mm IHOGLESS LAR.PI X The one and only absolutely [A $ pure cooking-fat that gives com- Q v| plete satisfaction under all cul- ® a? inary conditions. Far better and if M cleaner than the best hog-lard, K r| and always goes farther. As good «0 as butter for all kinds of cooking, v| $ from bread-baking to fish-frying, w Made by Nature, and, therefore, J $ |y of natural purity. X A-'-tHE -SOVTHERK: COTTON; OIL • CO " A I it Is Christmas Time « Clfc (94 Jg -.» , , J3T Try our Pure © Deliciaus Homemade Chocolates ® j§2 and Bon Sons. My candies ar6 good to eat and reasonably cheap. Let me fill your sweet tooth. I ft ha\fe all kinds of fruits. ... % ris& Oranges per crate, $2.90 Lemons per crate, $4.50 Gocoanutaper bag, 4.25 ' dX 3f * Malaga Grapes per barrel, very fine. $5.00 yg Bananas, fine fruit, per bunch, $1.35 and $1.50 -g © and dU kinds of mixed nuts! jS 1 C C. G. TrflkftS. Unioiolquare » i I ."1 AYES' | I Great Decline in Prices | 5 In Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes | |E Everything in this line will be sold m at reduced prices I For the Next § || You c n get s much from me for If SI.OO s you c n get t ather places p for a third more. I have taken every W advantage in buying and J Will Give My Customers the I Benefit of My Experience ■ i A Full Line of 9| I Groceries Fresh Meats 1 B Ready to prepare for your table jj^ j|j All orders delivered promptly. ■ H - " T - MAYESj | M T\ J Is the best advertising medium in Cataw 1A IAf]IAOPQ county'as it is read in very near every ID JO U J (1 J State in the Union, and in every home in the county. The subscription price is only SI.OO per year. • FOLEYS HDNEY CUBE s§j£ n Will cure any case of Kidney or Bladder Disease not Bright'a Disease • beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. or Diabetes Sold by W. 3. Martin se Co, Druggists. NOTICE I will sell at Public Sale on Saturday Nov 14th 1908 at 10: a n, one, two horee wagon, the property of Tip Ward, money due for furnishing material and repairing said wigon, This 5 day ef November 1903, C. F. Whitlow. Kodol contains the same dtgestive Juices that are found in an ordinary healthy s tomach, and there is there fore no question but what any form of stomach trouble, Indigestion or Nerv ous Dyspepsia, will yield readily yet naturally to a short treaiment of Lodol. Try today on our guarantee. Take it for a little while, as that is all you will need to take. Kodol digests what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. It is sold by C. M. Shuford & W. S. Mar tin. FANCY DRESSMAKING ! Mrs. Ella Whitener lias es -1 tablished a dressmaking depart ment at her home, and invites all the ladies who wish hand some or fancy work done at rea son ible prices, to call on her at 1344 17th street. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. Ella Whitener Hickory, N. C. -• D? PRICE'S WHEAT FLAKE CELERY FOOD ,By recent scientific experi ments, Dr. Price, the famous food expert, has recently pro duced a Wheat Flake Celery Food, which is highly nutritious, easy of digestion, and a most delicious every day food for all classes. • For sale by all Grocers HUMAN HANDS DO NOT TOUCH IT. From the time the raw materials reach our factory they are handled entirely by ma chinery, kept scrupulously clean. Ko chance for M-0 ICE mm Powder to beeome contaminated,. It is strietly pure and wholesome. Our factory is as clean as font. kitchen. -; ~ ICC CREAM is Easy to Make. 1 quart milk. " 1 paekage JELL-O ICE CREAM Powder. Mix, and freeze without cooking. Simple, isn't it! , This make* two quarts ef smooth, vel vety ieecream, deliriously flavored, in 10 inlnates at cost of- about 1 cent a plate. Flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla, Straw berry. Lemon and Unflavored. Sold by your grocer 2 packages for 25c "Enough for a gallon."—or by mail if he doeS not keep it. STEVENS! ARMS *re for sale by all progressive Hardware and Sporting Goods Merchants ! end DAN BEARD'S -splendid effort GUNS AND GUNNING ■will be mailed postpaid to any (applicant by J. STEVENS ARMS I & TOOL COMPANY, Chicopcc H* Falls, ilass,, upon g|gi) receipt of price. For paper cover edi * ' on f° rT >'ard 20 cents; or c^°^l bound book send 80 cents. j forai]U )>»(>- ~ / 1/1 J. STEVENS / / f L ARKS & TOOL CO. / JjL P.O. Box *509 ( I Jw&c%. & ie °p ee *"**•• Repair Shop I do all kinds of repair work on Buggies, Carriages, Wagons, Wood-work, Blacksmithing. Builder ot Spring Dray Wagons 'and Platform Gears, . J, E. Perkins. HICKORY, N. C. CQLEYS® BHEYOJRE Makes Kidneys and Bladdai* Riah* TOO WEAK TO WORK Suffered From Stomach Trouble and Cenera! Debility. Mrs. Minor was Weak, Sick, Dis couraged. * • RESTORED TO HEALTH BY VINOL "Last January I was all run down in health and so weak. that I was unable to attend to my household duties. I was very much discouraged with my con dition, as I was receiving n© benefit whatever from the medi cine I had taken. Finilly on the |€commendation of my druggist 1 decided to try the cod liver and iron preparation, Vinol. In a shore time I felt better, and af ter, taking five bottles my health was fully restored. I havo su *• ferel from stomach trouble for years, but since taking Vinol this trouble has entirely disap peared, and I now eat better, than I haveboen for a long time. Vinol certainly worked wonders in my case, and I heartily recom mend it to any one in need of such medicine." Mrs. Harvey L. Minor, (Janal Dover, Ohio. With such evidence of the p.»wor of Vinol to restore strength and vitality to all weak and iickly persons, do you won d;r that we do not fear to say Tr-y fit; we will return your monev. That's your guarantee. Moser & Lutz Drug Co., Hickory. Grand Excursion to Richmond Va, Nov., 25th. On account of Thanksgiving game between Universities of North Carolina and Virgina, Southern railway will operate special train to leave Charlotte 7:45 p. m. Nov., 25th, arriving Richmond about 6:00 a, m, Nov. 26th, 1908; returning leave Rich mond mid-night same date. Tain to consist of first class day coaches and Pullman cars. Tickets to be sold at points on branch lines to connect at junc tion points. Following round trip rate from Hickory $5.50. For detailed information, see large flyors, or call on your de pot agent. ; R. L. VERNON. ' Trav; Pass. Agent. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLU TION. To all to whom these Presents may come —Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereof by the unanimous con sent of all the stockholders, deposited in my office that Menzies Drug Com pany. a corporation of this State, Whose principal office is situated in the town of Hickory County of Cataw ba State of North Carolina(E. B. Menzies being the agent therein and and in charge ' thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the requirements of chapter 21, Revisal of 1905, entitled "Corpora tions, '' preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution, Now, Therefore, I. J. Bryan Grimes Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 17 day of October 1908, file in my office a duly executed and attested coesent in writing to the dsssolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said con sent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office, as provided by law. In vVhereof, I have here unto set my hand and afficial seal at Raleigh, tills 17 day of October, A. D. 1908. ' J. BRYAN GRIMES Sec. of State. FOIIYSffiWEMAB stons th« cootfh and hsala Subscribe for the Democrat For Weak Kidneys Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles and baclrache use De Witt's Kleiner tod Bladder Pills A Week's Treatment 25c «.©. IwWITT > COk Cfclra—l m. Sold by C. M. Shuford and W. S, Martin - * 6HOST STOUT. ~~ Ths Spectral Horseman That Visit* Wyooiiar Hall. This gboet story is contributed by a correspondent of an English magazine: "Wyeollar Hall, near Colne, was long the seat of the Cunllffes of Bllltngtco. They were noted persons In their tine, but evil days came, and their ancestral estates passed out of their hands. In the days of the commonwealth their loyalty cost them dear, and ultimately they retired to Wyeollar with a rem nant only of their once extensive prop erty. About 1819 the last of the fami ly passed away, and the hall Is now a mass of ruins. Little but the antique fireplace remains entire, and even the room alluded to In the following legend cannot now be Identified. Tra dition says that once every year a specter horseman visits Wyeollar Hall. He Is attired In the costume of the early Btuart period, and the trappings of his horss are of a most uncouth de scription. "On the evening of his visit the weather Is always wild and tempestu ous. There Is no moon to light the lonely roads, the residents of the district do' not venture out of their cottages. When the wind bowls loud est the horseman can be beard dash ing up the road at full speed, and. aft er crossing the narrow bridge, be sud denly stops at the door of the ball. The rider then, dismounts and makes his way up the broad oaken stairs info one of the rooms of the house. Dread ful screams, as from a woman, are then beard, which soon subside into groans. The horseman then makes his appearance at the door, at once mounts his steed and gallops off. "His body can be seen through by those who may chance to be present; bis horse appears to be wild with rage, and its nostrils stream with fire. The* tradition is that one of the Cunliffes murdered bis wife in that room that the specter horseman is the ghost I of the murderer, who Is doomed to pay an annual vlait te the home of biff ] 'victim. She is said to have predicted : the extinction of the family, which, according to the story, has been liter ally fulfilled." THE CRITICS. These Observers Wore Wholly Per sensi In Their Judgments. "Ths critical faculty Is rare." said an editor and critic at a Philadelphia \ art club, tit must be Impersonal. But most of incline to be wholly per eona} our criticism. The fact was brought home te me at one of the exhi bitions at the Academy of Fine Arts. "Passing froir ploture to picture. I' overheard mau> .riticlsms. Thus a lady in a rich gown said: * 'What' a superb portrait of a young glftl .. It should certainly win the Car □ejgie prise. It is easy to see that the gown waa made by Paquin.' "A fat, red nesed man la a for lined overcoat halted before a picture enti tled The Luncheon.' •"This still life,' be exaialupd, is the most admirable I have ever seen. Terrapin, canvasback. champagne, lob-, ster./even Perigord pie—ah, what a genius.' " 'ln this historical painting,' I beard an antiquary say. 'the costumes are ac curate, in every detail. The painter is a second Raphael.' "That horse there,' said a young polo pihyer, is exactly like my Poda sokus. It's the best picture in the ex hibition.' "An 'athlete Uttered a cry of delight before i daub called The Gladiator.' H 'WhAt shoulders! What arms!* hs said. 'I bet anything the jury gives this painting the highest award.' "And Kalf the throng, departing, said: M The picture In the last room Is the best Nci, we didnt see it—couldn't get to it, in fact—but it draws far and away tbd, biggest crowd.'" ■ *; —; Mole SujHrstitlens. According to tradition, if you hsve s mole on ydfcr ehln 'sou may expeet to be wealthy, while if you have it un der your arm It premises you wealth and honor as well. A mole on the ankle indicates courage. On the left temple a mole indicates that you will find friends" among the great ones of the earth, tint If it be placed on the right temple" It warns you of coming distress. A mole on a man's knee means that he .may expect to marry a rich woman. A mole on the neck promises wealth! If you have a mole on your nose you are going to be a great traveler. A mole on the throat Indicates health and wealth. •y s Man Proposes; God Disposes. "If you cajvjiot oi* the ocean, sail among: the swiftest fleet, Rocking: on the highest billows, laughing at the storms you meet You can go among the sailors anchored yet within bay. You can lend a hand to help them as they launch tbeir boat away." The Coopers will plead self defense in the Carmack matter. As we suspected and predicted. It's characteristic of the type. Mr. Roosevelt says it's a mat ter of indifference to him who owns the Outlook, and candor compels the statement didn't suppose otherwise. bmiSJIMLm WITCH HAZEL SALVE inme» tcraa. r: 1 , I Dorit v Shiver Mk Just scratch a match—light the Perfection Oil Heater — 4 ' and stop shivering. Wher- Jn* i y y "*U. ever you have a room that's U \l I hard to heat —that die fur* • o I nace doesn't reach—there I you'll need a PERFECTION Oil Healer 1 • I (Eqstpped with Smokeless Device) Just the thing for blizzard time or between seasons. Its genial I glowing heat makes any room cheerful and cozy. No smoke — I M. no smell —smokeless device prevents. Brass J| font holds 4 quarts of oil burning 9 hours. Fin £ H' ished in japan and nickel Every heater warranted. I (\ Thc IteyO'Ump%%%s I which is so much appreciated by workers and students. Made d brass, nickel plated with the I / r latest improved central draft burner. Every lamp V / warranted. Write our nearest agency for de scriptive circular if your dealer cannot supply rH- the Perfection Oil Heater or Rayo Lamp. I iff,'' Standard Oil Company ■ '•"•"ii (Incorporated) m Chronicles of the Zotwots From Uncle Remus'* —The Home Magazine for November. concerning tub zotwots. Grawky Teacher's Fate Wn. • , ~ , Verse and Picture by ROBERT J. DEAN The Zotwots are an amiable people „jft A School Teacher grawky, IMo, near Aro.nd.bout, which Is theeeplUl of Everywhere. They Kep , chlldrm o(t . limes afler s( . hoo| . are to grown-ups what the "Booger- Zotwots tip _ toed in> man" is to children. The Zotwots, Snooched that maiden thin, and their pet, the Jay-fowl, take the With giggles, away to a pool part of the children against naughty To add billions and 'leven folk who frighten or annoy little Times ten thousand and seven, ones. Hereafter, when the Zotwots And P rove »*» according to rule! are mentioned, you may expect to p g see those who say "boo" at babes -_ - , , . _ . . Now the Jay-fowl never does forget Ueefrom the harmless yet mffloent Z()lB0 „ do . " wrath of the Zotwots. For the Jay-fowl it the Zotwots' pet, And the Zotwots know it, tool Feel Bad To Day? How's your stomach? Sour-^weak —nervous —shaky? - ■ Bad taste? Last night's dinner didn't agree? ~ Well, just step over to the drug store and get a bottle of Kodol *. For Indigestion and Dyspepsia Take a good, liberal dose, and you will be surprised how good it will make you feeL Kodol makes weak stomachs strongr Kodol is pleasant and palatable. Kodol digests all the food you eat. Keeps the Stomach Sweet Still, if Nat Goodwin should ever overtook a matrimonial bet. it is probable there would be people dissatisfied, all the same. ~~ v , Mr. Taft got 41,000 votes in Georgia, against Mr. Rossevelt's 17,000 in 1904. Rut if Mr. Roose —but wha£s the usel