I! KKV A EST 2 ISHED 1867. WILMINGTON. N. C. SATURDAY. JUNE 20, 1891. PRICE FIVE CENTS. .-t "'"V - . a ' . ' TE, if APHIC SUMMARY. m - - - Lieut, to'nsonand (our of the crew of the i-e veil no cutter Bear were drowned In , Uehrlng sea. Sixty earthquake1 shocks were felt in Bengal Thursday. -More trouble is feared In Samoa f rora Chief . Mataafa. -A tuft asialust Ihe federal Government' has just been decldedjn favor of the plain tiff Involving he refunding aDout 25,000,000 coljected by the Govern ment as import duties. On the re port of the Collector of Customs of San Francisco In the caoe of smuggling on the steamer Omaha Secretary Spaul dlog has ordered the goods returned on payment1. of the duties. The breach between the Prince of Wales and the Emperor of Germany has been widened by the latter delivering his uncle a lecture on his conduct at Trariby Croft. The police are afraid hostile demonstrations will be; made asminst the Prince on his visit to Bir mingham on July 21st. A cloud burst above the town of Utlca, 'Ills., causes a panic and destroys much prop erty. The British Factory bill, pro hibits children unfler 11 years of age working in factories. -The Execu tive committee ojf the Board of Trus tees of the Agricultural college 'yes terday elected two new professors and accepted the' resignation of another. John Most was yesterday sentenced to one year's imprisonment Gold to the amount of $2,500,000 was taken la New York yesterday for export to-day. Dun & Co's, report for the week is quite favorable.- The North Amer can Commercial company has tiled claims against the Government for sev eral hundred thousand dollars as dam age sutalned by reason of the stoppage of catching seals. -Cotton futures for August yesterday fell to 8.04 the lowest figures in forty years. j Ex! Empress Eugenie , is euterviewod by a Paris paper. Governor McKlnney, of Vir ginia, will recommend to the next Legislature the passage of an act pro viding fer separate street cars for blacks and whites. The British Par liament will be prorogued on August Oth and will be dissolved early next summer. The Conservatives will stake their fate on the Irish bill lu Jauuary. .Many Conservatives, thinking y their retention pf power1 over, are refusing to stand for re-election Sir E. J. Gerst astounded the' House of Lords the other day by attacking the Government through the Indian Government. It is no more of a trip to Europe now than it was .sixty years ago to make a trip from Raleigh to Wilmington. WORLD'S FAIR MANAGERS. THEY MEET IN THE EXECUTIVE OF FICE AND ORGANIZE. The Raleigh Progressive Farmer is doing some very judicious and sensible talking at present. Can It be that Maj, i Duffy has sent forward an editorial or two before mounting the tripod in the ottlee of the Fanner', j The revival at Little Hock under Rev. Sam Jones was a tremendous affair as reported. It closed last week. It is aid 18,000 people attended one meet ing the last night and 5,000 could not get in. Conversions-(hand-shakiag we suppose) estimated at 10,000. 1. Iffr. George Kidder Elected Vice Frenldeiil - Improvrnieul to be .Ylade at tlie Agricultural College -t'oudltlon of Ilon.C .TI. Huttbee. . Messenger Bureau, ) . Raleigh, N. C, June 19. J This morning at 11 o'clock the World's Fir Board of Control met with the State Board of Agriculture In the executive office. Governor Holt pre sided. There were present Commis sioners A. B. Andrews, Thomas B. Keogh and Elias Carr; lady managers; Mrs. George W.-Kidder, Mrs. Charles Price and Mrs. R. R. Cotton;, Chairman W. F. Green and the nine other mem bers of the State Board of Agriculture. Col. Elias Carr (president of the Farm ers' Alliance) was elected president, and Mrs. George W. Kidder, vice presi dent. Mr. Thomas K. Bruner, who is secretary to the Board of i griculture, was made secretary to the "State Board of World's Fair managers," that being the official title of the body which met to-aay. me next Dusiness uune was tne election or the " world's rair Executive Commissioner" for the State. Mr. Peter M. Wilson, of Winston, was elected. No better selection could by any chance have been made. The Board discussed the matter re lative to the money appropriated by the legislature, but reached no con clusion. Tt will consult the Attorney General relative to the use of the funds and will act upon his advice. The Board adjourned ; this afternoon to meet at the call ot President Carr, very probably on October zlst. The State Board of Agriculture ad journed this morning about 10 o'clock, after several days of earnest work. It has re elected all the officers oi .tne ae- Dartment or agriculture, it meets again October 21, during the Southern Exposition. The Executive! committee oi tne Agricultural and Mechanical college Board of Trustees is assigned tne duty of providing for the use of the $10,00 annually appropriated by tne atate to the college. Under tne terms oi tne act it is required to be applied to build ings and equipments. Dormitories win be constructed. The committee also intends to properly heat and light the buildings, and will abolish lamps and stoves. Mr.Leazar, of the Executive committee, so stated to-day and said further that there will be an increased attendance next session. He states that the college will make at the exposition a very fine exhibit of its work. This will be an excellent advertisement, oi course. i Inauirv was made this morning at the house of Grand Sire Busbee, as to his condition. His mother stated that he was unconscious the greater part of the time. At intervals he recognizes his family and friends. He has no fever and his appetite permits him to take the milk and. other nourishments offered IIs physicians last night said there was a decided improvement in his condition, but this morning the gain does not appear. Mr. Busbee is greatly esteemed here and inquiries as to his condition are nearly ceaseless. lie is receiving the greatest care. His nhvsiclans are among the ablest in the State. It is said there aro about 1,150 people at Morehead City. The east-bound trains vet carrv many sea-breeze seek ers past here. Raleigh Is, as always, wU renreaented at Morehead City The dreadful work of diphtheria in THE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Tlie Board of TruMeee Elect Two New Profoeeore and Accept the Itealguallon of One. Raleigh, June 19. special. The Executive committee of the Board of Trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical college this afternoon elected R. E. L Yates, of Wake coun ty, graduate of Wake Forest college with high honors, Ad jucct Professor of Pure Mathematics and Bookkeeping; Charles M. Pritchard, of Cartersyille, Ga., a graduate of the Atlanta Tech nical Institute, one of the assistant in structors Id practical mechanics. W. E. Wetherly tendered his resig nation as assistant In the mechanical department to accept a position at St Louis, his home. The chairman was instructed to advise him of the accept ance of his resignation and send him a testimonial commending hia work.1' Plans for additional aocommodMipo. were discussed and laid over to an ad- journed meeting on June 52 id. . murderers Sent to Jail. Laurinburg, N. C, "June -16. Special The murderers of Albert Smith who was found dead in the road near here last Sunday morning, were sent to jail to-day. Derrich David and Jerry, his son, were, as the coroner's jury believes, the . guilty men another victim oi the Illegal whiskey traffic. Yet some say let us have more whis key, which means more crime, more suffering Tuid more sorrow. EMPEROR WILLIAM SEVERELY THE r LECTURES HIS UNCLE, PRINCE OF WALES. I , British Politics- Parliament to be Prorogued Conservative ttostufc Croand-Officers Drowned in Behrlnjc Sea Trouble Feared In ' Samoa. The English crowd hooted Wales the other day. ; " The exportation of American bread stuffs has fallen off $30,000,000 in i year. Three eminent American actors have recently died the last being Emmett the unfortunate. An Ingenious Norwegian is reported as having invented a substitute for ivory. It is made of, skimmed milk and will take any color. John D. Rockefeller takes the cake. His figures are $129,000,000. He Is the richest American, i.s a Baptist, and is in broken health by wo- ry and anxiety. He has no chance of living unless he takes a long rest. Here is a good point made by the Atlanta Journal: in the na dollar mis count of the Democratic some- "The count of the cash tlonal treasury shows one sing out of $70,000,000; . A left bv the last administration, however, shows thing like a billion dollars missing. A negro has been admitted a jury man in New York and there Is "big talk." It is too common In the South to be noticed ' ' '' B "Blue Ridge Inn" at Mt. Airy.N. C, is now open for guests. , i The World's Fair. 1 The excitement caused by this great event Is scarcely equaled by that pro duced by the great discovery of Dr. Miles the ttesto raw v ".t.u,. nftedllv cures nervous prostration, change of life, pain, dullness a. d con fusion In health, fits, sleeplessness, the blue neuralgia palpitation, monthly pains, etc. C. W. Snow & Co., of Sy aue N. i Y.: Talbovt and Moss, pf Gesburg Ind., and A. W. Black ?5!I Vaster, Ohio, say that "The Nervine U. betier ' than anything we var sold, and gives universal satisfac tion." Dr. Mlle9' new Illustrated treatise on the Nerves and Heart and trial bottle iree av iujuu. i. -Drugstore i thin cm nflrtaininc to enthusiasm no man is sane who does not know how to be insane on proper occa sions. Another great unfferer Trota headache cured bvBradyorotine, Mrs. J. . Wiudbain, Btone the family of Mrs.lennan,of Washing ton, D.C., is a topic of talk here. Two children are dead and a third sick. People in the city are taking great care of their children. Raleigh has been verv free from infective disease. These cases were brought here. After a long struggle with the quick sand at the New Union passenger depot site, the builders have con quered. They never reached the bot tom of the quicksand but put in a log foundation and then laid on this mas sive granite blocks. , " Mr. and Mrs. George W. Kidder and daughter, Miss Annie, arrived here at mignight last night. Late yesterday afternoon, at the ex position grounds, a "boss" of a gaog of , carpenters fell into a- well, the plank ing over the latter haying given way. He was given aid almost in a moment, and it was -found he had failed fifty-two feet, into the mud and water. He struck head foremost; and strange to say was not hurt in the least. - In two or three mlnns he was laughing heartily at his mishap. a Through the action of the State from Durham to vv'arsaw rain fell last In soi olaces it was heavy. It cooled the supt r-heated air, but the tAmnnrnture he o today was quite high enough to satisfy any one. The crops are growing. Cotton Is email, but it is looking up. , Raleigh is a busy place just now. Workmen of all kind and teams are in demand. Much building work is in progress, aud this in summer, when usually that sort of work is quiet. Mrs. Nancy Heck, -mother of t ol. J. m TTonk nf this cltv. died yesterday at AA A-.'W.v.f w- -' - -j . V. - VmA In WarrAn onuntV. at an &U- vanced age. Your correspondent mis mormug spoke to a well known real esuue man ; qqq in regard to the sales of lots in ne northeastern addition to the city, Irnnwn as Idlewild." Of the 160 lots.all save 68 have been privately sold, and at good prices. July 8th, the public sale will be held. Mr.WilliamC.Stronach says there ara now twenty-six inmates at the Soldiers Home. There is a steady increase in the number. Applications for admis sion are coming in dally. Great pleasure Is expressed here at the election of Mr. John Mr. snerwoou, AN IMPORTANT SUIT, i j'- An Action Agalnat the Government Involving $25,000,000 Decided In Favor of the Plaintiff's. Philadelphia, Pa., June- '19. The jury in the suit of Meyer & Dickepea against ttia Governmflntl ; trv' raAiivM tbe excess of duties levied on mteflaXf used as hat trimming this morning re-1 turned a verdict $632.40 for the pTaFoi tin. u ne Uoverntaent will Appeal o the Supreme .court. - By' the rBcdiJkof the jury in this .case the Government Is made liable. lor from W,000,tX0' 16 $30,000,000 that it has collected in duties' from importers of millinery materials in various parts of the country. The suit of Meyer He Dickenson was a test suit and was intended to test the right of the Government to collect duties on the uoods in dispute. The other peopl ing suits will be affected by this ver dict, and that Is where the large money and great interest taken by importers comes in. The Go vern men t claims that they art dutiable at 60 per cent, ad valorem under tbe clause of "all goods, wares and manufactures of silk or of which j silkis the component material of chlefU value. The question arose by reason; of the omission in the act ot March 3d, 1883, of the word "vegetable" from the hat material clause in the former act, and was first brought before the court in this jurisdiction on April 6th, JS86, In the cate of Langfeldt against Hart-; canft, in which.cotton battings were thef articles before the court. It was de cided by Judge McKennan that if thef jury believed thai the chief use to; which the ribbons were puWwas io trimming hats and hoods, then it wai subject to 20 per cent duty. The iur found in favor of the plaintiff and Judge McKennan's rulieg was affirmed by the;" Supreme court. Under this decision. $6,000,000 were refunded to the plain tiff. Afterwards in the New Yorkl jurisdiction a simlllir question was de-l cided in the case of Edelhoff agalnsf the collector in which articles lm ported were used as hat bands and in; that case also the decision was In favoit of the Importer, as itshief use was foif trimming hats and the decision wai 1 affirmed by the Supreme court. f DEVASTATED BY A CLOUD-BURST. A Cloud-Burnt Cause Great Iamag to Property at Utlca 111. f Ottawa, Ills., June 19. Utlca, thi busy little cement and brick manufact turing'town and seat of many cosy and pretty homes, was devastated by a cloud-burst yesterday. The cloud broke just norlh of town over a high bluff and came into the valley with ft i-oa" that created a panic and caused the inhabitants to msh before it and seek shelter upon high ground. In the space of a quarter of an hour the water rnae six feet in the low lands and from one o three feet in the dwellings and stores In the heart of the town. Build ings were shaken from their foundaf- tlons. side walks torn up and. fences and out houses carried away. ; Fortii nately no lives were lost and the watefr Not a dwelling or place of business escaped damage, and househo'd goods to the value of many thousands of dol lars were ruined. Beautiful lawns wefe despoiled and sand and mud to tlie depth of several Jnches covered the floor and carpets of dwellings. In the manufacturing portion of the pla;e great loss was sustained. The princi pal loss to this class falls on the Utlia Firebrick company, wnose nres were i The Cement Company also lost heavily. The losses probably aggregate $l,80p,- THE CHICAGO MARKETS. Cerals Opened Strons But Declined Toward tbe Close -Provision Strong, Closing Above tbe Day Before. , Chicago, June 19. Wheat opened with an appearance of strength, first sales of July being made at 94(rt$4i against 93i at the close yesterday. Tjhe local feeling was bearish and the bill ing pressure quickly overwhelmed the Uiiolrrh a.h Grand Chancellor of the little coterie of buyers. July sold at r i i l ! tin na rftxran u. ! tl'-i Irian UL' 1 Vl vurimia KnitrhtS OI rvmitts. f, i ' - , B. M. a pre- Muy Thank Her Mars. The narrow escape of Mrs Carles, of Elkhart; Ind., frem mature death is wonuenui. ne siaic that "fer, twenty ; years my heart troubled me grtatly. I became worse. Had smgthtring spells, short breth, fluttering', could not sleep on my left side had much pain in breast, should er and stomache. Ankles swelled. Had much headache and dizziness. Treat ment did me no good, until 1 tried Dr. w:i tow Heart Cure and liestora- rvfne. The first bottle helped rV and I was soon virtually Tot sale at Robert R. store. A fine book nerves free. cured Bellamy's drug on heart and 'Blue handsome reception here upon his ar- ; rival from Charlotte this morning. The uniform rank paraded and escorted him to Phalanx Lodge. That build in cr was decorated. The Grand Chan cellor, thus escorted, was driven in a coach and lour, a mo UC'D some Bpeeche. "License or "no liteuac, Kf"'" to be the question of the hour at More head City just now. The hotel people want license for the sale of liquors. The temperance advocates are on the other side Several went down from here to fieht the "license" men. The county omnmU-sioners have deferred action .11 .v. Mnndnv In Julv. Mean- " .ku,.u la fllsnlnved a izood deal of Vam ai?o there was a similar fight there, but In the end the "license man came out ahead. rr-u iif.t.nr of Internal revenue a. .1.... nini tr- ,1 Information of the cap- Ure 7o an "illicit distillery ata point lur?. rihwst of Hlllsboro. eigni uiiic- " r,r .ntitv of It was aesiroyeu, i . beer and liquor. Something greatly needed here is a well managed building and loan as sociation. This evenipg one was organized. C. 13. Ed wacds was made r,ridfint. Elv Harrlll vice president. L. t. Lougee tecretary and treas urer, W. N. Jones attorney. ",". Tte trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical ! colletre have re-elected all Its officers. Four new assistant pro--f-ors will be chosen by the executive 93 i then with various fluctuations! It went to 94. Then the market became weak on freer offerings and lower and weak English cables and decline re ported at Paris, Berlin and Antwerp, and sold oft to 94i and closed 94t. Corn showed little strength and Jiuly sold at 56a56i bu everybody seemed to have selling orders, and buyers were holding: off. July opened at 541. The shorts covered freely. Investment buviner was eenerous and there fwas an Irreerular advance to 66i. then Par dridge and Cudahy turned short sellers, breakint? the price to 551, from whlcn tbe there was a recovery to 66t at close. Oats started 361 (d) 87 for July land closed at 36. Provisions opened fine, September nork sell He at 110.60. but fell laUr to 110.60. Then, when corn and - wheat advanced It i old to 110 70, dropped to $10.62iand closed $10.65, a gain oil teo cents over yesterday. Lard anajriD Hlllsboro. gained live cents eacn. i London, Juhe 19. Copyright Parliament will be prorogued August 6th. This Is tbe official arrangement which resulted from an agreement be tween the Government and the Opposi tion whips after the latter had com municated with their leaders with Reference to their policy upon the re maining bills of the session. f Vigorous effort will be made in com- Ittec on tne Educational Dili to ex- nd the o Deration of th measure. A trong section of Radicals will fight for n amendment giving tne rate payers ocal control. if The local party manager who are iwtfrmlng fo the. -lobbies of the House kf Comraons, have just received au thentic instructions to 'prepare for a dissolution , early next summer. Tbe Government intends to summon the jH-'use early In January "and stake its late onthe Irish Local Government jbltr, atJdsaletdates to dissolve Parlia ment after carrying the bill, f Conservative uncertainty, over the if uiure of that party is leading to further ifref usalsj by the present members ;to Irecontest their seats, and within the 'Ministry itself discontent is producing disorganization. ' A remarkable outburst In which Sir J. E. Gerst expressed, his contempt, for fee r tainof h-ls colleagues In the Mlnls tryoocarred inhe Manipur debate. fBeing obliged, officially, to de-!fnd- the. Indian jGovernment, he lmad'e a" mockihg. apology for khe brutalities and stupidities of British rule abroad, and behind his ilbes at the Indian Government he sa- jttyrized. the Imperial Government. He tsaid that Senaputty was a mau ot i brains; that his real cAme'ware ln- depeDdftnce-andKlginallty and that the Goyftrnnaent disliked original tal entj Di'efejrring amenable mediocrity. The lfOP49 .hoard him; ag,hast.wonder lae M hom the language was tevelTed. ThS" kcceted""-rn'terpretatioa of ihe 'J . " v a - : lJ il A. .! spaeanriaina w, if cognising tuM tna period of Oonservatlve power is about to"" close-, is preparing . for the time; when he will reassume With-j Locd. Randolph Churchill a Uiiieieadnt .position filming to form and lead a groud strong enough to give them eventual contKolH- at least that the most prominent shall lead Ue party. - . Gerst, who Is-a Tory Democrat of keener intellect and sounder judgment than Churchill, has long cherished ideas of renovating the Conservative party. He believes a prolonged period In opposition' wotia anoru ms nest Chance to come joih front. ? J LONDON, June 19. The poitiOf-oi the Prince of Wales is becoming mare and more compromised by the compli cations growing out of the famous Traahy Croft card party.. The young German Emperor Having lateen ine liberty of lecturing his- uncle ?on nis conduct In that affair, the breach be tween the two has been reopened and may lead to the postponement, If not abandonments of the Emperor's pro- Dosed visit to England, bnouia, nowj ever, the Emperor persist in his visit, ne will, in an prooaoinvy, now uuu mo Prince of Wales to welcome him when his fleet arrives off Sheerness, and, for similar reasons, he will not be accom panied on his visit by tne r rince, whose absence, however, will be more than made up bj the presence of the Queen. ; Freemans Journal puDiisnes a cartoon In which Parnel', Healy and others are seated around a baccarat table playing the celeb rated game. " Healy is pic tured in the act of surreptitiously add injr counters to hia bet, while Parnell whispers to Erin, "thfs is too hot." Police authorities of Birmingham are afraid that the Prince of Wales Will meet with hostile demonstrations in the streets when he comes there to open the new law courts on July 21st, and will make careful arrangements and stringont regulations, to prevent them. London, June 19. Henry Mathews, Secretary of State for tire Home De partment, in the House of Commons today announced that, the government cordially accpted the amendment of Sydney Buxton (Liberal) to the Fac tory bill, upon which the Government was yesterday defeated by a vote 202 to 18Buxton's amendment, in substance, Is that children under 11 years: of age are prohibited (rom working in factories, Calcutta, !j una i9.-Sfxty earth iiuake ? shocks wete experienced throughout tne r-rovinco oi oeugai yesterday and many buildings were destroyed. : , London, Jane 19. Dispatches re ceived here from Melbourne state that the latest advices from Samoa are to the effect that Chief Mataafa, accom Danled bv a body of natives, had started for Mahe, the 'center of the Intrigue which is known to exist against the sovereign rights, of King Maliatoa Laupeia. It Is believed that this movement upon the part 6f Mataafa will lead to further trouble. The two chiefs, who, by Maliatpa's orders, had been imprisoned for ' sedition, escaped and joined the forces of Chlel Mataafa. he latter, however, returnea tne two chieftains to Maliatoa, and, during an Interview which was neia oetween Ma taafa and Maliatoa, the former told the King that although he, Maliatoa, naa been recognized i King by the powers he' (Mataafa) was the real King of Victoria, B. C, June 19. The steamer Queen, which has arrived from Sitka, reports that the revenue cutter Bear has reached Alaska from Icy bay bringing news of the drowning oiuieui Robinson and four of the crew of the Bear and A, C. Moore oi the itusseu party. The drowning occcrrea wnne the party were trying to make a land ing In Icy bay with the Russell Mount St. Etlas party, ine near ien.aii.Ha m? morning of the 14th for Bearing sea. s Paris, June. jour puoiisuo an Interview with ex-Empress Eugenie, in which she said she intended to leave Poi-ii in a week as it had been inti mated that her presence mignt give rise to "unpleasant Incidents. Being Questioned regarding the resurrection of the Empire,'she said: "The Empire died with my son." , FROM WASHINGTON CITY. Heary Claims A gal a at the . Govern- ment-Report on the Smanllnc Case Gold Shipment. ' Washieqton, June 19. The report of the collector of customs -at $an Francisco, in regard to the alleged smuggling on the United States steam er Omaha was received at the Treasury Department this morning, and on the strength of it Acting Secretary Spauld ing directed the release of all detained goods on payment of duties. The Director of the Mint has been informed that $2,500,000 of gold was shipped from New York to-day and 250.000 from Boston. Washington, June 19. The North American Commercial company by its attorney to day filed with the acting Secretary of the Treasury a protest against the action of the United States Government In preventing that com pany from taking a number of seals stipulated in its contract. The com pany presents a claim for 1400,000, the loss sustained by reason of being com pelled to stop taking seals on July 20th of last year when only one-third of the contract number of seals had been taken. The company aUo gives notice that it will claim from the United States reimbursement for loss sustained during the year 1891 through the operation of the modus vicendi with England recently promul gated by the President. An additional claim of 1150,000 is presented for ex penditures which the company has made in providing for maintenance and education of inhabitants of 'the Islands of St. George and St. Paul, which expenditures were imposed upon the company, under terms of its con tract with the United States. BUSINESS OUTLOOK. G. DUN & CO'S WEEKLY SUMMARY AND REVIEW OF TRADE. Terrible blood poison, body covered with sores, and two bottles of P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium) cured the disease,, making the patient lively as a ten-year-old. BLEW HIS OWN BRAINS OUT. i Strange Suicide of a Drummer, and the Predicament It got a WI1- ; mlnstou Boy Into. We learn from the Akron, Ohio, papers that Mr. C. C. Cutts.sonofCapt. A. H.3utts, of the Atlantic Coast Line has had quite a disagreeable experience in that city. For some time young Mr. Cutts has been traveling salesman for Moors, Klrkland & Co lumber dealers In Montgomery, Ala. In. travelling in the West and Northwest he had msde the acquaintance of a Mr. William H.' Cowen, a travelling man for the Chica go Lumber Co., and, both being In the same business, they travelled in com pany. Arriving at Akron, Ohio, on the 14th inst, they put up- at the Em pire House, occupying the-same room. At about 1 o'clock on. the' morning of the 15th, a pistol shot was heard and in a moment or' two a voice shouted, 'come, Mr. Byant," (the keeper of the hotel) "he's shot himself!" The pro prietor and others rushed to the room occupied by Cowen and Cutts, and upon lighting the gas a ghostly spectacle was presented to their yiew. Cowen Was lying In a doubled up position with head resting against a wash stand, and feet stretched out, with blood and brains oozing from a bullet hole In his head. Close by lay a 38 calibre revol ver. " When the throng entered the room Cutts was dressing himself. He at once stated that the pistol was his property, and that it had been taken from under his pillow. His statement went to show that Coweu had given evidence of mental aberration on one or two oc casions, as If fearing that some one would do him bodily narm. Cowen saw Cutts when the latter took the pistol with some valuables from his satchel and placed them under the pillow. Cutts was partially awake when Cowen took the pistol, and asked, "What do. you want?" Cowen replied,' "Those fellows are after me and I want your re volver." Cutts, half asleep, let him take It, and dropping off Into a sound sleep, knew no more until he was suddenly awakened by the pistol shot, about an hour after. Mr. Cutts was at once placed under arrest on suspicion and was held until exonerated by the verdict of the coro ner's jury. The evidence and the facts showed that Mr. Cowen deliberately committed suicide. His son went to Akron from Chicago and he stated that his father at times suffered from mental trouble. Our friend Charlie was for the time in an unenviable position, and while none of his many friends in Wilming ton would for a moment believe that he would be capable of committing an act like that for which he was arrest ed, we nevertheless rejoice that his vindication was so speedy and abso lute. ' ' Baeehall. Washington, June 19. The follow ing is the score of games played at various points to-day: - Boston Boston, 7; Brooklyn, 3. i " New York New York, 4; Philadel phia, 11. ' .. , Columbus Columbus, 4; St. Louis, 3. Philadelphia Boston-Athletic post poned on account of rain. Pittsburg Ci acln nattl-Plttsburg (game called third inning on account of rain.) Cincinnati, 3; Pittsburg 1. ! Baltimore Baltimore, 4; Washing ton, 6. ! Cleveland Cleveland, z: unicago, o. Cincinnati Cincinnati, 14; Louis ville, 10. j Irlost Sentenced to Imprl4nment. New York, June 19. John Most, the Anarchist, appeared today in court for resentence, his appeal to the. courts for a new trial having been denied. Judge Cowing sentenced him to one year's imprisonment. He took his sen tence stoically. j Crop Reports Favorable Trade Com paratively Small Improvements . In Demand In Several Impor tant Trade-Credits More Cautiously Given. . New YORK, June 19. Dun's weekly report says: Business failures occurring throughout the country during the past week number, for the United States, 224; Canada, 29; total, 253, against 244 last week. While crop reports continue remark ably favorable, the volume of business at present trade centres is not as large as it has been in other years at this time. This is, in fact, because the ex ceptionally hot weather at many points had Induced something like the midsummer dullness, but the more important. cause undoubtedly Is that trade In many branches has been wait ing for a certainty In Improvement and definite orders before undertaking new risks. There is also some hesita tion owing to recent failures, particu larly in Philadelphia. Credits have been more cautiously given in woolen and boot and shoo trades, and this has lessened the vol ume of transactions. Hence, it is en couraging to find that there is an ac tual improvement in the demand for consumption in several more import ant trades and that manufacturers al ready begin to feel the effects. Crop prospects have Improved during the past week, particularly in Southern and Northwestern regions, where there has been lack of rain and there is now scarcely a single commercial centre from which crop reports are not highly favorable. Business Is improved at Louisville, decidedly so at Montgomery and slightly at New Orleans. Trade is small at Memphis, (but crop prospects are good) dull at Nashville, be iter than usual for the season at Atlanta, and much better than last year at Jackson ville. Reports from all quarters indi cate little complaint as to collections. Regarding money reports show almost everywhere an ample supply for legit imate and sate business, but it is fre-i quently mentioned that there is no supply for speculation and at St. Louis the market was stiller at 7 per cent, at Kansas City firm at 8 to 10 per cent and at Detroit strong at 7 per cent, rather stronger at Cleveland, Ugh, at Little Rock and Atlanta, close at Naehville and In good demand with firm rates at New Orleans. From all other points reports indicate compara tive ease It is another hopeful indi cation thsU the demand for manufac tured lriji and steel improves. For structdrMj:on there Is a rush of orders because ahe collapse of building strik ers, and makers of sheet iron are some what ..puzzled, though bar iron is only fafrfy active, but plates are In good demand. The wool market at New, York shows improvement and larger demand by manufacturers. Special Uotict. IITANTED A COLORED WOMAN AS TV eook, must understand mrkUn. yfsffes 18 per month. Address E. W.. MeasoDi Office SAFES FOR S A US Three good sates. Apply to George Z. French. Jo 17 I7V0R SALE 90 Shares paid ud Stock Indus- XJ trial Manufacturing Co. Address O. and Y., eare Messenger. my 80 It SUsjCtUatumis. FOR SALE Eight shares stock, seoond series, " Mechanics Home astoolatlon," at exact ralue as per annual statement. Seller pays transfer. - Apply to OOEANIO HOTEL This Hotel la now open for the aooommoda tion uf gnesU. DINNER SO OTa BpeoUl attention giren to the tables. , Bates, ta.00 par day. . jU fk J. H. HINTGN, maylT if. Proprtetos. Island Beach Hotel, Manufactvrbr & Rsnovatir or MArntsstas. Je l si itoticb TRUSTEE'S SALE Valuable Brown Stone Quarry, rIO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS :- Proposals will be received at my offloe. No. tNl vonh Water street. Wilmington. North Caro Una, for the purchase ot builders' supplies, constsirog of 4,5.0 barrels fresh "Hofnmaa" Rosendale Cement, 350 barrels . Portland Ce ment, 3MJ barrels Plaster Paris; Rock Urns and Plastering Hair In any quantity. j Steamers and Factories Supplied with Pocahontas Coal at short notice and at wholesale prices. : THOS. F. BAG LEY, ! 1e 19 tf WUmln gton, N. O: Mortgage Sale. I JY VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF A power of sale contained In a certain mortgage deed bearing date August 88th, 1889, executed by Monroe Byrd and Eliza Byrd, his wife, to The Wilmington Homestead and Loan Asso' elation," and registered in the records of New. Hanover county, in Book No. 8, pp. 384, 385 and 386. the nnderslgced will sell, for cash, at the Court house door of said county, atiam.,Frt day, July 17tb, 181. the following house and lot: Beginning In the eat tern line of MoRae street, 105 feet north of Miller street, fronting 33 feet on McRae street, and running bask a distance of 165 feet. j 1 JNO. D. BELLAMY, Jr., P. B. MANNING, I Attorneys. je 19, aot, ex. Sun. , " ALLAT ! 27 Ma;ket Street, WE HAVE A I A RGB LINE OF H0U8E hold goods we are selling at auction prices. Another large reduction in prises. W. J. KIRKHAM CO., 1 JAMES 0. MUNDS, Agt, , . t Druggist, Fancy Uoods and Toilet Articles. AT Till? HAMMOCK. WRIUHTMVILLK HtCAOO, MHsJt 4 Wilmington, N. O. Now open tor the Beasoa 1891. Most Charming Resort on South Atlantic Coast. Hotel Equipped with all modem ina proTements, Pig Finn, Crabs, dams aad all the delloaoles from the sea a specialty. Fine Band of Music, Dancing, Fishing, Boating Sea Breeses, Surf Bathing, Jto, WILL HUNTER, Proprietor. Also Proprietor Hotels Arlington-Gregory Qoldsboro, N. C. my 84 U Atlas - House, Ocean View, J. J. HAYES, MANAGE It. I rjIHE ATLAS HOUSE has been refurnished throughout. Everything new. we mane a specially of fig Fish, sonsneii Crabs,Shrimpt).Clams and all seaside dslloaolstt, ana serve vnem on snori nonce. iDtAuun most delightfully situated. Wide plazxas, oc in tertable seats, swings, fco. Burt bathing la a few feet of door. The Bar Is entirely separate from Hotel and oonduoted by C. L. Horner, who can suit all. je 7 im THE FAMOUS " CONNELLY : SPRINGS ! I At Connelly 8prlngs, W. N. 0 R R B'irke County, N. O. 1891 Summer Season. 1891 rpHE NEW HOTEL at this popular resort to whloh extensive Improvements have been added during the past winter, will be opened for tbe Summer Season, on MONDAY, 'JUNE 1st, 1891. The Connelly Springs Company promise every oomfort and oonvenlenoe to its patrons. The Connelly Springs Water has now an interna tional reputation, and hundred of people, at home and abroad, in unsolicited testimonials attest Its efnoaoy. Write for Circulars. For further information, address, CONNELLY SPRINGS CO., Je 10 8m Connelly Springs, N. O. Je7tf 111 PRINCESS STREET. CITUATK at the town of Wadesboro, State ofNorth Carolina, together with enelne, boiler. steam derricks, gang saws, eio., alt in complete order. Good Chance for Investment As trustees under a certain deed of trust dated August 8Uth, 1889, and recorded in Trust Book 86, page 366 et seq., we will, on the 4th day of June A. D. 1891, at the hour of 3 o'clock p. m , In front of the court house door in the town of Waoesboro, State of North Carolina, sell the Wadesboro Brown Stone Quarry, to gether with Its f ranchlss and privileges and the personal and real estate belonging thereto, consisting oi leasenoia interests in aoout i, iw acres of land, a fee simple in about 95 acres improved by a valuable dwelling house, steam engine, boiler, steam derricks, gang saws with the boilers and engines, and all the tools and appliances used In working saia quarry Terms of sale: One third of the purchase money In cash, the balance In one and two years, a deposit ot 1,0U0 require j on the day of sale, BENJ. F. LEIGHTON. Trustee, Office: Washington, D. C. jOHN RIDOUT, Trustee, je 10 6t eod Office: Washington, D. C. $5,000 Insurance :: $5 ERSO NS T RAVELING For Over Fifty Years j Mrs. Wlnslow's Southing Syrup has been used by mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broknn ot TPur rti. a sick child suffering and crying with pain or Cutting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Wlnslows Soothing Syrup," for Child ren Teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, there Is no mistake about It. It cures Diar rhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind colio softens the Gums, reduoes Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething Is pleasant to the taste and 1 4 the prescription of one of te old est and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and U for sale by aU drug gists throughout the world, Price twenty five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask. for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup." :AT THE UNLUCKY : CORNER 4,300 FEET ABOVE TIDE WATER. QUEE2T TAUJSL HOTEL, Blowing Rock, N. 0. - It Is announoed with pleasure and satisfac tion that tbe new Hotel of tbe Green Pa Hotel Company will be ready for the entertt ment of guests on tbe aOTH OF JUNE. . Ne pains aud expense have been spared to oarry out the original purpose of tbe proprie tors to matte it tne most popular resort in the Fountains of North Carolina, and health and pleasure seekers both may be assured that the oomfort and pleasure oi guests win oe proviaea lor ia a manner. j SUPERIOR TO ANYTHING Spring Chickens Fresh Cakes and dally over the same line of Railroad or The very Best Butter (kept on ice). ! We deliver Goods to any boat Fc Separate and Mr. E. W. Sikes b as been eleted professor of physical culture at Wake Forest college. ."; '-i A careful estimate places the lojss by the recent fire at Seabright, N.J., at $300,000 with insurance of $200,000. Dispatches from many points in Ar kansas say that Jefferson Davis Memo rial meetings have been held at which committees were appointed ana au thorized to collect subscription wrthe riAvia monument. Goodly Street Care for Blacks wbltea. Rkhmond, Va., June 19.-The Pow hattaa Club, the leading Damocratic organization in- the State, having adopted a resolution demanding sepa rate street cars for blacks and whites, Governor McKinney was asked to-day what he thought ol the project, a replied that he thought some such provision should be made, and that he should "recommend to the next Legis lature the enactment of a law provid ing for separate cars for blacks ami Heavy Export In Gold. ; New York, June 19, The street was to-day treated to the surprise of a taking of over $2,300,000 gold IpTj port by to-morrow's steamer a and stood the surprise very well. ; ; The Ocean Tlew House. ' Mrs. Owens, who conducts the Ocean View Hoase at Ocean View Beach, is doing a fine business Her house is popular with the public, and has ; es tablished a fine reputation. She has an expert cook from Virginia Beach, employed at high wages, but she was determined to be equal to the demands of the first class patronage of our sea side resorts. Pig fish, soft shell crabs, deviled crabs, "'shrimps, clam fritters and all the salt jwater delicacies are served by herlt'.the very best style. The New: York Truck. Market. A special ttb he Messenger, sent from New Tork Mast uiighi by Geo. S. Palmar, broker - in -vegetable and fruits,' 166 :iteade street 'says: "Irish Dotatoes-ln heavr sunaly, selling at 3.SO to $4,501 Cucumbers $1.25. Beans, wax, 60 to 75 cents. All huckleberries arriving .by freight are1 in very bad order. ". . . . . Excursion to tne Rorki. The steamer Passport, in addition to her regular trip to Sonthport and Car olina RpAp.h vesterdav. returned to Southport-for the purpose ol carrying an excursion party over ',io tne iwno last night. The' nights are beautiful now and we know tne excursionists uau a good time. ' ' ' i , i , ' m m m 1 Nice cool airy rooms at "Blue Ridge Inn" Mt. Airy, N. C. ; A man was sn Athens, Ga. recently exhibiting a building with one foot ex- , actly the shape of a nooi. -t r. Tf :.l - l I Nohod v need, suffer from languor and melaneholy If they take Simmons Liver i Kegulator. . ; Steamboats should provide themselves with an Accident Insurance Policy for $5,000. This amount of insurance will only cost $5 for. one year. ; M. S. WILLARD 210 North Water St. i WILMINGTON, N. C. Telephone No. 5. - )R SAL.K steamer Bellevue, (paddle,) re ently overhauled ana tnorougoiy renneuj lenetb, 137 teet; bieadtn oi Deam, jm ieei; uepm ot hold, 8 teet; tonnage, 908 81 1GQ. Beam engine; diameter ot ejlioder, 33 Inches; 6 leet strove; speeu n uuies u uui. nlDR between Savannan and Beaufort s. C. Now In port of Charlestoo, wheie he can be examtuen. Apply to U. W. DINGLE, Attor new of Owners. otc.O.d BLUE RIDGE INN. T1HI3 MAGNIFICENT HOTEL has been leased for a term of years by the "Granite City Land and Improvement Company" and thor oughly fitted throughout with Electrle Lights. Electric Bella. Water is now being put In the building for baths, &c, and It la now one of the .very best Hotels in the State. J. W. Clarke, formerly of Concord, N. C, Is In charge of the Hotel and ne is too wiaeiy known to need aoy introduction as a Hotel man. Mt Airy is 1,300 feet above sea level, and tt is never too warm here to sleep under a blanket at night.; RATES AT BLUE RIDGE INN: 11.00 per daj, 110.00 to 18,i0per week, $30.00 to W0 00 per month. j Special rates to families. For turther Information apply to J. W. CLARKE, Manager, le 19. Sm eod ' Mt. Airy, N. C. yet experienced In this part of the mouataln country. The indications already are that the ana r reStl I should be made soon. Special rates to families. Send tor Illustrated Guide Book. GREEN PARK HOTEL CO.; JeStf ; Blowing Rock, N. C. O ackers. city at on or train leaving tne any time of the day. We deliver poods free either Wrightsville, Green ville or ; Masonborough Sound if wagon load can be made up. We pack all orders nicely and deliver them in good order. We are headquarters for Good Goods and Low Prices. Fire and Water I r :o:- Havlng purchased S. H. Flshblate'i Stock of CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, we will b ready j ON TUESDAY MORNING To place the same on the market at UNHEARD OF PRICES. S W. SANDERS & CO. je 18 tf I Havinfr also stock of Shoes Ithelnstein & Co. Market j purchased the water lately belonging to F. we will throw on the EXC U RS I O N n ousan ra k068 CAROLINA BEACH, TUESDAY, JUNE j . . 1 Sard. TbeChaiitable Circle oi si .nurow (Presbyterian) Church will gl n excursion to Carolina Beach on Tuesday, 83rd. Refresh ments v. Ill be served at city prices. Tlokets 50 cents, Children 85 cents. 118 That will be sold at from 12 cents to 2.75 per pair, including Shoes of all grades from the cheapest to Una hand sewed goods. For Shoes call at our store on FOURTH STREET. ie 14 tf POLVOGT & REHDKK HOW AN UGLY U, Blick. THE BEST THING F THE SEASON. A handsome lot OI rd. They UttDKlCK. o Prill being sold rapidly. DTi.u,iT.Mrnnthait fte Der vara. Tney are A JOB n Ladles' Oloves, Silk and Lisle halt price, beginning at 5c a pair, Thread, at HEDRICIC OUIt TOWEL bargains have created a Mrtrede. We have i a Urge lot left. An extra good ta'nt'gjjg" Towels at 18c each. HEUKlOK- FOR CASH will give you your choice from our large stock ot TffinLaces at the exact cEDRICK. DOMESTIC GOODS. Sheetings, Shirtings. Tloklng, Outing Cloths, Qlnghama and Calicoes. HEDEIOK. JeWtf tt rr.. tw MmoTd from the 8kln or any disease eradicated fromthe sv stem la lnforme tion well deserving tne l ul u" Wthi, The one may be the result ot lmpurltyof the Blood. The ovner oriKiui. ."- -- - -- , f hn T.lver. Bladder. Kia- neylrDigestive organs, Malaria, or aomeother Rtem. The Waters of Cleveland Springs have Bjsveau ine njwrev nhMtolana and cer- been enaorneu uy -'-v;kt virtu.. tiUed to by those who have tested their Jftuea, 1. nHHBinir do -ere that .readily overfe Jnd drive from the system all or umm 1 herefore by going there, any man or j WOMAN MAY BECOME , nnlv atrentrthened and built np physically S2d?r tnl wonderful tonic effects ol the vVatera. hSt tUr reTieved from pain and Buffering under X mvfable curative powers. In aaltk T.J " aiinarloritv Of these BDrtBM u a healin roaorw "tz , - location among the blUs ot the Piedmont eeo-ItoJ-nearthe base of the Blue Ridge. The many natural attraction made more i Beautiful and Attractive by the construction ot pleasant drives, delight tul walka and inviting retreats, amid the Bhady ii.u m.ni v.M.nt hliin and renders Cleve land Springs a most dellgnUul resort tor tourists and pleasant seeaers eiso. For testimonies, &c., Address,! PROPRIETOR CLEVELAND SPRINGS, jeWtt Shelby N.O. P ARTIES WHO ARE BUILDING! 1 contemplate building are recreated to sx amine the Bricks on the wharf opposite the old Ioe Hoase, next to New Market. These Brick are Superior to any home made brick oaths market One Hundred Thousand Now on Wharf i We know the prices will suit ones you ex amine them. e 17 1W j I T. A J. F. ALDBKM 4N. FURNITURE. 'I . -ryK ARE THE LEADEEB IN EVERT Deprtnattt of the trade, aad show tbe ' LARGEST, FINEST, AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK gton, at prieea that cannot be ap by other dealers. We aoUolt four THOS. C. CBAFT.Agt., je i j s j Leaoinc Furniture Dtaler. In WHals proaoaed lUade. . Hi n 1 i i ' h H ; j "4 1 H . Get out of the heat and go to Rldg Inn" at ML" Airy, N. C. sums were collected at the meetings. J J committee. t its. U .it." :.. ( Y

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