I 1 A lVf le property of W. P. Huffman, located on Highland Avenue, 1 A il ® ltX* will be sold at auction Saturday, September 4th, at 10:30 A. M. | This property will be sold on very easy terms. Valuable prizes will be given away. Music I by a live wire band. I CONDUCTED BY P|| nny Bros., & Thomas Bros., of Grooosiioro, N. C. m Cotton Market. Charlotte, Ausr. 26. -Good mid dling, 8 5-8 c; middling, 8 3-Bc. The Weather. For North Carolina: Friday fair. A********** *♦+ * * ♦ I LOC4.L AND PERSONAL. + •r ++ + ++ + + ++++ ++ + * Mr. Ann Mrs. Plato* Huffman ofLexinjrtv, spent the week end in Hickory with relatives, Mr. William McComb has re turned heme from Atlantic City. He reports a delightful trip. Mr. R. C. Glenn of Gis'onia, is spending some time here with his sister. Mrs. D. L. Rissell." Mr. W. T. Sledge has returned home afcer spending some time in Atlantic City, New York and other northern cities. Mr. and Mrs. E. B, Menzies left Wednesday for Edgemont where they will spend some time on a pleasure trip. Hon. E.Y.Webb spent Wed nesday night in the city on his way to Mt. Holly where he deliv ered an rfddress at £ ch&utauqua yesterday. Rev. M. M. Kinard, D. D., of Salisbury, will preach at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Shnday morning and night. Everybody C3«Mially invited. Mr. H. C. Lutz has returned from Atlantic City and other northern cities where he snent some time on a pleasure and bus iness trip. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Howard of Charlotte, motored to Hickory Saturday and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Warner, re turning home Monday. Mr. R. C. Teague spent sever al hours in Hickory Tuesday en route from Lenoir where he had been visiting relatives, to the home of his parents at Hidden ite. Mr. P. C. Setzer, of the firm of Setzer & Russell, has returned from a trip to the northern mar kets, where he purchased a nice line of goods for their fall and winter trade. "Red Buck" Bryant,; writing to the Charlotte Observer, says creamery butter from Hickory is the best coming into Washington, which speaks well for our but termakers. The Hickory Garage received a car load of Ford cars Thursday. You had better cail and get yours b jfore they are gone. Mrs. S. H. Miller and son, Mas ter Harvey Lee, of Carthage, are the guest 3 of Dr. and Mrs. Trout man. Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Whitener of Greenville, S. C., are spending some time in the city with rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Make Bost of Morganton, visited the family of Mr. C. C. Bost in this city this v.eek. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris and children spent Mr. Harris' vaca tion with his parents at Forest City. Mr. Dallas E. Eckard has ac cepted a position at Raleigh. Miss Mabel Potts of Charlotte, is the guest of Mrs. H. M. Doll. Mr. J. B. Dayis, an old Con federate Veteran, of Brunswick, Ga., is spending several days in Hickory, WAR SUPPLIES HAVE ONLY STARTED, . MOVING LATELY. Greater Part of Exports for Year Ending in June Left In June. Washington, Aug. 24,—Tjiat 8 . great part of Europe's enormous war munitions orders did not be gin to m ve from the United States until comparatively re cently was indie ited by export fuurei iß3ued today by the com merce deDartment. Tne statis tics show that while export 3 of war supplies increased tremen dously during the vear ending with June, the greater part of the increase left the United States in the latter month. The twelve-rnonth period show ed exports of explosives valued at $41,476,188 as against $6,272,- 107 in the preceeding year. More than one-fourth of that total. --$11,689,744—was shipped dur ftig'Jafie. Gunpowder showed exports of $3,284,549 in June, compared with $S 091,-542-for the year. Sixty-two aeroplane 3 were ex ported in June as against 152 for the entire year. In the preceed ing year only thirty-four were shipped. Nearly eight times as many automobile trucks were ex ported in' June as in the entire year ending June 30, 1914. Of both passenger automobiles and trucks the exports for June was valued at $13,364,800, and for the year at $60,254,635. In the preceding vear they were $26,574,634. Figures for barbed wire, har ness and saddles showed similar export conditions. Annual Popular Excursion To Richmond, Va., Via Southern' Railway Tuesday, September 7, 1915, • Southern Railway will operate fcnnHnl September excursion to Richmond' on Tuesday, September 7, 1915, from North and South Caiolina territory. Special train consisting of both day coaches and standard Pullman sleeping cars will leave Charlotte at 9:15 p. m., on Tuesday, September 7, arriving Rich mond following morning at 7:20 a. m. Returning, these tickets will be good on all regular trains leaviag Richmond Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Sep tember 8,9 and 10. Can spend three whole days and two nights in Richmond if desired, or can return on any regular train Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, September 8, 9 and 10. Passengers from all branch line points can use regular trains into Charlotte, Greensboro, Salisbury and other junc tion points connecting with tb,fc,, spppjal train. This will be the last; eicufsiori to Richmond this season and will be a first class trip in every respect. Ample time to make side trip to Norfolk, Peters burg and City Point. Following low round trip fares will apply from stations named: -V- 'j-v Charlotte $4.50 Morganton 5.00 Statesville 5.00 Salisbury 4.50 HICKORY : 5.00. Newton 5.00 Fares from all other intermediate points on same basis. Pullman reservations must be made in advance. For further information apply to any agent Southern Railway, or ( t[i . R. H. DeBUTtS, D. P. A., ' ' ' Charlotte, N. C. LOST —Gamma Sigma Society pin. Reward if returned to The Democrat Office. " ' It. "' SOCIAL. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Norfleet, of Havana. Cuba, who have been visiting Mr. Norfleet's sister, Mrs. J. D, Harte, left Tuesday afternoon for Norfolk, Va., and other points on the coast. Mr. Norfleet was so pleased with the beautiful scenery and splendid climate of Western North riaro lina. especially Blowing Rock and Grandfather Mountain, that he has determined to leave the tropics and visit this section every summer if possible. -o-o- Mr, Richard Boyd entertained a number of his friends at a house /party Thursday evening, August 19. The guests were re ceived at the door by Mrs. D. M. Boyd and Miss Maude Crowell. Punch was served by Miss Mattie Lore of Lincolnton, after which the guests registered. Numer ous games followed. A contest of authors was engaged in by all, Miss Mattie Lore and Mr. Nel son Harte winning the prize, a box of candy. Following these ice cream and cake was served. Little memorv cards were found on each plate, with the date of the evening on them. The color scheme of green was carried out in the light shades and candles. The guest of the evening were Messrs. John Cilley, William Wootten, El wood Mitchell, Don ald E. Shuford, Clement Geitner, Nelson Harte, Robert McConnell, Donald Menzies, Ernest Abeme thy, Misses Helen Springs, Doris Hutton, Miriam Whitener, Isa bella Morton. Katherine Allen, Jessie Patrick, Aileen Aiken. Those from out of town were Miss Mary Farmer of Virginia, Mr. Harold Lattimore of Maiden, Mr. Herbert Youngblood of Char lotte; Misses Mattie Lore and Maude Crowell of Lincolnton. Despite the rain a pleasant even ing was enjoyed. -c-c- A delightful bridge party was given Monday afternoon at tne Hotel Huffry by Mrs. W. H, Far rar of St. Louis, Mo. The game was played at six tables and Mrs. Alex Hall won the score prize, a lovely mayonnaise set. The con solation, a set of glasses, was won' by Mrs. Pearl Sherrill for having the next highest score. A course of sweets concluded the afternoon's Dleasure. Roland Winkler Shot. Roland Winkler was shot from ambush Tuesday afternoon by June Wilson, according to a state ment made by Winkler, who came to Hickory to have the shot picked, 32 of which had penetra ted the flesh on his back and neck. The affair occurred in the lower edge of Burke county, while Winkler was driving along the road on a wagon. He said he saw Wilson run after he had been hit. The night before the two had a difficulty near the Cliffs in this township in which Winkler got the best of Wilson. Wilson thereupon next day got his shctgun and wavlaid Winkler. There is an old grudge said to exist between the two men. Both are middle-aged and citizens of But-ke county. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Yi/ur d-uggtst will refund money if PAZC OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles ii) 6 to 14 days. Jhc first application »vo» aad Jlest, We. BALLS CREEK MEETING GREATEST IN HISTORY Over 200 Conversions at Great Camp Meeting Before It "Broke" Monday Newton, Aug. 24.—8a11s Creek campmeeting "broke'' last night and the final reports of the big revival are amazing. There were more that 200 conversions. Not in years, say old tim ers, if ever, has there been such an outburst of spiritual zeal for better liv ing. Rev. Turner Smathers. of Con cord, and Pev. Mr. Kirkpatrick, of Mooresville, had the meeting in charge, with others assisting, and last night when Mr. Kirkpatrick asked all who wished another campmeeting next year to stand up, the closely packed hun dreds in and around the old arbrr arose to a man. Bud Lippard, a man who won an un enviable reputation as a dispenser of blockade whiskey, and who was con verted at Rev. Jim Green's famous meeting in Mountain Creek township some months ago, was at camp meet ing and took a leading part, holding prayermeetings, exhorting and praying 1 in public in a way that surprised them who knew him of old. Yesterday just before the regular services began, Alley Gabriel, a man of some prominence in the county, a school teacher for many years and a leader in his section, though never a religious man, called about 200 of bis old students around him and held pray er meeting. He told them when he used to teach them he could never read the Bible and pray as a teacher should, though he taught them to do right as best he knew; but now he could pray with them and for them. It was a sight to behold these 200 young people kneel while he prayed and then march to the central arbor singing a hymn like crusaders of old. Taken all in all, the meeting was one of the most remarkable religious gatherings ever seen in Catawba coun ty and it is estimated as a substantial and significant awakening and not a mere flash in the religious psn. Under the direction of Rudd New some, of Guilford college, the great choir rendered splendid service and helped make the meeting a success. A representative of the chautaucfUa people arrived here today and decided to send his attractions to Newton any way, in spite of the fact that the guar antors had cancelled the contrast on account of the booking of Hickory for the same attractions. The opening date is Saturday, Sunday, it is expect ed that Mr. Daniels, of Clemson Col lege, will deliver a sermon and Mon day and Tuesday the regular program will be carried out. Under this plan the local people guarantee nothing ex cept they promise supDOrt. The Diybes stock of merchandise was. sold today at auction by Trustee W, 3. Gaither under order from Referee Pearscn of Morganton, and was bid 08 by Robert Knuckley, of Lincolnton, whose father in law, Mr Hamaty, of Lincolnton, held a mortgage of $785 on the stock, but which was set aside by the bankruptcy proceedings because it had not been made four months the store will be opened in the morn ing, after having been locked up for weeks, with Mr. Abdelnour in charge. The personal exemption of SSOO will be allotted Mr.Daybes but it will be at tached immediately and claimed, un der a ruling, as belonging to the mor tagee. The stock inventoried $2,200, was appraised at $l,lOO and sold for $1,400. Secretary Rankin, of the state board of health, writes the county superin * ~SN The Object for Which Mo& of Us Strive is a comfortable living; for ihc present, to accumulate a sufficient sum to provide the comforts and little luxuries we need for our selves and family when we have passed the age for hard work, and to leave our children better pi epared to fight the battles of life. In accomplishing this object a check account at a conser vative, well managed bank is of material assistance. Why not open an account at THIS bank? It will help you in many ways and your money will be here and ready for you when wanted. On Savines Accounts we pay FOUR PER CENT Interest Compounded Quarterly: FirSl National Bank, Hickory, N. C. Capital and Surplus $290,000.00 tendent of health, Dr. Geo. W. Shipp; that he will be in Washington during the week and will arrange to secure the medical expert tentatively promised this county, who will spend next year here, assisting local physicians in the work of eliminating infantile diseases which, particularly in summer, carry o2 numbers of babies. Too Ambitions. Everything. A dispatch from Statesville says "The Statesville star, Statesville's morning paper, which has been issued daily fcr several weeks, suspended with yester day morning's issue, and according to the notice by the editor published in the final issue, it will be seen and heard no more. Insufficient support was the principal reason given. All payments in advance on subscriptions, it was stated, would be refunded to subscribers." Statesville is very well supplied with papers —and one trying to be a morn ing paper could hardly be expected to make it. The man who sees a million in a newspaper venture like Colonel Cellers, is always ready to try it out but the "'Long Left Want" is generally filled before the other arrives on the scene. It has never been our pleas ure to see this particular star of the morning or Morning Star, and while we regret it shines no longer, perhaps it is well. What Is Carnegie Worth. When rumcrs were flashed over the land again one day recently that Andrew Carnegie was dead the query on every body's lips was: "how much money did he leave?" Mr. Carnegie himself made the im- CALOMEL WHEN BILIOUS? NO! STOP! MAKES YOU SICK AND SALIVATES "Godson's Liver Tone" Is Harmless To Clean Your Sluggish Liver a and Bowels, Ugh! Calomel makes you sick. It's horrible! Take a dose of the dangerous drug tonight and tomorrow you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercuiy or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes into contact with sour bile crashes into it, breaking it up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are slug gish and "all knocked out," if your liver is torpid and bowels constipated or you have" headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if'breath is bad or stomach sour, just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson'a Liver Tone tonight 09 my guarantee, AT THE HUB FRIDAY "Strength of the Weak" and "Ham and the Jitney Bus" SIX REELS SATURDAY "Prince of Peace" A Great War Drama in Four Reels. mortal remark that it was a crime to die rich —being one crime which most of us will escape without yiolent effort. But how much is Carnegie worth Since he sold his steel works the in come from the bends he received in payment has amounted to 210 million dollars. Hencs the Laird might have spent S million dollars a year to main tain his frugral household and have giv en away 140 million dollars and still have all his original fortune intact. — Philadelphia Ledger. Here's my guarantee—Go to any drug store and get a 50 cent bottle of Dod son's Liver Tone. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't straighten you right up and make you feel fine and vigorous I want you to go back to the store and get your money. Dodson's Liver Tone is destroying the sale of calomel because it is real liver medicine; entirely vege table, therefore it can not salivate or make you sick. ' I guarantee that one spoonful of Dod son's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that sour bile and constipated waste which is clogging your system and mak ing you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep your entire family feeling fine for months. C Give it to your children. *■ It is harmless; doean't-gripg and they like it* pleaeant'tMtfi, Seaboard Air Line Rail way "The Progressive Railway of the South," ! TRAINS LEAVE CHARLOTTE, EF FECTIVE MAY 30, 1915. EAST AND NORTH BOUND. No. 14—5:05 A. M.—Through train for Wilmington, with parlor car at tached. Connecting at Hamlet with train for Portsmouth, Nor folk, Raleigh and all points north. Also for all points south and C. A. & W. for Charleston. Dining car service, \estibule coaches and sleeping cars to Washington and New York, connecting at Maxton for A. C, L. points north. No. 24—10:10 A. M.— For Raleigh Weldon and all local points. No. 20—5:05 P. M.—For Wilmington, sleeper car passengers can stay in all night at Wilmington. This train connects at Hamlet lor Savannah, Jacksonville and all points south and north. Ar riving Washington 7:10 a. m., New York 12:57 p. m, No. 16—7:50 P ** —handles local sleep ei Portsmouth-Norfolk, connect ing at Monroe for Atlanta and all poii ts south and southwest;al so com ects at Monroe with fast train or Norfolk. Richmond, Waslii. gton and New York, througi steel vestibule coaches, Pull men electric lighted sleeping cars to New York, dining cars Richmond to New York. W EST BOUND. No. 15- 9:05 A. M.— Local for Ruther ford ton, connecting at Bos tic with C. C. & O. for all po ; nts on that lire to Johnson City Tenn. Connects at LincolntDn with C. & N. W. for all points. No. 31—3:25 P. M.—Local for Ruther fordton, from Raleigh, and Wel dou connecting at Lincoln ton with C. & N.-W- for points on that line. James Ker. Jr., T. P. A., Charlotte, N. C' J. T. West, D. P. A.. Raleigh,N. C. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The Systsm. Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 50 cent* © Piedmont & Northern Rail way Company 'The Electric Way" Between Char lotte. and Gastonia. Leave Charlotte Independence Terminal Lv. Gastonia 8:00 A.M. 7:00 A.M. 10:00 " 9:00 u 12:00 " 11:00 " 2:00 P.M. 1:00 P.M. 4:00 " 3:00 " 5:00 " 5:00 " fi:00 " 6:00 " 1:00 " 7:00 " 8:00 " 8:00 " 9:00 " 9:00 " 11:00 "• 10:45 " Through connection at Gastonia with the C. & N.-W. Ry., to and from Chester, Yorkville, Lincolnton, New ton. Hickory and Lenoir. C. S. ALLEN, Traffic Manager. Greenville, S. £> Effective Sunday, May 16th 1915. Chimney Rock NORTH CAROLINA Special Low Round Trip Rales via Seaboard Air Line Railway, the most BEAUTIFUL Mountain section of North Carolina. Ideal for a Summer Outing and easily reached from Ruthcrfordton by the Thermal Belt Auto Livery & Garage Co., (Automobile Service.) GOOD ROADS. July and, August the most delightful months to spend in the Scenic Mountains, Region of Western North Carolina. Call on your agent and ask for pictur esque booklet free or apply to H. E. PLEASANTS, T. P. A., Wilmington, N. C- J AS. KER, Jr., T. P. A., c Charlotte, N. C. J. T. WEST, D. P. A., Raleigh, N. $

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