JUST LOOK ; All inds of Artistic SIGN PAINTING HATS CLEANED WHILE YOU WAIT. | Picture Frames Remodeled.. W. C. L. V. NEUMANN N. Morganton St. Hickory* N. C. • Ladies Hats Cleaned - - Give me a call. —. I ssss-. You will be satisfied, k ' bt-ver of your tobacco if you improve the quality and incr« n«e ff«\' the weight of your tobacco by using 500 to 800 lbs. of Virginia=Carolina Fertilizer per acre, ten days before planting;. These fertilisers give an early start to the phnt, which wry scon j grows large enough,to withstand the ravages cf insects. Soils that under ordinary conditions WM'M mrke a vie ' of poor, papery tobacco, lacking in rummy or oily matters, will produce a very high typeof tobacco by liberally using these fertilizers. . . Get from your dealer one of Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer free .almanacs. Its a beauty full of information on Richmond, Va.- Durham, N. C • Atlanta, Ga. Norfolk, Va. . Charleston, £. C. Savannah, Ga. |w6jw 4 Baltimore, Md. M=r.tgomery, Ala. WSjjW; Memphis, Tenn. Shreveport, La. WgBW "Increase %ur Milds Per Acre!* The Prescriptionist The man who does the weighing, the measuring—who knows the technical points of compounding prescriptions —the man on whom everything depends. We never loose sight of our responsibility for a moment n. prescription filling. Every prescription leaving our store is fault less in its purity and accuracy. Youjmay feel "sure" when it filled here •/, *-v Walter S. Martin & Company, Druggists Hickory, N. C. For Twenty-one Years i Royster's Fertilizers ' M * " * *% ffr.; have been the standard because they are made n from honest materials. ' " wll\* ?ee that the trade mark 1 REGISTERED is on every bag. None genuine without it. W! F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO., Norfolk, Va. GET A POLICY AT ONCE. and save yourself from future loss by fire and worry about not having it. Do it now to-day. We may pity the man who has been "wiped out," but-he is not deserving of it. No man has a right to go without INSURANCE It costs little and covers much. See us about it. Clinard and Lyerly. PREPARE THIS YOURSELF. For those who have and form of blood disorders; who want new, rich blood and plenty of it, try this: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounces; Compound Largon, one ounce, Compound Syrup Sarsaparillia, three ounces. Shake well in a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after each meal and at bedtime. Any good pharmccy can supply the ingredients at small cost. This is the prescription which, when made up, is called "The Vegetable Treatment; 1 ' by others, the "Cyclone Blood Purifier." It acta gently and certainly does wonders for some peo ple who are sickly, weak and out of sorts, and ?s known to relieve serious, longstandin6 cases of rheumatism and chronic backache puickly. I Plant Wood's Garden Seed* FOR SUPERIOR VEGE TABLES * FLOWERS. Twenty-eight yean experience —our own sera farms, trial ground*—and large warehouse capacity give ua an equipment that is unsurpanßed anywhere for supplying the best seeds obtainable. Oar trade in seeds ) both for the I 1 Garden a& Farm 1 is cme of the largest hrthis country. We are headquarters for Grass and Clover tssda, Seed Oats, Seed Potatoes, Cow Pees, Soja Roans and other Farm Seeds. Wood's Descriptive Catalog gives fuller and more complete infor mation about both Garden and Farm Seeds than any other similar publica tion Issued in this country. Mailed free on request. Write for It. T.W.Wni & Sons, SMsau, RICHMOND, . VA. i The small boy who goes bird* nesting, will soon be developing a case of egg-o-mania. - Mr. Roosevelt thinks thac New Yorit needs more religion. He has been trying to beat it into Wallstreet. The alienists should, also ex amine the Thaw jury to see if all of its members continue to be sane. If the Jamestown exposition is ready for the opening, in that respect it will be unlike any oth er that was ever held. Looks to a "man up a tree" as though a heap of, money had been wasted to prove -that a lu natic was insane. If the average man picked his wife as carefully as he does bis stenographer, there would be fewer proceedings in the divorce courts. If John D. Rockefeller has spent as much money as the Fifty-ninth Congress, he would be a public charge in an Ohio poor house. The Roosevelt third term movement has reached the straw ballot stage, but Fairbanks and Foraker are still fighting over the negro delegation. - A correspondent of the N. Y. Sun is attempting to discover "a cure for poetry." He will never succeed: crushed in the waste basket it will rise again. The man who introduced that lick-the-editor bill in the Penn sylvania legislature, may be try ing to convince his constituents that he is not in the mollycoddle elass of statesmen. A Dakota man aged sixty has married a girl of twenty, while his son married the girl's mother aged forty-four. People with nothing else to do can now busy themselves with this latest rela tionship puzzle. REPORT OP THE CONDITION OF The Hickory Banting & Trust Co. at .Hickory, in the State of North Caro ua.at the close of business Mar. 22,1907. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts ft 18,375.59 secured 263.35 Ba iking Houses, $ 6000.00 Furniture and fixtures 1,992.1* 7^99 2 n Demand loans 3,900.ee Due from Banks and Banker* 18,299.47 Cash items 359*56 Gold coin v 585.00 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency 1,341.02 National bank notes and other U. S. notes 3,618.0: Total 5 1">4.731-6o LIABILITIES. Capital stock 35,000.00 Undivided profits, less current expenses aud taxes paid 3,124.41 Notes and bills re-discounted 5,000.00 Deposits subject to check 67,549.15 Demand Certificates of Deposit 43,312 55 Cashier's Checks outstanding 748.49 To al $254,734-60 State of North Carolina, Comity of Catawba, t>s: I, J. W. Blackwelder, Cashier of the above-named kink, do solemnly swear that tlie-above statement is true to the »est of my knowledge and belief. J. W. BLACfcAVIJLI>ER, Cashier. Subscribed and s«orn to before me, this 28U1 day of March, 1907. • )V. X. REID, Notary Public, orrect—Attest: H. E. McCOMBS. J. F. ABERNETHY, Directors. This is worth saving. The following simple home made mix ture is said to relieve any form of Rheu matism or backache, also cleanse and strengthen the Kidney and Bladder, overcomes all urinary disorder, if taken the stage ofßright's disease; Fluid Extreck Dandelion, one-half onces Compound Kargon, one ounce; Com pound Syroup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Mix by shaking well in a bottel and" tnkel in teespoOnful doses after meal: and at bedtime. A well-known authority states thai these ingredients are mainly of vege table extracts and harmless to use, anc can be obtained at small cost from anj good prtscaption pharmacy. Those who thidk they have Kidney trouble oi suffer with lame back or weak bladdei or Rheumatism should give this pre cripticn a trial, as no harm can_ pos ibely follow its use, and it is said to wonders for some people. - notice of bond sale ~ The Mayor and Board of Al dermen of the? City of Hickory will receive sealo i bids for the purchase of eleven thousand dol lars sewerage bonds of the City of Hickory issued by virtue of act of legislature of said bonds being in denominations from $50.00 to $lOOO.OO each to suit purchaser, and drawing six per cent from c ate. to run ten years, interest payable semi-an nually on the first day of May and November respectively of each year. Said bonds will be sold to the highest bidder, but right is reserved to reject any and all bids. Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit or cer tified check for ten per cent of the amount of eaid bid. All such deposits and checks returned if bids rejected. No bids will be accepted later than midnight of 28th of April, 1907. Address, J. F. CLICK, Sec'y. and Treas. City of Hickory. The spring plowing goes on as steadily as though Wall street did not exist. A Kansas man asserts that he recently saw a rat with horns. As the authorities insist that the prohibition law is being enforced |in Kansas, there must be some thing radically wrong with the soda water in that State. Cores Woman's Weakness*)*. We refer to thai boon to weak, dp>vous, suffering women kn.wn as Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Dr. John Fyfe one of the Editorial Staff of The Eclectic M kdical Review says of Unicorn root {Helunia* DUriar) which Is one of the chief ingredients of the "Fa ▼orite Prescription ": "A remedy which invariably acts as a uter ine toTlcorator * * * makes for normal ac tivity of tbe entire rwpixxluctiT* system." He continues "in Helonias we h*re ment which more fully answers the above purposes than any other drug vrdh which 1 am acquainted. In the treatment of diseases pe culiar to women -4t is seldom that a case is seen which does not present some indication for this remedial asenU" I>r. Fyfe further ■ays: "The followius are amonr the leading Indications for Helonias (Cnlcora rout).. Pain or acbinf in tbe back, with leucorrbwa: atonic (wea'.Jcondlt!of\of the reproductive organs of toomen. mental depression and ir ritability. fksoclated witPcbronlc diseases of tbe reproditive cygans of women;constant sensation JI heat In the region of tbe kid neys: menfcirhafili (flooding), due to a weak ened coiyfltion of/tbe reproductive system: amenoi/liQ?y|SKr/>ressed or absent monthly or accompanying an aonofiial condition of the digestive organs and Ajfa-mic (thin blood ) liahit: dragging sensufons in tbe extreme lower part of tbe abdomen." If more or less of the above symptoms aW Pffe&hl. no r"i>Ts tWrTn taEel r. rifei-ce's Tavti.-ue 6mhg "lauding ingredi ents of wHiffl is Unicorn root, or Helonias, anJ- the medicuf properties of which it most faithfully represents. Of Golden Seal root, another prominent ingredient- of "Favorite Prescription." Prof. uctt Medical Coi...i.'. CLii-ago. says: "it is an ivmeuy in disorders of tbe womb, in ail catarrhal conditions * * and general enfeeblement. it is useful." Prof. John M. Scudder, M. U, late of Cincinnati, says of Golden Seal root: "In relation "to its trenerrl effects on the system. Chert. i* v>> mo'icive in time aixntt which there i» nue.h gcnr.rvl uwwfmltu ofopinion. It is univcrruiily regai ded ok the tonic useful In Ml debilitated states." T'rof. U. liurf:»•>* —. ?T. Pi. of .Tpfferson u '.ic.tl vJoljt gi'. a: •>of t Jolden Seai: "Valuable in uterir.e lu'n-orihagn. menor t'hazla floodj»jr> an; - ongestive- (lysmeuor ltiua. (j sinful men&i rtiaMon)." I)r_ ri>rce'3 Favorite Prescription f. .th a represents ail the above named in ients and cr.rrs the diseases for which arc recommended. There Will Be ft. Happv| Partiip*; Vith yau and those whiskers, you shave with us. Qood J£air ~ 2 vtting Specialty. Diet z Barber Si^ofe* N Home-made Catarrh Cure. Any one can mix right at home the best remedy of its kind known. The lame "Cyclone" is given to the fol lowing prescription, it is suppored, be cause of its promptness in driving from rhe r blood and systefh every vestige of catarrhal poison, relieving this foul and dread disease,no matter where located, t'o prepare the mixture: Get from any good pharmacy one-half ounce Fluid Extraet Dandelion,—one ounce Com pound Kargon and three ounces Com pound Syrup Sarsaparilla. Shake well and use in teaspoonful doses after each meal and at bed time. This is a harmless, inexpensive mix ture, which has a peculiar action upon the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys, assisting them to flltnr and strain from the blood and system all catarrhal poisons, which, if not eiadicated, are absorbed by the mucous membrane, and an open sore of catairh is the re sult. Prepare some and try it, as it is the | prescription of an eminent catarrh spe cialist of natioeal reputation. ALLIUM EN Y - Jj> from the same physical disturbances *CA p |T. and the nature of their duties, in wJ pippilf .-Jpilipif fyj -many eases, quickly drift them into IVI Igr |Z/ the horrors of all kinds of female — IJ\ complaints, organic troubles. ulcera tion, falling and displacements, or JrVViwinJT- OMfifer P®™ a P* irregrularKy or suppression I'W I?ji' — iJ causing backache, nervousness, ir- VQ\/ SflCfltnxVlr ratabilityand sleeplessness. Vrl&vxxfc^^iu\3^^^\)/ Women everywhere should re member that the medicine th at holds the record for the largest number of MRS. A. M. HAGERMANN cures of female ills is Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetable Compound made from simple native roots and herbe. For more than thirty yean it has been helping women to be strong, regulating the functions per- g fectly and overcoming pain. It has also proved itself invaluable in pre- g paring for child birth and the Change of Life. Mrs. A. M. Hagermann, of Bay Shore. L. 1., writes Dear Mrs. g Piiikham—"l suffered from a displacement, excessive and painful I functions so that I had to lie down or sit still most of the time. I Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has made me a well woman so B that lam able to attend to my duties. I wish every suffering woman B would try Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and see what relief g it will giTe them." > Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women 1 Women suffering from any form of female illness are inrifced to write | Mrs. Pinkliam. at Lynn, Haas few advice She is the Mrs. Pinkham who g has been advising sick women free of charge for more than twdhty § years, and before that she assisted her mother-in-law Lydia E. Pink- g ham in advising Therefore the is especially well qualified to guide I sick women back to health. __ Jg THE HIP-WAV CAFE! COME IN AND GET A GOOD DINNER FISH, OYSTERS AND BEEF STEAK Cut to suit you. Hot Coffee served with lunches all times a day. GROCERIES FOR -EVERYBODY. T. G. HUNTLEY, MAIN STREET - HICKORY, N. C. I Tb(e Old Reliable. | Oar Spring Clothing tor 1 Is just what you IBM price. We are just ¥*m Jp jf| | |fl opening up a beauti- |l If 11 ful line of these goods 11^ Gome and get what N WE SELL CLOTHING FOR NEARLY HALF 9 WHAT IT WILL COST YOU AT - OTHER PLACES. I SHOES, SHOES. § I The best tine in the city. We han dle General Merchandise. Cal 1 on us for bargains. •SSeizo t(s• , jf gj HICKORY, N. C. jjf __ MB " ~ 1 ' • MM H 'IKE Goods is What You Are Looking For The most handsome line of Dress Goods, Silks, Em broideries and beautiful . Shirt Waist Goods. We Have the Stock to Choose From EVERYTHING IN THE NOTION LINE IS FOUND IN OUR STORE. Come and get a bargain W.G.FOX Hickory, N, G,

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