ESS fK ILINILM B UJEt I E H (Continued from first p i,je.) To 11 M Taylor support lntirrn daughter 2enry Shuford, support Mary Rartlettes child To W L CioiiMt M 1, services at The Homo ami jnl und bold m il inquest over body Ot Will Smith .lc'd To J li lfeiiu Mpeclal coroner, holding inquest over body ' ot Will Smith dee'd To M Al Latz, - drtH as jur or ou inquest over body of Will Smith dee'd To J F SeaKle, 2 days aa jur or on inquest over body of Will JSuuth dee'd To Logau Sain, 2 daa as jui or ou mquest over body of WillSuiiih dee'd To Levi iiaubs, 2 days as jun or ou inquest over body of Will Smith dee'd To Diuifel Wise, 2 dajs a3 juioi ou itnquest over body of Will Smith dte'd To J P Wood, 2 days as juror ou iuqut o'-er body of Will Smith dee'd .2.50 1 .L5o! 39.00 16 3D 3.00 ,0" ,3.00 ,30' .3.00 0 September 5, Ibtoi To ieury llolbiooks, ie budding budge at Caleb Motz 7.5' To L D Havocs, timber tor bridge i'- Yoikville road near Kistltr trestle 3 5 To P F Baxter, The Home tor August 83.o lo H S Seller I) S arrest and delivery ot Jobu Jackson to jjiucolu j -ill 3-e J o j A AMnoethy, repairs on Lahoiatoiy bridge - -19 a., j ii Tutherow, keeping t o w u clock i ; .m I' D llinsou, lime tor jail .1. lo Rawsaur aud Burton merchandise for jail 7 . i'n G L Havuer D S stivinn i2 road orders ! lo K Ii Sullivan, repairs on irou bridge To J D Wbitesidcs, repair on bridge at caleb Motzi.... To A Nixon sheriff, jail fees Scu Augut To John smith, 471 ft. luiu ber lor Libetatory Riidje 1 ' 1 : 97.U 47 To j J Flonk, iutnber lor jad and Motz bridge 43 2. To S W MuKee. oue day with Com. revising tax iists 1.01 To 5 1 Favell, repairs ou jail eafce 2.0' To .r W Mcintosh 1) S serv ing 11 road orders lo .1 c King, serving 11 road orders To J A Kistler, goods for jail To F A Keep, goods, tobacco !tc lor The Home 4.4 . 4 4 ,9 50 91 To 15 v t od, Regr. of Deeds services as c.erk Jul. & Aug 7G.2U To I) M Tayior, support of daughter 1 month 2.50 To lieu t y Shuford, support .Mary RaitletU 150 October 3 1892 Tj A Niton she i iff, jtil fees September 98.50 i F F Baxter, "The Home" bill September 100.10 To S A llagar, building bridge cyuaus Ford Road 18.00 Tj O i cbilds esc for Edx wards Broughtou tor stat- ijnary Jto To c K t' hi Ids tor uai rill's puutmg House, dockets, &i? Tj chrtrley Smith, making cof- hn for Weelcr Goodson . . Tj J II Tutherow, winding towu cl ick Tj E h Cauule, lepairs on cu t limse To L T cuild-, gooiis for ' The Home'' to Wm. M Hull, buiial outht W (u. Beaver to A c Wood, ccflia tor Win; Smith .8 45 0.S5 . 3.0U .1.33 4.75 2 27 .5.00 .3.50 To F A Keep, shoes for Tue uoiue 29.30 To A Lee Cherry, conveying S illie Nauce to Western Hj-pital 11.75 To D M Tylcr support daugb - ter 1 mouth ......2 50 ( 'oimty liable? Fall term 1!2. No 1 St vs John I Martin . . 10.33 No 2 St vs Pleasant Stroup No 3 St vs Peter Chapman No 4 St vs .John Jackson sr 35.79 . 5.90 No 5 St William Rradshaw 4.00 No 0 St vs Uarel (nimble 2.33 No 7 St vs Laurence Brevard vvj Isarel Gamble 4.0s j No s St vs John Jackson sr. Joseph Hlack and P A Parker No 9 St w Geonre Still ir. . . j j -3.0o, -1 No 10 St vs Sarah Smith l.S No 11 St vs James Lee 15.4 No 12 St vs William No 1-) St vs L R Stauden- maver 2.1 5 No 14 St vs John Smith 10.01 K. ir, Si vs Kiiima Kusst'll . . No I St vs Alex Carpenter ,V B C Cobb 2.00 o j; St vs Id Michal. 1.05 Sit In St vs John Jackson. . . .ov; No 19 St vs Peter Parker. . . s.25 No 20 SI vs (ieore Falls 72 No 21 St vs (ieor-e Blanton 22.00 No 22 St vs John Smith 12.45 No 23 St vs Klam .Mahew No 21 St vs James White 33.13 No 25 St vs Marsh Lojran 12.32 No 20 St vs Cliarles KBrack- et 190.57 No 27 St vrf A P James 10.0S lo C E Childs CSC certily- ! iriir 27 bills 0.75 ! Total 003,022 ; : North Carolina ' Lincoln County j I I, B C Wood, Clerk of the j 1 County Commissioners hereby ; certify that the foregoing is a I I true statement of revenue and j ', charges of Lincoln county for the 1 j year ending December 5th 1S92. except pay to the Board.) as ta ken from the minutes of the Board. This 5th December 19 By order of said Board. B. C. Wo-.d, clerk. riie Farmers Alliance Done Willi If. -Have j It is an old ami a wise eaiaj. j that if a man fools you one time it j is his fault ; wleu he fools you twic ' it is yours. This saw comes to unm is one notes the effect to galvauiz Viv corpse of the Farmers Alliance - W'fi must bnug the Alliance baci u .1 i.on-partisau basis," they say : I. a I eeu iujured tiy participath r is ; biMhivn in 11. e oroe . -! s li.ed and have jti;1 . , - ..; . .o'i lu-v. Now . , .4 is-- i: "r-rt.fcss ;f the ;us. - j i v i, - A airi lf: u-i-ih oid?r to its oiigiLa . u a puiely iudustiial or ... z j a-t- ft.. im-r uj-efui- ' A:i is .-Jiid, iiiiud ou. . . .' i tui'.M wlin L.ul all alotii' op- :' vA tiio pariicipa-ion of the ordei p'i tisa 1: polities ; not by thosi ho have steadily hebt up the orig .y,i contract t hat xllliauc member- b 1 p was not to irome iu conHic with the member's political couvic ; (ions, but by the verv fellows who i helped drag the order iuto the ! I'nird party, voted its ticket them. isejvea aud are members of it yet. j rhey are the very same coons, withi out even nev nnes arouud then rads. The very same leaders who denounced Democratic Adlianeemeu as renegades and trairors, are the very ones who aie now appealing to them lo come back iuto the told and restore the order to its former use fulness. As to usefu'ness. it never had any except to those at head quarters who have misled the mem bers through a system of dues by which the farmers ot the eouutn have paid hundreds ot thousands of dollars in the past four years into the pockets ot those who took the contract to lead them out of the wilderness aud oidy led them deeper into it, aud to those who have been publishing papers for the alleged purpose ot "educating the people" but for the real purpose of throwing dutiuto their eyes iu order that they might be more easily robhed by the bosses. lh& only radical feature the concern has ever bud was the "tmsiness agencies,' whii'b have supported a hoards of office- I holder s at headquai teis and charged I the farmers mote for the articles; ( they bought throungh it than ti es j ojuld have bought the same gouda ! from their merchants for. When- i ever the bosses have undertaken to j give any advice about an agiicuitu- j ral matter it was that the fanners should hold their cotton, at times when it was high, ami the poor dupes wbo took it lived to lose from 5 to 10 per bale on ir. 2hese are specimens of the "former useful ness"' we hear about. Haven't the farmers had enough ! It inuot be ap4reut to any oue, from the result ot the lecent elec- tion, that the Democratic party wdl continue to hold power in North Carolina as ioug as it gives the State good Government and ihatnonect i the weagous fo' rued aga-nst itcn i prosper. It ;s not, therefor, for po ! liiical reasons hit The Landmark admonishes Democrats and good citizens generally to have colhing more to do with this concern it i (tor their own sakes aud the sokes of their children. It has bn ught 'lolhiug but harm to the South and : its owu members except the lew tbe head." It has cost our section ..i'i'ons of dollars, has set enmity between man and man, and no liv; been quite hearty enough Democrat ing man can show that it has sub- to suit all the Democrats and a served any good purpose. For bon-lgoou many ot them more than 400 est citizens and good men to have i perhaps wereptelty cold on th ever gone iuto it was a mistake at the outset, but let that pass we all inako mistakes, plenty ot them. Ii was an honest ruiftako in the Grst place. It was not their fault that that they were looled the first tune; it will be if they are looled about the s;ira matter and by the same crowd tvrica Utatescille JjtinJiuark. r'at .Hindi ill IiuiliiH. TLe convention held by the Far mers' Allianco at ileniphi.i proposs posed at least, three world wrinkling institutions and began two ot them. To put the newest first, the Indus trial League of the United otates i a secret order, swearing mtghiy ; to VVi,niington Messenger oaths to itself, and having great j IJaleigh, N. C, Dec. 7.-News pai poses, political and not iodus- j ret.eIved bero to-day of a most im trial. It is to be, in reality, a eo . 0Ortar.t decision of the United ciety for the Populist propacauda, Suiea Sujreiue COUIt ,n tLfi HA,ifdX a recruiting headquarters tor al) :ase iuvolviug the liability of the persons who beieive that h govern- ranch lines of the Wilmington and mniii urmtinnr nres is tbfi source ol I -' " 1 r national wea!th4 and that farmer if they belong 10 the Alliance, should be the pets and peudoueu of the govenmeut. At present tin Industrial League of the Uuite States teems to be composed cheit ly ot the president of the Farmer Alliance and of the ever illnsiriou Taudenck4 once a third of ti e Fai tiif.ib' Mutual Benefit Astiociitioi poty in the Illinois Legislatuie m(re ret.'eutlj' chaiiman ol the ua tioual executive committee ot tb People's party. Tanbeoeck saji ' that by November 1893 there wil he 1 500000 members of the I. L. U S. A. Oue miliiou five bundle thousand in thn opt'mistic census of the Fopubst means about tiftee in the chilly numerals of fact tillt as womeu and boys mote thai foui teen years old are eligible tr membership, the list may gro. ranoeneck sjs t'ne League will b erv teriible in 1890. Institution No 2 is the Allianc CoMon fo-operative Board4 organ j pidiciously expended. The hcud zed iu theory lor the benefit ot col I wdS fnrnihed with plans for hospit- son planters ; in reality we suppo fl!s fo inllrn,4riM and WI k ,h . 'n. ni ,h- r.i Lifgit ure to appropriate S4O.O00 There are various Alliance concern- o ibis nature. All ot them are c rbo nature trusts arid mouopolist ! s.ich as the "Alliance abhors Doubtless some of them will fal with a crash some day Institutions of scheme third au last. The government must buih a railroad Irom the Canada line tr the Gulf cf Mexico. But why onb one line ? senator Petb-r, ot Kan oas4 wants four paralled transconti nental lines in Kansas. Why no! insist that the government hall fur riish every State with at least two through hues one runnug dm north and south and the other due east and west from boundry t boundary i There ought to be no favoritism about these roads. No thing is trio good tor the Farmers Alliance, aud there is no good rea son why that interesting bod should be so distressingly modest, if the government is to go iuto the business of building railroads for the Alliance, we ate in favor ot con stiucting a government railroad through the front yard, back yed t ow yrdt wood yard, and tour-acre lot of every Alliance Lamer. In tacr4 we favor p"ttii'g an elevator into every Abi ben bouse The thinker! :i ieniphis were to eiffi Vui. V. V. Sun- Whoa pafty w&3 sick, ve gave her Castorfa. Wlu-a she was a Child, the cried tor Catiiocta When she became Miss, she clur.g to Castoria. VTLen &he tai Children, she gave them Castorir Settle Klecled, 4nd Uhy, The State canvassing board which met at llale'gh on the 1st, awarded the certificate ol the elec tion in the tilth congressional dis trict to Thomas Settle, Republican, against A. ii. A. Williams, Denio- 1 crat. Settle's majority was tigur- i edatlOO. For several years cjpt.! j Wnliams has bei n coquetting with j trial raits- i the Farmer's Alliance, nets now1,. , j serving his tir.t aud last term8 in j . y. :2W j congress, having gone in, two years j Weekly Wilmington Mebseu- " ago as an Alliance-Democrat a! i bird about which very littie has becu herd since the 8th of last mouth. Iiet howeveTi pleased the I anttlt'iV.ocratic element in tbe Al- I Innee so well by animadvergions j upon the Democratic party that i when the Third Dartv coimrssinnal j corveution for she fifth district met in May he was baliotted for the ! nomination, but was defeated for it by W. R. Lindsay, of P.ockingbam- oapj, Wilhams was tbe candidate of the Democratic party, ne had not; trail. He had not bee 1 Third pars ty man enough, however, ;o satisfy tliu Third party and that eleroeni voted for Ijinsay. In trying to ride two horses going in difleient directions, Capr, Williams fell be tween them and got "trousped" on, and in his experience is a lesson which iso me body taught in verse vhen he said : 'Oh, what a tangled web we weave When hist we practice to decei?e.,, Statescille Landmark. IViliuiiigioii and Vcldon llrituoli ICoads Liable lo lax uf ion Annual Iteporton the 4 emiii railway to taxation. lbt State supreme court said thwir ex emptiou from taxation was void be-;au-e it was a petpe'uitv aud iu tue mti-jii of an 6XcliiMve iiiuOfge fn ildeii Ly the consiiio!itu. Thit lecision of the State court Is annua d by the United State court, vkhich ioes even further. The decision it if great moment to the state, The hociid ot direetois if I he in ane asylum met today. The n jual report was made aud was a very avoraUln oue. No public institution iu where i better mauaged. the report of supermrendeni Wood was submitted. I is the best iver made aiitl shows that whih ;oeie are rooms fr only 204 pa rieuts there bav during the past r.wo years4on a general averagejieei 'ighty moie than that number auci jat one time there were 330. Tin muuai api'iopuaiion is ZbVUU am the saviug has been 12t000' yerily in providing for so many wittiiu th tppropiiatiou for a much smallei iiuuiher. T ie mortality during tin year was under G per ceut and ttu percentage ot curea of nearly 22 pei sent. Fitt'eu thousand dollaia wat: two years ago appropriated tor im provements, aud this haa been moat for thete. Thev are absolutelv nee essaiy. The hoard has been for bed to decline admission to 700 insane, wl,o need treatment and will go betore the Leijielatuie and lav be j rore that, body the pressiug need for i the building above named. The case j is an urgeut one and relief must be ! rifforded. liKLP IN ilxME OF NEI). When a man drowning he will grasp at j straws, bnt straw will not save him Ex tend to bim a liieboat and his rescue is .jertain. Jauvs A Greer, of Atheps, Ga (endor-i ly the editor of the "Athens Banne Watcbman) makes the following state ment: "I am first cousin of the late ex-Gover-nur Alexander 11 Stephens, and have bson postal clerk on different railrotds since 1808, For tn years I have been a sufferer 0 t I? I from a cancer on my J XV lv J Li J iface wliich grew worte until the dicbs ge of matter became and very I L -came thoroughly disgusted with blood purifiers and pro nounced them humbug?, as I had tried iiH'iy without releif. Fidallv 1 was induced W use Botanic Blood Balm (li B B) The eftnsive dis charge decreasel at on'.-j :id the harduess disappHred. It bee ne leis and less in size until nothing re-jja:.ned except a scar. 1 g iinei fh-jh and strengh, and a'l who have seeu me bear testimony. I cannot riy too much in its praise. A. COMPLETE NEWSPAPER. THE PRIDE OF NORTH CAROLINA." R. Kingsbury, LL D Win. 11. liearue, Editorial Staff Do you want" to aid in I ui'niiL up a paper that shall reflect the greatest credit on North Carolina? uo m ittr vvberc it may be seen tbeu patronize THE MESSENGER, Published in three editions. The Daily Messenger aud the Weeklv Messenger, Published at Wilmington, N. C. 'The Goldsboro Transcript Messen ger Published at Gohisboro, N. C They are Large Eight Page Pa pers. Do you want a reliable paper giving you all the news of the world a Democratic newspaper that j equals the best has the largest cir culation aud has for more Ihan21 years been a part and factor in the growth and development of the O'd North State ? Auen Subscribe for the Messeuger er 8 mos: 1.00 , i i . .... ul4woro iraoscnpt-Mesben- .1 o fier, 8 mos. 1.00 CASH IN ADVANCE. Dr. Talmage's Sermons are fea ture of all three Papers. FREE A Ticket to the WORLD'S FAIR. IV. . I a.i x vl iwmcu-hi i-aurehs ATLANTA JOURNAL A'lanta, Ua. FOR IWSPEPSIA, Ialpetion, and .ctornach disorders, usa BROWN'S IUOX BITTKR8. All dealers iwp it. ?1 rr lotle. Genuine hai tr&de-iuaiV- " "rotee! ivd Hue mi wrapper. FOR CAsH In Advance You can get the LlNGOLNS COURIER ONE YEAR FOR $1.25-6 M. 75 OTS. If paid in trade or if not paid in ad vance, the price is strictly 81.50. PUBISHED and EDITED BY J.NL ROBERTS, LINCOLNTON, N. C. A family newspaper devoted to the interests of Lincoln and sur rounding counties aud to the Stat of North Carolina. Subscriution, 1 year, 81-25. 6 months, 75 cents. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ONCE. Itch on human and norses and all ani mals cured in 30 by Wi-olfords Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sole by J M. Lawing DruggUt Lincolnton. N C. COUNTY DIRECTORY. COUXTY OFFICERS. Sheriff, A. Nixon, Lincolnton, N C Cl'k. Sup. Court, C. E. Childs, 41 " Reg. ot Deeds, B. (?. Wood, Treaurer, L. T. Willkie. 4 ' Surveyor, C. C. Be:S. Corouer, J. C ....v"r, Supt. Pub. J. M Roberts. B0A8D OF COUNTV CCHS8lO.Vias. T. fl. Hoke.Chm n, A. L. Cherry , J. E. Reinhardt, l A. Keep. V7. M. Hull, i.tneomton. N. Triangle, Iron Station, BeepsYihe, Orleans, COCXT7 BOARD OI IDCCATION. K. Z. JohnstOD, Chm'n, Lincolntcn.c . .i.;n. BS9, S. V. Goodson, POST MISTRESS. Miss Nannie C. Hoke. TOWV officers: Mayor, J. M. Roberts. Secretary 4 Treasurer, W. K. Edwards Town Const. Chas. Jetton. Comini'sionerg :-HW Burton. SG Fin ley, Hugh Jenkirs. L J Houser, R S Ed wards, L T Wjiki, J A Abcrnethy, W L t rouse. ARRIVAL OF VAILS. Mails on C C Railway, distributed 6:80 P M and 11 A M r.lail3;on Narrow Gaue Railway, dUtrib uted 4:00 P M and 11 MY , uMI "uuie, via jeepsviue, leaves Lin colnton at 7 A M, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; arrives at Lincolnton at 4:30 1 xnaays, mursaays and Saturdays Pcblic School open Decf-mber, Janu ary, February and March Board of Commissioners meet first Mon. day in each nrtith. Town Cocscil meet first Friday night in efcch month, at 7 o'clock. Board of Education meet first Monday Jnaary.J une, September and December. Godey's for 1892. YOU NEED A MAOAZ1XK IS TOUR FAMILT. Get one that gives the best satisfaction ;or the money. (Jouey's will save you m "DresIIints ten times its cost in one year. - T f CJodev's will ?ive you & better idea or bow to drcis and what material; to use than any siiniliar publication. , Oodov's will continue tlie Children s Corner, which has been so favorably rp eeived and enjoyed by our younger read- Godcy's-ll give you in lact Hie best of everything within its coveis. Include fne as it dos Literature, KashionF, Music, KnsraTin-s, Dress hinU, Home Talks, Lt iquette, etc, etc. . With the January lseuo wo will begin two'new serial entitled :, . The Ultlpline of Pain, Uy Eduar Fawcktt, A story ot Hew York lile, written in bis best vein and manner. 111? national rep. utation is at any rime a guarantee of an interesting novelette, lly Margaret Sr-iiXCicR. Wbo.-e bright and attractive letters from Washington have met with so much favor from our readers. Tha story is locat ed in tho Capital, and as the authoress herselt resides there it is full of real inci dents. AVe predict for "Marjorie Lee" a warm roceptioh from our oubscriheni, who will be sure to find her very winsome, and feel that.tbe authoress has worked tor them a fairy web that has many beauties and real interest wovea in its meshes. l.r the latter months we have a number of Serials and Short Stories by the best authors. The Legend the Mis. Olivia Lovelt iUon. This charming story will run through several numbers, and will be illustrated with original photogravures by Will Philip Hoopei. Tue Autobiography of Mary, by Ada Marie Peck. To those who have ead 'The Filjean Mystery." by this author ,we need &ay mahiii eicent that it is thought t te lette- (if possible) tban any ot her previous efforts, in addition tooiu-uoual number of Short Stories, we shall publish a series ot aiticlei entitled : Advice from Everywhere' by Olivia Philips. Embracing such subject as the sick room, home nursery, children's nursery, amusements lor the shut-ins, a minister's, a year elt ppent, etc f ri A I iodiy furnishes dui in the 1 J 1 iV lJ.vear oyer 1000 pagts of en tertaining illustrative 'useful home nutter, desirable and instructive to every lady in the land. M) 1 ICE Any person .lesinni; to raise a Club should send tor our circular to club raiieis. We pay lare cash commissions or beautiful and costly premiums. Single Sut'scripti ns, t2.o0 a Year, Al ways in Advance. Sample copy, 15 cents. Address Godey's Lady's Book, Box H ii, Phil. Pa. ,.....(.!.? r ii-i- .... -j.f I:....... il. .'.ir..l. f M.... ..,C:" i"....' i. - .. V:..l. V-' T"T TENT10N I has revolutionized I 1 V ENTIoN I the world during tht last half century. Not least among tbt wonders of inventive progress is a metbeo and system ot work that can be performed all over the country without separating the workers from their homes. Pay lib eral; any one can do the work; cither sur. ycantr or old; no peeial ability required. Capital not needed; you are i-tarted free Cut this out and Teturn t us and we wil send you tree, eon.etMng cf great value and importance t you, that will start you in business. -which will bring you in more money nnhtaway, than anything eUe io the world. Grand outfit free. Addresi True & ., Autruta, Main THE COURIER JOURNAL Lou is vi lie, Ky. Subscription Kates, Daily and Sunday 10.00 a year. Daily without Sunday 8 00 a year, Suniay $3.00 a year, Weekly $1 00 a vear. Tbe Weekly Conrier-.IonriHl lias the Jargett circulation of any Demo cratic newspaper in tbe United States and proposes to double or treble its already large circulation. UHVV7 9 BY GIVING AWAY Lly ; EACH AND EVERY L) AY to some one asplendid High Arm Sewing Machine or a handsome Gold VYatcb, absolutelv nee. Full particulars in Weekly Courier-Journal. Sample copy bee. Send for one Address, W N IIALDEMAN, Pres. Coutif r-Jourrai Company, Louisville, Ky Advice to Womeh .... If you would protect vourself from Painful, Profuse, 'Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you must use 1 BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR Ca rtehsvtlle, April 26, 183Q. Thla will certify that two members of my Immediate family, after having suffered for ears from TCenttrual Irreealarlty, being treated without benefit by physicians, were at length completely cured bv one bottle of Bradfield'a Female lieirulalor. Its effect is truly wonderfxu. J. W. Strajqe. Book to " WOMAN' mailed FREE, which contain valuable Informal lou on ail female diseases. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, GA. TOR BALE BY JLLL 2B UGOiSXa, "-"-"" , mmms Are yoo interested in Lincoln county T Then take the CouBrEji ' " ' SUBSCRIBE TO THE STATE 1 Crl KOM I C t L SALErUll, s. c. DAI LY A N D W K I K L V . Latest telerahic news Irou: all part 0f the world. (By UbioM I'rKs and bpocia! Wire.) x Haa the brakes', dativ circulation in tba State. lias more SUte c rrepoudents than any other daily in thti S. are. Twelve xuonttu, o ; Six months, $3.00 Three u .ntiis, tl,50. ' Weekly. -or 3ar, in clubs of fiV1 or over, $H i l T.K.JKJSIU, JditoT. 11. "W. LlTCiiroRH, Maunder. BUCKLKN'rf AuiMcA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuti braises, sores,' ubers, salt iheurn, lever seres, tetter, chippd hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin truptims, and positive- ly eure piles, or n- pay lequiied. It U guaranteed t j;i f p r t faiisiactic n, or money refunded, l'rc l!5o. per box. lcr sale by Dr. J. M. Lawutg, bnutRisf IilOMOND & DANVlLLli RAIL KOAD. South Carolina Division, & L. N. Q Daily except Sunday.) IN EFFECT May 15tb, 1892. CHESTER & LENOIR N. O. It. li. Southbound No 11 Lv. 8 30 air y 35 10 07 10 5S 11 45 1211 1 29 pm Ar. 2 15 Northbouci jo. 1- Lenoir .At. 9 16 p n 8 05 7 15 6 5 33 5 20 ; 4 10 3 Hickory Newton LiiKolntou Dallas Gastonia Yoikville Chester Lv. 305am 'JrlEIiAW & CuEciTER'N. G.Rli Southbound No. 9 Northbound No. 10 Lv 4 05 pm 4 56 5 '68 Ar 15 28 Chester Kiebbnrg Fort Lawn Lancaster ar 11 38 am It 4& 9 58 !Lv9 20 OHAULUTTE & STATESVILLK F.o 64 mixed No Co mixed Lv 5 20 pm Charlotte Arll20atm 6 42 tHuuteraville 1 10 05 7 10 j Davidson 9 35 7 3G Mooresville i 9 07 Ar 8 40 Statesville Lv 8 00 No 12 i No 11 LvlO 15 au.jCharlotte iA, b 20 1130 ;Huuteravil!e ,37 1150 uaviuson 5 16 am 12 09 Ar 12 55 Hooresville Statesville ! 4 57 :l? 4 10 No. 12 leaves Statesvile for'Tay .oraville 1 10 p. iu., arrives Ttylorsi ville 2 25p.m. Returmug, leaves Taylorvllle 2 50 p.m. arrives Sta'.eg ville 4:00 p. in. For detailed information as to )o ual and through time tables, rates and Pullman 8leepingcar reserva tions, confer with local agents or address Jas.L. Taylor, Geu'l Pase. Agt., Atlanta, Ga. W.A.Turk, A. G. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. S. A. Dodson, Supt., (;olumbia,S 0. W 11 Green, Gen. Mr, Atlanta,Ga. Sol Haa, Traffic Mgr Atlanta.Ga. CAROLINA 06 r?U SHCEDULE MOVING WEST. NUMBER 42 Daily except Sunday. Passenger, Mail & Expacds Trju. Stations. Arrive. Leaves. Charlotte pu 3 4J Paw. Creek 4 03 Mt Holly 4:15 atauley Creek 4 33 Iron 4 5Q Lincolnton 5 08 Cherryville 5 SO Woe 5 39 Shelby 6 03 Lattimore 6 24 Aooresboio G:40 Ellen boro 6 58 ostic 7 20 Forest city 7 32 " Rothertordton 1: 810 p m : ' MOVING EAST. NUMBER 36 Daily exoept Sunday. Passenger, Mail & Ezpnass IitArA, STATIONS. I Abeive. Leaves. 8:00 8 12 8:24 8 4G is 53 y 10 9 34. 1 9c3 ! 10 02 10 33 10 51 i 11 11 I 11 30 11 41 Rutherford ton Forest City R stic Kllenb'iro Monresbcro Lattimr re sbelby Waco OheiryviRe Lincolntcn Iron Stanlny Creek Mt. Holly Pw (,'reek (Charlotte a ui 12 2S Through pas.'ftnyer tra n No. lavei Chailotte for Raleijih Poitrnouth,Va., at 430.m Through pa8?eiit:er iaiD No leaves Portsmouth, Va., t $ ud arrives at Charlotte 11:00 p Si aud . 41 . U'- . is. Wm AIoncurs, fcsupt. Local freight train No. 7 Charlotte at 8 a m, Liucolnfon 10:20 a in and arrives at Shelbv 11:59 H rfl Loeal freight tratn No. & leaves Shelby at 2 p m, Lincolnton 3:35 p m and arrives at Charlotte 6pm No. 6 and 7 run daily except San day and carry passtigers, Passengers and mail train No. 24 leaves Charlotte at 7:30 p m and arrives at Wilmingtou al 7:30 a tj Passenger and mail tram No. 23 leaves Wilmington at 7 p m and ar rives at charlotte al 7 p m. ' 1

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