A.Y. OLLAR A YEAR. e I x.enic"tou. l.t I Si'.TOS, N. . June SO, !. DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL TICKET FOR PRESIDENT I .Gil OYER CLEVELAND, ' OP "KW YOKK. " , , ' T. aC for v:B-rEnEXT: ' .,5 ,7 Adlai E. Stevenson, . or iLLjxoia. : r . " L' i STATE TICKCT. i . .. YOtt flOVKRXOK : ELI AS CARR, -';. ' of Edgecombe. FOB LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR: ; R. A. IJOUGHTOX, . , of Alleghany. ' 0ECKKTAnt OV STATS: i octavius coke, ;J . ' of Wake. ' I'm treasures:' I.',"'" DONALD W. BAIN, ' ,' of Wake. ' A: A"AAv'''y,,'. . -. .rV A -v A. ; tor avditor: , R, If. FCRMAX, ' ' . of Runconibe. FOB BCPERINTKNUSLNT OP PUBUC X instruction: ' ; JOBN C. SCARBOROUGH, 1 of Johnston.. . , '--..:.A;iV".A -...V : ,AA ' FOB ATTORNEY GENERAL: , t FRANK I. OSBORNE, t , - of Mecklwiburg. AFRBBlDENTtAL KLBPTOBS FOR THE ' STATE AT LAHOi: "s C. B. AYCOCK, of Wayne. V,R. JB. GLENN, of Forsyth. A OUR NEXT PRESIDENT. ' ' The work of the great Chicago convention has ben done, and it bait ItfMvmie a thing of the , Tho result was nosurprise lo the wri(rof these lines, for, Mr. Cleveland's, iiomiaatiou was a furegoiie conclusion long before , it was really settle.1. ' Auy thing we might, in feeble new extreme, try to ay of this watent of American statesmen, . would fall far abort of portray fug his , sterling worth. From : the earliest moment, when candi- ! date for the noiiiioatk-ii were b jug spokVn oft we put forward - the name of Mr. Cleveland a U o iag the niftn beet suiten for that i. bigft exaltation in - this great couimouNtIth. . . Tboagb there were other good , siea who were candidates, the eternal fitness of things loudly v called for;Mr. Cleveland's nomi , nation. : And bo great was bis trinmph! Though be did not so tutch as raise his baud at far -as . personally working for bb noiu ; inatiou is concerned, it could be seen all uloug tbat be was the man whom the people wanted, Aml the man whom thev were bent iiom having as their stan dard tourer, r ' : ' c: ! This makes the third time lie has bad the high houor of get ting the prewideutial iioinma tiouatthe haudn of bis party. No man, however distinguished lias ever bad that exalted honor - conferred upon hi in. But is be not wortliy to Uar it? Let the Vti...!e 6iist-r, There cuu bo iutone answer, n n J that an - 1 ir ..Jan fv)ruier chief rule , " ! - .tjut iiution is without r I Semisli. ' N.i man cry ' : . 'v, iuru -e 1., t i (fr I v tl t f 'W ! i t t: He fctand- a ii.a:i ( f t j I rtm J a rj to "It J the p regnant l.ir- of He knee that thrift tiiitt follow fawuing." The creatbodv of people admire n man of Mr. Cleveland' build," As to the nominee for tlie vice- presidency, Hon. Adlai E, Stev. ensou u a inau who ana long enjoyed the confidence of the Democrats. Indeed, ho was fav orably mentioned for President, aud did run second beet to Mr. Cleveland, having received 311 votes, if we mistake not,? Hi parents were natives of Iredell county, N.C They moved to to Kentucky two or three years before Mr. Stevenson was brn. .- The ticket ia all that anyone could wish, . There need be no fears of Democracy falling into repute in the hands of so worthy ; exiionentaaa they huve proven theuisem s to tie be, , : T - us enjoin upon all Democrats to'see that the ticket in successful. We believe they will do that. Thi.-t will be a winuin year far De mocracy. ' t . It is said that South Carolina will lie solid for Cleveland. Sen ator Irby aaya, that as chair man of the State Democratic Committee, Ire is determined to make the best effort of - his life for Cleveland.' This don't look much liKe the predicted desertion of SouthCarolina in case of Cleve land's nomiuation. The Democ racy will pull together and elect its nominees, State and Na tional, by an overwhelming ma jority. Work and pray for it. Cleveland must be the next occu pant of the White House.. There are about 15.000 print ers in New York and about every man of them will "vote against Harrison and lleid. Reid has been against labor unions for 20 years, but now he expects mat Tote, cut he is reckoning without bis boat. They .will not vote for him, which is right. The People's party may cause the defeat of the Democratic party, but we do not believe it will. There is certainly no chance for its success ' If it does any thing it will help-give Republi cans power.; It can do nothing more. Wake up Democrats, and gird on your armor. J I a On the outside of our pnper will be found the full text of the DetiKMTatic national platform 'on reviwed nt Chicago.:' Rend everv word of it, that you may lie I'ok'. J on what your party ad vocates. . : k h'un Hivms verv t 'VelaiKi's f! t H'titioiA r 'ecrut. f-tion, i Win.! .' fj to! It lilHtJ liev f or Dana k un I li;;ht, Ktai lit (ill TH jinf iinwHitrv tor lift -toithe necetisity of elinctllljr aau eX - V - ."' " - S: -z- - - ; THE NEXT PRESIDENT OP THE UNITED STATED form is out-j-; !eu c.-'at the i n;ulucuu party j Ley, and especially araliifl its pet theory, the force bill. On the tariff it is sound, ami it denounces "pro tection," ia no uncertain sound. We quote tlo plauk on the tariff: "We denounce Republican pro tection as a frond on the labor of the great majority of the American people for the ben fit of n few. We declare it to be a fundamental principle of the Democratic party that the Fed eral government una no con stitutional power to impose aud collect a tariff duty 1 except for the purposes of revenue only. And we demand thut the collec tion of such taxcsshall be limited to the necessities of the govern ment hen honestly ; adminis tered.. ., :, ' i Here It what editor Dana, of the New York Sun, una to i say of the situation: r v .1. ":'jTlje-R.'pullicrtn party U by its n.ntiii-e and tradirlona under ecntiuz an eiectiou iar wuow purpoeatid effect will be to put the nefiroes m control oi m?vcrui of the Southern States. On the other hand, and by , t ne nature and necessity of the ideas in volved, the success of the Dem ocracy is death io .the force bill project. Killed ia the election, it cun never be revived, v . In this view of the contest what conscientious " Democrat can hesitate about his duty? Better vote for liberty and tho white irovernmeut of the southern State even if the candidate were the devil himself, than corsent. to the clo:tion of respec table Benjamin Harrison with a force bill in his pocket." The WilminingStar very point edlv and aptly Hays that the third party man in this contest will feel like a wooden-leg fellow at a country dance. , . Some littte surprise was niaui fested when it was learned how NorthCnrolina voted at Chicago She gave most of votes to Ste venson when the presumption was that Cleveland would get tin greuter part ofit Mess. Pinnix Klin, Means, and Graham voted for Cevelund. Means casting a vote. The rest of tho delegation voted solidly; for; Stevenson Rend the. Article on the outside tinder thecaption, ,'What May Be Expected" from the Atlanta Journal.1 Rpad it cnrefullv and ponder over it, nnd see what the pi-ejirtuation of Republican pow er ineo ns to the country. Stndy it Well,., ,:'''- '!,.." '. borne one wan d'ntincd to ect the Democratic nomination, un Cleveland wns that man. For heavens snke let every man wh claims to be under the banner of Demon ary, thow his failli I 1 his works. While the Democrats nre enthm-iiiMt ic for I he Nati.in ticket, (I -a't h t then I h of the !';.;:! ticket. We un vin iAI i r:,;'!, !, nnd it wl i t work t ' ;;. T! .. . ..I 's.-,n 1 ct 1 : trout.io, or t.t l-i.-t I. -i i f . r m mf 1 i" -. 1 ' i l' l ! i ! :..-i.ttlirit('omu.;.-;.ii.T I ,is t he li.r'T-t m:IM : n-1 cot I ! o : f tin m n'l. 1U w(i jirn'.Hl ad Lroi: 'lit U torea iiinii-tr.itfl, . . , - n-i . 1 wnoiHtniui iniii over. nifKnuM urv in the CHse has siuco funn.l true bill iijjnin.t him, nnd he ill now have a trial. Hen in chwe plnce, and should he fail to prove hia ewwUons, it may go hard with hiiu. Some of these rnntankerous Third party leaders remind ns of the Ikiv w ho had gone up inw a tree to saw off n limb. In pluce of petting oot on another limb to do the sawing, he euwed be- weeu the tree and himself. X nai is vrv much analogous to those ho are leavinar the staid old Democratic craft for a Iran oar. A better ticket than that pro mulgated at Chicago could not have been devised, Ueveiand nnd Stevenson stand for - all 1 hat Democracy stands for. lVv are wo.thv exponents of n orthv oartv. It a useless ro say thut t lvy will pet there. Blaine will never have any more ambition to again dabble in politics. ? Tbat act of our con vention at Chicujro .tendering him condolence, wns. fue "touch of nature that makes-tue whole orld aMnS'JKVli&T:; Fair 6rrr Urn Working corn is the order ol the day. : ;.y vr ' ' K ' " ;; ' l'aviu oecnresb ub iuunu the 20th in an old house, lie said he had nothing , to eat in two days, w-a.-; ;j,aa iMr. james busier, wsam 6mile. It'a a boy. '- Mrs. E J. Gordon is very ill, Mr. Albert Myeis finished cut ting wheat on the model farm ast week. Sir. Louis Woodard started for Yirgiuiu last week. r Frtia Hew Hpa Acadcwr. . MESSHs.EDiTons: I thought yon miirht like to hear from this community, so I take the' privi lege of .Writing a few lines. The farmers are well-nigh , throu with their harvest and every one well pleased with the abundent reward which they pre recefving for their labor. ' Corn is looking well, the prospects are very good for an abundant corn crop. People are . generly enjoying irood health. We recently learn ed thai Prof. W. fl. Crowder was very ill, at Ins mothers home in Montgomery county. We sincerely hope ho will speetli- v recover, rrof. Crowuer is one of our . Itest teachers, and has taught a very suecesBful school at Farmers Academy, ending Mav 13th. His next term will begin in Amrust. May God pre serve and give him success in his work. ' . U. 1'. A'A'.A'- ' " 1 i! :AA:A AAA;. ' ' Ofc,WluttaCmKk. - Will yon heed' the warniag Th aigual u-rlirt j.-iif the near ipproach of ilia, irtore terrible disease tonsiiinption. ; AsKyour. self if you cun afford for the sake of saving 50c., to t run the nsK and do nothuigfor it. We know from experience that Sliitoh's Cure will ' cure vonr cough. It relieves croapand hooping cough at once, Mothers, do not lie without it. ' Far lame buck, side or chest use w Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by L. B. Wheeler The ret Tnretable nbitltnte for pill It Simmon Uvcr Keralaiaor, . Care ick neediKhe. TV m't rr ynwr ratretl out with Dill an pargatire. Take Simmon Liver Kegnlattxl USIYERSITI Of EORTH CAROLIXi lnatmctJri la off. red la lonr aTneral cott ra re of tndy, ix brief coure. a larcc number of apecial coam a, nnd in law. medicine and (rineerlnK. The Faculty Indude twenty teacher. Scholarship and loan fttnd are available for accdy yonng men of talent and clirtracter, . - 'l la aaeat swaatra brtn mrpl. I, imi. Poreatalome with full InfiirtOation, ad- dreaa 1'nKiiuuitT WixaTOK, Chapel Hill, N.C Not,cb:-- : t-rutors of Jtwpd MiiK, own, ncrc- hy notific mU pcwoiii nnvii: cinuns nirftinni th Hint of irt drcenxrtl to iircwnt the lume, duly Termed, to tftc utnU riKnpd lor pnvmcnt on or ociott k - u "v w "y iH(i fir thim aoticc will ftc nlon'd in hnr oV trwir rcovcrw; "! oil f.Hrtien ituit-tit- ed to the said e"c nmt vnu ii . worn una u tile at o-.ee. 1 n J an "J, " , O. I. t-iKK, J. U. Mnk. o-n-1 1 Km'M. Jom Mnk. JOTICK. , We will, on t public o f tnr cturt 1- fl Innd 1 n.iktn Ti "' ' Vttiuitiilr t ip-lny, ItiW 4th, -f J" i tii lie- oiiiv t- '1 crina ol rciHirt n i aiK.ll couili .1 Vf i j be J .f J.. nr'j m, n. r! -T! o (; he n i, niy t L ke a i ! rt I'lV ! i : i Item;: ! lAnvcr. ,n,l Sa-.l j Ij.v tilth' I '-1 f'e it -1 ; 1 1 1 trt IHUt Ul ll V, ;,H 1 lie i il, t young life f l.nn tt i Conrad endeil tut no kmnv that '(jdJ diwth nil thin 's well."' Only rt few hSiort d:is nir)8he was with us. ia her umihI heiilih. and with light heart, her joyous laughter ringing gaily. IIow could uny of us dream that the end was so near? She was nt church on Sunday. and although she 'was complaining some for the few days proceeding her death, nothing e.rions wns thought of it i.ntil Wednesday morning, June 22nd, when sud denly without warning, God called her to "come up higher." It was Indeed a shock, a thun derclap from a clenr sky, not only to the relatives, but to the many friends who knew tier. several'' of whom had Been-In r only a few days liefore, seeming ly in perftct health." tee ms as il cannot ire taut we shall never again take thut hand in fileiidr.l.iii'a warm clasp, shall never hear that dear voice utter anotber word.yet we know thatlt is true. Bnt while we deeply f a-1. her loss, and our hearts are sad and lonely, sun we do not sorrow as those who have no hope. There is no higher tribute we can pay to her memory than to 8iiv she discharged . her duty faftbfully in whatever she was called upon to do. Always kind and attentive to those around hor, striving to take some of the burdens from others, yet nil was done in a quiet, unostentatious way. ;:;:''; A";' "A-.:-- She wus laid to rest in Pilgrim churchyard the day ; following her death, with funeral services by liev. J acob v y ke. And now, while her eyes ure closed forever to earthly scenes, we know that Bhe is "asleep in Jesus ' and when the resurrec tion morn shall come, she will be will be with the ransomed Ihrong singing glory and praises to the Uiiiu forevertnore. a ii Many a poor sufferer who sub mits toT the snrgoen's kuite, in consquence of malignant sores . e r : .n;. . l.-t.a ana scroiuious swhiiiuks, iiiiui be cured, without an operation by taking Ayer's SarBaparil la This remedy expele from the blood all the ropurities by which disease is generated. 7s ; ; i i Happy HvtMicrtw ... '-ji-' Wm. Tlmrnon. Potmtcr of Idarlllc, Tnd., wrftr: 1 "Blrctric Bitter ha done more for me than nil other .medicine com bined, lor that bad tccllnar amine irom Ktn e and Llrer tronble." John Lealle, farmer and stockman, of lame placei any: "Find Blrctrie Htttrr to DC tne neat muoct ana Liver ntcdiciiie; made m? fevj like a nevr man." I. w. Gardner, nam ware racrcnant. nine town, lay a: Electric Bitter is Jut the thlnitforn man wnowaii ran oown ana .lou t enre whether he livei or die : he found new trrnath, Koodipnetite nnd I'lt juat like. he had a new leaaeon itte. uuiy ouc. a oot- tle at Bccier arugatore. fops Fear and Yadiin Valley R'; Co, CONDENSED bCHEDULE, ; v Inefteet May Si), 189a. A v ..'' w o..-?m ' South . ; ' . I North Bound MMXLINB. I Wound : Daily. - j aily No. 1. I i rATKm. No. 3. 11 43 p m Ar .Wilmington. Lve 4 SO m 8 00 " . Fayettevllle " 8 13,. 0 . . .. ..8nnford... " 83 i. 43 i ' .....Clima..,.. " 11 60 OS " Greensboro.. " 13 30 am S 13 " ...Stokeadole.. 1 27 S5 ' IS & WJann.l " 2 60 . i W'ln'tCove " ' IS ' .. Rural Hail. 8 20 13 OOnoon Lr Mt Airy..,..Ar 8 Booth - North" Bound Bcnntttsville Dlv'n Bound liaily Pr No. 8. ) TATION. I ' No.. 10 60 p m IAr..bennttvilleLv n 2.1 a m 8 87 Mnaton.... " 8 18 8 26 ; " .- Red bi rlniiB... " 6 81 ' ' 83 "...Hope Mills...." 7 83 8 26 Lt. .l-'nyetteville Ar 7 60 Ronth ' ; " ' 1- North Bound Factory aad MadI- Bound I Hilly son Brunches. . Imilr eaSondny e riundny No. IB. TATlow. No. 10. 1 3Tp m Ar Knmnenr l.v SlSpm llKZam " Clitnn OS 10 30 M ...C.rei-nHhoro... M 6 3-1 80 " ...Stoke.ihile.... " 0 55 7 S ' Lr Miimou...Ar 75 Trnin No. .2 connect it Snnfnrd with irh. Nortolk nnd i. mil Cove with SfHlioiinl Air Line lor Krtl'-i nil iii-i H i ir; h ; null H t i --...- i-i. i HM.i.i- niul rill iMKnt nurlri mill ,.t '.I l -.:ul'.lr. I tHi'iK U nii'l liruVnt nt IfMvette- villc; ison. 1 nml '4 rlinnrr lit rtalnut Cuvc; No. 1 B-.ip,..-r at i ajftieville. W. K; KYI.Ti. v tlrncril I'usKcnKcr AKcnt. J. V. I'uy, Gcu'l Manutirr. in k . ir v niaton. Komtii Casoi.in.! In Kiiierior Court. . .-rr. Arlm'r of foitijiiia, Pul.;iiul,ion for DuVa. TT. Tir 1' - e c t ' r : i IJvr 1 r. it . t - a Cj("IT8!i1 "n-i, - r !if tn : - from r" i in ' ! " f'f- ' lr7 It ..! u sve t a t.it.w r r how iimm r nuid or ii t :.t. 4 you iU . .a TJ1"' ba o ai 1 on!! -r tii Sfii umr-lnswi ? lilt iffiffll Vnt:tn but o -u-'psia. Xitk fc uiatifil Layer l?ulUir. i lx y.ir hwirt thmb Tiot-nt'T afwr nnu-ul eit-rtjim oreoi" cut I It 1 nut beart disease, but fcMii- , iuo. T.V. C' It' r litt h,...) Uii'i i- - -M mK matter of conceived antr huintrr 1 wuh 10 ber my teMirncmr to the u -nine rim f Stemone Lirer Heuiator. ii cnd enlr keow what spleouid 'ciii it ie, there would be Buuir phvticien wall it e patient ana iany aa isieiminaLile doctor t Dill uno. 1 con. aider it iniaiiinie ta aulanal iniectifin. I had, fee ny rrari, heea perlect annical wfr. k Irons a nbinatioa of coatplainti, all th omrowh of Jaria in Mr inten. amd. even tindel me i n handa of Dr. ). P. lonct, of thia cny, I ha4 deacaired of ever kein well wom.n inn SietmaM Liver Keritiator wan recommeniel to DK. I tried it; it helped M, and H la th onljr thin( that ever did are any food. I petaovered In tea aaa and I an now in perfect Wealth. 1 know wottr aaedicin cured Be end 1 alwaya keep ll an a reliable ataedby' ia mj auavl,." Ida, tiajil IUT.Caaadca.Ala. ' Deatoat IteW. " - t - Hurrah for Cleveland and Stevenson: they nrs tho meu to lead the Democratic party to victory next November. -There is ho cause why we stioma not elect them. Now let all true Democrats that love theircoun try stand square to t he party, nnd work and we will be reward ed in the future by prosperity. Miss. : I'ullie lK)ltin oi near Jackson Hill wns visiting her Bister Mrs. Lula Chandler of "this nlncc. the nast week. ' Miss. Minnie Rileylof llilev's Store Randolph Co., was visiting Mr. Moses U. Ltofton, ol near this nlace. last week. - Mr. Lindsay Laughlin, of Ran dolph county, died on the I4in inst., and was buried at Piney tiro ve on the Jotn. - Mr. John R. Harrison, is wenr- inar a long grin. It s a girl. Mr. T. M . Morgan, oi wnynot Randolph Co., after a short visit to his patents near this place, returned to his work in the lumber business for tho Guilford (amber Col - ' Fanners are about done bar vesting.: Corn w , in . tho crass considerably. Ei4. A A Shlloh' Cwu.nanptloai Cir. This is beyond question the most successful Cough niedicine we have ever sold, a few doses in variably cure the worst cases t Coiurh. Croup and Bronchitis, while its wonderful success in the cure of Consumption is without a parallel in the history of medi- cine, riince us nrsn discovery u has been sold on'n guarnntce, a test which no other medicine can stand. If von have a cough w erncstly ask you to try it. Price Ilk., 50c. aud f 1 . If vour lungs are son, chest, or back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold bv.L. B; Wheeler. Why will jou suffer from Indigestion nnd tlvsocDsIa? Bimnioa Liver Keulator Is pleasant una care. .'No one ever tried Simmon Liver ReRula orwitbout being sauancu wtta it eiiecu Stop and See LMO wn He will sell you anytbing that : yon want to ear. tie carries '- hrst-class stock of . : . t : L'iiini anrl Tarn Prrtanrtoa tiuuij Oiitl IfaiioJ biuwwiiwa) ' and will sell them, ia targe or small ' quantities, at aocK-aoTToM raica. A A A Call on me for good A . Fruit of Any Kind; and also a good grade of CIDHR. , . If yo want to smoke . or chew call on rue for COOD TCDVCCOO .. 1 enrry a full line of Gyrupr, r :zc22c, Cu C-r,Cc:;:onn'J Flzh ... . - Co at the coTiicr ntorc, i.ppoulU the. court TIN ROOFIUG We won! 1 ell your n(ti u,ion t the fact th-1 we pre wc;l yiv- par 1 new DC-! 4 i ' I I un do ov- t ) Ii but too: at- G. PEIIIIV Are as cheap as Ever. ri lie now has for your inspection a great variety of Summer, Goods In endless profusion, nnd and to suit every body. All kinds of summer drees eocd3, trim ruiii'Ts. kc, c. -c , HIS STOCK OF-- - shoes, CLOTHING, v I)RY GOODS, HATSo.,- Is always a complete, and of the very. ' - ' best. . lis clothing depnrtnicntis chock fu l of the latest and lct : patterns of inii's suits, u ii' ho can plco.se:" 7 , the niOfit fastidious. - Gents'-farBisMnj Goods, . . A SI'EUAI.TY. You can't afford to go by W. G. Penry's when you are wanting goods. Yours to please, Will G. Penry. GLEVELVIO Ml !I:LL are rallying their forces for th", Chicago Con vention, but JOHN WARD has been nomiiinteil nnd v r- ttlivliningly ckcled ti e BOSS CLOTHING KERCHANT ir. thisscctjon. My liiuof x ' . ,.'... 4 Nobby : -: Suits is more complete this ' Spring than ever before. I do uot allow any of the new - A", styles to escape my atttention. There is little useol mentioning prices., I have always A" : goods at the low , est living figures, an J will ?'.' continue ta do so. A- y; My line of , Dress Goodc, including C!if.niC3 1 ; .;. . othei' f.i-liioiiahjrf Ftyl . is a perfect beauty. IN T you w ill f H1'' 'i i 1 lie-.; ll.i; Yo;:r f it to l.'V V. (.1 I . . tl'ciih ! V 1.

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