f ca Ho whs kind, liberal s s I gi'iier on, bat ron,'li, especially at times J asked him what hi roughing meant ami ho : "Well, I em only say that I hcoUI the mill hands when they come lor money before, pay day, but they get all they ak lor and sometimes more." He took reat interest in this University and the records kept here by the trusteea of tun institu tion with his yearly viaitb heie, and ijia -avinH ami doings while- here, will maud in perpetual memory ot so ue pans of nis useful life- Ifo itd not i spent our system of liee public instruction to cure alt social disorder. While recognizing free conrnon schools bs the Mettled policy ot the State, ho knew they weie not h modern discovery. His invebtigliou and reudiu,? tanyht him that they obUme.i in the-Roman rJmpir-, and llouii-hed mutt perhaps coincident vitii ti c striking decay of public and private virtue in that empire; that the m Htructiou then administered and communicated in the public, toho,l wai relatively on a level with the infraction in public schools of to Jay in the counties of continental Europe. I take Lhe responsibility of saying that the time ha come when thoayhtlui men should hold up their headu and .speak patiently, truthful- Jy and with candor respecting these thing s iecogriiziug the good by our public bchools, and in the same breath adminit-hing the people a gainst uureaonable expectation ot k'Ood from them. Whiie mindful of the leading thoughts in the address of your accomplished and diligent president, pronounced recently in a distant State, I do not requisition its stores, an it might be inferred, 1 bought to put upon him somewhat of my own opinions. It id too nojeii the fashion nowa days, 10 c.dl tor further tribute from the people who make buckle and tonuo meet with d'.Hicalty t be expended in making these schools longer and more splendid. No ineso intellt crua! training can ever mak? good citizens. Tnere must be bod ied forth in the n.md, heart, noulaud character of our youth the elemenuU virtores. Thos" are the best tan.g;t by thr;ie who aro u sponsible : r their birth ; and no temporary id.d will take their ?:ead iu good ordered govemrn cuts. These lines from the only, sonnet Uecjatnine Disreil wrote draw the portiair, of oar subject, with close approach to life : 4 'No gut- ot mint, Fitful ai.J .viM, but tLut ecu tinned t,it: O urdcrcil impure mariners await In so'uc let; imml utiJ enriching win..'' On the first day ot August, lSl.il, after much rejection ami prepara tion, Mr. Steele joined the church and on the 10th day ot October, the same year he died. ''Ih.' lu-u-e is tir,i.-Led, tbe bearse is at tbe c jr. Oar duty would not be happily completed did we abandon tun up right aud virtuou-i lite as the. mortal remains desceud into thl-r narrow cub to aivair, "un vexed by dearn ' the r-temal day. Tacitus, m ihe annals, of Home, piy. an imperishable tribute to the chf .icter of Agi i.:oia. In his -r.i do ivor to eomf'U t the bereaved fam ily ol this stately mac, he exhorts tbein to cherish .nd imitate 'fashion of ids soul.-' The riiuf nation of .l;iy Jay Gould's millions are subject to more nps ard downs in the word than is the average lot cf m air Vi'heti he died he left stocks valued at $70,000,000. These securities increased in value rapidly until January -Uth, wnm the Gould ex tate was worth in the market 00O,Ot0 more than wheU its creator died. Hut all that profit ami e- eral millions mure be -ides have been wiped out by la cent events in Wd! street. When the mar ket closed on June 3rd, the Gould trust e unri s were worth $0,000,000 less than on the day that day Gould died. Even that was better than their condi tion a month ago. On May Mb the Gould block ot Western Union, Manhattan, arid Missouri Pacific wa- worth about 01,000,000 or S9,000, 000 less than on December 4:h when Mr. Gould died. The zW'z-.ijr of the Gould millions in tL-si' tew months makes an interesting study in big figures. Takiug 70, 000,000 as a basi--. it is seen that the estate has touched as high a limit as $82,000,00 and aa a low one a SGi.000,000, a fluctuation of ?:M,n 000,000. Morning Oregonian. How l Tli l.il It's awfully tiieso,r,e to be a gill,' said a miss ot thirteen summers, as Hhc folded up her work and pur it carefully a way in her basket. "It is nothing but 'Don't do this 1' and d)on't do that ! and 'Do this just sol' and 'Do that the other way!' from morning until night. I just get tired ot living, indeed, I do!'' and twojbig tears fell upou her hands as silent pnnctuation marks in her conversation. kMy dear child," said her teacher, 'did you ever read about the train ing ot Victoria, Queen of Great Britain f Sh wan .likely to be a queen some day, and this her moth er knew. The Duchess ot Kent was one ot the JwlsesL of women, and from the time httle Victoiia was a tiny girl her entire traiumg was to one purpose, that fcbo miht wortbi h rule, a great, nal.on. When she wan ..Id enough to understand about sii'-ii things her poK-ible renponsi hdii lea were-explained to her , and vvht-u ;shn sighed and complained, as she eokeriui:s did, it was only nec-e-H.ny to remind hea that some day tihe might be queen, and bow would an )guoiant, careless queen manage the affairs ot such au intelligent cul tured people. "Now 1 do not suppose that you are iikei.v to be a queeu in any such Her so as. Victoria is, but you are, if you live. !o be the queeu oi a beautiful realm called home, aud every day's lessons well learned will make you more and more fit for your responsibilities and duties. Life is a very earnest thing, a very solemn thing, it you look at it in its gieat depth anil comprehensiveness. I d uet mean that you should be soli-tan yourself, or feel called upon to about burdened with the w:iiht ot thi worlds woes and sorrow-. Vou know the Bible .says that 'A merry heart doeth good like a ineO.ciiie.' Learn to be cheerful and bright and snnbhiny. Be be!p fni and hopeful, good-natured and obliging. lr. makes good friends am: keeps them, and that is one of the most important, things iu life Tj v to learn something nselul every day ami Lour, even when you are amusing yourself, it cornea easy afr:T a while, as great ones. There i-- ;u u!d and very true saying that tiuies make up the sura of life, and little things make or mar the har toouy of every-day all' airs.'' New York Ledger. ef All About a Xose. Th' y have had a luuny church ::)iv in an Ohio town and all about the shape of a woman's nose. The q i.iiiL.l originated ia.st Christmas ab-iut the purchase of candy for the rfuuday seliool eiiterrainmeut, one of the ladies who bad been appoint ed a mcuibcr of the coiumittee for that puij oso showing herself f-o domineering as to call forth some sharp criticism. One of tbe critics discussing the matter declared that the trouble arose because the lady in pje.tion was "too smarr," where upon a would-be male remarked thiit '-ho knew that from the shape of her nose,'' at which all the ladies laughed with great zrst, at the snne time casting p.d miring gla-ices in ihe mirtor at tlieii own more or tiiodov iiite. From this jdeasaut bit of religious gossip a tuerl arose t which oidiii:iiy c-oir ftieds are as ii .th ug. Ihe -larlv whose nose had : ceil maulb'd was per.-eutiy intorm- ed of what had bei-n said about it, and she immt-diatelv bearded ihe slnnderer la his own house and de manded a retraction. With thi cowmdirv that ehare ctenzes the ;iv, e?age m.iu when cmfrouted by an indignant woman, he hid, figurative ly speaking, behind his witVs pet 'icM:iis and persuaded her to tell the lady with the hetetieul nose that he h .d r.'t said anvt'nin ib'rtgatory to her o'f o tor v org.rn. he wm not to be pr.Mt:ed in this way. however, but, went bark to the per:? -rr who hitd told her and had the stoiy con tinned with all the harrowing cir cuaintiinee and detail w loch one woiaan k) well knows ho1' to throw into a narration of this sort about nothing. The wif ot the slanderer still eirhutig iu her denial in or der io shedd her fpd'.ty and trem bling husband, ihe lady whose nose had been so shamefully maligned brought an ecclestical snit against the vditier and his wife, charging then with beings niP.y of lalsehood iu denying the accueition, and of hatred, mal.ee and ail uncharitable, ness m the oi igi:.rtl uas-d insiuu-i-tion. Lawyers were eogagetl ou both sides and the case was heard bcfoie a jury of five church mems bers, with the paster sitting as the judge. .Many witnesses, princi pally the membein of the female p. r: u.is'on, were examined and tes tified with great volubility and de light, bringing in so much extran. nous matter and traveling so far and so frequently out of the case to make little flings at other tema'e members that there ws great dan" ge: at t;rnes that the proceedings would degenerate into au active es change of compliments in the way ot hair pulling and scratching. It took great tact on the part of the pastor and jurymen to sooth the ex cited feeling.s of tho sisters, but fin nally they brought in a verdict which served to calro the storm. They found that the defendant were not guilty of falsehood and had never reflected in any way upon the plaintiff's nose, and they found further that the nose which was at issue in the case was a good, ortho dox, rhiisfaiu nose, indicative only of Mich virtues as humility, patience? long suffering-, faith, hope, and char ir,v, and not in the remoter degrt-e suggestive ot pride, arrogance or a dicfortal character. The verdict p!eas'd all rdoes, the women kissed, wept, ami madij up, and the nose I hat had threatened to disrnpt a whole congregation and destroy the friendships ot a ln't'timo retired to tho shadow of a domestic lite vindi cator, happy and at peace with all the world. The moral ot this stor.v would seeta to be; in tho first place, never peak ill of a woman's nose; but in the uecond place, if you do. denj it, and stick to our denial; and in the third place, it the case comes to be adjudicated in the chnich, let the pastor and his jury men imitate the diplomatic course of the Ohio tribunal and bring in a verdict, that will heal the lacerated feelings ot the ladies and convert a threatened schism into a general lovefeast Baltimore Sar "John, why doesn't your father put a patch over the hole in your trousers f "Cause a patch 'ud wear out, an5 the hole'll last longs I want to wear it. Dtmorenfs Mag azine. A llowaii'j- I leas-1 ISisrst A Nit u tier. Burlington, la.. Jane 28. The 'wddi-nneMS of tiie death ol Mm. (ius Walden, who was apparently in perfec: health, was so etrauge that a iost mortem examination was held. Her heart was found burst asunder Puytqciana say no ith;r sU'-h cane was ever heard of. The case is supposed to "have been a tremendous emotional convulsion. PULLMAN CAH From North Carolina Through to Chicago without change. Lv Asheville, R & D II R 4 05 p m bv Knoville, E T V & O kly $ 00 in Ar liarriman, " 9 50pm Lv Lexington, J- (J It K 4 KO a ra Ar Louisvillt!, Lou. South :n R It 7 50 a ni Lv Louisviihi, Pennsylvania It R 8 15 a in Ar Indianapolis, " " " 1140aru !Lr Chicago, " ' " 5 45 p m Vi a the Richmond & Danville Bast Teuuessee, Virginia Ac Georgia, Oiieen &, Cresent and Pennsylvania Bailroads. Note tho time and route. Gall on or write John L. Milam, T. P. A., Knoxville, Tcnn. C V. Mt'Ki'UY, Ticket Agt O. xV. BENSOOTEE. D. P. A., 1J. w. Wbenn, G. P. A Knoxville, Tenn. 3asstixssBmB5KaasmatmmMBismBaatmmmmto3 Tin- litrkr l-iiirsiiil Auiei'i cnii ItailusiyH. The (ueen and Crescent Route widely known as the road running the '-Finest Traius in tbe South,'' is in the rild to carry everybody from the South to the Worlds Fair hi Cnicago. No part of the Southern country is let r, uucared lor by this j.', i eat railway and its connections. The Thiougii Gar system is an ad mit able exposition of the wonder lul capabilities of Americen rail roadiug. From New Orleans Through Sleeping cars run daily, :nort;inr aud evening, carrying its passt ngers via Cincinnati at Louis vnle, as rhey may sebct. Ftom Sb.ievep.ut, Vicksburg and j Jaeksou another Through SleeptD I Oar Line comes to join and become j n pait. i the magnificent Vestibulei j Tnriutgh trams, which passed I thioii,;h lirminbani and the ta i minis Wiba Valley of Alabaiiia. is ! joined at Chattanooga by the train ! from Jacksonville, Piorida, Brun? j wick, and Atlanta, Ga , over trie E. ; T. V. oi: U.i. Ry., ami proceeds j north oo-r the beautiful Cincinnati !S3uthnn, throuirh Ihe graudest I natural scenery aud uiot attractive ! historieal country in the world, iOrkdale, wheie another magnifi i cent Pullman car is leceived, eom j K:g fro n ihe Rahmond it Dmville i System, the beautiful French Broad I country and Atiheville. N C., and i Knoxville, Tenn. i The time to Chicago is made so as to afford the most convenient hours tor the departures trom tbe piiucipdl citiee, and arrivals ia Chicago. ! I'aseei'ge! ; ran purcha- tieke s good over on" line north of the lin er, and returning via another it they desiio a variable route without ex tru charge. O: they can go vi i Cincinnatti, returning via Louisville, or vice veraa . Konnd liip tick-ts on sale at re" duced rates. Agente of the Chiea go line will on request assist Id looking up rooms or accomodation for visiters to the Fair. Everything that an almost per fect system can devise to deserve the praise and patronage of th-3 traveling public has been provided. Any of the agents of the company named below, wi!l cheerfully give all possible irnformation and assist ance. II. II Garrett New Orlean?. La. f. Harm, Vicksourg, Mis. J R. McGregor, Birmingham, Ala. R. T. Charlton, Chattanooga, Tonn V. D. Cozatt, Junctjou City, Kv. or D. G. Ewarisj, Cincinnati, O. ib . w h mx-&xwxnn m ami m i wri If you feel weak and all worn out take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS st51L.SU 6 tit ARE DAILY RECOMMENDING T in PERFECTION lb ADJUSTABLE i It expamU across the ? Ballnn.l.Ynlnf.. Thid makes it The BEST FITTING, NICEST LOOKING, and MOST A iHs COftlFOETABLE SHOE IN 111L VUJnhU. I iilCLo, S2, $2.60, 3, $j.5C. CONSOLIDATED SKOECO. xuanuiacturers, jggf J'ynn. - - Ma33. Shoes made to measure. io b found at Jenkins' Bros. SOUTHERN .Nl3 BUSINESS HORTHAND - D COLLEGE, AltO PURCHASES or . . . ilooi-e's liusdnetiH Co7fg-o. Koukkccpiiiir, ShorihaiKl, TeleKrapliy, Fine Art, ami Sopai jne English School Uep'c. SED TOW LARGE f-REE CATALOGUE. A. C. URISCOE. Pres., Atlanta. Ga. cXjm WtIJig)ir-iiia liWinrMIWlilllli Mini at t Caveats, and Trn.le-M ai ks obtained, and all Pat-1 0 ent business conducted for Moderate Fees. 'Our Office is Opposite U. S. patent office Jan-.l we can se. ure patent in less time uwn tnose rcmole troiii Washington. 4 Send model, drawing or photo., with dtacrip-J Jtion. We advise, if patentable or not, tree of t charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. S A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries J 4 sent tree. Address, :C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Patent Office. Washington, D. C. Job Pess for Sale. We will sell a titst class Job Press or eah. Press is 10x15 iu side chase and is as good as new. Address Lincoln Couhiek, Lin coluton, N. C. Coins: to Buy A Dictionary? CET THE BEST. t JWebster'sInternational.J A Choice Gift v v v V vj A Grantl Family Educator v J A Library in Itself v J The Standard Authority v J I SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. X T The International is a new book from Y cover to cover, tully abreast of the times, X T&nd is tbe auecessor of the authentic T X ' Unabridged.' Tea years were t,put ia T T reeiain)?, 100 editors employed and over X T $300,000 expended before the riist copy X X was printed. T Do not buy reprints of ctsoleto and T T comparatively worthless editionn. r X Send for free pamphlet containing X J specimen pages and full particulars. T G. t C. MERPIAM CO., Publishers,! SPKIGTIELD, LIAS 3., U. S. A. ' t FOR CAsH In Advance You can get the LINCOLN COURIEK ONE YEAR FOti $1.00-6 M. 65 CTS. If paid in trade or if not paid in ad vance, the price is strictly 81.50. j PUBISHED and EDITED BY J.M, ROBERTS, LINCOLNTON, N. C. A family aewspaper devoted to the interests ot Lincoln and sur rounding counties and to the Stat of North Carolina. Subscription, 1 year, $1.25. 6 months, 05 cents. PAYABLE IX ADVANCE. g3xx"fcso:r"fc AT OIXTOE. COUNTY DIRECTORY. COUNTY OFFICEUS. Sheriff, J. K. Gline, Lincolnton.N C Cl'k. Sup. Ouurt, C. E- Childs, " " Reg, of Deedi, B. C. VVcod, 44 14 Treasurer, L.. T. Willkie. 44 44 Surveyor, O. C. Thompson, 4 4 4 4 Corouer, J. E eim. Supt. Pub. Test. J. M. Roberts. BOABD OF COTOTT CCaHS3TONKR. It M Roseman, Coai'n, luxcointon. N. C A. 1. Cherry , Triangle, J. . Reiahardt, Iron Station, 4 1. A. Keep, Beepsville, 4 W. M. Hull, On eans. 4 COUNTT BOARD OI' EDUCATION. R. Z. John?tou, Chm'n. Lincolntcn.c.. I B.Self, 5. V. Ctocdsori, 1 POST 1II3TRK83. Miss Eva tiumner. town officers: Mayor, A Iixon- Secretary- Treasurer,. H. .Rmsaur Town Const. R M Beal. Commiffgioners : P, J- Pate L- A. Hoyle, F. A. Tby, L. J. Houser, W. L Croase, J H Bisaner, J A Abernethy, BC Cobb. arrival or mails Mails on C C Railway, distributed 6:30 V M anl 11 A M Mails on Narrow Gauge Railway, distrib uted 4:00 P M and 11 M. i Star Route, via Reepsville, leaves Lir j colnton at 7 A M, Mondays, Wednesdays ! and Fridays: arrives at Lincolnton at 4:30 r Aton rridays, Thursdays and Saturdays Public Schools open December, Janu ary, February and March Board or Commissioners meet first Mon day in each month. Town Council meet first Friday night in each month, at 7 o'clock. Board or Education meet first Monday Jnuary,June, September and December Godey's for 1892. YOU SEEP A M-VOAZIXE TOUR TAMILT. tiet ono that gives the lost satUi'acticn fortLeniotiey. Goaey's will save you ia "Dress Ilints" ten times its cot in one ye&r. Godey's will give you ft better idea of hu? t. arpsH nnd wLat materials io than any siudlinr pubheation. Godov'awid ccntinue the Children s Corner, which ha been ?o favorably res ceived and enjoved by our younger read ers. . Godey's'will give you m tact the Der. of everitbing witbin its covets. Include Ing tu it does Literature, Fashions, Musu . Engravings, Dress hints, Home Talks, Et iquette, etc., etc. With the January i9eue we will begi; two new serial entitled : "The IMcipline of Pain, liV EdUAK r'AWCKTT, A story ot JSew York hie, written in bi- best vein and uinner. li.s national rep utation is at any lime a guarantee of interecting novelette Marjoriole, Bv Maugakky Sfknckk. Whose briglit and attractive letter? from Washington have met with so muc: favor lruui our readern. Tne story is locat ed in tho Capital, and as the author htrseli resides there it is full ot" real inci dent. We predict fur "Marjone Lee" s warm receptioh Irotu our subscribers, who will be sure to find her very winsome, ana feel th:it,tlie authoress has worked tor tb-u: n lairv w-S that has many beauties ani real interest woven in meshes. f.r t tie latter months we have a number of Aerials and ybort Clones by the bed. authors. Ttie legend of the Liinters.by Mrs. Olivie. LovhII v iH.-n. This charming story wil. run through a-veral numbers, and wili bt illutiated with original photogravures b Will l'hilip JJoopei. Tb"e Autobiography of Mary, by Adt. IVi-k. To those who have 'eac "The Filjean Mystery." by this author.wf need say nothing except that it is thought 1 to be better (if possible) tbun any of hei previous efforts. In addition to our usual number of Short Stories we shall publish a series ot articles entitled : ''Advice Irom Everywhere," l Olivia Philips. Embracing such subject as the sick room, home nursery, children's nursery, amusements for the shut-ins, s minister's outine, a year well spent, etc W A I Godey furnishes during the J yj Jl J:ljyear over 1000 pages of en tertaining illustrative useful home matter, desirable and instructive to every lady in the land. NOTICE. Any person deeinng to raise a Club should and for our ciicular to club rai-ers. We pay large cash commission? or beautiful and cosily premiums. Single hubscripti.'iis, .0 a Year, Al w&y ia Advance. Smpie copy, 15 cents. Address Godey's Lady's Book, Box li tl. Phil. Pa. .TummKiiflifiiKi ii i iiniiaai am an THE COURIER JOURNAL Louisx Ry. fcjubscrij.tiori Kates, Daily and Sunday C10.00 a year. Diily without Sunda.: i$ 00 a year, Sunday iJ 00 a year, Weekly jil 00 a ytar. 'f lie Weekly Cnirier-Joiini5iJ lias the largest circulation of any Demo cratic newspaper in the United States and proposes to d.mbl or treble its already ianre circulation. UAV9 BY GIVING AWA JLlU V S EACH AID EVER. DAY to .rae one a splendid High Ar:i. Sewing Machine or a hanlsome GoK Waicu, absolutely n-ee. Full particulan in Weekly Courier-Journal. Sample cojj fiec. Send for one. Address, W N UALDEMAN, Pres. Courier-Journal Company, Louisville, Kv L..K n I ES Needing atonic, or children who want build ink; up, f-hnuld take BROWN'S IRON HITTERS. It is pleasant to take, cures Malaria, InH geation, Biiioubnese and .Liver ComDlainta. A COMPLETE NSPAPEREW. THE price oF Koktii Carolina.7" B. Kingsbury, LLD Wro. H. Ueame, Editorial Staff Do you want to aid in buildir up a paper that shall; reflect th? greatest credit on North Carolina? no matter where it may be seeu then patronize THE MESSENGER, Published in three editions. The Daily Mer-seiiger and the Weekly Messenger, Published at Wilmington, N. C The Goldsboro Transcript Messen ger Published at Goldsboro, N. C. They are Large Eight Page Pa pers. Do you want a reliable pape: giving you all the news of the world a Democratic newspaper that equals the best has the largest en culation aiul hns for more than 21 ear3 been a part and faeior in the yrowth and development of the OU North State ? Then Subscribe for tLe Messenger trial rates: Daily Messenger, by mail 4 mos. on trial 82.00 Weekly Wiluiingtou Mesen- :er, 8 mos: 1.00 Goldsboro Transcript-MesBen- ger, . . : 8 mos. 1.00 CASH IN ADVANCE. Dr. Tdlrna.'e'rt SemitMis are fea ture of all three PapeiH. LESSENS PAIH-IHSURES SAFETY to LIFE of MOTHER and CHILD. My wife, after having used Mother's Friend, passed through the ordeal with, little paiu, was stronger In one hour than in a week after the birth of her former child. J. J. McGoldrick, Beana Sta., Term. Mother's Friend robbed pain of Its ten-or and shortened labor. I have the healthiest child I ever saw. Mas. L. M. A hers, Cochran, Oa. Sent by express, charges prepaid, on receipt of price, tl-50 per bottle. Book "To Mother' nailed free. tv.. c- , ?RA9'ELO REGULATOR CO., T or Sale-fcy au Druggita. atulnta,'ga. Pay you i suostiiptiou to tLe Lin colk Courier., Subscribe for the Courier. fiUBSCKIBETO THH ' STATE CHRONICLED RALEIGH, N. C. DAILY AND WEEKLY. Latest telegrahic new from all parts of the world. (Ly United Press and Special Wire.) lias the hagest daily circulation in tha State. Has more State correspondents than any other daily in the State. Twelve months, $6.00 ; Six months, $3.00; Three months, 4)1,50. Weekly , $1.25 per year, in clubs oi t or over, $1, T.Ri JENIGN, Editor. R. W. Litchpord, Manager. UUCKLilN'S ARNICA SA.LVE. Tbe best salve in the world for cU bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, ltver seres, tetter, chapped Lands, chilblain, corns, and all skin eruptions, and poeitivr ly cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to ;"ive p erltct Eatislaction, or money refunded. Price 25c. per box. Tot sale by Dr. J. M. Lawing, Druggist- KIUMOND & DANVILLE KAIL ROAD. South Carolina Division, & L. N.Q Daily except Sunday.J IN EFFECT May 15th, 1892. CHESTER & LENOIR N: Q. R. JR. Southbound No 11 Northbound No. 12 Lenoir Ar. 9 16 pro Hickory 8 05 Newton 7 15 Lincoliiton 0 20 Dallas 5 33 j Gttstonia 5 20 Yorkville 4 10 Chester Lv. 305am & CHESTER N. G.RTB Northbound No. 10 Chester "ai 11 38 am Kicbburg It 4d Fort Lawu 9 58 Laucaater Lv 9 20 Lv. 8 U0 air 35 10 07 10 5S 11 45 1211 1 20 pm Ar. 2 45 South bound No. 9 Lv 4 0a tin 4 5G 5 ax Ar 6 28 CHARLOTTE & STATES VILLE Mo G4 mixer! No 05 mixed Lv 5 20 pm G 42 7 10 7 3G Ar 8 40 Charlotte Ar 11 20 am llunteraville Davidson Mooreeville States ville Daily. 10 05 9 35 9 07 Lv 8 00 No 12 LvlO 15 ain 11 30 11 50 12 09 Ar 12 55 No 11 Charlotte liunterville Davidson Mooreaville 8tatesville Ar 6 20 pm 5 37 5 1G am 4 57 Lv 4 10 No. 12 leaved Statesvilie for Tay lortjville 1 10 p. in., ariives Taylorsi ville 2 25p.m. Reluming, Ieavt8 fuylorsville 2 50 p.m. arrived Statea vMlle 4:00 p. m. For detailed infoimation ae to Jo oa) aud through tine tabled, latts ami Pullman oleepirigcai reserva tions, confer with local agents of id dress Jas. L. Taylor, Geu'I Pass. Agt., Atlanta, Ga. W. A. Turk, A. G- P. A., Charlotte, N. C. S. A. Dodson, Supt., Columbia,S.O. V U Green, Gen. Mgr, Atlanta,Ga. Sol Haas, Traffic Mgr Atlanta,Ga. CAROLINA CENTRAL SHCEDULE In effect May 7th '92 MOVING WEST. NUMBER 4? Daily except Sunday, Passenger, AIail & Lxpress Train. Stations. Arrive. Leaves. Wilmington y 50 a m Charlotte 3.50 p no 4 45 p m Paw Cieek 5 03 Mt Holly 5:15 Stanley Creek 5 30 Iron 5 50 Lincoluton 6 07 Cherry ville 6 35 Waco C 44 Shelby 7 04 Lattimore 7 24 Aooresboro 7:10 KHenboio 7 58 Zfostic 8 20 Forest City 8 32 Ruthertordton I 8 45 1 pm .MOVING EAST. NUMBER 30 , Daily except Sunday. Passenger, Mail & Express Iraia. STATIONS. Kutherloidton Forest City Bostic Ellenb'iro Mooresboro Lattimore shelby Waco Cherry ville Lincoluton Iron Stanley Creek Mt. Uolly Paw Creek Charlotte Wilmington Arrive. a m Leaves. 7:40 7 51 8:03 8 2G 8 37 8 SO 9 14 9 33 9 42 10 13 10 31 10 51 11 10 11 21 11.40 11 50 0:35 n m - Through rauenger train No leaves Charlotte for Raleigh Portmouth,Va , at 10.00 i m 24 aod Thiougii pabsener train No. 117 leaves Pot tsmuiith.Va., at 320 p. w atd anives at Chailotte 5:00 a. m Wm Moncurz, Jiupt. Local frt-iflit iriu N. 7 leaves Charlotte at 8 a in, Lincoliiton 10:13 a m and arrives at Shelby 11:45 a m. LomI freight tr im No. 0, lavej fihelliv at 1.45 p rn,Lincolntori 3:10 p ro and ainwo rtt Ohailottr 5:30 p m. No G and 7 lun dnily except Sou lny arid t ariy pae-e ngei h, P.rserifr-r.i jiia! niul train No. 24 leaves Charlotte at 10:00 p m and in ruea at Wilmington at 9:45 u ro- Passenger and mail train No. 23. leaves Wilmington at 5 p in and ar iives at charlotte al 5 a m IF TOUJB HACK ACHES. Or you are all worn out, really good for noti tng, it is general debility Try wiu cure you, cleanse your liver, and gir & fmod anuiitltA. r ( V I r f f