GREENSBORO'n C. Eutcr d a th fw-GSce jt Cneo4ora, N, C. a l mail mat tff, .. John S . I T a m rToar , 1 i3,iitnrL MODAY, - - - JULY 29, 1887. EDITORIAL DASI1ES. Wc arc pleased to note that W. G. Uurkhead, Esq., of the Durham Tobacco Plant was elect ed by the Press Convention at . Hcndcrsonvillc Friday to deliver the annual 'address before the next convention. A better se lection could not have been made, mother JSurkhead is a man of superior intelligence, a natural orator, and will do honor to himself and the Tress Associa tion. Charley Loomis, a Kansas City saloon-keeper, has anchored a boat in the exact centre of the Missouri River, where he sells whiskey without paying license lie claims that no one can as certain under what jurisdiction he docs business. Several attempts have been made to convict him under the law, but each time he i escaped on the grqund ot non (jurisdiction. The Missouri pro hibitionists have made at least one man take water. A dispatch from St. Louissays that on last Sunday 6,000 people in that town witnessed a erame of base ball and only two of them were prostrated by the heat, al though the mercury stood at 108 degrees in the shade. Of the .'people who did not go to the ball game 100 were prostrated and eighteen died, It is hard to pull much of the moral lesson out of such information, but the ad vocates of Sunday games will probably point to' it with pride. Perhaps the religiously inclined will say that people who attend Sunday games are too tough and hardened to be hurt by the ' hot sun. The N. Y. Siar says : The mayor of St. Louis has telegraph ed the President asking if he would receive a delegation from St. Louis who would come" to Washington on Monday to ex tend him an invitation to visit that city in the fall after the 1 Grand Army men have gone. A reply was sent that the President would be in Washington on Mon day, 1 ne President has known for some time of the determina tion to urge him to take a west- em,tour, notwithstanding his de clination of ah invitation to at tend the G. A. R. camp, and he has been considering the question but has not yet decided whether or not he will go. It is quite probable, though, that he will visit St.. Louis and some other western cities after his southern trip this fall." The assertion is made that fif teen men in Pittsburg, Pa., are ready to swear that a man whose funeral recently occured in that city made a dying declaration to the eftect,that he would have sur- vivca could he have had a glass ot soda-water on Sunday. In spue or the tact thatjhe unlucky man overestimated the value of the draught he craved, his fate is a striking, illustration of the cruelty which may sometimes re- . 1 Jflk :T . suit from a foolish application of ignorant ami damaging theory. In the light of the present stage of advancement of the medical scicnce.such illusions as the above arc rapidly being dispelled. The practice, of .refusing water and other things ko patients is a silly and groundless notion that" par tikes of the nature of a, foolish superstition. The fact that- a sick person craves a certain thing is proof that the systsm demands it, and as the rule nature should be the first consideration to be Jaeeded. " . : . , xntivitEsn axd rut: muss COXVKXTWX. Wc hope the mothers of the little bovs who went along. representing our esteem ed patent bowel contemporaries, wiped the little fellows noses before they. left home, and gave them in structions not to nlav in the branch while they arc at Hendcr sonville elevating the profession. Statesvillc Landmark. Now now Bro. Caldwell ! If there be any abuse in the way of improper representation, men like the editor of the Landmark ought to attend and check it. All that is needed is to ha've the rules enforced which prohibit the attendance of any but bona fide members. Some 'of the graver editors of the State have not taken stock in the Press Association ; in that we think-they err. We are quite sure that the organization . has had a beneficial effect on the con duct of the State press, and what ever tends in that direction ought to be fostered by all as all are ndirectly affected by the general reputation. Raleigh Ncivs-Ob- servcr. The Association is undoubted ly a good thing per se, and is an institution that, if not now.can be made of value to the fraterunity There is power in organization and there are many benefits to be derived by the profession, indi vidually and collectively, both from the existence of the Associa tion and from its annual conven tions, but the fact is, as the Nczvs Observer thinks, the whole object and intent of the organization has been perverted, and the Press conventions as they are now held are a. pretty glaring burlesque on the Press, i Editors make a mistake in al lowing their papers to be repre sented at all if they are not to -be represented respectably, and it is not fair and just to the journalis tic fraterunity that a crowd ofbo; 5 and youths; half of whom have no connection i whatever with any newspaper and to many of whom brother Caldwell's remarks might be very aplicable, should meet in annual convention each year as average specimens of the North Carolina Ink-slinger. x iic rxsouuiaiion nowever is a power for good, and efforts should rather be. made to raise its stan dard than to ridicule it as a sham because it is allowed to be so. It is true some of the strongest men of the State were present at the recent session, but probably where there was one bona fide editor there were three ''little boys," and the editors ought to " - ... A . 1 . go to uie convention instead of the "little boys," u hre the inter- i iid i.trc- 01 acquiintanceslup and the elevation of the dirjnitv nnH complexion of the Association 4 will amply recompense the loss of time. Let the rules be enforced. Let the editors go and the little fel lows 'be ruled out. She Will Go ort the Stu- o. In siiitir of reixrts to the contrarv, Mr. James Brown Totter will m mn the jtaso. I cnu t tell how. m.-xny peo- . ... ktXk x luc "iiave vou seen 0-1-.. uttiuw irtwn l'otter? Do tell mc .iiatsii is like; and is ho really Ri iit;iuuiiui ;t. they say?" T-j this I ftuvci: ies, i have seen the lady a mint K.-... . i l l - umes, ami she is all uiai uie worm gives hercmlit of Ixinrr uer hair is sunny brawn and erowns er tummutive head in the lirettfest way iH,sSible her morith U sm.-ll. Lm teeth whiie and even, amll-.-t implex ion iH-rfeetly colorless, whieli suits her ejeianuatmstoher fmgUo Ameriean oeauty. 1 think, however, thatoi. of Iut e!iu?f beauties lies in her personal siiould say of her tfc3t shels one of the uuu.utiiuc sueeAs there is every rea f.ou l" lXM.t that, if she does go upon Mrs. Potter will probably play in early next spring aud. it U l :u mumy. m a- now parL- A.ic fr. f.. ... . . f """f-"fm cnrrwhJrawv ate""- r - rr -! OOLMI BELT For JjiIo By OOTT Or I'C?OIl?"4l010, wife (S fr J) I The space on top is the quantity ot POWDER BLUE in ordinary boxes. v A FIVE CENT STICK oVj INDIGO IU.UE contains as much as four wooden boxes, and will make fifty gallon of the best blue water. j , 1 So'd hy Houston & Hro.. vv hnlesalc .ijnits, (treensboro c. DR. J. Q. 3R0DNAX, Office for the present, at his resilience on Ash. street, opposite j Mrs. I)r. Hall. TTwonly known teclfia tar ScIint!fl Fit-" r-r Ujo for Spasms aai Fall in ir sickncM. TVcuincea It luaUatiT rellcreft and enrra. nnncM lood and quickens lirglsli tlrcutlon. Kcutr- ozca germ or o:acasc tnd eTe Icknet. Cure mm said nsT blotclcs and ttabom Wood sores, mimlcatf i Boils, Carbuatles ai-.l ZcAZ. premau c tj fni promptly carta p ira!rla. Ics. it Is a c.jrm!n healthful Aperient, Pt-rofulA and Kings EtU, iwui bromcn. tnanca ml: crccta to sood, remor- efifiSftHnW"' ingtho cause. Eoufs tllfoua tendencioa and m clear complexion. EGualle.1 or lever. A channlner resolvrnt , n,i.i ""UTB ifc oriTes jsjcic Headache like the Triad. .t t. . 1 wwnuuns no crasuc cathartic or opiate. EcllcTCf (the great) the train ot morbid fc ec. Promptly cure Ehc r: "Mtl" icaiorea me-glTlng propep tleS tO the DlOOd- T ffninntiuut ,. dlMrteri. E-Eclkhlo vhea all oatca faa. Ee. freshes the mind nj inf-f-v.j- - : wiu wwjj. iarei lJgVl j ju ur uiuacj n. i una ecu i)ut nr t Tin . ' - "v . m. ucqraoBa Medical Co- rrop. C3rtes N. Critfiton. Avmt, Stw Tork Cltf. E1. R SMITK GRHENSltORO, X. C.t Dtl.LER IN HamCSS, Saddle?. Wfes MACHINE OIL, Farmers' Oii.Kfihih'iric no 1-2 per thousand, ; Composting GoGde on hand. act as solicitors for trade-mart tne United. KtAtm i xa canaaa. i gland, rrsnco, po. Aunco oy man ire, r the SCIEwTr? KPWW the lart HT.H.rr::;'! 1 pa an illustrate news. to science. m7rhCZ PLFQV A SS68 cH F, STRATTC3, Iaporter & WbclaU ? AGGQRnFnfi.Q l HOTllil II arm rmi'-J J Qlalikindaoilluaical . 'lercbandiae. tin... Jhrz ... I Aoxstarpre and snlprtliMW per ia published WEEK UlS&dmitierl in Knit,. CIGARETTE CO., C5 im. rOHTKIt AHI T.tTK PORTER & DHLTON, Drugs and Medicines, Lisiea to my So II 1 eic to s:iy I was "receiving the m Largest and Handsomest stock of Dry Got.ds. Dicss Goods. White Goctis. Fine Shoes. Slippers, ant! als Men's Hats that was ever of teied in Greensboro. N. C. it wuuhl be rather tor old a sonj; to smi; m iIms day and time, and as a".! Ladies who want new dieses, want them of such styles and quality as suit tin in, And cannot tell what will best please them by reading any FLAMING ADVERTISEMENT, the only alternative i to cnu- at.d see the coods. as :i MiiTu i.M.t c uid 11. t be eiven in. an adveriif. nj4;..l l.. j iUify you in saying whether r n .t ou would be pleased without first vtt C the vanctv or vwn.uic variety 01 FINE DRESS GOODS I am now QTeriiiS. and gcttinc prices, so I hereby extend you a corrii al invitation to cdl and examine the goods that I now have in ttorc. and to arrive. Vcrv Renirt?iim, W. K. MURRAY. 1 i " s I ?-iH be paid lor any Ormla U vJirm"! ,n,Qd much Grain r f5r:h,k ner to tljt rJs. i1OTI',,,Jntl Prtrw 111, NEWARK MACHINE CO- A Creaking Hinge 1 1 . u' uutn wiI 14 arWici, alters Lich tt moves .iir in ' Hats cr hhige,, of t!,c LodV are stiffed tud lufiamitl hnhcumalism, jLer can- escrucbilu? vzla. Ar,r by h action on tho Do.hI. n :u.tvi ,JlU condition, Sna report lha ;,;Un lacKMj working order. c Artr Sarsapartlla h rtn! 1 m-t " uicii uaniitl t ie effort t,r t Rheumatism. S.irLJ:Lt.rJ f Lavrcn.-r. ! Ti r:.,7..::M " I TC31. ilnrJ ...... . fn.:n c :Z "n-i. H-rrr . v v uva.m. j. ! ream In.'... ill?! I - A. VIl . A I'll I fin . . . 'Vcl Sarjarira cerrd me ot Coer Ayer's Sarsaparilla, 1 r.;, i 1 f f ' 1 1 1 1 1 i M 4 MM' In srcatVaticty. cold and very odd. Saratoga Excelsior SPRING WATER On jcc. direct from the Spring, re ccivtd in "Air .Tight' Reservoirs, TRY THE GULGHER SPRING WATER uocn lor cramps cncs. ana sick stomach?. of ttic liest selection of Cigars cm the M.tikrt from 5 ccr.ti to 15 cents each. Tiy ; My 07n," the leader of all 5 cent Cifjart. Al so, the leading brands of all CHEWING TOBACCOS can be found at a ionr price, at E. G. NEWCOMIVS. Odd! Building. Greensboro, N S 2 P ffl C 5 I" - 50 r r CJ 3D Co o o Co so Xffl Q 2 O co 1? M S H Forget it; Ple I V.,u can alucs fim, - a "ore ,r l.cM-U.6h.,,pH VirKiX CaWH IM-.,. -i1!.,.,. p.. l...l- ir II tr. Kal$nii.n IS. Tin Roofl no 1 . .. . ' w,,u; n,X and Srv,!i.. f "p ut s?wt .u tier. Keep Ten-, r ill -v. ren uce I piiccs it up when wanted. ftu Jid put Have ...owV iol ,,r hil. ship StulT ,n a f t w d,)s . bonest efTprt to iw v.iu f.!,,.,; an n 85 m Q o H 0 C! 11 f C. r. ipJ - , , - a tea tlo Jlst rtallxt Vy cs4l cm, tL ccmirt povtn cf Ajr Oicrry recUsraJ. X eaaaotaay tmomJk ta fcI cf Ayer's CLtrrj rtctomT Urricr " I S tlu, lt lot U, , 1k14 Ice siacs Lar &4 txcmUes, XL XJra&o. ritti,Xtx Atxmt tlx ooatKa I m TJemccTloiri f th Lia-, WwrVt bya dUtrwaia- Cojlwkka dprtT!3 as coc-h tAUasis a&4 trmfr wiiboat ttainizjj rtUcL A frlji! vUU tsu to try Ayer's Cherry PectorU. I dU so. aad us laryy u aaT ltlrd a ac. liy 7T IM tnslicin enrrd my eo aajT am-Atiafld. aarrt mr Uf ilr V Coborn, 11 bxrooJ tXotl!, I bar used Ayr's CWrrr for Tr a yr, ad lrry Ui. 1 Abocld bar hmn Im y ct. Lj i not been for tMs mcitciM. ii w. frr n f a tlan-rtma af ctk f 1 w for which 1 almoat dfarm!rtd a , fimlinj a rrmwly. D. A. Mtyl M Indaor. ProTlam tf Uatajki. Ayer Cbrnr XVriwral " Two ycara ar I took a rty , . , . : which setllnl mr lunj. r precribeO, iit failrl u Ul antil I t-psa uaitts Ath iLirt tw torat. Two ltle .f U.U w J.V.' eoDrlrtrlf ; rtar4 my lif!t.-l K. Allen, e lmttr, CLU. Aycrfo Chorry Peciorj LYDIA E. PINICHAr.rO VEGETABLE OOirPOtmP. If atYrmfr tv l tW rVlar CWa4Uu a4 ' A KfWMat far Wan. lit al4 7 a Vi I'tWrti f a Wa..a. Jjoli.rmaiar.,4lv rUttM tlM pml fcW k me mmmm IU ta tt-a prla Hy iummt u. U filmlm. auJ 4aivja an. w ar iiiaUt, a4 rOlrrw a-l ia, Wjtfairtj4a .u !-W.tslwV.H.fcM.,. ..n rrtXrUHa tvaalali..rf naaa lata Cis.4 is 4. MaMMW(aul i4TU.i7 U a 1 .r isnr Uaa4taWrn Ataa. U . tfvatf temlrr. KadowktiiMiA Sa4 fr a&aXL aa4torpUufuUitn ftWru. JtUUky all lir, Ut.-4 1 sl fJo Whiskey ! Brown'sIron Bitters is one of the very few tonic medicines that are not com poscd mostly of alcohol or whiskey, thus becoming a fruitful source of intemper ance by promoting a oVsif e for rum., Brown's Iron BrrTEns is guaranteed to be a non intoxicating stimulant, and it will, in nearly every case, tike the- place of all liauor, and at tho same time abso lutely kill the desire for whiskey and other intoxi cating beverages. Rev. G.W. Ricr, editor of the American Christian R( ticu; says of Brown's Iron Hitters: m Ga.,OKyf.lfi,tS3t, . Cuij Tlie foo2ia i&Z of vital force la baaiam, I lexiarc. asd vickms tadaS fence f oar peoplr, buIc yor wTpamiMi a aeceawrr ; - and if applied, win UTC Ul - . dmU.& reLrt la uU.i s . '. ' Ut tzzs porary rcaiperadoa, " t Brown's Iron BmxRS has been thoroughly tested dyspepsia, indigestion, biliousness, weakness, debil ity, overwork, rheumatism, neuralgia, consumption, bver . complaints, kidney troubles and it never "ils to render speedy and permanent rclic 0 t f. lta lvARIONCTRATFORl V.