THE HICKORY DEMOCRAT. Published Every Tbursds y E. V. MORTON, • Owner and Proprietor TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year Cash In Advance I IJ£ Bix Months, " " y Three Months " " 25 Advertising Rates on Application Entered at the Post Oißce at Hickon »*-;ot*d class matter. HICKORY. N. C. APR. 3. 1913 With this issue of The Dem ocrat the paper passes into th hands of new owners. We hav purchased the paper with th intention of making it a fixed in stitution in the city of Hickory. Hickory—which we regard a the best town in the our home, and to it and SUJ rounding country we shall de vote our very best energies. , This section has nntold poswi bilities which our people are juti now beginning to realize. Tht policy of the Democrat will bt to add its little mite to the de velopment of our latent possibil ities. We shall take a bold stand for everything that means a greater and better Hickory. We shal. strive to be found in the fore front fighting for morality ant civic rightousneßs. To this end we solicit the patronage and moral support of our entire citi zenship. It is our purpose to make many improvements in the paper, and to maintain the Bame high standard set by Mr. Banks. There will boubtless be many de fects in the paper nntil we have had time to get our bearings, but we shall eleminate these as rap idly as possible, and ask our pat rons to bear with us for a few weeks. Our primary purpose is tr make a newspaper that will give all the news worth while. To the educational enterests ot the town and county, we shali maintain an exceedingly friend ly attitude. There are no other institutions that mean as much to a community as her schools and colleges. Lenoir and Clare mont colleges are institutions in which our people take great pride. And well they may, for these institutions are sending out men and women to bless and uplift the world as well as to let the world know that Hickory is on the map. We shall encourage these in every way possible. For the upbuilding of our grad ed schools and the rural school? of the county, we shall constant ly strive, believing that an edu cated citizenship is a State's greatest asset. It seems to be a settled fact that both E. J. Justice and Robt B. Glenn are to he contestants for Senator Overman's seat twr years hence, The real purpose of Mr. Justice's visit to Wash ington last week seems to have ; been to poison the mind of Pres ident Wilson. He seems to be centering his fight on state sen ator Watts of Irdell, who oppos ed the primarv bill which Mr, Justice tried to enact into, law at the last session of the legis lature. He is endeavoring to make the administration a fac tional one as regards North Car olina, basing his fight on what he is pleased to call the reaction ary tendencies of a certain fac tion of the Democratic party which he insists is led by Sen ators Simmons and Overman* Whatever may be the result in j Washington we are inclined to the belief that the people of North Carolina will hand, Messrs. Justice and Glenn the same lemon they handed Sen At Your Command! Is our splendid modern equipment and years of experience, all of which go to make first class printing. Command us to print your next order, and find out for yourself the up-to-date style and manner in which we handle our work. Prices are right. Delivery the quickest. The Hickory Democrat Job Department ator Simmon's opponents last November. The Wilson administration will take 4 long step forward if it succeeds, as Postmaster ' General Burleson hopes to do. in putting the post offices entirely on the merit system. And it will add greatly, not on y to efficiency of the postal depai t merit itself but to the efficiency of the government in general. The government should be on ly the agent of the people, and the people are going to make it 'heir agency in a larger seme. The Tal't administration pav d che way by putting four-tho. s tnds postmasters under the civil service. Postmaster Gene al Burleson has approved this sc ion and expressed his determi lation to follow up this policy. There is absolutely no logical irgument in favor of the spoils system. So long as this system »btains, there is a strong argu nent against the extension of he power of the government whether for "trust busting," >ure food inspection or other vise, Under the merit system, he power of the government nay be safely extended to reme ly all the ills of the body politic, ft is neither fair nor Bafe that nhe man with a "pull" rhould be ible to get and i»old a business job over the head of the man who is vastly superior in capacity for the job. That is nothing short of special privilege. Catawba College Notes. President J. P. Buchheit has crone away again for four weeks of work in the interests of the Catawba College endowment fund. While engaged in this work, he is also visiting various high schools in the state and making a canvas for students. The March number of 'The Blue and White" has just been issued. Though a slimmer num ber than those of the previous issues, it is quite a credit to both the school and the board of edi- j tors. Some of the contributed j articles are as follows: Two Po ems, "Dr. Foil —An Apprecia tion" by "One who loved Him" and "When You Speak'* by Hel en M. Smith, both of them very good; a parody, "Bells, Belles, and Bells" by three members of the Junior English class, H. A. Fesi>erman, J. C. Peeler, and N. H. Fravel,—a parody that is comic in almost every line but with a serious note at the end; a very thoughtful article by Jno. F. Carpenter, "Brains and Brawn;" and an interesting »t)ry, "The Girl in No. 5 " in which the writer, N. H. Fravel, ho'ds the reader mystified until che end of the story. The Philomathean Literary Society held a preliminary de claimers contest Thursday night; those chosen to represent the Hociety in final contest were G. A Insrle, Jno. F. Carpenter, H. F. Ingle, and A. C. Peeler. G. H. SMITH. CALIFORNIA MONEY. Made in 1829, Found in 1913 in State of California. The following item from the Dallas (Texaa) Times Herald will be of interest to many North Carolinians: While Thomas E. Henry, sup erintendent of the Dallas countv schools, was looking through s book, "The Life of Napoleon.'* he found a'- North Carolina $6 bill, which- bore the mark of 1850. According to Mr. Henry, the best calculation he can make, the bill has been between the leaves of the book since 1860. when his father Zac Henry com pleted the reading of the * book. The state of North Carolina, it is said, will redeem the money for its face value, while it is not worth anything outside the *tate, the bill is considered a valuable treasure in its native state for the fact there are very few in existence.—Lenoir Topic. McKesson Recalls a Story of Dr. Busby. C. F. McKesson, of Morganton, in Charlotte Observer: In a recent issue was an article from H. A. Banks, editor of The Hickory Democrat, entitled A Day at Barium" and it has been many a day since I have read so splendid a description, so clear a statement and so convincing an appeal. To read Banks is to quicken an interest in that or phanage, and the high and holy purposes of those who have it in charge. What a glorious work our Pres byterian brethren are doing for the "fatherless ones" and if every Presbyterian in North Carolina could read the appeal of Banks, the $50,000 for the equipment of Barium would be quickly raised. An institution such as the Barium Orphanage is the high est earthly type of immortality; and a creature of endless needs, deathless functions and im mortal growth. It does con serve the holiest purposes of life and should quicken the energies, arouse the enthusiasm and awaken the generosity of that great church of which it is a most worthy child. Any con tribution to this noble cause aids in the enthronement of the spirit of the Master and sweetens the soul of the giver. Though not a member of the Presbyterian fold, I was reared on the Shorter Catechism, And then too, our Scotch-Irish ances tors were not only the first to declare for independence in the Western world, but were the first in North Carolina to build a school house and erect an altar to the King of Kings, The Presbyterians of North Carolina strong in faith, rich in service and greatly blessed with this world's goods, never flag or falter in a high and holy undertaking, and will not now. That was a very interesting story that Banks told of Prof. John Trebonlus of the German school at Erfurt. He raised his hat to his boys and when ques tioned abaut it, replied "I do it because the future burgomasters, scholars and teachers of the Em pire are among my pupils." This recalls an incident in English history. The celebrated Doctor Busbv was headmaster of the Westminister School. On one occasion King Charles II came to the school and in pass ing through the different rooms, the Doctor marched in front with his hat on his head, while i the King followed with his own hat under his arm. When the King departed Doctor Busby said to him. "I hope your Maj esty will pardon my seeming discourtesy in keeping on my hat, but if my boys thought there were a greater man in the kingdom than myself, I could not control them." (tnam maxk Ktoirrtßco) '"pHE most remarkable A remedy ever dis covered for Indigestion, Dyspepsia and all forms of Stomach Distress from any cause. Relieves Immediately Creates appetite, re stores vitality and re moves instantaneously depression due to alco holic and other excesses, fimtwl Toik ml Irtctr IMVB Absolutely no harmful ingredients. Guaranteed under Pure Pood Drugs Act, Serial No. 42340. All druggists, 50 cents, or send 10 cents for trial bottle direct to The Difestooeine Company tea WEST 42a STREET HEW YORK. N. Y. Fot Smh by 10 cents for Trial Botth. Notice By order of the Mayor and Board ef Aldermen of West Hickory, N. C. made at their regular meeting: held on the 4th day of March 1913. Notice is hereby given that an elecUon will be held in said town on the 6th day of May 1913 at P. Berry's Store in said town for the purpose of electing a Mayor and three Aldermen for one year and also thret- School Trustees to serve f>»r two years Notice Is further given that P. Berry was appointed Registrar and C. E. Barringe and R. T. Pierce as judges of said ele - tion. It was further ordered that the regis trar shall keep open the registrat ion book for thiity days prior to said election. The registration to be had as the law directs. This 10th day of March, 1913. Q. A. Hedrick, mayor. John P. Huffman, Sec. & Treas. Look to Your Plumbing. You know what happ:ns in a h us |in which the plumbing is in po = condition —everybody in the house i liable to contract typhoid or some other fever. The digestive organs perform the same functions in th human body as the plumbing doe? for the house, and they should b kept in first class condition all thr time. If you have any trouble with your digestion take Chamberlain's Tablets and yon are certain to get quick relief, • Eorsale by all deal rs. Commencement at Trinity. Trinity College, Durham, N. C., March, 1913. The Trinity College Commencement exerci ses this year will bsgin June 1 with the bacculaurate address by President William Preston Few. The commencement sermon wil 1 be preached Tuesday morning by the Reverened George F. Eck roan, D. D., Editor of the New York Christian Advocate. Dr. Eckman is one of the best known preachers in this J)r. Betcman was for fifteen years pastor of St. Paul's Methodist Church, New York City. At the last General Conference of the Northern Methodist Church he was elected Editor of the New York Christian Advocate, On Wednesday morning, June 4, the commencement address will be delivered by Rear- Admiral Robert E. Peary of Washington City. Admiral Peary is not only a famous Arctic ex plorer, but he is also a forceful and interesting speaker. He is the author of a number of well known books, and a member of many scientific societies in this and in other countries. The Alumni address will be de livered Tuesday afternoon, June 3, at the annual alumni dinner (I Weigh the car—not its price. Both I are light. But the Ford is the one car I | whose low price does not indicate its | high worth—the reason why you must "get busy" today—if you want a Ford this season. ~ "Everybody is driving a Ford"—more than 200,000 in service. New prices—runabout $525 —touring car S6OO —town car sßoo— with all equipment, f.o.b. Detroit. Get particulars from . I||| M. V. Dunavant & Co. |J Burke and Caldwell County and Hickory and Cline Townshi ) Office HICKORY, N. C. Phone 210 Better Than Spanking Spanking; \\ ill not cure children of wetting the bed because it is not a habit but a dangerous disease. The C. H. Rowan Drug Co., Dept. 2861, Chicago, 111., have discovered a strictly harmless remedy for this distressing disease and to make known its merits they will send a 50c. package securely wrapped and prepaid Absolutely Free to any reader of the Hickory Democrat. This remedy also cures frequent desire to urinate and inability to control urine during the night or day in old or young. The C. if. Rowan Drug Co. is an Old Reliable House. Write to them to-day for the free mdicine. Cure the afflicted members of your family, then tell your neighbors and friends about this remedy. * Do You Need Feather Beds or Pillows? We have opened a full line of these goods, and can fu~nish you on short notice anything in the feather line. The very best A. C. A. ticking is used to make hem. Guaranteed 25 lb. bed $7.50; 30 lb. bed $8.50; 36 lb. bed $10; 6 lb pillow> ">1.50; 10 lb. pillows $2.50, delivered at your door. All guaranteed new feathers Drop us a card and tell your wants, and representative will call too see you. Hickory Feather & Pillow Co. Eighth St. - . Hickory, N. C. Saves Your Back in Pumping pUMPING is unnecessary work for you. There's no getting around it, you can't get away from it—it's true. The more you look into this gasoline engine question, the more you study it and find out what an engine must have to do your work right, the more you'll be convinced that the Olds is the engine for you. Some day when you're down our way let us show you the Olds Engine; let us help you to get an engine that you'll be glad you got. If you can't find time to come and see us, ask us to come ®and see you or send you a free catalog of We're here to serve yomg give us the chance, Abernethy Hdw. Co. by the Reverened C. C. Woods; 6. D., Associate Editor of the St. Louis Christian Advocate. Dr. Woods is one of Trinity's most honored sons, a noted ed itor, and a popular speaker. It is the policy of Trinity Col lege to secure for commencement speakers men who have rendered some distinct service. The col lege congratulates itself that it has been abie to secure these distinguished speakers for the next commencement. W. B. S. IF I BAD KNOWN." You can't get away from regret if you fail to do your duty. Regret hangs over you, clings to you, and therefore you should always do your duty-save the blame of the sin of omission. Croup and colds and pneumonia often get under headway before the doctor arrives A bottle of Go wans Prepara tion, King of Externals, dispels fear, and causes you to rejoice to know that y*u have done your duty. Gow ans scatters inflamation. It is all ab sorbed. Buy a bottle today. All drug gists. Thousands of testimonials. SI.OO. 50c, 25c. Are the Fly and Mosquito Dangerous?^# The iy, with spongy feet, collects the invisible germs of then orer our food end poisons us with typhoid and cholera. The mosouh its bite injects into our veins malaria and yellow fever. The bacteria of co ° tion, or grip, ore everywhere present for us to breathe into our lungs. Th"T ,mp " which flows through our veins and arteries is our protection. It should co healthy red and white Mood oorpuscles—capable of warding off these di U germs. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a blood medicine and made entirely without alcohol, a pure glyceric extract of bloodroot, golden ! ' V | C Oregon grape root, queen's root, mandrake and stone root, which has enioved tgood reputation for over forty years. The refreshing 8 fiuence of this extract is like Nature's influence— the bl '"i is bathed in the tonic which gives life to the blood —°»k vitfcl fires of the body burn brighter and their incresi A activity consumes the tissue rubbish which has accumu! i during the winte/. ' C(J " Abont forty years *go while in Newark, New Jersey 1 Wi .in, and fever," writes Mr. Michael. Maguire, of National MilitnJvw ' Kana. "I went to Kansas City and in the spring of 1877 the cHii OmP : fever returned. Doctors anil everything I tried failed to do mn Finally 1 saw D*. Pierce'B Golden Medical Discovery advertised ltf one bottle at It and the chills vanished. In about a year aftt-rJj I felt them coming back so I got another bottle and have never Kj any symptoms of fever or ague since. That is all of twenty ve*r« . for I had the chills about twelve years before 1 started to take 1 rlu 0 * Medical Discovery.' " * M. Maquikk, Raj. Dr. Pierce's Pleasent Pellets are tor liver in* I Can Save Vou Money Fresh Meats and Groceries I will appreciate yout trade during this new year, and will make it i„ your interest to give it to me. Respectfully, J. F. MORRIS Near Hickory Manufacturing Company WATCHES You want a watch that you can depend on. We keep that kind in great variety and will give you the benefit of our advice and consul tation free. We have one of the largest stock cff watches in North Carolina, which affords you a great variety to select from. We sell them at the veiy lowest prices, and not only give you the best but save you money. Come and let us show you. It will be a pleasure to all. * GEO. E. BISANAR Jeweler & Optometrist Watch inspector for So. and C. & N. W. Rys. llrsssssssssi Fast Through Service BETWEEN iiß|H CHATTANOOGA, I SHREVEPORT AND BBSB9 NEW ORLEANS EXPEDITING TRAVEL TO AND FROM TEXAS AND THE SOUTHWEST Electrically lighted equipment, including Coaches and Pullman Sleeping Cars. Meals ala carte in the diner. Good Connections Fine Service. CHICAGO, CINCINNATI, INDIANAPOLIS AND OTHER POINTS NORTH ANO NORTHWEST. Direct Service—Frequent Trains—Fast Schedules—Perfect Equipment. We will be pleased to give full details concerning fares and schedules •r~ on application. Call on or write: J. C. CONN, Division Passenger Agent 103 West Ninth Street, Chattanooga, Tenn. O. H. CHANDLER, Traveling Passenger Agent, 400 Bank & Trust Bldg., Knox wile, Tenn. j CITY FEED COMPANY FOR GOOD FEED Cotton seed meal, hulls and dairy feeds a spe cialty. We also carry a full line of seed oats, clover and grass seeds. Get our prices before buying. PHONE NO. 271 What Then (?) - —„ If the rainy day of your life comes and finds you without the means to provide the neces saries of life? If the doctor bills, the grocery bills, the rent come due and no money to pay them with, what then? It means suffering. Save Money Now! Be ready for the rainy day of your life! Lay aside a small amount each pay day, and be prepared to meet every obligation promptly. We pay 4 per cent, interest compounded quarterly. Hickory Banking & Trust Co. •» _ Let US Print for YOU~We Print for Others.