t LOC4.L AND PERSONAL. t f„ A x + +++++ +++ * + + ++ + + Born, to Mr. - and Mrs. G. H. Colwell, last Friday morning, a tine girl. The Presbyterian Church had their annual picnic last Tuesday at Baker's Mountain. A large zrowd attended and report a de lightful time. MEN WANTED—In the Men's Bible class at the Presbyterian Church every Sunday morning in the main auditorium of the church at 9:45 a. m. Dr. W. B. Ramsay, teasher. You will be greeted with a warm welcome. If you are not attending Sunday School we will be glad to have you come out and join the Men's Bible at the Presbyterian Ciiurch on the corner Thirteenth Avenue and Thirteenth Street. Work has commenced on the tearing out cf the front in the Snutord building, formerly oc cupied by Houck & Prevette. A glass front will be put in and the ibor will be lowered to a level with the sidewalk. This will make a great improvement in the looks of the building and also do away with the steps in front that have been in the way of all who passed that way. We are informed that Mr. J. Lee Stone will cpen a picture show there as soon as the work is completed. Tais is a central location for a show and wiil be large enough to scat some five or six hundred people. Mr. James Love and daughter, and Mr. Joe Love and his daugh ter, of near Newton, were in Hickory Tuesday to see Mr. Geo. E, Bisanar, to have him examine their daughter's eves and fit glasses for them. Mr. Love and his son are among Catawba's best citizens and farmers. Dr. Henry Abernethy went to Statesville Tuesday to take the three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fry to the Long Sana torium to have a one-cent piece taken out of his throat, that lodged there after he had swal lowed it. Dr. Long removed the piece of money and the mother brought the child back home on train Ne. 21. Miss Alma Hendlev of Greens boro, is the guest of her father, ~ Mr. R. F. Hendley. Rey. and Mrs. J. D. Harte and son. Nelson, have returned from a visit to relatives at Knoxville, Tenn. Misses Pearl and Essie Moretz, of Charlotte, are visiting rela tives in this city. Miss Estelle Whitener, went to Lookout Shoals Monday. Mr. Charles R3ynolds, who has been confined to his bed for some time with typhoid fever, is much improved. We regret to know that Mrs. Reynolds is now con fined to her bed with the same disease. The Ladies Guild of Holy Trin ity Lutheran Church will hold their monthly meeting next Tues day, August 3, at the home of Mrs. W. H. vVilfong. Mrs. R. H. Martin, Miss Ma> garet Martin and Mr. Hailey Martin of Brunswick, Ga., are visiting Mrs. Martin's niece, Mrs W. H. Barkley. Miss Prue Thomason left Wed nesday for a visit with relatives and friends at Gastonia. Mrs. W. B. Yoder went to Le noir Thursday to visit relatives. Mr. Carl Williams of Matthews, visited his cousins, the Misses B jatright, last week. Miss Nettie Abernethy enter tained a number of her friends at Rook Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Junius Smith of Conover, visited friends in town Tuesday evening. Mrs. C. C. Bjst and Mr 3. J. L. Murphy are in RoctfWell this week attending a meeting of the Classical Missionary Society. Mrs. Roy Stoeffer. of Pitts burg, Pa., is the guest of Mrs. J. D. Leonard. Mr. Frank Cooper has return ed to hi 3 home in Statesville, altera visit to his sister, Mrs. p. A. Setzer. Mr. Jacob D >ll of Atlanta, Ga., -;s spending a week with his par ents- Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Doll, on his return from a trip to Wash ington and New York. His many friends are always glad to wel come him to our city. Miss Grace Gaither of Newton, spent the we6k-end with Miss Millie Kate McComb, who return ed home with her Wednesday. Mr. Kenneth Link has return ed to his home in Lenoir, after a visit vto his sister, Mrs. C. E. Abemethy. / .. i v Miss Maye Lyerly, who is now at Hickory, where she will teach in Claremont College the ensu ing year, accompanied Miss Mamie Setzer home Sunday and spent yesterday with her.—New ton Enterprise. F.M. Thompson has moved his repair shop first door below the First Building & Loan Associa tion cffice. Mrs. R. Wood Brown has re turned home from an extended visit to relatives and friends in New York, Washington and oth er Northern cities. Prof. J. L, Jones, of Perdue University, will address the stockholders of the Catawba Creamery in the Chamber of Commerce rooms on July 31, at 11;S0 a. m. You cannot afford to miss hearing Mr. Jones as his speech will be worth hearing. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. S. Henkel and son Glenn, and Mr. William Consular, all of Hickory came through the country in their ma chine and spent the day Sunday with Mr. Fenkel's sister, Mrs, S. E. Ilcey,—Cleveland Star. The annual campmeeting at Rock Springs, Lincoln County, will begin August 2nd. Our Educational and Sunday School Rally will be held next Wednesday August 4, nearZion Lutheran Church. The Rev. MacLauchlin from Concord, will be present and address us. Al so President Fritz, Revs. Deaton and Sox from Hickory. After dinner a number of interesting and amusing contests will beheld for the ci il Iren and small prizes will be g-V-'n. All children who desire may take part in the games. Everybody invited to come and enjoy the day with us. Mrs. L. E. Zerden and her sis ter Miss Dora Casline of Balti more are spending some time in Ashevilie. Mr. G. H. Currey of Clarkton, is in the city on business. Mr. R. M. Knox has leased the Baker store near the Ivey MiH ; and will one» a general mercan tile business there in tfie' near future. W T e are glad to welcome Mr. Knox and family back to Hickory. Mrs. Addie Worren, Miss Ruby Scott and Master William Ant teony of Mebane are the guest of Mrs. B. K. Hoiden. Mrs. J. L. Springs is spending a few day 3 at Blowing Rock. Mr. G. C. Lowe and family j left Thursday for Spartanburg, | S, C., where they will make their | home in the future. Mr. Lowe ; has been for about two years in the mercantile business and has made many friends here who re gret to see him leave. Miss Mabel Cooper and Master Carl Matheson, of Taylorsville, are spending a week with their aunt, Mrs. T. F. Stevenson. Mr. Weston Taylor of Hickory as a new bookkeeper at the First National Bank, succeeding M:. Geo. W. King of Charlotte, who wa3 here for a few months.— Statesville Landmark. Outing in Honor ot Guest. A few students of the Tri- State Business College enjoyed a delightful outing at Narrows Park yesterday afternoon, in honor of Miss Minnie Bolch, of Hickory, N. C., who is the guest of Misses Frankie and AdaEr vin. On account of inclement weather the party returned to the home of Mrs. L. C. Ervin. No. 4 Spring Street, for supper. After supper bot'i vocal and in strumental mu?ic was rendered. —Cumberland Evening Times. Sunday at Methodist Church. The pastor will preach Ssnday at 11:00 a. m,. in the Methodist Church to the children and young people. All the parents are earn estly urged to be present with their children. This service promises to be one of unusual in terest. Shoe Repair Shop Moved. I have moved my shoe repair shop to first door below Fir st Building & Loan Association of fice. Work called for and de- I livered. Phone 106. F.M. Thomp son, Home-Coming Day. The West Hickory Baptist Church will have a Home-Com ing Day the third Sunday in August, at which it is expected to haye present as many of the people who were formerly mem bers as well as the present mem bership, as they can get. The program is as follows: Sunday School, beginning at 9:45 a. m.,continuing4s minutes, followed by a Sunday School ad dress by Mr. J. F. Click of Hick ory, who was at one time Super intendent of the Sunday School there. His subject will be, The Sunday School—its Mission. Sermon, beginning at 11:15 a. m., by Rev. C. M. Robinson, of Cherry ville, who was the first pastor of the church. His sub ject will be. David's Sensible Re quest. Sermon at 3:00 p. m., bv Rev. J. M. Shaver of Lenoir, who was at one time pastor of this church. His subject will be, The Recon ciliation Of The Sinner To God. Sermon at 8:00 p. m., by Rev. C. S. Cashwell, of Statesville, who was the first Superintendent of this Sunday School. His sub ject will be The Gospel. We expect to join hands with our old friends from many parts of the country on this occasion. West Hickory Baptist Church, Committee on Program, J, M. Freeman, J. D. Green, Lucy Reep, Ethel Pierce. Kiilians of Catawba Expert Wheat Growers. Newton, July 26 —W. L. Kil lian and J. Yates Killian, his son. who is Catawba's representative in the Legislature, although pri marily nursery men, are alao such good geceral farmers that have about made the record in Catawba county this jear on wheat, threshing 216 bushels from eight acres, an average of about twenty-seven bushels. Crops of every kind are luxuri ous this year and Catawba farm ers are for a fact "in clover". Dr. R. B. Killian, of Lincoln (county, brother of W. L. Killian, I has produced perhaps the most i phenominal wheat crop in this j section, making 2,800 bushels in fall, and on twenty acres receiv ing. 719 bushels, an average of thirty-five bushels. Catawba's Wealth. Newton, July 27.— Catawba County will show an increase of not quite $1,000,000 in the tax able valuation of property this year as compared with last— -5944,850 to be exact. The total valuation will foot up $7,130,397, as compared with $6,135,547, in 1914. Details of the increase and other facts about the new valuation are being rushed by the register of deeds for trans mission to the State Tax Com mission, which passes on the showing and raises the valuation if deemed too low. Catawba is still one of the "pauper" coun ties in that she gets more from the State than she pays to the State, and in the opinion of some progressives this should not be. Must Throw Away Cigarette. According to The Carolina Mountaineer the school board of Haywood County has decided not to allow any teacher who smokes cigarettes to teach school in that county. This is certainly a step in the right direction, for there is no way of estimating the ex tent of the influence a cigarette smoking teacher would have up on the young boys, seeing the teacher puffins away at a ciga rette from day to day. would look upon the habit as being all right and doubtless hundreds of them would fall into this filthy, expensive and destructive habit. The Haywood committeemen are to be commended for their action in this matter. May our school board soon follow this lead. —The Sylvan Valley News. A Good Household Salve Ordinary ailments and injuries are not of themselves serious, but infect ion or low vitality may make them dangerous. Don't neglect a cut, sore, bruise or hurt because its small. Blood Poison has resulted from a pin-prick or scratch. For all such ailments Buck len's Arnica Salve is excellent. It pro tects and heals and prevents danger ous complications. Good for all Skin Blemishes, Pimples, Salt Rheum, Ec zema. Get an original 2-ounce 25c, 1 box from your Druggist. Russian Youths Called to Colots. Petrograd, July 28, via Lon don.—An imperial uka?e issued today calls to the eolers men born in 1896. It is reported that a govern ment order is about to be issued for a ereneral mobilization through out Siberia. Large Captures Reported. Frankfort, Germany July 27. The Frankfurter Zaitung's Vien na correspondent says the Aus tro-German forces have captured 131,250 Russian prisoners since July 14, besides 41 cannon, 141 machine guns and other supplies. British Casualties. • London, July 27,—The casual ties in the British army and navy have reached a total of 330,995, according to a printed statement by Premier Asquith. The total casualties in the navy up to July 20 was 9,106, and in the military branch up to July 18, 321,889. A Rutherfordton Jeweler Kills Wife; Tries Suicide. Rutheifordton, July 27.—Last night about 12 o'clock, J. C. Souther, a jew er of this place, shot and killed his wife, shooting her five times with a .25 cal ber automatic pistol, killing her instant ly. He then tried to kill himself by lashing his throt awith a pocket knife, which will possibly prove fatal. The cause of the murder is said to have been trouble of long standing. There are nine children. SEE the new wool and wash skirts at J. A. Bowles. 100—Account McCasky System for sale cheap. We are out QL the credit business and do not need same. Hickory Case Store. FULL size table glasses at I) in stead's 10 cents per set. GET a corset that is worth while the Nemo or R. & G. are the best. Sold only by J. A. Bowles, WE have a complete stock of the best fruit jar known, the Atlas E-Z Seal, our price are lower this season. Umstead's. LOST—Bunch of kevs between Shuford Cotton Mill and Ca tawba Springs. Finder please return to Democrat Offbe and get reward. BEST quality jelly glasses at Um stead's. MIDDY BLOUSES are very pop ular. Different varieties at J. A. Bowles. ALL kinds of conveniences for perserving and canning fruits and vegetables at Umstead's. WANTED—Bv two men two furnished rooms with bath. Close in. "Rooms'*, care Hick ory Democrat. WE have the most complete stock of earthern and glass wares, for the cooking and dining rooms at reasonable prices. Umstead's china and variety goods. IF YOU are thinking of going to the exposition or somewhere else during the summer you can get a good trunk or suit case from J. A. Bowles. Agood size white enameled pitch er 25c at Umstead's. FOR SALE—Small farm well timbered located on Sand Clay and railroad between Conover and Hickory. Terms easy. Robt. J. Shipp Newton, N. C. 7-27-4t. BLUE and white dish pans 20c and up to 35c at Umstead'e. WANTED—Salesmen and Dis trict Agents to sell Auto Spe cialties. Good proposition for right man. Write Central Sa'es Co., Charlotte, N. C. 7-27-2\ NOW is the time to buy your straw hat. YoderrClark Clothing Co. WANTED—Position as book keeper, manager store, clerk or any kind clerical work; chil dren depending on unemployed father. Can give good referen ces, but trial will suit me better. Address Box 568, Hickory, N. C. SEE our values in Boy's School Suits Yoder-Ciark Clothing Co. DON'T forget our sale is on Yoder-Clark Clothing Co. LAND FOR SALE. 100 acre tract, 6 miles from Morganton, on Lenoir and Mor ganton road. 16 acres of bottom land, balance upland with 75,000 feet saw timber. Anyone wish ing to buy. Address E. B. Hood, Morganton, N. C., Route 2. AAYA FACE Peroxide Lutz's Peroxide Cream — Particularly recommended for rough or sallow skin, sun burn, chaps, freckles and for pimples. 25c per jar Lutz's Drug Store *'' On the Cormer." Phones 17 & 317 Notice of Sale of Real Estate Under Mortgage By virtue of the powers contained in a certain deed of trust executed byjenks Miller to the Mutual Building & Loan to secure a loan and default having been made in the Dayments of the installments the undersigned trustee will sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash in front of the Pos 1 Office in Hick ory on Monday, August 9th, 1915, at 12 o'clock, M., the following described real estate in the town of Highland on the newton road, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake in the road, cor ner of lot No. 6, and runs N. 38 1-2 W. 158 2-3 feet to a stake in the Last side of Shell street; then with said street S. 37 W. 209 1-2 feet to a stake in the road; then N. 67 1-2 E. 302 7-10 feet to the be ginning. On this lot is a small store house. This July 9th. 1915. W./fIa&EID, Trustee. M. H. YOUNT, North Carolina, \ In the Superior Court Catawba County j Wade H. Shuford and Jas. A. Martin vs. Brookford Mills, Incorporated. NOTICE OF HEARING. By virtue of an order of reference of W. H. Harding, Judge Presiding in the Seventeenth Judicial District of North Carolina to the undersigned refeiee, no tice is hereby given to all parties inter ested in the defendant company, that you and each of you are required to ap pear before the undersigned referee on the sth day of August, 1915, at 9:30 A. M., in the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce of Hickory, North Carolina, and show cause if any you have, why the defendant corporation should not be dissolved. At the same time and place the un dersigned referee will beein the hearing of other matters mentioned in said order of reference. This July 6, 1915 W. D. TURNER, Jly-9-16-23-30 Referee. NOTICE! NOTICE! Sale of Valuable Stock of Merchan dise and Fixtures at Plateau, Catawba County. Under and by virtue of the power and authority vested in the unersigned Mort gagee executed by R C. Johnson and wife, bearing date of November 15th, 1913, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Catawba County, in Book No. 110, page 303, to which ref erence is heieby made for a more par ticular description of said mortgage, de fault having been made in the strict compliance with the terms and stipula tions therein contained, I will sell at public auction, for cash or bankable paper, at the County Court House Door, in Newton, at 1 o'clock p. m., on Thursday the 26th day of August, 1915, all of that certain stock of Merchandise and fixtures situate at Plateau in Jacobs Fork Township, Catawba County, here tofore known as the \V. S. Goodnight store and stock of goods, but sold to R. C. Johnson on November 15, 1913, the said Johnson having conducted the busi ness since said date. This stock of goods consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Hardware, Hats, Caps, etc., in fact is a complete line of general merchandise. With this stock there will be sold the fixtures in connection therewith consisting of two pair scales, seven show cases, etc. This 26th day of July, 1915. VV. S. Goodnight, Mortgagee. Chimney Rock 'NORTH CAROLINA Special Low Round Trip Rates via Seaboard Air Line Railway, the most BEAUTIFUL Mountain section of North Carolina. Ideal for a Summer Outing and easily reached from Rutherfordton by the Thermal Belt Auto Livery & Garage Co., (Automobile Service.) GOOD ROADS. July and August the most delightful months to spend in the Scenic Mountains, Region of Western North Carolina. Call on your agent and ask for pictur esque booklet free or apply to H. E. PLEASANTS, T. P. A., Wilmington, N. C. JAS. KER, Jr., T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. J. T. WEST, D. P. A., Raleigh, N. C. An Eas, Pleasant Laxative One or two Dr. Kings New Life Pills with a tumbler of water at night. No bad, nauseating taste; no belching gas. Go to right to bed. Wake up in the morning, enjoy a free, easy bowel movement, and feel fine all day. Dr. KiDgs New Life Pills are bold by all dauggists. 36 in the original package, for 25 c. Get a bottle to-day—enjoy this easy, pleasant laxative. I The Habit Of I I regularly saving something from your I income is a matter of very grave im- I portance to you—to every man, wo- I man and child. I Those who have trieJ various ways and plans all say "It is easier to make regular savings when you have a bank account." Another feature well worthy consideration is that the vaults of a good bank are the safest place for your money. May we have your account? Four per cent, interest paid on Savings Account Compounded quarterly. Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent. First National Bank, I i Hickory, N. C. 1 I Ctpital and Surplus $290,000.00 jj I Van Houton's [ Chocolate Milks 1 It's mighty hard to "beat the Dutch" in making Chocolate. We haven't attempted it. We buy the very best grade of Dutch I Chocolate possible, that is, Van Houton's Chocolates From Van Houton's Chocolate we make, we have been told, absolutely the finest Cho colate Milks and Chocolate Ice Cream sold in this town. No finer can be found anywhere in any town. Come in and try them. | IWe want you to see our n?w soda foun- tain; to note how clean everything is; how attentive are our soda clerks. We want to please you, for we want you to come back to the fountain at the REXALL store. Agents for Nunnally's candies. MENZIES DRUG CO., Hickory, N. C. The REXALL Store. - - Phone 46 | Special Train Tours Independent Trips j Tours One Way Through The Panama Ca- j nal and Special Train Overland TO THE * CALIFORNIA EXPOSITIONS j DURING June - July - August j VIA THE Seaboard Air Line Railway The tours will consume 26 'to 50 days including ALL EXPENSES, such as Railroad and Steamship fares; Pullman and stateroom berths; dining car and steamship meals; the highest class hotels on American plan, except ing Los Angeles and San Francisco where rooms only are furnished; attract ive sight-seeing and side trips. Many Diverse Routes Including Denver, Colorado Springs, Cripple Creek, Pike's Peak, Royal Gorge, Salt Lake City, Yellowstone National Park, Grand Canyon of Arizona, Orange Groves of Southern California, San Diego, Los Angeles, Coast Of I California, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Pugct Sound, Victoria, Vancou- 8 ver, the Canadian Rocky Mountains, St. Paul and Chicago. All trains equipped with ALL STEEL Pullman drawing room, state room compartment and observation cars and diners for the exclusive use of our parties for the entire trip. Personally conducted and satisfactorily chap eroned. Ladies unescorted assured of every attention. The highest class of service and the "BEST OF EVERYTHING" ev erywhere Write for booklet and detailed information. Gattis Tourist Agency Tourist Agents, S. A. L, Ry. RALEIGH, N. C. j fob Primtii&n' That's Different-Flione 37

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