hrisx Ya- JUmmiHehI. Ifov:ould-lie brl Kisourj; sb wan beautiful t If hlio ld i mer looked into atullior, li.r woiiM 1uivm luiO.Wn It; frlie iton'll have n in it i t her inolherVi proud lace, .nd iri flu yoltfculDK of ber latliri 'n iu;i wlien bin ejeri rjti on her ; she would have heard it fiom lu-r im pulsive 8oholniHUv vb "adored"' tier for her beauty ; voull Lave learned it froin Ihe admiring gazeol boys, joung men, old iu tj. Well sbe did kuow She was beau tiful, and she t;uioj ed her o'wn beau ty aS lt lily enjoys it' vv bilenest- ; the violet. Its perluoje"; the miu, it Bplendoi. There wa something ijlorioo about it ; it surrounded ht-r ! ill In fed. lieyoud the btars she Ith an atioOHpheie of warmth and j iH be loved bunbbine. I have been her bold up j "Vheu I hoc, dearest, the triflers her email, shapely, tsbelltaiuted, i that our beauty keeps fluttenu pink-tipped fingers, and look at " about you, I teel that joura ia a l Lcni aa adtnirinfly as 1 would at a laugerous gifr, and I am content LaUaique rnMhud. It rteeuied an ' be only a In tie, plain, ilaik wo in'.,;ifriiual homue that, sbe paid to 'tian, eo;i while I joy in jour beuu i ;wn beauty, when drawing tiu.t ty a J tl(i in the giorv of the dawn. (.n. j. baud through Ibe ciinkly !..,!':''. ot her l.air, and looking with r. ra-ed ees cn it.a 4goldeu lleece." h 1 Tould Bay ; "1 am a very l'oitia, you see, coc s:n Luino.'' Wnat a contrast "cousin mint wa- 10 her, a fitting loil to her fair -net - so dark, so Billow, so everj.. brK that the otner was not. Theie tLcv sat that evening by the tiro, t.s I 1 -y b-;ll asleep on ibj lounye. It , ..i tue voice of "cochin mine" to :-cti I first gave bted. "Let mo tell you somethiL- . tange," she was saving, "1 a!was -1 that 1 am beautitul. l no? tLart so. I know ttiat 1 ua ugl.v, 'insultingly ugly,' as I ouce beani soioe oue say ot me I have known it ever since I wa a little child, lo; I oveiheard one ot tbe negio aunt iet, wbo still linger on the dear oU home place, say ol iue : 'Foie (lord, dat pore chile is ugly chile. I dun- no huccome pretty 'owinau like tis to hab ngly little gal like dat. bhe got lace like little hatcuet, sbe , is, mum ! Fore my Lord au' Marsler : aue us'j j " 1 began studying my face, j and whenever I was before my mir ror, 1 Ki.ew mat 1 was uoweieu wiiu ; ugliness And yet, as soon as I turned my back upou the mirt- r th.a depressing consciousness dt j appeared. It seemed that I La-; put on 4a roobe for to goe beautilu', ; as iu tbe eaily diamas an actor j sometimes put ou that piece of j stage property lab-died, roobe for j logo invisible.' A stroug delusioa or hallucination seize me the mom- j eut 1 turu from tbe mirror. J);d you j ever have a ieluei u and bel'eve for one brief momeui that you were j uKb' No no ; not even for one switt, paasiug momeut ; such a feeling would chill ma to the heart." "Yes, I am sure that it would, an evfr-preseut consciousness ot ugb uess must be teuibly deprcMhiug to a womau. It is srtaugo lh;tt I am not thus depressed ; but i eaily, it ip out rarity tuai me uiougui oi m ugliness obtrudes its. If upon n,.-. My being oigat.irallv iue.apaide oi a. tune this, to, never stems :i rea il v to me unless 1 try to voire my .songs unsung. In my i-v.-i ;.;, i:l- 1 Seem to bt. singing autbenis -as :iti as rartb, as seer as hc.twn ; :. voiie seems as lu'l of umish as si, unused music-b-.x Iidmi is 104.1." Then I open my e.sos, for, ui-1!-the next words a now thnl! cmo in to ibd VOIC ot 'N'OUSKi in!!..'. "Don't laugh at me, plea -o ; I warned to tell you all tM lc ,n-- t ines seen pu in mv m h ui; i. you looked at m3. You love me, I Know, but rav uglinei- raps iia i tt tur beauty-0 -iiig natnie, am tbeu, blaming oursi;f lur aiiowing if. i.i io so, ou bftv c b?r n t-nd-i ei to me thiougo i it. Do net repeal ibis experience, ray ib ar, a we-d. on know, kls only a tlower in is gu. -e,' and 1 a u c melons all iho ti.; . tbe fl w", uot ot tho wed." i t. - pretty gill ioe lmj u lv. iy, weii! to "cousin nd io,'' ai.u bet d im hti brow with a kts? saia -ou are leadtiliil wi'htn, cm n ini '. Your light si!u.s eb-i- i: ytur lamp ot clay ; In Ip me lo keep mine burning in my vai of ,.!a'as ter." T::t)(e were tears in to p:r.o! eve-, -iot. to (a tbree. Tbe ujy giii ent ou : ' 'iera is still at.oth. r Mile o:i wl..;;b to fcurvey my ubui I kuu-.v tbat beauty attiact-j, :nd thai te woman wbo is 'inultiugh ugl' th ie is danger that no wou-r will e.,r come, and that, ever ahungtr, alio Will hear in the dim reCtSCS Ol . . . . "If I wcr fir, ier ,n,r ; . . I'fi Ii-is, liko llicr rHi Itis" I mitjht hold s!on 'oftri.J;n(Jtesl(dK((; U-auty though VwofaKet -Altrtib fit-art' Lvi Waits tftt It veins to in", f.-r auIit mnriit well atone. 3 Jiut a true, woman iu ver content l wait, for ber souPh mate, and when ihe wooer comets to an ugly woiuan who 18 not 'WealUiy, ,iie kuow tbHt eb.e iajoved ith:a love that tbM angels ,iu heaven-, might envy, and that she need not hesitate to uusnal her heart' sacred fountain to pure and passionate tendcrnefls But suppose, ho never imes'f Then Somewhere as; Alien ' Gary once aid somewhere, all living instincts You hee I have thought U all out, aud lorever and forever the bloseio- , my feeling of the flower thritts i . , , I thro n Mb the heurf nf fn scaod n.-i ! not .(, tU,, p;eas; but I know ,,.u i uavo uevtr oeiora ; tk.-,! these thoughts out. Iudeed, i Ibey seemed to be clone locked in one of these 'nooks that do not open , , t , to ihe keys of Hpeech.' Ouce, and for you alone, tbe nook was opened 'Jno rest is silence-"' Fiw years after this, in the fitful 1 Mieught, h one was bending owr to kiss "cousin mine" a bear ;ed lip this lime. As he laid his strong hand tenderly ou that of the batty girl aseep on her bosom, I beaid bim whisper: "I hope our baby will be like you exactly like j .vol?, 1 1 1 tie wife.'' He saw her t-oui. Inter' Ocean drouth ol'llic Fingernails.. A I)romiueiit manicure who has jevote(j many vear8 tt Uie gtudy of Ulw 8ubject staies as the result of uia observations that the linger nans ot tue Human species grow l ,1)ore n,pjdiv iu caildreu than in j adults, and thai the growth is slows ,.st wllu lue aged, His observations, however, do uol stop WItb m (or U(J fiud8 hat bolil , oljlldkooJ ai)d age they gron. f.lsler iu uinmer ,hiln in win, t,.r If om. instauCt. a nail tuat r puired oue huudred and thirtytwo days to renew in winter renewed iu s.UlllUjer jn exactly one buudred and s-xteeu days. During both seasons Hie patient upon whom this experi- rnt.Dt wa8 ma(Je enjoyed normal Qea!th. The method of testing tbe growth was in ea-:h instance tbe same. The aalI WiiS pared clo8e aud 8llgUlly notched at the quick. Both the ril.t and tbe left hand were studied vvltll th(J , tbat h affirrna f. , tbe growth of finger nails is more rapid ou tbe right hand than ou the 'fr,. As the person was right-ban. dtd it is presumed that the contra - r ,s , , u of h,ff lMIl(j, d individuals () p.vuliaritv ot the gio th of .m,(i,. ,n .,((tltM((, ,0 ,Li j f . - S is Ui it tb pi'tntil of renrwa1 j iSMb-is; pmpM Hi. .n:,,. Jy w'lh tbe j .Vngf i Jti- fi!l.;.'ts-. I'ii n - tt i more rapid in tho mid lie ting s ; i.iiail lit. ultii. In !!;. tj g'18 I '-!'!if! ninbi e linger tbe ;.-:im ; n-!n;Wnl about tijoalnd -1 vv r. Ii i vci, !n4n .-iow m the ; ii5H(; t'.n-e , iinl slowest vl all ia the ; llniuib. i CmpHiu g the hnif rioKci o I the d-iterant hand.-, ibe ieisou who j I i-i.Mvt' i c.auou' phases of ! j!-w.i starts in t on ;oi average I e nut's nil lh;- I. It tiligelg tf a , igbl hau.J. d pers Mi fujmvs eighty ug m to r-neA ill u tlie l tin ieft Ii . I puti ul ir th-fr mv;i ut t'te n and he rd i ate govci i;ed t h s.ime la,tiat ; gi'n'aing uioie inp U n , u me ! t!an in wittt-i . 4lgeriaa fiide&i. Tbe dnk r iu Ae-it lartly bas a asbll .-. Ho l:a a p-1 ver stu.l to h-. phd oil wlili'b! bei tier-pall g i-ii tpieriiM i ti e 8t vo'usf ting d n. (v to ir siMtrr bm t deiibted bovs and itixtic-. T ie psd Ins to stirmps .in i i s. wise as to m-ik- a s "at oa it extuMnely lo tie ::n ii tiatnit, Tn-Arab sitsaii or ti 'ewife, and as the pad is raie y '; gllthd, oi m bf-f-t i y a s'b bd- i!', 'I is I w.i kuu tight h.j e 1 or m-ri;tgug a 1 i:eh l.aik Ciiime j s t mi ir. i . i -' at.r.i,rrfbiw;.'ti mi;o waatbuil.i ' BiuispiuoAdii?iElls 1 It IS P),,4Iji to take, cures Malaria, Ind;. i guiuon. iliiiousnebs aud Liver ComDlalnU. hvr oiil," fli ijtier.'t'oii : 4Vbaf wart wtt for, oli, U' 't or mine f. i : . -r-i 1 1 1 1 " " . I . . . . . .. j ; f jSStFAST. TS if 1 ; - I H-J IS 'T A? , ... , stf - Til x Asheville, N. C, to Chicago, His, AC. Throunh Pullman Car. cJJ.J Lv. Asheville,, ,L.v. Knoxville,. Ar. .H A R RIM AN, Ar. i.KJLlN't.TON, Ar. Locisville, . L.V;. 1L"ISV1LLE, Ar. Iniianaolis, Ar. Chicago, (R. & D. R. R.) (E.LV..&G. Ry.) (E.T. V. U G. Ry.) (Q & C. R. R.) (Lou. So.) (Penn. R. R.) (Perm. R. R.) (lVnn. R. R.) A through Chicago Sleeper via Cincinnati, secured at Harriman arrives at Chicago by Big Four Route at 5:15 p.m. Stop-overs allowed at Cincinnati, Louis ville and Indianapolis. CALL ON" OK rrLXx171I2 John L. Milam: Trav. Pass. Agt., C. W. Murphy, Ticket Agcnt Knoxville, Tenv. Asheville, N. C. C. A. Benscoter, Div. Pass. Agt., B. W. Wbekn, G. P. & T. A., Jbllgbt Women Colonel. Q3 Tue tigbt women colonels of lb. j Gi rmau aimy, who drw twon a "ly mi.cccaaionally and tbe i 1 Halaiiew regulary, are: Ti;o em-i b . . press of Germany, tbe dowager em j wif of ta liltB FlwlMict j jir. . i.rmc(.e(t mderick Ubarfes o Prnw,ia. nn Sn,v,i. , ! PrQNsia. Oucen Reient Sonliii. ard QueM) WUhelmma ot the Ne'Ler- '. , . . ludH, ine ductieNs 01 Conuaught, . , , . , . , . " the t aiperor f Ku.isia, and Qugcl Victoria of Eiigland. ; BILIOUSNESS Who lias not suffered this misery caused by bile in the stomach which an inactive or sluggish liver failed to carry off. THE PREVENTION AN 6 CURE IS liquid or powder, which gives -. . , ,-i v i quick actlOll to the liver and carries off the bile by a mild move ment of the bowels. It is no pur gative or griping medicine, but purely vegetable. Many people take pills more take Simmons Liver Regulator. "I bavo been a victim to TiiliousneKs for years, uud after tryiuj; various remedies my only success was in tbe use of Sim mons Liver Regulator, wbich never failed to relieve me. I speak not of myself, alone, but my wbole family." J. M. Fill man, Helma, Ala. -EVHRY PACKAGE- Has oar Z Stamp in red on wrapper. J. ii. ZKLL1N & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. DESEUY1NG PRAISE We desire to say to our citizens that for enrs we have been selling Dr. Kintr's New discovery for Consuinption, Dr. lyings New Life Pills, liucklen's Amies; Salve and Electric Hitters, and have never handled remedies tbat sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction. We do not heiitate to guarantee them every time, una wo stand ready t refund the i purchase price, if satisfactory reesulU d I not f llw tlicir use. These renieUos have I wen their gn-M pop'ilarity pureiv on their merits. At J.M. Lawing's Pliyskian an I j Chicago blQiANAP, THE ONLY LINE RUNNING THROUGH CARS FROM ASHEVILLE KNOXVILLE TO CINCINNATI. DIRECT LINE VIA LOUISVILLE OR VIA CINCINNATI TO CHICAGO AND THE WORLD'S FAIR. CLOSE CONNECTION FOR ALL POINTS NORTH, NORTHEAST, WEST, NORTHWEST. SOLID VESTIBULED TRAINS. ASK FOR YOUR TICKETS VIA QUEEN & CRESCENT ROUTE. Any XfKul of the R. A !., K. T. V. A G., or Quota A, will jou Icfomstioa as to tauU, tte, eboduiM, eu. W. C. RINEARSON, Q.P.A., CINCINNATI.Or Jbuuticiibe for the CoL"eier. 1 I VNJO.V UV .l I I'll I V lsHb.i. "1RAINS ClNClHN"' I CHiCAca MARRlMAft" BinWham J6.' tfV Vtlanta - , r, 4 JACWSNVIUlV t v- -v r w i 4:oS p.m. p VIA 8:oop.m. Tf,e Richmond & Danville, 9:50 p.m. k . . 4:30 A.M. 7:59 A.M. tasf iennessee. Virginia Gt-orgia ; Queen & Creactnt O I " A M V ' Jt and Pennsylvania Railroad. 11:40 A.M. V 5:45 i .m f NOTE THE .r on uir-rHs'r in L:o i counf? 'J'bi'ii take tt;e CouitlEE ARE DMLY EECOMMEKDIfiG rm Ta-pTj T'TfTTnrj fBUB It expands across the Ball aud Joints. Z.iJ&yl Tliis makes it teS TlsBEST riTTINS. lfECEST LOOKING, and MOST COMFORTABLE SHOE IN T mTTTl TTTAff V ihh VVUKLU. il PRICES, S2, S2.50, $3, S3.50. i ! CONSOLIDATED SHOE CO. Manufacturers, Ijynn, - - Mass. Shoes made to measure. To t- found at Jenkins' Bioh. j Caveiits, an.l Trade-M arks obtained, nd all Tat- i '. 0 ent business conducted for modcrt( Fees, t 'Our Office is OfPOSiTE O. S. Patent Office ; J an.l we ran se.-urc jmtciit 1:1 less time tnu those 1 remole from Washington. ' Send model, drawing: or photo., with descrip- ftion. We advise, il patentable or not, tree of J charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. ' S . trv (ll.t .m lhtnf: " with cubi oi same in iuc ; sent free. Address, J cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries ; 5C.A.SPIOW&CO. Job Pess for Sale. We will sell Pre fr rash. :i iirst. cUsh Job Press is 10x15 in- side olt.tst and is as good s new. i Address Lincoln Courier, Linn co I it , N. I Going to Bijy $ A Dictionary? GCT THE QEST, J i Webster 's International. t A Choice tiift v v v A Grant! Family Educator A Library In Itself v '.' vj i The Standard Authority V J $ The International is a new book from ft I T cover to eo er, l'ui I y abreast of the times. T i o: and is the successor o tho authentic T ' Unabridcrod." Ten years wore spent in 1 ! f $300,000 expendea before the first copy T 5 - waa nri-itprl. Do not I.117 reprints of obsolete end Y comparatively worthless editions. x X Send for free pamphlet containing T 4t specimen pages and full particulars. T G. & C. MERRIAM CO., Publishers, SPEDfGFIZLD, MASS., TJ. S. A. " I 7 II 4i t OPP. PATENT OFFICE, WASHINGTON, D. C f i ; i i I J SOLD RY ALL BOOKSELLERS. FOR CAsH In Advance You can get the LlNOOLN COUEIEK ONE YEAR FOR I $100-6 M 65.CTS. PUBISHEDbani EDITED J.M. ROBERTS, LINCOLNTON. N. C. A family newspaper devoted to iIih intornsto nf l.innrOn onri cn- the intereataot Lincoln aud sui- rounding counties and to tbe Stat of North Carolina. Subscription, 1 year, $1.25. 6 months, 65 cents. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. If paid in trade or if not paid in ad vance, the price is strictly $1.50. SxxTd scribe COUNTr UIKECT0KY. CHUNTY UFITCEKN. henff, J. K. Gline, Lincolnton.N V ui k. sup. rjourt, C. Ii. Childs, " " Ueg, ot Deeds, B. O. Wood, 44 Treasurer, L. T. Willkie. ' l urvevnr, (I. C. Th mpaon, ", J. 1 iui Supt. Pu. ' J. M Robert?. BOAD F COUNTY Ccwrflf SK3.NERS. il M K.-M uian, Uniu u, Mojointou. 2. C .V.. L i t.Hr. v, Triangle, ' J. E Kei bndt, Iiov htxtiuu, wrlllo ' W. M. Hull, Unmans. ' j COUNT V BOARD OI ElXCAXIOX. K. Z. .I'.hneton, t bni'n, LimolMc.D.c . 1 K. S If, j S V. (iwrddn, i'OST MISTRK3S. i Mhs tva bunjner. TOWN OFFICSEi j Mayor, A iion- ; efiretary4" Treasurer,. H. E.Kamsaur : Town Const. R M Beat Coinmisionrs : P, J Pate L' A. : Uoylp, F. A., L.J. llouer, W. L ( roiiie, j II bi.-aner, J A A ten ttby, B L' t obb. arrival of wails Mails on C C Railway, distributed 6:30 r" M and 11 A M ( Mails on Narrow (iange Railway, distrib , uted 4:C0 P M and 11 M. Star Route, via ReeptviUe, leaves Lin- clnton at 7 A M. Mondays Wedn-dav aTl Pri lav 9; arrives at Linoo utn at 4:30 : P Men Friday-, Thursdays andbaturdays , Public School open December, Janu ary, February snd March Uard of Commissioners meet first Moo , dty in each o ontb Town Council met f rst Friday night in j e;.ch monlh, at 7 o'clock. ; Boakd f r tDUGATiON meet first M nday , JnuH'v Jane September and December. ' Subscribe for the CotjeieE' Godey 's for 1892. YOU NEKD AMAOAZINKIN YOURITAMlLy. U-t one Hint gives tbe be6t atilction j f0 chSfe? i' 'Si n "Dyiiuto" ! Jx SSs'tTeit in Gne yer. . win irivM vou a uJiier laca 01 Low to dress nJ wnat inHterials to uo i tLaD any bimilUr publication .Mrov'B will c-'ntiaue tbe Childrea'a O.Kjoy a win cn"i ,iMMlhll rh. Corner, wnu-n naa ihhui ceived an.l enjoy! by our younger read- OodeVs will Kive you intact ttata;., p.rr,uidliil fir. Avrithiuir witbin iu coveis . .1 iLa ivtveia. inciua-' tnc a. it does Literature, Faauione, Music, tograrings, uress maut, iuuio i ' :n With tho .lanuary iseue we wm b'" TIi lU'ilHm ot laiu, li y iR F a ffCM t, A sU.ry oi Hew York liln, written in bis bet vein and manner. His national rep- utation is l any lime a -uarantee ol an iatereUDir novelette iLtorestinir novelette aiaijorle JLee, By MaruaRst tFiNCKa. Wboce bright and attrattiife Utters from Washington tiave met with so mudi tavor from our readers. The otory is locat ed in the Capital, and as tbe authored herself reside, there it is full of real inci dent. W predict tor "Mar jorw Lee" a warm reoeptioli . troui .our . J;J will be sure to And ber tery winsome, and feel tbat the authoresu has worked lor tbeui j a fairy web tbat hits many beuutits an.i real interest woven iu its tueshea. for tbe latter months we have a number . of Serials aud tibort t?uries by tbe bed autbors. The Legend of the Mtb, Olivia Lovell WiUou. This eharioing story will ruu through several numbers, und will b illustrated with origmd photogravures b Will Philip lloopei. Tno Autobiography of Mary, by Ad; Mhiie Peck. To tbowo who have rt,Hd The Filjean Mystery." by this author ,w need say nothing except that it is thought to be better (if possible) than any ot her previous efforts. ia addition to our ujual number ot Short Stories, we shall publinh a eeries ot artub entitled : "Advice troui Every where,1 by Olivia Philips. Embracing such subjects as the hick room, home nursery, children's nursery, amusements tor the bbuWns, a minister's outmg, a year n spent, etc. TOT A I J"" tertaining illustrative useful home mutter desirable and instructive to e?ery jauy in the land. JNOTlCE.Any person desiring to raise . Club should send lor our cbcular to club raisers. We pay large cash commissions or beautiful and costly premiums. Single Subscripti .ns, .00 a Year, Al ways in Advance. Sample copy, 15 cents. Address Godey'a Lady's Book, ! Box ii ti. Phil. Pa. THE COURIER JOURNAL L.ouuviile, Ky. ( Subscription Kates, Daily ani Sunday j 110.00 a vear. Dii!v without Sundav ; 0J a year, Sunday $2 00 a year, Weekly i An u uuan x be Weekly Courier-Journal iu weekly wurier jounim ! lias the largest circulaiioh ot any Demo- cratic cewsJttper in the United states and prop6es to double or treble iu already large circulation. HOW? a,u. U I X fn ifvwtl J1UY 5 KACU AxNDEERi DAY to some one asp'endid High Arm Sewing Machine or a handsome OolC Watch, absolutely ree. Full particulars in Weekly Courier-Journal. Sample copj froe. Send for one Address, iit vr it t i rfr a m Pres. Courier-Journal Company, Louisville, Kv A COHPLETE NEVSPAPEK THe pbide oP North CaeOL Ina.:" H. KinKsbury , LL D i Wui. U. Hearne. Editorial Staff Do you want to aid in LuildiL up a paper tbat shall reflect the I greatest credit on North Carolina? 1 no ui-uter here it may be seen , then patronize TUE MESSENGER, . Published in three editions. The Daily Messenger and the Weekly Messenger, j Published at Wilmington, N. O. The Goldaboro Transcript Messen fier Published at Goldsboro, N.C They are Lare Eight Page Pa- per. Do you want a reliable papei giving vou all the news of the world W" rt JLeuuuci til m" uewsjiapci i u equaln tho beat ha the largent cn culation aud huH for more (ban 21 years been a part and factor iu the erowth aud development of the Old North State ? Tbeu Subscribe for the Messeugtr TRIAL RATES: Daily Messenger, l y mail 4. mos. oo trial, $2.00 Weekly Wilniiugtou Messen ger, 8 moH: 1.00 Goldsboro Transcript-M essen Der 8 in os. 1.00 CASH IN ADVANCE. , . Dr. T ilnia'HV SnrmouM are fea- tni o alt i hi Phi mm n. CURES RISING .-. BREAST "MOTHER'S FRIEND" offered cbikl-bearlng wuiuan. I have been iiiiil-wiTe for uulot years, and in each case where "Mother's Friend" bad been used itbas accomplished wonders and relieved much suffering. It Is tbe best remedy for rising of tbe breat known, and worth the price for uat aione. Alas. At. M. Bkcster, Montgomery, Ala. I can tell all expectant mothers if they will use a few bottles of Mother's Prlend they wkl go through the ordeal without any pain and Buffering. Mas. Mat Buanham, ArguavUle, N. D. Used Mother's Friend before birth of my eighth child. Will never ceaae its praise. Maa. J. F. Mooka, Coluaa, Cal. Sent by express, charges prepaid, on receipt f price, flO per bottle. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Sold by all druggists. Atlauta, Ga, state chronicle. RALKIOU N C DAILY AXD WEEKLY. 1 Lt y3''0 ?l from " rto ot wrl. (by Ua.ted Tr ku4 -v. litw the daily circulation ia tta ua more blate corrw Jther danv in tbe tttate. r el muntb K no bix months. 8.00: inrte aiunttie, 1,5U. v T.K.J liNlON. BUCTLLSN' AKiloA bA.LV. flL.. k I 1 . . I .. . i. . i bruno, eores, ulceus, iaU rhol tt '.wrt. tetter cUH.l hand.. rf4kl ; corus.and all skia eruptiuiu, aDdf 1 cure, pile, or uu pay ipva.. ft Suaiauleeu to give irittt .aaUc : relundnd.- 1 rvee 26v. par U. e sale ny Dr. J. M. LttWing, JJitywi- KIUMONU & DANY1LL1S KAXL HOAD. tioutL Carolina IiviiiiOD,& j. X.Q Daily except Wunday.j IN EFFECT Alav I5m. LMZ. OiiEjiTEH & LENOIli N. Q. K. Ji' douthbiund WrAkJL J0 n leuou Lv. 8 30 air a.r. 9 lti pia J 35 1007 10 bS 11 4& l'Jll 1 LMJ pm Ar. 2 45 llickoi y 6 J 7 15, 5 33 ' 5 0 4 lt Lv. S05&xa Nt'Wiuu Lincolnlou Uailus Uaslouia Yorkville Uhester l)HEUAW;&jCliTiSK N. G.KIi South bound Korthboufii No. D No. 10 Lv 4 05 pu. 4 5b' Ar G28 Ohe.ter Kichburg t'ort Lawn Lancaster ar 11 '66 am 11 40 U 58 Lv 9 20 ! rjN ARLOTTE & STATES VILLE ! Ko 61 mixed No 65 raized Lv 6 1!U pm Cbailotte Ar 11 20 am 6 42 7 10 7 3b Ar 8 40 Iluufeisville Davidso.i Mooiesvillu Statesville Dally. 10 05 9 35 9 07 Lv 6 00 No 12 No 11 Lvl015 am Ar 6 0 pm 5 37 5 16 auu 4 57 Lv 4 10 11 30 11 50 l'J 09 Ar 12 55 lluuteif ville Davidson ii cores ville Slatesville No. 12 leaves Stateevillb for Tay . ill.. I in .. n i . ,U .8V 1 -X AVI'' abjiuw. ville 2 2op.m. Ketumiog, leaves mi. f, ., -A ; u . layloiille 2 o0 p.m. arrive 3ta.ea- vtlle 4:00 p. ua. ror ueianeu lniormation as lo lo cal and through time table., latw aml pM.m,nkunillu,,r , Mm. . . , 1 tu,UH confer WItb local agCDtS or addresa ; Jas. L. Taylor, Geu'l Pass. Agt., ; Atlauta. Ga. ! ' (Jhailotte, N. C. IS. A. Dodson, Supt., Columbia,S C W 11 Green, Geu. Mtjr, AtUnta,Ga. Sol Haas, Tratiio Mgr Atlanta,Ga. CAROLINA CENTRAL SHCEDUL In effect May 7th. 'i2 MOVING WEST. NUMBER 42 Daily except Sunday. Passknoes, Mail & Expkjecs Tjulv. Stations. VV'iliuington Charlotte i'aw Creek Mt Holly Aeriye.i Lsayxs. 9 50 a m 3.50 p u 4 45 p"m 5 03 5:15 5 30 i fttfule Cieek j j ,ncolut.(Jf tmeiryvuie 5 50 6 07 6 35 6 44 7 04 724 7:40 7 5rj 8 20 8 32 a Wac l Sbelby Lattimore Mooreaboro Elleuboio ostic Forent city Uutherlordtou 1 8 45 1 P m MOVING EAST. NUMBER 36 Daily except Sunday. Passenger, Mail & Eapiiais Taaia. STATIONS. Arrive. a in Leaves. I ., ; Kulherfoidron pofHht Clfy 7:40 7 51 8:03 8 20 S37 8 50 9 14 9 33 9 42 j B ftic i Elh'iilt iu l'lr,Slr) Lit' tinn re sbelly ChiMi v He Liin.ol n i n IlO'i 1 10 13 10 31 10 51 StitnU Cieek ! lt. Ii lly Pa 5ieek Clrar luff e 11 10 11.21 11 50 I 11.40 0:35 Ui Wilmintjtou Throunh puhengei train So. 24 ;hv ;h,i.tte for Italeich and PoniiMUtl,Va, ut 10.00 p in lliioniib pis-eiiyni nain No. Jl7 leaves Poi tsim.nt h,V., t 32 p. in. and anive nt C'hailoite 5:00 rt. rc Wm Moncube, Supt. laical fr iybt iram No. 7 leaves Cbailotte at 8 a m, Lfuvulnton 10:13 a ui ami ui rives at Slielbv 11:45 a m. Local fretful lriu No. 6, leaves Shelby at 1.45 p ni,Lincolrton 3:10 p m and arrives at Grmrlntte 5:30 p m. No 6 Hnd 7 run dUy except Sun day an i rany pusengeiH, P cMenger ami mnd train No. 24 leaftes Chai totte at 10:00 p m aud arnvec at Wilimng'oti at 9:45 a m- Passenger and mail train No. 23. leaves Wimiinyiou at 5 p m and ar liven ar eharlo'te at 5 a id Pay your suotenption to. the Lis colk Courier.