NEWS. THE MORNING NEWS. By HAKPTOM & ANDREWS. I-ubmsiikd Daily. L.em Sunday. I n n 1 9 - I"W tWy . . . . . y 1 ti .. " . .......... " ie . 1 Var by Mail;, tViUje pail, f 4 , Nx Mouth, M ............ ' a o THr? Month, " " ............ ico TWO Month, " ' ' ' . . Month, " 4q To city auWrflw-r. dcllrcrrj in any part of the city toct pe wrek. k mm DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF THECXTY OT GXEENS&OXO. AND OF THE STATE. We M Vol- 2. Greensboro, N. C, Srturdry. July 23, 1887. No. 18 1 ' " THEjMORNING f 7 No lujvertietoicnt interred" in Local column at any price, j ' ' ; A etra charge will ? made for doatiie-coiuma or trt(le-Cotann advertisement. ' All announcements and recouteadatian of candi. date for oflke, will be charged as advertisement, Adverms-.n to follow reading matter, or to occupy an? pecLd place, will noi be received. Amuiemflii, and Official adverucinent y ct per square for each insertion. , Advertisements; --kept under the head of "New Advertisements" will be charged fifty per cent, extra. - Payment for transient advertisement mutt be fttade in advance. Kemitances nutl be made by Check, Iraft, 1'oMal Mettey: Order, Kxpremt, or in KejjUtercd I-etter. Only such remittance will be at the mk ol" th? pub lisher.! Under the head of "Speci.l City I-m, bnine notice will be inserted at the rate of 5 cent a line or evtry insertion. - - ,THE; RAILROADS. AllKIVAL ANl5 DF.PARTURL" OK TRAINS. KICHMOMI M D.WVILLK liAti tUAI. Arrive trom Richmond at. 0.43 a m ' 10.3a p u LeiVni tor Ki:hmond at 41 NORTH CAROLIN A K AILKOAIJ. .. 8.32 a m 0 35Pm 8.22 a in Arrive from Charlotte at.......... 9.40 p in . 9.48 a m 10.44 p m 9-3 P m 10.20 p m , 7.40 a m , 9.50 am 6.00 a m 10.20 p m . 8.00 a m . 9.24 p m , 10.00 a m ,10,54 P m Leave fur Churlrnt at " ....... Arrive from loll.boro.ut.... Leave fur (loldsboro at 4. " i . . NORTH-WESTEKS N. C. RAILROAD Krrives from Salem at Leave for Salem at . . . C. F. AND V., V. KAIl.KOAU. Arrive from Fayetteville at 7-5 P Leaves for Fayetfeville at..... ....9.50 a m Arrive from Walout Cove at 5 00 P- ,n- Leave ior Walnut Cove at 10. 1 3 a. ra . TIIE POSTOPFICE. 1 . Mails for the North close at 3.oo a. m. and 9.00 p.m 4 Charlotte " 9.00 9.00 ' Raleigh " 900 Salem " 9.00 9.00 r'ayetteille " 900 The money order and registered letter office will nly be open.from 900 a. m.-to 6 p. m. General Delivery is open from a. m. until 7 p. m. except when opening mails. Also, 15 minutes after pening the Eastern night "mail.- ' ' - - - Sunday hours, for general delivery, S.00 a. m tor a If hour ; and half hour after the opening of the mails h-om both North and South. The look-botes are from 6.00 a. m. to 10:30 p. mt RESIDENT CLERGaTMEN. Presbyterian : Or. J. Henry Smith, N. Cnurch St. Rev E. W. Smith, Asheboro St. S. Greenslwro Baptist : Rev NV. R. Gwaltney, S. Elm St., South Greensboro. Methodist Episcopal. Rev. J. E. Mann, W. Market St. " G. F. Smith, S. Greensboro. 1 Methodist Protestant : . Rev. J. L Michaux, N. Greene S. " J. R. Kail, Spring St. if Episcopal : Rev. A. 11. Stubbs. N. Kim St. PRODUCE MARKET Apples green, per bu Bacon hog round Beef Butter Chick eiw old spring Corn new Corn Meal , Uricid Fruits Klackberries. i.ooai.50 . 5aS ....18.125 ax3 . . . . 1 5320 .. ..10315 aso a6o 6 1-2 Apples. .......... 2a3 Peaches, unpared 1-9, " unpared 1-4, " pared Eggi r Vat her s 2 1-2 2 .... 5ao ... ..10 40 S ...4 50 , . .34 00 . .60.1 So r'lax seed. Hour Family Superfine ". .. Onions..'.. Outs.. ,..40345 . . . . 637 rV.rk Peas toes I ...6oa75 ......60 rotatoes Irish Sweet.....; Rfgs Cotton rallow Wool washed unwahed.... ......50 i 6 ,30 Wheat 20 ..jai 25 kRTAJL PRICKS OF GROCERIES Itacnn- -Sides.. Hams , .10 Shoulders 15 Cheese Coffee Rio........ .20 . .....19 2-jaio 'FATEWTS. Inventors and patentees and all havi" ing uusiqess wun me u. S. ratent Ol- hce are invited to communicate with me with confident r1 to their intprefa 3 y T 7 - r . . t . , . . pfew inventions patented. Old inven- uons improved, and rejected apphca- m.r". lraUe' Prompt attention. Skillful sorviro i - - - - - i -' Moderate charges. Send model nr - . . . ikiiuiiMdijr iuioriua.uoit cneeriuily lurnishen. 1 , i' A. S. Y ANTES. jSolicitor of American and Foreign Pat ents. 816 b Street, N. W.. Wa?hingtoa THE LATEST NEWS. The Yc Style or Set i I in Klf- torlal SqttabbJinzr in the South, New Grllans, July 'JihSiiux? the Hamilton Gainbrvll tragedy there have lcen a dozen oditcirial quarrels in , Mississippi that liavo proinio(l blool-fhrJt hut ollicvrs have np- leared on the acene and prevented trouble. Five out of nine of the editors at Jackson arc under bond to keep the peace. Two are similarly handicapped at Grenada and one at Brookhaven. Vicksbunr -iv on the verge of an edi tori I row. Louisiana shows an improvement on this state of affairs. Formerly the bullet. rapier and code were the prevailing fashion here, but the Marquis of Queensberry rules now prevails. Those "who have read the two pa pers published in Meriden, the Webster Tribune, edited by Moses Fort, and the Monitor edited by E. R. Boyle, know that tlioedUors have of late had a war of words. It be came evident last Satuday that a per sonal encounter was inevitable, the lie having heen passed on both sides. Since then numerous proposals have been submitted by their friends for a settlement: Yesterday morning it was agreed to fight it out in the old fisticuff style, and ' the parties, each accompanied by two friends, went out of the corporation limits. Both of .the' gentlemen being of small stature and' inexperienced in the pugilistic art, there was no great damage done, but they did their best. When thoroughly exhausted they were taken home by their friends and no further trouble is expected. : Stanley, the African Explorer, Said to be Killed. London, July 21. A dispatch from St. Thomas, West Africa, says : The West African company has re ceived a report that Henry M. Stan ley, the African explorer, has been shot dead by natives with whom his expedition was fighting in order to obtain supplies. Another account says that the steamer on which Stanley was proceeding to the relief of Emin Bey was sunk, and that the explorer was drowned. The rciorts of Stanley's death emanates from a missionary at Matidy. who Received it from a native from up the coun try. . No direct messsage has been received from the expedition. 'THE ItUMOtt DENIED. - London, July 21. The rumor re garding the death of Stanley is ut terly discredited here. The latest authentic news from him is from Aruwimi, arid was sent under date of J"ne -d It would be impossible for a native td reach Matadi and then St. Thomas since that time. The distance between Matadi arid Aruwimi along is. a thousand miles through a rough country. Caught in a Flooded JUne. Des Moines, la., July 21. Charles Sanders, aged! ten years, is confined in a coal mine at Grand Junction with very slight hopes of his res i cue, cm Monday he was at worK with five miners, when, at 10 a, m., the water broke in from an old shaft. All fled fer the working shaft, hut the swiftly rising water cut off the bov's escape. For two days the s pumps have been kept at -york, and m while the water is being gradually lowered it is. hardly probable that Sanders Avill be fquua alive Mttng-l tterseir to the: Sta iricay. Pottstowx, Pa., July '21. Mrs. Thomas Heimbach, of. Douglass Township, Montgomery County, in i M ' a fit of melancholy committed sui le to day by l.migiuft I.crself to the .1 . . - 1 x - f I stairway.- -Decease J was auoui lony vmn VTit nnrMpivrs 'n.- bushand and - ; i r - r -m r W. C. Oveiby, sta'-l 4. .city market: will "have - this morning stall fed beef and mutton, and every othtr-day this week.- Persons in want rL good beef will" please call on him.- iw. . ! JKi:y, FIa.. Juiy 21.- There have been ten new oik's of yellow fever since yesterday and no death. Of the seventy cases! now under treatment, sixty at least are children, who ias through this sickness Just as the northern children have the measles orscurlet fever.; Three cases have no bearing on the sanitary con dition. No new cases of Yellow fever have developed since yesterday, but two deaths have occurred. Six unacclimated people went on bocrd the schooner Delia for passage to the government quarantine, camp at Egmont Key. There Is no ; larm now, rind it is difficult , to persuade strangers to leave here. Thirteen Cars Shot Tnc. Into a Wjlk'ksiiahre. Pa., July 21.--Thirteen cars loaded with rock were being lowered down a steep grade near the mouth of the shaft of the Old Forge Colliery at Pittstou last night, when the engineer lost con troll of the hoisting engines and the cars rushed down the incline and plunged headlong into the shaft, which is nearly of0 feet deep. They fell with great force, tearing out the timbering which lined the shaft, smashing the guards and pump pipes and generally wrecked the in terior of the shaft. No one was hurt- A vast mass of debris was piled at the bottom. Work was suspended A a -n io-uay ana a large foreo of men set to work repairing. Jrorih Carolina .1ml JTorth Carolinidiis. Wilmington Messenger'; A hunts man, named Sam McGure, killed five wolves in Macon county lasi week. lie was paid a bounty of $5 lor each scalp by the county commissioners. Salem Press: A horse driven t a buggy by two colored persbns.fcll dtad in front of Brown's grocery -tore. (Renard's old stand) in this place, on Saturday last. Lexington Disp ttch : The directors of the Lexington Female Seminary, on Tuesday last, elected a principal and teachers fvrr this institution. Prof. Drei Peacock was elected principal and Mrs. Ella C. Peacock and Miss Laura C. Clement, assistants. Hon. John Robinson, Commissioner of Agriculture for North Carolina will address the farmers at Mount Holly August iolh. His subject will be ' the North Carolina Stato Department of Agriculture; how it protects the farnir ing interest." Raleigh Visiter. Winston Sentinel : Several of our mechanics have left during the past week tvtake up their abode for a short while in the little city ot Anniston, Ala. The intense heat "Monday evening necessitated the closing of the Salem Cotton Mill. The employees say they never experienced such weather before, while the Messrs. Fiies were never before called upon to superd operations for a similar Cause. Salisbury Watchman: About tifty names have been enrolled to form an artillery company at Salisbury, to hi. known as Battery A. It will be th only artillery company in the State. It will be commanded by Captain Theodore Parker, a former Wist Pomler. Th? annual masonic pic nic will be held at Mcckivillc oji the 1 1 th (Si August. Tuesday's stoim took all the telegraph wires down be tween here and Charlotte. I Durham Recorder: The iir.n of BlackweJi's Duiham TobaccTQ.npany have. on hand ten million pounds nf. lea! tobacco W. Duke. Sous & Co., shipped 900,000 cigarettes' this week. At" Dukes facto:y yesterday the Icctricity played some frightful nicks which.terribly frightened many of The operators Soon the hands will com mence throwing dirt on the Duiham and Lynchburg Railroad. Then all Durham will rejoice. Raleigh Ne ics-Observer z Reports ftom the section'of the c ountry about tcn'miies southeast of the city, indi cate that crops are suffering for rain. None has fallen there iii some weeks. There was a inula on .Wilmington The liry ifVsf Scourge. street j-etcrdjy that L all irpeatancc might have been among the Am 5c- scendants of Balaam n t;ii !ras!. Hr i.Lrr! thau-h hr h hn throsgh the n the rcvo.u.joniry 0. inquiry il was war and a ccnrc. found lhat th- ir.ule tra actually ffiy seven years cla. which fact was vouchee! for by citizens ol tiper years who ha-i always known the animal. He is owned in Chatham ccur.tjr. He look very s.ige and nwvts with the utmost drhberation. Col. F. A. pids. quarter-mastcr general, issued tcr.H yesterday to the Samps Lieht I Infantry which company will go int ) camp near Clinton next week. CO IWTEItFEiTlins ironn. Tiro Citizens or lloorettilte tleceive "Conflilentinl" Let ters Vom a Crooked IMome. me men wr.o oeai n -green goo3s thcr notice, at 7 p. m. Siturday's ex are still endeavoring to catch victims cepted) until f jrther notice, in the South. Sometimes they rope llutter on ice can be had fresh in -1 stirLfr h,.t i-r.,. nntlii,..r c. Known o. it. .or me pany wno liPUs lirmself swindled by them has no redress, for he knows that he tried fl n r.-,r rt - f.i 1 i. .j rather lose his money thin to expose himself, for of course he cou'd not ex pose the swindlers without also expos ing himself. How many such cases have occurred around us, we have no means of asccrtaining.but the crooked dcaie.-s sometimes mistake the men whom they address and this results in in a prompt exposition of their ncfari ous business. Two type written letters were indited and mailed in New York on July 8th, one to Mr. J. T. Rogers and one to Mr. IT. H. Tomlinson. both of Mooresville. They were received at Mooresville on the 2olh, and were at once forwarded to The Chri ttkU both letters wtre mailed from the same house and wetc woided exactly alike. The Icttrrs lend- ;sl o:;k. Dear Sir. yy confidential travel- m incr man. who happened to be in vour section of the country not very lonir ago, has writ!en me that he thinks you wculd be a good man to handle my "bills." He says also lhat you are in an excellent position to do business for me, and that he does not think you are the kind c.f a man to betray a trust. the denominations are Ones, twos. Fives, lens and Twenties. They weic printed from plates that were "se cured" fiom the U. S. Treasury De partment by a former workman in the engraving department. They cannot be told from genuine until they work their way back to Washington. If you will answer ttts letter at once, and give mc your solemn .word and honor that you will do me no harm. I will explain to you as a sensible business man. bow you can make large sums of money safely and rapidly, without the lcart danger, and without even your most intimate friends knowing anything about it. In answering sign our name and artdress on a separate pice of paper, as I have done and remember this is strictly confidential. Enclosed in Mr. Rogers' letter was a slip obpapcr upon which the follow- ing address was written: George Throne, care ol the "ChimneyCor ner," 414 Sixth Avenue, New York city. The addrcss jn the slip in Mr. Tomlinson's letter was the same, ex cept it bore the name ol T. J. Turner, in place of George Throne. The country is doubtless Hooded with thssc letters and if all were an swered a? these two have been, rt would have a wholesome cfTcct. It h.oks like the ollicers ought to find it rasy wotk tunning down these swin dlers. A visit should be paid to the "Chimney C -rue r.' Charlotte Chrot icie. A p:cmme:.t citizen of Greensboro itceived a fac simile of the above let ter a tr-Tv d;:ys ago. It i said to be a regular iack-Ug sintliing concern, and all h.:nest people would do well to-ln-warc ot the trap. $3.50 for $1.00. $5.00 for $2.25 and $0.00 for $4.00. I have cn hand a tew Dress Robes carried In on last season that are worth fiom $3.50 to $9.00 each thai I am going to offer on Friday and Saturday. Ju?y 15th and 16th, at $1.00 to $4 00 "not half cost, but tney must go. You will be fortunate if you are in time 10 gel one. " Respecta !Iy. 2d: SAMrLE S". Brown. ActircSoap Krcv! Wchad feveral hundrH cards scat- ered ihrojghout the CUr yesterday wn- wn ptCcniCU in ilestr. Al selves the holier f the card will zt or.e calc o! -Active Soap. Save ur earn ana gtt a cake ot No. one laun- cry sjp. tf. Houston A lUo. Ajentt. Reduction in pr.ccs fully appreciated as seen by an increase ct orders. Go toC. H. Douhty's and tee what an elegant pa:r of Gaiters in the way of matciial and WiirLminth:n rin rv har! for five or six dcl'ari. A!s. call fur 3 steam cooker. . iw, Whether from swampy lani or stag nant poo', or from the druuly gases of City sewers malarial poisor.s aro the same. Aver Ague Cure, taken ac cording t direction?, is a warranted specific for malarial disorders. 7 O'clock Sharp ! nr ilntn nil' Iw. !nf ...... f... ana ntCCX HOUSTON X SK(I. The meed of merity for promoting ncrsonal comelmesv i r!u- l I. C Aver & O'.. whose Hair Vigor is a universal hcautif;er of the hjir. Harm- less. efTeciiv and agreeable, it raks among the in!i;cnsab'e t'i'c.t ar ticles. Flout - A Dig I. t ! We have all grades, ot Flour. Our "While PcaiP and "Sil ver Crow .. Flours car.nol be beaten. Try a sack. Als Meal, Shipstufl, Corn. &c. ap22tt I louvroX linos. For Rent. Three new houses just fn:hed on Orange Si. one square Iroui the Graded School and l,resb)teriait Church. Rent very lo.v foi sucli nice houses. tf. A. Hagn & Ss To most children, the bare fusees tion ot a dose of catoi,o.l i i;auseat ir.g. When physic is necessary t r the I little ones. uc Ayer's Cathartic Pills. lnev atc SJ,r aruJ phssant to lake iryinem. The soothing and icotontivc efforts of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral arc resized in aI' csti of colds, couh. threat or !un doubles, its powci tal heal I ,ne. qualities arc snown m ttr mo 1 c-nr.,, n.iimA-.M. !;cnrHr. - serious nulmonarv fJisorrVrs.- Littlo ButU r Cup. Pure and sweet; little butler cups mace every day by rv. Gr.LLNsnoiio Caniv Co Dan Uiver Bridge to Iet. I At Madison. Rockingham Cunly. N- L... July 3Jth 1357. A covered bridge 20S feet long. 3 spans 71 2-12 feel. and 70 5-12 feet, and 66 12 feet; rock pillars already built. Bridge lo be huilt as nearly a practicable like the Settle Bridge at Dead li-nbers, N. C. John M. Galloway. J. M. Vaughn. R. C. NELSON'. G. W. Martin. Building Com. Madiscn, N. C.. July Cth. '7. 2v Dike Booli Company. July special sales, to continue during the month, ot Book., History. Poetry. Biography, Fiction, etc. Also Station ery, Oil Paintings Albr.i. etc. Prices maiked down. Desirable bar gains. I. Notice. Now is vcji time t subscribe to Chambers' Encyclopedia. F. T. Camp the genM act. is now hetc representing the Lubliher. I'. F. Callier, and will call orf 5 n vou in a few days. Do mt to subscribe l this valujb'c work. tf. . WANTED ! A position as salesman or account ant." bv a young man of r xperiencr. Gord reffrrnre given. Address LUKK. Druvter G, Gtcob-ro. N. C. Little butler cups g-x1 fi.r thddrr:.; iw. G'.iF.F.ssnoRo Caxly Cp. Cr;:t- and r-ee our bu!tcr cups; G R KKN XiO K O CaNPV (. SEALED PROPOSALS. Grllnsi-oro. N. C. July iS. 'C;. Sealed proposals wtl be tec-rived at the ofiicc of the Supi:lg Architect of IT. S. Treasury Depattmcnt .t Washington; D. C , an opened M 2 p. m. of the 33th day of July, 1SS7. tor furnishing an I delivering at frc"ihi depot. Greensboro. N. C, in acccrd- ance with s.occifica' one. (1) Bur glar Proof Chest. Each proposal must be acc:mpai:! -l Dy a certmeu cnec lor 30.00. mair payable lo the order n! the Trrasuicr of the United States. Ihr tight to rc- ject any bils ts reserved. Copies t.! specification cm hi eci. plying to M. E.Bli!.L. Supervising Archi:rc TiriLMlNCTON i?k WHLDON RAIL- ROAD COMPANY. "i?nr -Jv CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTIL " .' No. 4a i No. 4a No. 4 '4. r.:- Da Lv cUlon. 3lJprnj;5pDi loam MM f J rr Kocky Ml 3 JJ p m ....;... Ar TaiUxo. 4 $a p tr. v. Lv Tarboro. It yo pm Ar Wilson . . 4 0$ p m 6 5S p rr.'i c;an Lv Wilson.. 4ISpm Ar Sclma . . .'$ 40 p rr.' ' Ar Fajetteir. 3 ji p m LvGoIdsbjro 4 54 p rn 7 43 p m j jx a rt Lr Magnolia 6 09 p m'j ja p rf$ iS a m Lv Uurgaw. 7 00 p ra 013am Ar 7 "m9jjpmooirn TRAINS GCn.:G NORTH. ? Ko. 4 i K0.-4 7r K cC 4 i 1 Dar. i Daily. ! Daa-r. Lv W ilming. n 40 pm S 50 a m S 51 p m I.v liur-aw. 9Jf an9jipn Lv Magnolia U 52 am 10 23 am 1041 pm Ar Goldibor'i 55 a m il 33 am n 5S am Lv rayettrv. k .. ...... 7 co a m. Ar Selma. ..f., ,95Satn ........ Ar Wilson.. ' 11 2; am Lv Wilson ..1 J2 a m il 25 pm 12 fj am Ar Koky Ml. : 1 00 p m t 27 a m Ar Tarlwro. 4 53 p m Lv Tarboro. ....... .11 33 am:.,,..... Ar WcMon.. 4 05 a n i l 5 p m 2 4; a m Trains on Scotland Neck Branch Krvad leaes Ha!ttat tor Scotland Neck at 3 00 p"m. leaves Scotland Ntck at o 30 a m.. dad except Sunday. Trains leaves Tatboro, N. C U Albemarli Raleigh, R R, da$ly, ccr'pt Sunday. 6 p m.: Sunday c p rn.; arrive Williamston, N. C. S 10 p m. and 6 40 &m. Returning leaves Willurruton. S . Dally etcej't Sunday. S 00 a m. Sun Hay 9 $0 a rn. arrive Tar! kwo. N. C, 100$ a m, and 1 1 33 a m. , Trains en Midland S. C. Br'aneh leave Goldshoro. N C, daily rieept Sunday, 5 33pm; arrive SmithGcld, N. C. 700 pm. Returning leaves Smith fieltf. N. C, 7 Jo a m.. arrive GokJOoro, N. C. 900 a m. . , Southbruml irairron Wi'son & Fayet teville Branch b No. 5a. Ndnhward is No. 51. Trains No. 43 Sa'Jih uill s!op only ai Wilson, Goldslwro and Magrttit. Trains No 47 makes c!ae connection at Wtldon for all points North daily. All rail. via Richmond, and daily ri ce pt Sunday via Bay Line. Trains male close connection lor all points North via RichrncrNl and Wavh mgton. . . ... All trains run solid between Wilming ton and Washington, an 1 have 'Pullman Palace Sleepers attached. JOHN F. DlVINir. General Sup t I. R. KF.NLY. Sjpt Trar.;ortaticn T. M. EMERSON. ;CVI Agcnl 11 ICIIMOJH) ANT) iHNVlLLr LIIL- v 1 " run r-v. jir.nUiiAN Tiiin l!.v. r-!;!t. Id .,'- LUil j. I IatJT. UMT-f cA" 4 t I tl I 1 .1 Is ve V" r.i n l .r . ... j 1 1 . 4 u 1 1 00 p m Leave durloU.Mi::-. j 3 05 p ar 3 a m LeaTe I.i!tlil:ifg S5jpru tun Lcfr l)xziV.W. ......J p'.f i;ni h-nxti Itichro uL 3 V) p ! 2 33 a ra licri-.:,L!r i 12 V) iu H Vi j Ive V.kIi- ; u Zi a.u 1 Oram Ieuvtf D irtjru C'HaxhI 2 20tu Ire S..:..!-';n.. . ... 12 Htn XlCJaza Lave Ctr! y.t--. 5 2 atd 1 (0 pru Ioavo.StlAt:inb3ij.....i 2& rn' 3 31 pta Intc '.mr.i!e C Vs , I 4 4J-t3 Arrin- Adt . ' 1 ?izz' lllOira TRAIN'S fiOIN'o, UOUX IL H ij 2tb lrv-$. t Ki. ZV. J. Datlr. i Didr. Arrive CL iih.lte. ibiry , . &fHQl 6 i& ptlt .. Z l"su f HC1 p ta 7 -VJaiu !l 13 oa . . l..-m' 0 1 i-ta .. t2 47t rii lito u . . '2 41 1 tc Ki") an ..' 4 3jcm II 2 ma ..'It; I'M-3 JI 2J jni 3 Clluu .'. I IS J 2 IV MUl . . T. 4.") p in 4 10 mtJ .1 3t3pini .H If am S Hir'u lVu.t (2rtt.l oro . DarLai. .... Ra!i-h . . . . Gohl!io ... Arrv.- Du:".l Xl"'cbs-4-f. ... Arri Lj i ci'arz . rTiiVf.T'; .Jd:-,r , II ZtU V) VZ :-siii.t l ..-. n-n.ta nr z, im S-9 V-.l.... ; C & an.: 3 yn N .W S. RAILROAD Lv 4 a re if. to.rd j ar. Sahu i . Il 33 ta . SLEEPING CAR .SERVICE. On tTains sojind 51,-Pullman Bufh-t Sleeper between Atlanta and Yew York. Nc.v Orleans and Washington via Dan vtl.. - - Ow trains 52 Lnd $3. ' Pulimn BcfTct Sleiper Montgomery and Washington. Aiken ar.J Wahiwgtor., via Danville. On trains 32 arl 53 Pulln;an Slefper between Richmond and G'censboro, and Grrelora and Go.ds"oro. r lor rates anI information app'y to - ?ny Agent ollhe Company cr to 5 " . itL H AAS. T. M. J.vs. UTAYLOR, 1 GuL Pa-s. Aent. Washington. D.C