$1.50 A YEAR THE LINCOLN COURIER 3IAI,P A Since Ave changed the price of the Courier to One Dollar there lias been but little vari ance in the Subscription list and we therefore conclude that the people who want a county paper are willing to pay 1-50 tor it, at any rate we cannot atl'ord to publish the Courier at $1-00 a year- Henceforth we will holdto our original price 1.50 a year. CjJENEKAL assembly Senate. Jan. .10. At the request of Mr. Williams, Senate bill 3, amending Sec. 33G5, Chap. 02 ot the Code, was taken from the committee and placed upon the Calendar. Mr. Oilman nioveJ to recommit. The bill re peals the existing law allowing the collecting of more - than 6 per cent, interest. Mr, Williams took the floor and strongly urged the passage of bis bill. Be said, in substance, he had been working at this thing lor twelve years. The people demanded, and have for years demanded, that the law allowing 8 per cent, inter est should be repealed. When he introduced it the first time, in 1885, it received only lour vote?. Since that t'me he had not failed to press this matter whenever he had an op portunity. Uis people are unan' mous lor this bill. He said that usury, high interest, had been the beginning of the downfall of every nation ol antiquity. You may say what you please about ttie wreck of empires, and the crimes that shock humanity, but on authority I say that the power of money is respon sible for it all. Jodge Story tells us that thi colouists who came to America brought with them from the her country the rates of in terest charged in their old homes. Some of these nsurous rates were so oppressive that it led to the es tal.'lif-bmeiit of warehouses, similar to what is now asked by the Farm ers" Alliance, and made the rate ot interest six aud one fifth per cent. From lb30 up to 1S6S the rate ol interest iu this State was never more than C per cent. The mtiuo rable carpet-bag legislature ot '68 made our present law. He did not propose to say anything about car pet baggers as he was opposed to kicking a deid mule. Now under the present law the Sbylocks have the privilege ot ops pressing the helpless poor who need money, (for necessity knows no law) while the orphau children of tie State those who need it above all others ar not allowed by our laws to have but C percent. It is an injustice and an outrage, and he would forever coutend for the poor and helplesi against ruthless, soul less gi eed . The larmers in 1889 received on their invested capital ouly 3 per cent, while the manufacturers all over the ountry averaged 30 per cent. How on earth can a farmer pay 8 per cent, for mouey ou which he c;iiiuot make over 3 or 4 per cent. "Some day it will drive all the money out of the State." Where will it so! Nearly all the States collect lower iuterest than we do. Virginia charges G per cent, and who will say that she has not as much money as we. New York charges only b' per cent., and yet she commands all the mousy sh want'?. The truth is j that l-'.wtring Juten st has always brought moii-v to Sf ;ltf, from the . t , . . , . . Km-A that inoi.ey. loati-l at a low rate ii safer than loaned at a high ratn. Juft let home prosperous town i i'h-r bunds on the market at 4 i ht. aud 5 per cent., and see 1 ow inclx they are gobbled up. Hiyh interest is crushing and ruining the peop'e, and it is oiily a question of time wheu a few men will own this country. It is almost now. Wheu a noted Englishman vi8itedJhi$ couutry to tiud out Low we kept up our government with! out a standing armv, he said, "that when he saw the masses of our peo ple own their homes he understood it," Thomas Jefferson said "iu look ing to the preservation of this gov ernment, that the safety of the Re public rested upou the condition that our people owned their homes." If the wise ntu were :ihtl and they wer ihs the gtasp of the money .owe rained and the iu roads of gicea checked, oui gov eruruent will be destroyed. House Jun, 19 l'n6el TUirU Heading:. Bill to anif-nd Sec. 1246, sauidi visiou oue, and give a risht to grantors and oiher3 of other coun ties the right to r. cord their deeds. It would allow a man in Wake county who should desire to make a deed in Buncombe to do so with unt coming to Wake. He connot do so now. To amend Sec. 2122 of the Cod The law now requires widows to apply for support through personal representative. This bill changes the law so that, if personal repres entative does not make application iu ten days, the widow may do so herself. lil co no my in . Family. There is nothing which gees so far toward plaoing young people beyond the reach of poverty, as economy iu tho management of their domestic affairs. It matters not whether a man furnish little or much for his family, if there is a continual leakage in the kitchen or in the parlor. It is I he husband's duty to bring into the house, and it is the duty of the wife to see that nothing goes wrongfully out of it i uot the least article, however un important in itselt for it establishes a precedent nor under any pre tense, tor it opens the door for Ruin to stalk in, aud he seldom leaves an opportunity unimproved. The husband's interest should be the wife's care, and her greatest ambN tion should carry her uo farther than hia welfare or happiness, to gether with that of her children. Tills should be her sole aim, and the theatre ot her exploits io the bosom of her family, where she may do as much toward making a for tune, as he can iu the counting room or iu the workshop. It is not the money earned that makes a man wealthy it is what he eaves from his earnings. A good and prudent husband makes a deposit of the fruits of his labor with bis best friend, aud if that friend be not true to him, what has he to hope? If he dare not place confi dence iu tue companion ot his bott om, where is he to place it. A'. Y. Ledger. A DUTY TO VOUR9KLF. It is surprising that people will use a com mon, ordinary pill wheu they can secure a valuable English one for the same money. Dr. Acker's English pills are a positive curet or sick headache and all Liver Trou nble. They are small, sweet, easily taken ami do uot gripe. For sale by Dr. JM Lawing, Druggists. Roaatmg cotton seed is said to greatly improve its feeding quality. Col a in bus discovered America, but it toot Ganter to discover a magic cbiekeu cholera cure. Sold "no cure, no pay," by Dr. Lawing. Composting manure kills vitality of all noxious aeeds. the A CHILD K.l:-IEi. Another child killed by 'ie use of opiaUs given in tbe form .f toe -g Syrup.'.Why mothers iive their children such deadlv poison is surprising when they can relieve 1 iue cuiia ui us peculiar irouoies oy using Dr. Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no opium or morphine. Sold by Dr. JilL aw ing, Druggist. If ou broadcast your seed, bioad" cast your fertilizer. WE CAN AND DO Guarantee Dr. Acker's Blood Elixir, for it has been fully demonstrated to the people ot this country that it is superior to all other preparations tor blood diseases. It is a positive cure for 9Vphihtic poiscning, Ulcers, Eruptions and fimpks. It purines the whoie system and thoroughly builds up the constitution. For sale by Dy J. M. Lawing, Druggist. Good highways iudicAte a good j fanning country and prosperous i farmers. IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? Not if voil c." thrrmcrh th u.-.-r1.-1 a Ar-a- , peptic Dr. Acker's Dyspepda Tablets are ; a positive cure for the worst forms of Dys- j pepsia, Indigestion, Fla tulency and Com j eUmption. Guaranteed and sold by Dr. J I -Lawing Druggist. I r Alliance Victory. i The Landmark again dips its sails 1 to the Farmers' Alliance. It achieved a sigml victory at Kdei-ih j iu the matter of the Senatorship. It did not defeat Senator Vance j hut it did what answers its purpose quite as well : it instructed him. I t i i . . . . ! Jt lDMiucteu nitn to support the principles of the Ocala platform and that mean.3 tbe sabyTreasnry plan. If the resolution does not mean that it is a pretence, and we do not bt lieve that it is a pretence. The Landmark does not believe in the justice, wisdom or practicability of the sub-Treasury plan but it knows victory when it sees it and it has to congratulate the Alliance npon having won a clean, decisive victory in this ca-. I's forces in the Legislature wem weill handled and tho whole history of this move-rm-nt to instruct Senator Vance and elect him afterwards is a history of good generalship. When Baby vras slclr, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria When she became Misa, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria No mau knows how much can be grown on an acre. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumr.9 and blemish es from horses, bjood spavins, curbs, .plints sweeney, ring-.bune, stiae., sprains, all swollen throats, coughs etc. Have S50 by use of one bottle Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by J. M. Lawing Druggist Lincolnton N C BTJCKLEN'S AKNICA SALVE The beat Salve in'the world for cuts and bruises, sores, salt rheum, fever sores, tet er, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required, It is guaraLteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refuc ed. Price 25 cents per. box. For sale by J. M.Lawins: Pyhsician and Pharmacist VVHY 18 IT THAT THE WE DGQH 11 IS THE Greatest Wonder of the age? JSSP Because It lathe only Range In which you can roast meats and fowls (all other ranges bake them) also because you have 30 p. c. less loss In weight ot meats, than in anv other range, making the saving of cost of a Came Door Range every year in this one item alone. Think of it! ! A ten pound roast will lose four pounds when baked in any other range, which is 40 per cent.; while a similar piece when Roastsd in a Gauze Door Range will lose only one pound, or less than 10 per cent. Because It orevents Dyspepsia, asnothing fried need be eaten if you have a Gauze Door Range, all broil ne being done in the oven fn the broiler slide. HOW IS ALL THI8 ACCOM PLISHED? Inserted in the oven door is a sheet of fine brass wire gauze, which allows a circulation of pure air to pass Into the oven, hence the name GAUZE DOOR RANCE. If more attention was pail to how your food was cooked, there would be less need cf Doctors. Trie Principals of the Philadelphia, New York and Boston Cooking Schools all use the Gauze Door Range in their Schools, because they wac: the Best. You owe a duty to your family both in savicg their health and saving money by using a Gauze Door Range. Agencies for their sale have been established everywhere. It there is no Agent in your im mediate vicinity, write us, and we will furith you with circulars, and tell you where to get one. M ANVFACTl'K ED ONLY EV Thomas, Roberts, Stevenson Co. PHILADELPHIA. New York Salesroom, 15 Peck Slip. . BUCKLEN'3 ARNIcA SALVE. The best salve in'the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sere9, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positive ly cure piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25c. per box. For sale by Dr. J. M. Lawing, Druggist COUNTY DIRET0RY. COUXTY OFFICERS.. Sheriff, J. B. Luckey, Lincolnton, N. C ClTk. Supl. Coutf-C.-EOUhilds, " ' Keg, of Deeds, B. C. Wood, " 14 Treasurer, L. T. Willkie. " " Surveyor, C. C. Bess . - Coroner, J. "C Voover, Supt. Pub. rn9t. Alf. Nixon. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. T. fl. Hoke, Cnm'D, iiucolnton. N. C A. L. Cherry. Kiidsville, J- E. Reiahardt, Iron Station, P. A. Reep, ReepsTille, ' W. M. Hull, Orl eane, COUNTY BOARD Ol' EDUCATION. R. Z. Johnston, Chm'n,. Lincoln ten ;c . J. C Bss, S. V. Goodson, POST MISTRESS. Miss Nannie C. liokc. TOWN officers. Mayor, H. E. Ramsaur. Secretary J- Treasurer, W. R. Edw?rd9 Town Const. Chas. Jetton. Commissioners : P. J. Pate, Blair Jenkins, F. A. Toby, II. W. Burton, T i , " i b- Beal tl. lloke. W . L croue. L. T Wiikic P ARRIVAL OF MAILS. Maib on C C Railway, distributed 6:30 P ! Mnd tl A M ! Mai's on Narrrw Gauge Railway, distrib j uted 7:30 P M and 12 M. j tr Route,' via Reepsville, leaves Lin ; coJnton at 7 AM, Mondays, Wednesdays : and Fridays; arrives at Lincolnton at 4:30 , P Men Fridays, Tbursdaj-s and'Saturdays j Fublic ScnooLS open December, Janu- I ary, February and March Board of Commissioners meet first Mon. j day in each month. ' Town Council meet first Friday night in j each month, at 7 o'clock. Rn Rt OF Kr17PTTnv moot Gr-ct I f , ,4 , inJanuary, June, September and Decern, ter BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Cures Dyapep3ia, In digestion & Debility. I ft GUmHTEED CURE FOR CAT AO ALLAN'S IMPROVED PINE NEEDLE CIGARS AND CIGARETTES Nature's own Remedy for Acuta or Chronic Catarrh. Send for full particulars. akdeess Harrell, Iseley & Co. Greensboro -N. C, CE-T22AL S'.T73 For :V. C, )S. C and. Ala. MAXrFACTT'R'ED BY PINE NEEDLE CIGAR CO. F .? F EH OLD. N. J. DENVER ACADEMY, Primary, Intermediate, and High School Departments. A MUSICAL DEPARTMENT will be added during the next Year. Fall Session begins last Wed nesday in August, 1890. TUITION KATES MODERATE. Prepares young raeu for aDy of tbe North Carolina Colleges. Ancieut aud modern languages and literature are taught. Instruction la thorough iu all departments. For lull particulars address, CHAS.L. COON, A. B, Principal, Denver, N. C. Aug. 1. 1890. ly. 3 SMITH & COURTNEY. 1419 Main St., Richmond, Va. DEALERS Itf RAILWAY MACHINISTS'. MINERS' AND MILL SUPPLIES Railway, Machinists', Miners' aud Mill supplies. A complete stock of everything iu this line. Write for price lists and discounts. Sale's agents for Kilboorue & Jacobs' Wheel and Drag Scrapers, Wheel barrows: Hussey, Binns & Co;'s solid crucible cast steel Shovels: Verona Tool Works' Picks, Sledge?, Track Chisels, Pinch and Lruing Bars: Track Tools, etc. Dynamite, Blasting Powder, Caps, Puse, Bat- jteries, Manilla Hope, Tackle Blocks, Dnil Steel, etc The largest and only complete stock of Leather, Kubber, and Gans dy Belt, iu the South. Lace Leather, Belt Fasteuerp, Hooks, Rivet, etc. Wood Split Pulleys, Shafting, Hans gers, etc. lienry Dit?stou & Sous1 Circular and Cros3-Cut Sas,Tool8, etc.: Saels agents for the Howe Scales- Detroit Lubrication. Eort iug Universal Injectors, Hancock Inspirator?, Metropolitan Injectors. Buffalo P01 table Forges, Drills. American Ring Travelers. All grades ot Babbitt Metal. Indurated Fire Buckets. Pipy Fitting, and Valves, all MZes from inch to 8 inch, carried in ftock; aud we havtj a machine in stote for cuttiug same. We ship r.o goods C. O. D. SMITH & COURTNEY, Uly Min Stie,r, Richmond, Va. JulY4 S90. em. TTi n p Sk Wondi 1 Hi Li sands of inn deks exist in tbou- ms, but are sur passed by the marvels of invention. Those I who are in neej ot proiitable work that can oe aone wn.ie uvmg at nome enouia at once send their address to HaHet Co., Portland, Maine .and receive iree full in formation bow either sex, of all ages, can earn lrom to to $25 per day and upwards wherever they live. You are started fre1. Capital not required. Some have made over $50 in a single day at this work. AU ucceed. EY'S LADY'S -BOOK- A OAA Will l far superior to any year of its his tory, a larger amount of money having been approp nated for the embellishment of the magazine than ever before. Godey has been published I r 60 years without Kissing an issae, aril YOU CAN NOT GLT A BET'lER two dollars woitn tt magazina Lb an by ul scribing to "Godey," Thf Beet Family Magazine in America. ' The leading attractions for lS'dO are: Bcautilul. Colored Fashion Plates ; En gravf Fashion- Piates inblack and white, representing- the prevailing stylos, pro duCrd expressly fo' Godey. Finely Executed Frontispieces, Art Embroidery and Needlework Designs. New and Popular Music, Plans for the House you want to Build, Celebrated Cooking Receives, Etc. Tke 'Beautiful Home' Club by Emma J Gray, for young housekeepers or those who contemplate becoming so. 'A year in the House,' by Augusta Salisbury Pre cott (Jenny Wren), which will treat ot the various duties foi each month. A Chil dren's Corner, for the little ones. A rich array of literature by favorite authors, among whom are Emily Lennox, Olivia Lovell Wilson, Ada Maria Peck, Eleie Snow, 'G," author of "Gemini," Belle C Greene, with her numerous sket ches, and others, MiEMlUMS to club raisers are among its special features, and Godey 'e otfers the most choice and valuable ot any magazine published. Send 15 cents for sample num ter containing lull club rates and premi ums EVEBY LAl)Y HER OWN DRESSMAKER who subscribes to Godey 's Lady book. The COUPON which you will nnd iu eauh number entitles you to your own selection of any cut paper pattern illustrated in Godey 3 Ldv i Book. xour loe. Sample opy wm con- i3fend 15 cent3 tor sample, tain one ollwhich will be allowed on these fftimnm Ivour subscription when The patte r ir21ISi shows 30U how to cut out tue guraietit jvu want. That's all we caa say in this space Por the rest see your sample number, for which send 15 cents at once. "Godey" is only 12.00 a year. Address "GODEY 'S LADY'S BOOK " Philadelphia, Pa. In Club with the Lincoix Courier. Gcdey's and the Courier for 12.75, which should be sent to the office of the Courier - : s : T H Ei -. COURIER PUBISHED and EDITED BY J M. ROBERTS, LINCOLNTON, N. C. A family newspaper .devoted to the interests of. Lincoln and su rounding counties and to the State of North arolina. Subscription, 1 year, 81.50." 6 months. 75 cents. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Advertising rates reasoQable. J O IS DEPARTMENT. We are prepared to d all kinds of Job Woik a! the eiy o et iiv ing price. HMid in mir order ami we will guarantee -Hl:sf ction. LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS. fcILL FJ ED 3 , STATEMENT HEADS, CHATTEL MORTGAGES Entries for Deposit, Posters, Circulars, Catalogues, Pamphlets, &c-, HOD A COMPLETE NEWSPAPER. THE PRIDE OF NORTU OAOLIKA." A. Bonitz,. Is. Kingsbury, LL D Vrm: II. U6Miie-Elit-rialStaff Do you want to aid in building up a paper that shall n floct th greatest cretlit on North Carolina no matter where it may be Ht-ci then patronize w TUE MESSENGER, Published iu three editions. The Daily Menseuger and the Weekly Messenger, Published at Wilmington, N. C. The Goldslxro Transcript Messen ger Published at Goldsboro, N. C They are Large Eight Page Pa pers. Do you want a reliable papei giving you all the news of the worlc u Democratic newspaper that equals the best has the largest cir culation and has for more than 21 years been a part and factor in tbe growth and development of the Old North State ? Then Subscribe for tie Messenger trial rates: Daily Messeuger, by mail 4 mos. 00 trial, $2.00 Weekly Wilmington Messen ger, S mos? 1.00 Goldsboro Transcript-Messenger, S mos. 1.00 cash in advance: Dr. Taltn age's Stu-mous are fea ture of all three Papers. J. A. BONITZ, Proprietor. S O. FINLEY, att'y. J. M. ROBERTS, SeC FINLEY AND ROBERTS. LINCOLNTON, N. C. TN ORDER TO OPEN UP A JL channel through which parti s here aud people from other parts o the country, especially from the North, may be enabled to secure valuable propeity in Lincolnton and Lincoln county, by being made ac quainted with the true value,healtb. fulness, &c, of Lincolnton and the surroundiug country, and Iu order t hat those hodinng pro perty for sale may have some sys tematic method of disposing of the same to the benefit of all concerned by having it advertised and tbe points ot value clearly pointed out to purchasers, and lu order to establish for ourselves a business from which we hope to reap some legitimate profits, direct ly or indirectly, by increasing the population and the business of our town, We have decided to establish at Liucolnton a real estate ageuoy, to buy, sell, rent aud negotiate real estate of all kiuds on commission and otherwise. And iu order to accomplish the objects herein briefly referred to, we respectfully nsk the cooperation of on citizens. Those in the county having tim bered, farming or mineral lands, water powers, &c, developed or undeveloped, for sale, rent or ex chaoge ; and Thosa having rea estate of any kind for sa?e, rent or exchange, iu Lincolnton, may find it to their ad vantage to confer with either party of this agency. We offer the following valuable propertv I. One lot on Main street 75 yards west of the courthouse square on which there is a large two story brick house with a bases ment, a well built residence containing 13 rooms. -2- A. cottage in Queen Ann style of architecture, together with nve acres of ground surrounding and joining. The property is improved ly shrubbery, fruit trees, &c., together with well and necessary outbuildings, and a neat, comfortable bus iness office. 3. Two building lots on Main stroet, tear, the depot, containing a fine grove of oak tree9. Valuable property also for manufacturing establishments. 4. About, four acres ot Jandtoutb Eat ol the Court House. Excellent for building purposes. 5. Two town lots in the South East part of town on which are two two story dwel ling hduse3 containing 4 roomg each. 6. About 100 acres of land about 4 miles fr.m Lincolnton' situate on tie Sherrill Ford roitd and through which runs a gold vein. 7. About 131 acres about 1 1-2 rni:es from Lincoln t'n'-and about o'-' a mile lrom the Lithia Springs about 90 acres wood land and 15 acres bottom land. A U the above described property is val uable and will be sold on easy terms. Jt is situated in and near one of the most healthful towns in the South and surroun ded with a fertile counttyand has the very best of railroad facilities. For lurther particular address, FINLEY 4-HUBERTS. Lincolnton, N. C, March 23, 1890. A pamphlet of lnXonnatloo andab.' Vtrci.oi mo iawf,mowlDg How to Kjuin rnu, caveats. Timd . AMnw MUNN e CO. 301 Broadway. new rk. Atlvlce to Mother. Mr..WErsLGW,3 SaoTHjHaSTacPihonldalway be used whtn ckildren are cutting teeth. It re licTe tbe little aafTererat oDce; it produce. naturl, quiet aleep.and the little cherub awakes m "bright aa a button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, actftenstheymaa, allays alt pain, regulatai the bowels, and is the bestkaownrems, for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething" oe a-iitcapx Tir.at j-fiva oa&U a Uul. THE STAR. A GREAT NATIONAL DEldQ CIIATIC NEWSPAPER. The Atari's the only Xtto Yurk ut paper posseasing the fullest confident M the National Administration ana Vu, Dtn. oerarg of New York, the political battk ground of the llepublie. Fearless, aggressive & Democrat of ti fighting kind, and in all respects a a,, complete and trustworthy newipaper. Tne Wkekly star is the best faajilj newspaper published. The farmer, U an cbanic, the man too busy to -read a dail paper, will get more for his dollar inveet in the Wkkk.lt Star than from - an ottr paper published. During th can.palga y will g.ve all the political news worth kaow ing from all the States. - rn to Subscribers, Pottage Free: Every day 1 year (including Sunday) $7 0Q Daily, without Sunday, 1 year, 60U Ev irj, uay, o Uivnis,. 8 CO Daily, without Sunday, 6 montbg, S 00 Sunday Edition, 1 vear, 19 Weekly Stab, I year. J10d A tree subscription to the Wxk&ly Staa to the sender of a club of ten. - To Democratic CluLs:Star I&ii ers become Democratic voters, Jio cam paign document can compart with tt. Special ampaiu.s Offkus. The Wn ly Star, until alter te election, 5 ceafc for single subscription ; 20 cenia each gut,, ecription in ciubs of thirty. The Sxaa everyday until alter electioa $1-75 each subscription; in clubs of ia. ti.oO each subscription. Agents wanted in unoccupied Territorj Address, THE ST A ft, U road way ail Park Place, .New York: I T 7ENT10N I baa revoiuUoai4 ill V ENTIUN I the world during U laet half century. Not least among U wonders of inventive progreaa is a method and eastern ot work thai can be perform! all over the Country without tieparaUof the workers from their homos. Pay L.&. tral; any one can d,i the wora; either young or old; no speeial ability realrtd. Capital not uvtxicJ; you are itarUJ frN. Cut this out and return to iu and wo will send you tree, bouiething of great vala and importance to you, mat will sun yea in business, which will bring you iamor money right away, than anything oUe 'm tha world. Orand outfit Lre, Addrt True A o., Augusta, MainA- !RIOMOND & DANVILLE fUJJt KOAD. South Carolina Division, & u. X.Q Daily except Sunday.) IN EFFECT July 6th im. No 53 1 .ifb. 52 Lv. 8 40 aur 8 59 9 00 Lenoir Hudsonville Ar. 1-0 40 da 1U17 lo 11 10 02 934 900 8 40 8U 744 724 7 12 6 36 610 5 45 5 25 5 01 Lv. 4 40 flaw Mill 9 20 9 47 10 25 10 44 1115 1142 11 59 12 14 p m p in 12 29 12 44 1 09 1 26 1 55 Ar. 2 15 Granite Falls Hickory Newton Maideu Lincolnton Uaidiu Dallaa Gastonia Growdera c'k Clover Yoikville Gutbrieyille Lowrysville Chester D. Cardwell, Div. Pas. Agt Columbia, S. G. Sol Haaa, Traffic Manager. Jaa. L. Taylor, Geu'l Pass. Agent. CAROLINA CENTRAL SHCEDUU. MOVING WEST. NUMBER ONE Passenger, Mail & prbb Tjulc. Stations. Arrive. Lsav. Wilmington am 9 80 Charlotte p m 4 83 Paw Creek 4 52 I Mt Holly 5:04 Stanley Creek 5 20 Ironton 5 36 Lincolnton 5 52 Cherry ville -6 20 Woco .6 29 Shelby 6 50 Battimore 7 10 jlooresboro 7:21 Ellenboro 70 Noetic 7 45 Forest city j 7 55 Rutherfordton 1 8 05 po MOVING EAST.. NUMBER TWK) PASSKNCKR, MaII. & E-LPBSg. I RALV STATIONS. Iiutherfordton Forest city Botic Ellenboro Mooreaboro Battimore sbelby Woco Cherry ville Lincoln ton Ironton Stanley Creek Mt. Holly Paw Creek Charlotte Wilminwtou Arrive, i Leaves. a m . 8:45 8 55 l':'4 9.J0 9 31 9 41 9 56 10 22 10 32 11 00 11 1G 11 82 11 50 12 01 12 17 7 20 . p m Through train So. 2o with eleper attacuea It-avefj Vil:niigton at 8 00 p. m ,arjd anivea at Charioite C 0 a. m. Thn ugli freight and piffCtJg-r train No. 24 with si 1 p-rs aitac-fed leaira cliailotte 9 U0 j. m. arid ar uvra at Wilmington 7 J0 a. ui. Close eouueiiiiou boih; wa8 ftt llamlft for RabMh. T. W. WHISNANT, Supt. P I f1 U T V RSWARUKI. are ttcH ItlUIllj I who read this aad wb act;tbey will and honorable employe--- -bat will not take them trom their boat nd fariiilies. The profits are iartje J -ure for every industrious pers.n, mn have made and are now tasking seTefT hundred dollars a month It n 7 any one to make t'5 and upward pef who is willing to work. Either sex, yous or old; capital not needd; we start yo everything new. No special, abtv..ru quired; jou, reader, can do it ai any one Write to us at once for lull pJ j ticulara, which we will mail free.' -a dres Stinsoi. & 0., Portlaud, Main.

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