HIE HICKORY DEMOCRAT. Published Every Thursday E. V. MORTON, - Editor and Proprietor TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year Cash In Ad vane $ i.oo Si* Months, " " 5® Three Months " " . 5 Advertising Rates on Application Enterevi at tlie Post Office at Hickory second class matter. THURSDAY. AUGUST 7. 1913 GOOD ROADS FOR THE OCEAN TO OCEAN HIGHWAY. Hickory was indeed glad t have as its guests Colonel Pcttci and Mr. Cranfield of the Ocmi to Ocean Highway and Statf Geologist Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt The proposition which these ge» t!emen are trying to bring to iht-, attention of the peonle of th'j state is one which offers oppot -; tunities for the development o* j this community which its peop' j cannot afford to neglect. Fev. ; people have yet been able to com ; prehend the advantages which , come to every community thro! a good and modern system o highways. We are more accus torned to count the advantages that come to us through the con struction of better railroad facil ities. because in our minds, as they have been trained and taught to think, adequate rail road facilities solve all of our transporation problems. The great number of people who use the highways of Catawba county will not admit of comparison with the very limited few who occasionally buy passage over the railroads. It is because the highways serve the masses while the raiiroads are patronized by oniy a few that we are such strong believers in the develop ment of those means of trans poration which will be of the greatest possible service t'> tie greatest number. In addition to the service which good roads will render our people locally, we now have thfc opportunity to place Hickory on the Highway of trav el from the Atlantic to the Paci fic Oceans. Can we afford t- neglect such an opportunity? Fortunately at the same tinn 4 complimentary to ourselves we are glad to be able to boast that Catawba county has already con structed its link in this great Na tional Highway system, and to quote Mr. Canfield of the Asso ciation: "There is not a better piece of road in North Carolina than the sand clay road from Hickory to Newton." In line with the progressive spirit which the people of Hick oi y have shown in the construc tion of good roads, was the im mediate action which they took inlthe organization of an auxili ary branch of the Ocean to Ocean Highway Association. With Mr. J. D. Elliott as president. K. C I Public School Teachers are given free of tuition rates special training at the Appalachian Training School Work is offered in Art, Business, Domestic Science, and Instrumental Music.- The school is well equipped and b planned and managed to save the students from high rates of board, fees, and tuition. The fall term begins August 20. A MASTER-MODEL OF THE RHV \ T STANDARD MWJ I I\LJ TYPEWRITER One Standard Model for all Purposes HAS TWO-COLOR RIBBON, BACK-SPACER, TABULATOR and many new and valuable patented features that other typewriters do not PRICE, $75 W rite for "The Royal Book," or send for a "Royal man" ROYAL TYPEWRITER COMPANY ROYAL TYPEWRITER BUILDING . . w VSr YORK DEAL and LEONARD, Local Representatives Hickory, : ; . . . North Carolina PHONE 327 J. PHONE 293 f HIANOTETQ YOU | HICKORY, N. C., July 23,1913. • The time honored phrase "Drug Sundries" embraces a thou sand and one things for the h Mseholi wh'ch. when needed be hH mast be procured sometimes in We try to arrange things so that y>u and we will not he out ol the same thing »t the same hrm; and that makes it prettv time. V ° U C ° me 6 8t W Youret a or any other MOSER Sr LUT2 * > °" th * Corner" Two Phones: 17 & 319 Menzies as Vice President and George Hall as Secretary, we are assured of an organization that will be a potent factor in perfect ing the plans of the parent or ganization. Since Catawba is al ready in line let us use a _ little friendly persuasion to see if we cannot induce our sister county, Burke, to fall in line with the other counties through which the Central Highway is to pass. Whose Mistake Brother Morton? Brother Morton of the Hickorv Democrat tells his readers that the Odd Fellows Orphan Home is located in Greensboro. It maybe that Mr. Morton knew better and that it was a typographical error but anyway he will stir up the wrath of the people of Golds boro if he circulates the fact that this splendid institution is locat ed elsewhere. Goldsboro is proud »f her institution. We will ex i cuse you this time Brother Mor ; ton for we know how such errors will creep in.—Catawba County News. To be 3ure we knew better, but the copy was furnished us by a member of the lodge at this pla:e, ; and we never like to "change lew" ! Hickory Citizens to Reduce Insurance Mr. O. M. Sherrill, the City ' Manager returned Tuesday from I Atlanta, where he has been in consultation with Messrs. Schoen and Tucker, general managers oi the Southeastern Tariff Associa tion, with the view, to making some arrangements to have the fire insurance rate of the city re duced. He informs us that the city has not had an inspection in six years until he ordered it done some time ago. The main object of this trip was to find out what the association would do in regard to reducing the rates if the city would purchase a motor fire truck. The association has agreed to give the city a second-class rate plus a small charge, which will mean a reduction of 15 to 25 per cent, of the present rate charged. This will mean a sav ing to the citizens of the city of about S3OOO per year. That be ing the case we see no reason why every citizen would not be willing to invest in the cost of the truck. A number of the business men have agreed to pay tue difference of the cost ot insurance over to the city to pay for the motor truck, and we think it would be a good idea to have a meeting of the citizens and dis cuss this matter and see what can be done. Minister Praises this Laxative Rev. H. Stubenvoll of Allison, la., in praising Dr. King's New Life Pills for constipation, writes: — 4 *Dr. King s New Lite Pills are such perfect pills no home should be without them." No better regulator for the liver and bowels. Every pill guaranteed. Try them. Price 25c. at Moser & Lutz. adv. USEFUL UFE COL [ UMIi CUBES Gallant Confederate Soidier, Public* Spirited Citizen, Able Business Man, Dead. Col. Joseph Gaither Hall of Lenoir died Friday, August Ist, at his home in Lenoir, N. C. He had been in failing health for more than a year. Early Tues day morning he sustained a ser ious injury by falling over a chair in his room as he attempted to get a drink of water. He did not recover from the effects of this fall. His death is a sad loss to his many friends in Lenoir, as he was one the most prominent citizens of that town, and will be greatly missed, not only in soc ial circles, but also in business life. . The funeral services were held from the First Presbyterian church of Lenoir at three o'clock Saturday, of which church he had been an elder for a number of years. The interment took place in the cemetery at the Chapel of Rest, in the Happy Valley, in which ceremony the Masons took part in an impres sive manner, and also the Daugh ters of the Confederacy. Col. Hall was bom at the old homestead of hie maternal grand father in Iredell county, Febru ary 10th, 1845, and was therefore in his 69th year. He enlisted in Confederate Arm v, at the early age of 15 years, and was made Orderly Sergeant of the third company which left Wilkes coun ty in 1861. He was promoted to second lieutenant in 1862 He was ever one of the bravest of men, and was in all of the prin cipal battles of the war, and was wounded twice. After the close of the war he resumed business as a salesman for a mercantile firm of Wilkes boro. In 1872 he and his broth er, the late Mr. P. C. Hall, be gan business in Hickory with R. L. Patterson, and later the two brothers bought the entire busi ness and established the firm of Hall Brothers, which, was so long and favorably known to the citi zens of our town and surround ing country, as the firm was con nected with neaily all the busi ness interests of Hickory. Col. Hall established the Piedmont Wagon Works, which is now one of the largest and most success ful manufacturers of farm wag ons in the South. He was mayor of Hickory for many years. For years he was one of the directors of the Chester & Lenoir Railroad Company. He has done a great work for his state ana county as a member ot the Board of Direct rs of the Western Hospital for ihe Insane at Morganton, which position he had held since it was | founded. He was a member ot | the Building Committee of this j institution, appointed by Govern or Vance in 1877. He has been actively engaged in the insurance business in Lenoir for the past 15 years, representing most of the leading companies doing bus iness in North Carolina. He had been a loyal member of the Ma sonic fraternity for many years. Col. Hall was married to Miss Annie E.Jones of the Yadkin Val ley in 1872. Eight chiluren were oorn to this union. He Is sur - vived by his wife, five son?, Messrs. W. A. Hall of this city. E. L. Hall of Lenoir, J. G. Hal of Spartanburg, S. C.. S. P. Hall >f Charlotte, R. B. Hall ot New Jersey, and two daughters, Miss Gerr.rude and Fries Hall of Le noir. A Pleasant Occasion. The members of the Methodis' church, and their friends, wil. enjoy a delightful social evening at the home of Dr. and Mrs. W L. Abernethy on 10th, avenue next Tuesday. August 12th, from Bto 10 o'clock. Vocal and in strumentai music will be pleas ing features of the evenings' entertainment The S. S. or chestra will play on the porch, where refreshments will be ser ved. The affair is under the aus pices of the Woman's Missionary society. A silver offering will be taken at the door. In case of very inclement weather a later date will be announced. The Best Palo Killer Bucklep's Arnica Salve when ap plied'to a cut, bruise, sprain, burn or acaild, or other injury of the skin will immediately »emove all pain. E. E. Chamberlain of Clinton, Me., says: — It robs cuts and other injuries of their terror?. As a healing remedy its equal don't exist." Will do good lor you: Only 25c at Moser & Lutz. adv. A Well For the City. Our Mayor and board of Alder man have tried for some time to devise some plan by which they could reduce the cost of water in Hickory, and *e believe they have succeeded at last, lhey have bored a well at the water plant 150 feet deep and are use ing air pressure to pump the water. The well at present is furnishing 40 gallons per minute, which is just about as much as the sale of water amounts too. A sample of the water has been sent to the State Chemist to be annalyzed, and if tit is Dure they will'at once use the water which will save the city at least $5 per day. We are under the impres sion that two of these wells will supply the city at a cost of about one half of the present system. The Best Hot Weather Tonic GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC enriches the blood, builds up the whole system and will won deriully strengthen and fortify you to withstand the depressing effect of the hot sunnier. 50c. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" § BUSINESS LOCALS § 00000000000000000000000000 GIRLS WANTED at once to work in the new knitting mill. Reg ular employment. Applv at once at office of The Best Knitting Mills, over Umstead's 5 and 10c store. J. F.SMYRti, dealer in groceries, fresn meat and fresh fish on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. No. 601, 13 st. Phone 157-L. WANTED three (3) copies oi Weston's "Life of Marshal! Ney." Address: Green & Po teat, Durham, N. C. VEAL CALVES am still buying calves and pay highest market price all the time. J. L. Miller, Hickory, N. C. Phone 122 L. WE will be in the market for good clean wheat and will pay the highest market prices. See us when you have anything to sell. We buy all kinds of produce. Hickory Seed Co. FINE farm for sale in Iredeh "county. Write for descrioitvt price list R. V. Brawley, Reai Estate, Stateßville, N. C* 3-t FOR SALE—I9I3 Model, Motor Cycles and Motor Boats at bar gain prices, all makes, brand i new machines, on easy monthly payment plan. Get our proposi tion before buying or you will re gret it, also bargains in used Motor Cycles. Write us today. Enclose Stamp for reply. Address Lock Box 11 Trenton, Mich. BRICK—High Grade building brick for sale, write for prices. Granite Falls Brick Co , Granite Falls, N. C. 2t. BREAD—GOOD BREADr When you want something good to eat get some of Young's Bread, baked in Charlotte. Shell Gro cery Co. WANTED Every day green com, beans, tomatoes, cab bage, fresh eggs, beets. Hotel Huffry. WAN T to exchange good second hand two horse wagon foi eight-foot cord wood. Call at J. C Martin Furniture Store. FOR SALE —A nice resident lot 94 by 215 feet in good neigh borhood good shade and just 3£ blocks from Depot This prop* r ty can be bought at a bargain Address H. care Democrat. GOOD as new, second hand bug gy for sale cheap, on exhibit at J. C- Martin Furniture Store. WANTED to buy a medium price cottage in good locality, direct from owner of property. Call at Democrat office. , IF you want a buggy cheap, se« the second hand one on exhibi tion at J. C. Martin Furniture Store. AUTOMOBILEEORSALE Road ster in good shape cheap or would exchange for a pony rig a woman could drive. Apply to Hickory Democrat. HAVE you seen that good sec ond hand wagon J. C. Martin ffers to exchange for cord wood Wood's High -Grade Seeds. Crimson Clover The King of Soil Improvers, also makes splendid fall, winter and spring grazing, the earliest green feed, or a good hay crop. CRIMSON CLOVER willincreaws the productiveness of the land more than twenty times as much as the same amount spent in commercial fertilizers. Can be sown by itself or at the last working of corn, cotton or other cultiva ! ted crops. We arc headquarters for Crimson Clover, Alfalfa, Winter Vetch, and all Farm Seeds, Write for prices and Descriptive F all Catalog, giving information about all seeds for fall sowing. T. W. WOOD O SONS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. (tram mark awisTES^j) THE most remarkable remedy ever dis covered for Indigestion, Dyspepsia and all forms of Stomach Distress from any coA.se, Relieves Immediately Creates appetite, re stores vitality and re moves instantaneously depression due to alco holic and other excesses. Bristol Tonic and Bracer Known Absolutily no harmful ingredients. Guaranteed unJer Pure Food and Drugs Act, Serial No. 42340. All druggists, 50 cents, or send 10 cents for trial bctt?e direct to He Digestoneine Company 103 WEST 42d STREET NEW YORK. N. Y. For Sale by All Druggists. 20 Nice Residence Lots FOR SALE! 100 Feet Front, and From 150 to 400 Feet Deep. Near C, & N.-W. R. K. Shops. , C. L. HAHN & SON m— ————————— Reduce the Cost of High Living Buy STANDARD OIL CO'S. GASOLINE from Hickory Motor Car Company —at— 20c. per gallon For Weakness and Loss of Appetite The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. drives out Malaria and builds up the system. A true tonic and ture A'rf.et'ter. For adults and children. 50c. Grand Auction "In the Land of the Clouds" 50 Choice Lots opposite the Green Park Hotel, Blow ing Rock, N. C., Monday, August 11th, 10:30 a. m. This property is without a doubt the most desirable on the moun tain. The scenery is superb, plenty of shade, good water and pure air. This property has been owned by the Leake and Wall estates for twenty years, who have heretofore refused to sell, but is now to be sold for a division on easy terms regardless of price by PENNY BROTHERS, The Original Twin Auctioneers Don t fail to see them! They sell lots at the rate of one a minute. Music furn ished by a Brass Hand. Remember the day, MONDAY, the date, AUGUST 11th, the hour, 10:30 a. m. Don't fail to be there! American Realty & Auc tion Company, Greensboro, - - North Carolina PENNY BROTHERS, The Twin Auctioneers BIG SALE WILL CONTINUE 10 DAYS LONGER Bargains In Men's Clothing, Men's and Ladies' Oxfords, Ladies' Hats, and Children's Shoes and Clothing. This, our sth anniversary sale, has 8 been a great success and hundreds have availed themselves of the splendid op - portunity to supply themselves with with high-grade goods at give-away prices. We are continuing this sale ten days longer in order to make room for our Fall and Winter Stock which is arriving daily. Don't neglect to pay our store a visit and carry home with you some of our great bargains. We wish to thank our friends for their patronage and can assure you that you will always receive courte our treatment at our store. JZerdenfs^^ BINGHAM SCHOOL'S ££ ntrjll purpose for 120 years has been io mai. 9 9 Men of Boys. Asheville climate world renowi.fi!. ' Organization MMftary. Two details from U. S. Army allowed to N. C. The A. and 11. ( oil lege has one. Blnilmu the other. Target and Gallery practice, with latest U. S. Arm; KiHt?. Lake for Swimming. Summer Camp daring July and August. Tuition and Board $l5O per Half Term. 9800 a year. Aririreaa CoL R. Bingham. Box 46 Asheville, N. C. lob Printing' That's Different—Phone 37