Win rtw mgm off wm Ma* ' HM IB OoMtacra »4-nil M Urn wwtTi beat cm remedy hy WIllBi Drue Co, CM M S. mohto. BOO * Bra IT IS ttRIOUS ■aaw UeMetare rnylt Fell to Bealls Ibo Mmo eta Bad Back. Tbacoaetoal aehia« ef a bad back. The weariaeto. the tired f*ed»«. The pale# aad acbei at kMoev ilia **»» remit avrlutuly If aeflertod. Deaseroue urlnart Lroubiea u fleet follow. A (foldebero aiaaa ihoeiroo what la do Mra.J. t PtIVUjioa. «I0 R. Visa Sk, (, mya: had Call pelee la my bock aad Mae. I wee tore aad MIC cod it burl n lo atuop orer. 1 hico hed headeebee aad d'.acy .pelli Cad objeeu Ooaiad Iwtoea ney t.a Tka kldaer eecnrtioae pouted lntt|o Urly. Duca'e Kldeer Pill, el ran mb aaed ay heek aad relieved the other eeatptoata at' hldeey Iroeble. Now whenever wf hack bothare etp. 1 uee Ueaa'e KM Bey title aad that caver tall to help me." -iftfK-snyjigg Oomm't Kldeer Hll«—ICe eatae Ibal Mrc. Pllkiaptoe oeaa Boaur-Mllbara Co., Pi nyrielote. BaBeK * Y. FRECKLE-FACE Baa aad Nlad Uriel Oet Udy mpt In la Bbbbt* iHmm ■sail* d>m, Min rroek»lict So try* remedy lor (racklea nllh [he nmibMll mllakla dealer that la Will oo« goat you a paaar aiilme It ra aaoeaa Ika fmahle.; whllair II Jem «1ye • tow a clear eeapleatGO ika eapnaeele Aimer get aaoaoaa of olblna—.loa bla Mreank— Irani any dmgglet nod a law a pel to** I one aknald akaw yon kow aaoy II la to rid ynenalf of tko homely frecawe aad gaa a beautiful eompMa laa Rarely la mere tkaa nna oneaa aardad lor Ika wont cea*. Ranrawaok tko drtagaln lor Ika d ahla atraagtk othlna aa tkla la the areerrlptfoe aold under gnaraataa ol ■onrj back II ll (alia to remove freck le*. I . R. V. MINTZ ATTORN RT-AT-I.A W National Bank BUI*. Oiilrlaboro if bTTvey, m d. Maara I a la lid* a. na. •4* a gat » «• >o aoa* ™. Ofbau aaar Matlnaal Heak. OUoo Pkooa lit. KrcMoaea «H OOLTMBORO. N. C. DR. W. A. LANE Kartwr. HOUMA Ml—Ml Aardaa BwtMlng. Third floor CMAeu Pkaaa ¥to am dear. M7-|, DR. E. R. WARREN. DENTIST OMam Id Haw Mrcat Valutas Sat a*4Fv>ar Eaama tli-m FlrwMi DR. A. h; zealy. •FTTIMrATH ftaama 411. 411, 4U. BaMaa BM* OaU.boro. Ft C. OOm FKar 111. RwKaaaa pfcaaa im M ▼. IMafeNaaaa MaattfMU Dickinson ft Land - mMin<.iui«. Mm aa Oa mi Haam Kaaar*. OHITn L LAtSITtl, a I. Vkaaja||| uJ lw.|| Mui iaaaU flam Raw HaM. M| »BI«tU*T « C. OMaflui rU Rminawll ■IfM Ffcaaa • i MOBILIZE NAVY; RECRUIT ARMY Quick Work Aftir PtbsWm SUm War Dtdantloo. AIL 6EAMAI SHIPS SEIZEI Call Far VMwtori to Bo Farlawad b] CaaaartoMaa UMU Faraa at UOKOB la Witold Haaaa Vrto Far War Rat alirtlaa HI to U Altar tr inlaai Haara at Camlnntoia Oatoato — Wa man Manta Vataa -Ha's ' rxatlnrr* TT*aon aa< Otfari tar total reoolatkm of rao«i\-aa. tad ■ Hata of war wow aUata bntw.wa ita Van«1 Mtatra and tU« Imperial tin ■aa covaraaoat. TUa oaituu to hi arwu a war baaia. Tb« AtJafrtia Ban waa laamedtolrl) lafonaad br wtratooa. aa warn aU aao tral immaati and thorn or ibr ao 1 tenia allka The Bartel minister wine tbo now* to Bom* 'brooch Mr gorcri. ■aat. MiUIhMo* of tbo I’ultcd Mala. *»T*1 faearaa aad tha harm oaimia w*a at aaca urdrrad. The house toted far war, 8n to no after a artentre* hour debate, tha Crn •atlr feature of which waa the a ban feanaat of tha pamMaat and hie peril by Bawaaaaatatfta ctimie Kit, ta* at North Orottaa. the Dawaraiir bona. Bader. Ha rutad against tha lutnl raa datlno. •Um Jaanaatta Rankin of Uoouu Mat waaoaa raoaiber of lha honor, ahe rated no. ttaa col la* peril. War ptaM ana swtuctug along wnt celerity and stpoutberea. Tl*. Uolled Maiaa ft track tha Oral btaw to acinus Blnety-dra (Jarman paesesgrr and naorbaat ablpe br-U« porta, rim ti tha Philippine* ard oft bar la laud pna ■ wall! a Tboy napraatit a gross tan I nace of slightly aura than iDO.ioa awl their raise la pieced ut |130. MO.ano. War departtoeat plea*. apiccTed ba the trraatdrel. call for tba liaairdlati relalug af aa ariay of agOiOO tarn cunpoeed of tha rranilar loop* oa Ilona 1 guard uut rotuaram. Tha ra awhilng I-VO/no will, whan graded ba rmlaad by echvtlre notion,'pflno nl m * rrata niaaioan 10 iwcuiy ji a years Besides Batata Against War. Ilia pec Ml at flgbt la Ih* laino brgau wildly, boa It craw ataedlly aa the Wats debate dragged through tha .lay aad i la to the lug. Tha pactflaia gained durtag tha day. hnasTer. and It ha I Bht agala* tb» waa rare Majority Leader KKcbla lent strength to tha pa rig eta la a dramatic rpaacb "Prayer felly lmyraaaod with tha irermaa a* ism miatun aafl npprm ■ Una (ha pmaltUe that war wOl ka papa, my eooacMaiee aad Jndfsiut ham ehows tb* path rwwpt tha Me chaaiber aa aeohen la tho loor and crowded atllrrUa realtaod that tha laadar at tha adoiinlriratica petty aa the Aoor waa daaartlnc Ma party »h« hla party*! preotdeet, A yattla at aptdaoaa fraot tha paatlatr hrdkm tlM mrmhrw ■dctiem, “1 ahall ndt rally be oottloiaad for thta ewaeaa," aald tba DaaacoraUa lead . ar. *1 ahall h* daaoonead (ma on* aad at th* a—(ay la tha other by a yelptea pack of ertttoa. I eauuot taara ray children land aad rtebea. I cannot loam theao hoi. bat l tu loam them th* ■aaa of aa aacaotor who haa triad to do hla doty and who oa tbU day did hla daly aa Oort care hta to am ! ahall ahoaya bottom that w* eaalit ham aad wo aacbt to hear kept thlr (Teat Chrtadas ant too oat at war. Kr ory abllcatloo of Juottca. emy obil*n Boa at debt rooUXoaa to forbid my manned." Kaprraontnttm Miller, hepabllcarv at Mlnneoota ebaaerd the spirit at tho honaa whoa ha prodarad what ho do dared wo* a outprinood peracraph (raw the tart af the tatormptod Japa roni Hoatcao-Heroaaa alUaim note. It lewd1 ’ Aamiobly lr tho Mroloao anon moot, oakworlao baaea wul be ratal. Ikdmd at Mrikaa porta. Jram which WOl ha aapptled aamanlUna and oow pi too All naoiatora la tba Halted it a tea ara arierod into Maxlee Ar raac* to attack all alnac border." CoeiHary at Mat* lotaoMc dawtad ■ally that the Miller paracrapO waa t Tho ao iota tocmt leot CyM waa lad by ■apeoaoatattna rtood ad Vfcauia aad ■acmoaoitatteo Hemtaea at Mia I otori opt Mr. Flaad aald tha war orao farcad oa the Halted Mateo by tho Imperial yoomaori and aaaortad that arary aon that patlaoee mleki dkrtau had bam Made by thU raoarry. Hop raaoeioUro UarrMoa rakeoatad IW Meat** tto 0«rau pNf(« U i*«pnm*4 » ~ -. “ ■ -i. i ■nWd OanWte of tea foiiBi if Mn wHlii. lad tlM pwHM l|kt IU aaaartrd Qraat Mtala ted teat te—Mad la tteaaa tea rate at Mar aatteMl law. tel teal wa ao-a |H|a ad la t«M la arrraal Omnii fro* te«a»m tear* lapruli fra Ml tea ad no ate awd alter pandrte taal tea te»a naw aad araaa* that Qraat Brara nan kaawa N la talar la aau a art* ikaa drlra a aatf wntalo mh not Genuity vm the rat taoao of the dl Aeelltcs sorroundlnt Asirlrf nuMin. A Sjxotn Oinas nptadd the raas Istloa h> ■ ringing opoavb •Oat-manm nr mi it Herman." bt •nM, Tat tba other three tpiartera an rmpartlvety EutlDah. rrcocb and Irltk and f can »Odder trim my fcrtieanl lorshra down epos my action now. trt thkiklnn Hat the miiture. 1 hunt nod yon know, list hreu welded. and tka heart that prompt! tbit nttenner and dlciataa thta rute for war la Amor Iran," A brilliant argonaut against Ann lea eureeta* the tear waa deUreeed by Hepnearatatlra Krallac or Colorado n# oaks tba alectlou of 1010 waa won foe Woodrow WUss oo I hr eruundt that ba bad kapt oa ant at war. “U tba mea wka rotad tor bus on that kind of a platform bad known that ha was* parrel t tka as try of tbb Mt*°a tats this ■nropsaa bod.- abma ad KasUns “ba cooM aot bars canted a Mata la (hte Dales. Here isatetfn HadtV'M AJbksma ■ada a etotaot attaok npoo Majority Leader Klhehln. 1 aay to yon. Mr Boas her - roared That had I roatraplated rack aacton aa that twoaaiKltd hy tha settle *»» (bom ftarth Carolina I wouM tan t»t aty rosicnatioa •• I radar OnL '•“O the spares amt thro reeifo rd from roof tees' Alawot Craw M ■law*. Aa sxsttlnc episode marked the •Baaeh of Ur. Burner t. Democrat, of AUkama. asatnst tto mentation. Hr axe that raeuMrd In her adultlng without ttamliijr by a f.traun submarine off Ike Irish roust COAL STRIKE THREAT. Party •»* Th*msad Bilutaloaus Miner. Bemand Mart Fay ky Apftl W. A atrtku of 4&M0 Idtomlouea roe I nUtters la Ut mitral I'aeasylvanla Hold wm k* culled for Apm is uuieeo Ik* eparaloro' assreUtloti rat aim. Ido deuiMoe to await tba resalt sf tko la dlanapoOs ooaremxs. This lanuunnHotii waa eiad* at Daboto. Pa.. by no dotacatas allend ta( tko apertal rooroetlae of onion others Tko dolaeates MM that tba opera tors acre* fe a >4at cenfaiwke* with a com astuae of ohm baton April M ; - •«VtN WOHO AOVICC TO IMIMY ALUMS. In arran *V1 »orto. an a«fr« fM« to toi«n A» U#****l Ofjor, iiilt mini •fen nr» tar. K«ta ftar ■wvtlt ta**.* ■ l M —■1 ■ ■< Mnal »»■«» If* H taM u Ik* •Irtawlll taralL Mm Cana 1*14 ta 14 Dm TO TH* PUBUC. ■ MMl* ef Election u PrepeeiMen af City of OoMoboro to Employ a CHy Menepen—Eleotloe To I Eo Held May 7, 1P17. Not tarn la hereby (Iran that aa etac Uua a 111 bo held lu the varloua ward! 1 be CUy of Goldeboro. N, G„ oo Mon.! day .the Jib day at May, 1117. lo aecorj Uto a leather the quailled rote re of ubo City of Ooldehoro auLhonie aad dirtxd the Hoard of Aldermen of the City att Ooldehoro lo employ a city Maoeder. Kkl eleetioa ia held ta accordance • Ilk aa act of Ike Oaoaral Aaaasabl/t uf North Carolina, eeeatoo 1*1 L-* t It led. “Aa Act to Authorise the UoarB| of Aid ana aa at the CUy of Ooldakord* lo Baiploy a City M leaser." aad a raoe olatloa adopted hr tka Hoard of Aldan] eoa of tka city at Ooidaboro at a ij alar nsoattac held oo tka had day {■ Aprtt. 1S17, of vkhdt reaoluUua |>V folio etas m d tm ropy j < flj na tt moulted by tka Board ol“tu dormeo of tka City of Ooidaboro. north] Caiothie, at a regular meetins duly bald at Ik# City Hall to aald city oW tho Xod day of April. |»1», a quonni keios proaanl aad unaalmooaty Totinjn That aa eloctioa ahall be bald cm tho 7lh day of May, 1*17. la the City «tf Ooidaboro, North Carolina, tor tho par. me of detenuialnf a rather n Is tap • HI of the qeaUhed rot are of aald CUy that 1 hrn RnarH nt » ■ 1 -d _am CRy •hall ampler a CRy Maaaaar aa aai forth ta laid Act of the tkaam) Aaaamhly. of which Act the follow** la a true cop) IH H B. U»7 8. B. Ill* Aa Act to authorlae the Hoard ot Ah deraes of the City of Ooldaboco to canptoy a Cliy Maaaaar The Ooeni of North Car oltaa do enact Bectloo 1 There MiaJI be cm ployed by the Board of Aldermen of the dtp of CoMeboro et lu Rr»t meeting after the regular municipal election In Map. nineteen hundred aad teaaaieen. or ae rooe thereafter ea practicable, im from lime to ua»e thereafter aa may Ah nrxeeaary. t competent pereoo to Ae hnown ee City Manager, wboae m> ploymeat shall be at the pleasure gf the Bmrf of Aldermen aad wne ahap rexelce aoeh oomneoeptioa aa MA Beard of Alderman detenolna. Bac. 1 The CRy Manager aha!I haoa 'harm of aad ha the head of ell tAe adalnlatratlTe departaneau of the * ^ . ®*c- H. He abeil have acoeee at ail ttaea co the books, voucher*, and pa per* of any otOcor or employe of ibe «lty. excepting (bp treasurer* book*, which be may have accaas to oely lu if P»tkei»ce of the trweenrer or some ** ^ **** •»« he a, -'ey* -*> r*to viwitw* ItreoM* paodln* tn. faiioa of tlx Ituord of Aldtrnoo 8oc. 13. He abaU liova authority and e“r*» orrr all public worka. the erec ,tto» of bmidloca tur tha ettr Hie coo Hroctioa of all laproTanoaia. pattn* £tadaci*. the repair thereof; ha f»al| approve all aatlmatas of ibe oo*t W Public works and Improvement*. *®d recommend to the Board of Aider mac the acceptance, or rejection of the work done aa Improvement! made; ha •Bell have control, auangcuaat. and direction of »u pubt* grounds bridge*. klndutu. and pablle buildings te ♦ball acenrs all rights of war and aasw kauu connected with the watenrerke or sewerage «vat cm* or tba attanaion ft Ui. streets, ate An power* her,In Penmereted. however, shin be our •deed eahjacr to the aupontatoo and coatrol of tbs ltaord of Alderman. /,***' n» nuavd of Alderman Jhall at ks Sort meeting In Mar. etse tcoo hand red and seventeen, and bt annually thereafter. appoint a trnea krer. a clerk, an auditor, an atloraey, P staking fund commissioner. *nd *a W eerie n*ht fund comailaeloaer and laid Hoard of AJdenaea .ball during Bit month of May. nineteen hundred Ind aereutaoa. sad btmannally there pee. appoint from a Bat to be sub. killed by tba City Manager, a unit ary respecter and health utter, a tag ool Ireiuf. a auperlalaadant of water r'*r*J; »» engineer and arrwet super Dteadreit. a chief of police and sestet “ S!"*- * ol *n department Bd haildlnc Inepactor. and eucb other rnemu and employees u tba Board ol "*°r designate. and If the yard of Aldermen la usable nr nafueei > etaat from tba lire no furnished. II ■all call OU tb. £Uy Manager from Itoa to Uina for other Hits, which H riA*t k* kk duty to furnish. provMad. nreaaar, that one Parana guy III one •04 aarartatord In aald tllp. Tha off! <*n who hold o»M rlortmn rh«n. In loro nltHii upon itiolr dution. tj>n ao noth to hnonwMy and trnpartlallr roadoct aald eloeltoa Tha planaa for tha nlnrtlon bomln piovld •4 for ahaJI ho iba ami ■ • irn pro ridod (or ihn aald ra*al»r munlrtpat •faction and (ho aoalUkatloa far rot a noon r**ai ra /ho piaa in wMiaan *■*>• o| paawmah oq n*qa ooo»|a Piaa |0 ooaroa Y bp piaa 0| aonuap 10 pwa jo/war joj aaotiJOta radptoaau raptor ra ajaioj joj art /q poqiJoa «ad anon aja at ran aip oq naqa ut woo* hw War pjnnrlrr ooaka I to madtalalr pracodln* aald Marik,a Thoao mfara of lha r*y of Ooldabou at raid atari loo who oiYYh favor af •add aana/iMnl to lira Tartar of Iba CMf of OrHdaborn ahall ro'a a to'lot on ofciab nholl bn wrHIrn or print ml ibo worda Tor ABModmanl' and lhaoa ratar* at aaM aim Ion a bn nr* oppnaaf to aid aroaadairni ahall ram • ballot no obfrh ahall ha arlflao nr prtolad tha worda *A|ua Aaantvd uaonl." And If at aonh Martina Iba mofnr*r of rba •**■ to La* a must toetn wMbiu a f*w day* along tlie Hlndeuburg Mae The Otrnua artillery Ore cm unmet very heavy at many ]*ninta. I nd testing continued and tliarnagk prepersttaa b> the victor of tb# Masurian awamiw t.» attempt to strike a fatal bh.w at dw tilled troop* before tlwy have opportu oily to d'g thpinactvr* In oa the oovo gTOtirwt which they took oj the Uer ■Ulna f#4| boi-fc. The British war ofle* report'd thnt tb* aerial M|uadn«it had made oei errvi aor»T«a/ul rakla. dnpptng large fjuou tllloa of boos la <>n airdromes, traise poru and ammunition station* t>ne toticry In anlou * as hit by hr into from aeroplane*. Them to agars weo de*troy*sl by o*»c party at avlstore The nniLsb troops advanced alone the Bspieniei tmliral to*i] over a from Jt.a'a> yards wide, mays the «#1 dal acatemeuL The battle raged north of tl»e viiiHue of lewmi Tb* Freetch (>e net rated the German! Iliwe In Belgium at two points neat V«omh*r«&y dropped TO any bomba ou aimeml tlua depots at Ghent and Bruges. SOCIALISTS ATTACK U. S. Urg* Revolt to Fraveei War Prepare* liana Hare. Tbe Hoc let l«t Latior parly ban mode a vloieni attack on the United State* government. Tbe war policy of tbe president end eoc grass are bitterly asonilcd. aad tbe members of tbe party advtaed to Mart a rernhillOQ if ncceeaary to bait a* grwaalon against Germany Tbe appeal of tbe organisation was Ln tbe forts of a matiirneto printed tii circular form and widely distributed all over tbe country Tbe manifesto it leaned under the elgnarore of th« na tiooal eteetwivo comtnlttre of ike Bo dallat l.otme t*arff Are..Id Ptrtecson, aacretary. 43 Buw "treat. New York It arfea tba overthrow of (be capKallat wage a)etetu and tba •*gen hr* tWai of tbe workers nn retolutlunary industrial Unas -* POLICE ARMY ON GUARD. llvOOO ArmH With Rifes. Ready Far Cell, In Hew York. Mueiripel defeira* of Nm* York city In war Tiaaea, as planned aoreral Burnt La ago, la In effec t Twelve tboQaand po tiro armed with rifles are ready for In staut call to qeeli aay dhsturbanoe. Bridges, power boa are. public build Ingp. all hare spuria I protection. Brtra lights bare hern added to tbe many bridges bet* re* tbe t*oroughs OoaitWw u TWy ipanr. Our cotton market jumped Ibis morning 50 points; cotton la now •riling for IMJ«. anil indication, are that wo will aril cotton at 35c. '"■•fore January tills. Hosiery mills are sold ahead for 13 month, a ml over, anil don't iswieiiler noy additional hn.incs.. Spin.lies ate working night atnl ilay ami aro unablotokcao up with Ihu de mao«1. Textile |xMiplca are exert ing overy menne they bn.u to bli their spring orders atul they aro from four to six week, behind. In Ibo wboteeale market, condi thnl I'Tory bill ia marked * 'pride euliject to change without uotici-." In Ibe facsj of nil thie, there ia noe retail Oooccrn that is uplimiatic ami is giving its customer, every advan tage ofenrly purthneee In tha line of clothing for men and little men, yini may purcb.ivo * mik h *5 ( >*27 ■ W; il louki «i well ao l ' l« an nm-onalild aw they were Iasi year. In bats al »3 iO there is no tlinert’ocv iu the pncc. aod ibe ely las aro prettier. Shirts in bolb cotton Mod *ilk erem «n much n>l,r* elaliorutc Ibno id former yt»r>s and it U up to the man. }(i nmv buy * real Dice thirl for f 1 »»r buy one at *6, to anil hie tuale -WX4 u IIIUO. A I Of Uivo IQ Kt'Q M (It parturc Irvm farmer timca, The lakioCrepe* bare that noftoci* ttxl £*ycty (bm u »o much dcvircd in neckwear plus acrvice; they •we wiohable, a* tkc color* arc f**L ood arc const ruetul ao Ihoy may **• w»^brd. 1 am referring tr» bpaicioV, where every Item and pnee is guamoicvd, and “the BiyJca’arc only *4 hours from Broadway. TUK «*okl»born iA)tB Co., la aow oar of tba fra at urea able |o 11 lar$l « OftlrUI Loagoa 1 > a M H«if kail for |1 00 Iklfl la poMtbla for wa«o lhiv mg that buy for thru* Hufoe. oa« ku tiorkv Mount. not iq Bpanao barg. and ana to tiolilciMr*. aod by OMjiog large ^uaaltiva they arc able to «*ruia iboni at gtuaiiy rvdunad prior* Breaker of It* great uJoe $i *?» OJHrlaJ league llali baa baeo adopted »» ll»« l.’uiictl Staira army aad na»> an.l It bring «i*ad by (barn aicloaitrely 1 aa l*«>plr aboulj Uk* tiliinUge of ikia opportunity aad »at« binary on, Naaabnlk Tba (toldabnro Loan Co . 1 are not ou’.y dealer# In beeekaJI*. but ■ bay nlao hare on band a large Bupplv • »l 'porting liomia of all deacrlptlooa ibem brf.jt* buying aod uu alii hr roovlooed th»t yoa ran Mia moarr by trading wiib tb# Coldehnr* Loan Co N 4. HOWARD*. Prop . Nasi door to ft Tonkal A Co. unueeuHu aAMyarrarroaT Ctrooa. ..Mr yer lb ,."^vr»art Balk ftdaat .Wc uerlb Lord. I7r to Mo per lb »««• • . *ti« oar doa NTl!. gtriem . tUc per lb Corn Meal . k Wperbif Kloor ... . ..lomparbbl Sugar, graualawd I Or pur lb N C. Hina. .k 5e par lb Corn. .115 par bo Dale. NOe per bu Swwt Poiatom ... MQrpor bn Spring Colds Are tke Worst They tad catarrh and I pneumonia. They weaken the entire lyetem and tare h un able to resist the sudden ctandea They interfere with rma flaaias east less— you « Msy. NoSctsd they mm beans talc mtsrrtL Pat's as0a them iruurMstlutisistn PERtJNA W31 Safeguard Yon Hava a box of Penns Tab lets with yon for the sudden cold or npwn Tsac you ry* ta op with s irfstu roam of Urn XPsrusa tab It isokwt sot row iXjsstli n ip a dot at. uka asot ynusolf. and svoM AFTER ART SICKNESS jour nervous system is shattered; your strength is wasted; your digestion weakened, your blood Impoverished. HOW EMULSION is the rich tonic-food to nourieh ycur nerve-centers, repair the wasted tissue, improve your blood-power, sharpen your appetite and gradually re-establish your strength. Cat SCOTT'S for yourself,'or remind some a ling friend that SCOTT’S has proven these words for thousands of other*. Look for thti Trade-Mark. U» —ryriUw Mdkor oonn m porter pstMie •U'U'^rgphrr. pri »»rTgUrT prMs rspnrtrr eltll \ 1m emplnfs wit* [*KIt M AN F. 76T «ti fUriMit tad IIAMDW)MK ^(«im Onhfi ckrlftl poHtloaa la ibasdaRM. FensAAg nnA fsaring|Inc flrpffg fctiovthvnri Call or vrtll Ur CATAMKJ I (Hap. balkioh, 9. c. cmARurrru. h. «:. WOMAN SICK TV: ? YEAR Coaid P. Ko W or! Now £, f ‘ inj ns a Man. III —"For al-mf ‘wo y*» i —fared from a fecnai* t» • I wa* un^lu • in tr. I or r*n any of my «• ■vora. I r- oij ah. ! lajtUAb. rtnkham Vc|«lftlilfl Cuv poutu! to the MM/, P*per« and mtacaj to try It. brought a*m ‘•t * r**Lalr n .Icf * Wtaknftft Km , Ur* Jr dtaappMa. •r»J I rx^ * r Kal t —■ - U«r tr a!*H. I wr IS prnnda an1 am aa *tro* *-> o m* . I think money .» * .1 -pent erhlrh p diaaaj Lydia K. i inkharn'f Compound.‘'«Alr* O'UfVaN. 1 rt * ' u’ '• *‘i. Th# «urrr•* of t -Om F. Pin VI .a/ Vae«tabW Co«fwti..4. nh'U fr*n no- • and hrrla, U u* It n«y i oa«l with rwrf^rt r~nr. »»* .c« by awm. who aufTar from vn*n •*c * •• .• *,«•£, I What Kiwi i of a Market Does Your Meat Come From1 donnliiK*>- t* .» tr i* Y«hj •' !•' r l.ih t tj.l*. »t» t a ami h«»na# am! l»ti. • p;*o»’ •• -l ,lo . • rhurrlt. kint lit* h* **%r . ml If•• on I j Sr , Mr. X>oi W ||!”t-»* ij f*i „ ,«• v k tOH'italnp. D«v K'«t llJl!->N, ImI )' ij |i» ohIt i»t«r " 'i i Mr. l««uiitMl l|i • iif *', *,»t*rill«* 0 tm tarn*. 4 co. p»m|« c «•. ltd. | d dwelling, #na la ml an I |'n*| i r. ai* i lug Mr A Al 1'nrptn** Inna in v Hop* limn an ip, d.inp If ?Oil wi«a l«nr£7*n.. kn R-'iU F. a *e« E.L.EDMUNDSC ^ OoMvImro » flrnl h*tafn ffnaikv Corn Oats Chicken Ford Crushed Corn & O: s Freshly Ground Corn Menl Goldsboro Milling ( . Rice Mill Buildin FARMERS, n*i.t r n To any farm* * ppl .ii? i * or we will ptmet, tf.» r,f ."-it d enra Tk|i • •• • ,| .%• un a fannu* Andre • . i .• . • I »• i n i i, !• C., isil 'a n, rmiii' a In >|| • •d v|(al»*T Goldsboro iillio* Comp r, flkra MU fell Ming