gIl I,IKCILK 03 qj UJ Mil - Jfl;-o. The Yadkin "farrows". Our atteutiou bia just been di rected auew to tlie imiuUfH wair power at the uuique and iniereatiug place known as il.e unriowa ! ih Yttilfcm river, between Monttfowefy aop atftiilj count!, which we hops can te utilized iu the near tutuif. It itt Mid to he one ot the flntal water powers iu the South. The State Utologiet, riof. J. A. Bolinea, and Mr. T. It. Fouit ot the Univer sity, aie uow ai the narrows mak ing careful examinations of the wa ter power. The river, wUicb above Uhj poini la nearl) 1,000 Icet wide, euddeuly ouuUaola lo 50 teeL auU rushes ltn jjieai velocity Oetweeu tUe fcteep rocky Wall tor a dialauoe ol more lhu a mile. Heieiotore nothing has been done toward Ue- veloping this power ou account ol the maoueaaibility ot the location ami the location ot lactoiieb. Hut tUtie geutleiueu hupo to be able to blow thai the development ol tUib great powei la practicable i aud thai LLe gleal impioyeuieuls iu tho eaoe and Clieapueaa witu wblcU uiecnau loal powet etu be tiauisuililed by electricity my make H leaible lo cate tbe luauuiacturing eetabliBU ments ou tUe railroad aud iuu theia oy power developed at Ihe narrows, it would be a great accomplishment una the Observer wishes the move meul wed. Will Apply lor lilorce. lira, iilla tiapp, the wife ot Dr. O. 0. tiapp, lortnerly ot Statesville, was iU tou last week making arrange ment to eutet suit for a divotce. iiou. W. Al. Kobuiua ia her counsel. We have not learned where the suit will be brought. Jar. Sapp l daughter of Rev. T. A. Boone, of che Veteiu North Carolina Confer ence, M.E- Cbutcn, South. She waa mmed to Dr. Sapp at Wades borj, March 3. 1891, aud the couple hrive two children. Dr. aud Mr. Spp have not lived together fur some time. Dr. bapp moved from Sthtenvlile to Charlotte the Ut of last September, but it is reported here that ha left tbere about a mouth ago and went West. Iuforumtioii Wanted from Everybody- Wheu you csutetnplateextendiUK or improving yout plant, when you red any additional machinery, ioo!h or supplies ot any kiud; in fact, when ou nave any aiod of want that is tj h filled, yon will find that it will b- greatly to yoor advantage to sond qrompi information to the .Manufacturer Record npetifyiu just what you need. By doiug thi- your wan In v-ill be made known nrmedutely to thoueaod3 ol mn yfacturers aud dealers in ali part.- of the country who are in a position ca supply auy thing you want. You wi!I thus have the beoetit of com pei live prices and a larger selectiou than you could otherwise obtain, except by very extensive corres pondence. The Manufacturers' Rtcord will render you thia aid iu purchasing without any charge whatever 1c neither buys uor sells machinery, Lut it has hundreds of advertisers wiio woolit he glad to have your ordtrs, and that paper makes a specialty of bowing them where buyers are. It makes no difference whether you are a subscriber to tu AlanutactuurJ Record or not, its services aie at y our disposal, if you want machinery, tools, mater ial of any kind, let it kuow your want and it will meet it. It bids are wanted for public buildings, ruuuicipal improvements of any kind, electric light works, water works, etc, or it you contemplate building a new factory or enlarging an old one, developing a coal mine, buildiug a saw mill or doiug any. thiug else where machinery is need ed, write to the Manufacturer? Re cord and give particulars, even if valy a tew liues ou a postal card. Rf yen know of any new industry lo e established, or if business io kq proviDg, write to the Manufacturers1 Record and tell about it. In tact, the Man'tf' Record wants any iufor mation you can give about every, thing that relates to the manufact uring, mining, railroad or general business interests of any part of the South. A sample copy of the ,paper will be mailed you upon ap plication. Address Richard H. Ed, ,a&cuds, editor Man'fs Record, Baltic . more, Md. rfeedic a tonic, or children who wantbuflA J?J UP' should take ; BROWN'S lKO.f BITTER iMWf111 to Malarta', In- jmiou. 3ilioumein aad Liver Comp'.tUiHL Tliet Farmer' Hon. The North Ccirolina Tracker given tb- following good leasouH whv 'be laimnr nfiould educate bin ou : 1. BeoUbe ft out th ttroi le ie' cruked much ot the (stuff for gitat oie'i. 2 Because in wfter er he ill never tegiet having a good educa tioo. 3. Because educated farmers, as rule, make our best cifzn. 4 Because it broadens him intel lectually, and enable nira to think better. 5 because little of agricultural liteiature is really understood by tboae deficient ju their education. 6. Because it he has agricultural tastes it will make him a happier farmer ; If other, it will help him in to the right channel. 7. Because one's college days al ways affords memories upon which a pereou delights to dwell, and the ties of association are lasting. Talking- loo Uticti. Many a persou talks too much, and rinds wheu loo late that eileuce would have beeu golden. The Mon gols have a story ou this wise : "Two geese, when about to atart southward on their autumn migra tion, were entreated by a frog to take him with them. On the geese expressing their willingness to do so, it a meauH of conveyance could be devised, the frog produced a stalk of strong grass, got the two geese to take it. oue by each end, while be clung to it by his month in the middle. "In this manner the three were making the journey successfully, when they noticed from below by some men who loudly expressed their admiration of the device, and wondered who had beeu cievet enough to discover it. The frog opeued his mouth to say. 'It was I,' lost his hold, fell to the earth acd was dashed to pieces. v "Do not let pride iuduce you to speak, wheu eotety requires you to be silent.'' Ex. Nature should be assisted to throw offimpuxitieaofthe blood. Nothing does it so well, so promptly, or so safely as Swift's Specific. LIFE HAD NO CHARMS. For three years I was troubled with mala rial poison, which caused my appetite to fail, and I was greatly reduced in flesh, and life lest all its charms. I tried mercurial and potash remedies, but to no effect. I could get no relief. I then decided to try A few bottles of this wonderful Ktaft -f medicine made a complete and permanent cure, and I now enjoy better health than ever. J. A. Rice, Oruira, Kan. Our book on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. Swift Specific Co- Atlanta, Oa- Call upon the UNDERSIGNED- LADIES UNDERWEAR MADE TO ORDER. Mt8 E. D. Starrette . CURES MALARIAL poison THIS SHOULD CONVINCE. -1 bad a stroke of facial paralysis, and after txyiug all the remedies prescribed by doctor without relief, I was induced to try the Electropofce. After the tUrd applica tion i began to Improve, until I am now almoot wbll ; can open and ahut my eye a&d talk as well as ever. I can cheerfully recommend the ElectropoLe." W. D. THA.RP, WiUUmaburg, N. G ACTION COSTS NOTHINU. DELAY IS EXPENSIVE. CONSULTATION COSTS ONLY YOUR TIME. A ttamp win brlii you a book full of testimonial from eminaat North Caroltalaua. Curat when all elaa fall." ATLANTIC ELKCTROPOISE CO., Washington, D. C. 65 What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infant and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant, its guarantee is thirty years' use hy Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic, Castoria teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving- healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. , Castoria. " Castoria is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Dr. O. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. " Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day id not far distant when mothers will consider the reul interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the variousquack nostrums which ara destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Do. J. F. Kimchjook, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, T7 Ejonspt answer and an honest opinion, writo to . nF.,uuuve nig nearly nity years experience Jn the patent business. Commnnica tiona stnctly confldentml. A Handbook of In lormation concernins Patents and bow to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechao. leal and scientific books sent free. Patents taken tbroueb Mann A Co. receive special notice lathe Scientific American, and tnus are brought widely before tbe public with out cost to tbe Inventor. This splendid caper, issued weekly, elejrantly Illustrated, has by far tho largest circulation of any scientific work ia too wid;J "3yenr- Sample copies sent free. Bulldini Edition, montuly, Si.aOa year. Slnirto coplea, 25 cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates. In colors, and photographs of new nooses, with plans, enabling builders to show tha latest designs and secure coutracia. Ad Area MUXN & CO, iisw Yohk, til BfioaDar- CURES RISING . . BREA5T . . "MOTHER'S FRIEND" offered child-bearing woman. I have been a mid-wife for many years, and in each caso where "Mother's Friend" had been used it has accomplished wonders and relieved much suffering. It Is the best remedy for rLsinz gj the breat known, and worth the price for that alone. ALB3. M. M. Belsteb, Montgomery, Ala. I can tell ail expectant mothers If they will use a few bottles of Mother's Friend they will go through the ordeal without any pain and suffering. Has. Mat BaaimaiK, Argusvule, li. D. Used Mother's Friend before birth of my eighth child. Will never cease its praise. alas. J. F. Mooes, Colusa, Cal. Sent hy express, charges prepaid, on receipt ft price, 91.60 per bottte. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., gold by all druggists. Atxajtia, Ga, Csosrig to Buy A Dictionary? CET THE BEST, i Webs ler'slnternational. A CKuic3 Gift v v v v 4 A Grand Family Educator v A Library in Itself v . Tha Standard Authority v SOLD LY ALL SCOKitEI ':i The International 3 s. & w t - : cover to caver, fully atr-i;.- . ana is tne successor cl in ' " nuabriicert." Ten ve.:-, ,. -. r. . . revtsmff. ICO cdnors t.,."., v. i . ui 300,000 expendea ccijiw ; u. , .zs pnnted. Do net bu7 reprints, cf lo k.. , comparatively worthies t iJr..; , Send for free p.;niHh'it. . gpecimen page3 ana full pin ic3..r . G. & C. MERMAM CO.. i . r i.. T $FEHf GITELD, LIAS a.. T7. :'. v COPYRIGHTS. i Castoria. " Ca?torla is s weB adapted to children that I rrcouimnd it as superior to any proscription known to me." H. A. Archer, IL D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians in the cbillrena depart ment havd spoken highly of their expori trice ia their outside practice with Castoria, au'i although we only have among o-:r medical supplies what ia known as reguir products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." United Hospital and DiapxitauiT, Boston, Xass. Aixen C. Smith, Pre., Murray Street, New Tork City. For Malar ia Liver Trou- ble.or Ir.digGJtior.,n3e , ou utf-uMtij In L'li'OD CcODtv? 'tb-n take tb COURIER AHlOIl-class illustrated monthly may azitio in the boire is no longer a iuia rv . It is a necsssity, und to xuet ttie de mar oh crealeJ bv this neca'sity, THE (.(SMOfULlTAN MAOAZINB, (iiviu? yci.riv. a$ it does. 1536 page9 of reading b tho tbiest living; authors, with over 12tX liiustratioEs by clever arti$ts, has stepjeo iut Hie breach, with a reduction in its that hs startled the literary world The ccURiER, fuliy alive to the needs of its patrons has made special arrangmenta with this superb aiouthly, whereby it wi:l receive orders tor yearly subscriptions to both publications combined for the sum of 12.00 ibf cents a Mouth 12.00 a year LINCOLN COURI&K end COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE Tbe pries ot th great iilurlrated month lies in the past has been $3 00 and $4.00 a year, and tbey were tJ be touud only in tbe mora pretentions homes. Oar o2r lur. i nishfs a belptoaii families, no matter how modest their means, to keep m touch with tha latest minds of tbe worlds, as The COSMOPOLITAN ha3 today tbe strongest reg uiar stall of ny xisting periodical tiend ordeis to cocrisb gmcK Lincolnton N. C. I ''"""fc" - t -JM. ri 'g rt w m rrw 1 1 1 1 II -It I COLUMBIAN PRIZE WHillEBS. i -j CONOVER PIANOS i CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGANS WPRE GIVEN Highest Awards At the World's Exposition for excellent manufacture, quality, uniformity and volume of tone, elasticity of touch, artistic cases, materials and workman ship of highest grade. OATALOQUB9 ON APPLICATION PfllB. CHICAGO C0TTA6E ORGAII GO. CHIOAQO, ILL. URBEST UAKUPACTURERS OF riAKos and mm ih the world. FOR CASH In Advance You can get the Lincoln COURIER ONE YEAR FOR $100-6 M 65 GTS. PUBISHEDB EDITED F. S STARRETTE, LINCOLNTON, N. C. A family newspaper devoted to the interests ot Lincoln and sux roonding counties and to the Stat of North Carolina. - Subscription, 1 year, $1.25. ' 6 months,' 65 cents. PATAU IS ADTAKCX. If paid in trade or if not paid in ad vance, the price is strictly $1.50. SutosoriToe COUNTY DIRECTORY COILVFY OFFICER. tineriff, J. K. (Jline Lincolnton ,N Cl'k. flup: Court, C. K. Uhiidi,"4 ' Reg, ot Deeda, fi. C. Wood, -1 ." Trew.urer, L. T. WULkie. . , ' Surveyor, O. C. Tbmpson,' Coroner, J. B ' eim. " Supt. Pub. Inst. J. M. Boberto. "boabd or cocxtt ocjijsaio.NXjaa. R M Roseman, Cnm'n, rXlneetnton. N. A. L. Cherry ,- Triangle, . J. . Reinhardt, Iron Station, T. A. Reep, ' ReeprriHe, 1 W. M. Hull, . Orleans, . OOUTT BOABD QT SfiVCATIOM. R. Z. Johnston, Cbm'n, 'LipcotetcD.c I K.SeiiVr ' -v. 3 V. Ooodaon, POT KUTUII. Miee Kve Uumatr. town or ticjm: Mayor, A Nixon-. Feoretary Treasurer,. H. JE.Ramaeur. Town Oonst. R M Baal. Commissioner! ; P, J- Pate, L- A. Hoyle, IF. A. Tby, L. J. Houner, W. L Crouje, j H Bisaner, J A Abernetby, BC Cobb. . ,: , abbital or mails. Mails on C O Rail w ay, distributed 6:80 P MandUAM Mails on Narrow Oauge Railway, djatrib uted 4:00 PM and 11 M. Star Route, via' Reepsviile, leaves Lin colntoa at 7 A M, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; arrirea at. Lincolnton at 4:30 PMoo Fridays, TDUTsdays aBdatnrdays Pcblic Schools open December, Janu ary, February and Mar en . . . , , -; Boaao or CoxmssKorsBs meet nst Mon day in each lnenOi. Tows Cowcil meet first Friday night in each month, at 7"X'lock. - Boxan or SnffCATiox meet fret Monday Jnuaryane, September and December. THE COURIER JOURNAL , Lou u villa, K.y. .. 1 ubt ription UataH, Daily anl Sunday U0 00 a, year. Dsily without Sunday H 00 a year, Sunday 12.00 a year, Weekly H 00 a year. Tbe Werkly Cburler-Jonrnnl Has tba largest circuUtioh of any. Demo c'ratic new.papor in the United btatea and pcoposas to doulltt vt treble iU already large circulation. VrYTO BY GIVING AWAY lly V V S KAUH AND KVERl DAY to gome on asp'endld High ' Am Sewing Machine or a handsome t Oold Wth; aisolutely 're. Full particulars In, Weekly Couriar-Journal. Sample copy free, dend for one -tddrtat, - WN HAL.DKMAN, ' Pres. Courier-Journal Company, LauUTtlle. Ky A COMPLETE NEWS'PAPEB- Tffl FSIDI C NOBTH OaBOL 151," li. KlBKbur ,LL D 1 : t Win. H. Elearoo, Editorial Staff Do you want to aid in luilUln up paper tbat shall reflect tbe greatest credit on North CaroliaaY oo muter wart it may be seeu tben patronise T11K MESSENGER Publlobed in tbree editions. The Ddily Messenger and tbe Weekly Messenger,' Published at Wilmington, N. O. The Qoldahoio Traiifpript Mesen ger Putiliobe i at Gltliboio,.N. C Tbey are Lar Eight Page Pa pere. Do you want a reliable papei giving you ail the news of the world a Democratic newspaper thai equals the best has the largest cir dilation and has for more than 21 years been a part and factor in the growth and developmeut of the Old North Stati ? Then Subscribe for the Messenger Daily Messenger, iy mail 4 inoa. on trial ...$2.00 Weekly Wilmington Messeu- ger,, 8mos: 1.00 Goldsboro Traneuript'-Metiseu-ger, 8 inos. 1.00 CASH IN ADVANCE. Dr. Talmage's Sermons are fea ture of all three Papers. PRICE 60 CCHT9 PfA BOTTLC. SZOl Si VUUAIU IHFtiMATIBl IBII. ' r ron-.BLE Ir onuaat.T.. Job Press for Sale, - f O - We will ell a drt clatta Job Pfeaa for cash. Preaa i 10x15 ii ti le clmae and ia ab good hi rjrff. Addre! Limcoln CoURTiR, Lio coluton, N. C. Si. orre&indiqtitun ,. Kia'tr-iruitss ; prcu es "CVvN efficacy sffi BCfiaciua To STATE CHRONICLE. KA.LXMH, C ; , DAILjY A'AU WKLKLT. Latest teleerahio news from all ptrfci el the world. (By, United, Pre and bpeoiaj Wire)' ' J " 4 r , Baa the lugeht dailf circmlatloa U ti 3ut..., . . ilaa mortf State correepondento than any other daily m the Mate. TwelT months, la ooj Bix mouths, f&go Three moath, , Wcealr16parjaaio.clatat fiTe or over, $ ' ,-- -jim,;,. Editor: ' B. W. LiTcaroEfi, Manaax. RI0MOND & DANVILLE. BAIL ROAD. Soatt Carolina Division; & L. N Q Daily( fcxeept Sunday. J IN EFJfECI Way- 15thr L&SKL CHESTER & LENOIR-N. Q. R. i J Q'HaM it-David lietaphtii, Ro'is .Schedule & 'loiiiiectiou iu tffot Dto 17th 1893: Southbound t Northbou&4 6:00 a m 4.45 p xn Lenoir 1;45 p m 8:00 p a 8;15 U tlick'y' 12:10' 6:2U 8:50 G:30 New ion 11:511.0 4:5 10:10) . , : , ... 11:01 1 Linoolntca 11:01 3:15 p ra 12:35 8:2'J '10 ;'Jlu $ t:42 Gastouia 97. 10 3: JO I . tt oa iS.ib) 9:50 yokville 846 11:30 5:30 11:12 Uneaur Iv 7:3o 9 30 No 01 y "io 6L u. 10 eoQutcts at Gaatouia with with uuthbound ou A & U ; at Lin oo I u to u lor Sbeloy. al Natou. fox Attheviil. No, couurt at Qlo- oo with train Horn Aantrville J Sal- isi'U v and points fjouih and East, at Grt&toiiitt. No. cuuneuis at Yoikville U U & C for Camdtu (iastouia fioui Charlotte, Lin colli' ton "iiou- 'tihlbjv Hickoiy from Moiganion ana AhUevilie. No. 64. at Liiicolhtou loi Oharloile aud fioiii ahelb, tit Gasiouia Uom Charlotte and to points . Atlanta, tfuulh; Yoikville lr in Ijamdeiv Frauk A. Clmaid, F & P At. CHARLOTTE & STAl EjJVlLLEf No 64 uiiaer No 6j'mixea Lv 5 20 pmiOhailoue Aril 40 ara 6 42 Liuuleiawlle 7 10 Davidaou 7 30 tlooit aviile Ar 8 40 StateisVillo Daily. No 12 Lvib 15 am Charlotte 11 30 Huuteraville 11 50 Davideou 12 09 Jdooreaville Ar 12 55 itateaville , 10,05 9 33 907 LV 3 00 Nx 11 Ar t It0 pa 5 37 5 1G am 4 57 Lv 4 10 No. 12 leave States ville for Tay lOraville 1.10 p. w.f arrives Taylorij ville 2 25p.m. Returning, .leaves Taylorsville 2.50 p.m. arrives Stata v1lle 4K)0 v i: m. 1 ; !' For detailed information to h cal and through time tables, ratos and Pullman sleeping-car ; reserva tions, confer with local 'agent or addrests-': : y ";; 1 x Jas.ZV Taylor, Geu'l Pass. Aft., Atlauta, Ga. . W. A. Turk, A. G- P. A., Charlotte, N- C. 53. A.'Dodson, 3upr.,Columoia,S.G VV 11 Green, Gen. Mrf Atlanta,Ga. csul Haas, Traffic Mgr., Atlanta.Qa. CAROLINA CHJRAL SHCEDUU In effect May 7th 'V3 MOVING 'WB6X; ' "" NUMBER. 4?. Daily eicent Sunday. rassiAQSR., Mail 4 Kxtrhi Taau. Stations. Aekive. 3 50 pn Loivxa. Wilmington Charlotte Paw Creek Mt Holly Stanley Creek Iron Lincolnton Cronse Ohexryvill WaoJ Shelby Lattimore ifooresboro Ellenboio Forest city Rutbertordton 9 a) a m 4 05 pm,. 5 03 5:20 5 88; 5 55 6 25: C40 0 49 7 07 727 7.40 753 620 332 p xn 8 45 ilOVINU JiAJST. . NUMBJ2R 3& . Daily except Bunday. Passincsr, Mail ot xpiuss I'aaiA. STATIONS. Rutherfoidton Forest City Bostic . Ellenb'iro Mooresboro Lattimore ahelby Waco Cherry ville Croose Lincolnton Iron Stanley Creek Mt. Holly . Pasv Creek Charlotte Wilmington Absivx. LfiAVSf. . 70 7 51 8.-03 8 2C 8 37: . aw 914. 9 33, 9 42 9 55 X0 0 IQH 10 4Q 11 05 11IC 11.35 a m 11 50 O.JO D U . ; No, 36 arrive at Raleigh at 6.00 p oj. No 43 leaves at 10:15 M m. Wjf il02tCtJBS, Jdupt. Local freight' train' No.'9 leave Charlotte at 30 a m, Lincolutori 11 a m and arrive at ahelby 12:10 p m. Locl freight: itraiu No. 8, leaves Shelby at 2:10 p m,Lincolnton 8:45 p m and arrives at O harlot te 6:00 p m. No. 8 and 9 ran daily except Sun day aud carry paafteogeii,' Passenger train No. 24 leavaa Charlotte at 9.15 p m and arrives at Wilmington aij8.:40ja m. , , -. Pagsenger and mail tram No- 23. leaves' Wilmington at 7 p m an4 ar rivea at charlotte at 80 am l

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