CASTORIA Inlhnta mw| Children. Mothers Know That Genome Castoria Always Bears the Signature, of • In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA _■■■■HMES 0 Ij Saved Girl’s Life ; i' [ . “J '*'ant to tell yoa wful wonderful benefit I have re- 2 I „ „ tr0ra toe one of Thedford’s Black-Draught," writes 2 , , Mo.^Sylvanla Woods, of Cltftoh Mills, Ky. • i | "lt c*rtllnly has no equal far la grippe, bad colds, • f i llT« *nd *to»-»rt trouble*. 1 firmly believe Black-Drai^ht 2 . | “*■* “toe Kfe When she had the measles, # I I to on her. but one good dose of Thedtonl's 2 tUAck-Draught made them break oat, and she has had no ® .. ! more trouble. I shall never be without J BLACK-DRAUGHT ! ta my home." For constipation. Indigestion, headache, diet- 2 , | nesa, malaria, chilli and fever, biBousneas, and all similar 2 I l ■Gmenta, Thedford’* Black-Draught baa proved hseif a , i i refiable, gentle and valuable remedy. If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black J ! Dr*u*bt h is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five .. | **»* splendid success proves Its vshie. Oood for , | young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. I YOUR EASTER SDIT. I; ii I' i i --- i •) i l j Let Us Make Your ; j Easter Suit. If They j j Are Not Right You ii ! Have no Right to J; ; Take Them. ' ;; i _ ■ 11 SMITH & PELT II 11 , . -• II Roofing, Roofing, Roofing! Just received car of BARRETT ROLL ROOFING 1 ply P.naiokl _. . $1.9* par aqoara>M . 1.7* par aqoara J5IEST .«■ P* ««““ aplyTopto). a oo par aqoara a ply Toplop. ». 50 par aqoara 1 Pjy A too too . 100 par f ply Amaaoo .9.50 par aqoara Bit Stock Gtlntiztd Raofine. SO par spurt Na. 2 Hart Pint Skittlts. $4.00 ptr 1,000 LETUSCOVERIT Smith Hardware Co. Stud lair Job Work to (be Hudll^t I Cwwlbaeed larder eftt Iran Ms Colombia, M ss . March. 14 -The sheriff's office here today repealed that Joaaph Ifewtd, ao aged farmer etbo litrd aeer here, eed ebo died 'eat Buodat, coufrtsed on hie death Ood, that 21 years ago he eed two other taeo murdered We. Buckley, to this arcUua, for which crime William Purelr, who Here In Lamar eousty. Mist., escaped death b» baaglog only because the oooee a boot hie orcb slipped after the trap had heea sprung. Buckley eed a brother, according w> the story rescaled to tbe authori ties, gars information cnoccrtiiog a secret bead of "While Cappcn" who operated in this section in 18*2 sod shortly afterwards Hockley was abut from embuth. Pureis was cooncted uf tbe our •ler utter a sensational trial an.l wot aeoleoced to be hanged. Hundreds gathered to wiiueea the execution, out ufter tbu trap waa sprung, lha oooee slipped and Porvle fell from the scaffold unharmed Many cl the Spectators, Superfluous oeer the thwarted exrculioa, Induced tbe authorities to piece Pureis in fail ant) aa appeal to tbe goseroor re suited in oommutatloo of bla death' sentence to lift Imprisonment. Pur *te was pardoned several yeara la Ur Heard, attaches of tbe sheriff's of ffee said, Oral eonfetaed bit pert In Buckley"t murder to membere of a religious tret which he recently jolted, in order to clear hie con science LsWr when Beard was coovioced be wet dying, the author Lies were eoliffed. Beard, It was stated, gate tbe oames of two other meo ha eaid participated with him to toe murder and the authorities said they biew where to locale them, but decltoed to say any action against them was cun tempi %led UIBLg! DRAW A HOIST CLOTH THROUGH HAIR, DOUBLE ITS BEAUTY Try this! HajrgeU thick, glsasy. wary aad brautlCal at eaee. Immediate? — Yaal Car lain? — thet'a the joy of It Your balr be oomeo light, wavy, fluffy, abundant ood appears aa motl, luatruua asd hoauuful aa a young gtrl't altar a Dandanoa hair cleanse. lost try thle—moisten a cloth with a tittle Deodorise aad carofully draw it through your hair, leklog oaa amail •traad at a time. Thu will ciaaoaa the balr of dual, dirt or eaceaaiva Oil. aad fe juat a tow momenta you hare doubled the beauty el your balr. A dallgbUul surprise awalte those wkoae hair baa been aeglected or la teraggy, faded, dry, brittle or tbla. Besides beautifying tho balr, j Deadarter dbaaolvee every particle! of daedruf; eleaaaea, punfieu aod lorlgoratea the acalp, forever stop | piog itebiag and falliog balr, but wbal will pleaae you moat will be | after a law wast'a use, wbao you tea aew hair—flea aad downy at first—yaa—bat really new heir grow ing all over the scalp. If you care ! for pretty, soft hair, and lota oflt{ (urely gat a ttceot botUe of Ksowl too’a Deadarioa from eey drug alors or toilet oountar aad just try at. Mlaya Mar ■aibaad asd Ml tklWrso. Masbvilla, Art., March II.—Wil liam dress, a aegro, aod ala cbil dran. from alt montha to 13 years of age were billed with ae aie .bile asleep at tbetr borne near here early | today and according to a alaleare1 by the abend Addle Ureeo, wife and mother of tbe deed negroes, baa coo feeted that aba committed tbe crime John Calloway, or 8tenly ettwly. while making preparations lo cleuo hie rifle oo Thursday, was acciden tally shot through tbe alomaob aad fatally woaoded. Mr. Oailoway la about 3ft years old aod unmarried, end at the time of tbs aoeadeot bad charge of a oommUaary at nee of H ardaway'a camps on Iks Yadkin riser, share the Aluminum Com pany of America la constructing a “CA8CARET8 ” FUR A COLD, BAD BREATH OR8ICK HEADACHE Bout for liver and bo wait, for bllloisarua, tour stomach ■ad raaatlpatloa. Oal a 10-eaat boi auw. Farrad Tsepas, Bad Golds, Ird. naatioa, Sallow Skis aad Mlarrab> Hasdaehas coma horn torpid livar aad rlopgrd bowai., wkieb earns four ttoaaeb to brooms Sllad with audlpaatad food, which tours and ••rmoalo libs par bap* la a twill b«r ral. That's tbs Srtt step to uatoM Btoaejr-ladlgtiUoo, fjui |IMI b.g braaU, fallow this, aaaui front ararf Iblap that Is horrlbia ard aau taallap. A Caasarsl to-eipbt w li plau four eootttpstod bowala a tboaoupb rlaaualop and ttrr-pbltn fOU bat bf aoralsp. Tbajr work ubtla foa si sap- a 10 real bn t from four drupptat will bawp frail op too4 lor aoatba Mimosa of an >SMB ukr a Cracarri now and Miaa la hasp Ihrlratnasach, liaar and bo wait rrpstatrd, aad aarar kaow a mtrorsMo awni CVol forp.t Uta sMMrso—tbolr Httla lotidra arad a pood. praUr iloaasltp, too ®*raa» Clew Um biw^. Flurroc*, 8 C . Marott offlcara ol the German *it«oaabip Ldabrotata, ooovlclad » «rfd*y ol aloblou ibclr miair li — ijrlfiloo barbur. Inday warp «,> >«r0 by Ktdrral iodise Sat lb to 4fa« ayaar la Ibe Kovrruacol pan^dwiiary ai AUaula. Oviuk unable,!^ roast,b bond fixud by Ibt cou* ■, tha aao were taken (Oalxbl lo Cl Wlaaloo by a Uolird S la lax aarHsl. Tkry bofiril in lure tab ball, pr**abta aooo •liar Ibay reach CharlMtaa. Tb« com urlad aao a/* Jobaaa Lubkm, drat ufboar, Georgy Bucket, Ibiiri c Blear; J K. Jaaeen, ublal to' tfluear, Haanch Waileebiry, Ural aaaiaiact euglneer, JobaooVS^, Bure, aacoud aaaialaul eotfioaer( ‘Mudii aoo Tou-en, unrd aatlalaatiiaKtoaar Auauai Neurr, luurtb aiibiauiea Kioaar, aud Wllkala Schdarilo^, a nacbmlat. All are Oera^ba, aa orp i Jatiaeo, abu claiaa lo ba a Dana. | t«H! ACID STOMACH 80URNK8H, HBAR?&UU1< UAH OR IMD1&8TI0N — L The uieioMt "Fip^Uteef' «Ib” nechetCS^iRK' •II dUtre* Koit\ Do aoar foodi you ex i hit back — title good, but worn oddly; fer* Bent liUo aeda aoJ chum • tick, »°ur, *my atoBHcl.? NoV Mr of Mr» D> ►pepu., j ,t itfa down P«pe t D*jpe-p»ln bc'pt veuiraiiae wbe rftt*t»iro nodt in U>« ticmtcb •o your fo.jd wot y tour Hod upnel foa. There uevrr «u nnytttiog to Mfely quick, to cruml) tffeoiiye. Ku 4 ffercoce bow oad y your tlon* Hcb it upset you ««UH:ly g«l btppj relief iq five auuuUt. bol whai ptrH«« • you omt it ibnt ll belpt lo reguioie your tiomteb so you cho cat your faturiit food* witkout fe*r. M<»«i lemi-die* giro you relief •omelicHet— they hi# ilow, pul tot tore. *‘Php«'h DiHpeptiu” la poai< tlr# to nruirant o* ibt hoUHj, to Ibe aiitcry woo’y entot back very quickly i you lent diffrrmt as aooo as **Papc * n>aprp»la cornea" la eoo tact • nb ib« ttoaub—dlitreai jait vanishes—your stomach gals swaet. to gatev, no brlcblog, •• erects tioos ot undigested food, your bead oleare eud you feci Qee Go DOW. and make tbe bast in vestment >ou ever made, by getfog a large fifty cents caae of Pape's Dlapsptm from any drug atqrs. You reel if i in five minutes low need lees it is to suffer from Isdijtee* Uoo, dyspepfia. or any stomaeb 4»* order, due to sold ferments bos. Peaai Children Ursak la Ueew m Chicago, March 14 —1 _ __ Protective Ateoclalko of Ohkago la prof ibiting tbs sals of liquor la daoce hells, end providing u fSdO peoalty fathering a bi*l la Uia legis lature, for violatioo. Cbergiug that tbe majority of tbt dance ha Is are operaiod primarily for tbe su e of liquor, and to maay cases arc actually owned or coo trolled by liquor ioteresta, tbs asso* oial.oa’4 oo mm it tee report shows that tbe police bast oo ooaceptko Of tbslr duty'll dance hallef many policemen are fouod drloklajft lights are commoo , indecent daocisg prt ▼alls after about II o'elosfc. al though until tbej become laioiicat* sd, tbe daocers are usually orderly; minors, aod often small chUdkeo are permitted to become intosicaled, wblla parrots laugh at tbelr drunk en aotics. At One dance, given by a ehurcb, as a be at fit affair, many Hide chil dren were fouod "outrageously drunk * according to Mrs. Boweo't report. YBN1 LIFT A COKJI OFF WITHOUTPAIN Cincinnati authority tetl* bow to dry ap com oreallat ao It liru off with lagsr*. You corn-petttrad mo pod wo ama need tuffrr ao loaporj Watt ttaa aboa that nanny kuu^Vpu ba Tora, any a tbta ClooooaU Vfpborlly bacaaaa a taw dropa ot traayoaa ap pllad d-ractlf oa a laodar, aebloy ooro or oallaa. otopa aorwoayp at oaao Hoppiaa, aootbar apad aap rn, brmuaa at a dlapula arp a true Wbicb Shlaa bad waalad total dona Ha la not a 1 par tad to rocnaar. ■•w-a want I Shake Off That Grip Wh«n Spring comes, with its changeable weather and your exposure, it is best to clear away all the symptom* left alter an attack of grip. That evil disease leaves you weakened, and when its victim attempts to *4obto bit* he exposes himself to the rtofc of aswxmd attack, to which he is lea prepared, sod which may have (raver row—piapt us There’s Danger In Delay ^April and May ara pneumoniamoatbs. In thktbne iveU ened system la a eonsttnt source of dander, for the pc,™™!. and grip Infect kmc are la the a*, and after a load wlntw the “ rtn<*li wnets It cannot resist them. Fortify tha health, remove the catarrh, and Improve the Hig^n™ iloabAe took Sam it* cut! erecv day y?» PUnt SET. WATERED. COVERED. ONE OPERATION. NO STOOPING aad NO LAME BACKS ^*Tr* **«*. labor, mom*y. Make* trafMpUMtn* eawy. pJratant !»**■ • fti mmd i plaata —«n t> ftrw meanx-t faai *» raktevtoam pkK«af«rM^ OuMovdlirt M a» to ]\ttt r*M*» par dm. frtc«l4M«k.mmM. Mm** back a M id/MMM Aj*pMf Mrr ^4i A* Mt W« Ik* «m k M* a MASTERS PLANTER COMPANY 22t N. Suf Str—t, ChfcA^o. Ul I_I A£f I I : _ T-_t WU llld 1 Ucl Did you ever hear of the crazy fellow who had tried all kinds of remedies for his corns, and failed, then cut off hie toe? If he had only known that LIGHTNING CORN CURB Would hsve taken bin Corns off In a Jlfly. be could tiave saved his Toe. And only cost him Fifteen Cents at that. Every Bottle Guaranteed to remove corns and warts, or your MONEY BACK. Sold Exclusively by GOLDSBORO DRUG CO. FAIR NOTICE. UST ANN PINAL CALL PON TAXES Mr. Delinquent Tax Payer: The various county institutions that an supported by taxation are calling on me fo> money to defray their ruuning expenses They aro in need of it and should have it but how can I furnish it when your taxe> have not been paid? Now. I heroby give you fair notice that you hav about "sinned nway your day of grace," for I shall pre tore and publish immediately a list of thoee wliueo taxe. remain unpaid, and will proceed to collect *amr at once, together wttli the necessary cost*, etc. You can save yourself this embarrassment only b' ■eelng me at once ami settling for your taxes. R. H. EDWARDS, Sheriff, GuldslMiro. N C March. S, tv* 17. i We Shall Present j ♦ To every person making a cash pur- \ « chase of a dollar or more a | : 15c admission ticket | | -To the- | : Acme Theatre j i Good on any Monday or Tuesday dur- * J ing February and March. ♦ We are in a position to do this by a * « special arrangement with Manager H. j J R. Mason. * ♦ There will be but 5000 of these tick- I ♦ ets for disposition, so we would urge * I prompt action. £ H. Weil & Bros, j ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦> vour ckioit ii aooo. Mr. Man, Read Every Word of This Without Fail \ This article was written ex pressly for YOU. No matter! . whether you happen to be a r professional man ora laboring i man, it app lies with equal force to men in all walks of I life. i _ _t j Spend your money at home !! , By that we moan do not order anything from out of town concerns if you can get it Right Here at Hume 0 1 For The Same Money. Don’t you mako your mouey right here In. Guldeboro and Wayne county! 9 Aren>t y°° dependent on Local Capital and Business for yonr Salary, Wages, or Bnslnces, whichever it M 6 m*T bel Tlien why order your Furniture, Rugs, Kango, Plano or Organ; In fact, anything from a | ooncern in Chicago or New York! Do you think theae oonoerua will ever send your money back to ;j 5 Wayne county to eventually find Its way into yonr pocket again! NO SIR, what do they care for o a your town or ootinty, or for you or your family! Spend your money with us and see eiactly wlmt you |j buy. BriDg YOU B MAIL ORDER CATALOGUE and PRICELIST TO OUR STORK aud we wll. J: Show you by comparing with a flri class article that we can save yo money ami at the same time giv y ;>u you best goods to be had, an easy terms to pay for it. Bring you mail order catalogue and price lit be convinced. It will mean mone saved for you. H Golds- » ' M°rr 11 N. C.0 illnro. Rang**, Planoa and Talking Marhlnr* jj OOOO tl 1101*3 MOOA ||