TIB IiIH(GTLM UIRIEJR. LINCOLN COURIER, LOCAL DEPARTMENT. J. M. ROBERTS, Editor. CHURCH DIRECTORY. IsPBiSBTTKRiAN. Kev. R. Z, Johnston, Pat lor. 1'reaching every 2nd, and 4tu Sundays 11 A. M. and 7 F; M. Sar.uay School every Sunday 4. 'P. M.. Prayer Meeting evry Wednesday," 7 P. X Session meets Wednesday after second Sundays, alter Prayer Meeting. Preaching at Iron Station on second Sundays, 3 P. M. Preaching at Taper Mill Academy on 4thdundays, 3 P. M. Mktuodist. Ilev. J. F. Anstin, Pas tor., -reaching every 1st and 3d Sunday, 11 A M., and 7:30, F. M. Lutheran. Kev. J. A. Rudisill, Pas tor. Bc'.bfcbaiie every 1st Sunday ; Trinity, every 3dunuay ; Da niel's every 2nd and 4th Sunday. 11 our 10 a. m. Lutheran. Rev: L. L. Irohr, Pastor St, Marks every 21 Sunday ; Cherryville every 4h SunJav. Hour, 10 a. m. JBirnsT. Rev. M. P. Maibeny, Pa6tor. Preaching every 31 Sundays at 11 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. Sunday School very Sunday at 3 P. M' Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:00. Episcopal. Rev. W.R. Wetmore,Rect tor. Servi.23 every Sunday at 11 a ra, ex tept 2d Sundays -at night, on lt, 2nd and every other 4th Sunday; lloly Communion let and,3rd Sundays ; ca'echidng of child ren e ery 3rd Sunday in the P M. All cordially invited to attend. Seats Free; LINCOLNTON, JUNE 3, 1892. New AilvertineiiK'iiiM List Taker S. W. McKee. Several haodred subscriptions are due and we need tbe money. You know the balance. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rhodes, of Cherryville, ere in Lincolnton a few hours liSt Wednesday. Miss Eva Suinner is off at Chapel Hill tun week, attending tbe University Commencement. Fullaton High Sohool, G. T. Ueatner, principal, closed last week. Mr. Headier baa made quite a suc cess of the school, The C. & L. Railroad Stock holders meeting comes off in Dala9 Thursday of this week. A number of our citizens wi attend. The Conference of tbe E, Luth cran Tennessee Synod convened at Salem church, Lincoln county, last week and was largely attended. Drs. Lawrence Fox and Chas. Bess attended the State Dental As sociation at Winston- Salem last week and each passed a successful examination. Next Monday is the day for the meeting ot the joint Boards of Mag istrates and Commissioners. The county commissioners and the sup- erintendent of public instruction are to be elected. Messrs, Lander & Co., are get ting their Mica Mills here in opera tion. The Mica is to be ground np and made into axle grease, We will have more to say about this enterprise later on. It affords us great pleasure to note that oor young friend Mr. Zeddie Johnston has passed his final examination successfully at the Naval Academy. He expects to start off on the "Constellation" lor a summer cruise next Saturday Commencing June 1st 1892 the Richmond and Danville Rail road will put on sale reduced rate round trip Summer Excursion tick ets to all summer resorts. Tickets on sale June 1st to Sept. 30th, limited returning October 31st 1S92. We are sorry to sy that our collections during court week were not by any means what we expect" ed. About $300 are now due us and we need rue money. We can manage to live on our garden, pro ducts, but garden products don't pay bills. A very sad incident occurred at King's Mountain a few weeks ago. Mies Lula Falls, a young lady about 17 years old, attempted to comraitt suicide by taking laudanum She wa found in her room in time to be aroused from her stupor by stenuous f fforts on the part of phy sician and friends. Rev. R. 1). Owenby, of Bun combe county, near Astheville, will assist Rev. J: F, Austin, on the Lin colntou circuit, daring tbe remain der of the confereDce year. Mr. Owenby is just out of Weaversville College, where he wot. the Oratori cal medal during the recent com mencement exercises of that insti tutiou. We are sorry to note that the little three year old son of Dept. Sheriff and Mrs. J. D. Plonk, keep er of the jail, bad the misfortune last Saturday to have his ieg broken just below the knee. He had gone U the house near by ot Pink Hoke, colored. Ttie piazza in front of this house is about 4 feet high and tbe little boy tell from this piazza. He is doiug reasonably well. Hon. Paul B. Means, of Cabar rus, informs us that last week the delegates from the 7th Congression al district elected hira an alternate to the National Democratic Co j ventiou at Chicago. He declined to accept tbe position of alternate, and the delegates afterward net and elected Mr, Joseph C. Cobb, of Lincoln, an alternate in Col Mean V place. News & Obseever. M.ij. Cobb will be one that will go. Chi cago is his old home. We have been informed tl.et the King' Mountain Cotton Mills cleared about 40 per. cent last year. It is not an easy matter always to find out the pio6ts made by cottoa mills ; but this comes from good authority. Cotton mills everywhere, it is said, were profitable last year. If the price of the next cotton crop is fixed the previous year, will not cotton bring more next year ? Next Saturday the Third pars ty wili hold a convention at the court house. We are informed that each sub-alliance has been re quested to eend delegates to tbe meeting. It is to be an open meetN ing, and we are told the object is to decide as to whether they will put out a ticket, and that if they decide in the affirmative, nominations are f Ci YCX mafia W t litnn tttIII I .v v .i .w i - - o IMUJXJ uuojr Will see the error of their ways and will continue in tbe faith of the Demo cratic party. Court Proceeding. Below we publish some of the most important proceedings in the Superior Court last week. State vs Wm Bradshaw, selling liquor unlawfully, $20 fine and costs- L L Deilinger, affray, $5 fine and costs. H S Heavner, selling liquor uns lawlully, judgment suspended on payment costs. Thad Lutz, seducing an innocent woman under promise of marriage, 3 years in State prisont Appeal. Bond fixed at $1000. Afterward mairied tbe woman and judgment was suspended, Phillip Carpenter, carrying con cealed weapon, fined $30 and costs. Appeal. E M Lynch, A & B, $10 fine and costs. A P James, Lizzie Harmon, F & A, Defendant James, 90 days in county jail. Harmon, 2 years if found here in 30 days. Dave Henry, A & B, 5 months in county jail. Marcus Carpenter, carrying con cealed weapon, judgment suspended on payment of costs. Wesley Huffstetler, John Jolly. Affray. Huffstetler not guilty. Judgment suspended on payment of costs as to Jolly. Jerry Skidmore, false pretense. Pleads guilty to charge of forcible trespass personally. Judgment sus pended on payment of costs. Pleas Stroup, retailing without license, 4 cases, $75 fine and costs. James Starnes, A & B, judgment suspended on payment of costs an bond for good behavior, Alec Carpenter, injury to persona property, fined penny and costs. Pleas Stroup, false pretense, con tinued. P A Parker, selling liquor to miu ors, 5 cases, six months in jail. L J Huffstetler, selling liquor un lawfully, nine cases. Continued. John Jackson, Jr, Pink Qaeen, Sam JacksoD, Jake Forney. Affray. Not guilty except as to QueeD, Judgment suspended on payment of costs. John Chapman, Robert Sain. Af fray. 12 months in county iail an to Chapman. Judgment suspend ed on payment costs as to Sain. Charles Bracket, indictment mur der, trne bill. Continued. Lucy Knox, larceny, 4 months in county jail, to ba hired out. Major Ross, Defendant, submits to an attempt to commit larceny. Judgment suspended on payment of costs. Wheeler Goodson, larceny, four months in county jail, to be hired out John Brown, larceny, not gnilty. John Jackson, Sr., selling liquor to minors, not guilty. Will Robinson, Will Middieton, Alex Carpenter, Bud Robinson, Geo Coulter, disturbing religious wor ship. Nol pros as to Coulter and Bud Robinson. Judgment suspend ed on payment of costs as toothers. J L Harkey, selling mortgaged property. Contiuued. John Graham, A & B, 30 days in county jail, to be hired out. Beverly Leonhardt, M L Heavne sci fa. Dismissed. Dave Henry, E M Lynch, sci fa. Judgment according to sci fa to be remitted on payment ot costs. Austin Hopper, A & B, 3 cases, 90 days in jail to be hired out. Sidney Heavner, aflfray, judgment iaspnled on pament of costs. John Jolly, A & B, G mos. in jVil to be hired oni. State vh. Tliartdena JaUx. t4Iudictment Seducing an umo cent woman under promise of mar riage. Jury verdict guilty. Jud. ment ot the coort that the defend ant be imprisoned m tbe States prison at hard labor for thre years from which judgment appeals to Supreme Court. Appeal bond fixed at 25. Appearance bond fixed at $1000. Justified." "Tbe defendant having married the woman whom he was convicted upon promise of marriage tbe judgment heretofore rendered is stricken ont and upon his paying the cost in this case anil paying to the C'erk 25 attorneys tees incurred by the wife in this prosecution and giving a bond to be approved by the Clerk of this coort in the sum of 500 to appear at the Spring Term 1893 of the Superior Court of Lincoln county and show by witnesses other than himself, his wife or his fatner's family that he has lived with and supported his said wife, judgment is suspended.'; Mnrdock th. . C. R. II. A number of civil cases were dis posed of at this term of the Superl. or Court- The only jury trial, how ever, was that in the case of R. M. Roseman, Administrator of Robert Mnrdock, against the Carolina Cen tral Railroad, which occupied Fri day and Saturday. The plaintiff alleged in his complaint the wrong ful killing of Robert Mnrdock, a ne gro, near Iron Station, a year or so ago. The facts elicited during the trial indicated that the negro, while in a drunken condition in the first class car without a ticket and refuss ing to pay his tare, was ejected from the car by Capt. J. T. Alderman, tbe conductor, three fourths of a mile west of Iron Station, and froze to death during the night. Tbe plaintiff was represented bv D. W. Robinson and Col. H. C. Jones. Tbe defendant company by T. H. Cobb, of Asheville, and A. Bnrwell, of Charlotte. The case was well con ducted and ably presented on both aides. The jury, after four hours' deliberation, rendered their verdict, finding all the issues in favor of the plaintiff and assessing the damages at one thousand dollars, from which judgment tbe defendant took an appeal to the Supreme Court. IVlio Will Succeed Osborne ? As Frank I. Osborne, at present solicitor of tbe 11th Judicial Dis trict, is to be the next Attorney General of the State, the office of solicitor of this district, will have to be supplied by a new man This district is composed of the counties of Union, Mecklenburg, Gaston, Lin. coin, Catawba, Alexander, Cleve land, Rutherford and Polk. A spe cial judicial convention to nominate a candidate for successor to Mr. Osborne will be called, and it i probable that at least six out of the nine counties will have candidates. Already two candidates are in the field. They are Mr. Bartlett Shipp of Lincolnton, and Mr. J. L. Webb, ot Shelby. Mr. Shipp is a son of the late Judge Wm. Shipp, and was a member of the Charlotte law firm of Bynum, Bynum & Shipp. Tbe Charlotte News hears that an ex cellent lawyer of Monroe will also be a candidate for the solicitorship. Tbe contest promises to be lively and spirited. News & Observer. Mr. Shipp informs us that he is not a candidate. Ed. The Third Party Organizing and to Organize Goldsboro Argus : "The 'Third party' for the State has been orgam ized, so we were informed yester day by Mr, Abbott L. Swinsoo, the chairman of the Tbird party ex ecutive committee for this county, and also tor this congressional dis trict. He told us that they organs ized in Raleigh Wednesday nigbt and elected eight delegates from the State at large, headed by Col. L. L. Polk, to the Third party's national convention, and that each congressional district in tbe State is to elect four delegates, these con ventions to be held on Jnne 16th. The county conventions to elect delegates to the district conven tions are to be held on June 11th." Raleigh News and Observer : "t is said that the Third party meet ings will be held in the various counties of thia State on June 11th, and that the congressional convene tions will be held on June 16th. The delegates to Omaha, appointed tbe other day, are stated to be Col. Polk, Otho Wilson, Col, Tom Long and J. H. Jervis." Hall's Hair Renewer contains the natural food for keeping the hair healthy. Program Shelby Districts. S. Con Terence. To be held at L'ncolnton, N. C. Jnne 10th 12tb, 1892. How may the pastor interest tie children during public worship? Revs. J. W. Clegg and B. A. Yotk. Tbe power ot example in and out of school. Rev. M. H. Hoyle and M. T. Steele. The teacher's mission, motive, and character, Rev. C. M.Camp bell and L. A. Falls. Hindrances in tbe way ot Sunday School success. Revs. A G. Gantt ad J. F. Austin. Should the lesson quarterlies take tbe place of the Bible in the Sunday School ! Revs. D. P. Tate and T S. Ellington. School-Room Work Illustrated and Explained. (1) Pieliminary duties ; (2) Opening the School ; (3) Teaching a Class : (a) Securing at tention ; (b) The art of questioning ; (c)lllQslrativo and object teaching ; (4) Closing the School. Influence of Sunday School work upon the family, tbo chnrcb, and the world. Rev. 8. E, Tnompson and W. S. Hales. How to make Sunday School ma terial available iu church service. Revs. J. B. Tabor and T. L. Trip letr. Report from Epworth League, and benefits derived from the Or ganization. Who should attend the Sunday School and why ? Rev. T. J. Rog ers and L. L. Smith. J. S. Martin, Presideut. J, B. Ivey, Secretary; Tne Convention Irs Jtcsiills. While we have reason to believe that Reformers throughout the State, were cheated out of a fair representation in the State conven tion, yet we will be charitable and attribute it all to the ignorance of those outside ignorance for most ot which, they are excusable. Be- cause it Is impossible for those out side to see and understand like those of us inside That too, when the press of the couutry is pregnant with imaginaiy evils, and every coN umn full of direful warnings. Un der similar circumstances, we might have done the same, or even worse But taking everything info cont sideratiou, we consider its results a graud and glorious victory for the Reformers. Though it is not just what we woald wish, still every thing goes to prove that it is not what tbe other side would like to have had either. The platform, which we publish in another col umn, we do endorse in toto. We believe it we could get our national legislators to enact those principles into practical law, we would soon see great improvement in the fioan cial interests of our government. As to the nominees, we will say that we are very well satisfied with them. If tbey will plant themselveu upon tbe state platform and snob by their acts and words tbat they are not using it just to get in on, we can support them cheerfully. We say to the brethren of the Alliance to consider well before tbey make up their minds for or against. Don't be provoked by the partisan press of the State to make rash decisions. Now if the press of the state wants all classes harmonized on this tick it, it must let by-gones be bygones, otherwise their will be tbe biggest scratching iu November ever beard ot in Norrh Carolina. Tbe people pre not to be trifled with ; they are yet free and they know it. Hickory Mercury. Xotlcet I wiil attend at tbe following places 10 list tbe taxes lor Lincoln ton township for 1892, viz.: At Brick School House, June 7tb, from 9 to 3 o'clock. At Laboratory Cotton Mills, June 8tb, from 8 to i2 o'clock. At Lincoln Paper Mills, June 8tb, from 1 to 5 o'clock. At Blackburn's Shop. June 9th, from 9 to 3 o'clock. At Lincolnton, June 10, 11, 13. 14, S. W. McKee, List Taker. May 31, 1S92. Colonel TIioh, Skluuer Haas tens to the Rescue ol His ISrotlier Harry. Raleigh, N. O, May 28th 1892 ; ExCongiessman Thomas S. SkinN ner in a letter ives express denia toPoik's renouncement that Col Harry Skinner would head the Third party delegation to Omaha, and says he wiil not be a delegate to any Third party convention or have anything to do with that par ty, but will stand by the Democra cy of North Carolina in Us fight to preserve the State from Republican rule and will give the Democratic ticket his full support. Subscribe for the Cotjeiee. ONE PRICE Cash Store. The Tide of Trade Is FlowingOur way. Whea it comva to eel.ing goda of tho rirht kind at the right prices, we beat all creation. Last week proved a "hummer" for trade. We had customs from a dis tpoe of 25 40 nule This proves thu. we are selling roods at the right prices and that the public appreciates ths fact, and U taking advantage f rlie sime, Bargains in our Hosiery Department We are f- : toc"oe our p:-ent sUxk of Ilac'c Ho.-iery in ten days, in order to m-ke -oom for a bij stock of Oat'a cele bra'od F -t Black Hosiery. Ladies Biack 25c Hose for IGJc. Misses Black 25c Hose for 16?c. Child's Biack lf.jfc Hose for 12$ cents. A lot of Men's Brown Mixed 16c Hose for 10c. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Knowing well the trouble a lady has in trjing to purchase a uedium priced Black Eoze that will not lade or stain, we have therefore given this department a consider able amount of bi: ly, and think tbat our effort have at lat been crowned with suc cess, as we have secured the agency lor Oa.'sce'ebratedTast Black Hosiery, which we will bo able to sell to customers for on'y 25c pair. We will gladly refund your money n ey y pair that fades. SHOES I SUOEg I Our 2 Ladies' Dongola Shoe we feel it ort'y just to this peerless thoe to call the atttion of the public to it again. Since we ac verted it two weeks ago, we have tad a wond3-lul trade on them, forcing us to put .'T.x duplicate orders lor them. Every pa:- war anted. Our "Special" $l.oo Ladies Button Shoe is a first cl5 shoe in every respeet. Made of genuine Dongola and solid throughout. Ho chips or pasteboard in tbi shoe. Our sf k of Faust,' Fine shoes for La die3, niifSfs and children, is complete. In Ladle?' w i carry an o'egant line irom 2 to $3.60 pe . pair. In miss' we carry the most .omplete line of Fine Spi'n Heel Shoes to be found anywhere. In children's and infants' we carry a fine line from No. 0 to No. 5. We also carry a line of shoes made especially for ladies suffering with tender feet. lmmeae stock of Ladies' luw cut shoes from 75c to $2. Ask to see our half low cut at f2 a pair. They are beauties. Parents who have not bought our "Ev eryday" and "Primrose" shoes lor their children, should try a pair and be convince ed ot ti e merit of these shoes. Once tried always worn. Big lot Men's Ehoes from $1 to 15. The "Goodwear" at $1.50, can always be found in stock. We are showing the handsomest stock and tho greatest variety ot styles in white linen and colored Negligee shirts in the market. We have secured the agency lor Cluett, Coon &Co.'s Fine white linen shirts. Taese sbivs are made of the very best material and sre the bept fitting and most popular go-li on the market. $1.50 buys Cluett, Coon & Co.'s Extra Fine I cundried a:id Extra wide corded bosom shirt, something new and handsome. $1.50 buys Cluett, Coon & Co.'s Extra Fine laundried 16 in- F-osom m the new style 5 pleat bosom. $1 buys our very best laundried plain bosom shirt. 75 cents buys our bestquallty of unlaun dried shirt. Our 50c white has been tested in this market for several years and has not been fouad wanting in any respect, but increas es in popularity each season. In Negligee shir.s we have a very hand some line from 25c to $2 apiece. Big stock Gent's Neck Wear in every style imaginable. Nobey line ot Gent's Straw Hats in Black and White: New stock of Ladies' low cut vest, from 10 cents apiece up. We have a brand new stock of Parasols and Ladies' Umbrellrs in Sateens and Gloria Silks, ranging in price from 35c to $3- Your special attention i? called to our line of carved handle Parasols at $1.75 to J.cey are oy lar tue nanasomest par-, s aoIs that have been placed on the market for years. Aiflonsr the fashionable varieties of laces j now employed for Ihe ornamentation of the fpehionable woman's wardrobe, are Point d'Irlande, Point de Gene, Spanish Guipure and Novelty. Silk Point de Gene is a novelty of rare beauty and elegance, and is preaented in blaok and ecru. It is applied lavishly upon both silk cloth gowns in ruffles, frilL and also smoothly on the lower edges o skirt3, on skeves and as yokes. lEMBIROHIBIEIRIKS- Summer materials appear in bewildering profusion, and the assortment of cotton fa brics boast ot r;igns quite as at'ractive as thoe displayed by s.lken textu" es. Em broideries are generally favored for trim ming cotton dresses, and the flouDcings and demiflouncings are used to charming advantage in making the Russian costumes one of the season's latent novelties the wider flouncings being used for the skirt and the narrower tor the blouse skirt and the ornamentation of the blouse. We are carrying the largest line of laces and em broideries this season that we have ever had since we have been in business. MILLINERY I Millinery I Third arrival of Millinery this season and still mother lot to arrive this week. UNTRIMMED HATS. There's style in all ot "Em," Tuscany. Laee Manilla and Hair, Lace end Chip, Leghorn, French Fancied, English Ideas, American fashions it dozens of odd and indescribable effects i.nd combinations- Lovely nbbous, newest snades exquisite Morie and Pearled Satin Stripe, Extra wide and heavy Morie, French Gauze, el egant Satin Striped Black Gauze Ribbon, newest prod action in Morie, Morie and Satin, double-faced, with a beautiful Hoe of fancier in all widths and colo,ral FLOWERS. Abloom with Spring Flowers. Our world of "flowers is beyond description. All priced in a vay to win your appreciation. Jenkins Bros, NEW SPRING GOODS JUST OPENED. Come and see our Wonderful bargains in Dress goods, dry goods, cassimeres, cottonades, straw and fur hats, Clothing for men and boys, fancy shirts, and shoes. Special low pricks made on hardware, farming and garden tools. Our displaj- of Clothing is the best we have ever mad LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED. JNO. L COBB- C M. Crowder, Calvin Rudisill We keep on hands at all times a lull line of material for REPAIRING buggies, wagons, etc. Work will be done on short notice and satisfac tion guaranteed. C. M. Crowder for anything In Wood and Cal. Itudieill tor Shoeing Horses, or ANY WORK IN IRON, make a team that tbe world cannot beat. Respectfully, C. M. Crowder, Calvin Rudisill. 129 92 tf CHILIAN WAR IS OVER. The people who have homes are relieved from leaving them. Those who have been preparing to build can go in peace to building, and the mammoth bnilding material and Furniture Factory of C. Motz & Son is furnishing these things after the most modern and latest improved styles. If yo'i want to build or repair ; if yon wnt the frame o" a bouse, the outside, the inside, the "top' or tbe "bottom," or tbe middle, or any im aginable part, we can furnish it for jou or put it in plzce for you and guarantee satisfaction both in work, rra-'ship and price. Then if you want an outfit of furniture at price to suit tire times, we can gi7e j ou bargains tbat are beyond competi tion. It matters uot whether jou want plain furniture or furniture of the finest finish, we can serve you. Our machinery is run by water power, wh;ch is supplied in abund ance. Tie factory is equipped with the best of machinery for all kinds of work in our line. For further particulars call on or address C. MOTZ & SON, Lincolnton, N. C. Feb 5 1892 ly SALE REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of a mortgage deed to me made by Richmond Scott, on tbe 13'h day of March 1891, I will sell tt the court house door in tbe town of Lincolnton, N. C, on Mondy the Clh d"y of June, 1892, a tract of land, contain:-e 6 acr?, more or les, adjoining lan .? of B. H. Sum ner, Carolina Central Kail '.vd and others, near the 'own of Lincolnton. Also an? ;-' er tract of land containing nearlv 6 rcres, situated in Freedmj' be -rtle land upra which the said Richmond Sco t -ow lives. Said sale will be tnar e subj -. -t to a prior mortgage given by rd Richmond Sc t to the British fnf American Mortgage Com pany. Reference is here y had to paid mortgage as now reg; erri in the office ot Register of Dced3 for Li:o'n coiny. Terms, cash. This 3rd c;- of Tlay 1S92. E. T Childs, Jlort-.-ee. May 6 1892 " 4t MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of a power invested in me by a mortgage executed to roe May the 13th 1891, by J. C. Willis and wife, Laura E. Willis, I will sell at public auction ? the highest bidder for cash afce court house door in Lincolnton, N. C, on Monday, the 4th day ol July 1692, the following tract of land, to wit: Situated in North Brook township, Lincoln county, N. C-, adjoin ing N. Moss, Dave Weston and others, containing 42 acres more or less. For further particulars reference is hereby had to Mortgage Deed from J. G. Willis and wife, Laura E. Willis, a3 registered in of fice of Register of Deeds ol Lincoln county Book Ho, 65 of Deeds, pages 205 to 207. T. P Jinks, Mortgagee, A. M. HouasR, Assignee. May 27, 1892 6t When Baby waa sick, we gave her Cai&oria. When she was a Child, she cried for Caetoria When eha became Miss, she clung to Ostori. VThea she bad Children, she gave them Castorlr 1 MEAN Just what I say. Ijf have a full and well selected stoci; of the I est staple and fancy family groceries. I sell them at the lowest possible cask price. I try to represent eve rything I sell just as it is, and if not as represented, I cheerfully take the goods back and re fund your money. Call and see me before buying. Yours truly, A. W. REEDY. Furniture Factory o Flouring & grist MILLS! E. JAMES, Proprietor, Lincolnton, N. C. BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, WARDROBES, LOUNGES, TABLES, WASUSTANDS.Ac. Be sure to come and look at my furniture before buying elsewhere. ' I have added a cotton gin to my mills and am now ready to gin vour cotton. Tbe flouring and grist mills will bo run regularly every day from this time on. Sept. 11, 1891. RESPECTFULLY, ! E. JAMES Lamps, Seeds, To baccocs and 0'gars. OUR endeavor ba been and will be to surpass any Drug Store in Western North Carolina for puri ty of Drugs ard accurate Pharma cy. We c-irry tb roost; exquisite line ot performs. Also garden seeds from the roo8t reliable growers, to baccoes to suit everybody, dye stuff and paints, lamps snd lamp fixtures; in fact in anything in our line we are and propose to be in the lead. W. L- CROUSE & CO. Feb 12 92 if Educate Your DAUGHTER at DAVENPORT FEMALE COLLEGE, LENOIR, N.C. Choice climate, Hefininq InHaeuces, Scholarly Faculty, Thorouqh Instruct ion, F. actical Courses of Study, Slu sic. Art, etc Address JOHN D. MINICK, A. M., Pres. March 18 1892 to. Order THRESHING MACHINES, HORSE POWER TRACTION, ENGINES and REPAIRS, Through REINHARDT & MORRIS, Agte; Iron Station, 2f. C May 13 '92 Ira

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