$1.50 A YEAR THE LINCOLN COURIER AMBA YEAM. Sinco 'we changed the price of the Courier to One Dollar there had been but little vari ance in the Subscription list and we therefore conclude that the people who want a county paper are willing to pay $1-50 for it, at any rate we cannot afford to publish the Courier at $1-00 a year- Henceforth we will hold to our original price SJ.oO a year. l.LINCUAL ASSEMBLY. Semite. Bill Introduced. Mr. Paine, by request, to prevent the hutotitutioa of drugs iu pern script ions. Air. Ardrey, to incorporate the Charlotte Literary and Library As sociation. Mr. Kin, to prevent discrimina tion in pentioniug Confederate sol dieia ; to allow town of High Point to issue bonds. to raise money for a Graded School. Air Aycock, to amend the Code ami require Clerks of Superior Couits to make anou-tl reports. At the expiration of the morning hour Mr. Walser explained his vote on the resolution relation to the Force bill. He did not believe the pen-ling bill iu the United State btn i'e ;t Force bill. It is a bill lor fair elections nothing else. He undertook in a lengthy apeeck to vindicate the Republican party. Ilereviewed the eleetiou law of this State, aud said it was as much a force law as the one proposed in Congress. H i II t Acted Upou. House resolution to instruct our Senatois aud Representatives in Congress relative to the Force bill. Mr. Turner offered au ameudinent to make it a resolution of thanks for their efforts to defeat the meas u re Mr. Alston, (colored) said that he w us not afraid to trust the white men ot orth Carolina. He did not thiuk we needed the Force Bill in this State. The negroes of North Carolina are better thau those ol Louisiana, Mississippi aud Alabama, a-ud a law to protect tbeui is not necessary here. Mr. Gallaway said that in hisdis tr'ct electious are as fair as they ca'j be. The restitutions as amended pass ed by 35 to 5. lloune. House was called to order at 11 o'clock by Speaker Doughton Prayer was ottered by Rev. Mr. Perry ot the House. Journal ot yesterdiy was read aud approved. The I? ralu Lug school Bill. Mr. Suttou otfered his amend merit : 1. Th U persous teach as long in public schools as they have enjoyed free tuition. He said that be had been very doubtful about this ques tion. I propose where there is matter of doubt of the liue of ed U ' i catio nil progress to give ladies'.and pr-"gre the benefit of that doubt. Mr. Henry opposed the ameud-wt'-it, lec"iue it would make it a gro-i? out rage upon a helpless part ot our community. We do not re qui'C our boys to teach who go to tbe A. & M. College, aud we ought not to put this condition upon the girl. L-t us do jastice to the girls and u haif.wav measures8. Mr. Piiiehaid i ameadment pro viding tli.t no applicant could re ceive tuition unit ss amMavit is made that neither the applicant nor pan tuts ate able to py tuition, was read by request. M Jones ot Wake did not like! j - 1 - - - - f. - : M'. L'rif.rlmrd's amendment. U is aupeiism, like tbe mikof Cain, I thf yrnssest jusliee and eijualitv j upon the brow of the wrmon who ' NV a.e t, establish a Pret tree go ont of tbe college. The Alliance cLimoI f..r iris who are to teach, j never demanded of us to put our i This is not fair. People are to bear ' hands in the pojkete of the childrc-n tiiHir -liaie of taxation, and theu iheliu ordr to help the women Ec- i i . . , school out'ht to be open to all alike j erything depends upon the eduoas ! Ile iepli.d to Mr. Henry aud saidtion of the women. I do not object tint his ol)S( rvatiou was iW Mip Uuivrtif has its existent because it biines education to bovs who Ortn yo nowheie else. In opeuiue the door aloue to poor girl?, Mr. Pritchard' argum nt is specious and puts a b d;e ot poeny upon those who eut-it the fichooi. I bei lieve that Mr. Sutton's amenrment is au insult to the girls. A gill 18 years old wants to be aimitted she wants '.o teach b Mr. Sutton's amendment she is compelled to teach long. I would connect the girl's best interest with the best interest of the State. If she wants to marry a nice fellow like Mr. Skinner or Mr Ray, let her do ic; and not feel bound by contrect to teach. Mr. Jones sent forward a letter as written by a constituent in Wake county a young girl in Wake who wrote in the Progressive Farmer as follows : Raleigh, N. C Dec, 1890. At the Stito Fair of 1839 I offered to sell to the highest bidder a quilt which I made when I was seven years old, the amount to be put in Savings Bank to help build an in dustrial training college for the white girls ot the Slate of North Carolina, I was much discouraged that I did not get a bid on my quilt at the Fair, so mamma gave me three dollars for it to which I add one dollar, making four dollars, and deposit for the above mentioned purpose. It is a small amount, but as a poor giri I hope, like the "wid ow's mite," it will be counted as much. It is all I have and I made it myseif . May much be added to it and may we soon have a flourishing industrial training college for girls in this our beloved Jjate. And, if I mav suggest, let the generous heart ed Dr. R. L. Abernetby be made President. Willie Maud Buff aloe. Mr. Williams, of Iredell, said that those who opposed this r bill were charged with being against educa tion. Wo are not against education but we want education better among the common classes. We have enough good teachers in my county, and we do not want to take the money from the children for J any purpose however good. j Sentiment iu Raleigh has been worked up iu favor of this bill. There has beeu a great deal of lob- j bying here for it. i Air. Jones, of Wake, replied aud said that Raleigh did not want the school. lie and bis colleagues fa vored its going anywhere, and we will wish God's blessings npon it if it goes to Iredell and ExSpeaker Leazer is President of the school. Mr. Williams replied that, if es-, tablished, he would like to see It located in Raleigh, but that he be lieved he represented three-fourths of his constituents when he opposed this bill, which his duty and convic tious compel him to do. Mr. Brinson got the attention at once by saying: "to be or not to be the question." The object of this bill is not only to teach the teachers bat the real object is to make a bet ter system that will reach every poor girl. I have been studying the educational problem. He op posed Mr. Pritchard 's amendment, and poiuted out the great need of better schools and stated that this bill would be of great advantage to the little children. Good teachers have to undo what was doue wrong. Too many teach ers leave a bad mark on the childs mind. He made earnest and force ful plea for the passage of the bill and aid that its failure would bring sorrow of many heart. To The U A llmniu ut'iTir? lmHinr) no nnA n read the resolution passed by the State Alliance in Asheville demand ing the establishment of a Training school. An Allianceman has to turn his back upou the demaud of his order to oppose this bill. Mr. Gower, of Johnston, sad that this bid had a great deal wider scope than merely to teach teachers but also to give them broader tiainiug- Mr. Kay, of Macon county, replied to Mr. Jones and said he opposed j takitii! the money from the children j a laud tli it shoal. 1 be as sacrcnl ! as the aik of the covenant. riii I J-11- : prjjjoseo school cannot ieach the i children. It the amendment ot Mr. ' Pritcba'd is adopted the bill ! be worthless. It nut the bolero nf ri tliii nnimmr nnnrnmtat i I aruount. MnnrnniintPrl I oppose it because it opeua a door tor other mouev. The object would i K u ,n, n.",t u . .u.. education ; but we have do right to take it. from the children to establish this school. Mr. Alexander, with a pleasant allusion to the unmarried men wuo hud !ioi d i he bill, advocated the bil . Two years ago I helped to de feat a hill similar to this lesause that bill provided to educate boys and girls alike. I favor this bill because it especially piovide that the money can be used alone for girls. Without an education worn aibo d we will never ua i to the highest standard. 1 see mat our State is behind iu the balances of education. This school will raise us in the standard of education. Our people demand better educa tional facilities. The best way to give it is to prepare the teachers to teach right. Dr. Crary promiees'to help us. It we do not establish this school we cannot get help from the Peabody fund. We dou't want to make any discriminations against the poor gi 1. Mr- .Bryan, of Wayne, did not be lieve that the amendment of Mr. Pritchard ought to be adopted. It sounded well upon first reading,but was not ju9t. Rich ami poor ought to stand alike in the school. HwrnHnHMMaa Englieh Spavin Liniment removes all Lard, soft or calloused lumps and blemish es from hor363, blood spavins, curbs, splints sweeney, ring-bone, stifles, sprains, all swollen throata, co-gbs etc. Save $5Q by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold by J. M- Lawing Druggist Lincolnton N C. " BUCKLEN'3 AKNICA SALVE The best Salve in the world for cuts and bruises, sores, salt rheum, fever sores, tet er, chapped bands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required, It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refun ed. price 25 cents par box. For sale by J. M, La win? Pyhsician and Pharmacist WHY 18 IT THAT THE GRUZE DOOR RflllGE IS THE Greatest Wonder of the age? Because It lathe only Range In which you can roast meats and fowls (all other tanges bake them) also because you have 30 p. c. less loss in weight of meats, than in anv other range, making- the saving of cost of a Cauxe Door Range every year in this one item alone. Think of It ! ! A ten pound roast will lose four pounds when baked in any other range, which is 40 per cent: while a similar piece when Roasted in a Gauze Door Range wiil lose only one pound, or less than 10 per cent. Because It orevents Dyspepsia, asnothing fried need be eaten if you have a Gauze Door Range, all broil n? beinjj done in ihe oven n the broiler slide. HOW 18 ALL THIS ACCOM PLISHED? Inserted in the oven door is a sheet of fine brass wire eauze, which allows a circulation of pure &lr to pass into the oven, hence the name CAU2E DOOR RANCE. If more attention was paul to how your food was cricked, there would be less need cf Doctors. The Principals of the Philadelphia, New York and Boston Cooking Schools all use the Gauze Door RaDge in their Schoois, because they waut -theBcfiT. You ewe a duty to your family both in saving iheir heaUh and saving money by using a Gause Door Range. Agencies for their sale have been established everywhere. If there is no Agent in your im mediate vicinity, write us, and we will furniih you with circulars, and tell you where to get one. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY Thomas, Roberts, Stevenson Co. PHILADELPHIA. New York Salesroom, 15 Peck Clip. . BUCKLEN'S ARNIcA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, u!cer3, salt rheum, fever seres, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positive ly cure, pile, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or t mouey refunded. Price "25c. per box. For sale ty ur. j. M. Lawing, Druggist COUNTY DIRETORY. COU3JTY OFFICERS. Sheriff, J. B. Luokey, Lincolnton, C Cl'k. Sup. Court, C. E. Childs, " Reg, ot Deeds, B. C. Wood, " Treasurer, L. T.-Willkie. " Surveyor, C. C. Bess Coroner, J. C '-uo?er, " Supt. Pub. Inst. Alf. Nixon. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. T. fl. Hoke, Chm'n, Lincolnton. N. C A. L. Cherry, EUisville, J. E. Reinhardt, lian Station, ' P. A. Keep, Reepsville, 1 W. M. Hull, Orleans, COUXIT UOARD OI' EDUCATION. R. Z. Jo bnston, Chm'n, Lincoliitcn ,c . J. o. Bss, . j S. V. GoQdson , TOST MISTRESS. Aliss Nannie C. Hoko. TOIVN' OFflCERS. &?or, II. E. Kamsaur. T,- ? -.--u.i.i, 11 . i. i-uwrU3. Town Cont Chrts. Jetton. tommifsioner : P. J. Pate, Blair Jtnkins F- A- Toby, H. V. Burton, T U Hoke' W" L- crouse' L- T- Wilkie. P' ' ... flKHIViL Ut MAILS. AIaiii 0T1 u Kui,aY, distributed 6:80 P Vr -Mancl 11 A 'XP Mfi 12 -tnr Route, vi.i P.epsville,"" ieavos Lin colnton at 7 A M, Mondays, Wednesdays n,Fri,lv.s; Mrrivfs at Lincolnton at 4:30 P if rn r r 1 1a Thurslhy and'aturdav53 Piruc School open Dumber, Jaou- arv, Ftbnmy ud March 15oard of commissioners meet nr-tMon-, day in each month Town Council meet first Friday night in e&ch moQt,, at "Vlock. Board of Education meet first Monday June- September and Decern. -pttnqinvii oqi ajijni- io Vjao, o 3urpo3j K3IUV1 GUARANTEED CUBE FOR CiTiRO 1 ALLAN'S IMPROVED PIHE NEEDLE CIGARS AND CIGARETTES Nature own Remedy for Acuta o Chronic Catarrh. Send for full particulars. AIIKE93 Harrell, Iseley & Co. Greensboro IN". C, SSHZSAL i,3I.TTS For T. C, C. and. Ala. MASl'FACTrKED BT PINE NEEDLE CIGAR CO. FREEHOLD. N. J. DENVER ACADEMY, 03-" Primary, Intermediate, and High School Departments. A MUSICAL DEPARTMENT will be added during the next Year. Fall Session begins last Wed' nesday in August, 1890. TUITION RATES MODERATE- Prepares young men for any of the North Carolina Colleges. Ancieut aud modern languages and literature are taught. Instruction is thorough in all departments. For full particulars address, CHAS. L. COON, A. B , Principal, Denver, N. U. Aug. 1, 1890.- ly. ! E SMITH & COURTNEY. 1419 Main St., Richmond, Va. DEALERS Itf RAILWAY MACHINISTS'. MINERS' AND MILL SUPPLIES- Railway, Machinists', Mi n era7 and Mill supplies. A complete dtock of everything iu this Hue. Write for price lists and discounts. Sales agents for Kilbourne & Jacobs' Wheel and Drag Scrapers, Wheel barrows: Hussey, Binns & Oo-'e solid ciLicible cast steel ShoyeU: Verona Tool Works' Picks, Sledges, Track Chisele, Pinch aud Lining j Bars: Track Tools, etc. Dyuamite, I .Blasting jf owder, (Japs, i'use, Bat teries, Manilla Rope, Tackle Block?, Drill Steel, etc. The largest and only complete stock of Leather, Rubber, and dan, dy Belt, iu the South. Lace Leather, Belt Fasteners, Hooke, Rivet, etc. Wood Split Pulleys, Shafting, Hans gers, etc. lienrj Disston & Sons' Circular and Cross-Cat Saws,Too!e, etc.: Saels agents for the Howe Scales. Detroit Lnbricatiors. Kort iDg Universal Injectors, Hancock Iuspirator?, Metropolitan lujectors. Buffalo Portable Forges, Drills. American Ring Tiaveletf. All grades of Babbitt Metal. Indurated Fire Buckets. Pip', Fittings, and Valves, all r-izeii from inch to 8 inch, carried iu utrcb : aud we bavn ! a machine in stoielor cutting same. ! We ship wo goods C. O. D. j SMITH & COURTNEY, 141y Mvnu t:eef, Richmond, Vi. ! July 4 l,qO. Cm. -iLil sar.di ot forms, but ara sur- j p .vs.sed by the marvels of invention. Those i who are in need ot j. rofitaDle work that j can te done while living at home should j at once send their aidresi to Oabet te Co., j Portland, ilinne .and receive tree full in ; formation how either sex, of all ages, can earn lrorc $5 to 2-5 per day and upwards j wherever they live. You are started free. Capital not required. Some have made ' over $50 in a single day at this work. AU ucceed. (HIPEV'SLflPY'S &Lj'(i V 'vsr nnnir Will fe far eupeii -r to any year of its bid tcry, a larger amount of money having ben appropnattd for the embellish men t of the magazine than ever before. Godey has been publiebeu trG0year3 without musing an lisue, uni YOU CANNOT GET A BETTER two dollars woith ot magazine than by subscribicg to 'Godey," Th? But Fauilt Magazine ia America. 2 TLa kading attractions for 1890 are: Beautitul- Colored Fashion Plates; En graved Fashion Plates injblack nd white, repreott&ting, tbe prevailing ftyles, pro" duced expreosly fo' Godey. Finely Executed Frontispieces, Art Embroidery and Needlework DeLgn New and Popular Music, Plans for the House you want to Build, Celebrated Cooking Receives, Etc. Tfee 'Beautiful Home' Club by Emma J Gray, for young housekeepers or thoe who contemplate becoming so. 4A year In the House,' by Augusta Salisbury Pres- cott (Jenny Wren), which will treat of the various duties foi each month. A Chil dren's Corner, for tbe little ones. A rich array of literature by favorite authors, among whom are Emily Lennox, Olivia Lovell Wilson, Ada Maria Peck, EUie Snow, 4,G," author of "Gemini," Belle C Greene, with her humerous sket ches, and other , rKEMlCMS to club raisers are among its special features, and Godey'e otftrs the most choice and valuable ot any magazine published, bend 15 cente for sample num ber containing full club rates and premi ums EVSRY LAUY HER OWN DEtSMAtkR who aubscribes to Godey 's Lady bojs. The COUPON which you will find in each number entiUe'i you to your own selection of any cut paper pattern illustrated in Godey 's Lady's Book. Your 15c. Sample 3end 16 cents for Sample, tain one ol these coupons. which will be allowed on your subscription when The patten received. shows sou how to cut out the iaruient you want, mat's all we caa say in this space For the rest see your sample number, for which send 15 cents at once. "Godey" i only 2.00 a year. Address "GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK ' Philadelphia, Pa. . In Club with the Lincoin Courier. Gcdey's and the Cccrikr for j'2.75, which should he sent to the otfice of the Courier. :S:T H E.:: COURIER PUBISHED and EDITED BY J M. ROBERTS, LINCOLNTON, N. C. A family newspaper devoted to the interests ot Lincoln and eu rounding counties and to the State of North arolina. Subscription, 1 year, 8LoO. 6 mouths, 75 cents. PAYABLE IJT ADVANCE- Advertising rates reasonable- J O B DEPARTMENT. We are prepared lo d h1; .kinds o- Job Wotk at tiiH vpty o ef iiv ing pr'ces. Send in ioiir order anil we will guarantee aiisf.:cf'ou. LETIER HEADS, NOTE HEADS. BILL HE US, STATEMENT HEADS, CHATTEL MORTGAGES Entries for Deposit, Pesters, Circulars, Catalogues, Pamphlets, &c-, A COMPLETE NEWSPAPER. THE PEIDE OF NORTH CAOLINA.'' A. Bonitz,. H. Kingsbury, LL D Win: II. Uarne, EIitoriallStaff Do you want to aid in building up a paper that shall reflect the greatest credit on North Carolina? no matter where it may be seen then patr nize THE MESSENGER, Published in three editions. The Daily Messenger and the Weekly Messenger, Published at Wilmington, N. C. Tbe Goldsboro Transcript Messen ger Published at Goldsboro, N. C They are Large Eight Pago Pa pers. Do you want a reliable paper giving you all the news of the world a Democratic newspaper thai equals the beat has the largest en culation and has for more than 21 years been a part and factor in the growth aud development of the Old North State ? Then Subscribe for the Messenger. TRIAL KATES: Daily Messenger, by mail 4 rnos. or trial, S2.0Q Weekly Wilmington Messen ger, 8 mosi 1.00 Goldsboro Transcript-Messen ger, 8 mos. 1.00 CASH IN ADVANCE; Dr. Talm age's Sermons are feai ture of all three Papers. J.A. BONITZ, Proprietor. 8. a. finley, att'y. j. ii. Roberts, sec F1NLEY AN D ROBERTS. LINCOLNTON, N. C. TN ORDER TO OPEN UPA L chaunel through which parti- s here and people from other parts o A the country, especially from thej North, may be enabled to secuie valuable property in Lincolnton and Lincoln county, by being made ac quainted with the true value,health. tulneas, etc., of Lincolnton aud the surrouuding couutry, and In order that those hodinng pro perty for sp'e may have some tys teuiatic method of disposing of the same to the benefit of all concerned by having it advertised aud the points ot value clearly pointed out to purchasers, and In order to establish for ourselves a usiuesa from which we hope to reap some legitimate profits, direct, ly or iudirectly, by increasing the population aud tho business of our town, We have decided to establish at Lincolnton a real estate agtucy, to buy, sell, rent and negotiate real estate of all kinds on commission and otherwise. Aud in order to accomplish the objects herein briefly referred to, we repectfully ask the cooperation of our citizens. Thoe iu the county having tim bered, farming or mineral lands, water power?, &c, developed oi undeveloped, for sale, rent or ex change; aud Thoso having rea estate of any kind for sate, rent or exchange, in Lincolnton, may rind it to their ad vantage to confer with either party of this agency. We offer the following valuable property 1. One lot on Main street 75 yards west if the courthouse square on which there id a large two story brick hnusn with a bases merit, a well built residence containing 13 rooms. 2- A cottage in Queen Ann style of architecture, together with hve acres of ground surrounding and joining. The property is improved by shrubbery, fruit trees, c, together with well and necessary outbuildings, and a neat, comfortable bus iness office. 3. Two building lots on Main street, near the depot, containing a fine grove of oak trees. Valuable property also for manufacturing establishments. 4. About four acres ot landSoutb East oi the Court Eouae. Exceliest for building purposes. 5. Two town lots in the South East part of town on which are two two story dwel ling houses containing 4 rooms each. 6. About 100 acres of land about 4 miles from Lincolnton situate on tte Sherrilis Ford road and through which runs a gold vein. 7. About 131 acres about 1 1-2 miles from Lincolnton and about of a mile Irom the Litbia Springs about 90 acres wood land and 15 acres bottom land. AH the above described property is val uable and will be sold on easy term9. It is situated in and near one of the most healthful towns in he South and surroun ded with a fertile counttyand has the very best of railroad facilities. For further particulars address, FIN LEY J- ROBERTS. Lincolnton, N. C, March 23, 1890. . pamphlet of information and abi 4 tract or tbe tawi. faowtnu rrn tnfi . umu i-aienn, threats. Trade . AUiwa muNN A CO.' vJ6l Bread! war. sT i Klew Yrk. Advice to brother., Mrs.WrssLoWsSooTHiNGSTRtri'shr.niaalwayi be used when cluidKn aro cuttiLrf t"th. It re- lieTetheUttlestiffereratoDce;iH.ioducenatiiral. quiet tleep, and Oi little cherub awnkei"brigkt as a batton." U m very pleMKut to taste. It norbpa thfV,n.1 uM'Un.tki.nima uHi.Tr. oil nain regulateathebowels.anduthebestknawnremea for diarrhoea, -whether amin? from teething o Buuum;! 'Aweuty-BTa umu a tosu, THE STAR. A GREAT NATIONAL' 1 DEM& PER. 1 CRATIC NEWSPAPER. c uiiivn ine omy ew iqtK Uiolf paper possessing the fhlleet tfUnc4 j the National Administration and th Dsn. Dorr. iof tL a Bcut ocracg of .Vio York, th political tatti ground oj ine itepuonc. Fearless, aggressive a Democrat hunting kind, and in all resoeets complete and trustworthy newspaper 'lno WSKKLV bi ar is th besl ftkOtiir newspaper published. The farmer, tt mo chanic, the man too busy to - rea4 a daiir paper, will get more for his dollar latest in the Wjler.lt Star than frtnaraii7 otter paper published. During the 'campaign u will give all the political new worta k&w ing from all the States. . trim to Subscribers, Postaq JTrss: Every day 1 year (including Sunday) $?c3 Daily, without Sunday, 1 year. Every day, ti months, Daily, without Sunday, 6 months, Sunday Edition, 1 year, Weekly Star, I year. C9 8 (0 A tree subscription to the WsstLY Slta to the sender of a club of ten.' To Democratic Clubs: Star Rc4d ers become Democratic voters. So cam paign document can compart' with it. Si'ecial axpaiux OfrERs.- Tna Wsjl ly Star, until alter the election, 26 cents tor singie subscription j 20 cents each sab-, scriptioQ iu clubs of thirty. The Star evey day uutil alter election 1.75 each subscription; ia club of ua 11.50 each subscription. Agents wanted in unoccupied Territory Address, THE STAK, Broadway and Park Place, .New Yorfc: TION I has revoiu.loniltd loN the world du'imr ilia la.n hah' century. .Nut least aun og tbe wouders of mventive progreu is a method and ejbtetn ot work that can be performed all vtr the country without separating the workers from their home. .Pay hb. eral; any one cau do the work; either sax, young or old; no speeial ability required. Capital not needed; you are started free. Cut this out and return to us and we will beud you treo, sometnm of great value and importance to you, mat wni start jot in business, which will bring yoa in mora uiuney right away, than nytuia els in the world. Grand outlit free. Addito true a o., Augusta, Maine. tRIOMOND & DANVILLE RAIL ROAD. South Carolina Division, & L. N.Q Daily except Sunday. IN EFFECT July 6th 1890. No 53 j tfo. 52 Lv. 8 40 an-! Lenoir Ar. 10 40 6m 8 5'J IHudsonville 1017 y 00 'Saw Mill lu 11 " 9 20 Granite Falls 10 02 9 47 Hickory 9 34 10 25 Newton 9 00 10 44 ilaideu 8 40 1115 Liucolutou 811 11 42 Uardiu 7 44 11 59 Dallas 7 34 12 14 pm Gastonia 7 19 pml2 29 Urowdersc'k 6 38 12 44 Clover 6 10 1 09 i'orkville 5 45 1 2G Guthrieville 5 25 1 55 Lowrysville 5 0i Ar. 2 15 Uhe8ter Lv. 4 40 D. Cardwell, Div. Pas. Agt. Columbia, S. C. Sol Haas, Traffic Manager. Jas. L, Taylor, Geu'l Pass. Agent. CAROLINA CENTRAL SHGEDUtf. MOVING WE3T. NUMBER ONE Passenger, Mail & Express Trax. Stations. Abbive. Liuvcs. Wilmington am 9 80 Charlotte pn 4 S3 Paw Creek 4 52 Mt Holly 5:04 Stanley Creek 5 20 Ironton 5 3t Liucolutou 5 52 Oherryville 6 20 Woco 6 29 Shelby 6 50 Battimore 7 10 Aooresboro 7:21 Elleuboro 7 30 2?ostic 7 45 Forest city 7 55 Rotberfordton 1 8 05 p u MOVING EA3T. NUMBER TWO Passenger, Mail & Exp&xga Thau. STATIONS. ARBIVE. LeaVM. Rutherfordton a m 8:45 Forest city 8 55 Bostic 9:04 Elleuboro 9 20 Mooresboro 9 31- Battimore 9 41 Shelby 9 50 Woco 10 22 Cherryville 10 32" .Lincolnton U 00 Ironton 11 16 Stanley Creek 11 32 Mt. Holly 11 50 Paw Creek 12 01'" Charlotte 12 17 Wilmington 7 20 p in Through frtight and passenger Uaiu No. 25 with sbepeis attached Ingres Wilmiijgtori at 8 00 p. m.,aod ariives at ChailoUe 6 30 a. lq. Thinigh freight and passougtr train N.. 24 wirii hi ptr. aitacbed :!:tes chttilotte 0 00 p. uj. and ar- ; lives at Wi'miutort 7 111 u. w. i Close con 11 ec lion both ways at ' Hdmlft for Ri!' itfh. ! T. W. V HISNANT, Supt. ! RICHLY- rkwaRLki are thfca who read this and then act;tbey will nnc ' tbat will not take d honorable empJoyaieai e icein irom iu? liuuif and families. Tbe profits are large ! sure for every industrious person, many j h?d T ZuVSr ! hunared dollars a montn u 1 eay 1 any c ne to make d and UDWardi per ay h w:ilinrt(j work. Either sei, youmf , w",'3 willing to wrs. iimr , j or old; capital not needed; we ia jr t. M-W a aria I ability ' . ., an a it as weii-M i 4u'rcu V";41 . fbr an. par- i any one it riic ua ai. w-" f - dresa Stiwoa & o., Peruana, juam-