?G LllGKli LINCOLN COURIER, LOCAL DiU'AK TM EN T. MISS MATTIE McLEAN. Looal Editor & Business Manager.' CiiUKUH D1KECTOKY. Prksbttkhlin. Key. P.. Z, Johnsu a 1'iwtor. rreathinw every 2nd, and :b Suudays 11 A. M. and a r. &i. , pau-iy icuaoi every dunday 5 P. Srit for youuj. peopn every Wadu 6 p in. .freathiag " at Iron Ration on fi-a Suadavs, 3 P. Al. I'fwmuinat Paper Mill Academy in 4Uouuday, d P. M. ; Jilinouiai.-lio. M. T. Staale, P. tor,. Preaoaiu vjry lt and 3d Sundi 11 A At., and 7:30, P. M. ,.4Lutukaj ttftv J. a. Kudisill, Ptt tor. iJetayn;; eftry In Sunday ; Trim j, vary &d Gumlay ; Uauiul'si every 2nd a.jd 4ia tiaulay. lioar lu a. m. -LuTmid4.N. Ue. L. L. Zohr, Par.r bi.iiffc'i ayery 2i 6audy ; Cherry viiie every 4u Sunday. Hour, 10 a. m. Luthba Uuio .Svnod. Ke?, B. J WestanhArtfer, pator, LutUnaa Cniptl, very iud ounday al 10:JJ a. ui. aud i J Sunday at 3 p m, Abon. j. , 2nd nuudi j" K d p ui nua 4ta aaulay i 10:30 a n, LaUjratory Alilli, on 2nd ud -Ito. Sunday i at J p in. Botufal, 1st and 3rd Sundays .t 10.30, a in. PrMay'a dcUool riouue, 1 t aud 3rd Sunday a, 3 pm. BAPTlar. Ubv. Al. 1. Matheny, Paato . Pleaching every 3d bundaya at '.1 A. M. aud a oo P. M.. Sunday Sehojl every Suuday at 3 P. M Prayur rneUr.'4 evcij iuuiailay evening at 7:00. fclflsCoFAL. iiev. W K. V ctmurti.Ke Ur- Services every Suutay a. 1 1 a m, e.'i vept 2d :-uimJ ; at m.ik, ii 1st, 2u-l aLd tvery other Ui nund-iy; lloly CuuiumuiLii lat and 3rd .-unU;iya , etileetiiai ng ol chiliU ren evory 3rd Sunday in the 1 M. Ail coruiahy invited n uitmid. Seats Krea. LINCOLNTON, N. O. OCT 13, 18&J. All subrcrifcers who will couie up end pay their Oack dues oa sub bcnptiuu at tlie r.tlea ol -31.-5 aud pay one dollar lu addiliou, iuu get the COURIER one year from date of sucb pa intrut. All who are up with BUbbciipliouH to date can get one year- Hubscnpiiou by paying $1.00 cash in advance. Tuis proposition ia good ouly lot cat-b. Come to 6ouit next week pre pared to pay your subsoriptiou to the CoUKlEli. Mbre. Jeukina' Bros, are of. feting sometbiug good this week. Bead tbeir new ad. Evangelist Lee is conducting a series ot meetings in Maiden which are largely attended aud are we bear, resultiug iu much good. There are already 300 girls in atleudauce at tbe Normal ami In dustrial School at Greeubboio and it is expected that tbe roll will be swelled to 400 soon. We call atteuiiou to the ad vtrtisemeut iu this issue, of Mr, Jco. L. Cobb's new aud stylish goods which have just arrived aud which he is selling cbeap. The Auuual Western N. C Conference ot tbe Methodist Churcb will be held in Charlotte tbe latter part of November, and will be pre sided over by bishop Duncan As anuouueed last week Dr. J B. Little, ot Newton will be here all of Court week, aud will etop at tbe residence oi Mr. E, T. Childs, by re quest of parties wishing dental work done, lyira. L. T. Wilkie has received, from the Kuighta of lio'ior, a check for $2,000. Tula makes tbe seveuth widow who bat received this am ount from the Kuigbts of Elouor ot this pUce- Tbe family of Mr. O. A. Rain saur lett lor their new home iu Charlotte Wtdueeday. While Lin- colnton regrets to lose them they still have tbe bast wishes of our people for success iu tbeir new home. ' We understand that Capt. E. W. Ward, wbo moved from here to Saxony, Ky., last spring will return to this place as eoou as Mrs. Ward, wbo has been ill for quite a while with typhoid fever, has so far re covered as to travel. The South Fork Baptist Asso ciation will meet next Thursday with the church at Stanley Creek. Tbe opening sermon will be preach ed by Rev. C. M. Murchiion with Rev. M. P. Matheny as alternate. A number ot distinguished visitors 8re expeoted to be present. Oue of Liucolntou'a citizens is giving a series of suppers at the Lincolnton Hotel. The one last week given to the laboring men at which Mayor Nixon so gracefully presided, was highly enjoyed as was the one Thursday night of this week given to the old soldiers. For the following occasions the Richmond & Danville R. R. will sell greatly reduced rates : To the consecration ceremonies of Rev. Dr. J. B. Chesire, AssistantJishop Di ocese of North Carolina, at Tarboro, Oct. 15. from points ou its lines to Selma or Gold sboro and return Oct. 13, and 14th limited to Oct. 17th. To meetiug Byuod ot Oitawba, Wlrj&toDaileirj', Oct. 30th. to, Nov! 2nd. iucloivet limited to Nov. 8 b, trcua Charlotte $5.05, and ioteroid iate poiotH in 8iuie pioportioo. Al ho Synod of N, C. at Tarboro, Oct. 2.5 to 31, from points on us liues within the State, to Selma and GoblMboro and retam, Out lilst t 24th, limited November, 7. Abstract or Llatect Taxable of L.Iiioo1b Coiiuly Fur 1803. The folio wing ia an abstract of tae listed taxable property of Linccln county for tha year 1893 : 191,805 A. laud valued 331 town lots " 1,3.9 horse 1,539 mulea " 8 j k8& j'n'a" 10 goats ,055,620 139,6 rjo 75.044 92,425 673 10 43,092 14,837 2,0 i6 43.3SG 4,8i9 49,094 31,217 2,714 3,442 472 54,918 217,188 12,02 98,398 4.C33 cattle " 5,453 bogs 41 2,003 eheep Farmlug utensils " Tools of Mechaulca HVd & k'u t'uituie " ProviHiona File Arms ' Litiiurt-s ' Li'ntitio ludtiuuta M'u'y on h'nd or dep." Solvent credifH " Sh'rs iu incd co'a " Other perej'l pio'y Total Valurthou Taxable income & profits Total no. w. polls 1,828 c. " 252 Value of bttuk stock is 1,941,071 $1,750 $2,206-26 38934 810,200.00 railroad property $142,29597 " telegraph 756 63 Summary. Total am't ot S te taxes f 4,279.10 pension 815.02 " bChool 5,946.68 " " " co. pVa 9,808.25 Comparing the abstract of 1893 with that ot 1892 we find the total increase iu the value of taxable pioperty to be $52,961 I.oweavllle Letter. Ed. Courikh Mrs. Sarah Ed wards an aged lady of tl-is place was partially paralized on last Sun day. She is in a dangerdus condW tiou. The farmers are busy picking cotton. Thev do not expect much over a half crop ot cotton this sea son, Corn is somewhat tilled then was thought a month ago. Alto gether we think the farmers will be in better condition this fall than they have been for several years While they may not gather so much cotton as they have in former years they have less debts to meet for sopplies furnished them during the summer and more hog and hominy at home. Cards are out for the marriage of Mr. J. DT. Nixon ot Hagers, N. C. on the Oct. 12, at; 3 P. M. The Rev. J. W. Clegg will officiate. The marriage will be at the residence of brides tathor Mr. J. W, Heukel. The happy groom will take '' is bride immediately to his home ..Here he will give bis many friends a recep tion and fine dinner on the 13 mat. J. Will Mcintosh resigned as De puty Sheriff has appointed Mr. M. S. Bager of this place his successor. So far as we are able to learn, bis appointment gives entire satisfact ion. Yoars truly, Bill Shanks. IVXatden Letter. Mr. Editor : a very large crowd assembled at this place Sun day to hear Mr. Lee. Every one who heard Mr, Lee well pleased. We believe him to be a consecrated servant of God. He has a fine de livery and speaks with great joice. Many have given their souls to God. This meeting will close Fri day night. We would be glad if he could be with as longer. People from Newton, Conover, Hickory and other towns were here to attend tbis meeting. Every one should take time to go hear him. The Cotton Mills would have re sumed work Monday had it not been for tbis meeting. Probably work will be began the last of this week. Union Mill tun last week on half time. Mr Martin Carpenter has returned from the North. Mr. Davis and family have moved into the parsonage. They will open a stock of merchandise ia a few days. Some improvements are being made. Mr. Wilson is bailding in conueotion with Hotel. Many oth er improvements are being made. Messrs. Sigtnon have been ginning cotton for more than a week. Tbe beat cotton is bunging "7ets this week Mr. Lee preached ou "Tbe Death of the Sou',1' Monday uitrbf Hm discourse was simpie aud grand. About 25 nave given their Souls to God. . Yours very truly, P.C. To Tlie Member of L.lneoln lon C?Iiurcb. Itegular serv cea uext Sunday wbich will close tbe years woik at u it is very important that every member should be present on Sun day morning as we will have import taut business to look after Sub ject in tbe morning "Some Divine Benedictions," at night aSome It -spited Withouts," The public cor dially invited by The Pastob. I'erMOiials. Mrs. G. WT. llatuer has returns ed from Chicago. Mr. 11. S. F.nch. of Charlotte waa here Monday. Mis.- Kate Michal ha returned from a visit to Lauoir. Mr. U. S. Reiubardt returned Thursday Horn Chicago. Miss Lula Detler returned from h)r visit to Anhevillo Monday, Mr. R. M. Oates, ot Charlotte was here Thursday on business. Mr. Guy Hayoea was iu Kings Jdountaiu a few dajs this week. Mr. J. M. Robei '-s is expected home trom Abbeville Saturday night Dr. aud Mrs. Reedy have re- turned from a visit to Chester, S. C. Mrs O. W. Randall, ot Shelby, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. O. Allen, near town. -Messrs, S. Guyne Finley, U. M. Michael aud P. J. Pate have return ed from the World's Fair. Mrs. W. A. Graham and dangb ter, Miss Florrie, of Machpelah, Bpent Tuesday night in towu. Mr, D. J. Carpenter, the popu lar merchant of Maiden, spent the day in Liucolntou Wednesday. Misses Jennie Johnston aud Prue Crouse and Mr. D, W. Rob-, inson spcut the day iu Chailotte Thursday. Rev. J. C. McMulIen spent Wednesday night here with his family. He left Thursday morning tor Rock Hill. Mr. Hngh Ramsaur, of Astie ville, is here for tbe benefit of bis htaith, which has been very bad for some time. Master Austin Wood, 8on of oar Register, will take tbe place ot Miss Edith Ramsaur, the efficient clerk in the post office. Rev. M. P. Matheny is attend ing the Mecklenburg Baptist asso elation this week with tbe second Baptist chnrch in Charlotte. Mr. G. C Cornwell and family, of Lowe I, N. C. are visitiug Mrs. Corn welPs father Mr. Summey, who has been very ill at bis home near town. Dr. B. F. Whitesides of Hick ory was in town Monday on his way from his old home in Rutherford county. He had Dr. Alexander take out a tootb for him as the Den tist In Hickory was a little nervous about attempting it. -Rev. Mr. George, who has been to Chicago, bas returned, and passs ed through Liucolnton Wednesday on his way to Cberryville where he expects to teach in addition to bis duties as pastor of Cberryville and St. Mark's Lutheran Churches. The gaests who were here to attend tbe marriage of Mr. Wm. B. Grimes and Miss Lizzie Justice were, Mrs. Kemp B- Batchelor, of Baltimore, Mrs. F. H. Dewey, Portsmouth, Va , Mrs. J. L Cham berg, Charlotte, Mrs. R E. Gibson, Concord. Mre. Z, B. Vance, Wash ington, Mrs. Wm. Grimes and Miss Nella Grimes and Miss Sophia Bus bee, Raleigh, Mrs. Jas. T. Williams, Greenville, S. O., Mr Sam B. Waters, Charlotte, Mr. Har ry Martin, Washington, Mr. Jno. Scott, Charlotte, Mr. Archibald H. Davis, U. S. Navy, and Mr. Silas McBee. Tax Notice! I will attend as follows to receive the Taxea for 1893 : Loweaville, Tuesday 10th Oct. 1893. Denver, Wednesday 11th 4 " Iron Sta., Thursday 12ih Reepsville, Friday 7th " " Bess' Store, Tue8dy,31st " " J. K. Cijne Sh'ff, Lincolnton, N. C, Sept. 29, 1892. Wedding Belli. One of tb- pretnest marriages that has Vver occurred in L'ucolo. tou, took place, iu tbe Episcopal Church at noon Wednesday. The contracting parties were Mr. Wm. Bryan Grime, one of the leading young business men of Raleigh aid Miss E izftbeth Juslic , one of Lm colnto.j s miwi attraciive Hiid pipu lar ouug bwliea. Tb chu-ci was a mply and tastefully decorated for tbe occasion, and sweet music was rendered by Rev. Vardrey McBee wno wire hit robes. The ushers were Mr. Harry Martin, of Wash ington, and Mr. Jno. Scott, of Char lotte, Mr. Archabald H. Dvi( of the U. 8. Navy acted as best man aud entered with the groom from tbe vestiy room. As sosn as they and Rev W, R. Wetmore, who per, iormed the beautiful ceremoi y, had taken their places, the Af tid of Honor, Mes Aaltie AfcBee, follow ed by tbe bride ou the arm of her grandfather, Mr. V. A. AfcBee, marched uti the aisle. The bride and Maid of Honor wore white silk with veils and carried exquisite boquetH of roses. After the ceremony the bridal party repaired to the resideuce ot Mr. McBee and partook of the wed ding breakfasr, Mr. and Mrs. Grimes left on the 2:10 train for Chicago, where they will remaiti two weeks before returning to Raleigh their future home. Tbe present were numerous and hand some and attest tbe high esteem in wbicb the bride and gioom are held. Farmers IF bo Read. There are now on the mailing lists of tbe N. O. Agricultural Experiment Station, which have just been revis ed, 13,000 names of farmers from North Carolina. The bulletins are mailed free to those request them and show their appreciation by reading them. All the newspapers iu tbe state receive each publication of the Station as it is issued, as well as various new notes which interest the general reader. The bulletins contain matters winch are of imme diate iuterest aud value to tbe agri culturists of the State and are writ ten in plain language for unscientific readers. Agriculture is based on science, and accordingly scientific matters nesessarily recieve attention at the Station. The result of these scientific experimens are not includ ed in tbe general bulletin issue, but are printed in technical bulletins sent only to scientists, and those who especially request them. Sum maries of the technical work appear ia tbe general bulletins of tbe Sta tion. Publications are sent free to all within the limits of North Caro lina upon application; to others a small fee is charged. Courtesy Iu A. Host. Tbe independence displayed by servants iu America invariably fci ces itself ou the attention of visitors trom Europe. A well-known official of the Eng lish post office tells a very good sto ry on this point, says tbe Boston Traveller. Some 3 ears ago he visit ed America on busiuess and while staying at New Yoak he was tbe guest of a prominent officer of the Western Union Telegraph company, a gentleman whose name is familiar to most Americans. When tbe Englishman retired at night he placed his boots outside tbe bedroom door, wbere they were duly observed next morning by his host, who asked his wife to get one of the servants to clean them. "Ob," replied the lady, "he most get tbem cleaned at the corner of the street, just as you do.1' "No my dear1 remarked her has band, "I can't ask Mr., to do that. Just offer one of tbe servants half a dollar to clean them.' "I have done so," said the lady, "and they declare they won't.7' 'Well, if they wou't I mast.,f and forthwith tbe American seized bia guest's boots and polished tbem in a highly creditable style. On the morning of tbe English, man's departure his friend accom pauied him to the steamer, and just as the whistle was blown to indicate that all but passengers must go on shore, whispered iu bis ear : "Pd tell you something that will amuae you. 1 have cleaned jour boots all tbe while you have been in New York. Wbsa Baby vra tick, we gTe Her Castorla. When abe was a CLild, aba cried tor C&storia Wbea she became Hiss, she clung to Castorla. When tbe had Children, be gae them Castor lIow'rtTbla! We ofier On Uuttdied D 'Umi Reward tor any cect CarHrrh 'hat cannot le uted by UaliV C r Our. F J. Chexiy &Co Prop. IVit-uo, Onto. We tbe undersigned, hue known F. J. Cheney for the Ihhi 15 earn, nnd beleiv him intfctly honorable in all busiueSH transac-i ioiiN and litiaueiaUy able to carry oat any ol'iytioii toad by their Ann. WeM & Truni, Wholesale Dm p. gitis, Toied '. O. Wading, Kmiian & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, To edo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Catarrh Cure is taken internally, actiug directly up ou the blood and muoous am facts ot the system. Price, 7S6. per tott! . Sold by all Druggists. Teatimon ials free. Sept. 15, lm. FORlCAsH In Advance You can get the LINCOLN COU1UEK ONE YEAR FOR $1 00--6 M 65 CTS. Direct Route To Tlie World' Fair. The Richmond and Danville Rail road is selling round trip tickers to Chicago at very low rates, and will give you choice of route via. Kncx villa and Cincinnati or Louibvill, via. Atlanta and Chattanooga ; via Charlottesville and Cincinnati ; or via. Richmond and Wasbiugron Also, a very low rte ticket either going or returning via. Niagara Falls vtnh stop-over privilege?. There i nothing saved by going on excuruioo traius, as eome rale is charged ou trains of this kiud as on regular trains ot the Richmoud and Danville Railroad. Three through passenger trioe each way, daily good connections quickest time to Chicago only one night on tbe road. For rates schedules or other in formation, call on or address any ticket agent of tbe Richmond and Danville Railroad, or Chas. L. Hop kin?, Traveling paaseoger Agent Cnarlotte N. C. Dissolution. Tbe business carried on under the name ot C. Motz & Son ia here by dissolved by the withdrawal or C. Motz name. Any unsettled busi ness of O. MoU & Son will be set tied by W. W. Molz. Caleb Motz, W. W. Motz Sept. 25, 1893. 4t. University oi North Carolina. Equipment: Faculty of 25 teach ers, 11 buildings, 7 scientific labora ties, library of 30,000 volumes, 316 students. In8tbuction: 5 general courses 6 briof coarsen ; professional courses in law, medicine, engineering and chemistry: optional courses. Expenses : Tuition, $60 per year Scholarships and loaus for th needy. Address pEESIDrST WurgTOx, tf. Chapel Hill, N O. AUTUMN HANGS - IIOKSK-SHOE OVER OUR U it Means good LuCk for Every buyc who gets inside our Store (li is Season! Come and see. the New Goods, the clea goods, the bright, fresh, stylish array of GOOL QUALITIES and SOUND VALUES that are go ing to be sold at prices that will sweep them oft our counter. Don't fail to see our line of popular selections made up of just such styles and qualites that Dry goods, Qlothiug, Hats. Shoes, u hder wear, Notions, foe. With the best of everything the Fall Season brings, and with prices down to the lowest point ever named lor uoucst goods, we confidently expect a liberal share of your iatronage becausa you cannot afford to pass us by. Come to us if you wish the purchasing power of your dollar developed to its fullest extent. Times are never so hard that icn cannot afford to trade with JNO. L. COBB. LIME Important Notice. The burst HUtl cbedpnH lime iu America can be bad iu an quutity on uppl'Crtiiou to the Agent at N. G. R. R. Station, incolnton, N. C. Aug 61892 tt AHICn-cla.ss illustrated monthly mag azine in the home is no lour a iuiu ry. It is a iiecsssttj, ud to meet tte di ina&dj created by this necessity, 'I HE COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE, giving yearly, as it does, 1536 pages of reading by the ablest living authors, with over 1200 illustrations by clever artists, baa sti -el into the breach, with a reduction in its price that has startled ib literary world. The couftiKB, fully alive to the needs of its patrons bas made special arranguientd with this superb wouthly, whereby n will receive orders for yearly subscription to both publications combined for the sum of J2.00. 16 cents a Mout $2 00 a year LINCOLN COURIbR and COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE. The price ot th great illulrall month lies in tbe past has been $'i 00 and $4,00 a year, and they were to be louud only in the more pretentions Domes. Uur otter lur nuhes a help to all families; no matter how modest their means, to keep in touch with the gieatest minds of the worlds, as The COSMOPOLITAN has today the strongest regular staff of any xisting periodical fend ordeji to courier office Lincolnton N. C. NOTICE ! 1 am now located in Lincoln ten occupying thehouse vaca ted by C. W. Ward. I can and will save you mon ey on Dry Goods, Notions, t i and all kinds of GROCERIES. I will deal in all kinds of coun try produce chickfns, eggs, &c. Bring them to me. Examine my Stock before buying elsewhere. YOurs Respectfully; J. C. Quickie. To Preserve The richness, color, and baauty of the hair, the greatest care is necessary, much barm being done by tbe use of worthless dressings. To be sure of hav ing a first-class article, ask your drug gist or perfumer for Ayer's Hair Vigor. It is absolutely superior to any other preparation of the kind. It restores the original color and fullness to bair which ha3 become thin, faded, or gray. It ieeps the scalp cool, moist, and free from dandruff. It heals itching humors, prevents baldness, and imparts to THE HAIR a silken texture and lasting fragrance. No toilet can be considered complete without this most popular and elegant of all hair-dressings. "My bair .began turning gray and fall ing out when I was about 23 years of age. I have lately been using Ayer's Hair Vigor, and it is causing a new growth of hair of the natural color." R. J. Lowry, Jones Prairie, Texas. "Over a year ago I had a severe fever, and when I recovered, my bair began to fall out, and what little remained turned gray. I tried various remedies, but without success, till at last I began to USE Ayer's Hair Vigor, and now my hair Is growing rapidly and' is restored to its original color." Mrs. Annie Collins, Dighton, Mass. "I Lave used Ayer's Hair Vigor for nearly rive years, and my hair is moist, glossy, and in an excellent state of pres ervation. I am forty years old, and have ridden the plains for twenty-five years." Wm. Henry Ott, alias "Mus tang Bill," Newcastle, Wyo. Ayer's Hair Vigor Prcptred by Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., Lowell, 1m Sold by DrugtfUU Ertryvbart. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility. mm will please you m .Dress good A W REEDY. DEALER IN Groro eerier Of every Idnd. The bet. York and other markets afford. I have but one price and that is the lowest. Satis iaction Guaranteed. Call and see me. VERY TRULY, A. W- REEDY. Furniture Factory Floring & grist MILLS I E. .1 AMES, rropiitjtor, LUHMlhtOG, C. BEDSTEAD"4, BUKKAUS, WARDROBES, LOUNGES, TABLES, WASHSTANDS.&c Be sure to come and look at inv furniture before hiiviiur u j 0 elsewhere-" Twin Gin lioiiHe. Two First olass gins; ou 70 aud one 40 hawh. Charlotte prices a d lor c tiou. Tbe flouring and grist imbs will tie ruu legularly every iIhv from tbia time on. H"tt. 11, 1891. . RESPECTFULLY, E JAMES MONEY TO LOAN On lono time and eahv terms in amounts of not less than $300.00. Secured by Grst mortgages on Real Estate, pay ment made by annual install ments. Due Nov. 1st. each year. Apply to .S G. FINLEY, Att'y at Law, Lincolnton, N.C. To the citizens of North Car olina and adjoining States : I c-ll your eot-cU! attention to my Doutile Srock Plows, cotton planters, Cottou U arrows and Gibbs Plowt, the iest on tbe market. You can afford to lose a number of meal, us there is money saved ; but you cannot afford to lo?e tbe opportunity ot buying thai al ove mentioned farming Implements, as there will be money lct 1 still keep tbe Camel Skin Shoe, and my 13 00 Congress Shoe in Stock I also keep a general line of m?r?handis and everything a specialty. , Rep-ctfuUv, Apr. 11 93. ly. F. A. TOBY. THE LINCOLN FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS Are still running and are prepared to repair Engines, SAWMILLS, THRESHERS, COttOP gins and cotton mill machid- ery etc., at living prices, yil also keep on hanK a full stock of castings, such as plow points, of all kinds and sizes, hangers, and pulleys ; will also give prices on wood-split pulleys. Will have a good !ine of piping and fit tings of all kinds. Will also have a good Black Smith to do all kinds of Blacksmith work. Anv one having any work to be done in ur line will do well to cad on me tor good work and Rock Bottom Prices. Orders from a distance will receive PKOMPT ATTENTION. Give me a trial and be convinced. YOUPuJ TO SERVE, L-B. STUTTS. Lincoln Foundry & Machine Works. Feb. 10, 1893. tT