dULT:12, Iu3. , 1 , - ter Vr' A -1 btmd at ths roatome at Wilmington, K.C,u second class mill matter. 1 I. , New Advertisement , Cantaloupes, &c. Special, !Our Stock J. W. Murchtuon; Groceries, &c R. R. Love & Ero. I Masonic 'Meeting Wm. M. Polsson. New Hanover County-rFiW. Foster. I Excursion. Bladen Street - Sunday School. .I;"'' r ... i Making': Both Ends Meet Wllllard Mechanics' JIome Association N. Jacobl, President! i Weather 'Condition U. g,- IWeather Bureau Office, A storm lof some i energy i appears to be developing In .he east gilt, causing Very heavy -rainfall in middle and northern : Florida aindl high northeast Winds aleng fhe !outh Atlantic ensoul ttain continues In Florida, Georgia and the JCarolanaa, and cloudy weathr pre Walls in all other Atlantic coast -states. ' It Is much coolerr In the; southeast and warmer n j thej upper Mississippi val ley.:. Anextensl4ei area; of; high pres i urfe covers all northeast sections, kenalng south to K'orth Carolina thence est to t he M i.tslsHl ppl valley. To the westward of th Atlantic, end east gulf states the ieather ! tlar and Kvarm.- The following heavy rainfalls onvtlle, Fla., 2W iSnches. ij , i ! f f ! forecasts ji: v:';v. . Washing-ton t Forecast j foif ;hj State o 12 o'clock (mdt.i Tuesday Fair in the interior1 shqwei- near; the coast, - Ibrlik northeasterly j vnds. : , : l TEMPERATURE.' 18S7-8 .a.n.. 1J(!egTees:U 8 p;.-m., 80 Begrriees; hlrfiesti 84 degrees; lowest (1. degrees. Mi 1 J898 8 -a,ja. T Megrees; 8 p. jm., 67 degrees; hfgTiet J: ;cs degrees;;, lowest 6,4; jaegrefsJI M: Pert Calendar un rises, 4:52" o'clock p. m.;' high a..m.; sum isets, 7:18 o'clock tide at Southport, :09 p. m.; at Wit tnlngtoni G,:39 p. m Moon's Phases! Full moon. 3rd. 3 I. ;m.", last quarter, .lCrth, 11:29 a. m, hew modn, 18th, 2:3p p. im.! flrat quar teri 26thj 8:2f , ja.i rn.lt perigee, 3rd,? 9:00 a. ' in, anh hkV, 5: ! p. n".; apocee, I7iBT viaricif- Locals i.Vrighstill had ; a visit from the ram uri;iy. : . ; ;...-. ;:f j i - " "A niairiiige litrehse, was yesterday is wejl to Al it G: IM. ! Summeresll and Misis ' T, Aiaerraan. both of this city " m ie At lai House, Ocjean View; Is now nfler. tlie !manaeeni6nt or; Mrs Em i Hatiisl y, . nloflh la- prepared rtjo e all Drouuitly with good meal iodBiife.ii- .rs- .- t;A :..,::. ustlCe IJsuntlng yesterday tried Geo. tVis, ciilored.: charged with abandon nt and bound! him overi to the next im of ithe criminal t?6urt. I mN3-!M- Hjornaday, of Raleigh chief stto"6 keeper and j gauger, Inter-! hal; Revenseryiee, is in. the city an business.'. Tf 'i'b thej Bonitz House. .The usu4i SatiJrtlayTftight and Suoi day "drunks" wer HmitecPyterday; jn;lh6 police, ebbfti Ail told tierei . i ! - , i .sw - .1 . t ii a .... were oniy xiMpLcastja, wuu uucs jtvu Captain W. Hj Gannor and Captain E.-li GroQm, of Charleston, govern ment inspectors of pteam !craft, arriv ed i from Charleston Yesterday - and went -over j to New "Bern ; on their f.rounus. . liatch Bros., lof Mount1 Olive, ' will run : an excursion from Goldsboro 'to Wilmingtoii. and its seaside resorts next Thursday. They expect to bring down ai big' crowd; from Goldsboro and iinterinediate points, i ' " - f 1 Mrs. V. I3.- Ma'yo.'rat the, Ocean View Hotel, hacl a -crowtled house Saturday and Sunday and everyone was. well t pleased! Lf-ilith ; the! attentions given them and .the treatment they received.. Her ioiisei is as popular iis ever. !j Quarter, t Master i Sergeant .J. Ilboper, Corporal Eugene (Foshee and Private John Grotgen, of the Wilming-i ton. Light Infantry who came home on short leaTve last : Saturday, returned yesterday to Camp ' Russell, at" Raleigh.-; ij J ;'. j A V,H;-I Yesterday afternoon ;a j locomotive on' the Wilmington; Seacoast railroad; ran off the1 track; wheri the train ar-i rived from I the sound and got In at the vard switch at' t.hefdenot. in the citv. i t lit "caused -a little Aelay. fit nTas put back on the track; In the afternoon. r A judgment for casts was entered, up yesterday -in Justice" McGowan's pourt against :'; iVank! ; Thompson; colored, charged with assault and hattery and disorderly, conduct. - The same defend ani was 'tried for willful injury to per sonal T property, ;bu:t: was-! found not The Professor T. A. i,Srff&at. of Trinity College, preached i . f at Fifth street H, JB., church, on, Sunday night, knd greatly pleased his hearers with' one of his. fihe sermons. '. A year or s6 agohe assisted in the reyiral. meet ings at thls'church and made a lasting impression.; ; ;l'fl- '( " jr . ;." -; -.PasserBj-by . iCjftd liarket f btreet, . be tween Fnjmt and isecond; had their vision ; greeted ' yesterday by a ! neiat paste board sign, requestinfr all .','to kebp off the grass." .'The Isign,- owing if ifa" nnciMnnittraa mi 1 tft' n hnmnria id " 7ft4 waS stuck up .in; a large size clus- tef of grass growing and In flouring condition, nearly in the center- of the sidewalk; -n the; south sfd0' of th.6- street. . V ' if (io6d Showing for the Odd Fellows ;; 'The report 'pf Deputy. Grand .Master H. Bonikz tpj thej GfaAd Lodge, I.: O, O.' F., I makes a fine phowing fjor the .Wilmington jlodges. vpuring the' fei'm for; the past six months the mem bership has increased 21. i ;The four -: -- 4 ( i i - . '1. ; lodges now ihave; 439 members, as fol- )wsj ! Cape Fear -Lodges iNo. 2.-145:. OriOTKjodge No, 87, 981 1 Wilmington lAage N0S19, .109; Hanover Lodge No. 14$, 87,;- I .rS-Ji :!- -! i The value of prtrperty belonging to thte order in .ViUningf IS: $10,891 The amount paid out in reltef bene- nts was a4u, -wmcn is-nearly, lTr-er ceht. of thelvaluA of the property. Th per capita tax -paid, by the: four lodges here, ior tee support of , ithe- Grand Lodges was; $307.30.; . i ;r . 4; y. -ir - : -'-- A Cool Snap Ir' ;' A disagreeable easterly storm struck the cjty Sunday morning and it rained nearly all that day and also during Sunday night. It gat cjultpcbol and on eunaay nigni sief pers ; were ; comrorta ble under cover.j Yesterday morning at 6 ; o'clocL the'- thermometer : was down to 68 i degrees. There was more ram yesterday and r last night, with i the cool wave "continuing: .'The ibermometef was . down' to 70 at mid night) last night. ; . . -H: ; I Grand Hegent In th City j r: A ;M. Scales, Esq, Grand ; Regent of the Royal Arcanum of North; Carolina, arrived in the city yesterday, and has since been kept busy shaking ; hands with friends, of which ; he,' has' been in this city, j He is a proniinent law yer of - Greensboro, and a visitor we witi always most , heartily ."welcome.r ACCIDENT WAS 1,-SAVOIJiABI.Ei . i Sa Declare lb Fire Department Co-na- mlttee rile Board of AWermas Aft ter laveatlgatlon of tbe CoIiUlon i Over a Iantli Ago. : l-tL) The fir department committeei of the Board of Alderman; consisting; of t .Mayor Wrlghit aid Aldermen iBenon and Morrill, : yesterday afternoon, commenefng at 8:?0 o'clock, made due investigation into he cause of he fol lision 'of the truck of Hook and .Lad der Company No. j 1, and the reserve reel," which bappeeed the !afternoon Of the 7th of last montn. and which re sulted in several firemen being ;severe-. ly hurt and tne apparatus badly dam aged. After making most tarerul in quiry the 'icomtnittee decided that the accident 'aa unavoidable, whicn de Hfiion exonerated Driver HewJettj of the truck,! and -Driver. Calvin tieiljof the reel, irom ; wame. j . t i; ' It was shown -by.a number iof wit nesses, including i a member' lof the (Committeei ! Alderman Morrill, i that both drivers didtheir utmost to avoid the ticcidemt. Neither vehicle,! it was proven, was going atf an undue; rate of. speed, t ; i . . : :i i;..-".. ; There was considerable diVersKy of opinion among the witnesses;, aa j; to Whether Uie reel ' plunged' Into the truck, or the truck raa sideways into the reel. However, thiswas really or minor importance- as they all; agreed that the accident could in no "way have been avoided, nor jwas it caused by-the negligence of ' any of the-, firemen. The witnesses were Chief .Schnlbbeji and the firemen who wre in the. acci dent. Driver Hewlett, Hoseman Peter son,' Driver Bell and Ladderman Wan namakgT, Hancammon and K,idd, and several - by-stander. Alderman Mor rill, and lAdolphus ; Thomas. Ed. 1 Wilf liama and W. D. McNeill, all r-olored. Ladderman' Maulsby, -who had; Ins ; leg broken in ihe collision,; aid not testify. "He was not sent. : The lnvestigTlion was . heldj ab ;the city hall, and as so mny of the; fire men had ito- absence themselves ; from their respective 'houses' in order to at tend, the chief's buggy,', the tnuqk and the chemical engine were brojught to T;he hall sq as they could be Imanned; at ft- moment's 'nptlce; without j delay.t .. h-4 ! ? PEIlSOVAli MENTION. ::; -: Mr; E. 0- Alston, was among; the ar rivals at 'The Orton last evening. : Mr. D. ; A. Watson, ot Chadbourn; fame up to the city yesterday1. i Mr. T. Mr Lane, of South .JVah ington, was: on- our; streets yesterday. Mr. Joliin W; Wi. T h om p son,' of Wi 1 -son, cameidown to the city on business last evening . j 1 ( Mr. B. II. Cozart, Jr., of Wilson, was here shaking ;hand with hisl friend!? yesterdayj . t , I; ; - I Mr. and Mrs. Smith, and Messrs; -S. C. and M. M. Smithr-of Byg .Hill visited the 'City yesterday,- I , Our former townsman, Mr. -Ri ii'L. Prerapert.i of Louisyille; is here calling on the trade. i ' ' - Mr.' Thomas, H.i Wright'. of Portsp mouth, Va.,: audiior of . the Seaboard Air Line, is Jiere with Mrs. Wright on a visit. ; '. i : - !. . '. U . j . ' ; M Miss Minnie 'Martin and Miss Min nie Miller; two popular young ladies of Winston, are at Mrs. Mayo's, Ocean 'view.,-. 4t,i-i;?::.Uf-":;-!-:ll,l-l' :! Mrs.. T. J. Girarde'au mother of Mrs.v Dr. C.r P.l.iWertenba'ker, is i the i guest of .Drj-andMrs. Wertenbaken at. Ithe U. S. Marine .Hospital. . J : M ; i .( lMrs. John! Garrasoa." Miss. : J. D. "Williams sand' child, i Mrs: C. P. -Har-rJt'l and child.' came aip-yos ter day from Caft-Jina Beach on their way home in Fayettcville,: , ' r'j J I Mr. J. E -Hall with the flrnU-Of, Alexander Sprunt Bn, left; yesterday over thej v Atlantic ! -Coast j Line; his vacation, ? taccompanied . ! by. on his wife and Isister.' ! -.; : Irn-i ' Captain W. L. Jones,-, onfe lof J the .Atlantic Coast. Line's conductors ' is running from iere a ten Norfolk for Captain Harry McArthur who: is -taking his vacation. ; ." " . i.' Miss i Nannie. J; Tiddy, a jCharming young lady of Shelby, N. Ci, -returned home yesterday after few days at Ocean , View, jnuch ; tp the regret t of those who were fortunate4o rawt her. - We arei glad to see that the iRev. R.' G. Beamon,; presiding elder of tjie Wil mington District, is -able to come up street. His -friends will be gratified to learn that-fie is regaining strength. - . ; ' f ' i - ,-. . t-'i - 1 .j. .:L- I -' i : tf Wei regret' tq " learn that Captain Samuel Carmon, the popujaf Atlantic Coast Line; conductor,-is sick lat Col umbia, S. C. ; Captain C!" C. Tijghmaa is conductor . J5n Captain -: Carmons stead. We ; hope he willTsoon Ibe able to resume hjs jrun. i j ; , i u ! ; The Charlotte Observer of -Sunday says: Mrs.j! Tliomas - C. ( James, of Wilmington, land Miss Maggie Haugh ton, who have' been visiting inj Spart anburg, S.' C, will bei; here tomorrow to visit Mrs. ThomasMlJ Ilaughton, j ' Mr, R. H.rJordan, a prominent phar macist of Charlotte, came1 down with Mrs. Jordan' on Saturday and ; spent Sunday ar;thet Seashore Hotel. Mr. Jordan returned yesterday pal Mrs. Jordan remained and will !bej Joined by him next Saturday : Mr. and Mrs-.i Herbert McGlammy returned! yesterday from thp irj north- rem bridal-tour. iThey spent a Iwhile at LakeJMinnehaska,; in the Catskills, New York State, and also visited. New. York- and Washington.! The;yi;! will make their i home at; Mr. McClammy's cozy cottage; No 403," Market street. Miss Mary Kynhal neice pf Colonel F., W. Kerchner left for Baltimore yesterday to visit; her parents and be present i at. the ; celebration by; her 'brother jReV. Father jF. W. Kunhel, of his rfirsti high mass"in this! country, whifcli will take place at) Hjoly-iCross church which he attended! f nom child hood. There will be present, several hundred priests, and the! MozartOr chestra hnd choir, f of whiqh hls Tbruth er Is the leader, will rende Mozarts 12th Military . Mass. Father Kunhel, "who is well known her,e, was ordained in Paris, June 4th last. I j i: s;; -;.:,- II .-;; '-' I. ' ' v : - f -r 1 Itfpubtlcan Ward ITIcetingl The repyhcans lof the FirstdtvisiopJFayetteville writes she has Jk "mean" of the First ward; held a meetins last night to select delegates an-'prjeclnct committeemen to be submitted "for, en dorsement at the republican: tpr'niiarjes next Thursday night. ' i. j .... W. H. Moerer was chairman tf i the rnteeting and Charles H. Thomas jsecre- taryri nef iouowing aeiegates t -were agreed Opon: W. H. Moori,' Thomas, WEL Fry. r Alternatr J W. H. Hall,- ElUanVCilliams and F. ! W. Mills. Precinct connittee; W. ; H. Moorew James Ct Jackson-and Charles H. Thomas, i ! ; . ;. Ttie republicans or the Kirth division of the First ward met last ntght witK Jos. Sharp as chairman, andi Ed. Bry ant as secretary. The following deleY -gates to the county -convention were agreed upon, subject to the action' at the primary meetings: J. P. - Moore, R. H. Bunting, R. M. Hill. Alternates, Charles Hill, Wni. ,M. Johnson.' York Watters. Preciact 'committee, Zephe niah Hovard, Benj. J. Holland, Abram Moseley. "; ; ( i ; . f V -h i,r- . ; .! Board of Health j 1 The regular weekly meeting of the Board of Health-was held: yesterday afternoon and several matters .con cerning the: health of; the (citizens, but not of public note, were transact ed. There were t present! Maor Wright, .M. D., and Drs. McMillan and Russell, x . " ' . r i i C1IABUEE OTII BVBCLABr. ' tins Apartmeai : :Kred i;aarday iNIght-A Colored; 2ad 'Alleged ! IIor Breaker - !. j . 1 .. y! t . A colored boy. Danie Dudley, ap-; parap,tly-about 'Sixteen yeare of . age, was-arrested yesterday mofjilng on a serious" charge It lis' alleged that he has been' guilty of ;house-1 jbreaking. and that, too in. the fir aegree. which! according tol.the lawg5- of, North Carolina is the most heiious pf crimes. : Sattirda . night7 -Mrs. pappjer, whose residence 1b in an alUy'JSjnnecting Third i street with I ojirthi between Dock and Orange streetb. aoke from sleep &nd discovereflisome Pie in her room.i She attacked Jthf intruder and when assistance arrvei, in response to her outcries. It jwas discovered, it la said, r that Jthe 'ioniaa brsmker; was Daniel Dudley. ,; Ther wa?i nothing but ladies in the -nousa duv. iney se verely beat the ! negro boy;: and ran him out doors; At., entrants to Mrs. Bappler's roois, 1 bictj isa in the connnri Ktorv.i'waa effected 1 ihrough a window oDenine lubon la sh'id. ( Yesterday morning Pcmcciaan C. fL Oilbert arrested DhdleV aiids carried him to the guard hohse. i jVhei the case was called 4t was cimtiiiuedJitiUoday at noon, and Dudley jallAwedjto go un til then under; a staw oouu. v- Lockey; Esq., ; represented the: accused. AKTKB Til l JPEKSCASIOV, The City lias Coutraeted' for a Patrol - i . I L' - 'I. ; i . ... . s At fast Wilmington is to have a pa trol -iVag-on: a vehjefc laiS" heeded and whloh has; beeh i the jsu paper; talk and genera and jfghtly so, for a 1 bjectsof news- comvTsation, a 1 - . 1 bng time past. Several grand Jurle :l avef suggested the ' purchasing t l a ; tatmp . wagon, while : the' aiglit.rasdi tl at Very iof ten,, women being of drunken amen! and! dragged through:' thej st eet? has illus- trated forcibly tp w,tHe d re jieed,of ong desire the wagon such a vt-hifele. I Now tihe is to be realized, and w lule will -ntit be what.eant bf st lctly- term ed a 'patrol agon inodel and' paint, its w according l to 111 answer the same tmuortant ournose. When fractious jnaleh afe ' arrested a, covered wagon; -wt if D9 seat to trans nort them to :the guaild Jiouse and when tjriose of the Temiinej gender are unruly a closed carrlaff u be used. These vehicles will be furnished at a or day,' by the moments notu e, nignt liverv -tables 'of Mcssrfe. St P. Cowan & t'o Mayor) Wrijrht, on .he part pf the cUv Contracted! y .'sterday, after noon for the vehlrlesj a id the arrange ment iwenti info QfffHt last inight. Our . bey - has I been ycontinually trpubled with ;coliot antl 'cholara infan tum' since - his 'birth, ; ai J all ' tbat we could do for(hin cUds n tr seem to give more Ithan temporary, e5ief,-; until: we tried ChamberJain's Colic, jphoIera and Dilarrfioea iRemedy jSi ice feiving that remedy he; has not bee a tt!oubled We want-.-! to : give ; you ; this testimonial'' as an evidence of ouim gra Jtude, not that you need it to advertis s your meritor ious remedy. G!'-, Law, ; Keokuk, Iowa. For sale by. R. R. Bellamy,. - ; ltrloir. Services : According To ithe prbelajmation is sued the' past week .by the president, calling for religious I . services ; to te . s .. i . .- j a i- i ; 4 i held at the churchesyof the-.: country, returning, thanks to ;he Almighty for' the success that has: marked America in lirr fight with Spain.services were conducted; In Ski Thomas fro-Cathed ral: Sunday. Fathers - penmen offered up a beautiful prayer Eor the triumph at Santiago and for Ime sspeedy end of the- war"to,th& glory ofjther Ameri can arms.l ' ' i I i t f Suit AgaiuKt (lte Merimer riassj!. Simon Richardson, cjoloried, brought suit in Justice McGbwlan'sJ court yes' terday t against : the' master of. the steamer .Daggett; ;jr4aitain; herman, for$(.00, ialleged; Sjag s du( him, for services irendered as; a specilil engin eer.; There,; was no qontientifcm over the; amount if wagfsj'bit tihe plaintiff, also .asked for damacres I sustainect bv get ting Met i hile tat i w oiJK, ivhlch came near produemgii siipkineps. I; Upon 1 this; point -Justice McGowah not ex actly ; clear, so ; he1 postponed . his de cision in- the case untiu 9 -O'clock this morning, t-1 ! i i ; i J War A tlai i The Seaboard; utirf line, ilia's gotten out and placed fn the hands of all its Ticket Agents; at; principal points , a .War-Atlas, showing thtl- United. States Kuropean Countries, i Cb-pe , I Verde and Plhilippine Islands," Cuba, and Its larger cities In detail, and with maps of the Wolldl North ! America! Europe' and South America. :;d ! ! These Atlases are' full of Information and "will-prove of great assistance in understanding: the movimetitsi'f fleets and armies as given in--the newspa pers. On account of -Hip gneafc expense of igetting outrthis Atlajs,. the Seaboard Air. Line is compelled .tb fi a. price of iwientyi-nve cents eacat, w'n is mere ly nominal. 1 ' They -can be- obtained upon applica tion to Agents, i Representatives; or'T;o T.; J.-. Anderson, . General i Passensrer Agent, Portsmouth; Vi Promoted to. t lie Ilakik of.Tlajor Our citizens fwill jeaf n with pleas- VTb of the promotion of Lieutenant Edgar Jadwin, corps; o : United States Army Engineers,! tvlio wais Stationed : t in- this city under Colonel D. "P. Heap. He has been moved .np to the rank of major rrom nrst lieutenant. The W ilmingtdn j ; Light Infantry boys will hail this , news -with delight. aa they were 'very fonjl of Lieutenant Jadwin. At the last encampment at Wrightsville he; was instructing officer for: the Second regiment,' and when camp; was broken the Light i Infantry presented him with ;a jhandsome; gift as a token of their high esteem j i ; - Fa yettevillc Wilmington A game of base balliis to be-played Wednesday at Hilton Park S between the Fayetteville juntoris and rthe Wil mipgton juniors. ... ;1 he game promises 1: iuy u- tojbe very interesting and exciting. team and Wilmington i Kn;aws her team is very "warm." Fayfitteville's battery will fe0 Haigh, caSch and McRae, pitchii whilei Moore Jrill hold down the pan ; and r Wood, awho has plenty of speed, will do the? twirling act for the home i team TutfsfPiHs 5 Hver Ills. I Pei-fect Heaitfi. ? ; : eep the system in perfect or i ier by ithe ; occasional nise of iFutts LiverrPills. TheV recr ilate the bowels land produce A Vigoroiis Body. For. side headache, malaria, bil ousness, constipation and kin - 'red diseases, an absolute cure 1 TDTT'R-ri ivpr PU ! 9 OF WOMEN We have no time " is heard en every side. : WiniAn - Vi v a ' r V"-- time to look af- Home , and family i come nrsi sou iieuui of The 111 of women, . how ever, ar seri ous, and neglect of them means trouble Mrs. John j Friti, of Wilcox, ; Okla. tells-how I)rl Uartman's advice made her well. She says -.1. . I extend my sincere thanks for the good advice yon have given me. I do not believe I would be living- now if it were not for you,t i I had suffered with flow of blood for Tour months and the doctors bonld help me butlittle. - I was bo weak I could not turn in bed; then I applied to Dr. Ilartman. . I .followed his advice and only used three-bottles of Pe-ru-na and Man-a-Iin, : Now I am well hnd as trongi as I ever was." Dr. Ilartman, president of the Surgi cal Hotel, Columbus, O., will prescribe for flftv thousand women this year free of 1 charge. All women suffering from female troubles, or any msease 01 tho mucous membrane, may have Dr. Ilartman'a private counsel without cost, i Send for special question blanks for women. Catarrh is essentially ; the ;. same everywhere, whether in; the ; pelvic organ 'or the- head. ; Pe-m-na cures &1L phases, of iu. l it is the National Catarrh Remedy. j ' CO.TI,TIITXKES IWEET Arrangements !tlade for tliet'onIug e f the Oreat lacoliouee of the Bed Men. lie V1I IJellver an Addrew at the CliriMtian Asoclatioi, . Hon.' Robert T.j.Danlejs will deliver his j noted! lecture lupon! the' order .of,? Red Ieni Homorrow night in the nudl- torijum k the Young i Men's Christian Assoclatiljn The 6mmitteesi from-i-Jyota. and Cherokee tribes; this city, met yes- iterday ikid mapped out all arrange- 'ments f tne icpming or tne ; distlnr feuished hone of isitor, !Wha.- is the Great In co- the order. if , After i tpie -lecture the Red Men will .tender ;aj banquet 'tto their, guest 1 at their hall, and ; it promises to be an occasion kif ; rare (enjoyment and pleas uroi ' . f Hon. I: aniels :,yjl) arrive .In the city tomorrow from. Washington, D. C, via the ; Seaboard Air. liine.'lle .will bei met at the d pot , by! t;he joint 'committee rs.of ithe two lodges anil es The' Orton hotel." , , and .offic icorted I The- public s is: Cohlially extended an lnvltatio tolni present at. the Y M ,(J. ' A Vd iall I cani be assured a; hos.- pitahle ,r ccption and a' pleasant time. 4: ' "f hav used j Chamberlain's j Cough n myj family' for ypars. and Uh .good I results' - hays , Mr. Remey alwaysl W. JR. C toper, t !E1 ;Rio, - Cal-i "For pmll phdren Iwe find' it especially elective H- - I For; salt by R. R.; Bellamy. Death bf Sherlirilewlott's Wife. ' Pundajl afternoon' at 1:15- .-(-o'clock Mrs, Ah lyra Hewlett; wife -of Sheiifj Elijah 11 wlett,f of this county,! '-enter. ed into test - She died at the ; family residence) n Mlasopboro Sound; while :all lof 'h r Jovqd ones' were gathered mear. ! ,Mn Hewlett (had been sck shortly over fig ;it ..weeks, 'and hrt;i death, while n : unexpected-will (iei a:SQ( many : relatives andj friends. T37 yeara of age, and was a of the late Charles 'Craig,-: of blow, to She1 was iHaUKhterl : Federal band is- Point, '.By! ber death a hu deprived of a loving wife, and fi ve . chil tlren, Mrsi James - Hewlett, Mrs. W HeXJIoUis Mrs. J. . B. F'ales and; Messrs. R. jlL 1 Hewlett hnd Addie Hewlett, all of!:'.Masonboro, of a de- voted m iRher. fr . .! - : 1 ( 1 i The last sadi'.rjtes were performed ;-yesterda afterfiK)i!i at .4 o'clock at the .Baptist pastor,; churcli.i tif - Masonboro. - The ;ev. 1 Mjrt Ballard, i conduct'ed the 1 ser P,'ic,es, assisted ty Itev. Far- rington .church, pastor hoi. South Sldje; Baptist this ci The pallbeareirs -were Messrs; Joseph ; Jones, J. S. Muaifress, J. 1. Wagoner, :J. A. Montgomery, 1 E. SrMcGowan, S. ;A. Montgomery T.l A. Walton-, and J, JX Walton. ; l: ; Persons troubled with diarrhoea will be interested in H the experience of Mr. ;W. M Bush, clerk iof .Hotel DorranCe Providence, R. .J Jle says:; "For sev eral; years I .hafibeen almost ;a con--stant Sufferer frpxn diarrhoea,; the fre-iquent- attacks 'completely prostrating ties ; at this j hotel, j About two years ime and rendering, rte unfit for; my du ago a traveling j salesman kindly gave :me a small battle of Chamberlain's f Colic, Colera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Much to my surprise and delight its effects.; were immediate. Whenever' I felt Bsymptoms of tho disease. I would fortjfy myself against the' attack with ia few doses of (this valuable remedy. The;. result has been very satisfactory andalmost complete" relief from the affliction," For feale'by R. It. Bellamy. Flue Crops ..-!; : The recent rains pave caused a rise -In- jthe i Cape .Pear pi wer, -enabling the steamer Driver, Capta!in Irving Robin son, to arrive here Sunday; morning at 5 o'clock, after havine been tied up two ; weeks. ; She brought a good cargo down. ;She left i-yesterday on the re-, turn and will nw; resunte her regu lar trips. :-;(: :i I r. ' i- . ": ... Mr. 1ft Rt Love, ;;agentvfon' the Drl :ver,f reports that the crops along the river are fine, land the farmers will be happy if "a' freshet does ; not blast their hopes. f t Mr. Love also informs us- that the crop's around Muliins, Sit C. are also excellent., . The tobacco ; crop is the best; -the farmers in ; Marion county have ha for. severaf years. The to 'bacco. crop is naw being gathered Into the tbarns, and the .-curing process is going on. Mr. Love says he' never saw a finer prospect for tobacco-and all other . crops. j - ... , t - . - . ; . Exact Date Decided t'pon. It has .been definitely settled, that the State Veterinary -M;edical Associa tion! will ' hold -its I annual session In this; city Monday I thef 25th instant. The; meetings will: probably' be held in Hibernian Halh! 1 4 ' ; ' Dr. T. B. Carroll; of. this-city. vice- president of the association, Lis making- all i necessary arrangementa.j 1 1 i : :, ... ii . Storm Warnlns Ifewae ' The fololwing message was receiv ed at this office for the ' information of th? .public: t - Washington, D. C. July 11, 4:30 p. m ' -Iloist information signal 4: 30 " p. m. A storm possibly developing . on . the south Atlantic coast, may cause high northeast winds; tonight, with- 5 rain and thick weather.1 - 'j-- - ; - ; . . Exenslon From t harleston : I The Excelsior Club, of Charleston, is. C4 ran an excursion from that city to Wilmington and our seaside re ports on Suaday. f The train ; got here at 12:30 p. m. and about seventy-five persons came in the party, jThey vis ited . Carol ina Beach and Ocean " View yesterday, and will; return this after- ! A Sad Del Eb at JobI01t - (Correpords of the Mcii .aser.) ; , Mount .JUve. pf. C.j Jily li lt ia with -ftceedlhg regrfet -that I announce th? r deathl of Miss ; Pattie Flowers, whic sud, r event, jxxmrred last night at li 'clock at the pome of her. mother, U ! N.P,' Flow rs' She had been slck 'oaly three we ks. with that dreadful -ieaae, The tnterm.t was typhoid1 fever," made I'lnl the Mount; Ollte c tf'tetery this tevienlng at 3 o'clock ln -t presence of a large circle 'of - i-tetatM. ! and frieddsi and the; funeral &er,jices were .conducted by Rev. J.i Q. Ji anaooi The deceased-' roung 14 years and of h was liked iby Al who lady whs 1 aged gh estejonv an4 knew Her. To know her; was Iol love her ' ShK leaves a .motBer, tw&, ratners ana 10 bib ters to mourn her untimely demise ' Lincoln Ultearlnii," lOpeu Jjua lkt Hot and coK baths, toilet I room, electric bells, bi Service and cuisine first-class.'; B:i and Llthla Water free- to gnestsi bescrtpjtlve pa tnphlets andr'rates sentvr' any aadressj . ! LINCOXiN 4 tlllA WATEIt CO. i: ProDriel-s. Ldncolntonj N. C. u Ir. UarrVlUNot Accept. . yet learn frr,the:hkrlotteObsefV er that th R 2 Dr. Barron, df Char lotte.j.-who iwas iecently called! by the First Baptist st arch ; of this city, will decline "the aHiAlir. Barron li, pastor bfithe Tryon Stret Baptist churchy tl Charlotte, end rbls meml.ers; w mid not hear to any proposition toi p? rt with him-Xr. Bart'-n's decision villi be deeply regrettia in Wllimlngtda SPECIAL NOTICES. IF 1YOC; -WANT CHOICE 3WEET Cantaloupes and tiWaterroe ibns get "them from'. N, I jj. dlERM AN, 215 Market. street. A full line always on . . Hand. ; .1; 1 nf-:. . " : 'iuly-1: THE? KIMBALL. PIANOS and Organs. I'Also ! Second hand I instru memtsU Write for prices ana convenient term, v. tl. ABBOTT, At. Orders fof tuning and repaiijingife received atl Tates Book Stce. f it i July 10, jsiiJ ti POSITIONS WJKTED.4BY-X YOUNG man "of . good ,habits, jstrlcttjRlsober and industrioti, undel-stands book keeping and whites, gdod handj Ail dress, POSITION,; ii Cal-e Brssienger Office. i - , -j. . jilyjlO, 2t -. 1 'i '! WM SHEEHAN, Jr..RealEstafieand Collecting r Agent ! Offici No, 1212 Mar ket street.. I Solicits a share t of; the rerital property, i Personal . .tte)ntion -elven. to' ithe fcollectioh 'of renlts. have a f ewj, nice pieoes .of property for saleA j ': j 1- . Ju V 7 tf FOR.: PEACHES AND APPLES.I ON ions., nutter, ' unrcKems, i-pgsi, ,tui on R. B. MOORE. Also all felnids ml Country . produce solicited. 1 If, ou ship.toj nie once lyou will ship to jhe again. ;Try it. ilfiB; -Pntocess JStreet 3un 26 Imp . ': ' . t .:.-i I PHOTOGRAPHEH RUN AWAY. U C. ELLIS has nun. atvay: ahead' ?of ..all his ciompetitiirs and tlik public concedes shim the ript . or f way tor the finest possible Photographs, 114 Market Street. jin 26, 2m COV'PKA.i FOR Grain awd all kind B.of Feedi POHN S McEACHRN, 21 Matket jet 'Both ; -ijeieijnotie :Biv. va pun. j tr-r- FOR SALEL PAIR OF EXCPLLENT matched carriage lorseijVati af bargain, C. W. WORTH. may i, tf NGIS, FOR ' RENT-i-DWFJLI Stores, Oftidea and Hans. 1 For Said Dwellings, Storesl ; Vacant iLots: Cash icr tlaie ilayments. 'Caeh advanded oh Imprfaved city property. Apply to iu.. j' wow jmuk. Keai Estate artot, Wilmington, N. p. de 7 tf MARY BALDW N SEMINARY, I STAI'.NTUX. VAi For Yoanf Ladies. Term begin Sept. 1st, vm, Located im Snenandoah Valley of ViTgioia. UosurpftBsed climate, gbvandp acd LDUOintl pomtment s. taia represented, l ermc moaerata; W rite for Catalpgue. july 9 J3t; 1 eoo St. JoWniltocige ko.i F. & ; A. : MASONS' 1 PX3ULAR :ot- r. muniqa'ton. fthii B rriiesiay)lievtenine a8 o'clock, ally" invited. ng -bretlirH a 1 e fordi- to atten4. ; 5 : - W. iM. -POISBON july 12,18 Secrietary R. R. LOViE & BRO.l wnoicsam Grocers anfl Full line of Fancy and Heaty rGro ceries at bottom pitpes. Consianments of all kinds solicited. trattle la : spe cialty. NaiTal stores- and cottonj 107 North Water Street . . ....... 1 . 1. t f- LOyiEfe BRO. July 12lft ; ' R R. f ME 1 1 -- W7ILL GIVE AN EXCURSION ITO 1 ; 1 n ; Carolina Beach' on steamer Wilrhing 1. - ton, 'Wednesday Jsily 13th. All that go aowsn wiun tm ant tinei ilbesid fe will have it plaas- aidling1 a jworthy causes Refneshnr ntal av 11 be; furnished ; jjiily -12. It at reasonable pr Jes NEW HAS MR COUNTY.! A1 LL PERSO IS II OLDING WAR- I rants against th dounty whi ih have been audited bfi tpe Audiitirier tPomn mittee and! signal bj y the undeVsigned can have their, '. tar faints cashed upon presentation at the ational Bank of wnmingiop. i j t i F FOSltElt, I i Chairmani BpS-i of Commiss oners; tjuly 12 H SUMMER : TNIVKR LECTURES tJNIVERSJlV flpvntr,rvi!(. I ! tn aummer. jat'l to tteptl, lsMBi Hae ptoved especially protitabU to beginner; to candidate ! 29th Summer. J lor admission to tie bar, to yoang practitioners lacking systematic Instruction; and tooUer prp- tit toners aesiring vo coropme recreatioa wltu review of eleraentari nnnctDles. For oatalioirnie ad- dresa E. O. MINOR, Segretiry. CbarlaUeriTla, Va. it Segretary, Cbarlakteirilla, Va. ? STOCK .'.J' I I' I OUR . Will Always be Found CCMPlTE. , An4 Evrythlnff In th4 - e fi Lot AT EST PRICES; 1 THE FAMOUS li"FEHI5SULA-1 i . Stoves ' and Ranges 'I AT FACTOB. : PRICES. HAVE ; " TQU SflEN. THEM? We Have Ever hing in thelllard- , ware Line ;Uom a Papef- 6t ? lata!) iu sjDieam .engine. 1 STANDARp GDS. " LOWEST PRICES. r IjjoMPT SHTPilENT. N m n 111 t; yt itt mnmsftTT IU. W AUlUtUUJLUVl'i- k-AHD. S . D. Walt General A rent. Raleisa. N. G: . - .'-i.ri- V 1f ' vvf.t.;; , Dear Sir: t am ; much pleaaed with the promptrwaa and fair dealing of th CONNECTICUT MUTCAL, LiFE IN SURANCE COJJTP ANT regarding aet- Uement or cUlmi on Policy for $4,241.00, on the life of tha late Geo. G. Lewis. the same havtn been paid ! within even (7) daya . after the receipt of proofs of death. (Signed.) i ERNEST WLLUAM8, .i-jl- .-; - .'!' - -I .; Administrator. ' Claims paid by the Connecticut Mu tual In Wilmington on life po!lctes amount to il94.9C9.00. Matured Endow ment S4Us:S.00J All paid promptly and satisfactorily.. ; , s. EX). WILSON MAriXINO. ' :iV? : f ' i- ; - .A -M-Aeent. WE WAHTv TOIIE TB WILL WOBK FOB IT. WE DE1LII GENERAL PEOYISIOSS WE TARE AGENTS FOR 1 1 plaxe:i'ton hams, i , ; .ISQUIIIES PKr BELLIES. 5 iPTot equalled; ; anywhere. 1 Guar an 4 teed trade; makers. We haveu some left of those, Sc sellers, . N , 1 J TOPICAL TWIST HEAD; ! I CUBAT BLOSSOM. ' ' , I i RENOWN. ! ALSO 10C. SELLERS PEKFECTOS, ' - ELCAPTAN GENERAL, . ! After July lst'ytra pay the extra tax; until then I we ' isejl at old prices do Vollers & Hasnagen, Grain and Provision Dealers. . A. C. Ii., Nutt Street. ' : jun 29 4- SPECIAL 31EETING OF THE Stockholders of the Wilmington, . Columbia & Augusta R. R, Co. ' f v ;. ! OmcKior 'the Secketaby or Tnr i si ;--,:.. , : : .: ---... '. 'Mi Wilmington, Columbia and August ; it itiuiruuu. vuiupany. ;i : ii j Wilmington, N. C. June 21,' lS98.y A T A MEETING OFTlIE BOARD of Directors of the. Wilmington,- Ccf lumbla and Augusta Railroad Coraany, duly called and; held at Room Nov 16, Chamber of Commerce building, la the City of Baltimore; Md., on Friday, the nth day of June 1898: ii ' iltwas resolved that a 'Special meet ing of the! stockholders of this Cdm pany be, and the feame is hereby call ed by this Board, to be held at the office of the Company in the City iof Florence, South Carolina, on Friday, the 15th day of July. 1S98. at 12 o'clock m. for the; purpose of considering: and acting upon the question ofsecuring the surrender of the lease of therall road and Iproperty.of this Company now held by the Wilmington and.WHti rln-n Poll rto A r'rtrvi rn nir 'naw 3 lurtneri purpose or eonsuienng ni)d acting upon the question of. the consol idation : of (this i Company with the North Eastern; and . other Railroad Companies I of Bouth Carolina, under the Act of the; General Assembly'; of South Carolina, entitled - "An Act ! to irtcorporktei the Atlantic - Coast ; Une Railroad Company of South Carolina and to authorize the- consolidation iof certain railroads under, that, nanie,' approved . March . 5, 1897," and for the transaction!, of such other business 'as may be brought before tne meeting1. ; :(! I - JAA1ES F. POST. Jr., -Jun 21 tf - Secretary.'' ft Fo.noAvina Schodale In Effect i- After Wednesday. June Rtli - Iaava Wil mington dally, except Sunday,' for Caro lina Beach at 6:0 and 9:15 a. m., 3:00 and 5:15 p. m. :. 1 Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. ilav Wilmington at V:30 p. n.: leave Beach 1 8:30 tp. ? ;( f Leave! Beach -7:00 a. m., 1:00 tL w.. 315 Pi m., &00 pt mj s s ;' . ' . -- i";T (Leave ; Wllinlnfi!t6a unday 10.00 a. n. 2;i30 p. m., and T:30 p. m. I ;; f Leave Beach 42:30 p. m., ;6:00 p, n'J and 830 p. Im. t ; V ' jThe 9:15 boat through for Southport Leaves. Southport 13:00 p. m. ; fFare on tlie 6:15 and 7:30 Boat to Pier apJ return, 15 cents. t' . 1 -1 i . i j ' J. W. HARPER. !. , I ovm$t, ov Sbcreta bv of W.MINMON,! OOtTMBlA & AtiGUSTA R. R Wilmington, N. C, July- 5. 1S98, The Board of ; Directors of the Wil mington, Columbia and Augusta Rail road Co.,! have declared a dividend of three per cent payable on the Capital Stock of that Company to all holders Of record of Uulv 1st. 1898. Dividend Rdue and payable on July 12, 1898, ;at the office of I the -Treasurer at Wil mington, N.1 C. 1 - - 1 1 The transfer jbooka will stand closed from JUly lsto July 12th, 1898, in clusive.' 1 ! I j JAMES F. POST, JR , !!; Secretary ,W., C, & A. It. R. Co. 3uiy & ANP AFTER JUNE 27th Trains will observe Ithe! following schedule Ii Leave Wltyrilngton 6:30 and 10:10 a. m.2:30, 5:00; and 7:15 pjn. I Y 'Leave Ocean i View 7:30 and 11:30 a. 3:45, 6:00 and 10:00 p. m. ' '-!, ; S17NDAY trains; : r I Leave Wflmingt" ltt A, m.Mf 2:30 and 7:15 p. hi. . ( Leave Ocean "View 11:30 a, m., 6 : 00 and 9;30 p. ra.-ij ;m ;--....- i J The 1:00 p. m. train from Wilming ton and the 11:30 p. m. from Ocean View, on Saturdays, have been .discon tinued. J -J--1 1;.- - : ..--).- i. i Qn Friday there : will ,be two late trains from! Ocean View 10:00 and 11:30 p. m. J -it; ; - . .. v. t ( Freight will be 'carried only on the 10:10 a. m. and 5 p. m. trains, except yegeiaDies andi ; meats which will ; r-e taken on the 6:30 a. m. train No freight will be received unless accom panied by alway bill and freight pre paid. I ' " - v ' : Jun 28 ). R. O. GRANT, 50 50' 20 1 50 190 150 Bags Java Rice. Barrels Carolina Rice. ' Barrels Broken Riee. '; ; : 3 I Bass Rio Coffee. . : '';( -i.i i- i -4 ':--, .-. J: '.. ' f C, 4 -f J Bags Salt. I Barrels Table Salt. . I ' I w: .; :i ;f.-:t;i.f-Cases Pare Lard. . f 100 Bofe83a,idy- -JQ Barrels Sugar.. ; j' Bafres Molasses. ; W. B. Cooper, r ,' WHOLESALE 6B0GEB, s WILMZNQTON; N. C July 10 - , ; 1793 Bingham School flSHEYILLE, EsUblisbed In 179. f 1 ) Kai. R. BINGHAM, fill.; i IflE. V-' -dV uorolina Beocti SOUttlDO - - ' : -T i !;; ! ' - '- ' ' ; ,: 0N 1898 lUUtaryufs! Anojr II ' f 1 " Officer detailed. U U 1 W -f Jun 25 2w eod i " A COTTAGES AT THE SEASHORE . I J FOR RENT. IVE COTTAGES FOR RENT AT Carolina Beach.; - One 6-room Cottage at Ocean View." N . Apply to f - ' . Jun a r "j ' jr - O'CONNOR. Buys a Handsome English, Cassimere . V Suit Made tp Order, and for We Make Measure ! . Sold tlor $10.00. i ' We make this reduction lor 3 days; only as . we : want to .close balance goods before our Cutter takes his -vacation. 1 - 4 - ; ' . ' - MERCHANT FASTIDIOUS V V , ; r; - -. .. i .; '! 1 -ill . ' - : - ; ;jfio':r, ; l-"X. ;l67.PrinoeBs etrootit :M4 i:iW L'Ji JW Val AT -. W aHI'ai x i i -. . 1 ThN H to cevtify Ijhht the holder of Statl, and thatI, his legally redded ,the navy, regular op volunteer army, of it against the lyrantal ftf Spain, and that Cyba may be freed f roni t,he iSpsYi- , Ish -yoke;andbe matli! free and Indep endentl-People, provided that he-' wiitl' - not enlist until he shall have purchased : i-; x-;- 1 ; - .: ;. V-: v; 1 !-!: t :s i,--K--i-'. ; -:ij.;,i'i ; i. ... . - p .-"iv I -!- -i ' ' -- ''- ' '-- 1 1' I -- "'" ' 118 jrarket Street, suqh articles in Dress Goods, Underwear,' Millinery. Cor- . sets, ; Parasols, Fans and other articles lng at Cut Prices, and a mopey saving SPECIA SALiE -.1 '? VI BL&GE GOODS AND SUUHER WASH FABRICS. '::ik:: iT-i-vv- ' -Ml .--'"M h-. -i'-i tf.-'--f . I Hf. ' ir. A-.- ;--'.ii-l i ':" ! ! WE ARE SHOWING A LARGE AND! WEIC ARSOI'tED ixTOCK DP MATTINGS, OILCLOTHS. F'ORTIER"es SCREENliS,; MOSQUITO NETS, BATHING SUITS AND CAPS - FOR GENT'S, LADIES' t AND CHILDRENS UKDEJtWEAR IN ALL tadvs. 1 JUST RECEIVED I TJIE 1 LARGEST i AND I UMBRELLAS, (1:00 TO J5.00.-tL! i THE O. "W. POLVOGTCO. July 10 THE MECHANICS HOME ASSOCIATION I j SUBSCRIP riON LIST FOR TIlE Stock in the Sixteenth Series V !."-. -i-'r-it' I'-:',--; --, -"'--:n. )- t-i -.;:... f;'"k-, ; . . -,: X Payments Will Commeiice! Saturday; July 2nd SUBS CEIBE WITHOUT DELAY TO NATU'L JACOBI, "-: President. TWENTY SHARES ol the Paid Premium of 25 cents a Share, making $100.25 per share; U June 11 3m : l XyXl ii : ,. . '' BATHING AND WHITE TENUIS OXFORDS a",'--":-'t K. .'!: ;.'";'rl; -;,;: r f ':1 xTxfW-- :t.-!5tT-:,?'- !;ri::--i:,.-;-::!itu--T(r y. PETERSON -&RULFS. jun 25 !? ' Dollar Savin Pt3ople uThey are the'ones X like;; I wish there .; were. mdr of them, i They are our best customers. The more par ticular, more saving . people are the surer.; we are "of setting their cash trade In Dry Goods of air classes Shoes of every 'grade, Men's and Boy's Clothing, Ladies' and Gent's Summer Underwear, Gent's Summer Coats and Vesta and odd Pants. ' Mattings ! and Carpets, i Laee Curtains and Window - Shades, Trunks and ' Valises', Ladles' and Children's1 Undertvear, Hosiery of every grade, TJrobrelLaa and Parisols, Laces and : Embroideries, Ladles' and Children's Hats, Ribbons and Flowers, Ladies' Ready Mafie SkirU,: Linen Crash, figured and plain Brilllantine and Worsted. , Silk Grenadine and Brocaded figured Silk. " Table Linen Napkins; and Towels; Bathing Suits for. Men and Women and Rubber Wa ter Proof iCaps. . , : Our Milinery. Department has been well - supplied: with . new ttblngs Rib bona, Laces and Insertions from 6c to 10c per yard. Val and Linen Insertion" from 2c to 10c per yard. Plaited Chlf- GEO; p. AYLORD, Proprietor, Uabng Both Ends ' llccfc- After a disastrous; fire loss! is dvScult .!; , it you are uninsured. m 1 Rttr i4t on"! saf rroand at on : and plac jtwr.V. lasurancei with us, ; We'll wTlte your pli;ii-the stron- ' ..est companies oMh world.l a.fford yoU absolute proteotlom "and tharis too, at th lowest rates of premium anJ eur an te prompt, payment tot Josses Upoq ; adjustments Willard & Giles; A, -n') - - AOENTS. Only the BEST Comianles fvpresnte4 jTrousers that iorxneriy TAIlAllis. MEN r ARE v ALWAYS LOOKING FOR NEW . IDEAS I'?DRES. , ANl THEIR FIRST THOI'GIIT AND ACT j WTO PROI IN AT OUR STOttW AMD PURjCHASK : BEFORE LOOK INo! i ELSEWHERE, i,AS f.'i THEY .KXOW OCR5 GOODS ARE ALWAYSL, iv jro da ate; i 'i'rvM :j; ;Vit i-f !Uii:OTf-'N'-t.;H WE HAVIVTIIE ItANHSOMEST r LINl: OF SUITINGS AND TKOUS-,' imiNGS OF , JMWIITED; AND SU MKS5TICGOOD3 TO BE -FOUND. , - NnoLiGnn tlEACTIFUI, FRIDAY. -i fIIlRT.t, LINE .ANqTHEIi JIECKIVED' - - f. - - - i '-: ( 'j ! f-'. V ' " hl (kket ia a citizen -f the nitty! w fye do hereby permit him to enjist InV - i.ihj glorious Republic ; and Wrend- at V 1 A .- 1 ;. ' ' . ". -1 1 .! that t may Vieed vhhh they are sell- ', to jthe public' t l.j ; I; ,',; WILMINGTON L'ADYL t THIS WEEK D GENTS. f LADIES AN ASSmVTMENT OF , . PARASOLS mi. I THIS SAFE AtJD BEST PAYING STOC K W. Mt CUMMING, r i;-, :-ii-: .)-. 1 . R;cretarv. Up Sper cent Stock tor Sale at fa SLIPPERS 5 f - 1 .-.:t-' Ji-v !(j ;.: : ;.:.3 i fon for 60c. per yard. Silk Veiling fdf 1 10c per yard. : ;f ?s; - , ! j We can save you money on all we j ; sell and kindly ask you' to give u a r -chances to prenre it. We are stilt giving -away those handsonjo Arm Chairs , wlthall cash purchases of 25,"beaotl- .' ful Oak Book Cases f with' a 123 jur- :? chase, fine Writing Desk with at $30 purchase, fine Hall Hat Rack i with' a J25 purchase, fine China : Set', of ' 13 pieces with a $25 purchase. ' Eighteen set piece' with a $20 purchase. One nice hand Sewing Machine for $15.00. -One nice imitation Cut Glass -Berry, or Ice-Cream Set of seven pieces for $15.00 purchase. A nice Oak . Table for; $15.00. A three set "piece of One decorated . China for a $10 purchase. Your picture made life size for a $10 purchase.- A ; nice set of . fine Chlnat Plates with a $10 purchase. A set oC Glass Tumblers with a $5 purchase.! Come to see ns and yon will find that we are up-to-date ! in "the , ' Pry ' Goods business and headquarters for s low ! prices and honest "gooda, atl Wil mington's Big Racket Store, on Front " Street, opposite the Orton Hotel, ! I j ' , i. " 'i - ll if'-'-- Vi" ' tii;-! .i :; 1 t . ' ' pooni at 3:45 0 clock, ., ; Jaly. I 13 I': - y .f ..... m-" c" 'r-