| Banking by Mail j I i_w mlmw ll—'i in win R»tn*u;*» wx— l TWO ADVANTAGES of binding by mail arc saving of time and convenience. - OUR BANK exercises greatest care in handling your business with exactness and .dispatch, acknowledging all I remittances on the day that they arc received by UJ. U YOU RECEIVE a statement of your receipts and expenditures whenever you ask for it, as this Biiik doss your FINAN CIAL bookkeeping free of charge. COMMUNICATE with us and we will be glad to >lk this over. I Hickory Banking & Tra& Co. HICSORY.ijjM. C. I'IMIMimWHi 1 il 1 IHM'i I 1 til 1 "-"7" C^TTT^ |{tjs_ important to have your repairing done just right-. Expert work and a full stock of genuine materials enables us to give high-class repairing. A watch can be made or ruined in repairing. Don't | take chances. Bring it here and have it 1 done right at reasonable prices. i ... ■ j I ANNOUNCEMENT _' [ The following prices f. o. b. Detroit, effective August 2, 1515: Ford Runabout $390.00 | Ford Touring Car 440.00 Ford Town Car 640.00 No speedometer included in this year's equipment, otherwise cars ful- w m ly equipped. | There can be no ar.surance given against an advance in these prices at | any time. We guarantee, however, that there will be no reduction in | these prices piior to Aug. 1, 1916. PROFIT SHARING WITH RETAIL BUYERS On August 1, 1914, we made the announcement that if we could make and sell at retail 300,000 Ford cars between August 1, 1914 and August 1, 1915 we would share profits with the retail purchasers to the extent of from S4O to S6O on each car. We have sold over 300,000 Ford cars in the time specified, and profit-sharing checks of §SO each will be distributed as rap idly as possible after August 15, 1915. Retail purchasers who have not yet mailed us their profit-sharing coupons, properly endorsed, should do so without delay. Our plan to profit-share with retail purchasers of Ford cars during 1914- 15 has been most successful. We thoroughly believe in it, but, realiz ing the uncertainty of conditions generally makes it advisable to defer any announcement of future profit-sharing until a later date. We arc, however, confident of our inability to reduce costs for several I months,and therefore can offer no profit-sharing for cars delivered during August, September and October, 1915. Ford Motor Co., Detroit, Mich. Hickory Garage Co. - Hickory, N. C. PHONE 225 Electric Light and Tower Franchise For Sale! The City of Hickory, North Carolina, on the 12th day of October, 1915, at 10 o'clock, A. M., will award to the bidder offering to pay to the cify during the life of the franchise the highest percentage of the gross annual receipts, an electric light and power franchise, granting the right to use the streets of the city for the purpose of operating electric light, power; fuel and heat plants for a period of Thirty years. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check for one hundred dollars. Scaled bids will be received, but any bidder present at the opening of the sealed bids will have the right to raise the highest sealed or oral bid. The successful bidder, within thirty days after the awarding of the franchise, must file a bond running to the city, to be approved by the City Council, in the penal sum of Five Thousand Dollars, conditioned that such bidder shall well and truly observe and faithfully perform each and every term and condition of the franchise. All bids will be received at the office of the City Manager, who upon request will furnish any additional information sesired. The city reserves the right to refuse any and all bids. S. C. Corn well, - City Manager, - Hickory, N. C. aug-17-20-23-27-30-sep-3-7-10. ——— ————-———■ —————n-i-i ——————mg——so—— i ■ Claremont College, Hickory, N. C. FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 7, 1915 Splendid Buildings, Magnificent Campus, Steam Heat, Electric Lights, City Water and all modern conveniences. Teachers who are specialists in their Departments; non-sectarian, ! but Christian. COURSES: Literary, Music, Elocution, Art, Bookkeeping, Shorthand and Preparatory. A SAFE PLACE FOR YOUR DAUGHTER AT A MODERATE COST. For further information write, * CLAREMONT COLLEGE. - HICKORY, N. C To all School Cominlttemaa of Ca- tawba County. During the next six weeks I expect to visit every school building in the county to inspect the sanitary condition of the buildings and grounds and source of the water supply. This in spection is made for the purpose of enlisting your aid in the betterment of health conditions and make the chil dren more comfortable and productive of greater results in their school work. It is impossible to notify every mem ber of the various school committees the date and hour a certain school will be inspected. To aid in this work and believing, that the intention of the in spection can be more fully understood by the committee being present, I ask that a member of each school board drop me a postal card giving me his address and phone number in order to let me phone or write him the date and hour suitable to meet the committee at the various school houses. This inspection work being the first public work of its kind in Catawba the purpose being the betterment of schools from a health standpoint we hope to have the support cf every per or, and ail patrons of any school are nv:ttd to meet at their respective chools and go over the subj' ct of ,üb!ic health in the schcol. Geo. W. Shipp M, D. County Supt. of Health, Newton, N. C Aug. 18, 1915 1 Your Cough Can be Stopped Taking care lo avoid draughts, expo sure, sudden changes, and taking a treatment of D;. Kings New Discovery, will positively relieve, and in time will iuiely rid you of your Ccugh. The iirst dose soothes the irritation, checks he Cough, which stops in a short time. Dr. King's New Discovery has been lsed successfully for 40 yesrs ar.d is I :arantced to care you. Money b3ck f it fail?, get a Dottle from your Drug gist; it costs enly a little and will help ou so much. Ohio Corn 14 Ft ct High. Fin: ay, ( hio, A g. L 4,—' en amin Ki>tier, a Marion town ship farmer, reports the tallett :orn in the county. l 4 e taid hi hts afield containing corn four teen feet high, the ears crowing ni t feit fiom the ground. Demi.s Cinu:bj Cjr^J by local aj) »licnilon*. as they canno* reach the d-t ;>• d portion of the ear There is 01 v >•;*- va\ tocuie deatness. and that is ; y f ofisliiutn»n.:J remedies Deafness is a l> an iiu'iimod con dition ot t e itiiu'ous lining ot the Eustachian Tib*. When this tube is inflamed you hv. e a rumbling sound or imperfect hear r.g, and when it is en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the it.llamn ation can be taken out and iliis tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever, nine cases out of ten are tausad by Catarrh, which isnoth ing Lut an iniiamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by 'atarrh) that, cannot be cured by tail's Catarrh Cure. Send for ciicu ars. free. F. J. CHEN BY & CO., Toledo. Ohio, ■told by Druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for const jation. adv't Distress Signal. (1 hiladelphia Public Ledg?r) "Why are >o i flying your flags' upside down, Suburbs" "fe let the neighbors know that the cook's gone and all in vitations are off." A Medicine Chest for 25c. In this chest you have an excellent remedy for Toothache, Bruises, Sprains, Stiff Neck, Backache, Neuralgia, Rheu matism and for most emergencies. One 25c. bottle of Sloan's Liniment does it all —this because these ailments are symptoms, not diseases, and are caus ed by congestion and inflamation. If you doubt, ask those who use Sloan's Liniment, and better still, buy a 25c. bottle and pro/e it. All druggists. Notf Asheville is to have a public swimming pool for the negroes. O, well!-Dai)y News. Is Sickness a Sin? If not, it's wicked to neglect illness and means of relief. It's wicked tc en dure Liver Ills, Headache, Indigestion, Constipaton, when one dose of Po-Do- Lax gives reief. Po-Do-Lax is Podo phhllin (May Apple) without the gripe. It arouses the Liver, increases the flow of bille —Nature's antiseptic in the Bowels. Your Constipation and oth er ills disappear over night Po-Do-Lax has helped Nature to remove the cause. Get a bottle from your druggist tG'day, Get rid of your Constipation overnight. Whenever You Need a Censral Tcnlc Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a « e , r£j Tonic because it contains the well known tonic propertiesof QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. FOUR CONVICTS ESCAPE OUT OF GANG OF FIVE Newton's Road Repair force Is Sadly Depleted Result of Negro's Grouch. Newton, Aug. 23.—Newton town ship's road force was sadly depleted jesterday morning about 1 o clock when four of the five convicts used as a repair force quietly left the county jail and mingled themselves with the piedmont landscape. Jay Bost, Hick | ory negro, whose time is up about the first month, refused to join the runaways and remained in the jail. Of the four, one is white, James Smith, sent from Wilkes county, had nearly three months to serve, Leo An derson, neero of Morganton hid about 30 days remaining of a two-year sen tence put on him at Morganton for stealing one pound of butter. He broke into a car and got it. Tom Wingates, also of Morganton. would have been set free today had he stayed, and he is supposed to have been the moving force because he wanted to get off yes terday and was refused. "Jim," a South Carolina product, might have al so gotten out today, as he had credits enough to finish his time. The officials do net caie much about those whose times were out, but ofrir $lO reward fo; them just the same. A Political Event of the Week. Formal entries for the attorney-gen eralshiD arenowin order, Catawba Coun ty leading off with Mr. W. A. Self, who has been faltering pending on the decision of Mr. Doughtoiu_ The Ob server has said before that Mr, Self is not only finely equipped for the posi tion, but that he will be backed from the start by a strong following. The announcement of his candidacy wa" the most interesting political event of the week. There have been a good i many "if' candidates for this particu j lar S:ate office, and the retirement of j Dough'.oa will be calculated to devel |op these in short order. We believe ; the drift cf State sentiment is that th r 1 farther awav horn Ri'eigh a rain lives, the better his chances. Charlotte Oo |server Cheap Paint. There ar.-: 10G0 "cheap" and a doz en really cheap ones. That double word "cheap" is the cause of wasting more monev than pood paint costs, two or three times o v?». Cheap paint is good paint: there is no other; no other is chsap. The two wcrds sound alike but their meanings opposite. "Cheap" costs double. Cheap is Devoe. F. B. Ingold. To Drive Out Malarl-i And Uulld Up The Systcir Take the Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula ii printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron iu a tasteless forui. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 50 cent® You can see why girls wear short skirts.—Daily News. C. & N.-W. Railway Company Schedule Effective Apt. 18th 1915. No. 8 Pass. Pas.--. Northbound Mixed No. 10 e No j 6 Ee r? o ounday x Sun. Ex Sun. Onlv Chester Lv. 12 05pm 7 43am Yorkville 1 55 U1 29 Gastonia 4 00 9 24 Lincolnton 5 30 10 15 Newton 6 15 10 55 Hickory 705 12 05pm 100pm Lenoir. ~.Ar. 8 20 1 08 2 04 Lenoir .-Lv. 2 00 Mortimer . 3 17 Edgemont-,Ar. 3 27 No. 7 No. 9 Pa;s. Southbound Mixed Pass. c No- , 5 Ex Sun Ex Sun. Edgemont..Lv. 10 00am Mortimer 10 08 Lenoir... ,_Ar. 1120 Lenoir Lv. 6 00am 1 35pm 8 15am Hickory 7 15 2 35 lj Newton 8 00 3 05 Lincolnton 8 55 3 43 Gastonia Lv. 11 00 5.0() Yorkville 12 28pm 547 Chester ... Ar. 215 635 CON N ECTION S L C^ e c er_! Southern > S. A. L. and Yorkville—Southern Railway. Lincolnton—S. A. L. ' Gaslonia—Southern Ry., Piedmont & Northern Ry. Newton and Hickory—Southern Rv. E. F. REID, G. P. A.," Chester, S. C. Notice of Sale of Real Estate By virtue of an order of the Superior Court made in a special pioceeding therein pending wherein Carrie Ross et al are plaintiffs and Hickory Land & De velpment Co., is defendant, the under signed commissioners will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in front of the First National Bank of Hick ory, On Saturday, September 11th, 1915, the following described lot of land lying in the city of Hickory near the New I Graded School, bounded as follows: Beginning at a rock, Rev. Robt. Smith's comer runs S. 225 feet more or less to Lincolnton street; thence S. 82 1-2 E. 100 feet to a stake; thence N. 225 feet more or less to a stake, said Smith's cor ner; thence N. 88 W. to the beginning This Aug. 10, 1915. B. B. BLACKWELDER, M. H. YOUNT, sjau j-0t"27-sep-3, Commissioners, Zeppelin Loses Battle Witli Mono plane. x OS :al ann>Ji2)ii ent of the most spectular exploit so far per formed in Europe's titanic con flict was made June 7 by the sec retary of the. British admiralty. It concerned the destruction of a Z:ppelin dirigible in a daring ae rial encounter 6.U00 feet above in Ghent in Belgium. Six bom'js were dropped on the hull of the Garman craft by Sub-Lieutenant R. A. J. Warneford, R. N., who attacked the enemy single-hand ed in a small Morane monoplane. The battle in mid-air is ditcrib ed in the detail in the August Popular Machanics Magazine, which also contains a full page view showing the maneuvers of the contending air craft. The fight took place at three o'clock in the morning after the British airman had sighted the large craft on the horizon between Ghent and Brussels while doing reconnaissance work. He flaw directly over the airship and within 50 feet of its upper sur face. The last bomb burst the envelope, causing a terriflj ex plosion which sent the bulky ship to earth, a fiary mass. The force of the detrition capj'Zii the monoplane, but the piiot was able to regain control of it a*)d make a spiral glide tj the ground. He thereupon restarted his engine and escaped, subsequently land ing on French soil near Griz Nez. A few days later while trying out a new machine, War neford was killed in a fall with an American newspaper corres pondent. It is reported that the kaiser UDon hearing of the air man's death remarked, "He was a brave enemy." Taken by Mistake or Stolen— A va'ise on August 18, about! 6:30 p. nr., wa3 left in Southern white waiting room with m> name on end. It contains nott - ing of va ue to any one except, *-n Entf i e h co'n of at) LO daied 1767 and two or»e«io'- lar gold pins a ; :d find a lot ,c trtctior.al cuntrty rur.nijtg m denomination from three to ufty jcnti. It ! cated please com municate wit!» W. J. WOLFf', 2\ p J . Tobacc r .ville, N. C. Constipation Causes mos" Ills Accumulated waste in your '.airly teet o? bowels causes.absorption of poison*', tends to produce fevcts. upsets diges tion. You belch gas, feel stuffy, iint able, almost cranky. It isn't you —it's your condition. Eliminate this poisonous waste by taking one or two Dr. King's New Life Pills tonight. Ei.joy a full, free bowel movement in the morning— you feel so grateful. Get an original bottle, containing 36 Pills, from your Druggist to-day fcr 25c. adv't CALIFORNIA Expositions San Francisco and San Diego, California Southernßailway Premier Carrier f the Sufh Very/Low Round-Trip Rates. Dates of sale March 1, to Novem ber 30, 1915. Final return limit three months from date of sale, except that those tickets will not be gocd to re turn later than December 31, 1915. Low Round Trip fares from princi pal points as follows :l Charlotte $84.15 Salisbury 84.15 High Point 84.15 Greensboro 84.15 Mount Airy 84.25 North Wilk.'sioro 87.85 Statesville 84.15 Hickory 83.25 Morganton 82/20 Winston Salem 84,15 Shelby 82.60 Fares from other points on same basis. Fares to Seattle or via Portland and Seattle at wigher rate, hhese tickets will permit of diverse routing and will allow stop-overs on both going and re turn t-ip within limit of ticket. Southern Railway oSers choice of several routes of historic interest from which to select; going one way and re turning another. Through connections and good service via Memphis, St. Louis, Chicago or New Orleans. Through cais daily via New Orleans and Sunset Route. Special car par ties now being arranged, affording op portunity to make trip without change and with select company on outgoing trip; returning at leisure via any route ycu may choose, stopping off at your own pleasure, thereby avoiding all the d scomforts of going and returning with large tour parties, being compell ed to follow the crowd. In going in dividually or with special pulhnan car parties you spend your own money, stop where you please and go and come to suit your own convenience and save money paid tourist agents for escorting yon around. For further information apply to Southern Railway Agents, or - R. H. Deßutts, Division Passenger Agent, Charlotte. N. C. . \ * ' -*> sc. the packet or two "Bobs" for a t f cent at all the better stands and stores. hearted little things®- (,these "Bobs"! All the ? pep and the mint of the peppermint, all the chew of the gum —with fine white coats of candy, and made heart shape 'cause - everybody loves them so. "Bobs" give you real flavor IClines' Barber Shop! VTli AV'iNT ; NEAR POST OFFICE Modern, Ss .1 tsry, Convenient \ "ToTan i COLDIATKS EITHER SLOWER. OR TUB Polite Barb r s, Splendid Service Court oust reatment. HO V f Q. "S'iermcm ■ •" ARCHITECT -J «r» f £ Stevenson TUdg',HICKORY, N. C.\ * - NOT CE! NOTICE! Sale of Valu ible Stock of Merchan dise and Fixtures at Plateau, Catawba County. Under and by virtue of the power and amhorily ves ed in the unersigncd Mort gagee executed by R. C. Johnson and wife, bearing date of November 15th, 1913, and recorded in the office of the Regis.er of Deeds for Catawba County, in Book No. 110, page 303, to which ref t erenci: is hereby made for a more par ticular description of said mortgage, de fault having been made in the strict compliance with the terms and stipula tions therein contained, I will sell at public auction, for cash or bankable paper, at the County Court House Door, in Newton, nt 1 o'clock p. m., on Thursday the 26th day of August, 1915, all of that certain stock of Merchandise and fixtures situate at Plateau in Jacobs Fork Township, Catawba County, here tofore known as the W. S. Goodnight sto: e and stock of goods, but sold to R. C. Johnson on November 15, 1913, the said Johnson hav.'ng conducted the busi ness since said date. This stock of goods consists of Dry Goods, Groceries, Shoes, Hardware, Hats, Caps, etc., in fact is a complete line of general merchandise. With this stock there will be sold the fixtures in connection therewith consisting of two pair scales, seven show cases, etc. TVs 26th day of July, 1915. Yv. S. Goodnight, Mortgagee. Notice of Saie of Real Estate Under Mortgage. By virtue of the powers contained in a certain deed of mortgage given by H.F. Yoder and M. C'. Yoder, his wife, to M. A. Rowe and assigned to H. W. Harris, the undersigned will sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash, in front of the Post Office in Hickory Aug ust 28, '.*>ls, at 1 o'clock p. m., the fol lowing leal estate, default having been made in the payment of the note for which the mortgage is secuiity, said land lying and being in Hickory town ship, and bounded as follows: Beginning at a Hickory and runs S. 16 1-2 W. 69 1-2 poles to a stone on the old line; then with the old line S. "8 7-8 W. 47 poles to a stone in said old line; then N. 22 East 15 poles to a Walnut; then N. 9 E. 13 poles to a stone then N. 68 YY. 21 1-4 poles to a Walnut stump in the river bank; then down the river 48 poles to an Iron wood on the bank of the river; then S. 52 E. 28 1-2 poles to a stone; then N. 45 E. 2 1-2 poles to a pop lar; then N. 38 E. 46 poles to the begin ning. Containing 31 acres, upland and 4 3-4 acres of bottom. This July 26, 1915. M. A. Rowe, Mortgagee, H.W. Harris, Assignee, M. H. Yount, Attorney. QHICHEB7ER S PJLLS , TUB IHAMOND UCAND. A /•it 7tv\ £?. . Ah H T°>" l»rnc» l«t for /A iGrV Kiumoncl Ttrnnd/WV J 'l*® livd in»i Gold !iieul!ic\w'/ JTk ti?*, 05 . sealed with Blue Ribbon. V/ l-i VY| T*ke no other. Itny of roup V I L W AiltforClll-CUES-TEH'S I » Jf WAUONB IIRAND J'lUS.faJu fy years known as Best, Safest. Always Reliable SOLD BY DRUOQISTS EVERYWHERE | PROFESSIONAL CARD: R. P. DAKsIS ! CONTRACTOR and Biiii.Dtß j Fine Residence and Difficult R modsling a Specialty. | HICKORY - - - N T ( HICKS HICKS DEN I'ISTS Office ia Mason'.c Buildiiis ARTIFICIAL TEETH A SPECIALTY § ZIMMERMAN & MOOSE I ARCHITECTS I OFFICE: 2nd Floor Southern Express SWt H High-Grade Training. Broad Experience. Efficient Service. Dr. I. A. Wood, DENTIST Office over Moser & Lutz Drug Sta Hickory. N. C. Dr. Charles I. Ransacker PHYSICIAN Office Over Shuford's Drug Stor; Calls Answered Promptly'at all Hon Phones: Residence 92; office 25. Office Hours: 3:30 to 5 ana 7 to 9 p.i DR. VV. B. FAVISAI Dentist. Office Over Shuford Drug Sto F. S. Steele, M. E Office Over Menzies' Drug St# PHONES Residence 221-L. o. Office - R. W. WOLF'S VETERINARY HOSPITAL Corner 9th Ave., 9th St. THAT NEAT HAIR-CUT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR —IS AT Dietz's Barber Shop TRY US NONE ÜBTTf DR. PAUL W. TROUTMA Sucessor to Dr. J.'C. DitWi* DENTIST . Office over Singing Sevang Machine Office. HICKORY. N. C. D. F. CLINES Palace Barber Sno and Pressing CI lid —Phone 96 — ALL FIRST-CLASS WOR.-ME HOT AND COLD BATHS'. We Are Prepared to Do I on. Woikand Make Your C lollies New. Club Membership ' IcK( L Suits SI.OO. All Work Guaranty D. F. CLINE, •