LINCOLN COURIER, J.M. ROBERTS, EDITOR AN J) MtOl'iilivTOU. INl'OTVTUN, "Is. C, i)VV:'l',l Jf?!r. :4tNTEUEU IN TliC L'OST (JlliCy. A'l fjlNCoLNToN A3 SKOOXU CLASS Subscription Cash in Advance, ye4r - 7:i:. ' months 7." 4 months . . . Hates of Alvertisiuj. Oueiuon, one urae. 1.00 ;!!." o eacU subequeu m.ser sou. Xsvo inches, ouo time, 1.50 ; ."i v:ats tor taod Mihsequent uibrtuM itiiee inches, one time, L'.(h 7-5 ceats for eaon sunyequent lnsti uou. jb'our inches; one time, &2.L $1.00 f or each aubsequeut msertki:. aeoial rates for oue-half an Oue-fourth column ; also, for au.. auvertieeoient continued longer mau two months. Aorict. Ail comcnun. cations and busiuem letters dhould be directed to tb Lincoln Courier," Liucointon X. O. All Utters ot a private nature, oi those requiring the attentiou of tun editor, and also such as have no r latious lo this paper, bhould bo se in direct, to J. II. lioberts, Aevi.l N.C. tf. THL WItONU H ALF- liusui:i,. When the editor of the Lincoln CuUkilk, who is a clerk in Collec tor idias' office, wrote the follow ing he set his coulter pretty det p, or, as Dr. Caldwell would say, pa;, in above the ford: "The Corui;ii; believes that the Democratic Sen at or who refuses to vote for the conlirmation of either Elias, or Simmons will never again receive honors at the hands of the Dem ocracy of North Carolina.' Why not f Sullby Kkvjkw. Simply because the Democratic party and the press of the State demanded Simmons appointment and have almost it not unani mously approved of the appoint ment of both Simmons and Elias Further, since the announcement of Vance's intention to light a gainst the continuation of the two Collectors the Democratic Press has almost unanimously condemn ed such action, ami the vou e of the Press is in a great niea;ii'e the voice of the people. Does the Klvjew mean to im ply that one holding a govern ment position cannot nive imp;ir tial expression to his convictions ' If so, wemnst inter that the cause of the Review's hesitancy in crit icising Vance in his course, both in extending the right-hand of fellowship to the Third-Party -Alliance by letter and in his antag onism of Simmons and Elias. niusl be due to the fact that the ediio; of that paper owes his presen .. position to Senator Vance. The Review's insinuations as to the motives of the Cori;ii;n and the Newton Enteiummsi: makes tho inference as above indicated una voidable. In the question above the Coi'KiEU simply expressed ib' "belief," and the Review canm.', impugn our motive without im pugning its ov n. Nor can it douL, that the Cornir.i: had good grounnds for the statement . made. It would ho interest ing to know just how the Review stands on the question touching the confir mation of Eliasand Simmons The Courier has a habit of net ting its coulter pretty deep when' it believes the ground requires it. At any rate it sets it as it think? the case demanas even if it "breaks a trace " The chakgls au.unst lion. , Hope Elias, Collector of this dis trict are said to be unprofessional conduct as an attorney. This is Very funny. Of course conduct tbat is not professional is very unprofessional, very ! I Jut the idea of certain lawyers jroinji be fore a Democratic Senatorial or any other kind of committee and trying to have a man remoui from an important oilico on ac count of ''unprofessional conduct as an attorney'" is rather tunny. Why, it is often true that when one Lawyer "downs'" another in a legal contest, the one that is 'downed,'' accuses the other of using methods and arguments "unprofessional". The Courier is of the opinion that this case a gainst Elks is veiy much on that line, and that the Senatorial com mittee up there in Washington is spending two or three weeks "splitting hairs" trying to decide , is "professional conduct" I and what is not, and perhaps all! ; C. I this is done and all this time al j lowed bv the majority of the com mitten out of pure "professional" courtesy to a .Senator whom the - President, himself is said to have treated wunprofessionally"(?), by I"tr('!l??m.i5 to appoint the Senator's relative and special personal fa-i vorites to ollice ! If the voice of the Democratic press is any evidence as to what the Democrats want, then it is plain that the party of North Car olina desire the speedy confirma tion of Elias ; for it has spoken almost unanimously in his favcr- A man's true inside character ; is better known at home than , abroad and here is what his own I home paper, the Franklin Prkss has to say : "Rut late dispatches i from Washington state that Sena- I tor Vance is preferring charges against Mr. Elias personal char- acter. In this he 4eems to be de- parting from that course of wis dom that lias built for him such an enviable reputation and such . vast popularity as a statesman in the past. In this respect we ven ture the assertion that Mr. Elias' private character would compare very favorably alongside that of Senator Vance, and in this asser- ; tion Ave do not mean to charge Senator Vance with being a man i of bad character.'' II on' It la Viewed In Wushiug lou. 1 have refrained fiom writing any thing in reference to Seuator Vince-s opposition to the confirraa- lion ot Messrs. Enas aod Simmons, as collectorH of Internal Revenue j i e jause 1 did not wish to say any thing that would add to the dissen sion which delay in confirmatiou h is produced. Seuator Vance de c Hies to b'j interviewed upon the matter, but states that he will vote against the confirmation of both. It is understood that he will prefer charges against Mr. Elias, and ex pects to estabiiih that his nomina. lion was improper one to have bt en niatle. As he has made none ot t iese charges public, it Is cot prop er to speak of them, and in fact 1 do kn v fully of what they consist. Air. Elias is here has had a bear- mg i.eiere tne ttnauce Uommittee, and iliiuka he is able to disprove eveiy charge made reflecting apoc him. Air. iiis was giyen a two bouts hearing Tuesday afternoon before the committee and given an opportunity to answer the charges Senator Vauce has preferred against him. lie made a 4very favorable impresaiou by his direct and frank explanation aud replies. It ba3 b en supposed that, inasmuch as Senator Vance is an old member of ;he Finance Committee, his press ence ami influence would secure au adverse report lo confirmation of Alr. Elidtf. There is no doubt about t ns sii ce Air. Elias had a hearing unt made so favorable au iinpres ;VOII. His friends do not beleive that opposition to his confirmation is due ':o any charges reflecting upon Mr, ilias, but because Senator Vauce feels apgneved that the President di ' vol act upon his recomuienda ih)i. He felt that he had a right to name the Collector in the West er:. d'sinc;, and tuat wheu the President iguored his recommend a io t it was an affront to him. Mr. Cleveland's frieuds say that Sena t)r Vance has no reasou to take it as an affront because the President appointed Air. Allison, as Marshall Air. Ulenn as District Attorney, and Mr. Covington as Assistant District Attorney in compliance' with the recommendation ot Sena tcivVauce. It is staled that Senator Vance told Air. Simmons yesterday that he had no charge to prefer against him, but that he would vote against Discontinuation and woald oppose any consideration of it until after the confirmation or rejection of Mr. Elias was passed upon by tbe Sen-, ate. Afr- Simmons was greatly sur prise! at this statement because he had di-U'redited the minors that Senator Vmcc would oppose his r ontirm-ttien. He is not the only one who is ?u prised. There is uni versal suprie and regret expressed hete;audhis best feiends have urged Senator Vauce to withdraw his opposition to Mr. Simmons and hi early confirmatiou Editorial Cor7 N. Carolinian. Subscribe for the Lincoln Cou RtRR. S1.95 a voar VH!iiii;lin he;i-HAli nueb a-. pnp ianotiH ly t hft f. Hiierftl !-' v been - rr sindence of the Courier onnond on nrinein'e for many Vf ar, Washington, Cc . 0, 1893. Sena- on the theory that the evera tor Voorheen on Saturday tjavn no- stat nhould furnish needed lehe! the that next Wednesday's eea ion ro their own citizens. However, of he Senate woald be made con : thi being au exceptional case the tiouous, lor the purpose ot trying u " House committee on Appropriations, get a vote upon uia bill for the re j to which the retolutioii was referred. peal of the purchasing clause of the Sherman silver law, and since then every Senator who is absent, and paired upon this bill has been noti fied to be on band Wednesday. Numeroaa attempts have been made in the pant in the Senate to force i vote upon measures by holding continuous sessions, bat there have been more failures than auecesse1, and i he peculiar circumstances fluirouudinrj the present attempt j make it almost certain to be a fails ure. No paity machinery can be1 need id this coo test, because th re are no paity lints observed by tl e friends and opponent of tbe re peal bilh The q test ion which is exciting the most interest here if, wl,at will follow the failure to reach a vote on the Voorhees bill I One of two thiugs must be done. If It.e bill cannot be passed it must either be indefinitely abaudoned, leaving the present la.v in force, or a core -promise amendment that can I e adopted Whicti will it be? Fo man can at this time answer that question with absolute certainty! but it teing generally admitted that the present law is a bad one the probabilities seem to favor a com promise, although a number of prominent democrats, among theai President Cleveland, believe that ii would be better to abandon the bitl for a fuie than to adopt a mko- shift compromise. whatever is the resulr, so far a the Voorhees bill is concerned, the opinion seems to be increased daily among conservative men, regardlet-s of party ulliliatiou, that Congress must pass a bill authorizing the ads ministration to issue bonds to in crease the gold reserve fund when ever it may become ik cesaary iu order to avoid pauics, similar to the oie the country recently passed through, which may at ar.y time be brought ou by large aud continuous asportations of gold. Men who six months ago opposed an issue of bonds under any circumstances are ( now advocating that tbe authority i for issuing bonds be given to tho! admiuistraliou It would not nec-! essarily follow that bends would be! rotten ones, aud then sprinkle atr Usued. The knowledge that they slacked lime all through the heap, could be iianed if necessary to ie j and do not pile too deeply. If pleuish the government t-upply of gold woald, in the opinion of shrewd financiers, of 'tselt act largely as a preventatiou of the exportation ct gold. vv ueu me noose aoopteu me or Cleopatra's Needle, or the Ceil der cloiiug debate on the bill for ;fral paik obelisk, is to have a gilded the repeal of the Fedeial election cap. It has been found that obelisks lawe, today (Oct. 9.) and directi'i,;; weie originally provided with a top tbat tbe voting on the bill aud th.- covering. The park commiss'.OLers amendments proposed thereto ' have empowered the parcbase ot an should begin to morrow and con ' alumiduni cap, which will be gilded, ttnue until the bill was disposed of, ! Tue obelisk is now being treater, it was thought lhat the Senate' again, so that it will .stand the rigod would h ve before this disposed ci j ot our climate. Scie7itiic America. the Voorhets repeal I ill and have ... b,en,e ,ly to revive the election "NCOLXXOX M4IIKET. repeal bill. The dea octats of the Hou-o v i 1 hold a caucus on the' i subject to-night, and mismuch as! it might aitd additional cou plica- j tioud to the ahead v' sufficient com plicated s tuatiou iu the Senate to 8 .od this bill over at thin t tne the ciucus may decide that it is udvis ble to dtfer final actiou (;U the ei ection bdl tor a time. Ti e Ford's Tiiedre disaster has ! been recalled to publ.o notice dur-j in, the past week by the opening of; the trial of tbe four men in;licted for criminil negligeuce iu connec tion therewith ; by a S nate resolu tion tor the appointment of a j nut Congressional committee to ascer tain the responsibility of the gov ernment for damages fo the families of the victims, and by begiuning of reptiis upon tue wrecked building. A luiuoi- that the men who occupied the building at the time? of the d;s astsr are to be again put in tLere t work as soon as the repairs are cm;lefe l ha raised a general pro,, n.t only from the five hundred cUris an;i their fiientls, but from tie pu'i'.ic at large. It would cer- tainly seear to e au unnecessary cruelty to compel tho-e c'tiks to wo:k in tha. building again. It is extremely donbff id whether tin resolotiou offered by Rep-re.-ent.itive Davey, of Li., fur the appiopriation of $25,000 for the re lief of the cyclone sufferers ou the eouthein ntfaat gets through Cou grets Nt because individual Senn jatorsand Eepreseuiatives are op j posed to helping the snfierer4?, but may ignore precedent and favorably report it. Should it be favorablj reported it would probably pass.. President Cleveland and his fam ily moved out to bin country resh dence Saturday afteinoou, ant they will rrroaui there until co'c weather, the President coming in to Ids office every mo;n"wig and return ing in the afternoon. Mrs. Cleve land is rapjdly regaining her stiength and bby E her is eDjoy. mg good health Miss Kuth eele. brated her second birshd-iy last week. lit MettMMl of Keeping Irlab fc'otatoeH. Will yon please give me. he hes. method to keep Irish potatoes troai rotting afior they are dutf, if voc hae such information at ur coiu- mand. I want to put them up so as to kep tor winter u. Tnis is why 1 Ha it the b sr method to fo ' if. P. A. R, Dut ham, N. C. ' ((Answered by W. F. Mnssej, Hort- , icuitunst Expeiiment Stafn.n.) J Early potatoes grown in Ibis cb- j mate cannot well be kept later than j Christmas. You should raise a fall J crop for winter keeping, which keep with ease when put in a daik place and kept on Is a few degiees bove the freezing point. One great ieas- on for fiiluie to keep potatoes is that they are kept too waim. A cold that will make ice on water will 1 not hurt a potato iu a barrel. If Hey ould be k pt in a uniform at ruoKphere ot 33 to 35 degieee, they would le all the better. Another ieanou for failure is keeping them in too light a place. Potatoes should be kept in total darkness, and should be put into total ihukiu as soou ac posible after digging. Not a ray o snnli-jht should be allowed fo reaeh them at any I Hue. A few Imnrs siiniimcr in fhn Ottidi wliili ' ' digging, will spoil the best Irish po- j lato. The early crop may be kept! until the late crop is ready, by care- ful management. Dig them wbeu the woil is dry, and at ouce spread m a cool dark cellar. Iu a few days overhaul r htm, and pick out the kept cool and dark, they will do until Christmas, wheu they will soon get worthless trom sprouting. A Cap For Tlie Obelisk, lteported for ihe Courier every Thursday morning by Capt. B. F XfnV 7 70 CO . 60 1.50 1.75 30 11 ..13 Wheat per bu Corn Meal Flour, Buhr Flour Patent Pork " 100 lbs.. .4 t. U " lb 41 .NC it tt Iiicou sides Macon hams Heet Lard t; o u " round 5 " N. C. 11 " 5- 10 to 13 Tallow Chickens. . . Butter Uouey Eggs Hides, greeu per lb . tt i. " doz. lb., o o 10 to 18 ... 10 ....8 10 ... 2J Hides, dry " " Wool, washed ' 1st class Cabbage 44 " Apples, dried " Peaches dried 44 " Apples green per bn Poaches green " Sweet PotaNies 4k ...5 .. 27 ....1 . 3 ...60 70 . 30 30 CO ...40 , 200 i Irish 44 44 44 j Onions 44 44 . . . ! Onion sets 14 '4 j Blackberries dried, per lb 03 1 Bes-wax per pound.. lCtol7 Now is the time to sell lar&e on ions. Don't expect to sell them next March for you can't do it. LADIES deeding a tonic, or children who want buiLi intr up, should take BIIOWN'S lltO.X BITTERS. It is pleasant to take, cures Malaria, In& f fcation, biiiuuaeB8 and Liver ComnlainU. Subscribe for the Courier ONE PRICE -CASH STORE- With an eye to the interest of our customers, wa feel it our j duty and deem it a pleasure to keep yon informed whenever 1 we have somethinoj extra good j to offer you, and we certainly Jjave something good to offer you in LADIES These Cloaks Were Manu facturers' Samples, Made Up fnf Oio rinacf rit Tmrtfi. A lift were closed out to us. way un- ! ciertne regular price. miw lore, claim l seii them lor at lensi cjj , per ceni Ies9 than regular prices. It is easy enoul to claiir. to sell goods at hall price, ; but a much harder thing to satisty tbe I Dubiic tbat sueii is a fact. But from the surprise, that our customers express at tbe low prices asked for our Cloaks, we 1'etl that we are fully sustained in the above claim. The quality is the very best (They are not made ot shoddy, us many are) and the btyles tbe latest. These goods cannot be appreciated, without being seen. We will quote you a lew prices : tto rr r . . 3O.UU DUyb d vei y guuu plain blaCK cloak Jp4.UU DliyS 3. SpiGnaiU brown cheviot Cloak. 5.00 Buys a very handsome cloak with silk velvet collar and trimmed with large pearl but tons. 'Buy; a tiH &andjforn er C T,OrVK. BUYS THE HANDSOM. EST CLOAK EVER Sold IN this town or any oth er for the price. It is made of the very best quality of Beaver cloth and has THE NEW STYLE COLUMBIAN CAPE & COLLAR. $10.00 BEAVER Cloak TRIMMED WITH FUR CAN'T BE DUPLICAT ED FOR LESS THAN $15.00 &6.00 $7.oO OUR In our DRESS GOODS Department, We are showing many Novelties. Am ong the newest things out in woolen dreas goods, are "Hop sacking. Whip-cords French Suiting?,! wo l'ont d AH'. cts.Ac. We have a tremeudous' Black and Colored Cashmeres, and Henriettas raneins in price from 12 cts to $1.00 per yd. We call yur .special attention to our dress ginghams at Tcts per yd, it was man ufactured to sell lor 18 cents per yd. We are also selling a line ol email check ed ginf hams at 5 cts per yd, that has al ways Bold lor 8 cts per yd. Our line of 10 cts are the handsomest styles and the be9t quality for the money, that we hae evtr had the pleasure of offering to our customers. Ask to see our Teazle cloth, aid our line of cotton shirt waist goods. IN DRESS TRIMMINGS We haye a big stock of the verv latest t trimming?, viz : VelTeteeDs4c. Call and see our goo Is aud if you can't come we win gladly turmsh Tou with j samples. RESPECTFULLY, JENKINS BROS. J. j. (Junior 4 B"?,, Maiden, N. C. We are now prepared to offer the largest stock ot General Merchandise for sale, that has ever been offerer?, in this section. If you are going U ' purchase anything, why not khvc part of what you have worked for W can save it for jou. Now, w have 3000 PAIRS OF which we will sell ton for less thnr Other dealers g'.'ve for them. Jetrs every s -o. hi-jb rut ! double sole, worth $1 f!!, w i!i sell you tu- OOets. Men s hea shoes worth s we Ke vou t i we Ken vu 75 -ts. Women's oil grain, double no!e, worth $l..'l.j, we sell yon ir,r 9')cts. Women's everydiy, Ki worth 1 00, we v,i!l aeli you :or 7octs. Missea shoes, worth !?l.0C w 3 sell f t 7rct-- Misses, wort it 75cfs tvB sell lor &0 -ts. chiidien . worth GOcts we Fell for 40-Jts, anil so on. Table oil rloth 1 yards wioe. worth 25ev, for lScts. AlamancI plaids, worth 7cfs, wo 8cll for 4cfs. cilico worth Gets we sell at 5ctK. ilankets Blankets worth 1. 50 ve sell 75cts. Blankets v. or'.u U50 sell for $1.50 ti.r e WOOL JEANS ; Wool Jea is winb JiOjts per yd., ! we sell at 20 cis. Wool Jean?, ! worth 40;ts, we scli fos 30 cts, ntd so ou. j AH wool undershirts, men's for 50cts, worrh To, All wool drawers j the liime price. j Women's wool underwear of nil i kinds anil grade-. Sui u wor :!i l.'.5f e eil f'oi a id st tin. ; i...v - ; il gii from $3. i"- mi l up to 81.". We will be!' oi) --t i rs'. !:! iiiyiij erruHiktit. iJ;jt and '-p-', neat wo 1, e.h ;p. Groceries' Oid tl!t-k' T -bieeO Wntti40.;fs We Mell 4i '23 i- .tnl other grades iu pnpor i!.i:. Brin m o:;r piol;c, e will pay the hii:liet.t pru. s nn I sdl goods ciienp- Thev ute gointr las', C me. and s-e us v yfu will see ho cheap e r.m t-'!i y u good?'. i Wecm s-'lr tei liiMtiiu jon waut Wecarr a t;l i'- f e-e:yhin;, and you rieit i fe ir aven't what you van-. I 's here, c ! aod 1 ' O'" , !" n cash, no time. Q i k s-n'ti. ai.d short profits, Verv 11. sieci fully, i 1 Ullv aI,ul Mms suuateu i D.J. carpenter BrQS.ISST j papers of the best quality, at BAOKET istoee; In" order" to make roomfor our tall stock, we wiU sellth following oods at cost and lens, in order to clear them 'out before the season is over : A tig lot v w.iire &mxU that wer 10, I2i an l")ct-. v.ill no tor S, 10 and ltai: A lot of summer Worsteds tuat ware id, 12 and l.Vts wiil go for 8, 10 ni lcU v;iri. A lew fiet-es f li;lit cbxBer tli'it w T 2"), :'0 and V.'tcU will go l'OT 20j mi,'. :,Oct. A s'linl! lot of sttteeu ibt hms '.." :n.i IS. .-i will tor 12 and 15c A iot oi t " and 7eta. A lot of men's tine s:rw lsatltnit rt.nged from 50c: to 1 IK. You rn tWo jo.r choic fr 4")c s. A lot oi iotiormde j.i.nts gooda tbat were 13 and 2Jcus, will go tor 12 and 16 2-b'cis. This is a chance to get good at slaughter prices. Don't wait they are going and you will miss getting a bargain. ' Put up your fi uit while you j have it and while you can get your jars for a tiille. We will sell Macon s best quart jars at 95cts , and half-galoLS at $1.20 per dozen. You will get no more at this price, when the lot we have is gone. Ji ES PEC rl FULLY, J.L- KSSTLER, PROP. BIG FOUR ROUTE TO CHICAGO. 5 Trains a Day 5 at ihe Time Card. Xol No 17 No 3 No 7 No 5 Daily Daily Ex dun Daily JHiif ' a rn ! Lv (Jin. S OQ ,i in SL'O noon 12.40 p m 9 31 p m 0.50 p m p m. 743 9.00 m t.r,fi j m a m a m. 6.55 a m. 7.11 a m 7.30 Ar Fair. p in Ar (Jh'go. 6.15 p m 5 43 All day train? h ive Parlor car and Dining Cut ; niht trains have &IeepijQ Cars an l Reclining Chair Cars. 2io. 1 has Through Sleeping tir Macon and At lanta to Chicago uia E. T. V. k O. R. and A. tk C. Kout- T e fii'Foar iiou'.e is positively the only linj making connec tion in Central Union Stat ion, Cinciiuiati with through trains of tho K. T. V. & O. liy-Q,jeen anl ;reent Koute. Cbej peake tj- Ufiio Ky , Kentncky Central Rj.. and 1. X N. 11, 11. witboJt transfers aud landing passengers at Midway flaisance, the main entrance gate t j the World' Fair. IV snr- your ticket read via Ul9 liig Four lioute. For lull informatioa ad dress D. fj. Martj.v. General Passenger A-gent, Cincinnati, rj- CRATGBED TEN M0IITH3. A troublesome skin disease caused rao to scratch for tea;. imt tia lppn tFmm cured by a few days' use of IL, IL II. Wolff, Upper Marlboro, Md ! 3W!FTJ?ECIF10 I tras cured several years ao of white swelUiig la my leg by using fSS have bad no symptoms of re jfrffi'Jaf'EJ tura of Uia dlA ease. Many prfur.iuent physicians attended m fcnd all failed, but S. S. S. did the work. Pact. "W". KiiiETATiuc K, Johnson City, Teaa. Treatise on T-lood and Skin Dis eases mailed free. Swift Si-tcrrrc Co., AUanta, Ga. NOTICE 1 I have leased the South j . 1."' 1 T all 'i. a lowest Cash prices. Send ia3'Our orders, andyctt shall be satisfied.