BUSINESS BUtUERS. Advertisements inserted under this head at 5 centra line for elch insertion Pinmbfflg, HwfiQg and {fettering Done by expert workmen All kinds of tin work on short noti e. A full line of bath'tube, howles and sinks, with hot and cold water fixtures. We will do your work right. Hickory Roofing & Tinning Co A nice line of Woiverkie ma hoganj tables just deceived. Hatcher Furniture Co, " "( V The best the hest construction, the. best finish in furniture for ifee pjace. Batcher Furnituse Co Office roorh overstore for rent Apply Sledge & Pleasant. Kitchen safes and kitchen cabi nets, big the right price. Hatcher Furniture Co. Toilet sets, Rayo lamps, port iere, lace - curtians; couches, trunks, sewing machines. Hatcher Furniture Co. Wanted.—A few competent men to handle,a n«w Road Map of North and Sooth Carolina. Exclusive territory, free field training. Oood pay. WriteS. A. Wiggins, Asheville, N. C. See our line of good low priced strong oak dressers, beds and wash stands. Hatcher Furniture Co. Agency—Haviland & Co., China—Whittall rugs—Oster raoor mattresses. Hatcher Furniture Co. We are prepared to frame your pictures promptly—get in your order before the rush. Hatcher Furniture Co. All kinds of produce vegetables the best and freshest the mar ket afford*at Hammond & John son. Special prices on larg>* platters or fiat dishes, just the thing for Thanksgiving or Christmas turkey, ham, hog jole and turnip greens. See them displayed in our window with unmatched prices. Umstaad's G# to Harris & Little for clover and,grass seeds, Seed rye at Harris & Little. Men's and boy's clothing to suit everybody, call and see them ; at Harris & Little. A Reminder —Just after Thanksgiving we will show you the largest variety of toys and ' holiday goods with the lowest prices ever Shown in Hickory. We bought lots of our stock un- 1 der the market prices -and we ] will sell theM that way. Um- i stead's, the China and Toy store. Ifyouwwat stgoed juiey beef . stake cut to order eall phone 86, HammondJohnson. Ladies coats & cloaks to fit, we have a big stock and must be sold, at Harris & Little. Freeh groceries delivered at j your home just as you order them from Hammond & Johnson. Getone of those dishes before they are all sold. These prices will be withdrawn after Thanks giving. Umstead'-s Ladies the place to jjet. Jackson furs; scarfs, capaand bjgmuffiers all the latest styles at Miss Rose fcrough's. For Rent —5 room dwelling (Mr. Long's residence) near the new Presbyterian jchurch, pos sesion about Ist December. Ap ply to Jno. Haithcock. Real estate agent. For Sale —A good family mare several pairs buff Plymoth Rock chickens, a quanity of sawed lumber, framing e&, door and window frames. S. A. Hahn. For Sale —A nearly new Star piano, style J., at a special bar gain—For information address Democrat office Hickory, N. C. y £ Miss Mary Rosebrough has in her midwinter halt. Call and see them. For Sale —One pair of mules. Apply to E. L. Shuford. For all kinds of fine millinepr, aid prices to suit. Call at Miss Rosebrough Everyone are invited to eX amine our stock and prices be-1 fore they buy. Shuford Hard ware Co. If you want a stylish hat Miss. Marv dwaebtwMrhi has Item at her piece. I Local asid Personal I! Miekory does-things. 1 Mext Thursday is Thanksgiv ing. What has become of our Elec tric Water Power? Born to Mr. and Mrs. S, B, Mace a fine daughter, A. A. Shuford spent Monday in Newton on business. Ji E. Montague left for a trip to New York Wedneiday. Miss Maeie Blackwelder is visiting friends in Newton. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Elliott spent Tuesday in Charlotte. A lnrge crowd of people on the streets Saturday after the rain. G. F. Ivey is attending con ference at Asheville this week. E. E. Vickers, of Salisbury was a business visitor here this week. Mr. Sid Killian, of this town ship wiil be jailor under the new sheriff. A few of our Hickory merch ants are ready for their Xmas trade. The colored conference of the M. E. Zion church meets in Hickory this week. Capt E. F. Loville, of Boone was here Saturday on his way to Greensboro. „ There will be a play at Lenoir college on next Monday night, local talent, Mr. Sam Rhyne a prominent merchant at Newton was on the streets Wednesday. The New county officers will be sworn in on the first Monday in December 7th 1908. R. C. Keller, of Charlotte was in the city Tuesday and part of Wednesday with friends. There is a movement on foot to organize a young mens chris tian association in Hickory, W. M. Deitz and wife visited the family of Mr. Ruben Propst near Zion church this week. Mrr. W. L. C. Killian from Gastonia is visiting the family of Mr. Toe Hill on 12th street. Miss Katie Reinhardt, one of our cleaver Central girls is con fined to her room this week with erysipelus. Thanksgiving is near at hand, and with it we think you will hear wedding bells in South Hickory. The merchants should get busy with their advertising only four ; more weeks in which to catch the holiday trade. Mr. and Mrs. Feimeyer who have been visiting their sister, Mrs. J. S. Carr have returned to their home in Hamilton Ohio. Lost—A ladies.neck broach pin, fine roll gold, with pearl set ting. A liberal reward will be given for return of same to this office. Attys. W. A. Self, Thosmas Hufham and A. A, Whitener will go to Raleigh next week to argue cases before the Supreme court, Miss Minda McManaway who has been spending the summer here with relatives and friends left Saturday for her home in Charlotte. Dr. J. H. Weaver pastor of the Methodist church left Mon day for Asheville to attend the annual conference of Western North Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Bailey of Detroit, Mich., are here spending a few days with their cousin Mrs' Bourbonnias at her elegant home on 14th street. Persons having wire fence s'retchers belonging to the Shu ford Hardware Co., will plesse return same to them as early as possible and oblige. imßmjmmEo witch hazel SALVE Per Pit#*, Burns, 9or««. JpOOOCaSOOGOOOOeOOOOOOOOSOOOGGGOGGeOOOeet | Uhz Xittle touches | $ ®f Correctness | | 8 The little touches of correctness, the trifles » 8 that the careless printer never thinks ol consid- O X ering, are the pilot-marks of good printing. We 8 v make those "little touches" just as much of a 2 © study as an artist would in painting a picture. © X We use harmonizing styles of type, we use just X sj the setting that is best adapted to the size and 8 o coaracter of the work, we look after little essen- © X tials in a score of other ways. a v And 'tis that, largely that makes our printing S 0 attractive. Mail orders given prompt attention. O 1 DEMOCRAT PRINTERY. | The death of Lee Burger oc curred at his home near here Tuesday night after a lingering illness with consumption. He leaves a wife and one child, Mr. Claud Propst of ©ur city and a Miss Barger from near Zion church were quietly married last Sunday, they left here Tues day for Ashevillej their future home. Mr. C. L, Beard, foreman at this office gentljr whispered to U3 Tuesday morning, that a big boy had coma to hi 3 house, He could not have been much proud er if it had been a girl, S. E. Killian Esq. went up to his mountain farm last week and brought some fine apples that grew in his orchard. ' The squire presented the Democrat with a few as fine as you usually see from that fine fruit section, Church of the-Ascension. Service next Sunday morning a 11 a. m. with a sermon by the rector, "The splendid services of Iseral's prophets as citizens and Laymen in their day are example for christian Laymen today," will be the subject. The seryices on Thanksgiving day will be of a special festive character with enlarged choir and abundant decorations. Ser vice next Sunday night at New ton. A Blaze This A M There was some excitement at an early hour this a. m. when it was discovered that Mr. J. F. Abernethy's house had caught on fire. The blaze seen first saw by W. H. Willis from his place of busine s, he gave the alarm that awoke the family and with the assistance of the fire~ company the blaze was soon extinguished, with little damage done. This was caused by the cook leaving a lamp burning on the dining table which exploded about 4:30 this a. m. setting the house on fire. * ... ... Grand Excursion to Richmond Va., Nov., 25th. On account of Thanksgiving game between Universities of North Carolina and Virgina, Southern railway will operate special train to leave Charlotte 7:45 p. m. Nov-, 25th, arriving Richmond about 6:00 a, m , Nov. 26th, 1908; returning leave Rich mond mid-night same date. Tain to consist of first class day coaches and Pullman cars. Tickets to be sold at points on branch lines to connect at junc tion points. Following round trip rate from Hickory $5.50. For detailed information, see large flyors, or call on your de pot agent. R. L. VERNON. Trav. Pass. Agent. Can'» look well, eat well or feel well with impure blood feeding your body. Keep the blood pure with Burdock Blood Bitters. Eat simply, take exer cise, keep clean and you have long life. NOTICE Mortgagee's Sale of La nd. Under power conferred by mortgage deed executed and de livered by Laura A. Freeman and C. C Freeman, on the 20th day of April, 1908, to secure pay ment of the sum of $330.00 and interest thereon, the undersign ed, on Saturday, the 19th day of December, 1908 between one o'clock and three.o'clock in the afternoon, in front of the First National Bank building in the , city of Hickory, N. C., will sell ! at public ojtcry to the highest i bidder, for cash, that lot of land I in said city, bounded and further { described as follows: 1 Beginning at a stake on the northern margin of Lincolnton street (Ninth avenue), the south east corner of Mrs. Mary C. Self's lot (No. 4), runs N. 3 de grees E. 84 feet, to the right-of way of the Southern Railway company; thence, with said right of-way, S 88 degrees E, 25 feet to a stake, the north-west corner of Mrs, i Martha Aiken's lot (No. 6); thence, S3 degrees W, 89. 3 feet to a stake on the northern margin of Lincolnton Street (Ninth avenue); theace, N. 76 degr*es W, 25. 5 feet, to the be ginning,—being lot No. 5 of the Hickory Tavern property,- J. E, Barb plat. This lot is situate immediately east of the law offices of the un dersigned, and must prove a valuable investment in a town where people "do things," and do them now. This Nov. I9th 1908. W. A. SELF Mortgagee. For Sale- A nice family horse 12 years old, about 15 hands high—at a good bargin, apply, Rev: D, A, Goodman Connelly Lprings, N, C, Don't worry about your Xmas cake just give Rice the order and he will do the rest, Hickory Bak ery Fruit cake, pound cake and all kinds of* cake baked by Rice cheap. Rice will make your Xmas cake cheaper than you can afford to do it yourself. ' If you wish to make your Xmas cake yourself Rice will bake it for you and resume the responsibility. Tired mothers, worn out by the peevish, cross baby, have found Cas casweet a boon and a blessing.. Cascas weet is for babies and children, and is especially good for the ills so common in cold weather. Look for the ingied ients printed.on the bottle. Contains no harmful drugs. Sold by C. M. Shu; ford & W. S. Martin. » We hold an account against a prominent citizen of Hickory for sll. 25. His friends says he is perfectly good, but so far we have failed to realize on it, We want to sell it, For futher in formation, write Lazenby-Mont gomery H'd'w. Co. Statesville, N.C. . Ambitious young .. men and ladies should learn telegraphy; for since the new 8 hour-law be came effective there is a shortage of many thousand telegraphers. Positions pay from SSO to S7O a month to beginners. The Ration al Telegraph Institute of Colum bia, S. C., and five othej: cities is operated under supervision of R. R. Officials and ali students areqd .ced wtait qualified. Write them for particulars, How Hit Place Was Filled. A well known divine whose theolog ical discourses draw crowded houses in all the principal cities accepted an Invitation to lecture 4n a small provin cial town, but discovered afterward that be had a prior, engagement on the some date. He accordingly apologized and offered to make- good any loss the society might Incur through his delin quency. A few days later ire received a letter ftom the secretary assuring him that no harm was done and inclosing a bahdbill which the divine is never tired of reading to his amused friends. "Aa- the Rev. Mr. is unable to give his advertised lecture on •Con science,' " announced the bill, "four members of the B minstrel troupe have-kindly volunteered to perform in stead a screamingly laughable farce entitled . Any persou who has bought a ticket for the other enter tainment may have it transferred to this on payment of sixpence extra."— London Tatler. When Explosives Explode. A popular notion that explosives will "go off" by any simple method is wrong. Many of the most powerful explosives imaginable may he kicked -about, may be set on fire or uaay be «hot out of a gun, and unless the prop er agency for exploding them 1b em ployed they will not "go off" and will do no damage. The reason for this may be explained by «n illustration Consider a grateful of coal. There is there enough of what we mny call ex plosive energy to throw a 1,000 f>ound weight through a foot of solid steel if only It could l>e liberated. But tber* cau be no explosluu without oxygen, and the coal In tbe grate will not bum faster than the supply of oxygen in the air which reaches It will permit If the coal could be famished all at once with enough air to cause its complete burning, it would explode with as great rlolence as if it were so much dyna mite.—St. Nicholas. The Sun of the Blind. 1 have not touched the outline of a star nor the glory of tbe moon,_but I ■believe that ttod has set two lights in my mind, tho greater to rale by day and the lesser by night, and by them I know that I am able to navigate my life bark, as certain of reaching the haven as he who steers by the North stac. Perhaps my sun shines not as yours. The colors that glorify my world, the blue of the sky, the green of the fields, may not correspond exact ly with those you delight in, but they none tbe less color to me. The MD.ioes not shine for my physical •yes, nor does the lightning flash, nor io tjt»e trees turn green in the spring. But 'they have not therefore ceased to >Usfc any more than the landscape is annihilated when yon turn your back on It—Helen Keller In Century. Consumption is, fey no means, the dreadful disease it is thought to be —in the beginning. It can always be stepped—ln the beginning. The troujrieis: you don't know you ve got it; you don't believe it; you won t beliteve it —till you are forced to. Then it is dangerous. Don't be afraid; but attend to it quick—you can do it yourself and at home. Take SCOTT'S EMULSION - > at Cod LiverOa and live care fully every way. This 4* sound dectrine, what ever you may think or be told; Mid, tf heeded, wm save life. -v - I 'trii/ awrutjf.s* OiJjO fitSj i'JJ Ilyt iii " • *: • * ' —i! tiBOT Phone No. 17 ANY HOUR, NIGHT OR DAY For Your Medicines, Toilet Articles and Rubber Goods MOZER & LUTZ, DRUGGISTS (ON THE CORNER) D Mothers! A | )| The Quality J I Knickerbocker | » PLAIN SUITS H ® BLOUSE SUITS » Buster Brown Suits « » • OVERCOATS /? ft g|| |H Top Coats, Etc. N { Ve loYite Yoar Inspection J u Maretz-Whitener 5 U Clothing Company u U THE QUALITY SHOP '"- M - WANTED AT" ONCE Families to String Tobacco Bags. All Work Done at Hame Glean and Easy Employment for Women and Girls. Gor particulars, apply in person, promptly, to our representa tive. GO LEON BELT MHNUFACTURING CO., No. 1228 Ninth Avenue Stringing Department . HICKORY, N. C. v.') * ■ -- * Subscribe for The Democrat. $1 per Year.

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