LINCOLN COURIER, LOCAL DEPARTMENT. MISS MATT1E McLEAN Local Editor & Business .Manager: CiiUKCH DlKECTOKV. I'rksbtterian. Uev. R. Z, Johnson Pastor, breaching every 2nd, and Hh Sundays 11 A. Al. and a I'. Al. Sunday School every Sunday 5 P i Servite lor young people every Wednesday Gpm J 2 Preaching at Iron Station on fi nt fcuudavs, 3 T. M. iTeacaing at Paper -Mill Academy n 4th Sundays, 3 P. AI. J m METaoDisr. Kev. T. 3tele, Pa! tor,. Preaching every ijt and 3d Sunda? 11 A Al., and 7:20, P. AI . Lvtuz&ks Kev J. A. Rudisill, Pa? tor. Bethhttge every 1st Sunday ; Trinit? every 8dsunay ; Daniel's every 2nd at d 4;a baa Jay. LLour 1 0 a. m. LuxaKRAN. Key. L. L. Z,ohr, Pastt-r Et. Mark's every 2i Sunday ; Cherryvil e every Ih. Sunday. Hour, 10 a. rn. Luthkrav Ohio Synod. Rev, 1$. L. "Woswnbarjrer, pastor, Lutheran Chape,' very 2nd .-unlay ut 10:30 . m. and 4tl fcranaay it3 p Ebeneer, 2nd Sunday at 3 p in nni ita Sunday ut 10:30 a a . Laboratory -Milij, 0ti 2nd and 4ta Sunday ntTpni. Bethel, Ut and 3rd Sundays tt 10 30, a in. Friday's Scliool House, lit EUl ird Sjndays, 3 p cn. Baptist. iicv. Al. P. Matheny, Pas to 1. Pitachin every 31 Wuudayi at 11 A. Al. and a w P. Ai. Sunday Schot l every Sunday at 3 P. M- Prayer meeting every evening at 7:00. Ei'x-:c(.i'.vL Rev. . K. Wfctiuortj.Keo tor- Services uvii-y Sunday at 11 a m, ex? cpi oui.d!vi ; at nijjhi, cn 1st, iiuj au i every other Jtn Sunday; Holy Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays ; eateeuising of chtld ren ever) 3rd J-unday iu tho P Al. A;l cordially myited to attend. Seats Free. LIXCOLNTOJS, j ULY U, 1893. WW ILIHBIL,H CeiJieilEB .x oi ixu. All ouL-sciiLcid who will come up aud pay their back does on aub ecriptiou at the rates of 81.25 and pay one dollar in addition, cau get the Courier one year from date of such payment. All who are op with subscriptions to date can get one year subscription by paying $1.00 cash in advance. This proposition is good only for cai-b. in Miss Alice Grigg is visiting Kichbnrg, S. C. air. and Mrs. Tyler D. Hayne, of Charlotte, are visiting here- Mrs. Uickerf, of riickory, is visiting her t-'.ter, Mrs. il. E. Ram saur. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hafuer. of Chester, fc. 0., are visiting Mr. J. L Kistler. The little two year old sou cf Mr. Win. McLean of South Poiut died last week. We regret to learn that Mr. S. V- Goo dson is quite sick at his home In Iroutou township. Mrs. A. S. Haynes and daugh ter, Miss Kidy, ot charlotte, are vis iting Mrs. A. Al. Wingnte. Rev. and Mrs. Kichard L. Ow- eDby, of Weeverville, are visiting at Mr. Jno. K. Better's thi3 week, Mr. V. A. McBce is having bis residence '-over-hauled" and is add. ing considerable improvements. Miss Jessie Alexander and her littie u'ece, JLeni Stutts, have re- turned ',oin a visit 10 Laurenburg, N. C. llev. L. J. 8. caipenter, of' Dullsville. V., is at home on a vis- it to his oid home in this couuty. We are g ad in see hirn back again- Mr. Hardy, ot ih North Caro Unuui, Raleigh, was in Lincolnfon lasf week in the interest of that ex cellent Sure juper. .Miss Elith Ramsaur, the clever clerk in the Lwicolntou post office, has returned from a visit to Yo.'kn ville, S. C. Mis Cotik CUik, of Yoikvilie, 3. O , is visiting in Lincolnton She expects to go to Bippus, Indiana, soon, and to tbe World's Fair. Sylvester Weaver, son of Mrs. Thilip Weaver, died las: Suuday rather suddenly, aged about 23 ye;irs. Rev. J. L. Murphy of Hickory, X C. will pleach at Daniels church next Sunday afternoon at half past 3 o'clcck. AskChed Jettou about that setting hen he took to church with him SuLday in Lincolnton. Charm lotte Obserctr. Rev. M. 1. Matheuy has re turned from the World's Fair. He was delighted with the trip aud the exposition, as is everybody who goes. The C. & L. Narrow Gange K. R. will ijtdi tickets at reduced rates from Gastouia, Lenoir 10 Maiden for the Sunday School convention, July L'3-20-30rh. We leain that the "Irish Evan, gelist" Lee of Charlotte will be at Rock Springs during the coming camp meeting. An effort is being made to have him omfi'to Lincoln ion in September. Mr. Harvey JettoD, cheif of the fire department, Charlotte, was in Lincolnton this week. He name rp and to see his mother who livn near Roepsville and who has be a very sick. We were glad to nee Rev. L. L. Lohr, of Dallas, iu Lincolnton this week. He expects to leave for Gettysburg Theological Seminary iu September. Revs. Al. T. Steele, M. F- Ma theny and J, J. Payseur have be( n conducting a series of meetings at the Laboratory Cotton mills th.s week. They report a very good a- -tendence. Regular services at the Baptist Church next Suuday morning. Subject "Mora! )ng subject "The Prosperous Lite." The Pastor gives you a cordial in vitation to be present, - -W e regret to learn that Maj. W. A. Graham, of Machpelah, this county, is dangerously ill. The la teat news is that his condition is slightly improved. Mrs. M. A. Finch and son Mr. Harry, who have been visiting in Mt. Holly, have returned home, Miss Florence Finch also arrived home this week from the World's Fair where aiie spent two il.:)ihtfu! wetks. Pic-uics fceem to be the order of the day just now. Witbiu the last week there have been delightlul outings at Daniel's chmch, Lithi-i luu at High Shoals, Paper Mills aud Laboratory cotton Mills. Mr. u, L. rautchinsou, of Mt- Holly, who was stricken with paral ysis a few weeks ago died last Sun day afternoon. Mr. Hatchinson was proprietor of one cf the Mt Hollv hotels. Rev. J. J. HeaveDer was thrown from his cart last Taesday and rei ceived several bruises, but thev were not serious. A young Jady, was with him and she jumped out, but was not hurt. Mrs- Lafayette Loftia died last Suuday at her home about 6 miles from Lincolnton, on the Denver road. Mrs. Loftin was about CO years old and was au estimable woman. We learn that there was a con siderable storm at Belmont in Gas ton a few days ago. The bam of Cola. Jasper and Win. Stowe was blown down and their corn crib blown somewhat out of shape. The children of Rev. aud Mrs. McMullen, of Rock Hill, S, C, are expected here next Monday to pend the sammer with their grand parents Rev. and Mrs. R. Z. John ston. Mrs. McMollen whose health has been bad for some time will en ter the Sanitarium at Chester, S. Cm for treatment: The prisoners ot the Liucoln jail, two in number, were removed to the Dallas jail last Saturday, on account of the unhealthy condition of the Lincoln jail- It has not yet been decided what will be done with our jail. Some attribate the tever cases originated there to the water, others ihink the germs of fe ver are in the jail itself. A quanti ty ot the water has been sent to the State chemist for analysis. Rev. W. S. Bynum has had two new piazza built to his residence and his home is an elegant one in deed. The face is the improvements made in that end ot town are wor thy of commendation. The resin dence of Capt: B. F. Gngg is one of the prettiest in town and is an or, nament to that part of Lincolnton. If more of the old residences could be remoddled and painted up they, would add much to the attractive ness of our town. There will be no service in the Lutheran Cnurch heie on the first Sunday of next month, Rev. S. S. Rahn will make a trip through South Carolina in the interest of Gaston College. An earnest effort is making to increase the use- jail within the last two years. Mis. 'daughter soon regained ronscieus-N Real was a im rubrol tl Meihodht' nesi m 1 is now though! to 'is out church. The l. rnains w ro buml tot danger- The fuin rai rvtc's f at Asbnry, about 4 milen fioin Lin- iho two young iueu w?h' conducted colutou, Rev. M. r. Steele olicia i by Rev. H. A. liroa n liom ing. Mia. Real leaves a husbai d i chinch at li o'clock Sunday 11 C OI.XTO M A Kit i:t. and four childien. The community sympathizes with them in thei sd bereavement. Rev. L. L. Lohr, of Dallas, c n last Sunday, tendered his resigna tion as pastor ot St. Marks Luthers Church m Gaston county, to take effect the second Sanday in Septem ber when the regular fail commune iou service will be held. He will also give up his work in the otbr churches under his charge in order that he may fin'sh the course of p'udy at the Lutheraa Seminary at Gettysburg, Pa- The people whom ho has so faithfully served since the death of their former pastor, Rev. M. L. Little, regret very much to give up Mr. Lohr. A merry party of youngsters, chaperoued by Prof, D. Matt. Thompson, let Tuesday by private conveyauee for a mountain trip Trie party consisted of J. W. Cope. land, Jr., Isadora Stephany, McBeo Anderson, Dorraau Thompson. Claude Buike, Whit Stun.-ttall, Bay den Stimuoti aud Pat Li nster. They ( allied along camp equipage, guns, rish hookt?, Sea., and a colored man to cook and al tend to the team. The boys will have a good time, bat we are not to sure about Prof. Thorn p tion and iho colored man Statts c'dle Landmark. noon. RonoiNd for ibt CoruiF.U evtrv Thursday morning by Uapt. R. I . 1 . . II ! . I'll. Il'il afler- I .... , neat per :m. A Snake .Story ofTiiimiai Character. The Weldon News tells a queer story of how one snake bite killed two animals and yet the animal bitten didn't die at all. It says that Mr. F. L. Litts, who lives near that place, is the owner of an old dog. A lew days ago a snake bit a dog on the mouth, and its head swelled up to a tremen dous size The dog kissed a pup py, and the poison was imparted to the little pup, and its head al so became much larger than its normal size. The puppy kissed a cat and strange as it may ap pear the cat also received the poison, and the poor feline's head and mouth became swollen. In three days the puppy died, and the cat died, but the old dog re covered and got well. News cV: ! Observer. Corn Meal Flour, Ruhr F! nr Patent Pork Bacon eides Bacoa hams Reef Lard Tabow 7i -S Go to 00 . . 5oto " loo lbs. 1.00 ( 0 11 ..13 " ll 4 " .N C " " round 5 " N. C 12 4 li 5 Chickens 12 to 13 Butter per lb 10 to 17 " 10 " doz " lb 10 J Honey Eg 3 Rt:a Hides, green " " Hides, dry Wool, washed " "1st class.. Cabbage " k 2 Apple., dried " .. Peaches dried " " Apples green per bu 10 28 Judge Hoke's Decision iu tlie llemrood Mill Case. The sale of the Ren wood Cotton Mills property on the South Fork of the Catawba river will take place in Dallas August 30th. The sale was advertised by Edward H. coates, trustee to take place on the 7th of June, but the Renwood cot ton Mills produced an order re straining the Sale until the hearing ing of the matter before Judge Hoke. At the hearing, which took place a few days ago in Lincolntom Judge Hoke refused to enjoin the sale and decided that the trustee should be allowed to make the sate as provided iu the mortgage. Charlotte Observer. A Hint. The following poem won for its author, the editor of the Kooky Mountain Qe't, tha prize of $1,000 offered for the best appeal poem to newspaper readers to pay up their subscriptions : "Lives of poor men oft remind us honest inert won't stand no chauce ; tbe more we work there grow behind us bigger patch es on our pants. On our pants, once Miew and glossy, now are stripes of different hue, all because subscribers linger and don't pay up what is due. Then let us be up and doing ; send in your mite, however small, or when tho snow ot winter strikes us, we shall have no panto at all." Lives of such men still remind us. We might make this life sublime. By writing up such silly doggerel For h thousaud dollars a time, Ex. Rutherford OoIIege. IVacties green Sweet Potatoes Irish Otiiona Onion sets Cherries Chyriiea Beea-wax CO 50 40 . 00 to 00 , . oer qt 0 to 0 per pound . . 1G to 17 These are cash prices. No "trade"'' bids offered. Uiiivevejity ot If ortlt Tarollua. Equipment: Faculty of 25;taach. ere, 11 buildings. 7 scientific labora ties, library of 30,000 volumes, JIG students. Instruction: 5 general courses; G briet courses ; professional coursts in law, tnediciue, engineering and chemistry: optional courses. Expenses : Tuition, -560 per year. Scholarships and loans for the needy. Address Fkesidfst Winston, tf. Chapel Hill, N C OUR STOCK IS BOUND TO GO! Wo Have laid in a Very Largo stock of Seasonable Good?:. WE BOUCHT GHEAP WE SELL CHEAP, A lot of goods turned quick at a close margin is plenty good en ough for us. Now is the time to huy a. No. , Goods (none bet teron earth.) at very eloso manufacturers' prices. V4' (1 bufl 11 ass to live, we liw to do business, and the way to do it ia To oiler the very host grades of goods at Prices that make them Jump. Commencing riirht now we are going to give bargains to all comeivuntil the goods are gone. WHERE DO YOU COME IN ON THIS BIG UHANCE? There iicsr be Something you need in our line, there can't bo a better time or, place to buy it. Gentleman's OUTFITTER and FURN1SHEK. JNO. L. CObMi DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, SHOES AND HATS. LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA. Notice. Kansas Democrats and rop-list. July 10, 1893 Editor of Courier : Tbe Faculty and students of the University of N. Carohna, have donated 2000 vol umes of books to the Library of the Rutherford College, N. C This present is very highly ap nreciated, both ou account of the value of the books themselves, and of the source whence they came. While tbe University worthily ranks amon the highest class of Institution of our country on ac count of its literary character ; yet, at tbe same time, it is inferior to most of our Church Institutions in point of moral tracing and culture. Its President is a man of extensive learning and pure moral and Chris tain principles, without the uarrow smciures of sectarian bigotry. Long may he be spared to hold the reins of our great State dispensa tory, of a popular, Cbnstain educa- tion in N. C. R. L- Abernethy, Pres. of Rutherford Collece, N. C- P, S. Last year, our college en rolled 175 names; and oar next term which will opeu on 3rd day of Angust, 1893, promises to be very flourishing. I shall make an effort to intro duce the Coubier, a paper which Tupeka, Kansas, Dispatch 3rd, The most remaikable resolution ever adopted by a political conven tion was that agreee to by tbe Rice couuty Democrats Saturday in de fining the terms upon which they would enter into a fasion with ha Populists. The latter were told that they must; divide the officers in line rvith the following resolution : "Resolved, That we demand of tbe Populists, at the next eleciion, part of the bog which is to be kilU ed, and that we must have of the aforesaid porker some part of tbe meat located back of the nock ; that we will not be content with jowls any longer, out must nave eimer the shoulder or side bacon. do highly students. appreciate, among R. L. A. roy Two Children Iuslantly Kill ed by Iiighming Special to the Charlotte Observer. Winston. Julv 10. Luther and fulness ot this excellent school, and ! jobll Vipmau, aged respectively 17 and 13 yeais, were struck by light the effort will uo doubt be reward ed. Asside from tbe general high school and college course, Gaston College has superior advantages in music and art instruction. Miss Mattie McLean will take charge of the local and business de insr and killed five miles west of Winstoa Saturday eveuiner. - Their sister, G years of age was . knocked down and badly stunned. The boys were working In a meadow with their father. Seeiuof a storm coming ACartei Bayone4ted ly a Sen tinel at West Point. West Point Special, "th, N. Y. Press. As Cadet Patterson, 9G, was en deavoring to cro33 the sentinel post after taps last night, he was serious Iv wounded bv coming in contact with the sentinel's bayonet. It is claimed that Cadet Patterson is a somnambulist, and frequently walks in his sleep. No one is allowed to cross the centinel's post after taps without giving the countersign. Cadet Patterson did not hear tbe challenge, nor did be give the coun tersign, Tbe whole camp was aroused with cries of: "Corporal of the guard No. 2 1" He went in double time to where the cries proceeded from, and found Mr. Pattersoa firtrily fixed on thepDint of the sentinel's bayonet. Cadet Pattersou bad only a sheet wrapped around him. I is said that several other white robed fig ures were seen running away from the place a few moments before the sentinel's crios for help were heard. Mr. Martiu, who is a shining light in tbe fourth class, was the sentinel who carried out bis orders so em- The Board ot Commissioners of Linccin county will meet at the court house in Lincolnton on tne second Monday in July, 1893, for the purpose of revising the tax list, aud valuation leported to them. At 6id meetiug. all persons objeetiug to the valuatiou of their pioperty or to the amount of tax charged a gainst them, shall be heard. By order ot the Board, B. C. Wood. Cleik. June 23, 1893. t. NOTICE. Office County Boxr.D of I'ensions, Lincolnton, N. C A joint meeting of the County Board of Peusicn-, and tbe advisory Board ot tbe Pensions is called on the first Monday iu July. All persons who wish to make applications for pensious, who have not done so before, will send in their application on that day, and if prac ticable ap.r.ear m person before the Board By order State Board of Pensions, H M, Rosoman, Ch m r., County Board of Pensions- Tun, a is?i3 ot. a von interesrel in Llncoin count? Then take the OUEIEK Subscribe for the Cotjrikk. KTotice ! To theVitizens of North Car olina and adjoining States : i call your -t:iecial attention to ray Double Stock Plows, cotton planters, cotton lianowsaud Gibs Plows, the beat on the market. You can hft'or.l fu losen nunihtr i meal, s there is money eaveii ; but you cannot atlord to lose tle opportunity ot l.uying the ahore nior.tu ne I Lirioing Implements, a there will be nir-ney lost. 1 still keop tbo C'aixtid tkiri iLoe, aad my $i.00 C mgresa Shoe in btjek. I aUv keep a general line of int r-LauJwe, and everything a specialty. ReKpectlullv, Apr. 11 '93. ly. F. A. TOBY. THE LINCOLN FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS Are still running and are prepared to repair Engines, SAWMILLS, THRESHERS, COttOll gins and cotton mill MAcnm ery etc., at living prices. Will also keep on hanK a full stock of castings, such as plow points, of all kinds and sizes, hungers. and pulleys : will also give mces on wood-split pulleys. Will have a eood line of i.umjr and fit tm2S of all kinds. Will uUo have u d Black tfmith to do ali kinds of Blacksmith w0rk. Anv one having any work ty he done in ur line will do well to call on rue tor good work and Rock Bottom Prices. Orders irotn a distance will receive PROMPT ATTENTION. Give ma a trial and be convinced. YOURS TO SERVE, L 15. 8TUTTS. Lincoln 1 oundry & Machine Works. Feb 10, 1893. tf kind. The best and other markets but one price partments of the COURIER next j up, the father told his children, two phatic4,lv. The bayonet peuetrat. week. We commeud her to the people of town and county and trust she will be giveu that hearty cooperatiou which is so necessary in the newspaper woik. Ladies oiten make the best "localizers.'' The Charlotte Observer has a lady toi its local department and the service is conceded to be the best cA any paper 111 tbe State. We are sorry to note the death of Mrs. Beal, wife of Dept. Sheriff R. M. Beal. She died Friday, Juno 7, from that dread disease, typhoid fever. This is the third death at that sons and a daughter, to go nndr a Urge tree noar the edge ot the mead ow until the storm was over. They went but iust as the oldest oo oaued up agaiust the tree a keeu Hash ot lightning came down ed Pattersou over the light hip. The wonnd is about u iuch and a half iu depth. No eciious conse quence is feared. It is denied that the bovs were ''jumping the plebe,'' ! the pot at tbe time of the stabbing. , owest Cash prices. ti144 ! notwithstanding the fact that white .-.h,.l A ........ rr... a..n tljOlt. (ntm t. VillJnn. ha ttr K, c -jn otnn. IUUCU ufcuice "CCcu "'---'"o nine the sister. The youngest son was abont three feet from tbe tie 1 while the 9ister stood about six feet! avay. The father was horrified; when he went out to the tree aud found tbe three childreu lying on tbe erroncd. He thought at first 1 that they were all khlecL SA Tested Remedy For Ali I Blood and Sltin s Diseases SA reliable cure for Contagious Blood Poison, Inherited S;ro O fjla and Skin Cancer. As a toaic for delicate Women and Children it has no equal. S Being purely vegetable, is harm less in its effects. SA treatise on Blood and Skin Di3 eas3 TEuiioJ cn application. Druyjiats Sell It. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., S Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. " fssssssss NOTICE! FRUIT CANNING. CHERRIES, RASPBERRIES, PLUMS, DAMSONS, TOMATOES, PEACHES, PEARS, APPLES, &c, At prices that wili astonish vou for cheapness. All goods guar anteed to be O. K. Superior to Northern packed gools, as numbers of testimonial witness. Your patronage solieitel. Write on postal card for price J. T. McLean. Lincolnton, N C, Jun 10, tf. A W KEEDY. DEALER IN &ro 00 ries Of every Mew York afford, I have and that is the lowest. Satis iaction Guaranteed. Call and see ine. VERY TRULY, A. W REEDY. Furniture Factory Floiing & grist MILLS! E.JAMES, Proprietor, Lincolnton, IS. C. BEDSTEAD-1, BUREAUS, WARDHOBKS, L.OUNOES, J TABLED, VASUdTAND3,c B'3 sure to come and look at my furniture before buying elsewhere. Twin Gin Ilonse. Two Ftrst class gins; one 70 and one 40 "ws. Charlotte prices pa'd for cidton The flouring aud grist mil 8 wdi bo run regularly every di frju? ibis time on. Spt. 11, 1891. RESPECTFULL V, E JAMES MONEY TO LOAN On long time and easy terms in amounts of not less than $300-00. Secured by first mortgages on'Real Estate,Jpay ment made by annual install ments. Due Xov. 1st. each year. Apply to .S G. FINLEY.iAtt'y atiLaw, Lincolnton, N.C. NOTICE! LAND SALE! By virtue of an order mad i by the Su perior ccurt of Lincoln County at SjTirjj t;rm 1893, in the anion entitled l-J A Sherriii vs IJa M P.arkl?y ar..l others' I ill s'-Il at j-uLlic aiiCti.Ki fr ci-n at court fcoJo door in Lir-coin ouniyen Mo'"iay 7th day of Anu-L ;it 12 o'clock, the hoiite and lot in to'vn l LK-r.-ver in Lincoln connty adjoining the lets of j E L Lot'iin and t.theri anil prticulariv described in a ixiortigo trom il C IW" loy ind wii'c to I A ih-:rriil recorded in Lincoln county Beistry iJook "S j ac 378 et seq. to which retercnue of made. i,Thj June lo 18!3. S 1' Sulrrill, Cuair, 7-7- ji. 4t. . Cooling Refreshmenta. We have now opened a First Class "Ice cieam'' Saloou and con fectionary of all descriptions. Give us a call and Lm convinced that our desire is to please all easterners, especially ladies. S- E. M AUNEY & SCHUTLER, P. S. Ice cream and cakes of all descriptions n;ade on fehort notice. 5-2G, '93. tf. LIME Important Notice. The tine&t and oheipst lime in America can be had i any quantity on application to tn Agent at N. G. R. R. Station, incolnton, N. C- ifubfcribe for niER. the Lincoln CotJ- I have leased the South Fork Paper VI ills situated at Lincolnton. SJ C, d can fur nish book. news, and manilla papers of the best quality, at T 1 fT AT COURIER ONE YEAR FOR S,.$L00-6 M. 65 CTS. 1 t Send in your orders, ana you shall be satisfied. TSftllvg A. X.S'KW. Subscribe for the Lea OLN COTJ- RjEB, 1.25 a year. Subscribe for the Courier- ' . .' ' "V I- fi,-V-V. 'r.w - -' . ' - i . . THE NEW DEERIMGr MOWER. Thi .New 1 ii Deeric Giant, Tiie Deeri-' Junior Giant, The Decring OnIIo-e ikwer. THEY NEVER WEAR OUT. RAKES, RAKES, RAKES. Full Line of repairs always on hand. 3' Bisaner, grt Xjincolnton,