V V ! THE NEWS AND FARM. THE PEOPLE'S PAPER. J. H. LINDSAY,. Editor and Owner. Enterod nt th-j Ktraorsville Post-ofSce as Becoml-cks mftttcr. . .... ; Friday, October 28, 1837. The Germantbn Times has en- torcd upon its secprfd volume, and with the new volume comes a new management, with E. J. Styres, publisher, W. B. Harris, editor. It has a liberal advertising patronage and ought to have a good circula tion? - ; Rev. Dr. Starr, a Methodist minister at Danville, Va., is the last man to tackle the secular press. Let him be who he may, the man who tackles the secular press in an abusive way generally -gets the "fling" thrown back on his own head." We1 adniire the decent way the Richmond State handles the subject. - ,. - . The -Pnblic Ledger, of Phila here who take occasion to frequent ly call upon him. They all wish him well and jhope tnat nemay prosper and be honored in the coming years as he has been in the past. , - A CELEBRATED CASE. . The New York "W6rld"4has used its detective bureau to good account if iyias really discovered and caus- ed the arrest o tho murderers of! Treasurer Barron of tho Dexter (Me.) savings bank. This murder aroused the widest interest at the time of its occurrence, nine years ago last February, and detectives of some reputation took a hand at unraveling the mystery, lhe treas urer, it may belrecalled, wa:; found unconcious and dying, on the floor of the vault of the bank, with his head badly bruised, his arms pin ioned an a gag in his mouth. As very little money had been stolen from the safe, a suspicion got afloat that Barron had committed suicide because his accounts were not all rightj and an expert demonstrated by a periormancq 01 his own tnat it was entirely possible for a man to -put- himself unajued into tne condition in 'which he .was found. Public opinion was ..divided, and the two sides were maintained with acrimonv. arron s successor iu Diseases Of .Tbr Liter,' Ednej,"and Bowel, origi In Impure blood. "When the action of Umm organ Is Impaired, the general health becomes endangered, and prompt treatment la Indispensable. Tor the cure of these diseases, and all disorders of the blood, the most effectrre and economical medicine is Ayera Sarsaparilla. I hare endured suffering enough, with a disease or tne JLlver ana Kidneys to kill a dozen men. Ater's Sanaparll has entirely cured me. Wm. H. Mulvin, 122 Northampton St., Boston, Kass. I suffered greatly from Kidney Com plaint, for two years. After trying many remedies, without relief, I. took Ayers Sarsaparilla, and was cuted. M. II. Dla nsy, Attleborough.'Maas. For sereral TearsAI suffered from Dys pepsia and Kidney Complaint, the latter being so severe, at tlmee, tnat 1 could scarcely attend to my work. My appetite was poor, and I was much emaciated; but, -by miner Acer's SarsaDarilla. nr health has been perfectly restored. John MeLellaa, Bridge and Third sts.f A few bottles of Ay ex's Sarsaparilla . Cured , i i i i j i the treasurershin, after a long m- delphia, has passed a good long . --y, , 1 ,i ' ti?ft stop into its 104th volume; ad has positors in behalf of the trustees, lately put in $120,000 worth of asserting in substance that the machinery, consisting 61 3 printing dead man was a defaulter, and that " machines costing 40,000. each, the only hope jof getting back even i "i . n , nrr ntr a part of the money he owed the - . v bank lav m tho success of a suit an, eight page paper complete, m ajainst his estate. Under the cru one hour. Speaking of the im- el buulen of such a doubt tho rep- provements, editorially, the "Ledg- utation of Barron has lain till now er"' thinks it will be many years, his widow and son suffering great me of Kidney Complaint, from which I had suffered for years. It is the most effectual remedy I ever used. Philln O. Raymond, Duluth, Minn. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cured meofKIdner Disease when all Qther remedies failed. It. Is the beat of. remedies for this chm. : - plaint". Ell Dodd, Xenia, 111. I was a long time under treatment for Heart Disease, and .an . affection of the Kidneys, but' grew 'wors continually. I finally began using Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, after taking a number of bottles of this medicine, the difficulties of my heart and kidneys ceased, and I am in better health, every way. than I have been for years. E. C. Davis, Jamestown, N. Y. A disordered condition of the Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys, afflicted me for years, and I never found any medicine to relieve me, until I commenced taking Ayer's Sar aaparilla, Less than six bottles of this remedy cured me: B. Wild, Hutto, Tex. distress in consequence. Should r"PbjDr.j.o.Ayer&Oo.Xowii,lta. The Stomach If as sensitive to ailments affecting an ocner part or the body as tkarmomataf Is to changes" of temperature. , "Whn the . blood becomes vitiated, the'stomach Is oo of the firttwgkna to suffer. Ayer's Sar saparilla purifies lhe blood, and restore to the stomach the vigor required for ti natural performance of Its function. with a disordered Stomach AncT Liver v" . V .and obtained no relief until I commenced wuung Ayers sarsaparilla. This modi cine has restored my health. Mrs. M. F. Hamblett, Lawrence St., Lowell, liaaa. I have used Ayer's Sarsaparilla, In my family, for years. As a blood purifier it has no equal.: It proves Invaluable la diseases of the Stomach and Liver. i. I. Stoddard, Farkersburg, W. Va. : My wife was long subject to sever Headaches, theVeauli of stomach and liver disorders. After trying various remedies, without relief, she used Ayer's Sarsapa rilla, and,-. In. s short' time; was cured. 8. Page, 21 Austin St., Lowell, Mass. I gratefully eertlfy that I have bes cured of Hver and stomach trouble : y.5Tak!ng ' Ayefs Sariaparula. ,i was sfck,' for a number of eara, with these complaints; BOiiwru xruui -zievaacne, uizziness, ioes otAppetite, Dyspepsia, and Debility, and finally became so weak that I was utterlr Richmond and Dasville R. R. CONDENSED SCHEDULE IN i:Fr5CTJULY24, 1887. before a machine with greater L, ...-i w to . . vuw ' i - capacity; will oe put inopperauon. th0 conviction? of the men now un-J. der jan-est. thd case Avili become One Miller, of Philadolphia, a one of the ' inost astonishing on minister and physician, was sen- record as an example of the sure tenced to seven years in the peni- tnouSu iarc Tlcwr?4 "" tenuary last weeKior criminal mai- The anDointment of Assistant praatice on one Mrs. Robinson. Secretary of the State will be made "Whon tho judge was about to pass in a few days, "it is thought, and sentencd upon him, ho begged the we are all hoping that Gen. W.'R. JUUUU IVi UICi Li VJiiliOAilli ,J ULUbl . t , 1 IT -1 1 " meaicai worK ii ne wouia release and now that: the President has him. The judge's reply was that returned, he is expected to forni- the "sympathy ho felt for him ally, name limi this week. L i 1 - - I nrvmr TATfTXTn The case of the Chicago anarch ists oomes up before the Supreme unfit for business of any; kind. the remedies I tritd seemed to re Her mi Neither of 'eliT in. and I had gixen Bp all nope of being well again, when a friend recommended m to take Ayer. fiaraaparllla. I commenced using this medicine, and, aiter taking a f aw bottles;-was completely cured. My llyer and stomach are oowJa -a 'healthy con dition, performing,, their, functions nat urally. D. L. oss, Bucksport, Me. ' For a number, of years I suffered with Dry Sajt-Rheum. I tried various mineral springs, but neither these nor physicians did ue any good. Upon the recommenda tion - of a" friend I commenobd taking Ayer's fiar- saparilla, and, In a few months, w'u eared. Geo. I. Peck, West Herlden, Conm. Bold lj all dmi gUU. Trie 1; tka xuim, M ORGANS, PIANOS, And alt Kinds of Musical Instruments at Lowest Prices, - SOUTHERN MUSC HOUSE, LIBERTY BLOCK, WINSTON,- & C rvi rji . " Uilirmoftf, IiucJiir i.i. .?. .--...uii'n , .' i?r Mi..-'.-, tirricl, (Jro.rJ-.oro, I: .To -L. " lArb--,. lli!L orow H"x i'uiut, S. Juib .ty, Ar tUuWjviUc, Aheii:ft, Hot Si'rinpi, Lt Concetti, CUAil.ttU, ' Sivirtisbnr , Ar AUiuito, KoiixnnovKDv - Lv Allanto, ! Ax Greenville, Sp:irt&nburg,' " Charlotte, " Conrorvl, " Salisbtsrv, High Toint, " Greensboro, " Salem, llillboro, DsiUiiui, Chapel Hill. " Ealush, " Goldaboro, ' Danville, Drake's Bnujch, Kcyaville, " BnrkfeTillo,' Richmoad, . V Lynch bnrg, " Cli.-u-lottosviUo, Vt'juvhiagton, ' liiltiniore, " riulalelj.hia, New Vork T) KUA'. No. : No. 52. I 4i5AHj 4 30PM j 7 Z t " i -6 57 : i5 " i 1 45 li'-l- 111 (0 : 3 I Ml S Ufi A M & 17 5 ro I c iu j M50 t 3 33 5 3y 6 41 7 t7 2J i 1 u u " : L t .. ; o i ill 5 01 " . i n 21 i Stfi " ! 3 4S Ith-.am 12 3; 15 "would in no way prevent liim iiom doing Lisxlnty" and justly sonten- tenced Miliar as abovo. . CO P o LI 8 LLTTEIt. Court of the U. S. on. a -writ of er ror next Thursday. Algernon S.I Jones and John 1. E-i 'f-4 O c respmlcnce from tal. fSpecial to the Nevts akd Fabm.1 ships in tho Pension office. I i i - r r ir.ll- .1 T T TTavinrr Wr, "out of town for tWi. Smith, have been eppointed gang ,ira t i,A i Ti f ers and storekeepers'm the intern! u xra i?mr revenue service m j-xonn varumw that period, with its customary th district wasninfjrton letter.- ,. 3 - -r- .V? . . - - . - - - I ..ir rrn rrll'O tlirougli, Virginia 1 iouna mere an culled from our Contemporaries and Re- iinusual state of political activity, ecl?etl by Special Communications. for an "oil year. Once again Ma- Gov. Fitz. liee will attend the V al- hone is theissue. The Legislature don Fan- soon to be - chosen, will elect the There is talk of a raih-oad horn Ox successor of Senator Riddleberger, ford to Raleigh.! whose term expires March 4th y, ice OTowei-s expect an advance iy I ana n tne itepuoncans carry tne m-ice this winter: a short crop.. ir 1 legislature Maiione wiu succeed tcov, wowmt; ftf Wiiminotnn i w. rm.-j.-i i.-i.:- . o mm. Anas wiiy pouwuiau is strain- this week, aged 77 yeais. ing every nerve, pnysicany ment- Th a of Education-met ally, politically and Unancially to at Raleiu Tuesday. once aiain uoist iiis uo avoimupois -ri;u i nnn t llll. H M'll V 111 iVlt; 'L UUVt UXUVU J XV. I o P4 P5 ,a lhe Country's Capl. Bell, both of N. C , Lave been pro- g ' . 'q 1. , - ; motod from $1,000 to $1,200 cleak- g G H P3 0 Hi 5: WW EI' to f CD 1 t: o into tho XJ. S. Senato. Whether he will be able to do it, remains to bo seen., HOME AGAIN. mium tobacco sale Nov. 4th. Oxford has sold over one million pounds of new tobacco this season. WeU, the Presidential party have . miS; i ji w i "xvMJ "rtTD turer, lectured m Wilnungton Wednes day night i P. OR MS BY, DEALER IN-- AND - . : . SEWING-MACHINES. rST REPAIRED OR EXCHANGED. J l 00 " 3 03 i l 40 j 3 55 ) 3 45 f, 15 j 1 15PMJ.2 0O 1 3 40 " i 4 10 : 8 23 " i 8 lu lll 25 " :10 0: i 3 V) A M12 S V1 JJ j C 2;J " j 3 io ! SPRING 1883: - FALL 1887 SPENT IN Til 15 TO WN O ' WI S STON, '1 ! IINIC I HAVE BEEN AI1T.P tx learn just whrt my cuu waat, can" Mmiv khv thai I ti. 1v'. prepared than tver t supply row Milii the BEST QUALITY OF GOODS si tho LOWEST PRICED . . 1,000 Yds Satins, in KemnanV 10 worth .20 Cloth, all wool, .50 u 1.00 u half " .33-. -.bo 100 Fine Hoods, hand-made, at Half Price 300 Fine Jerseys, all wool very low. 200 air Shoes shop worii, at 25 cents. 3,000 Yds Calico, at3 cents. GREAT BARGAIN IN CURTAIN SCRIM, 8c . .. . . Ladies' Newmarket, .and . Other ; Winter Wraps, Blankets, ouiiterpanes, pur tain Lace, Fill6wafihBms,;'&c.v I nave a Larger btock UAaji.;4t.bfon)'cirtred.' ETcry avtilALJe (pAct craui med and packed uith'goods pf ttery kind for all clasu.fi u:d cuiiilitx cf lxu Xvouitu and CLjWtvn.- " t .... . - " I MENS' ALL WOOL SUITS.. OF CLOTHES, ' $S.00, G.0O and $7.0Q wortvS.00,:?lO00 and $12.00. -.-" - 1 .MEN'S ALL. WOOL OVERCOATS $3.00,. t.00 $5.00 ainl fC.00, 'worth earl doubla MEN 'S ALL WOOL 'OVERCOATS J7.00. aud ,rth $10.00, $12.00 and $15.00. ! lsEnT' S WOOLilSr PA-NTnng ?: . ... ' .. . ' cl.GO worth $2 00. $1.00 Vorth $2.00. WOOLEN- PAITTS, I c: ( :73i i 1 2. A Mill Gi A M J .-2 25. : 1 -JP-M I 5 3C 5.3 31 i C & " : A 4 I 1 201il!l00 1 . . j I . Til -. " i ! 7 00 r M; 8 4 ) A ?I ! : ClCi 6 2i j G ( l " i 7 2:: : r43 j 8 01 " 7 G6 9 13 1 8 23 ! 9 10 ' 30 " H 1230AM 12 07 P M:t2 34 :12 47 " jf3CO jtl20 I 2 10 C30 " ' It il'J Jn.00 worth $2.00 .:12 44 PM 2 44AM MEWS ! $2.00 worth $n.oo. $2.00" worth a00. ' $2.00 worth $3.00. Worth ?5.t-:. s-7.10 ami Worth $5.00, $7.00 and $3 00 ; V'ji ii r::.C0 :v. . . The Wilmington Star.' .t o " REDUCTION IN PRICE. Attoiitiou is aillctl to the following r vl J rated of sulnicnptioa, &u-h m iwlvtun-c : THE DAILY STAR: One Year - - Six Months - Three MuiitL3 - - . One Hoi'!:;, ... ItifZ WEEKLY STAR: One T?ar " - . S.x.M'uu- - ... " Worth $100 iukI $3.00 V rllTE BLANKETS, Mi Air.r:;l iUUGAIN IN WHITE WOOL ult 2.000 j&rdft tnoro of ua-- .1; ' t.i J ct-ntJ por VanT. i: i :..u . i nt find it jjrcaUjr to your rI- :.A W GO v.- 0u o- Ocr Tvlc-ynipb News sorvico lw rreinitly been lrady iueruse,L-nua) it-1 our :ter- uuuatiou to keep the S I Alt up to the high tKt tit.inlatl 'A i-.ewspiipeir oxeclkuiv. WM. 11. JSKUNAUD,' WINSTON, N. C Between - Drug-Storo and Post-Office. AtVlrCFs, Wiliaiu-tou, K. C. WAGON SHOP, returned to Washington. I or throe weeks they were show- i . -ii. iA :i.i:i.J Rennv Lvon of Durham fell from a , . , . . -i x J I trapeze ba 1 i tT V 1 u n LIVA. IUVU A UVVUilVU 1 J U.O I nlnnese, gilt-edged, skyrockety vtuvday List breaking both arm?. J. E. MatheNYs president uf N. . . F i "t. r C Dental Association lias moved from pair, vrover ana trances are an immense success especially "the tail end of the ticket and it must bo comprehensible to the dullest "wit that the White House intends to claim them as its own for au- KeuansviDo to Wilmington. i The Cumberland county Agricultural society wil hold its 25 annual Fair 9th, 10th and 11th of Nov. Mr. James Poe, an excellent citiiea I I ThnMoni 'Miinrr "-n c? trl'lrtil loot ivrL- other term. The toughest job the ky ft ." ft cotton .rin. dvopuDlican party ever unuertooK, ill be tho materalization of atick- sort of show against (jrrover and T, wT-l-c i r ovS ,Wxt1r i I-fv. Uneo. lntenela pastor trances (jrroJror, ospeclallv, and v. p , , , 1 , , C, i i i -i rov berne Baptist church francos mosi parucujany una tho aforesaid r. p. is fast becoming 'ihve to that glaring fact. fPostsorip. Por further infor mation, ee electiotti.resnrns Nor. 1833. "No 'extra charo fort reserved seats," . v-- JiJJVIS-RAlJSOit JABBER 'A popular topic of discussion among tho North Carolinians here is tho next Senatorship. It is agreed ou all sides that ex-Governor Jar vis-will rosign his Braxiliaii mission in the earl part of next jeac and return to liorth Carolina ior tho purpose of contesting Sen ator Hansom's reelection. There aire likoljjr to be several other Rich monds in ho field, notable Hon. A. M.WaddelL The fight prom ises to be an interesting affair and the man who beats Matt Ransom will have to get uri tolerably early on the morning of "election day. The report to the effect that Mr. Jarvis will be nominated for gov ernor 18 hardly correct. XX-BEPBESENTATIYE RETD. is still in Washington, attending to Borne private business. He is look ing well, and is the same affable gentleman nnd brilliant lawyer of . ore, He has a great mani fxiends Dy a uoi-se ) A little child of Mr. . Sol Obriaut of Pereon county was badly -used up by a it of the Baptist church has been called to' llichuond, Ya. Mr; K G. Horrell of RtUeigh has been elected secretary of the N. C. A ncultunU SocieH- W. G- Unchurch was fotlected President. There is a vori ug lady in Chatham countv who makes cutlery equal to um In" quality 'of metal, she is an invalid arid dtei this-weak for a livelihood, hi l liahie is Kaomi Sniitb, Bynum's P. O. Tho negi) lawyer Cauady of Oxford vho fleeced so uiany negn3 in Gran ville, Franklin And Wake by pretend ing to lend them iuontT, got abou.t $500.00 from negios in Franklin couiih ty. Catch him, if you can Vatch This'Spacc. IT 13 RESERVED I'OK ... DEALEB IK . Choico Family Groceries of aii Kinds, . KERKERSVILLE, V HAVE on hand in loyi Diui bi a full line of pure Drugs, Iai??jt M-:-icines, Levis' white Lead, Puieliusecd Oil, Mixeil PaiuU, Dye-Stuff Perfuui- eiii-s, Toilet txuj8, Cleans and Tobacco, Tooth Powders, Dianoud Dye,.Ex- t trncls. Vanilla, Lemon,. CiuuaiuOn, Pep pennint, Jtc Mid erwy thing usually kept Ui a nrBl-ciass Orugtore, tx sA winch CAXX bo iK.uht at ve:04iublo prices. Physslci.in'b pii.tnpti.;w Ciaefuily cuu2ouu.icL J. J. .ui-, 31. u. x.er- uti-bl!ti, N. C - " aft mmm i KE RNE RSVI LLE,- N . - G. I am now prepared to do 11 kinds of work id ' ':. . REPAIRING WAG0NS, BUGGIES, &C Jicop for cash or Larter. Viil alw pell the cvlebrntodPiedjaunt Waoau All wurk fully guaranteed. llesiK-ctfully,- FURNITURE! FURNITURE! FURNITURE! !F IN NEED 0? ANYTHING !N VHE In Crlcf, ani to the rolat. Dj'spepsia is drcatlfuL Disordsred liver is misery. Indignestion i.s a fo to good nature. ' The hnruan digestive apparatus is ou cf the most complicated and wonderful tilings in existence. It is easily put out of order. Greasy food, tougli food, sloppy food, bad cookery, mental worry, late hours, ir regular habits, and many other things tvhicli J ought not to be, have mada the American ; people a nation of dyspeptics. F U R.N TURl: L INE rw rr .Mm W r ly-u-i IT TV 0 I x AT. BOTTOM PRICES, From a cradle to a coffin, or burial robe, But Green's August Flower has done a vronderful work in reforming this sad busi ness and making the American people so Lealpiy that taey can enjoy their meals and ; be happy. j Remember; No happiness without health. But Green's August Flower brings health, atid happiness to the dyspeptic Ask your druggist for a bottle. Seventy-fiTe cents, j GOTO- CICERO TISE, : .... fr. r?r frrko r r- r - W.-r p.-pt? l.rrr. IUb fc?r.r.k . . - tru :.i m r,"j- :t-t- . , t i. j i ?.iir. ri'rrfcl (Tpi c ;..,.- vvrurs tkniT.it! f; -.'JS MrthUr, uj r:i x . . 0 frn-Bt, iut4 "C f t . .ei ,r.rrn Lfr a ttr&ci& ? u '..4 In. U ! Inp-tut tLatttf-v I' 'Hi J""t(J tbm.' ', rKty r-i ef, a -f wh'..-h Wlri n! tare Riurh ftnxlM. fr . .. rvc klrfr-rrr Ir4tl t ft stmr. k.. i..- - WLTUR A.TAYIX5H. At -r.J. i jrJS, 1 met ''S.:(ifr5 Sty! . ATvTjE N X I O N ! K?.- No rieeif to od to New Yoik fir yaahitUD Watch. .. J. J.. THORNTON. lias a full stock of tbtm vkich he cll at FACTORY PRICES. Ihik, U a good genuine, American patent leer vatcb (n&t waicrbury) Steam winder and setter ia a Iron nicklf ca nJ fs'lh best tch made iri the'wroilj for Js-oo The'Manhattan WaU-n will b mailed to si'r kddrvsr scUrriy packed pstya!J oa m-rlpi of f rlcjf. I also Veep I rut! Soyylf f IRTcr a4 CsM filn, ji-welrj. bilrerware. Clocks and maoy oth er ti,ias-uiULle for ChrUtrni and bridal :c-nt. Com and see n he wish bay and I will trr to mult tl uooJt and irr.ee suit. you. I.J TIIUKiUW. Gitai )a9McAdob lloase. USE THE BEST . - Wheat fertilizer MADE :-: ANY WHERE I ,A 5 Cheap as Any. H.pT OF TOE COURT HOUSE SQ.U1E, WINSTON. 1L t , LWZE inl GREASE test nr mi wobl. It wMrta qtiiTttl arc iT. aatemQy " 0QtiatlBC two boxw of T ettir braad. roa ialv st putxii o xmi tat. jtIt has been ihorocgbl lti-l hu1 Berfocndrating. Tr :-. -a roiir wUcat Urid wkI bc'tOaviaootL . . . TESTIMO'lAl-St,'. ' . I bought .f Tamen Cieirs last fall ten sacka of Navasjia Cuiiw which I own! on twelreand Ulf acres of Wheat, it done as well or betUrtluM in I .erer used Dei re. I will n itain- . f K." A. ulatcocx. . 1. W. CBEm?: I lued Kavaiua Gaano bought ofiou a'tthe'ratof 200 pr acre on znmmqn UiAf and it made a jicld of somrthine ik- io-bushels Hhlle--BrandlJseJ o.i th- iiic field in same qi.mtitr a little later did not produce one-half the yfeld. . Kkstkirsville.-N. C . " ' - T. C. STAtxr- FOll SALE-BY " . :V J. W. CREWS, KERNERSV1LLE, H: C. ; . ! BOYS' SUITATS300:SBS:Q0 AND $600; t 1 K

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