ttbe Ifofcfcore democrat Published Every Thursday by W. E. HOLBROOK, EDITOR AND PROP. Entered at the Post Office at Hickory as second class matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year Cash In Advance $ i.oo Six Months, " " So Three Months " " 2 5 Special rates given to long term ad vertising. [ THURSDAY. JULY 19. 1906. Democrat County Ticket. For Senate: J. F. REINHARDT. For Legislature: M. H. YOUNT. For Clerk Superior Court: C. M. McCORKLE. For Sheriff: D. M. BOYD. For Register of Deeds: JACOB SETZER. ! For County Treasurer: W. A. DAY. For County Surveyor: EtiLOE YODER. For Coroner: J. A. RICE. For County Commissioners: JOHN SHUFORD, SAMUEL TURNER Q. M. SMITH, SUMMEY WILFONG I. ALEX YOUNT. Taft's Rebuke. The discreditable condition of North Carolina Republicanism was emphasized when a great National Republication leader and member of the cabinet journeyed all the way from Wash ing on to Greensboro to adminis ter a stinging rebuke to his owi party in this State for their con tinual quarrelling about federal offices. Certainly there is no good rea son that we can imagine why _ anyone should wish to become f Republican; but even if a neu recruit could be found, he would, if worth gaining, at once because disgusted with the snapping and snarling of the hungry federal pie brigade. It has been only a few weeks since Judge Bynum, one of the ablest and most inde pendent Republicans in the State, spoke of the Butler-Rollins ring now controlling the Repub lican organization as a "gang of cutthroats and pirates." The man who should enlist under such leadership would need to put his conscience through some patent hardening process. Saturdays Lot Sale. The big lot sale in South East Hickory Saturday was interrupt ed by the weather, causing a great many of the.crowd to get a thorough wetting. Mr. Webb, the auctioneer, in his usual con vincing manner had just gotten the audience convinced that the proposition was a good one when the rain came. Twenty lots were disposed of during the sale. We understand that those were for tunate enough to secure these were offered, in some cases, a good substantial premium on on their purchases before they left the grounds. Several appli cations were made for lots at private sale but these were re refused as the gentlemen who had the sale in charge will hold an auction for the remaining thirty four lots at 2 o'clock next Saturday the 21st. Mr. Mattocks of the Lenoir Reality and Insurance Co., had placed so much effort in the suc cessful sale of the lots that we especially regret the interruption on their account. This is an en terprising Company and are the means of being of benefit to any town where they do business. We trust that the sale will have fair weather and a good attend ance next Saturday. It is always in order to extend the advice that Mr. Webb said he had ex tended to him and that is "When it rains let it rain." A DEMOCRATIC LOVE FEAST. Caldwell's County Conven tion—The most Harmonious and Enthusiastic in its His tory. The Democratic Convention which met at the court house in Lenoir Monday at eleven o'clock registered the high water mark as far as enthusiasm harmony and party felling is concerned. It was generally known that Hon. R. N. Hackett Democratic candidate for Congress from the eighth district would be present and address the voters and this no doubt proved a drawing caro at least to those who were not directly interested or were dele gates. The convention hall wat crowded almost to suffocatioi. from the time when Chairman Hon. W. C. Newland called the convention to order until the last word spoken by Hon. R. N. Hackett whose address was 18bt in the days business was uttered. Of Mr. Hackett's speech it is only necessary to say that ht sDoke in his usual eloquent and forcible manner. He severely arranged his opponent who as he said, *'misrepresents the peo ple of the eighth district in Con gress." Mr. Blackburn was in Lenoir during the time Mr. Hackett was speaking, but made himself scarce in the immediate vicinity of the speaker or more particularly the convention hall, and as a certain voter remarkeo after the speech " if I blame him." Of the ticket nominated it is sufficient to say Caldwell nevei had a better, nor was there ever better feeling manifested in a convention during the conven tions or after. There was some little spirit manifested in the race for place on the ticket, but it is safe to say that there is not a sore spot left anywhere. Chairman Hon. W. C. Newland presided with dignity and force. His rubbings were just, his speech of accept ance, eloquent and to the point. Judge W. L. Wakefield and Capt. Edmund Jones made char acteristic speeches and were heard with pleasure and enthusi asm. Caldwell is certainly in shape to win if the representa tive body of democrats present; the enthusiasm manifested and harmony prevailing indicates anything. Following is the ticket nomi nated: For Representative Hon. J. V. McCall, Clerk of Superior Court W. H. Cloyd. Sheriff J. A. Triplett. Treasurer J. W. Thomas. Register of Deeds Job. V. Cook. Surveyor J. V. Glass. Coroner Dr. Lawrence Coffey. Commissioners J. M. Barneardt, W. A. McCall. A Weeks Meeting at Catawba Meeting. Rev. Y. L. Edmonson will be gin a series of meetings to cor.- tinue a week at Catawba Springs next Monday night the 23rd inst. Mr. K. C. Menzies returned home to-day after spending some time at Blowing Rock. Mrs. C. Stewart, of Salisbury, is visiting her mother, Mrs. H. D. Abernethy, in this city. Mrs. J. C. Townsend after spendidg five weeks in the State Hospital, returns home greatly improved. Miss Louise Allen has gone to Charlotte to visit her grand pa rents. From there they will go to Norfolk and other watering place on the coast. Miss Allen took her bathing suit, as she is going to enjoy the surf. , A Butler-Adam Ticket These are rough times for Blackburn men in Catawba coun ty. The Butler-Adams combinatin , has taken charge of the buck of the county nominations while the county nominations while the Blackburn boys are left to stand out in the cold with the privilege of seeing the other faction calm ly range itself about the pie counter. The Blackburnites will how ever be given the privilege of throwing up their hats and hur rahing for Butler-Adams. They will also be privileged to cast their votes for the nominees whom Butler-Aaams has chosen for them. This will be a great privilege—one to be eagerly sought. In due time if the Blackburnites will beg forgive ness and make public profession of repentance, they may once more be received into Butler Adams fellowship and may se cure a few stray crumbs of fed eral patronage, such as the posi tions of coroner or surveyor. j Mrs. Royster in Hamburg. Tidings from Mrs. Royster to the Democrat. Her friends will be glad to know that she has a safe voyage and is now in Ham burg, well and enjoying herself. * Mother Gray's Sweet Powder for Children. Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children's Home in New York, Cure Feverishness,3ad Stomach Teething Disorders, move and regu te the Ecwels and Destroy Wos Jver 30,000 testimonials. They never fail. At ali Druggists, 25c. Sample free. Address Allen S. 01msteaS,Le- Roy, N Y. Trinity Go I lege Four Departments—Collegiate, Gradu ate, Engineering and Law. Large exuipped laboratories in all departments of science. Gymnasium rurnished with best apparatus. Expenses very mod erate. Aid for worthy students. Young; flen wishing to Study Law should investigate the superior advantages offered by the Depart. ment of Law in Trinity College. For catalogue and further informa tion, address, D. W. NEWSOM, Registrar, Durham, N. C. What is aßackache? IT IS KATURE'S WARMIHS TO WOMEN Diseases of Woman's Organism Cured and Consequent Pain Stopped by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. "It seems as though my back would break." Women utter these words over and over again, but continue to drag along and suffer with aches in the small of the back, pain low down in the side, " bearing-down" pains, ner vousness and no ambition for any task. /Aiss Maude J!/l orris J » cr■» MJiij. lit. n,ji They do not realize that the back in the mainspring of woman's organism, and quickly indicates by aching a dis eased condition of the female organ* or kidneys, and that the aches and pains will continue until the cause if removed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has been for many years the one and only effective remedy in such cases. It speedily cures female and kidney disorders and restores the fe male organs to a healthy condition. " I have suffered with female troubles for ever two years, suffering Intense pain each month, my back ached until it seemed as though it would break, and I felt so weak all over that I did not find strength to attend to my work but had to stay in bed a large part of the first two or three days every month I would have sleepless nights, bad dreams and severe headaches. All this undermined mv health. "We consulted an old family physician, who advised that I try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound. I began taking it negularlv and soon found that I could deep and eat better than I had done f r months. Within two months I became regular and I no longer suffer from backache or pain."—Min MiSie A Quiet Wedding. Mr. Henry F. Keever of this ; city, and Miss Lillie Bolch, of the county, were quietly marriea Sunday night at 9:30 o'clock" at the Reformed church, Rev. J. L. Murphy officiating. There were only-« few friends present at the ceremony. The couple went im mediately to Mr. Keever's resi dence where they will reside in the future. Many friends wish them much success in life. Mr. Elon Henkel, of New Market, Va., made the Democrat a most pleasant call Monday evening. He had attended a meeting of the United Lutheran Synod of the South, also visited friends in Lenoir. - Mr. Henkel is editor of the Shanendoah Valley a newspaper man of long time experience though a young man | in years. He is a North Caro linian by birth and is one of the boys when with us. Its always our pleasure to meet a gentleman of the by type Mr. Henkel. Grand Campmeeting EXCURSION. Lenoir to Gastonia. Excursion to Run Saturday, July 28 Returning Sunday Night, July 29th. On account of the Famous Wesleyn Methodist Campmeeting at the beautiful Loray Faik, Gastonia, N. C. Hear the famous Evangelist, Rev. Willirm Noithern, of Indiana; also Rev. H. W. Hawkins, Rev. M. G. Hartzog, Rev. Paggett and others. Special arrangements made with Hotels and Boarding Houses to accommodate the crowd. Tents amd Refreshments on the grounds for visitors. Refreshment car on train. See the Loray One Million Dollar Cotton Mill and many others. Reserved Seat Car 25 cents Extra. This Train Willi Pcsi tively Run Rain or Shine. Train will leave Lenoir 4 o'clock p. m., and arrive at Gastonia 7.45 p. m. For further particulars apply to. J. A. ISENIIOWER. A. W. DULA, Conover, N. C. Lenoir, N. C. §€§£s € &S® SSfcS'SSSSStSSSSSS© » § ® i I Eagle Overalls, The Overall That Lasts. | | Made and Guaranteed by | 1 1 I Lenoir Clothing Factory § Jg~ ' rjjJ S A chance for merchants to save money. ® r.j ®| m ® ® We are now making as high grade Overalls as II about it is that we sell it about fifty cents less in the $ are made anywhere and we are selling them for dozen than such goods can be byught of any jobber less mone> than the same giade of goods can be II Onr goods areas we represent them. If any 5 procured elsewhere. We ask the merchants far merchant fails to find them so, we will take them (jf and near to let us prove the truth of this assertion back and neAer »ay a word. $ to them. We hope no merchant, wll come to Le- We expect to make this business one of the Jarg- ® © nir without calling on us. We know we have as est in this section of the country. Just now we ®: good overalls as he can find and that we can save are running eighteen machines. In a few dqys we ® him money on them. will be running twenty-five. In about two weeks When we organized this business we knew we a company will be organized, and we expect 10 m could make it prove a boon to the merchants of this , soon run sixty to seventy-five machines. (^|| 6 section. We knew that, the cost of manufacturing RIGHT NOW we need six good hands to sew. © is sue h that by selling direct to the merchants we Will need ten more in a few days. Expect to need ®j @ could make these gcods erst them less than the forty or fifty more right soon. Will pao three dol- I!* products of anv house telling tnrongh jobbers. We lars to six dollars per week. GIRLS WHO WANT Si] have proved this idea to be correct. We have done TO WORK HAD BETTER APPLY AT ONCE. & but very little drumming, and yet the demand for The demand for oua goods is great, and it will our goods has been greater then we could supply. be sometime before our salesman will get around @1 ® THERE MUST BE A REASON WHEN A NEW\ to see all the merchants of this section. So we will @- ENTERPRISE SUCCEEDS THIS WAY! say to tlum that if they will call on us at the fac- $ S We now have SOMETHING NEW—Something tory, we will treat them right and make them glad J2 better than we have ever offered before. We are they came. ck making a dollar overall new that we believe to be Names of Stockholders of the company to be or- qA c§S the best thjng of the kind that we have ever seen. ganized: Henry Daab, Mgr., John Daab, A. B. Anyway it lias aroused much interest where it has Daab, Michael Daab, Frank Daab and Charley $ g been shown. And one of ihe interesting things Daab' | Lenoir Clothing Company. I Republican County Ticket Nominated. The Republican county con vention met Saturday for the purpose of nominrtin;r n Newton ticket- The following were nominated: House of R] r - sentatives, L. R. Whit mer; sher iff, Jones W. Shuford; clerk of c urt, Dr. W. H. Evenhardt; register of deeds, 0 car Sherrill; treasurer, T. L. Hunsucker; coroner. Knox Carpenter; sur veyor, Alley Gabriel; county com missioner, J. F. Holler, S. L. Le fevers. J. W. Mouser, J. W. Caldwell, J. F. Gabriel. They also endorsed A. M. Williams for State Senator. Mr. E. A. Cooper, of Hickory, was brought to Satesville Fri day to undergo an operation for cancer of ttie stomach, but upon examination it was found that nothing could be done for him. He was trken back to his home this morning. —Statesville Mas cott. BEFORE starting on your summer va cation you may need a new Suit Case or Traveling bag. * We have just opened a new stock of leather cases from $3.00 to sls. Then too, the matter of collors, shirts and underwear is a timely topic for being well supplied means addi tional comfort and pleasure. lorclz-f liter dolling Co. Outfitters for Men and Boys Hickory, N. C. fUNTO EVERY MAN*f Is given the right of Investi- |f gation. || Many remain ignorant by taking somebody's word IS for a thing. jf| We give the WHY and WHEREFORE for every- M thing we do in cur optical woik, and prove it to your || fg eyes without digging or cutting on them. |J M A few bargains in gold-filled Watches. 7he price ffl I SB.OO, SIO.OO and $12.50 1 sg while they last. I TheMcrriscn Brcs. Co | Official Watch Inspector for C. & N-W. Railway

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