, has I Moran' the pun for (be purchase of tbe At. rxrate NstWmala by a company formed by the public sale of stock In amounts ranging from 92ft to 91,000. t’nrter ibo plan oath sbara of Mock will mtltln tbe bolder to a paaa, which moat be turned orer to a boy under sixteen jeers of eg» Arthur Staff of tba Norwegian Tuns era' society of TOiirega. winner of tba 1917 In terns t loss I outdoor Abating cbampkraahlp at Saranac Is ha. brak* world s records for the half ralhr at 1 mtnote 13 seconds and the mil# In 3 mlnutra 30 1 A seconds at tbe opening wonting at Pittsburgh of tbe la term* Lionel Indoor championship lee staling hot. GfNDMl NEWS fVWTS. Hapgaalaga *f lotarsa* la VsMawg Paris sf Our Cswdrv A ssraltfied d'11 sen U-e for tlrat. sue nwd a ad third c(a«« postmasters b bw tog planned by Pr*eldeat Wllaon and Pont master General II«i1wob Under an examti^e order *rper Ted soon the three rtaaaaa of pentmaeasra n 111 be ra qulrcd to pea* sisrrlnstflon« In order that the president may be anrtstsd In making nomlnatUras Maa#m.btmetla la prepdriag lo koM lo ions lla Hr*I rnwitHaf kraal ctm*er» flow since JAM Tbe rime limit far tht filing of notnlNatWm papers kg them seeking Is he expired Ihh weak Apt>mxinttiieir a tiMiueand can dhlalea ftW paper* Primaries f« delegate- mill la held April *. with l •fate wide glerlbai May 2 Overwork, lack of freah air, mantal attain or any --hm diaturba their function*. Stubborn ce**ha tear and wear 5(0m INUUION dmuld tte taken promptfv for bard cough* unyiabfin* eold^ etrengtb ia lowered from any cauaeTit* high MrirWyevaba oaatea raaMhta fore* to arard off ndc Maa. Tb* rich cod Brer oft improve, the qumby <d the blood to referee the cold and the glycerin* i* aootfdng and kealng to the lung tiaaoaa. ' tfe.fedd.Mati , WUAIari^AaOg. , . WOMAN NOW IN PERFECT KEfiLT’ Whmt Came From • • PinUKr^m Aclvcr titemcnt. FaUrv»r N. J -' I tbarV yoa .* • (ha l.ydia lv PirMum r«n>rdifi a« t,'i« • ‘ T* " ill. »'nhave marie r-e v, ; ‘ * “ |»n*l hea.-.y. 8or. • unwc ago 1 frit i ran down. I tad p:' l ui my bark and *V wm vary irr*su.i Urod. aarvoud, I,- t •oeh bad draw* if'|| dkinoi feel Ilk# r * illog and had d. . 'iJUnatk 1 read jrr ladvurtlaoiuaat i 'Iba Mwipapm i j . —i to try a fcntcJa of l,ydi* B. ft kam'a Vapatr.h»c Compound It a or* from the flrjt bottla. mo 1 took a k-r* and a thini. alto a KnttU o.* l.ydia Pink ham* a blood Pu*1IWr. and tan* I % ( JqiI aa wall aa *-y other \rorr.«»n I * i *rtry r joaa. tingle ur marria who la troubled wh> any of Cia afrr aaid altoer*'. •> Lry y *ur wj;nlar! Ya^etabl# * ’«*. ^j1 nnd LIop>! Puri and I am rut* *.»'; »~ill help ».ve to rid of her Uuir. «*„ r.a they >M me.* Mra. Elmb J. \ ah mi Sam. tt> j,. York 8t. Pktrraon. K. J. Wnteihe L\*rl:a C P..iUx»ro ^ . *| (o. (confl t ri.n I l.ynn, ? at» naad apec»j ajrt.e. What Kind of a Market Does Your Meat Come From? L'lck-utiinc" i* co»t aaltlorotil Y«i ire onrliill) msihil h come an t Imi u\ir uii up to dale m irkit from ll.c fmn door (•» the U< k<l«or. Our Meats are al ways Absolutely Fresh and Tender. ‘ PURE FOOD MARKET PHONF t.'J, (■ II.1 NT KLIM. In everr bond Sfo#n’c LI* ment fiat earned iia pliicc the medicine cheat aa a rc‘ from pains and aches. Quickly peneirutes •without t.. hityg and tootlics the soreness. Cleaner end more effective tl muwy plaster* or ointment, it do not turn the akin. Foe rfromstlirn. nturat/ia. t hmgjO. sprains anrt sf'sins S!oto» I f I >'ortli enroll'* l.lTitforh I - piulllnn nml eonferrnro WlLIINVfON. K. e. lar- , ts to U»lh N'*nh C.tt.Mui b.\* iti % Billion irfl# »< rr« Why ni»t put tbr*r lesfrr: » •orb 7 Tbl* rvi U*» dot m • th » re*». Tbft *r«»l'»' • of (lit riftfi r I am rievnUd In prat tlctl oLcuati • oftubjtcl* r**latir>p to tcinu I hacdry bt i'i# b«i r.uih»r|iirt i tht Uolfrd S*ntr . Cornf Slid %mr thr t.ij/ rihipit f port brt1 North turM ri rattU \ bo«t. TVba'amt • Mjrch ”7 h I 2*th. • fid f. r |.|, t« i f »»r;- | Nllwlng'nr y f .»* | u r, r, >f, , !9ib I at *»*'l ♦ • n- , i4 M. | Ittih For any Irdofitni' ». *dd ATLANTIC COAST I.INK " n»^ Stand La rnar' nf ih** S «oi5 J. L ROT ILL. %,

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