fHE HICKORY DEMOCRAT. Published Every.Tliursdfy E. V. MORTON, - Editor and Proprietor TEJIMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Ye.ir Cash In Advauc* SI.OO Six Months. " Three Mouths " " a ; Advertising Rates on Application Kuterew at the Post Office at Hickorj class matter. THURSDAY. AUGUST 21. 1913 SULZER AND TAMMANY. New York State is Riving ufc a very striking illustration o government by organized politics. The net result of the situatioi sec-ms to be that Tammany suc ceeded in placing Governs j Sulzar in cfTue and after he hat to feel secure in his posi tion, he proceeded to defy an antagonize Tammany's influenet At this time it appears as if th> Governor's policy is going to re suit most disastrously to nimsen Tammany seems to be the pos sessor of the most personal se crets of the lives of all men wh« come in contact w(fh thej)rgani zation, and if thee# are ijo harm fill secrets to be exposed it wieldr such an influence as to be able t ptsee the purest of public men on the defensive in the protec tion of their own good names. I' seems hard to decide which or the above situations Governor Su zer is being called upon to ic.ce. If he is really guilty of the things which are charged against him, there seem 9 little l ope of his being able to estah li.!; a defense that will be able to cheek the efforts of the prose cation supported by Tammany. If however, the charges are a fabrication, woven for the pur pose of destroying Sulxer and perpetuating Tammany, we hope that he will be able to establish his innocence and that Tammanj will be the real victim of thQ. malicious prosecution which ha' 3 been inaugurated. Could tl* latter result the whole cour.tty would take a forward step in the purifying of its political life. Whatever the result may however, it is at least goisg> to cause an awakening of the people to the possibilities of harm which may result through bighlv organ ized political organizations of corrupt tenfieneies. If a senti ment can be aroused which \eill help in the destruction oi vyjcb organizations, Governor Strizer wili not have paid price, even though h& be robbed of his good name. Oxfo?£ Ford Items. Miss Celeste Lippard i® teach ing a summer term a* the Null school. Mr. Eugene Boesxon is build ing a house on his property near the Lutheran, parsonage. Communion services weie held at St. Pete_r*s church on tW second Sunday. In the absents of Prof. Haenfzschel the services were conducted by the Rev. P C. Henry.' / We are glad to state that Mrv C. Ed. Smith is steadily improv ing from a recent operation. Wt hope he may be able to use tfci affected foot in a short white. Mr. L. E. Hollar left Aug. 11 on a trip to the Norqh* && hewiP tfc a-plenty." Mr. and Mrs, Littk and Mr. and Mrs. B* & Houston oi Hickory visited relatives in our section last Sus^tay. Mr. Kirby Rsetor, of Indian apolis, Ind. i&ade a ten day's, visit among bona© folks. He ap pears to like the state of Indian*, and returned to his work in Indianapolui. | We lately passed a number of vacant houses here and there in Cline's township, the owners having moved to the city. What will happen if many others leavo the farms for the town and th#ai city. ■' WHY WOMEN SUFFER Many Hickory Womea Learning the Cause... Women often suffer, not taowing the cau*B. j Backache, headache, drjsto €3Sf ner- vousness. ' Irregular urinary passages* weak-] ness, languor — Each a torture of itseJi; i Together hint at weakenedl kidners-1 Strike at the root—get to the cause. Quickly help; the kidneys if they need it. No other remedy more highly en-] dorsed than Doan's Kidney .Tills. • Here's convincing testrmonyirom this locality. Mrs. R. T. Amos, Pine St tJr New-i ton, N. C., says: "I had backache and dizzy and nervous spells. At light. I did not rest well. I felt a?l wont, out in the morning. My kidneys didj not act as they should. Doan's Kid • ne y -fills made me feel better in every way." For sale by all dealers. P r 50c. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, Hew York, sole agents for the United Stages- Remember the name — Dam's— and take no other. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S cASTO R I At iVe? Dots. August 11.—The work at the Ivey mill Fs running fine in all departments and the grade of cloth is improving rapidly* , Our J. D. Beck has the contract to grade the highway from M. McKenzies corner through the town of We6t ■ Hickory to the Long View line near Mr. C. Abee's. He will begin work in a few days. „ „ . , . The Lutheran Sunday School of tfeibany church of West Hickory will *o on their annual picnic to Bakers Vountaimiext Saturday, August the It'. The children and school generally are preparing and expecting to have a srood time. - ii. C. Wilson who had Been working at Va. for some time re turnel home Sunday. Kev. J. G. Garth preached in West H=cWory last Sunday evening. Mr. Garth is a tine preacher and we are *iad to have him preach in our town. We had a hard wind storm here one lav last week damaging several li. uses. Mrs. Wilson's house was blown oil the pillars and damaged considerably, and Mrs. Suttieiuyre's house was also moved from the pill at s a d several other buildings were nightly damaged. I>. C. Wilson from Altavlsta, Va. Is here at present. J M. Poovey from Hiddenlt > was were one day last week visiting his and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hettner. Tne town board at their regular meeting here last Tuesday night ap pointed W. D. Bostain chief of police >o take the place of J. (X Williams, who left here several weeks ago, and L. A. Lafon was appointed tax col lector for said town. Miss Laura Martin and Mrs. Mar} Childers, who have been working here for several months went to their borne in Hurke county to rest a lew week* during the ho& weather. Aaron Batgtr a son of Mayor G. T. Barger lef% feeie Saturday and went to Columh»&. Ohio to work there. Wq j are sorsji to see him leave our town, j but hope lie will be successful in his ; worn. Miss Minnie Abee went to Belnfonb; dav last week to visit her brother ;X. & Abee. Mrs. Fannie McLondon from S. C. lis here at present, visiting her parents l>r. and Mrs. 3. J. Hicks. Miss May Berry from Morganton was here last week visit big her cousins Misses Minnie and Carrie Berry. IOTA. Pant and Not. Paint was never before so fcigfo a* • 'ast year about $2.25 a gallon Btvoe and a batf-dollai less for trasJbw What is trash? It looks like paint and pretends to be- -paint, but Isn't worth painting It ' costs a painter's day's work to prct-oc a gallon of paint, good or bad; aad a painter's day's-work is $3 or $4. Add that to the price oia gallon. Thstt » the cost of a gallon. Devoe is $5 or $6 a gallon; and trasb a dol l SECT less. But Devoe is all paint and more too; you add oil to it; a gallon is S or 6 iquarts of perfect paint for the painter's pot. Bnt trash is three-quarters two thi*& or half paint; you pay a palf daof» less for nobody-knows-wh it-it is. I 20 gallons Devoe is enough for the [average job; it takes 15 to 20 gallons 'of trash. And the wear same way. j Unfortunately, xhey look alike when first-put on. DEVOE F. B. Ingold sells it. Re-sale ot Real Estate. *By viriae of an order of the super-i ftjr couati taaue in a special pnoceeding' thereto pending entitled J. Frank Gupvtefi and! otbeis against Mrs. Sarah .V. Sledge-andmtiers, the undersigned! cQkainfesioners will sell at public auc tion for cash to the highest bidder in I trout of the Po st Ofllce in Hickory Ca tawba county, N. C., on Saturday, Au gust 30th, 1913. at 1 o'clock p. in., the following desco-ibed real estate, the same being a laouse and lot on 10th avenue In *.lie city of Hickory, ami bounded as .ollows: Beginning at W. F. Jones' N. W corner,'wbick is 50 feet South of the main line ot the Southern Railroad, and runs with s.id 10th avenue, West 100 feet and 6 inches, or thereabout, to W. T. Sledge's corner; then with liis lioe South 200feet, more or less, to a stone, said Sledge's corner; Then East 100 leet and 6 inches, or there about, to W. if. Jontis' South east coi ner; the* with said Jones' line Nort it '2OO feet snore, or less, to the begin ning. Being lon No. 4in the deedfroin Richmdi S. Adderton to Thomas J. Wigjß»y»Kl known as the Wig*** Bona Place. ~ * Tfc&isa re-sale of said property made by order of the court , and the sale en the date aboved named will be > tbe tioal sale of the same. t fhte- August 13, 1913. • "W. C. Feimster and M. H. Yount, Commissioners. . -K———mmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmrnm : NORTH CAROLINA, ?In the Super- CATAWBA COUNTY. { ior Court, The First National ] NOTICE OF SALE Bank of Hickory , UNDER EXECL 1 P. Berry ) TION! By virtue of an exaecution directed to the undersigned from the SuperiorCoart [j of Catawba County in the above-entit ied action, I will, on Monday, the Ist day of September, 1913, between the hours of 12 o'clock m., and 1 o'clock p. m., at the Court house door of Catawba county, in Newton, N, C., sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said "'j execution, the following real estate, being bounded and described as follows, to-wit: — FIRST TRACK: Situate in West Hickory, adjoining E. J. Berry on the West of her lots,—Beginning at a stake E. J. Berry's corner on the South side ! of the Southern R. R., and running S. 84 W. 200 feet more or leas to a stone on Mountain Street; thence South 14 W. with said street 208 feet and 4 inches to a stone; thence North 84 East 200 feet more or less, to E. J. Berry's line North 1 1-2 East 200 feet to the beginning, be ing lots Nos. 7 and Bon a plat of lots surveyed by T. L. Bandy for D. W Rowe. SECOND TRACK: Situate in West Hickory, adjoining the lands. of P. K. Baker and A. J. Drum, —Beginning on a stake P. Berry's and A. fj. Drum's cor ner on South side of the Southern R. R., and running South 87 W. 230 feet more or less to a stone in A. N. Rowe's line; :hence a southerly direction 200 feet,'] more or less, to a stone P. 4C. Baker's 1 ] corner; thence East 180 feet to Baker's land Drum's corner; thence a north-east erly course 200 feet more or less to the point of beginning, or beginning cor uer. This July 31st, 1913. R. Lee Hewitt, Sheriff, Per J. P. Burns, Deputy Sheriff. STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS CITY OF HICKORY For the Month of July, 1913 * 1904 67 Cash on hand, J«ly Ist, 1»» RECEIPTS 1911 and 1»12 laics * •*.77 W S Newton, street tax. License taxes... V Sale of cemetery lots - Municipal Court fines. Municipal Court costs. Municipal Court officer fees..., ----- Water rents and taps - - Subscriptions 9th Avenue Extension i Subscription 10th Avenue - "-j!" Subscription 11th St ---- ---- 5152.25 Money borrowed for-current ex. and grading contracts. 2500.00 ______ Total. - - * ' DISBURSEMENTS WATER WORKS Abemethy Transfer Co. cartage J- 25 j W Baltew salary, 15 days June. * T S Price salary, June— Clay Printing Company printing LF Abemethy, supplies. -j?" Hutton & Bourbonnias, fuel - - - - - - 'J'"" Hickory Insnrance & Realty Co., Boiler policy 16.00 Elliott Knitting Mills, waste Thompson Meter Co., Meters and repairs S3,m y General Fire ExtinguisheJ Co., supplies - Shuford Hardware Co., supplies.... C W Mayberry, Agt. freight on supplies «••>' C W Mayberry, Agt. freight on supplies 3.« County Sheriff, Water analyses Lee Bros. & Grier, estimate well contract - *•>•»« Pay Roll week ending July 15th - J-® [ Pay Roll week ending July 19th »•'* ft c Pay Roll week ending July 26th 9TH AVENUE EXTENSION H H Abee & Co., estimate grading 587.25 L F Abemethy, material.. Tl Shuford Hardware Co., material wi H H Abee & Co., estimate giading. --------- 261.00 wa.w 10TH AVENUE IMPROVEMENT Shuford Hdw. Co., material 5.80 Kerr & Kerr, estimate grading - - 61-2JJ Deal &. Deal, estimate side walk - - 2,1, Kerr & Kerr, estimate grading 61.20 34err Bt Kerr, estimate grading - Pay Roll July 19th 30.02 Pay Roll July 26th 36.49 319.81 13TH AVENUE IMPROVEMENT ~ L F Abemethy. material •••* GENERAL STREET IMPROVEMENT^ Abemethy Hdw. Company, material 6.79 Abemethy Transfer Co., cartage— 1-00 Ivey Mill Company, cinders 4.80 Henkle-Craig Live Stock Campany, feed 5.35 L F Abemethy, supplies - -10 Shuford Hardware Company, sundry material 4.33 John Hefner, salary *5-17 Pay Roll July sth 5.66 Pay Roll July 12th 20.32 Pay Roll July l9th 5.63 Pay Roll July 26th B.lO 77.25 22ND STREET IMPROVEMENT T AWitherspoon, Repairs 1-80 1.80 STREET EQUIPMENT J F Joy, labor... - 1-00 T A Witherspoon, labor 1-00 L F Abemethy, equipment 12.75 14./5 OFFICE EQUIPMENT Bowles Furniture Co., chairs . 14.25 Hickory Milling Co., typewriter 35.00 National Union, table and chairs CEMETERY Pay Roll July sth J.., 17.25 17.25 PUBLIC WORKS Abemethy Transfer Co., cartage .30 Hickory Free Library, appropriation June 12.50 Bost & Newton, pay roll 17.15 ,Shuford Hdw. Co., sundry material 1.30 Pay Roll July sth 3.98 Pay Roll July 12th 4.38 Pay Roll July 19th 12.53 Pay Roll July 26th 8.00 60.14 GENERAL EXPENSES Bowles Furniture Co., material .25 Bost & Newton, material .lO L F Abernethy, material .10 S L Whitener, material .60- L L Moss, screens 5.15 Shuford Hdw. Co.. material 1.20 Western Union Telegraph Co., Telegrams June 1.05 S M Hamrick, Postmaster, postage 3.00 C M McCorckle, CSC., stenographic fees 7.50 S M Hamrick, Postmaster, postage 5.00 23.95 FIRE DEPARTMENT I M Burns, salary June 40.00 H E Whitener, Cheif, fire attendance of Company 6.U0 Thornton Lgt. & Power Co., lights 2.90 Piedmont Wagon Co., repairs l.OO J F Joy, material aud labor 2.60 C M Shuford, Prescriptions 1.75 City Feed Company, feed 16.35 H P Flowe, veterinary surgeon 2.00 Boyd Feed Compauy, feed 14.25 Hickory Steam Laundry, laundry 1.18 58.03 STREET LIGHTING Thornton Lgt. & Power Co., for June 277.76 277.76 ADMINISTRATION E W Lentz, salary June 50.00 W S Newton, salary June 60.00 B B Blackwelder, M. J., salary June 50.00 Geo. E Bisaner, stop watch 5.00 Clinard & Lyerly, Bond City Manager 18.75 Thornton Lgt. & Power Co., office lights 1.00 C M Sherrill, salary June 150.00 C H Geitner, salary June 5.00 J L Cilley, salary June 5.00 J L Abernethy, salary June 5.00 J W Shuford, salary June 5.00 C C Bost, salary June 5.00 Hickory Democrat, printing 1.85 f, ,Van.Dyke Book Shop, supplies 6.1® Clay Printing Company, printing 7.85> Hickory Ins. & R a ty Co., Bond City Treas 24.65 , R B Shtfll salary May 9.17 , A A Whitener, City Attorney 9alary May & June 50.00* W S Newton, special officer fees.. l,5o» E W Lentz, on July salary 10.00* 470 87 JUDICIARY DEPARTMENT Hickory Democrat, printing 13.25 13.25 TAX DEPARTMENT C M Staley, listing taxes 12.00 • Hickory Harness Co., dog collars 2.10 Hickory Democrat, printing 2.75 ; Hickory Graded Schools property tax May.. 250.00 Hickory Graded Schools property tax June 81.37 348 22 MUNICIPAL COURT W L Sherrill, County Treas., fines, June 73.00 Board of piisoners .30 73 30 INTEREST ACCOUNT First National Bank, coupons on Bonds 125.00 First National Bank, coupons on Bonds 200.00 I First National Bank, coupons on Bonds 200.00 First National Bank, coupons on Bonds 775.00 [ First National Bank, coupons on Bonds 350.00 , First National Bank, coupons on Bonds.... a 125.82 First National Bank, coupons on Bonds * 25.00 First National Bank, Interest on Note 75.00 t ft7s 32 SPECIAL LICENSE Refund on license Thornton Opera House 8.50 g.50 Disbursements for July .v. 5080.20 Cash on Hand, August Ist 1913 4974*72 Total - "7056.92 HICKORY GRADED SCHOOL '* Cash on hand, July Ist, 1913 153.27" RECEIPTS City property tax, May & June 331.37 484.64 DISBURSEMENTS ~ C M Staley, salary June lOO.tO *W N Martin, plumbing Graded School Bid. No. 2 ... 41.9® First B& L Ass'n July dues. "" loo.Ofll Disbursements ~ «4i 00 Cash on hand, August Ist, 1913 1111. 243*64 Tolai - - ~i1*.44 Respectfully submitted. C. M. SHERRILL City Manager. I CATAWBA COLLEGE Reorranized New President New Faculty, Co-Educational, Healthful Lo cation, Splendid Equipment, Strong Courses, Christian, but not Sectarian. Moderate in charges. I'all term opens September 2, 1913 For catalogue REV. J. D. ANDREW. President/ Newton, N. C. NO. 4597 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF Tbe First National Bank AT Hickory, in the State of North Caro lina, at tbe close of business August 9th, 1913. RESOURCES. Loan? and Discouuts >676,373.29 Overdrafts, secured and un secured 990.19 U S -rn" o3tC " reCirCUla " 100,000.00 secure Postal Banking House, Furniture & fixtures 10,000.00 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents, v Due from State and Private Banks and Bankers. Trust Companies, and Saving Banks 1,148.40 Due from approved Reserve Agents 35,777.87 Checks and other Cash Items 1,4+2.71 Note* of other National Banks 2,000.00 Fractional Paper Currency, Nickles, and Cents 662.93 Lawful money reserved in Bank, viz: Specie 25,403 Legal-tender notes 5,129 30,532.00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) ' 5,000.00 TOTAL 904,693,80 LIABILITIES. CapiUl stock paid in 1200,000,00 Surplus fund 40,000.00 Undivided Profits, less Expen ses and Taxes ojrid 22,001,59 National Bank Notes outstanding 10^,000,00 Due to other National Banks 45,087.38 Due to State and Private Banks and Bankers 2,419.39 Dividends unpaid _ 84.50 Individual deposit subject to check 377,427.97 Demand Certificates of deposit 69,164.48 Certified checks 2.50 CashierV check outstanding 1,043.63 Postal Saving deposit 462.36 Bond* borrowed 27,000.00 Notes and bills rediscounted 10,000.00 Reserved for Interest 10,'HX»,00 TOTAL 904.i92.80 State of North Carolina, County of Catawba, ss: I. K. C. Menzies, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and beliet. K. C. MENZIES, Cashier. Sul)scribed and sworn to before me this 12tli dav of August-1913. j. W. W AULICK, 1 Notary Public. Correct —Attest: J. L. RIDDLE, A. A. SHU FORD Jr., W. B. MENZIES, Directors. Freckled Girls It is an absolute fact, that one 60 cent Jar of WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM will either remove your freckles or cau£c them to fade and that two jars will evti: in the most severe cases completely cur a them. We are willing to personally guarantee this and to return your money without argument if your complexion is not fully restored to its natural beauty. WILSON'S FRECKLE CREAM is fine, fragrant and absolutely harmless. Will not make hair grow but will positively remove TAN, PIMPLES and FRECK LES Come in today and try it. Tbe jars are large and results absolutely certain. Sent by mail if desired. Price 50c. Mammoth jars SI.OO. WILSON'S FAIR SKIN SOAP 25c, For sale bur Moser and Lutz You'll Receive Many Offers To accept office employment if you are graduate of the Asheviile Business College Enroll now and secure a cash-paying education that starts you far above the f >ot of the ladder where the untrained are obliged to begin. We are offering special Summer Courses in Double-Entry Bookkeeping, Practical Banking, Shorthand, Touch-Typewriting and Penmanship NOTE —We teach by mail. If you can not attend the college, write ns about our Mail Courses. Address, HENRY S. SHOCK LEY, 3rd floor No. 8, North Pack Souare. Asheviile N. C. (TRADE MARK mutsrtflro) '"pHE most remarkable A remedy ever dis covered for Indigestion, Dyspepsia and all forms of Stomach Distress from any cause. 1 Relieves Immediately Creates appetite, re stores vitality and re moves instantaneously depression due to alco holic and other excesses. } firetUit Toaic ml Bracer KBOVI Absolutely no harmful ingredients. Guaranteed under Pure Pood and Drugs Act, Serial No. 42340. All druggists, 50 cents, or send 10 cents for trial bottle direct to The Digestoneine Company 103 WEST 42d STREET NEW YORK. N. Y. For Sal* by All Drugrsrists. 20 Nice Residence Lots FOR SALE! 100 Feet Front, and From 150 to 400 Feet Deep. Near G, & N.-W. R. K. Shops, C. L. HAfIN & SON W atche-s! You need a watch if you have a good one. Twenty-five or thirty years ago it B would do to look at the sun, but to-day every man, regardless of his station in life should have a watch. One that he can rely on. You can always get pleased when mak ing a selection from my large stock, you not only get the best, but at prices that cannot be duplicated. Call and let us show you our nice selection. You arc always welcome. GEO. E. BISANAR | Jeweler & Optometrist Watch inspector for So. and C. & N. W. Rys. Read! Success Comes Only to Him WHO COURTS IT! A BANK ACCOUNT Is The Most Successful Wooer of Success! START ONE NOW! We Pay 4 Per Cent Interest On Time Deposits - Hickory Banking & Trust Co. Hickory/ ' : : : North Carolina U. L,. Moss, Cabinet Shop I can furuish building material for any kind of a job alt tirst class work and will save you money. See L. L. Moss before you close your bids. Phone 173 L. Em Iwl " Kxprct&lon. PhyslcarCulture, Pedagogy, Business, etc. Conservatory ox ill IMB Music. High standard Jnalntained bylarge[staff of experienced, college |n JCB trained Instructors. Tsjfces only 100 boarders and teaches the Individual. I ■ unsurpaased health Scord. Brick buildings. Steam heat. Excellent table. Kcqß, Good gymnasium. Psfrk-Uke campus. Concerts, lectures, tennis, basket- HST ball, Vf.Tlx* tor our catklog belore selecting the college lor your daughter. GEORGE J. RAMSEY. M. A. L. L. D. President Raleiah. N. C. ** _ jr s . Claremont College Hickory, North Carolina. Opens September 2, 1913. Offers Full Literary Course; Superior Advantages in Vocal and Instrumental Music; Thorough Training in the Art Department, Speci-.il Advantages in Expression; Will maintain an Intermediate Department. Couisc of study arranged to supplement the courses in our High Schools. Call for Cata logue. JOSEPH L. MURPHY, President. FOUNDED IN 1838 CHARTERED 1859 TRINITY COLLEGE An institution of education intensely devoted to developing men. Its gradu ates are everywhere successful and fill important positions in all lines of work. They occupy places of honor and dignity in church and state, and ably and prom inently represent their state in the national government. A college supplied wiih ample resources to provide the best education. More than a million dollars re cently to its endowment. A wide ranee of courses. Necessary expenses of the student moderate. No increase in tuition charges within twenty-five years. For catalogue and illustrative booklet address R. L. FLOWERS Secretary to the Corporation, Durham, N. C. Parents, Young Men and Young Women, of Hickory and vicinity! It is your duty and privilege to inform yourselves concerning the many superior advantages offered by LENOIR COLLEGE and to make use of the same for your own improvement and the upbuilding of your College and com munity. The standard and efficiency of Lenoir College are established by the fact that Lenoir College graduates attain the A. M. degree in one-year -at-the Universities of North and South Carolina. Five elegant substantial buildings with modern equipment and conveniences. New four-story Science building with facilities for general and advanced work in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology. Why go "way off" fOr a Business Course and spend "big money" for board and tuition when you can get genuine courses in Bookkeeping and Shorthand at S3O ■ach in the Hickory Business-College? You will patronize Lenoir College if you investigate. Drop a card for a cata logue. Address pi. L. FRITZ, President, Hickory, N. C. i j DAVENPORT COLLEGE a I , LENOIR, N. C. I Offers to young women the best school advantages at the lowest rates con sistent with efficient service. Fall term opens September 10th. Send for catalogue JAMES B. CRAVEN, President