-Yt3!003 JA0JS0T3W ten: O The Debate Ajournment to Nov. 4. PUBLISHED EVBBY FRIDAY BY. Rev. 7. T. WALKER, "Editor and Proprietor, ; (Corner E. Market and Davit Street,) Gresnsbcro, II. C. The Central Prohibition Club met on Friday night witti a larger num Small Knows All About It. Local Option . Hot the Thins. ' - Atlanta's Chinese Chocktaws. A young man who had spent some A word - to ;: Democratic Georgia daJs fn Atlanta gave us his experi- Boycott the C?bQn. latter place, fcd tefelted strong men in tears. C The 'tent campaign of Bailey and ber present than usual. Owingto the Prohibitionists:' Rev. Sap ' Small of nce n ettinS a drink of liquor, another $800,000,000 a year for li It is said ibat the laboring men of the United States pay in one way and Dailey deserves an especial word ci or oti,who w .h to MiiMt. this ppv jr.of obtain astimatat on advertising spaca when :. ChicaRtf, will '-find 'on', as 5 t49 Randolph St., n . WtnMMA AaAova.singXehcy LUU J il ll.UilI FRIDAY, - OCT. 28. 1887. - TERMS IN ADVANCE. Una year Six months . s The Editor Is not held res die views of correspondents Agent wanted. A liberal commmnon wi3 be given. Write for terms: ... - protracted services in the city, the your State until lately has -. been a meeting adjourned until Nov. 4, Democrat, has had much to do with at which time they invite debate up- politics, and lias had a great deal to on the question of License Laws. It do with the Prohibition campaign is earnestly requested that persons under Local Option in Georgia, so who think license to sell liquor to be that he knows . what he is talking right ;will come out and expound about This you will readily grant. sible tT their views. Meeting at the W.C. T. Said "Mr. Small at Cooper Union, U. iiau. aew xor&, vou 10. -jltoijiuiuou has nothing to hope for, except praiEfr, or bf endorsement - Gbing . Dfc. GRIFfllH, Surgeon Dentist, Teethxxtracted without pain. Of $1.00 1 .90 r. .-. III.. . 1. " - LlltlrlCCi V imagining inai; ine water, disordered Qn0rV an Exorbitant su mi : tet. from UwV .rUot wWa hfte; "u DUUS"1 "41101 the fact that a manufacturer marked N 111 w h wi Wan httt . 1 I Lai J-X (. LV U A V. UVV v J a vwwmw I viter a nnmoer 01 inquiries with ; n.;. rwnn If 1111 Cfr 1 f CIV. , tllUil IV . W man v. win Ira nnn nrula . o mon .11 I . -n "".. . . e- . . t I . .a. . . I - j . i ...... oiiis D.11U. to nisiiiinus on a oaturuav nxrr anH v thoc tpnt Knhi- . finr.fi, t?i.. vwnr;t . J , . . . I Ul liuv muuiuuij, - . yj VJL1 UVUbU J-fllJUT 0 61 CCb, IJStJIl j -uFp!- night and found 0ver 100 of those bition evangelists reached a class & Shober Bank baHding, De 25. .wU.c.u. Uvu "r mar kud bills deposited in ; the ISanks if i,oroiAfXi mBBiTilo nn1 t.trf -( . 44 b . . - - , - , , , - 1 . 1V'. bVAUl V," W1V w I Dueocuw. .inaingtne place, by liquor selkrg on Mouday raoraing, them convincingly with" speech too- - DR. R. 7. TATE. iie iiiwoea u.e beureumg gaze oi me U . . . , vp Pn.cticiner PnM.ciau. trii.t.boro proprietor and was permitted to pay The entire banking canital of the LJw fn f fr, .PorHr nfth N. C., otters hw Pi-ofsit-nal Services (not a countrv is $717,000,000. It follows Lo?i w- ,t. twenty-five cehts for a card (not a LnntrT :8 $717,000,000. It followL.;i. .nf u otioo nn(l wall " lbe f"at"n ol rWMro atd I w - - - t tra- - - . r-"".., " "J ' - mi rriiunaiii.r eounirv. urisa Harry. P. Crow.-ll, Secretary of 'make believe from either of the. old r"ur TL rfu it"mJthat if the laboring men would stop fitted to overcome prejudice,, to win prtt,&DitonVdruIi BioW. XlUu thelifewers Assciation says: We are parties. ; I was ; a Demorcrat, and ? "" "s . drinking.intoxicatmg liquors for one friends. Mr" Dailey sings very sweet- ot there cu bo Jouua at. his reai T vro a o TiiTTirki7ri . i n r n,.MAnn vnnr UlMtL after voar name tueJewB i"siwu nvK-ncut " ! to Inform vou when your subscription not working as a political organiza- stayed with that party until it xpirea. - . tion; we have no occasion to organize brougnt me so near nen tnai nocLing If your name is written a cross mar a ,artv. amoner oursleves. We are but Almighty grace could savj mi. mill be placea tnere lei you kuuw. " im?P;n, nr frnruUi Don't look to the n d parties for helt) jrou renew before j the for onr candidates wh6 have been Henceforth I am ?. party Prohibition- a a il ry!1 1 1 I rUJB I I Lit I 1 I II I LI1I1L kiinr:. . I Chocktaw,1? waiter the hot forthcoming. We narrate the above, believing it t be troth. - And.we do it in belief that facts hurt no seeker for truth WaSl nn A antra t1a mAnan iTrf?V. V. tt I 1 I '.J 11 i. 1.. I Ipnfl fT AAKrtlxirO ittrAtft . " rt .. 1U HJk jtiu, auoun, iuc juvum nuivu. UK ly nay wniieu bome ejwwiieui li - - - "j r annnalv pav lor them, tnev would con -a nA will -Wnf or hpln hpre- YVV. w6".c' songs, aud will be of great help "here- jK - a you lose notLiag by it. tickets. Just so, why should the liquor the South, meet the Itepubiicau Pro- accumulate enough in that One . Year ! fiff rT T. nrvno f Anr rnfnnYi . TTft Trn- frt finn nut oil i n. ln-li-o i-n vn? i ll. ...J . - 1. I "" v-vw- poses a quaneiie, jiuu oau ue wiu- try, with $83,000,000 over to start a muhicated with at Brcckwaj ville, Pa fund to buy up all the gold & f silver One of his ballads, Didn't you do Btmd fraction of doUart in, one and tw dealers organize a new party when tampt. - . . thev have two already? y ---- -- - j - i 1 1 r i - j i i . - . - uiiii.o iii niv, wuuwjr w hvav ji-ui. ii r x QU KDOW VOU U1U I la rUUlllUZI : Thk Nobthakoi.ika Pkohibition- UT is entered at the" post office in Greens is geoond-elass matter. ' This taxation and license . busi ness reminds us of the old Indian's . . I M I ft I T rvAWM tvk nvk a. mam a C5olnmn $1.00 $2J $4.00 $7.50 " unuii iw 1 $2.00 5.00 8 .00 $15.00 auotner to sen it, tnem ne pays a Such a state of thing,? reveals hi!KnnifaTf.:thV TSTorth" half wav that Prohibition greatly removes It te 8ee how lionor monoro in the new party. The absolute need temptatiou, and reduces the amount become so wealthy, andpoor men of the hour is a new rartv made un I , - - at them so. of the best men of the North and fact the same ' young man n i.u vt ' p u4.w : martcea tnat among tne 40,000 peo- The Aew xorA: ,'xawiine--consid- nomrafi ProniWfmnisfs of tbp Ple 8)11(1 to bo on the exposition ers it very significant that in an South will never enter the Kepubli- ronud3 he lailed find"-a aingle WT jeatf the Prohibitionists .have then he licenses can party; no more win tne itepumi can Prohibitionists of the North en Piedmont AizXiiiiQ Soutc c Trains Run bt 75" drunken man. ' . ' - douTbled the vote cast in 1884. for St. But partial as is this Pixhibitjon, John, and adds : "In many . states ' w 111 ii 1 mm, & 1 11 in 1 11 j.-ai .in vw 1 fWiTTi o n Tn nnri n r it rvoo 1x7 rm ri wvt i tA Af uivw iviu him w i ; ... - wtu ia u - i ... . i i f uuw,um.u ww.;u. iuv nu uiiun - .. affii vhAn nqrhu I'mh h Knn jfj ofa l,nl,r,.; lulanno f A. O.W U.w aM.w w.w i.f. and Utn thomiin ihA hrnica nf mi. UUIW. UCUUclUcU, uu mc x x uuiwilvu I . . , . . " .1 Adyertisements to be inserted evej7 ..n . , , ft , - . -.party. That is a compromise we be other week and Having special posuion , A : . - , . Jluv in . . - - ILIIfV lirillft Mild I 111 &j 111 MCTfLl II. I ft IT I I. I , Mar win im Liniucu au lkii iciika aiio i M EDITORIAL NOTES. understand.'' Are clergymen and -A-Kenew your subscription to the laymen willing to go to respectable the polls, The Blood of the Martyrs I3 The Seed of the Ohurch. Another Iowa Murder. elected to make and enforce laws, and nower and will occupy a position of i to prosecute their violation. . : importance' in next Pesidential cam paign The Prohibitionists, rrom inch s Last Speech. whatever others think of them, are mi . 1 .1 . ' ' . 1. 1-.. people of intelligence and character. I a-r-( i l.'n ttir whnr r ri ATT through my mind this minute while r think of him. It is addressed - to Republicans, and refers to the cam paign of 1884. I hope Bailey and Dailey will be kept in actiue --service sovthboukd these months to come." We were here yesterday ot the county convention, and held a mass meeting last night. This county of Orleans has had good Prohibition grit several years, and grows in grit and grace all the time. They- nom- mated a woman for school commis sioner yesterday, and are bold .enongh to hope they can e ect her. Our meet ing last night, was electric with Richrncnd and Danvills Syxtenr. EFFECT CONDENSED SCHEDULE IN SEPTj 4, 18ST. Mekibian Tisik, DAILY. Lv. New York Pkiladelpkia . Baltimore V ashiuirton ' " Char lot tesvlle Ljnckburg " Richmond - Burko ville Keysville . Drake's Br'ch Danville ir Ureensboro ' No. iO. -12 15 am 7 20" - 9 45 11 24" 3 35 1 m 5 50". . No. 53. , 439 lm 65T " 8 " 11 co " 3 00 a m 5 20 " FaOniBITTONIST. The North Carolina ; Prohibi tionist from now until after the elec tion, m 1888 for $1. Subscribe at land rot s ti e same tick-1 as is vot;d by neaily half the saon-keepers ! "OhJdone more than any other one thing! box Goldsboro ' Kaleiarh v- " Durham Chapel Hill Ilillsbore ! w uuiu w v.o ,11, 1 1" t I O o ' . . in tu rmf m. f tiia nvtnla vl,n w " J - enthnsiasm : and m it were manv mJ - : :,n:.n..C vl: iioii. ?..;, -ftr Kaiit- Propose to have it if , possible.. . : -Thw iin- oM.rtyrmen. - J In th'el n- auk assassyiauou . xxauuou. -i r vote admitted to be drawn largely TOnt? Bftf L ,1 Mr .WTT. - 'I V AA V ay a, aM .-a- flajajar V VV Ja-- i : ... - . I -Pa-.-viiaj flirt, TJcm-riMTil inon Iro r rl f li ckir I m ' " - i - t j i l .. 1? a n I - R&lciS but the Democratic party is worse T to strengthen prohibition sentiment - . - 11 . "v - tne reio-mea puginsi, ana nis muep.H.gh Po. Yea: it is the rotten eee. while the in Towa. Since that shocking crime An ancient writer has said that the 5 a "v - ' speecn, aner nomxnauouB were over, d vi: . ai ; ii: i .i l : u imnrai Tif.n oi st. :ir,mn arft im nn.r.ri-1 "w - v " ' touuucu iiic ihy ujuuu, c at-rii ill 1 1 ji 1 1 iniri.v im i.iii iin.i.i nu fui. i i nrin iiT&vr: imrii iitiiri iiiuiurinua . - - - - r"- t . - . . - i - . L f 1 r -MM II IHII I. Ill l.im laaaaa a a rr W e will tase neither, and wait, H sauits committed upon men engaged In the States holding this fall the Prohibitionist fuller tickets and better organization than ever before. ; The platforms of the . old parties THE FIELD AT LARGE. need be. ujtiK the hen lavs another, in the enforcement of the liouor laws. . . . . . . . . .. ka.fl I "... I ! - " f ' - .1 l.ll. . - T 1 - - . I ' " Dk V. .a n.. TPl- . ri;n . 4ha mnorlav iF n snnnn nl rNILn W4VS. II Villi flYH NHeil 3 it tt ij n .1 . n 1 man named Brown, at Gladbrook, planK that did not have i as many 1 ..-.! . . " I It -W 111 . a Next month Atlanta's liquor Tama County, a few days ago. 4 The iaea as a roiling pm, i wouia ii.ee 10 1 :A. Xl J I C r.A , TlnnWAin .a- afnfoa SPA It. - . irifii in ii ntrH iit w.iraiiii mill m. ibh iuui i i Li.r. fLrifi.iLri mil rr.r iiiiiii ir:n - nLikura r n.a nnminoa nftha rtlrl ruirhm P"1" K-"h- - B"" -.-v. --, 5 - . - i . . laea of another wet or drv. death'' or the case and some of its results a , . .l.i .u i.--i 1 life.contest. The Birmingham Her- follows: "The young man had been Public opinion is collected in the Cieariy tuaiuicjare uopeieiy iu "i?.,- ...... ... T : , frfa n0fla . fl, ballot box one tfav in each vear. uu oavs iuaii iui. ticuciauu litvui "i '-'""'" j - c 1 : v to be invited by the anti-prohibi- grand jury, and in accordance with in wiiiaVv-softVod tv.w.lii.lrl tionists. Such a speech would give his oatn had toid tne trutn regarding ' . . , . .. -r. Ann:.i.n Jnftlntinniinf tti kw Yiw n. a, nnn. 1 to the Iteoubl ican partv.' I aw is a gnm jose on vynrisiianiiv.il nei"u yiumuiuuu wiuuiubks fu . -- j . wera gathered m the large court-room, Hess cams forward to the Judge's platform a g ant , German, florid Irv fnna rr rvf li o -rf Virfiinir .Tlfl Bin- nnrawil .... ' , . j. -. y wniu : i- - - .- . yy i :a Gindlv-Memorial Servi-os-A Pugilist A . "w r m i ii.jv::-i tv. Tiv with suppressed feeling. vi stood m XU'UU x luiuuihiumst ills iiuacii nun - . ix Tear-Tha Nxi Hitional Cliainnau. i front of this desk to receive the sen tenceofjthe Judge sitting- where I Albiox, N, Oct 13, 18b7.v I now 8tttnd: j oeeil founj guilty OuuNew I ork campaign is rro-Uf adinir and abettinitr a prize fight. belong A man once said to me 'I told him could see his spiritual photograph votes in that city iu the place oi keeper named Buhmann. The lat- that the party had a pretty poor piece Vor,o-a tw nf irip Wil'c the 11 which were counted m 1884 : ur snoi mm aown-m com oiooa ior v. rv " j UIUIAV V uw mw w vmv Mwvma aw a I - . I -'- -I V - . ' . m - . . li - . A 11.1 WM'waW I A am a-a waiM Ki.W F a - " al sfw .. . - -a i x7 A-a.n lH.AnAMA.flH la. -i . . i n o v i n rv Toorinivn a rroinar mm vnnnan i iv. ami a ii inn it- 111 . n 1 ai t. w High art-gallery, he would be shamed "f : VrV " .I " i Zi Most of his engagements i a' Ti.- 1 -A 1 I 4 . IrL ClP.VClTfHl iumi T OT nnfinATin ann ra-itiiiu wucu my f wnstKico auu I ... - - , . into repenuuictror iiuixfat eiiuuxi' I i , - T r I mi.. t . i n . I rnPr ATiO DianKPTiPtl TJi niHEOrv ftl kww uu u uucofcivii, x i w u 1 1 iiM r ninini nun rin w fir r na 1 . j - - ww V AUW'A WAaVA vlvAA Aa.a 111 W ay uvj a a ..... . Here I ended my ca.eer of no. In this countv I began to serve my .- fel- . ml - - lowmen by talking for.; Prohibition I am proud to be a .Prohibitionist.1 Hess is a convert , all through. to quit the Church. Bev. C. M. Grandison and Dr. J. Price-did yeoman's service. The lat tor is declared to have been the most influential speaker next to Col. Bail: 4he golden-mouthed. : lne Atlanta "jug trade is u lact. to much liquor is nought in adjoining counties and sent by express . .to the individuals, that the express handlers have a huge flat box to- put . a . MTU - m on their baggage truck, touch we hibition Amendment was lost. aw beside a newly arrived train and 1 26 Z 23 am 5 2M v 6 43 1 20 p m ho. 5J. TOO p to 1 01 a m 13 V 5 05 00 6 44 " t K7 " 11 40 12 OS p : 12 43. , : ta 15 210 " u t8 35 " 45 '-1145 " - 10-lOli m II 29 p 1a U2 44p-ia;' . S44a xa , . 1 00 - , . 3 OS " 1 40 ' 3 55 ' 3 45 - - 15 " . 1 15 p ra . - -2 00 " 3 4U r. ... 4iQ . 8 23 " 8 10 11 23 " ' '' lO'OS Daily. 1 fD&ily, except Hayl . SLEEPINO CAKBEliVlC'Ei mf 2 1- - fr 1 t t ar . Many memorial services have been tower to do good. After conversion On trains 53 : and 53; Pullman Buffet . .. . 0 . .. nr! will hn l.ol.l in Riafe ftf v Mr ..-i ij VJ ltretm Montgomery ntd-VVgh W1U aSK lor the eniorcement Ot thei - T .- - - I ne weu.wWv mvuiw,, v.krilnzttny nd Washing. a and Auirosta 1? inch's birth. We tOOK part in one inEr she would be glad Of hlSTedemp- Pullman Sleeper bwtweeff Biclunond -Thft'.fllin-U:k- u.,4. Jt ; o War and UreensburQ, j and Ureengboro and 1 1 1 1 1 1 . Mil i.iii iirii .itii. 111 uu 11 1 .... . ... . . - 1 1 ... 1 ... ..1. 11.. ii.. r 1 . his great I Salisbury and Knoxyille. did not give up or got -ifcagtt twets le atprmijipal being asked what the price wassaid, r"u WUttBlu" ?H1,t.CBBW;.'. ttt Wil,u back to his cups. lie anus up now For rates, and laformatM apply to any . - Ufa -sfAA CAlaniTtiftf lr 1 t a :l I T J . iHirAnt Of IhA f kimilflllV-. CfcF trt . I 1 ftJmw IT a TT ' II I . w m a V an aauam 4" l- fMVI Ad in a""! afl1 DOf I "f . -n i . i" m W T ' . 1 - - ' -X - -a A mass meeting of citizen baa hftn Couldn't get that, take $80, and If 1 r : 7 " 1, . " -,l" Sr i Ven 2i85nV wiiaBiBgtaj . " ... " " o I . - ... . . - tintiiMn nf tho Npw Ynrt lirand mi ; l. V..Vwir ii .t! l i--i . held which has demaridwl that th couldn't get that take 60. When r ' ;v'" "u6 eswiu cn ,.w,iu -Last night while upon my knH mavf o-. miLa 4h,f: iJlodge of Goodremplars; and Mr. nameand from are well known now, it came to me that if the w" .T v. ; . T W Afar tin Jones, who id..d uin. Unn tWa a m0 f 0r. Tama County irith a most foul and get out of it, and help Uck: it m w ii vl wm w a m waaa aVdVU uu a I . ... North Carolina colored citizens .iWa nf Mia 1aa war- who r wi'llino revolting crime. Like the Martyr may well be proud of their represent- to unite for the overthrow of t,.e li Haddock, the blood of this innocent A jpromiuenjr.teoiperance man atives in the Tennessee Campaign. - lm i victim may be the means of dealing am a public meeting, 'We re. -going a uu& j a. a aai . a r ' - a. a u n iu ., . a. auiu w . i ! New York State Prohibition rapidly. the Con- in that Part gressing well. The death of : Mr Finch has broken in upon it badly. however. lie was billed to speak at many important points, and the local committees had made . great efforts to boom the cause .:by his appearance. riamhW. pnirilistrradestrianl saloon - . ... T - I X O r ...... have been keeper, drunkard-he has been all over will 1e kneeled-,- ' through: inability of tiie WOrld, nearly, in his evil course Uhairman Wheeler to provide a sub Under P, A. Burdick in .' Koohe3ter, stitute acceptable. A fe w of them we tw0 Years BinCe, he found the forgive gaj j sJiall. fill when the bilver ike yuar Jneg8 0f God. Then he could not tette returns from Uhio Uct. 5J5, Uur reaj or write. Now he Tfeads well, i . . . i I . .. . i . - . . timain that Ntiiro in fihrvrrinArl snnsl j l :iv 1. ,1. C Ont. of f bA fti 8 fnll .lolpfl fn fiiV finishing blow, to the liquor violation np to the legislature ask jor uon .7-3" --y- ; " ' r - 1 " ,, . i -1,-' , 1 u.,f;i uk;ku,v Tr .i'f -u swue mc.uvcuo .wucn xuft uiuic nnwpr. Hrt stadies nar.i. is earnest 01 me otace. rue utue 8M"UMUU"' A ""''v', nrUui.' . . . r . . . . Salisbarr Ar. StateaiTillo, " Ashevills, Hot Sprinirg Lv. Concord. ' " Charlotte " Spartanburg UreenTille - . A.r. Atlanta Notubousd. Lt .Atlanta Ar. Greenville ' ' Spartanburg "Charlotte " Concord " Salisbury " IligU Point .. " Uroeuttboro " Salein " Uillsbord " Durham .-- , " Chapel imi... " Raleigh Z ' Z " Uoldaboro' " Danville v ' Drake's Br'cji " Keysville -" BurkevUle v ' Richmond I: ' '' " Lynchburg -. , " Charlottes v'U " Washington ' " Baltim.re - v' V .Philadelphia v " New York 3 10 " 5 17 " 5 57 .7, ; 618" . 8 50 " 10 44 3 30pm 5 50 p m 6 52- r.' .19 15 7 25 v: : i $72 il 16. . 13 37 am 8 30" " 4 23 " 5-05 " . 5 21 " 8 05 9 41 " " '8 10 pm " tl 00 a m 2 37 44 1 3 22 44 - 8 30 44 . 10 ie " 1123 "12 31 p m 5- 7 85 44 . 12 01 am 1 00 pm - 3 34 .4 48 44 19 .40 44 Kq.;53. - 8 40 a m 2 84 p m ,S 4B " 0 25 44 7 25 44 8 03 44 . .U M .8 40 fl2 34am - t2;44 44 H 05 44 - .1 "ill " ni J5 t.- .111:1 i ivar T-ho'r uri II oolr fnF n ' vention the first of this month, there vuiage 01 5uaD - largely & ... w. . t - .. . -'-. I Ktt dfnnim alumnsnf nnin imin.ftinlC6tl86 IaXT. and if We 7 Can't twr .M T IV! I Ul 4. IU1 V-lt" VliliU If UU.1U DTIU WtAbll T . . tt ;ic iuvic wan xw uuiuil OUlUlCltl ' - " nl i niordfn wi,, ik. with prohibition, had I aaiaa.a a waaa viav a,xu - 1 1 uvu At - VVi - - 1 . :. saloons and made little effort to res- present jaw. - better li- adequately. get that fnlBmiwl the we vention para led the streets with band and colors i the aeoded the line unity to the dangers Said a Christian lady to a friend S"" rT ZS T its deep solemnity. Mr. Finch's n the day when the Tennessee Pro ng institution as notmngeise would. - tZrZ loT "T; r , public work really began under the i meeungoi citizenB has been v" " Al r. vu r ."T: : .Tt". - -iil i. l.... on Sunday, at Rochester. - four confederate, Vm ! .tms shocking . 10,. ,T , ODera IIonse. whereill he snoke ' Tf , of veterans. hM the of I 4.i ,i. ita.ii (wnr. tn n ftnrtn hhII a nnrK. and I " - iv v. j, . I neart, outne uUUUUUUltl IU VUC IIUU U18U9 1 " . 7 , I I J. S. POTTS, D. P. Ai. Kichmoj.d. Var: ff. A. TUKK. D. P. A. Haleieh. N. V. or r it was well filled with jugs. F. ;n nPftWr it tn t,f if .haloon shall go and the laws shall be we : make up . . w .......... a - - r wva-u W . wV M4V KUUV 11 . VJJ i m m . . . . ' - ' . enforced. Without regard to party lnghtr and stand by the Tight,) men T?Q;iVi AioLw. :l n i . i . or personal views of the temperance who want votes will want puft; -aoon strikes towns in counties where he intended ns to gain the victory in qae8tion the people ; have united for Prohibition does not prevail. The some other way." And that seems to the vigrous enforcement of the law, vicinitv of the stations in these town be the feelintr o th ni,riai 0041 .?J. ean aeatn 10 the saloons. is crowded with bar-rooms. As the people throughout the state. Uhio At h,s nieetin& oue of the most earn- 1 : . . W 1 X. ' '-" J I'-l ll M. t . - ISignaT. And why may not .some wa'be the Supremacy of. a Prohibi tory party in state and nation. presiasa and everywhere ; respected. 1 am Sunday afternoon, was five years at 8jy recommending refromed men, as head 01 said lodge, lt seemed, peculi- a rule but Joe Hess deserves uncim- Converted Democrats make thejiarly fitting that he should have mon .credit, and illustrates what bsst of ProhibttiohisL The celtibra- charge of the memorial exercises, as divine Power can do with a man of ted Bev. Sam Small of Atlanta, is he did; and also that he should pay the most wicked life, He is going to . trains slow up dozens 01 men jump from the cars and scamper into these Baloons.' Drinks had to be short aud Jively. - F. est men in demanding that-, hereafter there be no compromise with the sa- '; ft"T w . tt" A ' -,c loon, wacitiL of foreign birth, the S oh,bl- ,,in: . had not expected to speak, bnt Kd Lale Qna Before our next issue the Annual Convention ot the state W. 0. T. II. will have been held at Goldsboro. Out sister workers have our heartiest flood wisbes,and we assnre tleni thai as ballot-throwers we are trying to :r answer their prayers for .the over throw of their and our awful enemy. We iope to be able to give a report of their meeting in our next issue. . . An . excellent temperance Dem ocrat in this city hopes and prophe- eies that the Republicans will ; put Prohibition in their National -Plat form, and then the Democrats (he fondly dreams) will be in a position and have virtue enough to do the same-; The good brother's air castle reminds us of the milk maid with a bucket of milk on her head who dreamed how many eggs she could buy with her milk, and how many chickens she would hatch from those eggs and - how many dresses she could buy with the proceeds, and how eaily she would sail out before : the youug lovers aud how she would tbse her head an I suiting the thought 11. . . 1 ti 1, witn a toss oi uer nead aown came the milk and away went her fond dreams. This little fact upsets our good Sunday School - Superintendent's 'dream. w0ut of 42 delegates in. the Albany county Eepublican Convention. No )ess than 11. were liquor dealers and probably half the rest were their friends." ; There is a fighting chance that the presence of the Prohibition party in Massachusetts may turn that state over completely to the Democrats, a thing unheard of almost in the mem ory of man. li In 1884 the Republicans had 1 majority of 24,000. In 1885 their ma jority was less than 20,000. In spite of a pledge to submit a Prohibitory Amendment made to keep the Pro- Lft i! ?1 I, -'?:"- '. . . ' uiDiuonists in tne party,, last year their majority fell to less ihan 10,00 0 Now with the same ticket in the field and the same promise upon their per jured lips, and a wide-awake Prohibi tion ticket early in the field, it is quite j matter of interest to watch whether the 'Mehe, mene, tekel upharsin" appears not on the wall. Would we then be called a "Republican an nex?7 ' - - - - j ' In Angel's Clothes. : . f J Some states require that the effect ot alcohol upon the human system should be taught in the public schools. At once the liquor men be gan school book making and publish ing. A book to meet the law is used in -Cincinnati which says that a man of 150 pounds 'weight cannot with safety, use daily more than one- pint of wine, or one quart of beer. The saloon! has hot -only got 'into . politics, but has gone to teaching. When men get the habit of taking that amount, they never bother themselves whether it hurts them. uch an one. Called upon for a speech such glowing tribute to our departed be heard -of more widely one of these at the great New York Prohibition brother, several other touching ad- days. ere made, and the bilver Speculation as to the next -Presid nftrf.t.rA saner an nricinn.1 and l.4-;ol Kntat Afnnii rorir ia orrrkur-'norlv who had been most radically opposed n..7 ,u Jvprv fenrlpr r'nW :w tw, Lnrta. w -' yvaa. ava va wwawa ifMVt aj I , a " 1 1 fl, v u ti s' head of a saloon-keeper wherever, he lntlnpn PS haa rwn Briiirlilv fnTBn in . .xl. i-- w-,-.m-f '-iTfii'i saw one poked up." iaiuf in uic eaiwu. auc i)rouiui-h - ... . .7 w. I :j .f"m..i.C'i.iL- TUi.. . . . ; . - ? . . (iort h harl iPtT. thi n rt nartifin. Hp ucwb uauic ua aiuuu a utoiu. imcc tory Jaw of Iowa is a fact, and ucb ; , ... - - r .JlftVll wr" .W U. tbrea -nlaca mu wita wo iciuwiauu uaiiY uu ibi - . v o . . -.-. r- took him within hal f a mile of hell." Corning Addison and Hornellsville. CAPE F All &.YAPKIN. VALLEY KAIL KOAn COjifAN;, ... . : COSDBKSBP . TlUS I .T.ABLK J o.. Tw 'ake .See- at 5 00 a m , Meaday,. Gtt. - 3 1887. . ..." ' - MAIN LINE. We were filling- a nine days en- He thanked gagement m Steuben couty, when crimes as this, committed in resist tance of the law, will do more than anything els to make its enforcement a general fact. Minneapolis Tribun Rep.) .-..-.: ' Prohibition a Failure. " A writer in the McGregor News (Iowa) says "recruits are wanted at the Fortmadison penitentiary, to fil the state contract for prison , labor. The ! quota of convicts hired out to contract cannot t be filled, - as the number of compulsory visitors at the state stone yards is growing less each year.i A petition has been sent to the Governor, in which ; the ; contractors complain that 1 the state's prison is not furnishing the requisite number in striped suits, "It is a deplor able uondiuon or anairs, "that a great state with nearly two millions of people, cannot supply a few hun dred of criminals. ; But there is no help for it so i long as prohibition drives and keeps five hundred saloons keepers over the border. Let them return and open 4bnsiness' and our- penitentiaries will fill up quickly enongh." . Proh bition does fail to - fill the jails and penitentiaries, a grand fail. be- Q. What is" the .difference tweeh the two old parties. :. A. One is in favor of license, and the other is opposed to prohibition. He thought if he had joined the Re publican party he'd- have go ie the other half-mile by this time, sure. He took to the Prohibition woods. A good many others are doing the same. The day of success is hot far distant We siucerely wish that Mr.. Small may greatly strengthen his bretheren in the Methodist ministry. The Rev. Mr. Buuipa33 from Randolph was in town , last week." He reported the Prohibition party sentiment" as growing rapidly in cer tain circles, greatly to his encourage ment. He is one of the increasing number of .clergymen who cannot feel that his civil duties are fully done when once in two years he goes to the polls and casts a - ballot for perhaps a liquor seller! or for a man nominated through the saloon's in fluence. He regards the formation of a ticket of as vital importance as the election of it. -Great revolutions in party mat ters are just ahead of ns. Only se v en State tickets are in the field in New York State. - Our old party bound friends will some day wake up and find themselves as much out of date as did old Rip Van-Winkle after his forty yean? sleep through the Rev olution, when he sVbuted 'God . save King George.'' It is a time when wisdom is being justified of , all her children.. - r- Steuben county has tried an experi ment this ( season. Two live men there, Messrs.' Tu ttle and Bald win, proposed the idea of tent work, and put the scheme into operation. A tent was purchased fitted with chairs platform, an organ, ect ; transporta tion wagons were supplied; a lecturer and a singer were engaged, and the novel campaign began, Mrssrs. W. S Bailey of . Connecticut, . and A. S. Dailey, of Pennsylvania, were the twain who carried it on. Our meet ings, though not under canvass, were the finale of it all. When we opened in Corning,ybver 1,300 Prohibition ture. Mr. Finch, 1 observe, m an Leave Fav-iUe; interview bad the day he died, Vpoke AiiwjJaiif rl. oi vrcu. i.i&j uiu ouwuow uau-m i Arrive ur-eu8bor lead. That impression ia gaining! Leave Greemboro, Leave BenwettavilleV lO lOaia 2 15p m Arrive MaxtTsn,-; -Leave Max tan ,. Arrie Fayetteville, ground eierwhere, so far as my cor- pH re8pondence and observation indicate He has wide popularity great magne tism, happy gifts of speech and repu tation of the 1 ighest order, If he will accept, a peerless candidate .-is out s provided. we nam him. Who should stand beside him ? A SoutL ern man many answer I feel that way about it myself;? but all do not. IrA valued correspondeni Yrom the'South writes me, opposing this . idea "Let sectionalism drop out of sight," he savs: : "give us the best men. We have no man of national reputation whom we can rely on. Neither Col quitt nor Reagan is : with us. Lead r-aad ... Mail dinner at 11 r:-A A 11 3Q.4 - a.so 1 SO pmlSSO," 3 -0 44 8 00 a ia 4 05 ' 44 WOOnoon 4 15 U105 p m 7 25 . 44 .a0 .c,4t 10 10 a m ... .iiv., 2 15 p id ' Tkaih South. Fayetteville Leave Dalton . Arrive Greeasb-re, Leave OreensUcr, Arrive Safprd, , - ave o-ni.r4 . Arrive Fay iteville, Leave xayetteville, Arrive Alaxtoo, - ' . L-ave 'ivi on, Arriv;- Bcunettsville, voters had been enrolled in the with old-liners who can be trusted - twenty one towns visited by B. and D. -and a fine impetus had been al ready given to our cause. Corning wa? yet untouched, and gave litt'e encouragement th1 first day. The remaining , sessions there, however, bore good fruit, and we left with a club of about seven ty-fi e organized. Bad weather and bad news depressed us at Addison, where Mr. Baldwin resides, and we did not succeed ther quite so well, though to the club pre existing we added.-twenty-seven kew names. ;;Hornellsville, r- a railroad center of 12,000 people, had enrolled over 40 when we reached'there, and yet we s wel led tho list with; many names. A verjj. tender memorial ser vice occupied ono .afternoon at this one from the East a$d the other from the West" Where is- the Western man best known - and most com petent? ' -, . ' - Letters reach me daily about the succession to National Chairman'. snip, oo iar, out three men are named, and the best of these, for this responsible prositioh, is Prof. Dickie, of Michigan. " If he can devote tim to it, he should be elected at Chicago on the 30th of next month. ' My only apprehension is, that college duties may forbid him to take up the burden Mr. Finch so i unexpectedly laid down. H& is well equipped for bearing it, and would serve us better than any other man I call to mind. A. A..Horsnis. Pa8; and : Freight Mail aa.d-Paa a 3 45 i r& .. . 7 45 " ' - 9 50 a m';'6-T'a in 12 55 p. m l 2 00 n-om, 1 15- : ,v 180p. to. 3 20. 44' CO'44 3 30 1 '1' " a"ia 5 15 44 -Txr- 5 25 ; 10 03 Passenger aid Mail dinner at tianfgrd FACToaY Bitixcn. Freight" 'and PiiV ; '"V. Train Noktu. ?.. ' Leave Milboro; 8-05 a ra ' ' 5,45 p m Arrive, Greensboro, 9 85 44 V- ':7 25 . ' ' ; V ?.- -; , TbAIK. SotTH. - Lea e Greensboro; v -, " 3 OOp m. ' Leave Factory Jnnction, 3 00 :' f 15 pi" Arrive Milboro, - 3 45 44 8 00 44 Passenger and Mail Train rnne 'daihrs ex cept' Sundays. . . . ' ' . Freight sand.. Passenger-Trin" rtons-- between Bennettsville and Fayetteville: on Mondays, Wednesdays an I Fridajs,. a&4 betweea Fayetteville and ?- Greensboro en Tuesdays, Thursdays And. Saturdays.-;-... : Freght and Passenger trains run be-.-tween Greenstoro and Fayetteville on Mondays, Wednesdays and-Friday h, and between Fayettevilla and Bennetts,, on Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays... The Passenger arid Mail train.niakea . close connection at Max' on witb.t Ca.rot Una Cent al to ChtlotteJand Wilmington . cTraihs on FactoryBrancb. ran daily ex ept Sunday. " - - " - -E. KYL'S.-'liv ?i4. A W PAV.Gj.i'hin't i . -i . -