3UJLJH" GREENSBORO t?N. C. Entered t the Pot Office at Greensboro, N. C - second das mail matter. John 8. 'IIamftost,' I t.iitnr. Greek O. Andrews, J rMlwn- WEDNESDAY, - - JULY 27, 1887. f paper inVirginia. The distinguish- I cd EDITORIAL, DASHES. manages the Hartford Lonrant. Mr. An international cremation con- er grcss, to be held at Berlin in isso, is proposea. me juiy is weather doubtless suggested the projecr. naners in the South. Let asuirinrj - - ' 11 . c Col. Watterson says that Kel- reporters and knights of the quill ley is the greatest base-ball play- tal;e courage. They may alt be er in the world ; and it now re- come Congressmen. It should be mains for KelJey to say that stated that those members who Watterson is the greatest editor were formerly newspaper mer, in the world. 1 The teleohone line between P"0" ust-lul New York and Philadelphia has been extended to New Haven, Conn., and wUl soon, reach Bos- ton. The wire can be used with nr. A:r. ciation from, Philadelphia to New Haven, so that with a little more improvement long distance tele- mam m mm 1 pnoning will be an established in- siuuuon, ana win compete on equal terms .with the telegraph. Ex-Congressman J. Randolph Tucker, While delivering the commencement address before the students of a South Carolina College, had a pitcher of ice tea placed before him and re- freshed himself frequently there- from. The Southern Christian Advocate thought it was. cham- pagne and said sol but Mr. Tuck er's friends proved that the Ad vocate was wronc: and made that journal take it all back. The great Virginian is. partial to tea. The announcement that the re ports of the Massachusetts Kfiights of Labor show that the order has lost largely in member ship creates no surprise where the order has exercised but little influence on the course of industry, for many months. When the manufacturers of Rhode Island organized for self-protection about, a year ago they resolved- that there should be no interference by Knights of Labor with their busi ness, and to this resolve they have strictlv adhered. The manu facturers have in every instance refused to arbitrate or to listen to ary suggestion as to arbitration by committees of Knights - of Labor, and they have given un equivocal evidence of their pur pose to adhere to this line of con duct. Thus while there has been no lock-out of Knights of Labor as such, membership in the order is not a recommendation to pro motion in the mills, and the ac ceptance office in a Knight of Labor Assembly is considered as standing in the way, not exactly of employment, but of an em ployer's favor and confidence. This is the actual situation in the great industries of New York and apparently also of Massachusetts, and it is not surprisinc. there fore, that there is a decrease in . membership. . - It may interest workers in the newspaper fraternity to "know the names of the present members' of Congress who, prior to their con-, gressional career-followed journal ism as a profession. Mr. Hilt of Illinois was a stengraphic reporter. Mr. Boutelle of Maine was owner and editor of a paper. Mr. Burnes I of Missouri was a newspaper own -7 er.y Congressmen Cummings and ' Merriman were ; regular workers on the editorial staff of .the ? New Yorlc Sun: Mr. Reed of Maine is owner of a paper.' -It is a coinci xlence in this connection that the. two Taylors in the last Congress -irbm Tennessee should be suc ceeded by two newspaper men; The .well known and widely popu lar Sunset Cox of New York was a pencil pusher in years agonc. Mr. Bayne of Pennsylvania runs a paper in Pittsburg.- Senator Hearst of California once managed a paper on the Pacific coast. Senator Riddlcberger owns a Senator Hawlcy owns and McShaue of Nebraska lsown- nr tue verv nrosocrous . Omaha cra Mr. Phelan of Tennessee oXvner of the Memphis Ava- acyie one of the best known have the reputation of being the r - T1,e' are not inveterate talkejs onIle. floor of the HoUsc or thc Senate' but 'hey are incessant and effective workers in the com- mittee room. THE PRESIDENT WILL GO. A delegation from St Louis caucci on the President Monday for the purpose of inviting him to that city in October next. Mayor Francis acted as spokesman for the delegation. His remarks in extending the invitation were repeatedly interupted by applause which was redoubled when, the address was formally presented to the President with thc terse re- mark that it was from what they thought the greatest city of the continent to him whom they thought the greatest President of the United States. The President in replying spoke extemporanocsjy and was in a most happy and agreeable mo( He said : "Jr. Mavor and Gentlemen : My reply to your very complimenjary and hearty address shall be very brief and agreeable. At the time you did methe honor to invite me to your city on the occasion of your last visit I felt, quite contrary to my expectation, when I first met you, that it was an invitation which ought -Hp to be declined. I felt impressed at the moment that you,had something there in St. Louis, of which you were de servedly proud ; that you had a cityjand a people and 4 interests there which it was only right and just you should earnestly desire that the chief magistrate of thc nation should see and appreciate. What has happened since has iiy no wise hampered my desire to see these things and to become better acquainted with the hos pitable and good peopie whose good feeling and kindness yotj manifest. It was not at all neces sary in order to convince me of your good faith and sincerity that so many of your good people should at this most uncomfortable season of the year, come -here, 3nd -yet you don't know how much it pleases me to see you ?.ll. The desire to come to vou I has grown with every day, and I do not see how I can do oier wise now than to accept your in vitation." We shall have considerable time to look around us and I shall be glad to meet or corre spond with any of your citizens whom you may. designate so as to fi x a d ay an d a v-ojd u ncertainty a s much as possible. J am a little in doubt about the exact time, but the thing must bs done." This remark, which was made with great emphasi?, elicited loud and long applaus,-! A plasant informal conversation followed. An invitation was extended to 1 the members of the cabinet and their v wives to accompany the Prcsidcn t ;t" nd the plensan t inter view terminated . . : flOLDEK BELT For Snlo'By SCOTT & j. w. Groonsboro, TV. C. The space on top is the quantity ol rUWIJLK liLUt in ordinary ooxes. A FIVE CENT STICK OF INDIGO 11LUE contains as much as four wooden boxes,-and will make fifjy gallons of Ihc best blue water. Sold bv Houston & Bro.. Wholesale sc: 's, G'-eensbo'. N. C. DR.' J. G. BRODKAX. I?lt vsicrisiii nI fSiifjroon, Office lor die present, at his residence on Ash street, oppos:t? .Mrs. L)r. liali. 1 TTwonJy knom specific for Epileptic J1U. llso for Spasms aad TaUlng Slckces. Kcrrou ?Tecincsib It laatiinily rclIcTcs and cores. Clc&nsct Slood and qulcktna Eluglsh clrcalatloa. Kcntra izce genes of dUciso and savea fekkness. Cures ft SKEPTiQ SAID ugly blotches and Etcbbcni tlood eorea. Eliminate! Bolls, Carbuncles atd Scalils. nTTcnniu:e"Uy anJ promptly cures para: jila. Tea, It Li a charming and healtM ul Aperient. 1ZV. LorofcU and Kings EtH, twin brothers. Changes Da breath to good, remor- sag the cause. Hoata billons tendencies and maky clear complixlon. Equalled by none la tbe delirium of fcrcr. A charming resolTent and a matchlcr laxative. It drlrca Side Ileadacbc Use the win. PT Contains no drasUc cathartic or opiates. KellcTei C71IE GREAT) CtllERjl'lpX00liiQlUlEBl0lRp the brain of morbid i4::cX.. Promptly cares llheu. matlam ay routing It. llcsfores llfe-glTlng proper ties to the blood. Is guaranteed to cure all nciroui disorders. S"Kellable vhen all opiates fall. P.c freshes the mind and InTlgoratcs the body. Curci dyspepsia or money refunded. -; OiEMEBWsD Diseases of the bloo-l own It a conqueror. Endorsed la wrlUng by over fifty thousand leading dUxena slergymen and physicians la U. 8. and Europe. " UfFoi sale by all leading druggists. aiOL The Dr. S. A. Richmond Medical Co, Props. bt. Joiteph, Mo. (3) For testimonials and circulars send stamp. Charles N. Crltttton. A-nt, Kcr York City. jB1. f. smith, GREENSBOK N. C, DEALER IX Harness, Saddles, Whips, MACHINE OIL, Farmers' OU Shingles' $2 1-2 per thousand. ! i ! Composting Goods cn hand, contlnno to act ae solicitor a for B&te&ts. caYcats. trademarks, eopyxighta. etc.,foi UkQ Uiutea States, and to obtain pat enta iu Canada. England, Prance, Germany, and all other countries, TUirty-aix rara rractico. Vo chargo for examination of models or draw- inOT. Advice by mail free.' Patents obtained through us siro noticed in the SCIENTIFIC AME1UCAX, -which ha3 the largest circulatioc and is the most influ ential noTrspaper of itaMnd published in the -trorld. The advantages of euch a notice every patentee understands. This large and splendidly illustrated nc-rs-paper is published VEEIiljY at $3.20 a year &ndi admitted to be the best paper devoted to science, mechanics, Intentions, enginccriug . works, and other departments pf jnijustriaj progress, published in any country, Singly copies by mail, 10 cents. Bold br all news dealer. . - . Address, Mann fc Co., publishers of Scien tific American, 261 Broadway, New York. Handbook about patents mailed free. JtJHH Fi STRATTC3, 43rllntaii,a.IM Importer & WLo1aT l- : Dealer ia AUUuKUtUHS. uui aaxinumcas and all kindaof Uoaical Mcrchaadiae. BnuiAii ' ' ' , - i ; , 1 f ' r ... i Ue '(TV . Band Instrument. 0t-YloliaTetxiiisa, Band tot aatalofvft. . CIGARE - TTES 1 00., 3 m. POIXTKK A TATK SoCffi to I PORTER & DRLTON, Dealer in DruffsandMedicines, II I .v'cre to say 1 was receiving the Largest and Handsomest stock of Dry Goods, hrcss Goods, White Goods. Fine Shoes. Slippers. and als Men's Hats that was ever of- lered in Greenshoro, N. C. it would be rather too old a soni? to smir in tins - W - day and tiine, and as all Ladies who want new dresses, want them of such styles and quality as suit them, and cannot tell what will best please them by reading any the only alternative is to come and see the goods, as a uI;cicnt idea couid nut be iveu in an advertise incut U justify you in sayii g whether :r not j ou would be pleased without first sceii r the variety of FINE DRESS GOODS 1 am now ulTeiin;;. ai.d ceitini; piices, so I licit-by t xtend you a coirii ai invitation to call and examine thc goods that I now have in store, and to arrive. Very Respectfully, W. JMURliAV. SOO REWARD win b paid for any Ormla Kan of tn aiie that run clean and bar aamucb iraln or Smi lnon1av aaoar Patent MONAIICH Grain anU beel hrnarafor apd Itar cer.irhicb b3rtotL pub lic at a low price. Send Tor clrralar and irlc Hat which will m th.H1 rarr. NEWARK MACHINE CO. af ewtrk. Okio. O. U. A- A Creaking Hinge I dry and turns liard, until oil U s;.plu-,l, after which It movci i.nily. AVI.ra t!i joints, or hln-c of the body arc ::Tciu d aud Inflamed br Khcumlism, th-y can not be moved without cauinj the mf excruciating pain. .rpr .Sari;ari:U by Us action on the b'oo.1, n li.-vc this coivlitiou, and restore t!icilu:i tonoiO working order. Aycr' SarsaparUla In K?ctcx. U out City, many inVJft rtinarkablc pirv, a tiuiih ber Of Which ballUtl the i-florts vt most experienced pliricSans. Wire t PCTrsf?r 1 couh1 'f1 j!l? of many Indivkluttn who have bct-n cured bv taWlu! Ihi meUicinc. it my own cje ft ban cvr taiuly worked wonders, ixllcvius of Rheumatism, after beinj tronblcd with It for Tear. In thl. nnd all othir dix-a arUin fr.in imiuire -bltKHl, ih. rt? U no rvuii!v wl;h whkli I ani aciu.iiu?i .1, that aa.n au. b relief AyirN S:ira;.arilti. l:. U Lawrence, M. 1)., Bariiiuorc, Md. -Ur,r.." rparilU cl:t3 mc of Gout and LiiinmiatUiu, Un tn:hi:i rS Vould. It u mulU-attt crerr rac t f ilieao from inr .Wi-ui. i:Jl. hlrt, ilauaxr HuUl lk-Iuiuu!-, Lowell, iIa-.. I wx. d:ir?:i r.tsny month, n nuTcrrr from cttruuitf i:!. umali-ui. Tlic di-ta-nj afflktoU i. to tnifvourlr. la p!tcof all tbo rcnicilici I eouM fiud.tinlil I cummcnecU jiMU- Aycr's han-aparijij. took aCVcr3t bottles of thl prearatiou.aiHl w ierd ly restored to health. J. Frcaia. Ind pvudeuce, Va. - Ayer's SarsaparUla, Prrpired W Dr. J. C Awr h. CoTxwrU.M. to to sy Snag ! it m HE TEES In fcrcat vutity. CuM au.l very oM. Saratoga Excelsior SPRING WATER On ice. direct from the Splines, re ceivrrf in Air Tight Reservoirs. TKYTI1E GULGHER SPRING WATER Good for cramp. Colics, and sick stomachs. s,ooo of the lcst selection of Cigars n ihc Market from 5 cent to 15 cent each. Tty My Own," the leader of all 5 cent Cigars. Al so, the leading brands of all CHEWING TOBACCOS can be found at a low piice, at K. G. NKWCOMHS. deU DuiUlin;:. Greensboro, N C5 2 54 lid 0 8 ! ForgGt it, P1gss9 ! Ynu cm :iIwas r-n.J in Mi rk ! ur 5torc lhc !-c! Unrklml an.l VirKit i t 0!ciii. .1 l:atrr, UYt I4i r. i-.n 1 . l.llift .'i r i! 1 1 rii iv l '.. r . Ill .. Hair. KalitniRr. c. UV (J ,';., tUmx hul first, fan P s ? tTj L1 o 5; g Tin RopQ ng;i U'i'itti. t. e ,--rryjs 4in.f quality . t in. IC- i. tr uly S!i..c!c Tin. V;i! - Uv Tt ;. (Zu ri. ftr.f Srwiitit-.'i up .! s'.-it ... tu-c. Keep Tt rta Coitu F uc iipc -l rct!ucc4 pric5 and pu! it up whon wanted. Have iow n lit ,.f whit. f mi d o.rn lor saic. w.jl hve a cr nf l:pMiiir ir, :, f..w l., ret fcrjfj.. W - rir-l y-ur in.l- an-i ph-,! !.o:.M c.Tort I,. M;,rc .iU fjitlifulh WIIAIUON .VSTRATFORp". .It Saved Uw life" frota lLo lo Late rtilrc l, j Bonxl rue, tle ciira:l tj er f , T f T-s Cherry rcetcral. I rxaar-t My -V. In pralws ct Ayer'f Chtrtj Tk;. tH. -. Kertzz u I ! tlat, lit L t tj I tbouM lo2 lincc Late Lc4 ffvn- . trvuUc- C'llraloa. lV.tt;, i t Abotit tlx month a I Lv! a HetaHThJC t th I-unr. W.it , - lueel !-p .l rtu I La1 .. oa couh Lalaxn ani tr' i. r-- without cUiunin rtLf. A r. t. "m ' Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. I tlKl o, atnJ am wJT'T t T t: t. , bclpotl ms at enrr. l:j rn;rv, . tJ thU ineUirin rurtU tuy f . Cobarn, IS ikvnt t.. futi;. x:. I Laro umI Ayer Cl rrrr r. for over a yrar, aol lr-r-! u. tbould have tn in my zxi not ln for thU mrlH in". i : . . mo 4 a danrrrtn: a!I. tKn s f 1: . for which 1 ba! almot f.ndin a rtmnlr. H. A. ! ; Windsor, lroviurc I thvv. Ayf r'a Clttxry iVctuiai . TwoTfir aso I ti a t - w. which attlrt n my lrn.." I . . phrician. an-l t.k il." rn. rrrrritxl. Iit fxilI t :. . 1 UnUI k l"an iitii .ri toral. Two ltl- f t;,: rotni'I'tely rrttrtl my lu'1', M. Allen," Wat I-an .t.i, ?: , Ayer's Cherry Pec4.crai. rrrtml VTPr.J ---v V-.t - IS LYDIA Pl?!:HAvd litMMM t ' L f' mult A XIIclae for T"i:-. . .e- : , ' .. IV. jiif 1 :-y r --.a TTTll r - t !.- . i-' . . am3. "t1- r.ii . . . ...... v. trnnn !a 1"- it, . i , ..' . ey. 1 : 1 kU w t j-4 v .-: k - ' -. . -s. f9 of L''t ; . J -.. . . -v It r"r.rr f4nta - u.: " , v . rtAtffJutfi-.; . .c44,4i rtb er :T W. . I Ti. k. i kJUl nll . B!atVaC-r ',&;l r..Jf atrUa-vtrtV '.; A c .. clthrr.tV lliU.;' 4 cr f l't rrr::W. Jlr . . f TT V -j I . ' LI V ill I Ua y , , r-. ..- 0 K5J Brown's Ikon BnrF.ns h or.c cf thc vcr few tonic r.ictlicincs tint arc not cor. joc.C(! mostly of alcohol r r !::;kcy, thus !ccMn:n t i.::.:A;! source cf intern; : ;.iicc by promoting a tl.i i'K rum. B rown's I ron B i t : r " h "guaranteed to lc a r- n intoxicating stimulant. it will, in nearly everv cv akc the pLice of r.'l Ii p". and at tlic same time a! lutcly Icill the desire f;r whiskey and otlicr intn.vi c.ttin'T Ijcvcracs. Ucv. G.W. Ricr,ctii:cr f tlic American Christian AV i u-r, uiys of Urown'i U Hitters; Ccis : Tli t- Ii-' -iz.Z cf iul focce in '-- -Tlcziaic. act tidc Ccccc of our i';L " jorrttetiril.nari - ' i iniifsjiik J.C1-y c'rrth vi - " (r tcmpufiry ucr;r- BkowsIkcnBiti:: . h-Li been thoroughly tested fur dvpepsia, iiidi'j' bi 1 iousn ess, v.-caknesi, tk-- ity, overwork, rheumatic neuralgia. xronsu J.vcr complaints, troubles, &c. and it CilU to render speedy ai. pemnnent relic . . . j i 1 I I j j ! it 1 X17