LOCAL AND PERSONAL | Concert at- the Hub theatre Monday night. Hear the Concert Band at the lot sale on August sth. Don't fail to attend the laid sale Tuesday at 10:30 a. m. W. M. R-ese h spending the week in Charlotte and High Point. Are you going to the lot sale in West Hickory Tuesday, Aug ust sth? Mr. Jones, who is with the Gaston Progress, was in the city Saturday. Miss Louise Cobb, of Frank lin. Va., is here on a visit to Mrs. L. L. Hatfield. Mrs. J. H, Lays of Fitzgerald, Ga.. is here on a visit to her sis ter, Mrs. Louis Gwin. Mr. Clyde Propst is home frcrr Charlotte'where he has had a position for some time. Misses Sudie Bums and Lclt Henkle spent a few days in New • ton 'ast week with friends. Miss Lottie Huffman has re turned home after a month't visit to relatives in Canton. Mr. G. T. Smith, of Gastonia. spent Sunday in this city witl his sister, Mrs. Louis Gwin. Miss Annie Flannigan, of Char lotte, is in the city the guest o her sister, Mrs. Joe. Taylor. Mrs. J. G. Anderson of Rocl Hiil, S. C. is in the city visiting Mr. and Mrs, George Killian, Come one, come all to the Hul Theatre Monday night and- heai the Odd Fellows Orphan Class sing. Mrs. H. E. Newberry, of Magnolia, N. C. was a guest) ot Mrs. L. R. Whitener the past week. Mrs. Myrtle Edens of Lum berton, N. C. has returned home after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Riser. Miss Carrie Anderson of Rock Hill, S. C. is spending some time here with her aunt Mrs. George Killian. Miss Maude Eckard left yes teriay for Claremont where she will conduct a meeting of the Ciub girls. Mr. N. E. Auil has returned to his home in Greenwood, S. C..~ after spending a month with his family here. Mrs. D. B. Martin has return ed from Statesvilie where she had been spending several days with relatives. Mr. M. D. Kirkpatrick left Wednesday for his home in Charlotte, after spending two weeks with his mother, Mrs. L. G. Kirkpatrick. J. G. Mauney, of Lenoir, R-4, who has been taking treatment under Dr. J. H. Shuford at the Richard Baker hospital for throat trouble, is rapidly improving, Misses Essie Winston ard Annie Anderson left Wednesday for a two week's visit to rela tives and friends in Caswell county, Norfolk, and Richmond, Va. Miss Evelyn Douglass has eome to visit her grandmother, Mrs. L. G. Kirkpatrick, after spending some time with rela tives in Chester and Yorkville, S. C. Mr. Ben Castine of Baltimore, Md., is in the city visiting hit sister, Mrs. L. E. Zerden. Aftei spending several days here he will go to Blowing Rock and Asheville. WE have just finished putting ot new silk Cloths and can givt you the very best of Flour from vour wheat. Bring your wheat to us for exchange or to sell. Ca tawba Milling Co. After spending his vacation here with hia mother, Mr. Garey Kirkpatrick will leave Saturday for a visit to his sister, Mrs. Lindsay of Charlotte, He will then return to his work. Mesdames L. R. Whitener, C. C. Bost, J. L. Murphy and J. F. Allen are in Lenoir this week at* tending the annual meeting oi the Woman's Home and Foreigi. Missionary Society of North Car olina Ciassis. During an electric storm Tues day afternoon lightning struck the residence of Mr. J. W. Pro pst in East Hickory, demolishing a part of the chimney and other wise damaging the property. Mr. Propst and daughter were stun ned by. the stroke. Esq. H. A. Adams, of Icard township, who has probably mar ried more couples than any other man in this section of the coun try, officiated at the marriage oi Mr. Henry Dameron and Miss Marie Simpson of Catawba, at his home last Sunday. A large number of friends of the con tracting parties were present. Mr. John Yount, a highly respected citizen of this city, who has been in feeble health for some time, died Tuesday about 12 o'clock and his body was taken to Conover for burial. He was about 65 years of age and leaves a wife and three children. at the Hub theatre \tonday night. Mr. H, W.Warner of Charlotte, who nas accepted a position with The tvey Mill Co. will occupy the house now occupied, by M,. BVuce Frv cor ner of 10th. Ave. and2oth. St Mr. U. F. Ivey has purchased the interest of Dr. W. H. Nicholson in the Co. of West Hickory. • ,r »rl will tak* active r\f this plant at once. The capital stock of thi v nn-any lie more than uoubl-d. and the production of the pla'it, i l w increased 100 per. cent. Mr. J. B ivev of-Charlotte has purchased stock n this Company also. All farmers, their wives and daugh »rN to attend the Farmers rid VVomen's Institutes which are to >e held at Conover on Tuesday, Au ust oth. The ladies are especially in lied to turn out and bring well-dlied •askets and have an old-Ume picnic tinner. Two premiums to the women ad girls for the best exhibits of •(•iiool lunches and bread exhibited at tie Women's Institute will be award ■d as follows: For the best school unch prepared and exhibited bv a woman or girl over eighteen, living »n the farm, one years subscription to . woman's magazine; and to the girl inder eighteen, living on the farm. •>r the best loaf of bread, baked nnd exhibited by her, one years sub c ip ion to a suitable magazine. Women •r #iris* over eighteen caunot cotn »ete for the bread prize and girls nder eighteen cannot compete for • he school lunch prize. Other Institutes in the county will »e held at the following times and >laces: Terrel, Saturday, Aug. 2. St. lames School House, Mondav, Aug. 4 -onover, Tuesday, Aug. 5 "Weslej's "hapel Camp Ground, Tuesdav, Aue. 19 T. P. Clonitiger's Farm, Wednes lay Ahg, 20. Granite Falls items. Granite Falls. July 28—The Orphans from the I. O. O. F. Orphanage will je in oar town on Auguat 2nd. Everv oody is expected to contribute in the collection as well as being cordially iu vited to attend the exercises. MiSs Eugenia Payne is visiting her sisier, Mrs. C A. Teague, at Azalea. She will go to Asheville and Biltmore Defore returning. Miss Alma Flowers, of Long view, *as in town last week. Mrs. Julius Bradsliaw, of Lenoir, the week-end in town visiting uer sister, Mrs. Gteun Slier rill. Brooks Haas Is nursing a broken col -ar-boue, resulting from a fall while riding a bic\cle a lew days ago. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Startl es, a boy. The Odd Fellows Orphan Horre s located at Greensboro and is iow caring for over two hundred rphan children from all parts, of ~ne state besides a number of old infirm Odd Fellows. There will be a concert given ay a well-trained class from this nome, Aug. 4th, at 8 o'clock in che Hub Theatre.- You and your riends are kindly invited to eome out. We know you will be more than pleased with the excellent pro gram they will render. And in this way you can helo a good &*use and also get your money's worth. An Accident. Mr. D. F Cline had the misfor tune to get his leg broken today while on a step ladder in his bar ber shop taking down an electric tan to have the length of the rod shortened. The ladder spread open and Mr. Cline fell to the floor about 8 feet, breaking his leg. Drs. Menzies, Blackburn and Boyden set the broken limb *nd Mr. Cline is resting well. ♦ Presbyterian Church Notes. The last sermon in the series it "The Saintship of Laddie-! vill lie preached next Sundav morning The subject will be Family Worship. The regular service will bt ield at night at 8 o'clock. Rev. J. G. Garth will preacl at West Hickory at 3:45 p. m., on Sunday. The ladies Missionary soeietj will meet at the church nex Monday afternoon. The topu for the meeting is Indian mis sions. The session will hold its regu ar meeting at the study on Mon lay night 52-Foot Fall Kills Two and Injures 52. (Special to The Observer) Lancaster, S. C., July 30. Geiag through a trestle ar d railing 52 feet into Hooper'* Creek, between Knox and Orr. seven miles east of Chester, thi.- afternoor. about 5 o'clock, three coaches of a Lancaster & Ches ter mixed freight and passenget train, carrying about 140 passen gers, were smashed into kindling wood, a colored brakeman wa:* billed outright and 53 people more or less severely injured, one of whom has since died. Nation's Capital Swept by Cyclone Washington, July 30.—Like a giant flail, a cyclonic storm of wind, rain and hail whipped back and forth across the Na tion's Capital today, leaving death and ruin in its wake. Three dead, scores injured, and hun dreds of thousands of dollars worth of propeity destroyed was the toll recorded in the hurried canvass made when the city aroused itself from half an hour of in the the elements. Notice. To whom It may concern: The undersigned wilj not be respon? sible for any dehts contracted for or by the Busy Bee Cafe or Restaurant; of Hickory, N. C., or the Management thereo i. This isth. day ofc.luly A. D. 1913. j JA VIES J. LAM PROS. GUt> J. LAW'KOS. ! Aa Outing for the Boys. Mr. Arthur Moser wltji a number' of the boy scouts went to Catawba River Tuesday evening, they report a most delightful lime. Mr. Mozer is to be congratulated for the interest shown in the boys, and their pleasure. You can always count on him to do all in his power for the pleasure of those in whom he comes in contact. When these boys are grown up men they will never forget the kind efforts of Mr. Moser to make things pleasant for them. We tak£ it upon ourselves to'thank Mr. Moser for his kindness to tnese boys in trying-to give them all the pleasure possible while they are boys. NORTH CAROLINA,) In the Super- CATAWBA COUNTY. $ ior CourC The First National 1 NOTICE OF SALE Bank of Hickory J, UNDER EXECU- P.JBerry ] TION! By virtue of an execution* directed to the undersigned from the Superior Court of Catawba County in the above-entit led action, I will, on Monday, the Ist day of September, 1913, between the hours of 12 o'clock m., and 1 o'clock p. m., at the Court house door of Cafawba county, in Newton, N, C., sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, the following real estate, being bounded and described as follows' to-wit:— FIRST TRACK: Situate in West Hickory, adjoining E. J. Berry on the West ol her lots, —Beginning at a stake E. J. Berry's corner on the South side of the Southern R. R., and running S. 84 W. 200 feet more or less to a stone on Mountain Street; thence South 14 W. with said street 208 feet and 4 inches to a stone; thence North 84 East 200. feet, more or less, to E. J. Berry's line North 1 1-2 East 200 feet to the beginning, be ing lots Nos. 7 and Bon a plat of lots surveyed by T. L. Bandy for D. W. Rowe. SECOND TRACK: Situate in West Hickory, adjoining the lands of P. K. Baker and A. J. Drum, —Beginning on a stake P. Berry's and A. J. Drum's cor ner on South side of the Southern R. R., and running South 87 W. 230 feet more or less to a stone in A. N. Rowe's line; thence a southerly direction 200 feet, more or less, to a stone P. K. Baker's corner; thence East 180 feet to Baker's and Dnim's cornei; thence a north-east erly course 200 feet more or less to the point of beginning, or beginning cor uer. This July 31st, 1913. R. Lee Hewitt, Sheriff, Per J. P. Burns, Deputy Sheriff. We Believe i In Service There is no feature of our business that receives more careful personal atten tion than our Candy Department. # FINE CANDIES Weare special agents for NunnaHy's fine package Candies, and receive fresh shipments by fast express, i This insures your getting fresh Candies Itere at all times. You know NunnaHy's reputation for quality. We back it up with our personal guarantee. CITY BAKERY Telephone N0.235. Agent for NunnaHy's IN SUCH PAIN WOMAN TORE HER CLOTHES Testifies She Was Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Malone, N.Y.,— " Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has cer lir rri done me a lot of good. I first heard Klpjj; of ; t when I was a ? girl and I always said |§r jjgpM that if I ever had fe- male trouble I would jfjljll "l suffered from organic inflamma -1 tion and would have f spells when I would I 1 I be in such pain that ' 1 T would, tear my clothes. One day my husband got the neighbors in to see what the matter was but they could not help me. My first thought was for Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I sent my hus band out for it and took it until I was en tirely cured. lam a woman of perfect health and my health and happiness came from Lydia E. Pinkham's medi cine. V -You may rest assured that I do all I can to recommend your wonderful medicine to my friends."—MßS. FRED STONE, Route No. 3, Malone, N. Y. The success of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, is unparalleled. It may be used with perfect confidence by women Who suffer from- displacements, inflam mation,ulceration,tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, bearing-down feeling, flatulency,indigestion,dizziness, or nervous prostration. Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound to the stan dard remedy for female ill* , Shake off Your Rheumatism. Now is the tin»e to get rid of your rheumatism, Try a twenty-five cent bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment and see how quickly your rheumatism L pains disappear. Sold by Moser. & Lutz and Grimes Drug Co. adv. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOO L B 3^^ s l L g c . ALS I GIRLS WANTED at once to work. in the new knitting mill. Reg ular employment. Applv at once at office of The Best Knitting Mills, over Umstead's 5 and XOc store. J F. SMYRbJ, dealer in groceries, fresn meat and fresh fish on Tuesday, Thutsday and Saturday. No. 601/13 st. Phone 157 -If. - BEAUTIFUL partot for sale. Good-talker. Pleasant compa ny, a great pet. Call on Mrs. Brown at Beckley & Brown MilU nery Store, Hickory. N. C. FOR SALE—a farm of 36 acres 3 miles from Hickory, 4 room cottage n» wly painted, good barn and other buildings, good orchard well watered, good productive soil. It interested call on or write R J. Long, Newton, N. C. R. F. D. 4. WANTED three (3) copies o* Weston's "Life of Marshall Ney." Address: Green & Po teat, Durham, N. C. IF your vision can be inproved I can do it, whether you are wearing glasses or not My glass es are scientifically fitted and ad justed and if used according to ray directions will he sura to give gcod satisfaction. E. E. Hight, watchmaker and optometrist. Of fice Sinprer Co., 1316 Union Square, Hickory, N C. WANTED—CattIe beef and milch cows Will swap milch cows for dry cows. Phone 326J, R. B. Shell Hickory. N.C. WANTED—five or six bright girls not under fifteen, to work in knitting mill, good pay and light work. Apply at Elliott Knitting Mill. 4t. VEAL CALVES WANTED-1 am still buying calves and pay highest market price all the time. J. L., Miller. Hickory, N. C. Phone 122 L. WE will be in the market foi good clean wheat, and will pay the highest market prices. See us when you have anything to sell. We buy all kinds of produce. Hickory Seed Co. LOST —A grey leather vanity bag at St. Andrew's Lutheran church Tuesday night, July 15 Reward if leturr.ed to Creamery ffice. FOR SALE—One L. C. Smith typewriter and one Felt and Tarrant ad(»ir s: machine, both can be seen at Hight.'s, Office Singer Co., 1316 Union Square, Hickory, N C. - FINE farm for sale in Iredeh county. Write for descripitve price list. R. V. Brawley, Reai Estate, Statesville, N. C. 3-t FOR SALE—I9I3 Model, Motor Cycles and Motor Boats at bar gain prices, all makes, brand new machines, on easy monthly payment plan. Get our propor tion before buying or you will re gret it, also bargains in used Motor Cycles. Write us today. Enclose Stamp for reply. Address Lock Box 11 Trenton, viich. BRICK—High Grade building brick for sale, write for prices. Granite Falls Brick Co., Granite Falls, N. C. 2t. BREAD-GOOD BREAD. When you war t something good U at get some of Young's Bread, ;aked in Charlotte. Shell Gro ery Co. . ' I WANTED Every day green corn, beans, tomatoes, cab age, fresh eggs, beets. Hotel iuffy. WAN f to exchange good second hand two horse wagon for ight-foot cord wood. Call at J. G Martin Furniture Store. FOR SALE —A nice resident lot 94 by 215 feet in good neigh borhood good shade and just 3£ blocks from Depot. This proper ty can be bought at a bargain Address H. care-Democrat. GOOD as new, second hand bug gy for sale eheaD, on exhibit at I. C. Martin Furniture Store. WANTED to buy a medium price cottage in good locality, direct ' torn owner of property. Call at Democrat office. IF you want a buggy cheap, see the second hand one on exhibi tic nat J. C. Martin, Furniture Store. AUTO M 081 LEEOR SALE Road ster in good shape cheap or would exchange fcr a pony rig a v.orran could drive. Apply t H ckory Democrat. HAVE you seen that pood sec ond hand wagon J. C. Martin offers to exchange for cord wood. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA -► .6 Harsh physics react, weaken the bowels, will lead the chronic consti pation. Doan's Regulets operate easily. 25c a box at all stores, adv. 20 Nice Residence Lots' FOR SALE! 100 Feet Front, and From 150 to 400 Feet Deep. Near' C. & N.-W. R. K. Shops. C. L. HAHN & SON * Reduce the Cost of High Living Buy STANDARD OIL CO'S. GASOLINE from Hickory Motor Car Company —at— 20c. per gallon Grand Season Wrights ville Beach N. C. Hotels open to October Ist 1913. The report has gotten abroad that the hotels at Wrightsville Beach are contem plating closing August Ist, this is absol utely a mistake, they are having a fine season, and they will be open until Oct obei Ist, the fishihg is the best ever known, and the surf bathing is aliways the best on the Atlantic Coast, the Hotels are feeding in first class style, and the rates are reasonable, two of Charlottes citizens returned from a fishing trip with 300 fine fish as there catch just a few days ago. Seaboard is selling season tickets round trip good to Oct. 31st at $8.70, ten day tickets on sale Thursday good until sec ond Monday at $7.60 round trip, and on Friday afternoons and all trains Saturday we sell week-end tickets at $5.00 round trip to Wilmington good to return until the following Tuesdays For further in formation call on your Agent, or write, jASKERJr. T. P. A. Charlotte, N. C Grand Auction "In the Land of the Ciouds" 50 Choice Lots opposite the Green Park Hotel, Blow ing Rock, N. C., Monday, August 11th, 10:30 a. m, This property is without a doubt the most desirable on the moun tain. The scenery is superb, plenty of shade, good water and pun air. This property has been owned by the Leake and Wall estate; for twenty years, who have heretofore refused to sell, but is now t be sold for a division on easy terms regardless of price by PENNY BROTHERS, The Original Twin Auctioneers Don't fail to see them! They sell lot§ at the rate of one a minute. . Music furn ished by a Brass Band. Remember the day, MONDAY, the date, AUGUST 11th, the hour, 10:30 a. m. Don't fail to be there! American Realty & Auc tion Company, Greensboro, - - North Carolina PENNY BROTHERS, The Twin Auctioneers BIG SALE WILL CONTINUE 10 DAYS LONGER Special Bargains In Men's Clothing, Men's and Ladies' Oxfords, Ladies' Hats, and Children's Shoes and Clothing. This, our sth anniversary sale, has i been a great success and hundreds have availed themselves of the splendid op portunity to supply themselves with with high-grade goods at give-away prices. . . We are continuing this sale ten days longer in order to make room for our Fall and Winter Stock which is arriving daily. Don't neglect to iay our store a visit and carry home with you some of our great bargains. We wish to thank our friends for their patronage and can assure you that you will always receive courte our treatment at our store. Job Printing' That's Different—Phone 37