2S4 vol: vii. i ' i'i i 'in ' ' ' i : L. Professional Cards. J. W.SAIN.M.D., Hliaa located at Liucointon and ol Hj 8eriOig as physician to ton CUixeDs of Linpblnton arid aurroaud Will be toand at night at tbe Lin cclnton Hotel.. :r...lc.Haiulci' dentist. LINCOLNTON, N C , Teeth extracted without pain by the use of an anaesthe tic applied to the gums. Pes tively destroys all aeii.sri of puin and cause no after trouble. Igiuuuutee to give .-atiskn;-tiott or iio f'.haige. call from you solicited. Aug 4, ISM. ly HA lib Kit MHOI'. Neiy tilled ii, V..i-k wh neatly do.i.-. 'usti.i.-ii? v,,l'h waited Upon. E en thing p-iMin lug. to the touhoii.il tin ir ilon. according to Utesl styles. LliiNUY Talu, HrUr ku uu uuuihu ana Lcmeu had all nu &U cured ia 3U minutes by Wn.ltor.1s AiJt4ry, LoU.u. Thi never tmja. rolc by MrLwmtf. ttaggi Lint olntun. N C JinglUh Spavin Liniment rmovta all ku4,oft or calloused lumps and r.leuiifh- trom torHea, blood Hpavins, urb, .jihntH Weeney, rin,--boae, stifles, strains, all woUen throat, coughs etc. iSave $50 by use of one bottle Warranted the most wonderful blemUh cure ever known. Sold tjJ. M La wine Druj-KinLincolnton N O. E, M. ANDREWS pSAVholctale and Retail Dealers in FCHMTUBIS, PHAR OS AKD HGAHS., Oak Bedroom suits oi ten pieces, from $20.00 to $150 00. rlor Suits o! aii pieoes, from 22.50, to 200.00. - SIDEBOARDS from S10.00 to 75.U0 EXTENSIONS TABLES ffocn $4.00 to $40.00. China Closets J $15.00 to 45 00. Renter (rUMe 1.00 to 5.00. Easels and Pictures 3 00 to 20 00. COUCHES and LOUjYGES $7.50 to $45.00. Music racks and Cabinets", $1.50 to 912.00. Revolving Book Cases and. Roll Top Desks and efik-e Chairs, $5 00 to 140 00. Organs, 50 00 to 8150.00. Fiatm, S225 00 to $800.00 This is a great sale and you mate a great mistake if you &il.to take advantage of it XL letters promptly answer $4. Write at once for particu lars. 16 and 18 West Trade St, CHARLOTTE, Jf.C Ja. 26, 1894. S THE WORLD'S FAIR FOR FIFi TEEN CENTS. Upon receipt of your address and lit teen cnts in postage i tamps, we will mail to you prepaid our socvbnor portfolio of the wcKIP's . Kxrosmox, the regular price ie 1'ifty cents, Dut as we want you to have cus - -4 make the price nominal. You wib rind it a work of art and a thing to be prized, li cCctaiaa full page views ot the gaeat builiini, with description of same, and is xeutd in highest ityle of art. If not uUgfli -vritb. it, after you get it, we will refoad the stamps and let you keep tbe i-Ibook. . Address H. E. Bccklkx, & Co.. , ( , Chicago, 111. Sobscribe for the CounrEB. The Old Friend And the "Lest friend, that never faita you, ia Simmond Liver Regu lator, (the Bed Z) that's what you hear at the mention of thi3 fcxollent Liver medicine, and I'eople should not be persuaded that anything else will do. It is the King of Liver Medi cines; is better than pills, and takes the j. lace of Quinine and. t Oalomeh It acts directly on the ;j Liver, Kidney -j and BoweU and Mgives new life to the whole eya tjj torn. This is the medicine you jftwant. Sold by all Druggists iu Liquid, or iu Powder to bo taken dry tor made into a tea. I'EVEItV PACKAUEta . !lie V' S,I,,P ' wiappcr, U. H. ZKIL1N & CO., HauUclpUi., tm. f Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, nd all Pat- ent bubidesi conducted for MootRATk Ft. f Aiid Arnr ic AnDACiTr II O o a rr mv tw and wc can secure patent in less time than tnose remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with deacrfp J tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of 4 cbarge. Our fee not doe till patent is secured j A pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. ALL FREE. Thosu who have used Dr: King's New Discovery know its value, and tho3e who have not, have now the opportunity to try it Free. Gall on the advertised jSruggist and Ket a Trial Bottle Free Send your name and address to fi. K. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and 'get a amp box of Dr. King's l'ew Life Pills'Free, &3 ' well aJ a copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, Free. All of which is guar anteed todo jou good and cost you noth. in- J&oT3"D2 Druist- nas revolutionized the world durine the last nait century. JNot least among the wonders of inventive progress is a method and system ot work that can be performed all over the country without separating the workers from their homes. Pay lib eral; any one can do the work; either sex, young or old; no speeial ability required v'aoital not needed; you are started free. Cut this out and return to us and we will 9end you lree, something of great value an I importance to you, that will start you in business, which will bring" you in more money rit: lit away, than anything else in the world. Grand outfit free. Address True t . Augusta, Mainn. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. WLen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. BUOKLEN'S AKNIO ALYE Tbe best Salve in the world for cuts and bruises, sore3, salt rheum, fever sores, tet er, chapped handj, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cure Piles, r no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction ,or money refun ei. prico 25 cents per box. For sale by J SI Lawine. Pvhsician and Pharmacist How To Invest Small Amounts. This is a problem that puzzles more than one man who saves a portion of his salary. The fol lowing letter gives the result of au investment in a Tontine Policy of the Equitable Life. Union, S. C, Dec. 20, 1892. V. J. Roddey, Esq., Agent. Dear Sir: Your favor enclosing check of the Equitable Life Assur ance Society in settlement of my policy, No. 209,310, came duly to hand'. The settlement is a liberal one, exceeding my expectations, and I am pleased with it. Yours truly, WlLUAM MUKRO. There is no form of investment to-day that offers such absolute security and such liberal divi dends as the proper form of life ' assurance. It's a matter on which every man should be posted. We send you figures and particulars without charge. W. J. RODDEY, Manager, Department of the Carolinas, ROCK J1ILL, S. C. Subscribe for tne COUEIKE LINCOLNTON, N. C, FRIDAY, MAR. 16, 1894. Far tbe- CocbIslh ' ' ' Tbe Flower's Carol. O! sweet iHiny fragrance at tnorn, And beautiful my bloabes at eve, Even so gleeful, never, loriooe 1 What a garlsud of beauty I weave I Vna cld in a fleece emblem of pftce Ami adorned with glory ao fair ; I live but to love like' doel tibove Au.l S'li.le away eviy iai cnie.. ' Trie beautj Meuked ting t F i n 1 he hi hi twinkli o bribt, Tae cud lit-amx 10 oiuaiu daoce Dear Ard dnw-diops npaik' on meat 1 in' M b- ai-uti f;i r priHUH reii.s 1 trs cbakrt beam with grace and Mi hu'h,. 1"4 fieoiiiiifN d. we-p swett teaia in n.y sletp, They are es.iiilean ! tiaipy nubt wo seilv, O fadtu i ' ' . S'amineiM chattus j r will not,alway lam, Soou the field and the bower Will Ua kissed bv wiotei'a bias'. Thy piettj bu, en sweet to view, Will noon te flunhed bv boaiy liot Then thy ylory liko life's story In the yiave will be lot. ' ; Konkobd. Coucord, K O., Mar. 10(h '94. W. C1BTLL'S tlLET BRIDE. Slio II nd "Vowed Ifever Spenk to Him igaln,but the Jtlurriage Caixic ofi. to Trimble, Ten n Mrs. Jerry Cartell of near Trimble, has jast brokeu a rash vow wbicb she made over twelve months ago, and which sqe regretted having fjver made. About eighteen months ago Mrs. Cartell was Miss FaDnie Brambley. a beautiful young lady of eighteen years and Jerry Cartell her favored suitor. Bar, as is generally the case with yorjug lovers, a quarrel arose between them, and in the heat of passion Miss Fannie bade ber lover leave ber presence, aod vowed oy high Heaven she would never speak to biro again. The disconsolate lover took his departure, but as he fairly worshipped the girl he ardent ly set about to effect a reconcilia tioa. At last, iu answer to a pitiful pleading letter, Miss Fanuie relentt ed and penned to him a loving lor. giviDg message. Overjoyed at the happy termina tion of affairs be hurried to the borne of Miss Fannie, and wan re ceived warmly and affectionately, but without a word of welcome. Taking a tablet and pencil from a desk 8be began a written conversa tion as though sbe could not speak a word. Cartell pleaded the nee lessnese and foolishness of such pro ceedings, but iu vain, as his sweet, heart positively refused to otter a word to hiuj. She is very devout a member of the Methodist church, and was firmly impressed with the idea that if she shonld break ber rash vcw Qod would punish her by striking her dumb, when she could speak to no one. She was constant ly on ber guard for fear she migbt forget herself and speak to her lov er, thereby inyltingtbis terrible vis itation. The . courtship proceeded with pencil and paper for several months, and then they were joined together in tbe bold boDds ot matrimony. Daring their married life of nearly a year Mrs Cartell never spoke to ber baeband until some weeks ago. Last Christmas Mr. Cartell made his wife a present ot a handsome and costly pair of vases. Tbe oth er tborniag the husband was bring ing iu au armful of wood and struck oue of the vases and knocked it to tbe door, where it broke into a hundred pieces. "Oh. Jerry, li-ok what jou have done !" cried Mr 0 r tell. She was horribly shocked at speaking to ber bosband, and be lieved .tdat she bad. been stricken dumb. To ascertain the correct, ness of ber belief sbe spoke to bim again, and was oveiioyed to discov er that her organs of speech had not been iu ibe least impaired. 1 In the happiness of-again ner log bis wife speak to bim, Jerry loiued ber in bis arms, wept tears of joy, and thanked God for the breaking of ber vase- Mr. aod Mrs. Cartell feels as if a cload had been fitted from their borne, and there ia Dot a happier couple today in Dyer onuuty. For 1 1 fled Flavor. If ciMttru is churned sweet, tbe :utiei bas so mild a flavor that to the general consumer it is insipid, if soured to excess before churning, the batter will be rant. Batter lacking in iavor or that with bad flavor sells low iu open market. DrvHopim-nt of f bis propTty is so t-ly the. work the buunmaKet N it is hoped imi o cremate critic ftill jump up right here and talk atouE rtie excellent flavor from tbe ftveet a. eiited grasses of the New Belaud Hunny bills, and the bad d 01 ot butter fiom rows eating ttier weeds, garliok and raw tar tiiim Developing nt of good batter flavor is solely the woik of the but 1 hi maker. Given the milk from tbe best cow iu ibtt world, kept on the sweetest to d that grown, and a poor butier maker will make.au iufeiios product fiooj it. He will not bring out a nice flaver. Given turntpy or garl n k v milk, and you do not prevent a ti'W'd buttermaker developing a sweet, rich flavor. But it may be overpowered by the rank flavor, mis rank flavor is not tbe butter flavor, but prevents the erjoyment of the batter flavor. Keeping out brfd flavors aud putting in good ones are two seperate things. Both are esseutial and a third is also inv perative, viz : tbe development o the good flavor. The milk possess es good flavor in a enrde form. It needs development. It possesses it iu variable degreer, hence tbe but termaker must vary bis treatment accordingly. Batter from fresh cows is more highly flavored than that from cows long in milk, there tore the latter require greater care in ripening. A change in tbe man mer of ripening the cream from the Jersey herd during the last week of tbe 30day batter test at Jackson Iark, put tbe Jersey butter ahead of that from the two other breeds, while before this it had been below in regard to flavor. Tbe majority of farm cows have now been giving milk several months, aod the butter from such cows tends to be tallowy in consistency and flavor. It was formerly supposed that June batter was of superior flavor solely be cause it was made in June, tbe season of luscious grass ; but we know now that tbe fact that the cows were then.fresh had a bearing upon the flavor. Aatamn milkers prodace their finest flavored butter in Autumn, . And this, brings as nearlynp to the subject of this ar tide, fortifying flavors. Soid dairy batter is, bought by the ton by deal ers. It is then cat up fiae, the fla vors and poor salt soaked oat by a water-bath, churned in milk to "put in" a better flavor and shipped to foreigu markets. Makers of oleo margarine get batter flavor for their product by using a. little of the best creamery hotter and milk. Many skillful buttermakers fortify the flavor of their batter by asiog a ferment starter. This (tartAi'' is made from the milk of a fresh cow. It is soared and added to the cream. The good flavor started in the milk is perpetuated in the cream ; or in other woras, the bacteria which pro pagated in the ekira milic and intro duced with it into tbe cream where they multiply aod develop tbe de sired flavor. In this way the Jer sey butter spoken of was advanced in flavor. In general, cream should be b'gber and ripened more low than two mouths ago. This , is to make the butter softer (winter but ter should be softer at- the 'same temperature tbaa summer buttei) and to belter develop the flavor, which is more apt to be deficient at this t-eason than any . other time J Orauqe Jwdd Farmer., XF JfntTTi' HACK ACUKxI ' Oryotmre fclr- worn but really good for notii- E5r. U is general ttetwy.- iiy El cure Ten, cleanee your liter; flvt , TUe Devil Ud Uiiu . During one of tbe roll calls yes terday Mr. Reed was standing tn tbe rear of tbe hall of the Hoo-e with his bands apon tbe head of Mr. Kiigore. "That reminds me of a story, ' aid Mr- Talbert, of South Carolina, who 0000 pia the eat next to Mr. IT .1 xxi 1 yore, j "Let's have it," said the . Texas man and the Maine man, id a sort of duet. "Well' said Mr. Talbrt, "a sail er laodmg iu a seaport towu one Sunday thought be would go to. church. The edifi.-.e was crowded, but be Anally found a p ace ou the pulpit plaiforcn, directly underneath th pi earlier. , Tim minister warn . 1 iu his appeal lo the Uncon verted. Noticing that the saiir wad a Mi a.ieiA hp ,ie.ut over ,bim. gittcprti biiu hy tie hau id bis head, and 1 in p r si-ively shouted "M dar sir. do you kuow that you Hie going stiriiht to helt 1" "I shouldn't wonder," t-aid the sailor, looking up. "I see the devil nas got me by the back of uiy head." "NuwT". sid- Mr. Talbert to Mr. fteed, "I don't mean to compare you to the devil- ''Don't say a word,' lutenupted Mc Reed. "The story is too good to be spoiled by au explanation.", B ashington Post. Wuats a Comfortable Colli 11. A Grawfordsville, lad., corres pondent says : ''There is a mau luing nine miles south of ibis ci ty wuo, though in the best bealth, bas given his orders for bis coffin. His uame is Drake Broojkshire. He is the father of Hon. E V. Brookshire, tbe Democratic Congressman from this, tbe Eighth district. Mr. Brookshire weighs 200 poaqds, ,h-is always lived apon a faim, enjoyed the best of health, having never been sick a day in his life, and is now 07 years of of age. The other day be came to town and went to an undertaking establishment and informed the proprietor, that he wanted to purchase a cofflo. Tbe proprietor, after asking who was dead was greatly astouishedou being told that it was for tbe live roan standing beloie bim. uMr. Brookshire, however, quiet ed him by saying that he did not intend to die until he bad to, bat that be wanted to die with tbe knowledge that there was a coma already mhde for bim iu which be woa'd have plenty of room. The undertaker did not seem to know just what to do, and Mr. Brook shire, seeing bis embarrassuieuf, laid down upoo the floor and or dered bis measurement taken. The coiHn will be made of two inch oak, firmly bolted together, and will be 6 feet 6 inches long, 3 feet wide aud 2 feet deep. After the coffin is made Mr. Brookshire will try it and see if it fits bim. He also says tba'. he desires to the graveyard in his farm wagon, drawn by his team of favorite mules." Talklne Bndowmeni. There was an interesting meeting at Trinity church last evening, which was attended by the official members of Trinity and Main Street churches Dr. L. W. Craw ford la'd a plan before tbe meeting which, we learn, 'a being agitated in mosi of the church conferences and definite plans will be soon ar ranged in each separate District Canference. It is to raise an en dowment fund or 9100,000 for Trin ity College, in two State Confer ences. E-tcb district will Lave a proportionate part of tbe fund, which it is proposed to raise in tbe next four years. The part for Dr. Yates' district will be about $10,000. At present it is determined to start an education campaign amoag tbe membership of this denomination with this object in view. This will be a great thing for Trinity. It ehoold excite the pride of every friena of the College, not ony nere bat throughout the State and tbe South. ee tbem bare We would like to it ngbt now - but here is the wish that it mav be ac complished in less than four years. -r-Durham Daily Sun. Senate BUI Change. The Seoate tariff bill is so full of changes it is practical! auotker bill! Tbe items ohangea are said to be almost innumerable. Many taxes are lower aod others are higher. The data of the operation ot tbe act U o banged from 1st of June 1894, to30tbjone. Theie are modifica tions in bebali . ot divers interests. There, are. many concessions to the howlers, and Democratic protection ists who have threatened to destroy tbe bill have been placated. The sugar tax. fellows aw made to smile because of tbe sweetening. character of the increase of burdens upon tbe people. The latter will have to pay not less, than $10,000,000 perhaps M taxes tor the suvar they will eieu pieH end eukei and c nVrt with. Will tbe people like, tl.i 10. creese of burden this 'restotini ot 4 tax that even tbe remorseless Re publican' bad mercy aud grace en ough to remove wniln piling up taxes mountain high. Ion end roal will also be taxed. The Wil son bill that passed tbe House put irou, coal and sugar on tbe tiee list. The committee have agreed to make a further change agreed to make a farther change by imposing a duty of 35 cents per ton on biturbinous coal, and 20 per ceut. on slack coal, aad 15 per cent, on coke. It is noticeable that there is oue leading, influential Republican pa per tne Springfield BepuMican that sees the greed of the Sugar protectionists and says: "Tbe Louisiana sugar men planters, manufactuters, merchants, and the like are no longer Demo, crats, Republicans, or Populists.but but sugar men first, last aud all the time. The sum total of their political creed is Government pap of some kind, either duty cr bounty. They have been supported at tbe publio cot so loog that they are frightened out of their wits at tbe prospect of being ' compelled, like other agricaltaralists, to depend on their own exertions to maintain their industry.' This reads well, but is the Reqvb lican as emphatic and sound ana just when it deals with tbe New Jbnglaod fellows who bare lived so Jong upon "government pap" and a'e bellowing for more and iu per petuity. Messenger. Pension Abased and Upheld. Gen. Grant held that 30, 000, 000 voted to plosions yearly would be sufficient. Gen, Garfield beld that about tbe same sum peisibly it was $3?,000,000) would be all that patriotism demanded should be uoted. They were both soldiers, both Republicans, and both Presi dents. Tbe Repub icao party for political ends mainly went to work increasing tbe annual pensions uo t'l the sum reached some 180,000, 000. It is ju9t as well assured that there are hundreds and thousands of fraudulent peusioos as that there is a dollnr voted for that end. It i coticea'jle that iu the Congress tbe Republicans stand by tbe huge bur den and curse upoo tbe country, and even that old humbug, Gen Sickles, stands up to defend the enormous sums voted, that are one of tbe cheif causes of tbe prostra tion of tbe people. The pensions actually constitute more than a third of tbe totai expenditures, aud but tor tbem aod the rascally ex travagance aod waste of tbe Har rison gang ' of iocs pa bles, there would be today an ovetflowiog treasury iustead ot an empty oue but for ibe vcious bond issuiog that has temporarily replenished it. The South bas neves objected to such a moderate, bearable pension law as Grant and Garfield favored, aod other Forlhern General!. Mes senger. Baby VTaifa. Mrs. Pink Powell, of Charlotte, fouod a soprise on her doorsteps Monday night ia the form of a girl baby ia a basket. Oa investiga tion a note, written iu a delicate feminine hand, was fouod in the basket with the child's clothes io which the mother asked . that the infant b taken and cared for. Pov NO. 47 . erty was her excase - for . deserting the little coe. Tbe obitd is healthy blaeejed little girl. It "birthday was stated to be , January ltKh. Many offers to adopt it. have . beta made. .7 Sou day moroiag shortly after one o'clock a woman appeared : at' ( the borne of, J. u. UacAbrlo ol tbe Ashe ville Tooaoo, Work, aud, Ci garette Company, i At kto street, and awoke Mr. and lira. Hambxiok by, rented,, kpockiosj. , -When they went to the door be woman oaoe into the hall with ibe question: "Do you want a present f" , Mrs. 11 am br let asked: "What in itTf and the woman repliad by off nug a bundle and saying : "It's a baby." The gift was'aooepted and tbe wo man who left the obild not known ind the. only .detfurtption 51 r. Ham urick caii uive.of her tuvjug looked nt her only by tbe dim light of hail lamp, ii that was of mad- die age ana neauy areweu. iu 'Hby has been batUdd as David Frederick" Hvn oxiek Grromia n Closing Ivxerolaoa ul Piue ' ' Grovt) ItViiool. Ma. Ebixoa Last' Thursday, Marcn the first waa a' ragntar gaia day tor the young people at Pine Grove School boose, some times kuown aj the Betsy Finger- School house. The occasion was the clos ing of the publio school for tbe oar rent term. Tbe scholars aud young people of the community spent the fay in various innocent amasementa finished up with several beautiful marches led by delicious music. In tbe evening a large number of tbe patrons of , tbe school . came out to witness the closing Ex hibitioo at night. The exercises at night consisted of selections, poems, burlesques aod dialogues inter spersed with delightful music, by Messrs. Kirkseys, Wiiklosou and Bynum on the banjo and violin. The bouse was packed full of peo -pie and the boys and girl were met t every stage of tbe exercise with prolonged laughter and applause The boya and girls every one did their full duty to tbe perfect satis faction of all present, and wth mach credit to themselves and cred it to their teacher. W. C- Mullen. In jtct. the manner iu which they all acquited themselves was a sors prie to us all when we consider the very short time they were prepar iog. Tbe exercises irere closed with a piece on tobacco and souff by J. G, Little. The dark side of the to oacco habit was brought oat so viv idly that we don't want the tobac conists and Revenue officers to hear much about it lest they get after Mr.. Little for injuring their buN uess. In dismissing tbe . audienoe the teacher made a good speech ot about twentyrfive minutes contain ing aome good thoughts for tbe pa irons of the school, and mach good advice to his pupil. While noth ing can torn back the tide ol time and make old people , young again, the sight of so many youths and happy children enjoying themselves so enthusiastically make us feel ten years joaoger " than we are, aod call op fond recollections oi the past, and remind us that there is much in life yet worth liviog for. Although the school has been crit ictsed to some extent, aod' without reflection any discredit on any for mor teacher ot oar school, we mast confess that we deem- ft due Mr. Mullen and to all concerned to aay that this closes one of the best and mo-t successful schools we- have ever had at our -present school house. Such is the sentiment of all the patrons, who have expressed themselves to as. - JoSXJX R. &LtCU?&3. March, 5tb. 1S94- Many Persons m Iowa from ovenror or feooacboid cnaw Brown's Iron Bitten Bcfcooaativt iTrtem, Jd AigvCten, restores axoerapCfcdrt tod caret nuJAiir Get tfce gvmiaA. BUCKLK1VS AltKlCA-!8ALYJ. Th hest, ssdye U t&e wujkj for. aU truisM, aorea, ulcatt, salt rheum. Uie? serea, tettar. e&apped haads, eMItkirm, orcs,ani au :io, fuy liana,. x,4 posmve ly oarer, piles, or no pay - rt-aired. It is guara&teed W:givs iberfeot sabcaUoo. ox money refunded. -rrUei 2S. per box. Tor tale by Dr. J.; X. lAwtnrJDraggut-. . Subscribe for toe.LCTCOis Ccr- &IEB, 9L25 a year, t , . r.l ':. j.Tit ' !' 1 - ' ' '

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