Jerome Opens To-day in 1 haw Trial witnesses Jerome and his Asso- t dates, After Strenuous I York, have Case Work - j c j Out. Rebuttal Be- ] sins. i i lie Identified Letter Given Him by Mrs. Thaw. The i Ethel Thomas Case. } liie Testimony Given at \ To-day's Session. Xew York, March 11—District At tornev Jerome will begin the presen- ! ... ticu 0 f the evidence in the rebuttal ■ in the trial of Harry Thaw today, •j, object will be to combat the con- , toniion that Thaw was insane at the ~c !, , ho shot and killed White. ] 1 s : -tco the adjournment the district , i.ttornev and his assistants have T.-orkCil night and day getting the . together. • J Xi u ir work was carried on all throu£ r ii Sunday and when night came , Jerome said he was now ready to,, proceed. Mrs. William Thaw will be con stantly present at he trial until the ;, verdict is returned. She has taken i j -har'-e of her son's case with a1 ■ greater assumption of authority than ; she has shown before. %] Longfellow on Stand. The first witness called by Jerome J was Frederick W. Longfellow, one of , the Thaw family attorneys, who was calkil bv the defense some time ago ( to identify certain letters which , Harrr Thaw wrote to him in 1903. Jerome wanted him to identify : letter handed him by Evelyn Thaw upon her arrival from Europe late j in 1903. i Loncfellow met Mrs. Thaw at the ; ihip. Oct. 24th. Mrs. Thaw on wit ness stand, said she could not fix the date er nauie of the steamer. Long fellow said he had acted as Thaw's attorney for some years prior to Jane 25, 1000. "Bid you represent this defendant in the suit of Ethel Thomas against Ham- Thaw?" asked Jerome. "My firm handled the case," said Longfellow. i "Were the papers served on this defendant?" Again Delmas objected. Justice Fitzgerald sustained the objection. Jerome Taken Down. In ihe argument on his objection, Delmr.s quoted from Jerome's state merit when Evelyn Thaw was on the staiv l , that her testimony was permis sablc only as showing the state of Thaw's mind, and that he would not be allowed to contradict it. * Delmas said: "We told him we would have no objection to his attack ing ihe truth of his wife's story." "Now do you object?" snapped Jer ome. "I am not trying to show that Ethel Thomas' accusations were true," said Jerome. "That would be a collateral fact. Anyway, this poor girl is now dead " Delmas objected here to reference to the Thomas girl, as a "poor girl," and the statement that she is now dead. "-Mrs Thaw herself testified that she is (lead," said Jerome, who withdrew the adjective "poor." Continuing, Mr. Jerome said: "Mrs. Thaw herself says she was told the story of Thaw tying the young woman to a bedpost, and beating her. That is the story of Ethel Thomas." Delmas protested: "I must serious ly oi itct to the learned district attor ney testifying in this case." Justice Fitzgerald then ruled sus taining th" objection to the testimony as to whether the papers in the Ethel Thomas ;:se were served on Thaw. vJercme Enters Protest. "Did there come into your posses sion at any time letters written by this defendant to Ethel Thomas?" ask ed Jerome. Delmas objected on the ground that any such letters must have been writ ten prior to 1903 and therefore had nothing to do with tne sanity or in sanity of the defendant. "Why, your Honor," said Jerome, tho di'l'ciise has traced this man's dis ease brick to measles and mumps. We oi'giit ii, have seme right to show his condi; ion down to 1903. The defense jws I'-ii into evidence such parts of iil'e as tiiey chose from his nur sery days hi an attempt to show him msane. May I not go into other por tion* rjf his life to show he was sane?" Delmas here objected to further questioning of the witness as to Ethel T honias suit on the ground that Long i'Hov.- at the time was acting as Tnaw's counsel. " f >r course," said Jerome, "if you are S°''ug to j,lead professional privileges p a bar I cannot go ahead. But I t-iMiiiimt t] Je counsel, in the interest of wight waive " oiir Honor," interrupted Delmas, In defending the man for his life HOW'S THIS? v 'tffor One Hundred Dollars Re- V; ior any case of Catarrh that can r*" fured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. !'• J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo. O. the undersigned have known F. eni'v for the last 15 years, and j!-!k",i. liini perfectly honorable in all bjriw-Hs transactions and financially ' J carry out any obligations made bis firm. Waiding, Rinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- M ! v . acting directly upon the blood «'i»i mucous surafces of the system. (; 3'imonials sent free. Price 75c. per -ottlo. Sold by all druggists. iake Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. I have no l'ight or power to waive any thing." Attorneys Clash. Jerome next asked Longfellow if he was telephoned for in 1904 by Eve lyn Thaw from the office of Abraham H. Hummel, and Delmas again object ed, asking Jerome what his purpose was in asking the question. Jerome argueir liis question was purely for the purpose of laying a foundation for the introduction of se condary testimony to show the con tents of the affidavit which Mrs. Thaw said was burned in Hummel's office. Justice Fitzgerald ruled that the wit ness might answer whether or not his conversations over the telephone with Evelyn Nesbit had to do with the affi davit. "They did not," said Longfellow. "Jerome then snowea the. witness a photograhphic copy of a portion of the Hummel afilGavlt ana another docu ment and asked: "You are familiar with the handwrit ing of Mrs. Evelyn Nesbit Thaw?" Longfellow said he thought he could recognize Evelyn Nesbit's handwrit ing, though he was not familiar with it. "Did she ever deliver a paper to you which she had subscribed to?" asked Jerome. "Yes, but you must understand I am not referring to the paper you handed me." An Insulting Remark. When the witness said he had deliv ered that paper to the present counsel in the case Jerome demanded Thaw's lawyers to produce it. Delmar, hotly retorted that Longfel low had delivered to the counsel no paper in any way similar to the docu ments submitted to the witness by the district attorney. "I prefer to take the statement of the witness," said eJrome. "He is un der oath." "That is an unnecessarily insulting remark." said Delmas. "You will find out bv interrogating the witness that he did not deliver any such paper to us," continued Mr. Del mas. To Condradict Mrs. Thaw. Did Evelyn Nesbit Thaw ever give jou a document by herself in Ihe form of an affidavit?" asked Jerome. "Not to my knowledge," replied the witness. "To the best of my knowl edge I never saw that paper before and know nothing about it". Longfellow was excused and the coroner's physician, Timothy Lehane, lecalled. He said he examined White's body. "Did you find powder marks on his lace?" Delmas objected and Assistant Dis trict Attorney Garvan said the testi mony was to contradict Mrs. Thaw's statement that Thaw stood 12 feet fiom White when he fired. Fitzger ald allowed the question. ' "There were powder marks on his 'race." Said Thaw Was Rational. Policeman Dennis Wright testified that Thaw was rational at the time of his arrest at Madison Square Garden. Police Sergeant McCartty, on duty at the station the night Thaw was arrest ed, testified Thaw gave the name of John Smith, a student at Washington, D. C. He said he was rational. A HUMANE APPEAL. A humane citizens of Richmond, Ind., Mr. U. D. Williams, 107 West Main St., says: "I appeal to all per-, sons with weak lungs to take Dr. King's New Discovery, the only reme dy that has helped me and fully comes up to the proprietor's recommend ation." It saves more lives than all other throat and lung remedies put together. Used as a cough and cold cure the world over. Cures asthma, bronchitis, croup, whooping cough, quinsy, hoarseness, and phthisic, stops hemorrhages of the lungs and builds them up. Guaranteed at C. M. fthu ford and W. S. Martin & Co. drug store. 50c. and $l.OO. Trial bottle free. Big Strike Settled. Toledo, 0., March 11. —The Pope motor strike of the machinists, in volving over 1,000 men, is settled. HEALTH IN THE CANAI ZONE. The high wages make it a mighty temptation to our young artisans to join the force of skilled workmen needed to construct the Panama Canal. Many are restrained however by the fear of fevers and malaria. It is the knowing ones —those who have used Electric Bitters, who go there without this fear, well knowing they are safe from malarious influence with Elec tric Bitters on hand. Cures blood all stomach, liver and kidney troubles poison too, biliousness, weakness and Guaranteed by C. M. Shuford and W. S. Martin &Co. druggist. 50c. M. Petkoff Assassinated. Sofia, Bulgaria, March 11. —M. Pet koff, premier and minister of the in terior was assassinated today. Now that a body of Chicago men is about to inspect the Panama Canal at is pertinent to ask if one can visit the Isthmus and see the canal through his own eyes instead of through the eyes of Mr. Roosevelt without losing his reputation for all time. A small boy's idea of a board of 1 uealth is a chance to eat whenever | ae is hungry. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. ' The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the - Signature of Mr. Justice Was Riled The Speaker of the House Told the Senate Just What he Thought of it, Senate Won Fight How ever. Raleigh, N. C., March 11.—The State Senate finally won out in the anti-trust legislation fight which has been on the past week. Tho Senate today voted to strike out the Justice amendment, adopted in the House Saturday night, with a view to forcing the American To baeco Company out or the State then sent the bill back to the House for concurrence. This was done after a fiery speech by Speaker Justice in denunciation of the course of the Senate and de claring he would have the Senate ;01l call on this legislation in the next State Democratic convention, Ihe purpose being to carry the trust fight into the party conventions. It is expected the assembly will adjourn for the term about 6 o'clock this evening. WILL PROHIBITIONISTS WIN? Election Being Held at Knoxville On Liquor Question —Thousands of Pro hibitionists Parade Streets. Knoxville, Tenn., March 11. —An election is being held here on the ques tion of repealing the municipal char ter for the purpose of eliminating the salcoqs. A parade composed of about 5,000 men, women and children, appealing for anti-saloon votes, passed through the business section this morning. A very heavy vote is being polled and both sides are confident of vic tory, though the indications point to a large temperance majority. GRAIN STILL IN HAND. Bulletin Issued Showing Amount of Corn, Wheat and Oats in Farmers' Hands. Washington, March 11. —The crop reporting board of the agricultural de partment in a bulletin, reports the amount of wheat in the farmers' hands March Ist., was 206,644,000 bushels or 25.1 per cent of last year's crop. The amount of corn on hand 1,298,- 000 bushels, or 44.3 per cent of last year's crop. Oats on hand 354,461,000 bushels. BOMB ARTIST ACTIVE. Wan Who Threw Bomb at Colonel Deumbadze Suicided. Valta, Crimea, March 11.—Col. Deu mbadze, commandant of the garrison here was slightly wounded and his adjutant and coachman seriously in jured by a bomb thrown at the col onel's carriage from an upper win dow in a house on the street through which ho was driving. The man who threw the bomb committed suicide. TYNER'S DYSPEPSIA REMEDY. Many Have Dyspepsia and Don't Know It. Do not belcn up wind? Taste your food after eating? See specks before the eyes? Are you pale and haggard? Do you have pains vbgkqjbgkqjbgkqj Does your heart flutter? Are you diz zy? Do you have pains in side or back? Risings or pimples on the skin? Aro you low spirited? Is there a sour taste? Breath bad? Weak kidneys? Bilious? Constipated? Are your ner vous" If so, you have Dyspepsia, and it is a dangerous condition. To cure, take Tyner's Dyspepsia Remedy. It is made for just such troubles and smyptonis. Tyner's Dyspepsia Reme dy removes acids from the stomach, strengthens weak stomachs, and cures the worst Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Druggists or by express 50 cents a bottle. Money refunded if it fails to cure. Martin & Co., Hickory, N. C. Decision Will Stand. Washington. March 11. —The Su preme Court denied the petition of B. F. Sprinkle and others, of North Caro lina, for a writ of review in the pro ceedings against them on the charge of carrying on a business rf rectifying distilled spirits with the intention of Ndefrauding the government. This rul ing permits the decision against them by the Circuit Court of Appeals to stand. CHILDREN CRY FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Virginia vs. West Virginia. Washington, March 11.—The argu ment has begun in the Supreme Court on the demurrer of West Virginia to the bill filed by Virginia, in an effort to compell West Virginia to assume a part of the debt contracted by Virginia before the State divided. Attorney Generals Anderson and Holmes Con rad appeared for Virginia. Woolley ! Su™ T oKph o inl DAiiii tec opium, laudanum »! _. . _ elixir of opium, co Hill caine or whiskey, t W LI 111 mm l&rge book cf pai 111 ■■■ ticularson home or I fif i I U IYI sanatorium treat #i| ■ ■_men t. Address, Dt AND B. M. WOOLLE? Whiskey Cure Atlanta, B Wedding Gifts Ar* one of your friends to be a. "Tied soon ? If eo, you will want a nice pres ent ior them. Sterling silver and cal glass make exquisite gifts that are al ways useful. Write us for auythllj you may need in this line. Women timiquic.- .-iiaciier'f Liver L.i:d Blood Svrup. Negro Taken To Tarboro Marshall Davis, Colored, Charged with Murder of Elliott Lewis, has Been Taken to Tarboro. Will Evans is Arrested, Norfolk, Va., March 11. —Marshal Davis, the negro arrested in Norfolk ccunty, and indicted in Edgecomb county, North Carolina, on the charge of the murder of Elliott Lewis, also a negro, was taken to Tarboro, N. C. At the request of the North Caro lina authorities Will Evans, another negro, was arrested also for the mur der of Lewis and is being held in Norfolk, pending further investiga tion in Edgecomb where the grand jury has only acted against Davis. According to the officer who took Davis to Tarboro, the only connec tion Evans is to have had with the crime is through the charge of Davis. A FIERCE STORM RAGING. Worst Storm of Winter Raging Along Cape Cod Shore. Chatham, Mass., March 11. —The worst storm of the winter raged along Cape Cod shore last night anu this morning showed little sign of clearing. THE TOUCH THAT HEALS Is the touch of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It's the happiest combination of Arni ca flowers and healing balsams ever compounded. No matter how old the sore or ulcer is, this Salve will cure it. For burns, scalds, cuts wounds or piles, it's an absolute cure. Guaran teed by C. M. Shuford and W. S. Mar tin & Co. druggist. 25c. Good Bout Tonight Providence, R. 1., March 11. —The bout between Rouse O'Brien and Mat ty Baldwin takes place at Thornton tonight and promises to be one of the fastest of the season. O'Brien showed up so well against "Kid" Goodman recently that many competent .ring critics are backing him to defeat Bald win. A large crowd that will include many sporting men from out of town is expected at the ringside. Little globles of sunshine that drive the clouds away. DeWitt's Little Early Risers will scatter the gloom of sick-headache and biliousness. They do not gripe or sicken. Recommend ed and sold here by. C. M. Shuford & W. S. Martin. Consolidation of Gity. Philadelphia, Pa., March 11. —The State Supreme Court affirmed the judgment of the superior court, per mitting the consolidation of Pittsburg and Allegheny city. LOST AND FOUND. Lost, between 9.30 p. ni.. yesterday and noon to-day, a bilious attack, with nausea and sick hdadache. This loss was occasioned by finding at C. M. Shuford and M. S. Martin &. Co. drug store a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills, the guaranteed cure for bilious ness, malaria and jaundice. 25c. Amount of Cotton Ginned. Memphis, Tenn., March 11. —The National Ginners' Association issued today a bulletin showing 12,716.00 i bales of cotton ginned to March 2. Sour Stomach. No appetite, loss of strength, nervous* ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to indigestion. \ Kodol relieves indigestion. This new discov ery represents the natural juices of diges tion as they exist in a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known toniO and reconstructive properties. Kodol for dyspepsia does not only relieve indigestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy helps all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr. S. S. Ball, of Ravenswcod. W. Va.. says:— " I was troubled with sour stcmarh for twenty years. Kodo! cured me and we are new using it In miat for baby." __ _ Kodol Digests What You Eat Bottles only. Relieves Indleestlon, sour stomach, belckln? of pas. etc. Prepared by E. C. DeWITT & C 0.,, CHICAQO. C. M. Shuford, W. S. Martin. L A DIES t 1 Safe, Quick, Reliable Regulator Superior t> other remedies sold at hleh pr'cw. Ctir* «nin»nteel. Successfully ««ed by over 209,000 Women. Pricing •drnj;- gists or by mall. Testimonials & booklet freo Dr. LaFrancOi Philadelphia, 1?» HOLLISTER'S Becky Mountain Tea Nugget? A Busy Medioine for Busy People. Brings Golden Health ard Rone Ted Vigor. A snociflc for Constipation, In-litfestlon, Lice and Kidney Troubles, pimples. F.'7om i, Impur Blood, Dad Breath, Kle.frirish Ilowels, Hea iache and Backache It's Rocky Mo'intain Tea in tab let form, B."> cents a box. Genuine made by Hollister Druo Company. Madison. Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SAL™ pnnP» r NOTICE! 1 "We want ©very man and women in the United States interested in the cure ol Dpium, Whiskey or other drug habits, •dther for themselves or friends, to havt jne of Dr. Woolley's books on these di» aases. Write Dr. B. M. W oolley, Atlanta, Situ, Box 287, and on® will be sent you free« HAIR BALSAWIg Cla*r.K9 and bcautifi2B tae hill. U Promotes » luxuriant growth. I Never Fail* to Beatore Grayl Hair to its Youthful Color. I Cum fcftlp diaeue* A hair falling. I JOc, and >l.OO « Druggists | Schnapps Tobacco Is Hade ENTIRELY from Flue Cured Tobacco Grown In the Piedmont Country. The Imitation Brands Have Schnapps Quality Only On the Outside Of the Plug. Hundreds of imitation brands are on sale that look like Schnapps to- ( bacco.t The outside of the imitation plugs of tobacco is flue cured the same as Schnapps, but the inside is filled with cheap, flimsy, heavily sweetened air cured tobacco. One chew of Schnapps will satisfy tobacco hunger longer than two chews of such to bacco. The color, size and shape of the tags, plugs and packages of certain imitation brands of tobacco have been made so much like Schnapps that they have often been accepted by buyers under the belief that they were getting Schnapps. Sufficient proof has been secured to establish the fact that certain brands are infringements and in vio lation of the trade mark laws, yet the trade will continue to be imposed upon by these infringers until the suit already entered and now pending to protect Schnapps is decided. A great many of these imitations are R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, WINSTON-SALEM, N. C.^ THREE MEN KILLED. Number were Hurt and City Shaken By Explosion of Boiler of Locomo tive. Metucken, N. J., March 11. —Three men were killed and a number of others hurt and Metuchen badly shak en up and threatened with many fires when the boiler of a locomotive on the Pennsylvania Railroad exploded while drawing freight through the town. Two Deaths at Shelby. Shelby, N. C., March 11. —Miss Car rie Wray of Shelby died Saturday eve ning at Haw River where she was teaching. She was a daughter of Mr. George Wray of this place and was one of Shelby's most popular young wo men. The body reached here last night and the funeral took place this afternoon, conducted by Rev. M. E. Parish. Mrs. Perry, an aged lady of this place died last night. She was about 75 yeafs old. The funeral took place this afternoon. Mary—Dark circles under the eyes indicate a sluggish circulation, torpid liver and kidneys. Exercise and Hol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea will make you well aofd beautiful. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. E. B. Menzies. Indictment Quashed. Steubenville, 0., March 11. —The in-1 I dictmeat. against Frederick C. Fair- j | banks, son of Vice President Fair banks, in connection with his marriage was quashed by Judge Richards. Are you tired, fagged out, nervous, sleepless, feel mean? Hollister's aqi suaipSuaajs eaj, ujcjunoK jtyooH nerves, aids digestion, brings re freshing pleep. 35 cents, Tea or Tab lets. E. B. Menzies. Archie Improving. Washington, March 11. —Archie Roosevelt's condition continues favor able. It was said at the White this morning he had a good night and was "doing splendidly." Southern RAILWAY. The Standard Railway of the Soutx The Direct Line to ait Points TEXAS, CAIIFORNA, FLORIDA, COBA AND POTOR BICO Striatly First-Class Equipment for aJ Apply to Ticket Agents for Time la blee. Rates and Genera Info. n» tion, or address. R. L. VERNON, T. E" ' Charlotte. H. C. J. H. WCOII, I). P. A.. Ashcville, M. C a. H tLtuti>V .OK. 3. P. A., KILL the COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS ' ,T iSr. King's • INew Discover y j /tO'JSUMPTION Price 1 FOR 3 OUGHS and 50c&$1.00» WOLDS Froo Trial, jj Surest and Quickest Cure for all gj THROAT and LUNG TROUB- § LES, or MONET BACK. I CONFERENCE ON IMMIGRATION. South Carolinians Confer With Presi dent With Regard to Right of States in Matter of immigration. Washington, March 11. —Ex-Gover- nor Heyward, of South Carolina, and Commissioner of Immigration Watson, of that State had a talk with the Presi dent about the decent decision of the Attorney General and the attitude of the administration respecting the ques tion of the right of a State to assist in immigration. Later a conference will be held when the Attorney General will be present. Commissioner Watson will sail to morrow for Bremen for a conference with the North German Lloyd officials, with the view to the establishment of regular steamship lines to Charles ton for carrying passengers as well as freight. Mr. Heyward expected to sail also tomorrow, but will be compiled to re- I turn home because of the illness of his I wife. verv best business for a man to be in is his own. MONTHLY MISERY is one of woman's worst afflictions. It always leaves you* weaker, and is sure to shorten your life and make your beauty fade. To stop pain take Wine of Cardui and it will help to relieve your misery, regulate your func tions, make you well, beautiful and strong. It is a re liable remedy for dragging down pains, backache, head ache, nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness, dizziness, fainting spells, and similar troubles. A safe and efficient medicine for all women's pains and sickness. Mrs. J. L. Broadhead of Clanton, Ala. writes; "I have used Cardui for my disease, which was one peculiar to women, and it has completely cured me." AT ALL DRUG STORES, IN $l.OO BOTTLES I WRITE US A LETTER WINF AFH H ! I describing fully all your symptoms ■■ 111 fl 0W HJH I ami we v ill send you Fiee'Advice ' ■ ■■ I in plain t.o.ileJ envelope. Ladies' _ I m I Advisory Dept.. The Chattanooga fj L B I Vw. HHHHHHH, • Medicine Cu., Chattanooga, Tenn. M| ly "j J H g - I 'o Plumbing, R^oofing —AND—— Guttering ONE by expert workmen. All kinds of Tin Work on short notice A full lino of Bath Tubs, Bowls and Sinks, with hot and cold Tate? flxtures. We will do your work right. Hickory Roofing and Tinning Co McCOMB BROTHERS" DEALERS IN Groceries Fresh Meats, Butter, Corn, Hay, Cotton, Seed Hulls, Meal and Country Produce. HIGKORY.N.C. claimed to be "just as good" as Schnapps, but there is only one gen uine Schnapps. Be sure the letters on the tag, and stamped on the plug under the tag spell S-C-H-N-A-P-P-S and then you have it—the most wholesome tobacco produced, with just enough sweetening to, preserve the mild, juicy, stimulating quality of the leaf tobacco. Expert tests prove that this flue cured tobacco, grown in the famous Piedmont region, re quires and takes less sweetening than any other and has a wholesome, stimulating, satisfying effect on chewers. If the tobacco you are chewing don't satisfy you more than the mere habit of expectorating, stop fooling yourself and chew Schnapps tobacco. Schnapps is like the tobacco chewers formerly bought costing from 75c. to $l.OO per pound; Schnapps is sold at 50c. per pound, in sc. cuts, strictly 10c. and 15c. plugs. SAVED A STUDENT SKATER. Princeton, N. J., March 8. —E. Mel vin Updike, a Princeton student, broke through the ice of Cold Springs Lake while skating today and A. Y. Striker, who was superintending the cutting and removal of ice near by, ran to his aid. He crawled to the edge of the broken ice and tried to seize Updike, but Updike sank. Striker ran back to shore and re turned with a fence rail, and as he was working this over the space of clear water the ice gave way under him and be floundered in the water beside Up dike. He managed to gain a firm grip on the rail and worked himself along it until he could seize the drowning man. No one was near to aid him, and it was half an hour before Striker got his heavy burden out of the water. Updike was unconscious, but was resuscitated. A labor union at San Francisco com posed largely of former soldiers has pased resolutions favoring the restoration of t'-.o or my canteen "in the interest of not theories."

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