Gbe Ib(ckot\> Published Every Thursday by W. E. HOLBROOK, EDITOR AND PROP. | Entered at the Post Office at Hickory as second class matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year Cash In Advance $ 1 - oc Six Months, " " . & Thxee Months " " 2 5 SpeciaJ rates given to long term ad vertising. THURSDAY. AUG. 2. 1906. Democrat County Ticket. For Congress: E. Y. WEBB. For Senate: J. F. REINHARDT. For Legislature: M. H. YOUNT. For Court: C. M. McCORKLE. For Sheriff: D. M. BOYD. For Register of Deeds: JACOB SETZER. For County Treasurer: W. A. DAY. For County Surveyor: ENLOE YODER. For Coroner: J. A. RICE. For County Commissioners: JOHN SHUFORD, SAMUEL TURNER Q. M. SMITH, SUMMEY WILFONG I. ALEX YOUNT. The Democratic Ticket. The Democratic county ticket is one to which every Democrat of the county can rally with: the knowledge that it is made up of high-toned gentlemen, all com petent to fill the positions for which they have been respective ly nominated. For the State Senate, Hon. Jack F. Bernhardt, of Lincoln county, an old soldier, a high toned gentleman and a politician, a man who is well acquainted with the needs of the people whom he represents, having done so several times with hon or to them and himself. He is the man for the place. For the legislature we have Mr M. H. Yount, a young man who has had a fine education and excellent legal training. He was born and raised in Catawba county. He will be a useful member of the general assembly and one who, we undertake to say, will make a good record. For Clerk of the Court no bet ter man than Mr. Milton McCor kle could be found. He too is a native of this county and the son of the late Judge McCorkle. Mr. McCorkle, too, has had the ad vantage of legal training and in that respect has the advantage of his opponents. Dr. Everhart whose occupa tion as a physician certainly has given him no opportunity to handle the hard legal questions which a Superior Court clerk will have to decide. Mr. D. M. Boyd besides being a clever and affable gentleman, arid a vote getter, is a flrst class business man. Mr. Setzer of Cline's township will be sure to please the people in the register's office. He is one of our farmer boys and a country school teacher and has made his way in the world by the labor of his hands and brain: The nominees for county com missioners, Messrs. J. M. Shu ford, Smith, Wilfong, Yount and Turner will insure safe and pro gressive management in the af fairs of the county. With Mr. Rice for coroner, Mr. Enloe Yoder for surveyor, one of the best county tickets Cataw ba has had in a longtime is com pleted. The letters of all these names spells success, victory. IF Adams has nervous pros tration at the close of the cam paign, it probably won't be be cause he overworked himself for Blackburn. Col. Snort Applies for the Post Office. Well I'm i» the fight for. the post office at Black Gum Springs. You see I wasn't a wantin' the job, but when I heard Joe Hun gry (which Joe he had the job) took sick powerful bad with fe« ver I got to thinking what if Joe was to whack up and die. That made me feel powerful bad and I felt awful over it. But, thinks I, allowin Joe was to die, why jest as like as not some of the boys will be a startin' of a pe tishun to give me the post office all unbeknowst tome. I never lia believe in seekin office but luther do I see any need for a man to hide out and dodge round the corners to get out'n the way if office should come er seekin' him. So thinks lif Joe should die,pore feller, and the boys was bent and determint to give me the post office why just to keep down \ fuss in the party I'd take it I reckon. You see a fellow ort always to be ready to serve his party for its good and for the sake of the country. I despise these everlastin office seekers that are tarnationally lookin' after pie. That's the reason why I quit the Dimmy crats eighteen months or so ago when The-odorous Roostervelt was elected Pres'dent. Then I seen the Dimmycrats was all seekin office and I 'lowed that maybe some time the Dimmy crats might carry the country and then like as not they'd put off some job with a big salary on me in spite of all I could do and eyerybodv'd .be saying: "Yes, there's Col. "Bill Snort he's jest a Dimmycrat for what he kin git out'u it. So I told the folks right after Roostervelt was elected that I changed my politics because I was afraid the Dimmycrats would reflect on my charrackter by sneakin' up some night while I was asleep and leavin' a gov ernment' appintment on my front steps. 'Well, sir, about Joe, poor fallow. Shure enuff he up and died, and shore enuff they was a devilin' me to step into the man's shoes before they was cold. The way it come up was like this: I was one of the pall bearers and while we was walkin' along by the hearse and the widder and the rest of the family and the proseshun comin' on behind, I sees Lije'Sawbox (which he was a pall bearer) lookin' mighty follem and I knows what he was fixin' to say and cuts him off quick and short: ' 'Look here Lije, says I, I knows what you're gittin ready to ax me, and you orter be ashamed to mention such a subject on this sollem occasion.l don't want heai nary single word about my tak in that there post office till port Joe is put awey. If nothin else'lll do the peo ple but I've got to take it they won't have no for an answ er, why I says that they'll havt to lie quiet till the clpds has. covered our pore diseased friend." I seen right away that didn't set well on Lije's stum mick. He started to say some thin' but I stopped him. "Jest let up Lije," I 'lows; "iur ) won't hear it , now. I know.' what you're goin' to say and I'm not denyin' but it's all true if 1 do say it myself. Maybe I arr. the Doplarest man in town, though I'm too modest to speak k myself. Maybe I do stand, in with the organizashun -just like you was gittin' ready to tell me Three weeks before the State Convention met I seen how th cat was a goin' to jUmpand conn out on principal for the organi zashun's and I reckin I ortei stand in with the organizashun'* onnered cheerman. I hain't no use fur these here hensurgents and I hopes Racket beat Crack-, corn fur Congress. I guess I'm aware, too, that folks hereabout endorses me on account of my not a bein' a of fice-seeker like them hensurgets that tried to put. Crackcorn in the place of our 'onnered cheer man. Why I was to that con ventshun myself and -the. way the Eastern Republicans come up in solid flanks to raUin' around oar fcnery—l mean our onnered cheerman—with Samp son Butler, of Washington City,, N. C.„ pintin' the way would have done your heart .good. The cause is .growin' in the East, too. Some of them coun ties that didn't have but thirty Republican voters in 'em no lat er'n four years ago has got thir ty-one now and some as high as thirty-six. i Now that the East has put it all over Wilkes, Yadkid, Bun combe, Henderson and them other Republican counties that has so .many Republicans and hensurgents in 'em, why Lije we can expect the East to grow. Why I'm informed that in one Eastern county there warn't but twenty-nine Republicans and Col. Harry Skin'em, come down and made a speech. Well, sir,- after that speech about a week or two, three Republicans had a twenty-fust birthday, another one moved in from Guilford and now they say that the Republi can vote in that county has riz from twenty-nine to thirty-two, even if the Guilford man is a hensurgent arid whoops it up for Crackcorn." Jest then Lije he tried to put put in his mouth again but 1 stops him just as firm as ever you saw. "No Lije," I lows, gentle but determint. "I understand, I un derstand. You're a wonderin'. how I find time to learn so much voluble knowledge and are a tryin' to tell me that a well post ed man like me is the very one fur the post office. Well, mi.d I ain't sayin' you aint right, Lije, But this ain't the time to say it. Remember we're here to bury pore Joe. When that's done and over with, if yoo3i aft quit plag uin' me I'll take the post office jest to git sheet of you fellows and stop this clammer. And by the way I ain't goin' to have no hensurgents and Crackcorn man fur my assistant. Come to think of it, Lije, you're a likely feller and I don't see, no reason why your chances ain't as good as anybody's. There, there, Lije, I appreciate all them flatterin' things you've been sayin* to me and I'll think 'em-over. Soon as I git back I'll start my petish un. Well by that time we got to the grave. Before the benedict shun, Jim Brown, the depty col lector's clerk, Postmaster Jones from Hot Town; and me come for'rard and sung for a triette that good old hymn: "No worldly honors do I crave Nor long for gold's deceitful snare." Mr. Edditur, I'll tell you next week how I'm gittin' alo ? in the fight our party is makin' to force the post office on me. ' Yours respectably. COL. BILL SNORT. LYLES CREEK ITEMS. Lyles' Creek, July 30.-We are having a great amount of rain fpr the last few weeks and still keeps raining. It comes ir very go 3d, for the farmers can begin to break their wheat land. There is but very little fruit in this vicinity this year, not enough for the people to use, without having any for market. We are glad to note that Mr. S. E. Spencer is improving after along illness. > Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hyder and little grand-daughter, Ruth, of Highland, spent Sunday At Lyles Creek visiting Mrs. Hy- sister, Mrs. P. S. Herman. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Turner and children spent Saturday and Sunday near Oxford Ford, visit ing Mrs. Turner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Reitzel. Well, naws is scarce at the present writing, and has been for some time. With best wishes to the Demo crat e. «■> t. ~ " HS V If you have suppressed or painful periods, weakness of the stomach, indigestion, bloating, pelvic catarrh, nervous prostration, dizziness, faint ness, "don't-care" and " want-to-be left-alone " feeling, excitability, back ache or the blues, these are sure indi cations of female weakness, or some derangement of the organs. In such cases there is one tried and true remedy —Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound. Subscribe for The Democrat • BLOWING ROCK HOTEL Opens for the Season under new and competent management. GaanJest. . scenery on the Bine liidge. Trout fishing, driving, bowling alley, ball ~ * room, tennis court. . Tables unsurpassed. Hates rea sonable. EBERT & HANES, Props. LENOIR COLLEGE, Hickory, N. O. Co-educational Courses for degrees with electives. Music, Art, Elocution and Preparatory Departments. 200 .Students. Eleven able and experienced Professors. Library and Reading Room. Chemical and Physical Laboratory. New Dormitory for 100 young young men to be erected AT ONCE. Board and lodging at actual cost. In young men's Build ing $6.50 per month. In young ladies Building (steam heat, elec tric lights, etc.,) $7.50 per month. I3PHickory Business College in connection with Lenoir College offers full courses in Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc., $2O per course. No need to go off to hunt a Business College -when you have a good one at home. Intestigate Next session opens Tuesday, Sept. 4th Address R. L. FRITZ, President. I CLAREMONT COLLEGE HICKORY, N. C. | . - J A wen GRADE SCHOOL FO I : i-: : ; | Large brick building, heated throughout, water on every floor aud lighted by electricity. Beautiful campus of 20 acres. Literary, "Business and Nor- I- mai Departments, also Art, Music and Elocution. Able corps of teachers. School Opens Sept. 18th. four Scholarships to be given to Students. '■' . • For catalogue apply to President D. W, READ, HICKORY, N. C. INSURED f i Time Will Tell. Time prbves all things, and will irove the wisdom of having your property INSURED i gainst loss byflre. There is no iuestion about the wisdom of it. DO IT TO-DAY. We represent strong, reliable Companies. CLINARD AMD LYERLY. f r - - in Trouble. "I was in trouble, but found a way rot of it, and I'm a happy man again, ince Dr. King's New Life Pills cured e6f chronic constipaiion," says F. /. Goodloe, 107 St. Louis St., Dallas, Tex. Guaranteed satisfactory. Rice 25 cents at C. M. Shufoid and E. B. Menzies' drug store. | Askr tor Allen's Foot-Ease, A Powder. " " It makes walking easy. Cures cams Bunions, Ingrowing Nails, Swollen and Sweating feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Don't accept any substitute. Sample free. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. Y. BEFORE - starting on your summer va cation you may need a new Suit Case or Traveling bag. We have just opened a new stock of leather cases from $3.00 to $l5. Then too, the matter of collors, shirts and underwear is>a timely topic for being well supplied means addi tional comfort and pleasure. ~ W v M-ffar tiling: Co. Outfitters for Men and Boys Hickory, N. C. if UNTO EVERY MAN"| m Is given the right of Investi- |jj j gation. | Many remain ignorant by taking somebody's word We give the WHY ar.d WHEREFOEE for every- j|| thing we do in our cptkal woik, and prove it to your eyes without digging or cutting on them. jpl || few bargairs in gold-filled Watchee. The price M I $B.OO, $lO.OO and $12.50 j I The Morrison Bros. Co. i Official Watch Inspector for C. & N-W. Railway Making Money For Other People is CUR SPECIALTY; Last Saturday we closed out a block of property at auction very successfully. We can do Che ssme thing again. If you have a propo sition write us about it. Remember we sell real estate of all kinds and we can make you just as many dollars as we have those who have been former customers. _ City property, farms, etc., are al ways to be found in abundance on our list. We wantJto get acquainted so write for special list—it will be worth while. "WE SELL THE EARTH." Lenoir Realty & In:. Co. LENOIR, N. C. J. E, Mattocks, Sec, and Treas. 0 ©

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