THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT. Published Every Thursday by W. E. HOLBROOK, EDITOR AKD Pitor Entered at the Post Office at Hickory as second dur natter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year Cash In Advance i i.°° Six Months, " " Three Months " " 25 / —:^=rri Advertising Rates. Transient 20 cents an inch. Prefered Position 15 " " Yearly Contracts 10 Special rates given to long term ad vertising. THURSDAY NOV. 21 1907. - Wall Street's Wail and Roose velt to the Rescue. Secretary Cortelyou having 1 de posited an enormous sum with the New York banks to prevent the depreciation of Wall Street's water ed stocks, now proposes to issue a hundred and fifty million dollars of Panama bonds in order der to avoid the necessity for withdrawing the government de posits from those favored banks. What is this? "Bonds in time of peace?" There is semething strangely familiar about the sound of those words. "Bonds —interest bearing bonds in time of peace"— when did we hear of such a thing be fore? Oh; yes, it was during the Cleveland calamity administra tion. How indignant grew the Republican orator; how the Pop ulist patriot raged!" "Interest bearing bonds in time of peace — PRO— FouND , peace." The voice of denunciation swelled on the gale. The furnaces drew their fires and the Democrats were te sponsible. The mills shut down and the Democrats were respon sible. Thousands of workmen were thrown out of employment and the Democrats were respon-; sible. Strange to say the orators' and editors who raged and roar ed over the Cleveland, free trade, Democratic panic of 1893, are mild as "sucking doves" over the Roosevelt, high protection Re publican panic of 1907. The men who frothed at the mouth because Cleveland issued bonds, interest bearing bonds m time of peace, show no symptoms of rabies when Roosevelt does what they cursed Cleveland for doing. The friends of the former were all ready with their howl about Cleveland and five cent cotton in 1893- Mr. Roosevelt's Secretary of the Treasury rushes millions into the New York books to keep up the price of watered stocks and refuses to deposit a paltry ten millions on gilt edged secur ity to save the cotton farmers of the South and get the profession al patriots, who in denouncing the Democrats, exhausted the language of abuse, have not one word to say against the Republi cans when they discriminate against the South ten fold worse than Cleveland ever dreamed of doing. Suppose a Democratic, instead of a Republican president had loaned money to Wall street gamblers and refused it to South ern cotton farmers? Suppose the panic had occurr ed under a Democratic, instead of under a Republican, adminis tration? Suppose a Democratic, instead of a Republican, secre tary of the treasury, had issued interest bearing bonds in time of peace? Oh! What a howl there would have beon, my country men. As it is the howlers of other days' assure us that the panic won't last long; that the worst is over;that there is no law allowing the deposit of govern ment funds in Southern bonds to help the cotton farmers. That is all well enough for those who hold or expect a federal job; for those who have a political pull and gather draft under the name of "fees" from prospective ap pointees; but is it not about time for those who vote the Re publican ticket from principle to realize that party cares I nothing for the South and de spises even the few renegades i whom it puts into office. - ! Friends Desire to Know Why Mayor Cilly Resigned. Many citizens who voted for Mr. Cilley as Mayor desire to knew the reaton why he resign ed as Mayor of the City of Hick ory. As wc stated at the time of the election and also in our last issue, he was elected by an overwhelming majority. His many friends desire to know his reason. Tragic Death of Hunter Near Newton. N Mr. James D. Carrier, of Ashe ville was accidentally killed by the discharge of his own gun Satur day night, at a short &stance from the clubhouse. Hte iiad jone out after supper, "for a lit tle hunt," he said. His frieqds became alarmed at his long ab sence, search was made, and he was found by the side of a gully, having been dead for hours. The ball had entered hia chm blowing away th€ right jaw and a part of the nose. A verdict of *"Acci dental death" was pronounced by the coroner's jury. Tlse body was taken to Asheville Death 6i Capt. Rheinhardt Capt. Robert Rheinhardt, for many years post-master in New ton, and, a well-known citizen, died early Sunday morning. He had sustained a stroke of paraly sis two days before his death, and did not rally. Captain Rhein hardt was an old Confederate soldier, and those who knew him will remember his interest in anything relating to the Lost Cause. He was also a Mason, and the writer remembers him "dressed in ill his best" and eager as a child starting on a long-promised holiday, the day of the Masonic picnic last Aug ust. Capt. Rheinhardt was proba bly one of Catawba's eldest cit izens. To many it will seem a strange thing to go to Newton and not see"the old Captain" in his accustomed place. Ladies Opportunity A Special Sale Has Been Ordered of Mrs. A. P. Whitener's Large Stock of Millinery and Notions Hats, Waists, Skirts, Laces, Ribbons, Gloves, Embroideries, Hand Bags, Feathers, Every kind of Ladies' Outfitting will go at One-fourth to One-half first Cost. Articles will be exhibited plainly marked Your first and last chance to profit by a slaughter of this line of merchandise. Doors Open Thursday, Nov. 21st, 9 a. m., Continuing 5 Days Mrs. Whitener's Store, Hickory, N. C. E. B. Cline, Attorney Special Sale! j of Ladies' Misses and Children's Coats Friday and Saturday, Nov. 22-23. This is a large shipment made to us on consignment for immediate sale. The prices are low and no one needing a eoat should miss this opportunity as these TWO DAYS will be the ONLY CHANCE you will get to see them again. Respectfully, Sledge & Pleasants. Outline Sketch of Hickory. Prof. J. E. Barb has one of the best blue prints on exhibition in a drug store window that we have ever seen. It is a sketch of the town, every building, dwell ing-house, etc., being so located that you can't get lost if you want to. The Professor is "bad to beat" at his own work. The Southern Presbyterian.the Northern Presbyterian,the Dutch Reformed, and the United Pres byterian churches having at the meetings of the highest judicatories of there denomina tions adopted the articles of agreement sent down from the Charlotte meeting for close rela tions, the first meeting of the council representing these de nominations is called to meet in the Marble Collegiate Reformed church of New York City on December 3, 1907. Dr. J. L. Murphy oi iiickory is a member of this council and in all proba bility will attend the meeting. Notice, Notice, Notice. Bv virtue of a certain mort gage daed executed by M. G. White and W. W. White, wife of said M. G. White to J. T. John ston, default having been made in the terms of said mortgage, I shall on the 10th day of De cember, 1907, sell at public auc tion for cash to the highest bid der in front of the post office of Hickory to satisfy the terms of said mortgagee 1-3 undivided in terest in the following described real estate situated in Hickory Township, county of Catawba, and State of North Carolina, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stake 50 feet North of theNorth-eait corner of lot No. 48, running N. 200 feet to a stake; thence W. 206 feet to a stake; thence S. 200 feet to a stake; thence East 200 feet to the beginning, known, as Lot No. 83 and 111 which can be desig nated by a plot of Lots of lands laid out at the above named statement. Sale at 12 M. Nov. 15th, 1907. J. T. Johnston, Mortgagee. Thomas M. Hufham, Atty. Death of Dr. Little Dr. Quintus M. Little died on last Tuesday at his home in Ca tawba. His death is greatly re gretted, for he was a fine physi cian, a Rood citizen, a man of many friends. His wife, form erly Miss Eva Powell, of Long Island, survives, as also two sons and two daughters. The funeral services were held at the Methodist church Catawba. The interment was in Catawba ceme tery. . SPECIAL SALE OF RUGS DON'T FAIL TO ATTEND THE RU6 SALE AT I Player's Furniture STORE Friday and Saturday, Nov. 22 &23. We will have on display at our Store these days the largest and fin est lot of RUGS and DRUGGET ever shown in Hickory, and there are to be sold at a DISCOUNT. Don't Fail To Attend. Yours Truly, W. 0. Player's Furniture Store HICKORY, N. C. ONE DOLLAR 4 - Will start an account in the Savings Department of _ HICKORY BACKING & TRUST CO. \ Start an account to-day, to-morrow nevery conies • It is not what you earn, but what you . earn, but what you save that makes you independent. We pay ysu to save The Hickory Banking & Trost Co The only true constipation cure must begin its soothing, healing action when it enters the mouth. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea restores the whole system to a Wealthy, normal- condition. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. E. B. Menziee. Administrars Notice. Having qualified as administrator of W. H. Shirer (dead) late of Catawba county. North Carolina, this is to certi fy all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of November. 1908, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment This 18th day of November, 1907. S. M. SHiRER. Administrator r Cares Biliousness, Sick PI ft Tlf Cleanses the system Headache, Sour Stom. M fl I J\l IJj thoroughly and clears ach, Torpid Liver and " fcp sallow complexions of > Pleasant to taKo Laxative Frmt Syrnp ph ttr Sold by W. S. Martin & Co., Druggist McCOY MORETZ New Goods Our new stock of Fall Goods are now ready for your inspection. New, fresh and up-to-date in every respect, bought in the largest mar kets and for spot cash, the sure weapon of UNDER BUY, which makes it possible for us to always under sell. Come see for yourself and be convinced. Ladies' Jackets Full and complete line for Ladies and Misses from $2 98 to $lO, and the finest line of Furs we have ever shown from $1 to $25. Dress Goods Fall and complete line of the newest things in Dress Goods at special prices, also, Dry Goods, Piaids, Outings, Flanneietts, Sheetings, Domestics of all kinds, and vou will find our prices under the market. Underwear For Men, Ladies and Children the most complete line in the City Full line of Ladies' wool ribbed with cot ton fleece worth 75c, tor 45c Bibles and Testaments I heard that some one said on the streets that Hickory was a city with out Bibles, but he had forgotten that I was in business and always carry a full line with prices to suit all McCoy Moretz Next door to Setzer & Russell. BUY YOUR Thanksgiving Suit Where you can get Quality at moderate cost. We have plenty of the New Browns in Plaids and stripes at very moderate cost Men's Suits now from $5.50 to $25,00 Special Prices on Rain Coats and OverCoats ' • - • ' *,. t * .. - „ - . FOR THANKSGIVING v if 6 * Mort-Wiker Clothing Co