| lf % *- all THE NEWS J I I **' WHILE IT IS NEWS. ' | VOL 9 MOBILE IS SLOWLY RECOVERING FROM EFFECTS OP STORM No Storm Appeared During Night. Telegraphic Facilities Being Restored. Streets Cleared Away Relief Work Progressing. Aid for Sufferers is Greatly Needed. Forty-four Lighthouses Either Swept into Sea or Greatly Dam aged, Four Lighthouse Keep ers Drowned' During Hurricane ' is* Reported. Mobile. October 2. —No storm ap peared during the night and there is none immediately at hand. The ba rometer is still low but the decline is gradual and although some wind may strike the city, no storm of great se verity is expectedd. The telegraphic facilities are grad ually being restored. The railroads except the Louisville and Nashville are running on time. The city streets have been cleared and save for the battered conditions of many buildings Mobile is outwardly as good as ever. The relief work for the stricken com munities down the bay is working ad mirably. Food, clothing and bedding is being furnished rapidly as .possible although there is still much suffering. There is need for all supplies that can be sent in from outside points. 4 4 Lighthouses Ruined. New Orleans, La., October 2.—Forty four lighthouses were either swept into the sea and lost or the structures so badly damaged that no lights can be shown, and four lighthoqse keepers were drowned during the last week's hurricane is the summary of the re port by the United States Lighthouse inspector. These lights were located on the coast TtiMi islands between the mouth of the Mississippi river and Mobile. The inspector did not investigate the lighthouse losses between Mobile and Pensacola. May Call for Help. Pensacola, Oct. 2.—After a restless niglu Pensacola awoke to renew the work of rescue and rebuilding. Gover nor Broward wired Mayor Bliss that if tho citizens desired, he would imme diately issue a proclamation calling upon the state and outside world for assistance. The offer has not baen accepted, the city believing that it can pull through Without assistance. Death of Master Cook. • Wake Forest College, October 2. — Mr. Edwin Cooke was called to his I home at LouisbUrg Saturday night on the account of the death ft his nephew, Master Francis Neal Cook, Jr., aged 12 years, who died at Louis burg Saturday night after a long ill ness of typhoid fever. Deceased was a son of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Cooke and a grandson of Judge and Mrs. C M. Cooke. Owing to the extreme illness of his sister there were no funeral services. Rev. Mr. Crudup made a sim ple prayer at the grave. Among the family who came to Louisburg to at tend the funeral were Judge Cooke and Mr. Edwin Cooke. Two Official Removed. Washington, Oct. 2. —The President has removed Vivian J. Fagin, United States marshal of the southern dis trict of Ohio, upon the report of the eivil service commission that he has been :;uilty of making political assess ments and Marshal O'Neill of the wes tern district of Louisiana, on the alle gation of general unfitness as disclosed by the report of the commisisoner of the department of justice. A little show girl i 1 Now and then. Is what upsets A lot of men. 1M LIKELY BE SENT TO HAVANA The Proposition is Considered at Cabinet Meeting to Send Ma goon to Havana to Act as Rpe resentative of Civil Branch ct War Department. Washington,, Oct. 2. —The first cabi net meeting for over three months was held at the Whit§ House, attended by Pviri, Bcnaparte, Wilson, Metcalf, Cortelyou and Moody, absentees being Taft, Shaw and Hitchcock. Cuba occupied the most conspicuous place in the discussion. It is understood that a proposition was considered to send Magoon, late governor of the canal zone, to Havana to act as representative of the civil branch of the War Department in case such an official is deemed necessary. THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT • ! ■ *" -• >. % wf ••;!.: 1 1 w I ■ • ..: .; " F *' f: ." ? ■&!■■■■ 7'■ -ii ■' 58 V ?»r: S.-s AND PRESS INSURANCE DEPT. CLOSED. Department Closed on Account of Death .of Infant Son of Insurance Commissioner Young. Raleigh, N. C.. October 2—The State Department of Insurance was closed this morning on aefcount of the death of little Francis Nicholls Young, the infant son of Insurance Commis sioner James R. Young, which occur red last night. The little fellow had been sick for several weeks. The funeral was held at 10:30 o'clock. The remains were carried to Henderson for burial. NEGRO KILLED POLICEMAN. Policeman Petticord Died From Ef fects of Shot—Big Reward Offered for Negro. Indianapolis, Ind., Oct. 2. —Police- man Petticord died from a bullet wound inflicted by George Williams, a negro, now under arrest. Jesse Coe, a nsgro desperado, who killed Patrol man Russel at the time Petticord was shot by Williams, is still at large. A S6OO reward is offered. LIQUOR AND MURDER. Man Crazed by Drink Opens Fire on Men in Saloon With Fatal Results. Oklanoma City, Oct. * 2. —Crazed from liquor, John F. Noble, of Mem phis, fired six shots into a crowd of men in the saloon fatally wounded George Williams, a butiher, and dan gerously wounding John Thompson, a painter. Noble was arrested. Buck—Wheeler Wedding. Wheeler, Ala.. Oct. 2. —A number of guests from out of town are hqre for today's wedding of Miss Carrie Payton Wheeler, daughter of the late Gen. Joseph Wheeler, and Mr. Gor con M. Buck of New York city. The ceremony takes place this evening at the Wheeler country home here. The bride is the youngest of the four daughters of the renowned fighter. Mr. Buck, like his bride, is a South erner, who has resided In New York for several years. He is a lawyer and was graduated from the Univer sity of Virginia in 1894. Dowie to Remain. Chicago, Oct. 2. —A few hours be fore the time of the intended departure for Mexico, Dowie decided to remain in Zion City indefinitely. His sudden change of' plans caused a great sur prise. Battleship Texas Sails. Norfolk, Va., Oct. 2.-r-The battleship Texas which was recaKed after having 1 been hurriedly fo«- Cuba with marines and supplies sailed again this morning. FIRST DETACHMENT ! LEAVE FOR CUBA Amid Cheers and Goodbyes of Sweethearts and Friends 900 Men Set Sail tor Cuba. Many Troops Now en Route to New port News. New York City, October 2:—Amid cheers, the farewells of wives, sweet hearts and friends. 900 men compos ing the first portion of the Cuban expe ditionary force to sail from New York direct to the island sailed at noon on board the transport Sumner. \ The troops on the Sumner compriip three battallions of the sth infantiy, two battallions of engineers and a hos pital corps detachment. En Route to Newport News. Washington, D. C., Oct. 2. —Practical- ly all the troops of the first Cuban ex pedition are now en route to Newport News, where they begin to arrive to morrow or Thursday and immediately embark on the transports awaiting them. Cruiser Sails for Cuba. Philadelphia, Oct. 2. —The armored cruiser Brooklyn with 400 marines, ammunition, stores and medical sup plies sailed for Cuba. United Irish League Meets. . Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 2.—One of the most notable gatherings of men been in Philadelphia in a long time r.ten whose life aim and work has been to better the condition of Ire land and to secure for that country self-government—assembled here to day for the national convention of the United Irish League of America. Hundreds of delegates and interested spectators filled the Academy of Music when the convention was formally called to order by the na tional president, John Finerty of Chicago. T. P. O'Connor and .Ed ward Blake, representatives of the Irish party in the British parliament, occupied places of honof on the stage and Were given an enthusiastic ovation by the assemblage. After the usual preliminaries incident to the opening of the gathering had been disposed of the convention went into executive session. Ohio Charities Conference. Marietta, 0., Oct. 2.—Many dele gates are in Marietta to attend the sixteenth annual State conference of Charities and Correction, which will be in session here during the re mainder of the week. A wide varie ty of subjects are slated fon discus sion. The two principal speakers to be heard are Hastings H. Hart, su perintendent* of the Illinois Children's Home and Aid Society, and Alexan ; der Johnson, secretary of the Na tional Conference of Charities and Correction. With APCLO OILS Tp FrccL Ofrl»er -for And Her Name Wss Maud. HOW TO SEND AID TO STORM SUFFERERS American National Red Cross to Receive Contributions for Re lief of Sufferers in the Gulf States. Contributions May be Sent to National Treasurer. Washington, D. C., October 2. —The American National Red Cross decided to receive contributions for the reliei of the storm sufferers in the Gulf States and sent appropriate instruct* long tQ the President of all Staje branches. Persons living in a State which has no Red Cross branches many sand contributions to the national treasur er, Charles Hallam Keep, assistant Secretary of the United States Treas ury. IRISH LEAGUE OF AMRICA. Opened Jo-Day with 700 Delegates in Attendance. Philadelphia, Pa.. October 2. —The annual convention of the United Irish League of America opened with 700 delegates. Among them are O'Donovan Rossa, T. P. O'Connor, leader of Ireland's cause in the English Parliament, John Redmond and Edward Blake, mem bers of the English Parliament. A NEW CHARGE OF MURDER. Chas. Peacock Taken from Jail to An swer Charge of Murder. Norfolk, Va., Oct. 2. —Charles S. Pea cock of Smithfield, N. C., who has been in the local jail on a minor charge, was taken to Smithfield to answer the charge of murder and robbery. Mr. Cook Buys Paper. Maxton, N. C., October 2.—Mr. Leon T. Cook, an attorney of this place, has purchased the "Scottish Chief," from Mr. Jos. E. Avent and expects to take charge shortly. He expects to get a capable man to run the same. Mr. Avent has accepted the position of superintendent of the Morganton grad ed schools, and has already taken up his work there. FEATHERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Abe Attel and Harry Powers to Fight Soon. Los Angeles, Oct. 2. —Abe Attel and Harry Parker will meet in Los Angeles before the Pacific Athletic Club for the featherweight championship of the world in a round about October 30th. SECQNWOUR OFFICER KILLED While Driving in Outskirts M, Hazer, the Swedish Vice Con sul, was Murdered. The As sas sins Escaped, William Stuart Killed Last May. Batum, Trans-Caucasia, October 2. — M. Hagar, the Swedish Vice-Consul was mortally wounded while driving in the outskirts and died in the hospital. The Murderers escaped. Hager, is tlie second consular officer murdered during the last five months, the first victim being William E. Stu art, American Vice-Consul, who was shot and killed at his country place near here May 20th. When a man talks about "accept ing" a job it is a sign the salary is email. HICKORY, N. C.. THURSDAY OCTOBER 4, 1906, CONDITION OF CROP IS 71.6 PER CENT Government Issues Report up to September 25th. Local Mar ket on the Upward Trend, De spite Fact that Futures Went OfMen to Twelve Points. Washington, D. C., October 2 The Agriculture Department re ports the" condition of cotton to Sep tember 25 at 71.6. The condUtor ,/same date as last yeaT was 71.2. The ten year average is 66.7. By States: Virginia, North and South Carolina, 66; Georgia and Ala bama, 68; Florida, 64; Mississippi, Tennessee and Oklahoma, 75; Texas and Indian Territory, 74; Louisiana, 73; Arkansas, 76; Missouri, 82. The government report on the condi tion of the cotton crop was received here this afternoon at 1 o'clock. The report gave the condition at 71.G per cent, against 74 4nd a fraction last month. The market went ofT about 12 points. The Charlotte market was not materially affected either way. Despite such a report as was today handed out by the government it is a pretty generally conceded fact that the cotton market is now on the upward trend. The fact that the report was not much lower than was given by the government officials is not surprising when it is remembered that the state ment was issued on reports received from all over the country up to Sept. '2sth. The disaster that has swept the South Atlantic states since that time did not enter into this report at all. Along the track of the hurricane that prevailed in the lower Gulf States the crop is said to be practically ruin ed. This is not a great cotton produc ing area, but when the reports from Mississippi, Alabama and portions of Louisiana came in Bhowing that the wind had been inestimably detrimen to the crop in that great section, prices took a jump immediately. Added to the damage suffered in this section, the Piedmont region has been materially hurt by the incessant rains, and even those who held out during all September that the yield would be heavy,, are now ready to admit that the crop has been cut short to a serious decree. The cotton offered for sale on the local market bears out this statement. Its condition, stained, wet, and discol ored, is very unsatisfactory to the spin ners, and of course the loss falls on the growers. A few days of fair weath er would contribute in remedying this defect; but unless the rains Cease at an early date, the outlook is most dis couraging. One farmer was told that if hi 3 cot ton was of good variety he could easi ly get ten cents for it. But he only had one bale on the market, and it was in the usual condition, badly stained. The farmers are confidently expecting the market to continue to advance and are holding their staple just as long as possible with this in view. The present conditions seem to add foundation to their belief. The farmers have not only suffered extremely in the damage wrought to cotton, but other products have not escaped the baneful effects of too much rain. Farmers who have peavine hay and reap neat sums from the market on this product have been heavy losers. Hundreds of tons have been lost, or seriously damaged. That which has been mowed remained in the field un til it was ruined, and that which is still uncut has fallen down until it will be almost impossible to reap it. The hay crop is a big item to the farmer of this section of the country and the loss which attends the market ing of this crop is as distinct as the cotton loss. v . GIMHERS REPORT * OF COTTON CROP Census Bulletin Issued Reports 2,044,426 Bales of Cotton Ginned of this Years Crop up to September 25th. Report ot Last Year. Washington, D. C., Oct. 2. —The Cen sus bulletin reports 2,044,426 bales of cotton ginned of the present crop to September 25, counting round bales as half bales. For the same period last year 2,355,- 715 bales were ginned. Report By State. Washington, Oct. 2.—The census i ginning report by states is as follows: Alabama, 2,61/; Arkansas, 1,346; Florida, 194; Georgia, 3,553; Indian Territoiy, 340; Kentucky 1; Louisi ana, 1,551; Mississippi, 2657; Mis souri, 30; North Carolina, 1,567; Okla homa, 18S; South Carolina, 2,332; Ten nesee 264.; Texas, 3,871. Trying to Escape the Chair. Columbus, 0., Oct. 2. —The case of Frank Castor, a Michigan boy now ' :n the State penitentiary annex here awaiting the death penalty for the murder of a Columbus police officer, came up for hearing in the Supreme Court today. The case has already been carried through the common pleas and circuit courts, in both of which he was found guilty of murder in the first degree. Missouri Sheep Breeders Organize. Sedalia, Mo., Oct. 2. —Missouri cheep breeders met at the State fair here today and took the initial steps for the formation of a State associa tion, which will have for its aims the protection of the breeders' interests and the promotion of the industry in Missouri. ' i Case of Caleb Powers. Georgetown, Ky., Oct. 2.—The case of Caleb Powers, under sentence of death for assassination of Governor Goebel was passed to the February term by agreement. Michigan K. of P. Traverse City, Mich., Oct. 2.—The business section of this city is gay today with Pythians whoso annual encampment is in progress. The meeting of the grand lodge the com petitive drills and other features of the program have attracted a large number of members of the order and ether visitors from all sections of the State. MAKE MAIL MATTER SELF-SUSTAINING Assistant Postmaster Hubbard Re commends to Postal Commis sion that Second Class Mail Matter be Made Self-sustain ing by Carrying in Bulk. New York, Oct. 2.—Assistant Fost master Hubbard, of Chicago, recom mended to the Postal Commission in session here that second-class mail matter be made self-sustaining by car rying it in bulk outside of the mail ur increasing the rate to two cents a pound to news agents, three cents to subscribers and advertisers, the aboli tion of the sample copy privilege and the transient rate and the compulsory routing of second class matter by pub lishers. It was said the cost of handling the unrouted mail is 41 cents and of the routed mail four cents per hundred pounds. •• STATtSVILLE N EWS Statesville, N. C.. October 2. —The Iredell-Alexander Medical Society held its regualr quarterly meeting here yes terday. This being the meeting for the election of officers for the coming year, the following were elected: Dr M. R. Adams president; i)r. W. G. Nicholson, of Harmony, vice-president * Dr. J. E. McLaughlin, secretary and treasurer. Dr. B. M. Yount was elected a delegate, with Dr. Arch. Conysbell as alternate to the meeting of the State society to be held at Morehead City, next spring. Dr. T. E. Anderson was elected a member of the board of cen sus and Dr. P. L. Shayse was made secretary of the deligent committee. Dr. F. A. Caysenter, of Mooresville, was admitted as a member of the so ciety. Dr. T. E. Anderson rood an interesting paper before the society on tuberculosis. The next mealing of the society wil be held in Mooresville, Jan uary 7th. Unknown parties entered the store of Christopher and Keller, on the Boulevard, Saturday night and took therefrom $1.50 in money, a shoulder of meat, a gold watch and several oth er small articles. An entrance to the store was effected through a window. The police are at work on the case, but so far there is no clue as to the guilty party. j Miss Lila Kurfees has taken a posi tion with the T. M. Miller company as a saleslady. A stalk of corn 181-2 feet high, grown by Mr. >l. P. Watt, was on exhi bition at Fry and Philips' store yester day. There was only one ear on the stalky and it was at a point 14 feet from the ground.^ Ha& Never Changed its Rates. Chicago, 111., October 2. —The United States Railway Service Mutual Benefit Association, the membership of which is confined to railway postal clerks, began its third annual convention in Chicago today. The reports presented by Pres. C. E. Lancaster of Kansas City, Secretary, and Treasurer W. S. Corning of this city and other officials show the affairs of the association to he in a satisfactory condition. Among mutual benefit organizations the as sociation is unique in that, during its existence of over thirty years, it has never changed its rates nor has It ever failed to meet its obligations. MAN FOUND DEAD 111 (JNDtRTAKING SHOP Dead Body ot Albinus McLean Found this Morning at Maxton with Hole Through Head. Thought to have Been Murder ed Sunday Night. Maxton, N. C., Oct. 2. —Albinus Mc- Leon was found dead with a hole through his head. It is thought someone killed him Siifiday night. He was about seventy-five years of age. An inquest will be held. WADESBORO NEWS. Rev. E. E. Ervin Will Probably Wadesboro Presbyterian Church — Sale of Real Estate. Wadesboro, N. C.> Oct. 1. —Rev.E. E. Ervin, of Kingstree, S. C., preached in the Presbyterian church yesterday morning and at night. Mr. E. is here looking over the field with a view of accepting a call to this field. Mr. E., while not a brilliant orator, is a most lovable teacher and his manner of dis pensing the Word is most pleasing. We hope the church will extend an unanimous call. The "Grand Union," a benevolent society of the colored race, paraded in North Wadesboro yesterday. One of their number preached to the order in one of the colored churches of the town. Three lots were sold last Saturday in South Wadesboro. Messrs. E. V. Fenton, Jeff Rhyne and Neal Bowman were the purchasers. The lots were bought of Mr. Rich Tarlton and each lot contained 1 1-2 acres and had one half acre frontage. The lots brought respectively, These parties will commence the erec tion of cottages at an early day. Robert Tarlton, a young son of Mr. Jabez Tarlton, died last Friday and was buried at Deep Creek Saturday. Saturday was the largest cotton day of the year. The amount reached near 200 bales. The highest price paid was 9.60. Prof. W. A. Smith, of Ansonville, was down Saturday evening viewing the remains of his building, (the opera house). The Major will soon com mence the erection of a modern build ing to take the place of the old build ing. Smoke is still coming from the debris of the buildings destroyed by the late fire. The sick in our midst are all im proving and are in a state of con valesence. "Can't you find any work at all?" asked the kind lady of Frayed Frank lin - .■ "Plenty, mum. But everybody wants references from me last employer." "Can't you get them?" "No, mum. He's been dead twenty eight years." THE BEST JOB PRINTING OF ALU KINDS AT THIS OFFICE. LIEUT.LAHMOFU.St WOH BEHBETT CUP 111 BALLfION RACE Aero Club Receives Dispatch To day Stating that Last Contest ant in Balloon Race for Gordon Bennett Cup had Landed, th's Deciding Race. Lieut. Lahm, of Sixth U. S. Caval ry in Balloon United States, Won Race. Covered 415 Miles. Got Cash Prize ot $2,900. Rolls Won Endurance Prize, Paris, France, October 2. —All un certainty regarding the results of the balloon race for the James Gordon Bennett cup which started from here Sunday was ended at noon when a de spatch received by the Areo Club an nouncing that Rolls and his companion, .the balloon Britannia, landed at Sandringham upland last night, thus establishing that Lieutenant Lahm, Sixth United States Cavalry, the Ame rican competitor who descended near Whitby yesterday afternoon in the United States is the winner. r Von Wilier of Italy, second; Count De La Vaulx of France was .third, and i Rolls, of Great Britain was fourth. With the exception of Salamanca, the Spanish aeronaut, Lahm was the youngest competitor. Lahm covered 415 miles against 370 by Von Wilier his nearest competitor. The beautiful cup, presented for the competition by Bennett, became the trophy of the Aero Club of America. First cash of $2,000 goes to Lahm and the endurance medal to Rolls, who was the longest in the air. CHAPEL HILL NEWS. A Delightful Dance by The Gimghouls —News and Notes. Chapel Hill, Oct. 2. —The Order of Gimghouls gave quite a v delightful in formal dance in the Gimghoul Lodge last Saturday evening from 8.30 to 12. The dance was gracefully led by Mr. W. S. O'B. Robinson, Jr. The lodge was tastefully decorated in the colos sal colors of the order, red and black, together with hanging moss. Refresh ments were served by Mars Jesse jn his characteristic style and Prof. Duns ton with his band furnished the music for the occasion. During intermis sions the couples promenaded on the roof garden. The participants were: Mr. N. C. Curtis with Miss Margaret Alexander, of. Chapel Hill; Dr. De R. Hamilton with Miss Axson of Princeton, N. J.; J. B. Jones with Miss Howe, of Prjnct 'ton, N. J.; L. S. Green with Miss Cooke, New York City; Mr. R. R. Bridges with Miss Carol Gray, of RaU eigh; Mr. F. Hutchison with' Miss Ar cher, Chapel Hill; Mr. Eben Alexander with Mrs. Alexander, Chapel Hill; Mr. C. T. Woolen with Miss Bessie Rober son, Chapel Hill; Mr. Manlius Orr with Miss DaisiSN&llen, Salisbury; Mr. B. Perry with Mrs. Vance. Chaperones: Dr. and Mrs. How«, Mrs. Howe of Princeton, N. J.; Dr. and Mrs. Mangum, Dr. and Mrs. R&per, Dr. and Mrs. Lawson. Stags: Messrs W. S. eßrnard, Green Berkley, Herty, W. S. O'B. Rooinson, Jr., E. K. Graham, Percy Whitaker, Coker, Dolly, Jiickerson, Mills, Holt, Haywood, Johnnie Pemberton, Hubert Hill, Jas T. McAden, Jr., Joe Pogue, W. H. S. Burgwyn. * Dr. and Mrs. Pratt entertained the members of the Alpha Tan Omega fra ternity last Friday evening, of which Dr. Pratt is an honored member. Mrs. George Howe on last Thursday evening gave a charming reception to members of the faculty in honor of her mother-in-law, Mrs. Howe, Mrs. Gillard and Misses Gray, Howe, Axson. Mrs. Noobryde—Fred is late again tonight. What would you do if your husband never same home until the dinner was stone cold? Mrs. Trongmind—l'd make it hot for. him. TIE DEPOSED CUBAN PRESIDENT LEAVES Ex-President Palma, Valiant Lead er of Ltbeity. Seeking Cubans, Says Farewell to friends and Accompanied by Family Departs for * Havana, Oct. 2. —Ex-President Palma left the palace at nine this morning. He said farewell to his many friends and then, accompanied by his family, departed for Matanzas. His departure was witnessed by a small gathering of loungers in front of I the palace, but there wase no demon stration. Alalia

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