flff ill liW iW vol. vi. LINCOLNTON; i. C, TODAY, DEC. 16. 1892. NO. 33. Professional Cards. J. W.SAIN.M. D., . Uas located at Lincolnton and o -fera his services as physician to the citizens of Lincoln tou and surround ing country. Will be ton ml at night at the Lin colutou Hotel. March 27, 1S91 ly Bartlett Shipp, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LINCOLNTON, N. C. Jan, 9, ISO 1 . ly. " Finley & Wetmore, Al'i'W AT LAW, LINCOLNTON, N. C Will practice in Lincoln and surrounding counties. All business put into our hands will be promptly atten ded to. April 18, 1800. lv. Dr. W. A. PRESS LEY, SURGEON DENTIST. HOOK HILL, S- C. . Will spend the WEEK BEGINNING with the 1st Monday oi each HON t u t office in Liucolutou. Tnote needing Dental services are requested to make ai rangement by correspondence. Sr.tistacfiou guar anteed. Terms" CASH. July 1, 1890. ly i.lJlJcitantUr DENTIST. LINCOLN ION, N. C. Cocaine used for painless ex tracting teeth. With thirty years experience. Satisfaction jiven in all operations Terms ..ash and moderate. Jan 23 '91 lv UO Id BARBER SHOP. Newly fitted up. Vrork aways ueatly done, Customers politely waited upon. Everything pertain ing to the tonaorial art is done according to latest styles. HeNKY Taylok. Barber. 1 Bnglieh Spavin Liniment removes all Lard, eoft or calloused lumps and blemish es from hordes, blood spavins, curbs, splints sweeney, ring-bone, stitles, sprains, all swollen throats, coughs etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle Warranted the most ,-wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold byJ-'.!u- Lawin DruesistLincolntoa N'U. Subscribe tor the COUHIEK. J. D. Moore, President. No. 4377. .-. FIRST NATION AL BANK OF GASTGNIA, N. C. Capital Surplus Average Deposits COMMENCED B USIXESS A UG USTl, 1S90. Solicits Accounts of Individuals, Firms and Corporations. Interest Paid on Time Deposits. Guarantees 10 Patrons Every Accommodation Consistent Willi Conservative Banking. BANKING 11 0 UBS. ....... ...V -: . . l- 0 a. m.to 3p. m. Dec 11 'y1- for infants 'CMtrla k go wtJl adapted to children thai I recommend it aa superior to any prescription tnown to me." H. A. Archxe, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, BrookUn, N. Y. " The use of 'Castoria ' is so universal and merits so well known that it bee ma a work of etrpcreroation to endorse it. Fw are the intelligent families who do net keep Castoria within ea67 reach.1 ' Carlos Marttn, D. D , New Jork City. Late Factor Eloomingdale Beforoied Church. Th CcsTAum jA -zj - --v 1 . (illARANTEED CfTISK. We authorize our siivertisfd drii?frist to sell you Dr. Kind's TsVw Di-.roy-ry fr consumption, c.'ut; and fold, ujnu this condition. If yu are HtHietel with La Urif pe and will use this mnedy wording to directions, giving it a fair trml. nnd ex-r.f-rifiHe no twefit, you inajT return the bottle and have your money refunded. We ln.'tkfi this (itfer )e. au-e ot'j tho -wonderful suc-'fs i f i r. King's New Discovery dur ing Iflit 'season's epidemic.- Have heard of n cap;in which it-fnfl-d. Try it. Trial bottles tree at J. M. Lawing's drugstore. Large fize 50; and $1 00. Johns ton CVoiiuty gels Senator " Tauce'8 ICaiiner. ' '.it. . . '. i . Thacauvass of the official returns yesterday shows that Johnston gets the honor as the banner county of the State for the biggest Democratic majority, beatiug Halifax ia the contest by twenty-four vots. J dun s'ou gave C.'.nr h plurality of 2, 228 and a majority or. 1671. Ililitax gave him a plurality 2.204 and a majority- of 1461L' Halifax gave joonstou a close shave aud declares tDat she will not et left next lime. A LEADKli Since its. first introduction, Electric Bit ters had gain? J rarddly in popular fayor, until now it i c!g:.rly in the lead among pure medical tonics and alteratives cen tinin nothing which permits it use as a bevtiage or intoxicant, it recognized as the best and purest medicine tor all ail ments of Stomach, Liver or Kidneys. It will cure Sink headache, Indigestion Con stipation, and drive Malaria from the sys tem Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or the money will be refunded. Price only 50c per bottle. Sold by J M La wing . BUCKLEN '3 ARNICA SALVE The ist Salve in the world for cuts and bruises, sores, salt rheum, fever sores, tet- eiVchapped. hands,' chilblains", corns; and all skm eruptions, and 8 positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaraLteed togi?a perfect satisfaction, or money refun ed. erica 25 cents per box. .For sale by J M Lawini. Pvbsician and Pharmacist Ou the 30th of November a con vention of budinejs men wan held in New Orleans to consider the Nicaragua enterprise. The tot. al length of the oceau to ocean 169 miles, but Like Nicargua can be utilized for 100 miles and the San Juau river for 42 miles, leaving only about 20 miles to be excavated The coat will be less thau $100,000 000, and the canal can be completed by 1895. Charlotte Democrat. Needing atonic, or children who want buili in? up. should take BROWN'S 1RO.V HITTERS). It is pleasant to take, cures Malaria, Irnli gestion, BidousnesiS aud Liver Complaints. Pay your suoscriptiou to the Lin coln Courier. LaU Jenkins, Cashier. . $50,000 . . . 2,750 . . 40,000 1 T" it H ; i i . . . ' - and Children. CutoH enree Oelic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation. Knu Worms, givea sleep, and promotes Oi- Without injurious medication. K For several years I have recommended your Castoria, ' and uhall always con tinua U do so as it Laa invariably produced beneflciii results." . ' -' ' ' Edwin F. Pardm. M. D., The Winthrop," 125th Street and Tth Ave., New York City, Cowakt, 77 Mdsrat Stmit, Nkw York. i COfXTV ICKVXUK ciiakci:s. statement of Revenue and Charger of I,IiicoIii Coun ty lor tlitf Yeai inliei; Deeoniher 5 Jt'C 1 lsl2 To Lahmce oa hand Dec. 1st lb'JJ 145. 21 Dec. 1 1SU2 to V' L Crouse borrowed money 100.00 " 8 1892 to J M La wins borrowed money .... .400.00 " 31 1892 to O E'childs as per bill tiled 130.10 Jan. 1 1892 to T II Hoke, hire of George Shaw . . . Feb. 1 lt92 to W M Hull hire of Jack Sisk k 1 Beam Bros, order lor lumber Mar. 11 1S92 to peddlers tax June 0 1892 to Hire of Lucy Knox " 0 1892 to Hire of Austin Hopper " 6 1892 to Bal on bond of J D Beam .14.00 . .8.00 13.15 30.00 . . 4.00 1 .12.50 .39.35 u 6 1S92 to borrowed of J C Cobb 500.00 ki 6 1892 to hire of Lucy Knox 2.50 " 6 1892 to C E Childs C S C State vs. Wm Mid dleton 1.20 " 6 1892 to C E Childs C S C State vs. John H Branchart 28.00 Aug. 25 1892 to J C Cobb borrowed mon ey 500.0( ) Sept. 5 1892 to A Nixon Sh'ff Merchant's tax. . . .40.00 " 7 1892 to J M Lawinii i borrowed money 500.00 I Oct. 4 1892 to B C Wood for lead sold 3.20 u 5 1892 Cephas Quickie borowed money 150.00 " T 1891 to Caleb Motz borrowed money 500.00 " 10 1892 to W L Croupe 4 borrowed money 100.00 . " 21 1893 to Ed Rhodes borrowed money 250 00 Nov. 22 1892 to A Nixon Sheriff hire, of George Blanton and Jno Smith 50.00 To A Nixon Sheriff General Taxes 1891.... 5,290.75 A Nixon Sh'ff Marriage License 7S.S5 Dec. 2 1892 to C E Childs C S C State vs. Kobt Stubbs 2.10 u 2 lS92toC E Childs C S C as per bill tiled 298.18 " 3 1892 to xV Nixon Sk'ff Jury taxes . 7.00 Total 9,504.15 County Charges. The following have been audited and ordered to be paid for the year ending Dec. 1st 1892. Dec, 7 1891. To P F B Baxter for "The Home" bid ior November 90.65 " O M Jetton, for bringing Jouu Giaham tojail 3.30 44 E B Cauble, work ou coun ty jail 3.75 44 W L Crouse & Co. intdi ciue for "The Home" aDd jai 12.85 44 R M Roseman, work on Public road (S L Funds) 27.93 44 W L Grouse, ex, of Will Campbell 5.00 44 A Nixon Sheriff jail fees &c. for November 29.75 44 O E Childs CSC ccrtifys ing criminal statistics 2.95 44 W E Ryborn. board for jury & officii in as-State vs. Jno. Cias. auil Calde'l Mo'z 9!) 45 41 li B Miiler,lodgiug for jur ris and officers mease Sta'e vs. Juo. Chae. and ualdwell Motz 29.25 4 W S Miiuney, guarding jurors in case tState vs. Jno Chas aud Caldweii Motz 15 00 4 M N flamriek, ShenrT, I oatdine and guaiding Jno Chas ami Caldwell Motz 26,85 j 44 J D Plonk, lor 29291 feet j lumber Jrou Brhlge 44 94 4 J H Tutheiow, wiodiag j lowu clock 2 months 266 44 J G Bess, fixing biidge over Indian cieek -50 44 Jj J Houser, balance re pairs Iron bridge 570.83 J L Kistler plaster for jail ,90 To B Hie Buck, for support of wfi 1 moths. 2 50 " 13 M 'Taylor, support of daughter 1 mouth 150 tk 1 A Bepp, tobacco for Ag ed aud Infirm 8.40 " R S Bernhardt, use of bridge :t E-iu Gnivy 25.00 H. A Sbruiu, latnber tor bridge ou public road 4 10 kk W A IJulisil!, coumiittee rTi Iron Bidge 3((0 B O Wood, IiHgister of Deeds, Sf i vices ai Clrrk &i 9.84 Couuty Liables Fall Term 1891. No 1 St. vm. John Short 22.52 i. o u H g fieavuer & 2.20 3.25 G.23 3 10 0.80 10.28 2.08 6 30 4.22 15 22 1 78 " 3 St. vs. John Mi-Ooy ; " 6 it y ti 4. 8 t tt 9 . 10 ' "11 " " 12 44 14 13 4t " 14 44 "15" ki 10 44 44 17 44 u Hj u '20 44 " 21 i! k 22 44 . 23 " 44 24 44 25 44 44 26 44 27 44 28 44 2'J 44 30 44 ' 31 44 44 32 4 44 33 14 44 John Itaiiisaur 44 Kl.-i Lut I e 44 li L Adams Minnie Ward 44 Mo noe Killian 44 Frank CAiii()e 44 Bufus Iteavuer Silva Wood 44 John drier 44 Beverly Leonbardt 13 00 44 Albert, Sinoyer 4 Bainia Giahani " Bevei ly Lforhaidt 44 Willia:ii Etvirjjr '4 Thornton Martin 44 Adolphos Hoke 44 Claude McCoy 44 Hev. i ly Leouhaidt Frank Smith 44 Wesley fin if ate Her 2,94 22 58 10.46 5 76 4.95 13 31 4.08 7.81 1131 S85 6.80 8.50 GOO 6 00 6.60 2411 18.18 18 86 26.09 44 Alex Hunter 44 Thomas Loie 44 Luther Lontz 44 Noah G 44 Ed Thompson i George Mattiu " James White 91,10 16 38 34 44 35 44 4 John Hartmau, Sid ney Poovyand Auj Miller. 44 Hemv fc? Lfeonhardt 7.13 1.28 9 00 30 To C E Childs certifying 36 lulls 44 G E Cuiids receiving aud certifying Repot t G Jury .7r, ! 4 State vs John Chas and Caldwell Motz 1,447.70 Jsn 4 1S!'2, 4- P F liaxttr, '-The Home'' bill for Dec. 86 65. 44 W L Grouse k, Co for med icine for Aged and Infirm 1.75 44 A Nixon Sheriff jail tees &! for December 49.95 44 A Nixon Suei iff money ad vanced to pupilat D D & B 15.00 44 A W Reedy, 1 galou ink 1,50 44 J II Tutherow winding clock 1 mouth 1.33 44 J M Roberts, pub. Co. Revenue f- chai ges 21 SO 44 J M Roberts pub: report of O E Childs CSC 20 00 44 Jenkins Bros. 8 pair blan kets for Aged aud Iutirm 25.00 44 Jeukins liros. 1000 envelops 1.75 4 T C Wetmore to B C Wood, 1000 printed orders 2 50 44 J'LK-fetler, 1291 it, lum ber for Iron bridge 10.32 44 Rmsaur & Barton, lock for Clerk's office 1.00 1 44 Billu Buck, for suppoit of wife one month 2.50 44 D M Taylor, for support ot daughter oue month 2.50 4 Edwards and Broughfoo, Legan cap paper blanks 30.15 44 H A Shrum to Philip Smith ditching imhlio road 1.0O! 44 C M Clark, work on ap pioaelu s to Crouse bridge 1-00 44 J L Kistler, services as Comm'r ou Iron bridge 3.00 44 B G Wood, (services as Clerk &c. for December 111.93 44 J D Ph.uk D S bringing Graut Hair-.M to Lmcolntou 11,95 Feb. 1 1892. 4 Pryor Coulter to S. G. Finley fees iu case state vs. John Ctia. and Caldwell Motz 44 P F Baxter, The Home bill for January J J Plonk, 1255 tt. of lumber on Tuckaseege road and 343 ft. of lumber for Beattie's Ford Iioad " A Nixon Sheriff, jail fees etc. for January 4.00 96.40 i ! 24.00-54.001 To J A Tutherow, winding clock one month ' Hoke A Michal, goods for county J o J .U'J u:rt kt T F Costlier M D one night visit to jail u Henry Huss. li.ying bad place in public road near Deilinger Bridge " A Car)enter, guard ing Chas. Motz 44 P A Barr, guarding Chas. Motz 3 days " R S Shu ford, Collin ior Jacob Michal k Beam Bros, lumber lor Houser bridge 4 Henry Shu ford Charley Smith A- C Small, making'2 coffins for Billy Buck's wife A An nie Statou colored " J F Davis J P, 4 fee case state vs. Emma Graham " J A Nixon J I', fee ease State vs. Emma Graham " J F Davis J P, 4 fee state vs. II T Martin 4 B C Wood Register of Deeds, services as Clerk Ac. Man li 7 1892. " P F BaxteiVThe Home" bill for February ki A Nixon Sheriff jail fees Ac. February 4 J C Lee lumber for Bridge at Bre yards 4t W B Hoyle, coliin for Miles Williams 44 A Lee Cherry, 504 feet lumber for bridge on Conans Ford Road 44 MSP Hager and F F Sherrill, 2100 feet lumber for 2 bridges on Canans Ford Road kk F F Sherrill, 094 feet lumber for bridge Canans lord Road " W L Crouse A' Co. med icine "The Home" and jail ' P A Reei, colHn for Thos. Bliss 44 A Nixon Siril'. Supreme 1.50 .50 .20 .00 5.00 13.15 i.OO .80 .28 11.24 90.00 50.80 20.00 3.50 8.40 27.75 10.41 9.05 .50 Court cost in case State vs. Skidmore 44 F T A- H M Smith, lum ber for and work on bridge at Smith Furnace 44 J II Tutherow, winding clock one month 4i Henry Shuford, support Mary Bartlett's children '4 J II Anton, 502 feet lumber for bridges on Buffalo shoal road u B C Wood for Walker Evans and Cogswell Co. for 3 Record books and express B C Wood, Edwards A Broiighton, 4 Justice's Dockets and express... '4 A M Wingate, for paint window glass in jail and court house 44 P A Reep, 50 lbs. tobac co for inmates of k4The Home" 44 C C Wood, services as Clerk Ac 44 D M Taylor, support of his daughter one month. April 4th 1892. 44 A Nixon Sh'ff, jail fees Ac. for March 44 P F Baxter, The Home bill for March 44 B E HamrickD S arrest and delivery of Marcus Carpenter 44 B C Wood, Register of Deeds, services as Clerk Ac. " J II Tutherow, winding clock 1 month ki P D Hinson, 1 Bbl lime far "The Home" 44 Frank Gilmors, support one month 44 John Smith 820ft. lum ber for bridge on Island ford road 4 Henry Nixon, lumber A making coffin for Jenks Killian 4; II J King trimming for coffin for Jenks Killian. . 44 D M Taylor support of daugheer one month.'... 20.49 24.80 .00 .90 24.90 .5.90 .2.00 .11.00 13.0; 2.50 76.90 100.03 .80 .7.70 .1.0; 2.50 10.25 2.25 ..1.40 .2.50 To Henry 1 1 ol brooks 900 fi. lumber for Motz bridge. . .12.00 44 Henry Huss fixing bad place in Flint HiU road near John Gates' 15.00 k John L Cobb lime Ac. for county " J C King serving 1 road order Henry Shuford support Mary Harrietts child May 2, 1S'.V. To J. II. Tutherow, winding town clock 1 month 44 B C Wood, f-ervicesr as Glerk Ac for April 4,R. 11. Bellinger, guarding Chas. Motz 1 day 44 W L Croupe M D services The Home ' and Jail .3.22 .40 1.50 1.33 r.2o 1.00 9 50 44 W. L Crouse & Co. rued. iciud for 'The Home'' and jail 5 90 44 A Nixon sheriff, jail fees for Apiil 44 Leroy Loug M D medica1 to J M Hanks 44 A W L Ilagtr, coffin for J M Uauks 44 P F Baxter, 4lThe Home' bid fur April 44 C. E. Childs, blanks 4; FiHiik Gtimore, support 1 month 44 D M Taylor, suppoit cf daughter 1 mouth 44 Ueuiy Shu lord support of Maiy Bartlett's child 44 J A Hainll, blank tx no tice's 44J F Miller Supt. cf East ern N C Asylum traveling expenses ot Caroline Fiu ger 67.45! l 2 0'i 250 89-79 9.15 250 2 50 1.50 1.11 8. P. A. Reep 1 pair shoes inmate 4iThe Hotiif' .70 44 E. T. Childs, thread aud alamance for couuty 1.50 44 J M Roberts, Pub. notice ot special term court 1 50 June 6, 1892. 44 P F Baxi ir, '-The Home'' bill for Mav 9-85 " H S Sellers D S airest & delivery of Jno Brown 6 30 44 K L McCorkle, Imubar for bridge- ou public io-id near J F Reinhardts 1.00 " J M Roberts, priutiug uo tice special term of Liu coln Superior Court 1.50 '4 Henry Shu'crd, chopping wood Ac for court 1.00 " Henry Houeer J P ex Ju lia Huss 100 44 P Carpenter J P ex Julia Huss 1.00 44 B G Wood, sei vices as clerk Ac May 8 90 44 P A Keep, 45 lbs 'obdcco tor 4The Home"' 9.90 44 D A Lowe & Sou, suit for J M Hai.ki de'd 4.00 44 S G Finley nr II J bhrum jury tax iu divorce case 3 09 44 M S Hovis S W h tee case S'ate is Luiht-r L utz 130 4 D M Taylor, rupp. rt f daughter 1 moutb 2 50 44 Fiank Gtlrnore, support 1 mouth 250 44 Henrv Shufonl, supjoit Mary Birietts child 1 month I 50 4 A Nixon sheriff, j-dl fres &c May 149.35 44 S S Morr s lumber tor bridge 2.00 44 E Jame, coffin for Henry Alexander 5.00 i: Jhon B Bean, building bridge ovei S F River near Ramsautsand extra lumber for a i me 393 94 B C Wood for Edwards A Broughtou bound tax book for 1892 July 4, 1S92. 44 P F Baxter 44The Home'' bill for June 4 P A Rrtp plaids A thread -The Home'' 4,W L Crouse & Co medi cine for "The Home" and jail 44 W L Grouse M D ex Julia Huss ind attention at llTbe Home" and jail 1.75 86.15 1.00 i.C5 10 00 44 A Nixon sheriff, jail fees &c 112.30 44 J li Tutherow, wiuding town clock 2 months 2-66 " G E Cbduscsc recordtDg ai.d hU"g Treasurers fine reDOits tor Dec 1891 &c &2 5.45 14 BO Wood Reg'r of Deeds services as clerk &c 9.26 'DM Taj lor, support of daughter 1 month 44 Henry Shuford support of Mary Barilettschiid 44 Frank Gilmore, support 1 month 44 Henry Huss, taking Ju lia Huss to Western Hos pital 44 J M Robeits, pub! Md for koepiug The, lloimi County liable Special Term No. 1 St. vs. Grant Dunlap 2.50 1.50 2.50 600 2.00 1892. 8.74 2.03 13 OS 9.38 7.28 2 44 44 5 44 44 0 44 it 7 . 8 44 9 44 . 10 n 44 12 44 4- 13 44 . 1 1 . 4- 15 4 16 44 1 7 4 44 18 " 44 19 44 44 29 44 44 21 44 t. 22 44 .John Grier 44 Giant Harris 44 Jost hp (iarland 44 .Joseph Garland 44 Marcus Carpenter 12.13 44 Graut Dunlap 4 60 44 A Leo Sin 2 70 4 Alex. Car j tenter 11.20 44 John dir 2 0i) 44 Camilla Abeiueth 36 62 " John Bion 27.01 44 Austin Hopper 2 80 44 Giant Hai us 3 99 44 J-SHpi Grrtand 10 33 Joetpb Gar laud 9 33 44 E win a Heury 5.08 44 Bevelry Leonbardt & M L Uaveuer 3.00 4 Wesley Huffsteller 6.95 "PAPaiker ' 5.88 44NBMauuey 1.73 44 (Jeorge Blauton & Alonz liopver 10 95 44 3 44 N B Mauuey 4.23 44 24 4- 4 Audrew Stamps 3.03 44 2 5 44 44 Joseph Garland 7.88 44 26 44 44 Joseph Garlaud 10 03 44 27 41 44 Joseph (iarlaua 7.78 44 28 44 44 Cbarie) Ward 2.97 4 : 29 4 4 44 Marian Williams 2.30 44 30 - 4 44 Banco Keiuhardt, Daniel Thotn aud Lewis Dixon 3.10 44 31 4 44 Willian Soheuck, J U Bisauer acd WREdwaids 3.70 4- 32 44 44 Joseph Gariand 7.78 " 33 44 44 Joseph Garlatie 7.2H 44 34 44 44 Joseph Gariand 26,70 44 3 5 4 4 4- John Jackson . 10 8S 44 3 6 44 4 L zzte Harmau 8 78 44 3 7 44 44 Hud Robinson, George Coulter .... 1.15 44 38 44 44 SamJJacksou, Juo, jaccksou Jr. and Jake Forney 11.15 4 39 44 44 Johu Jolly . . 10 50 4 40 44 4- Dave Heuiy 0 80 44 11 4- 44 Johu Moses alias Johu (Jrahaui . . . .22 73 44 42 4 4 John Chapman 17.79 44 43 4i 44 P A Pa ik el 73 44 44 44 4-PAPaiker.. 10.33 ' 45 44 44 P A Paiker .. ...6.31 44 46 44 P A faiker 6.80 44 4 7 44 4- P A P-nker 9.20 44 4 8 4 4 44 JohnJoily 11.93 44 49 44 4 Daye Heuiy 2337 No 50 St vs Alex, CaipfMcr. .8.69 No 51 St vs David Mitchfiii . . 10.30 No 52 St vs Wheeler Goodson 1415 No 53 3t vs Lucy , Knox 8.36 No 54 St vs Aualiu Hopper 9.48 No 55 St v.s Austin Hopper. . . .5.86 No 56 St s Austin Hopper. . . .5.91 No 57 St h William Schenck .9.05 No 56 St v Jotin Smith 11.73 To C Childs esc certifying 58 blls 14 50 July 11, 1892 To Pnilip Caipenter listing iaxn-t Howard's Ctefcfc township .44.00 To a V Goodson lu-ting taxes lronton t4)Wi.sLip ... 44.00 To S W M. Kte listing taxes Lincolutoii township 38.00 July 12 1892 To L P Slfford listtug taxes Catawba Springs township. .38.00 . August 1, lgy2 To E D Rimsaur, 1G2 ft. lum ber sleepers for bridge 5.90 To W L Crouse & Co. medi cne for The Home aud 12.10 To T P Jenks J P listing tax- es North Brook township. . .24.25 ToPD Hinsot', 2 lbs. lime The Home and jail 330 To H S Sellers D S arrest and delivery of George Blanton to Lincold Co. jul 3 80 To P F Baxter, The' Home bill for July 81.95 To A Nixon Sheriff, jail feei Ac for July... 81-65 To J H Tutherow winding town clock. ;.1.33 To A Lee Cherry, to E 11 Jetton for Asbury bridge. .125.00 To P A Keen lor J G B o, k j repairing washoal in F.i.ii I?ill road at Johu Gates 16.75 Continued to la&t paye)

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