LINCOLN COURIER LOCAL DEPARTMENT. J. M. HOBERTS. Editor. CHURCH DIRECTORY, Prksbitkrux. Rev. R. Z, Johnston, S8tor Preaching every 2nd, and 4th undayi 11 A. M. and 7 V. M. Sunday School every Sunday 4 P. M-. Grayer .Meeting every Wednesday, 7 P. M Meion meets WedneHdfty after second 8ndajs; alter Prayer Meeting. Preacfcrng at Iron Station on second Sundays, 3 P. M. breaching at Paper Mill Academyon 4th Sundays, 3 P. M. Methodist. Rev. M. II. Hoyle, Pas tor. Preaching every tirst Sunday , 11 A 'and 7:30, P. SI. GkrMaIT Rhformkte. Rev. Mr. Murphy, Faster- Preaching every third Sunday, 11 A. Ml Lctukras. Rev. J. A. Rudisill, Pas tor. Rethphage every let Sunday ; Trinity, very 3dt3unday ; Daniel's every 4th Sun 4ty. Hour 10 a. rn. Lutssrak. Rev. M. L. Little, Paator St. Mark'a every 21 Hunday ; Cherryville very 3d Sunday. Hour. 10 a. in. Baptist. Rev. C E. Gower, Pastor. Preaching every il and 4th Sundays at 11 A. M. and 7 0 1'. M. Sunday School Tery Sunday at 4 P. M' Prayer meeting very Thursday evening at 7:00. LINCOLNTON, FEii. 6,1891. "New Advertisements. H. E- A. J. B. Ramsaur. Stoves. Notice Mortgage dale. J. E. Keini hardt. Notice of Dissolution. Costlier & Martin. Rev. J. L. Murphy, of Hickory, wa in Liocolnton thin week. Mr. Walter Carrington spent a few days in Lincolnton this week. Mr. Burgaiu Wilkie spent last Tuesday in Lincolntou visiting rel fttive& ... Tho day of sale of the land of Richmond Scott baa been changed to March 5h. We were glad to recieve a call from Dr. 3. P. Thompson, of Or leans, a few days ago. Mr. Thoa. Wells is iu Yoikville, S. O, rebuilding the depot which was recently burned down at that place. Key. C. A. Stan, of Newtou, will preach at tbe'Uermau Reformed church on the third Suuday in this month. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fields lelt JLincolntou lat Wednesday for Cal ifornia, which place they purpose to zcakt their future home. jdt. Geo. Kiaer has leased the Lincoln Iron Woiks from Mr. Cost jaer and has already begun operas tion. We wish the enterprise much success. Rev. Air. Outline, Presiding Elder, held quarterly conference at the M. E. Churchof this place- last Sunday aud preached some exceli lent sermons. We hope that wheu you do not find your paper at the Posto5ice you will notify u at ouce and if we cannot trace it up we wUl be glad to furnish another copy. The Baptists at this place are jubilant over the fact that they have paid up the debt on their church. The amount of indebtedness paid off since 1S39 is about $450. Capt. A. F. Brevard, of Mach rselab, who by the way is one. of Lincoln's most intelligent citizen, ; spent a few days iu Lincolntou this week, the guest o!'ex-Shersff Nixon. Lincolnton's Bill authorizing the commissioners of our town to hold an election ou issuing $20,000 ki bonds has passed the Senate, and will no doubt go through the House within a few days. Col. Jno. C. Tipton, who was cue time editor of the Lincoln Press, is going to establish an evening daii ly in Raleigh at au early day. He it now editor of tha Southern Demo ttrat, at Greensboro. Evangelist Fife, by porchasiug the dwelling house of the cashier of the broken bank at FavetteviWe, hae managed to come out without losing any of his savings which he had de posited in that bank. Mr. J. Thos. McLean, Bible Ageut tor Evangelist Fife, returned home from Lexington last Moudav, aud reports a grand meeting at that place, Mr. Fife begins a meet ing at Statesville next Sunday. We received a private letter from Prof. 1 Matf. Thompson of receutMate in which we learn that he is much pieased with the prog ress of the school and is greatly encouraged itJ bis work, in Gainsi Tille, Fla. Mr. and Mis. V. A. McBee made a visit to Greenville, S. C, last week. Their daughter, Mrs Williams, of Greenville, and her children came with them on their return, Saturday, to spend a few daja here. An advertisement for the Odell Type Wi iter which is for sale by Rev. C. E. Gower, of this place, will appear in the next week's issue ui me uuuuifiii, ad rue mean time he will take pleasure in show ing yon the machines. Mr. D. H. Browder, who was recently business manager of the State Chronicle Publishing Co., has sold his interest to Mr. Josephua Daniel, EditorMnMjhief . The State Chronicle is a wide-awake paper aud is a valuable exponent of Democra cy Dr. Sumner McBee has been called to Fayettevllle to a position as railroad engineer and will bo gone for Home time. Dr. McBee is one of Lincolnton's most popular as well as intelligent citizens and his many friends regret his absence from among as. Mai. J. C. Cobb, who, with his wife, is now in Florida, sent his son, Jno. L. Cobb, a lot of fine oranges last week, some of which were the largest we have seen. Among those sent were some of the ''kid glove" variety which are very excellent and are sometimes called the "seedless." Mr. Jno. Reedy, one of Lincoln ton's most popular yonng mn, has accepted a positiou m tho drug store at. Qaffuey City, S. C, and left for that place last Friday. His many frieuds hire regret his de parture very much. The Courier's best wishes go with, him to hia new home. Mr. Reedy accepted the po sition for only about six weeks, Mr. Julian Carr, of Durham, the North Carolina philanthropist, has seut enough money to a gent leman at this place to pay the in terest on the mortgage on the prop erty of blind Tom RobinsOu. He did the same thing, last year. It is a pleasure to lecord such noble, generous deeds. It is a pity the wealth of this country were not all' in the hands of such men, Charlotte had a disastrous Are last Saturday night. The fire orig inated in the basemeut of Wilson & Co's; drug store. The entire build-, j ing was destroyed and considerable damage done to the Central Hotel building. The entire loss amounted to over $50,000, mostly covered by insurance. The building burned used to be used as the Belmont Ho tel and belonged to Mr. Eccles. We understand that the itu presion has gotten out that the bonds which are to be voted on would tax the eutire county. We do not know how such an idea could have originated, but we as sure any under that itppression that it is a mistake. The County Com missioners, however, might very properly make an appropriation to aid in establishing a system of wat er works for fire protection, as the Court house and its contents are county property and much of this, if destroyed by fire, could never be replaced by any degree of human ingenuity: ' But this will be a mat ter eutirely discretionary with the board of couuty commissioners. Our esteemed Register of Deeds is not altogether pleased with the way in which things ate going on betweeu himself aud a certain pop ular young grocery merchant of this place. The former gentleman says he is in the blank business and that he keeDs certain "ereen" blanks which he would be pleased to fill out. at the small sum of $3.00, and he thinks that as he has beeu a very taitbful oatron of the erocer, that the latter ought to return the pat rounge in some degree at least. Our svmuathies iu this particular in stauce are iucliued to go out in the direction of the Register, beeause we do uot think that this oueness ou tho part of the young merchant should any longer exist. Dr. W. L. C rouse met with a very painful accident last Monday afternoon. One of the buckets at his well had become detached and fallen into the well. Some hands had been attempting to hook the bucket from the well b? means of an open link of large chain. While they were absent from the well, Doctor happened to go to draw wa ter and, uot kuowiug the bucket was off one end of the rope, let the bucket down. Attracted by the rapid descent of the bucket, he stooped over the well to see what was the cause ; and just as he did so the end of the rope to which the link-hook was attacked came up with great force and struck himjust above the left eyeball and cut a con siderable gash, inflicting a painful wound. It was indeed a narrow escape from losing his eye, but, it is thought, his sight will not be in jured. Itch on human and Horses and all ani- mals cured in 80 minutes bv Woolfor's. Sanitary Lot ion. This never fails. Soldby J . M. Lawing Druggist Lipcolntop, N. C Advertise in the RIER. Lincoln CoUi Oom mission era' Proceeding. The Board of Coun'y Commis sioners met in regular session last Monday, all present. The following lull a were ordered paid : J. F. Baxter, poor house bill, 3585.40. C. Motz & Sons, furniture tor Register's and Cieik'a office. $45.00- H. C. Corn well, repairing appioacb to iron bridge, ?3 00. Dr. J. M. Liwiug, exaraaning lunatic, Tpfeuilding situated in the heart of $5.00. P. A. Reep, tobacco for poor I town. For further particulars aps house, $12 88. S. W. MeKee, J. P examining two lunatics, 92 00. J. A. Nixon, examining two lunatics, $2.00. J. B. Luckey, Sheriff, ex penses &c. of taking lunatic to asy lum, Goldsboro, 3G.G0; also Jail fees, $32.40. L. A. Ward, bringing prisoner from Burke to Lincoln county $13.30. Walter Evans k Co , deed book,88.00. Jenkins Bros., sta tionery, 90 cents. J. P. Lynch, work on Reiuhardt bridge, 39.10. J. U. Tntherow, keeping town clock one month, $1.33. Edwards & Broughton, mortgage blank book, 37,00. T. H. Hoke, services as commissioner &c, 312.00 A. L. Cherry, services as commissioner &c, $10.80. J. E. Reiuhardt serf, vices as commissioner &c, $8.10. P. A. Keep, services as commission er &c, $7.95. W M. Hull, servic es as commission $9 GO. Biilie Buck, for support of his wife, an ins valid, $2.50- Monroe Taylor, for support of his sou, a cripple, $2.50. 5 jurors laying off road from Mor ganton rood to Catawba line $2 00 each. Messrs. Haynes & Coruwell were authorized to put iu a culvert near iron bridge. T. H. Hoke was ap pointed a committee to ascertain the cost of buying laud for road beyond Mr. Gnion'a. Jno. Baker, Levi Biker, Jno. Hairill, W. T. McCoy, Jacob Del linger, were appointed to lay off the road from the Dallas road to the Paper Mill Academy ; and Jno. and Anderson Harrill were appointed overseers to opn up said road. W. F. Kelly and G. W. Blanton justics es of the peace filed their reports. P, F. Baxter was anthoiizeu to make the necessary improvements on poor bouse property. A. 1j. Cherry and W. A. smith were ap pointed a committee to examine and have repaired the bridge at W. A. Graham's. W. M. Hull and G. L. Beam were appointed a commit tee to examine bridge at Dellinger's and report at next meeting. The followiug were appointed jur ors for Spring term of Lincoln Superior Court : J. R. Blackburn, R F. Goodsou P. D. Hinsou, Jno. B. Reep, Y. R. Blanton, Jno. F, Sain, Dan'I Houser, Frank Barnes, Euvl Houser, L. M. Hoffman, N. E. Ramsey, Jno. F. Carpenter (Hd's. Creek), W. H. Colemau, Geo. D. Cauble, Jno. H. Nixau, Andrew Hallman, E. M. Hull, Wm. M Sain, Jas. R. Queen, E. C. Carpenter, C. W. Beam, W. Linebury Hoyl, J. F. Beal, Sr., J. C. Cobb, Jas. O. Allen, W. J. Bax ter, Geo. Gilbert, J. Forney He'd- ermau, J. A. Kryanr. . . ouoit, E. H. Cauble, Alfred McOaslin, Alex. Houser, I..R. Self, Julius A. Smith, and M. M. Liueberger. Ooltou Ginned, Rekpsville, N. C. Jau. 19, 1891 Dear Sir : We giuned and bought 400 Bales cotton, average price about 9 ceuts. Yours Truly. P. A. Reep. RKEPSVILCE, N. C. Feb. 2rd. '91 Ed. Courier : In reply to your request in the COURIER about the amount of cotton ginned in the county, I ginned 125 Bales avers aging 420 & each. I also raised on 5 acres of land, 2,000 lb of lint cots ton. Who in the upper half of the couuty beat this last year, on that amouut of land t Yours Obediently. Jacob R. warlick. Denver has giuned 300 bales. Mr. Wm. H. Eoyle giuued 23 bales, amount raised by himself and tens ants. Let ns hear from others. Also let us have the result ot farmers in the last year's labors. Who has had the best yield of cotton in the coun ty? ' Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Costner & Martin has this day been dissolved by mutual con sent. All persons having claims I against said firm will present the same to A. Costner lor payment ; j d ,j fa indebted to the firm w will plea8e Settle the Same at once j and 8ftve cQ8t Thla tbe ond day ot Feb., 1891; Kespectfnliy, 3t Costxer & Mabtlx. LI X V LXTOX 1 1 T K L. Messrs. Fiuhy and Roberts have secured an opt ion on the Liucointon Hotel building ai d lot, one of the desirable sites for a Summer Resort, in Western North Carolina. If any party or parties wish to purchase hotel property let them apply to Finley & Roberts. The present building is a large three story brick ply to Finley & Roberts. tf. TO STORE KEEPERS An agt. wanted by a prominent New York Retail Houpeto sell first-class ready-made clothing from Samples. Complete outfit free. Liberal Com missions. For particulars address P. O. Box 1G95, New York City. PIANO for SALE We have placed at our disposal a SFMII1 Nearly New, Which we will sell at a bar gain. Anyne wishing to pur chase an instrument at a bar gain had better apply at once as the price of this piano is such as will make it sell. Call on the Editor of the COU RIER, Liucointon, N. Q. Lincolnton, N. C. ' A School for both sexes, A Complete Course for stu dents desiring to pre pare for COLLEGE, TEACHING, or BUSINESS. Thorough Work In ail Departments, with Healthy Location. Winter Term begins Dec. 29, 1890. For further information, apply to A. C. HOTTEN3TEIN, Priu. Jan. 16, 1891. tf Notice! Mortgagee' Sale! BY VIRTUE of a mortgage made to me, the undersigned, by W M. Reiuhard', bertriug date the 1st day of February 1886, which said mortgage is recorded in Book No, 58, page 283, of the Register's office of Lincoln county, 1 will exposo to public sale at the court house door iu Lincolnton on Monday, the 2nd day of Maich, A. D., 1891, for cash, the following described towu lots, lhe same being lots No.s 3G, 37, 38, and 62, as the same are marked out p.nd displayed in a plot ot the said town of Lincolnton, in the N. E. Square or Ward of the said town, as the same will more fully appear by reference to the plot of tue said town. For further particulars ap ply to the undersigned, or to B. C. Cobb, Attorney, Lincolnton, N. C. This 3d day of Feb., A. D., 1891. J. E. Reixhardt, Mortgagee. Fb 6 1891 4t SALE OF LAND. BY VIRTUE of a power of sale given me in a mortgage exeouled ty K. M Hull and wife, Margaret Hull, on 17ta day of April, 1S89, which mortaase is duly re corded ia Bjok6I, page 334, of mortgage j deed ot- .Lincoln rounty records, j. will sen for .cash on the premises on Monday 16th day of February, 1891, 12 M., the land de scribed in said mortgage, consisting of 100 acres, more or less. Excepting, however, 50 acres more or Ipss, on the Southwest part of said tract, belonging to Pink Miller. The above tract adjoins the lands of Jona Reep, in North Brook township, Lincoln count)'. W. C. Childeps, Alortgagee. This 16th day of January, 1891. 4t EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Having qualified asexooutor of tha last will and testament of J. F. Goodsoa all persons having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present the samo to us on or before December 26th, 1S91, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All w ho owe said estate are requested to come forward promptly aDd settle p. This 22nd December, 1890. J W. A- Pain-e,) Executors. Aeser Gooi?on-. 5 Dec. 26, 180. Ct. Money to Loan On improved farms, loans repayas able in small annual installments, thus euabling borrower to pay off his indebtedness without exhausting bis crop in any one year. Interest payable annually at end ot year. Apply to Finley ir Wetiuore, Lincolnton, N C December 19 1&&0 6m fmf. AIT fME ONE PRTOE In Order to Make a clean sweep of our remnant of winter Millinery we will sell from now until closed out, hats that were formerly $1 $1.25, at 50 cts. Hats that were 75 cts. we will sell at 25 cents. JENKINS BEOS. THE EXTREMELY LOW PKICES Which I Have Made on EVERY LINE of XX&My MAMMOTH STOCK of Goods-S$f During the month of November, has tilled my store with eager purchasers, and, in consequence thereof, although all classesof goods have advanced in price, I will continue to sell every ar ticle now in store at LESS than its INTRLN'SIG VALUE. is only fair to lllV niatnmpra -' j w-...... me some of the benefits nf tlm cash, bo, until my entire stock is exhausted, the consumer will find me waging war against the tariff of high prices. I am of feiing the best values in Dry Coods, Dress Goods, Jeans, Blankets, Comforts, Shoes, Hats, Hardware and Clothing at less than they can be had elsewhere A saving of one-third is guaranteed to every purchaser of au over coat or suit of clothes, aud I can tit anyone from a 3 - ear-old boy up to Jombo." My OIL rftAIN SHOES are tbe "wornler of the world" at the price. Sell your cotton and come to me for bargains. RESPECTFULLY, JNO. L. COBB- (K antes; Idf l 11 f mvmi UiJ Cholera Cure! Thousands of dollars worth of chickens are destroyed by Cholera every year. It is more fatal to them than all ether diseases combined. But the discovery of a liquid remedy that positively destroys the Microbes has been l.iade. Half of the youn chickens are killed by Microbes btrfore they are fryers. A 50-ceiit bottle is enough lor 100 chickens. It is guaranteed. If, after using two-thirds of a bottle you are 1.01 satisfied with it :.s a uri f-jr Chol era, ret'irn it to the d.ugj. ri l;oi 1 whom youpmchastd it, a::d k; .iA refund your money. E5PFor Bide hy Dr. J. M. Law ing, ageut, Lincolnton, N. C. W. L. Crouse &Co. Lincolnton, N. C. AVI NO BOUGHT OUT THE Drug Store of John Reedy & Co an fille,i it; u witn evrv thing thttt is needed to make it a complete Drug Store We have employed iir.Lawrence Tollehou to wait upon our patrons. We can promise you pure drugs, courteous attention and reasonable prices. Come to see us when you want Drugs, paints, oils, varnishes, Diamond Dyes, seeds, washing soda, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures ; in fact everything that is kept iu a well conducted drug store. Respectfully. W. L CROUSE & CO Anrll 1 4.8'JO. t f COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. Having heri apixinteJ fi llt r of thh est of Charles lni l y the Superior Court of Liucoln rour.'v, all persons Lav ins; claiiM? against said ?ttte are hereby notiued to come lorward arxl present tbe same on or bt-fxre Dec 20, IbUl, or this no tice will be pleaded in r,-ar of thir recove ry. All peron3 owini; the eitnte are re jue'ted to settl at once. This 23rd Dec, 1S90. A. F. Moore, Collector. Dec. 20, 1&90. 6t, tht thnxr CV.M T,.. .:u ..ii niji oiiuiuu dial C TT1U1 1 A COTTON STRIKE "Ko, Boss I'll wofk do more, 'less you weigh yonr Cotton on aJOXES 5-Ton Cotton Scakl $60 MOT CHEAPEST BUT BEST. Beam Box, Tare Beam, Freight Paid." Fur tarras address, JONES OF BINGHAHTOH, ULSGHAHTON, X.X. IT The Cash Grocery Store HIT will tfnl h full iin.l well tHreelected stock of AND At the loweit possible cash pri ces one aud the same piice to all. GiCall and see. Yours truly, A. VV. KEEDY. Liucointon, March 14, 1890. J. H. B1SANER SEEDSMAN & GRAIN BROKER, (tafdeii an, I-iell) $ee geed Qrain, bleed Potatoes, Onion ets, etc, Clover & Grass Seeds Wholetale and Ketail Dealer in ORA1N FLO UK. MEAL, UK AN and FEED STUFFS. Have now on baudi oq cr load ml CllOWE SEED WHEAT. Will buy Cotton and pay at much or more than anybody, bagging and Tis l i cheap. Lincoluton, N. C, July 11, bW. ly. IJuy a ,e' Patent Sluicer The Greatest Sewing Machine la the world, on the EASIEST T Eli MSE YE R KNOWN Old machines tak?u in part payi went for new oiips. HE PA I KING D ONE ON A LL MACHINES. Ten Years Experience A. J. Hand, Agent. Lincolnton, N. C. Oc-2L 1S9U. tf. BjxIC. TAXES! I will attend to collect Uxe9 at the placrs mentioned below and at the time specitifd after each place. If you do not pay on this round I wili at once proceed to collect by levy and advertising. Save cost aud trouble by meeting me at one of thei'e appointment;. Lowesville, Monday, Jan. 12, 1891, Triangle, Tuesday, l 13, " i ! j : j Denver, Wednesday u Mullen's Store, Friday. " Iron Station, Monday, Beam's Store, Tuesday, Bes Store, Wednesday " Kepsville, Thursday, " 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, A. NIXON, Tax Collector. Lincolnton, N. C, Jan. 9, J90. tf SB it

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