TUT TC TT IT T HV TT W Hi fK TTT TTTi Tf Tn TTT iL IL1 Ji2 ill JI 1 MJ Mi ilJl v HJ Hif ILL 1L ILi Irf LINCOLN COURIER, LOCAL DEPAKTMENT. " Jfa bTAURKTTK. Local Editor & Business Manager.' CliUKUU DIUEUTORr. PasdBTTsauH. Kev. R. Z, Johnston, Fxjtur. Preaching etery 2nd, and 4tb Sindaji 11 A. M. and 8 1 M. aiuday ooaooi every Sunday 5 P. M. Senile tor young peopla every Wednesday 5 p la Preaching at Iron Station on first uodaya, 3 P. M. Mkxhodist Kev.v.M. T. Steele, Pas tor.' Preaching every" Lst and 3d Sunday, 11 A il., and J;3J, P. M. LuTasBAV. Rev J. A. Rudiaill, Pm lor. lie tb phage efery let Sunday; Trinity, every 3d Sunday Daniel's every 2nd and 4th duaJay. Hour 1U a. m. LuxuKaAsr. ttev- L. L. Lohr, Pastor tit. ii&rk's every i duaiy ; Cherryville every 4n Sunday. Hour, 10 a. m. Luihejia Oai? Huron. Rev. B. L. W'tvnbtaer, pasior, Lutbaraa Chapel, tvfcry 2nd Sunday at 10 3 J m. and 4th fcu.iLy nt 3 p in, Uibcnezjr, 2nd Sunday tt S p in and 4lb SuQlay at U;i'J a m, Laboratory Jillls, on 2ud and 4C'i Sundays k( 7 p ui. licttiui, bt aud 3rd Sjadayi at 10.30, a m. t'niayV Scnool House, 1st ani iJrd S-iidtu, 3 p il. IkrrisT. Rev. M. P. ilatheny, Pastor. PiuAvluiig oveiy ' H auuday at 11 A il. ttud a Oo P. M Sunday ScLoui evoiy 3un ai -i IV Al Prn.i uicuin.' vwr, lLui-a) ..vouii.i ai 7 fcncu'.M. Uev. VV it. ttuiuni.ui.. Wr- service cv ry aau.uy at Ham, ex Wcpi J 'Ui'd V- j ul' uiwi, ou lrl, iui al.d evtrj oilier till .uudAi lljly uoinii.uni'fi Li and 3rd aun juys ; uucciibiiig ul child-, no wciy 3i j .lu.idu) iu iho f il. Ail 0 r-iial.y iwy.ua t,o a. loud. dual Pieo. UNU1LN lOHt N. C. Al'U G, 1894 ,V Oti'EU. . All tub eiittis who will come ujj hlU iy ibeir bck dues on sub a,:ii.ttuu hI iLe talis ot $1.25 aud pay une doiUr iu adJutof, cau ri ILt Courier one jer fr.m date of butu a uif it All wLo are up wMi bahst-.i Vltobs to die can get one 'Hi'- ubscllp iou by payitg l.UO caih in advance. ' Till i r. p.imou is goo l oulj foi oi b. OKK I RICE aSII stork 11 a. llOUlNSO.V.-G utial Mt! th u :i . J no. Sulifciick, u noted colored politician of Charlotte,-is" dead. Look up the iuiw advertise ments in this Usue and read them with care. Lincolnton depot presents a busy scene oaeh morning when four trains meet. A colored man by the name of Bub Graham was killed by a train at Greensboro last week. The bank defaulter, I. IL. Foust of Salisbury will serve a term in the state prison. English, who killed his wife and threw her in Toe Rivr in Mitchell county has been captured and lynched. . Wavland Rollins, the man who j who killed Sandy Jones at Durham a year or more ago. has been set at liberty. Itev. D. M. Austin will preach in tho Baptist churee Sunday 7th. at 11 a. m. and 7 : SO p. m. all are cordially invited to attend. j llcv W S Hal torn, an aged superanuated minister ot " the j Methodist church, died in peace i at Charlotte last week. j Liquor llowed pretty freely j In town the first of this week. What a pity that men will fall be low the brute in some things! Th? Mount Holly News has been revived. Mr. Jno. A. Ander- j son is Editor and Proprietor, j We extend to hi in our best wishes j r x i ior nis Huccub. Solicitor Webb is adding lau rels to his already enviable repu tation as an able and successful prosecuting officer. Th states in terest is safe in his hands. '-The April number of The Scientific American, Architect and Builder's Edition, is before us, and we are sorry that we cannot place it in the hands of all con tractors and builders. It 1 magnifi intly gotten up aud no workman can be fully equipped for his work without thir journal. It is published by Muan & Co. 301 Broadway N Y. at the small sum of $2. 50 per year. Report has it that a man in . Mitchell county, by the name of English, killed his wife and threw her body into Toe River. The body of the unfortunate one has been found, but English has not. Many of nr friends have cal led upon us this week and gave us words of encouragement in regard to our work. A few of our politi cal enemies have called and paid us their parting respects. Tuesday, of this week was an eventful day. Liquor flowed free ly and quite a number of fisticuff took place. We witnessed, at a safe distance, several fights, one of which left a job of stitching for Dr. Saine. We notice the following visi ting attorneys attending the pres ent itrm of the Superior Court: Jones, Walker, Bason, Canslyr, and Nixon of Charlotte, Webb, Webb, and Ryburn of Bhelby, Mason Dal las, and Byrd of Marion Lewis of Gastonia, . Orange Page, colored will be hanged in Raleigh June lst, for the murder of an aged colored woman, Rosa Haywood, last Janu ary. Mary Page, an accessory fo' the murder, received a life sen tence to the penitentiary. Mrs. Malinda Chapman died at her home in this county March bth. Mrs. Chapman was a faithfnl member of the Baptist church also a loving Mother an affectionate wife. She leaves a hnaKnn, ,i i five childrens to mourn thfir loss. Dept. Sheriff R. M. Bealhada lively rac after a prisoner yesterday- Pink Leonhiif lt was up be fore the court for an affray last Tuesday. The fin and cost -did ! not Biiit Mr. Lb-orilxar.it and on fim opportunityJie took lea hail. W. W.Motz, being an expert bicvc list overtook th3 prisoner and brouil t him to a hHlt. The last state of thai man will b worse than th? first. The h h - source of h ahh. K ep it pute f. t.k ng Uuod Sarapa-. rillt, which ;s peoaliar to i eel, and eapeiior in etreufibt, ccooomy aid meicil uifrir. Jutlffe fl oy kin . . Conrt conviifd at Lincolnton on last Monday the 2nd, and fa pre sided over by his honor Judge E. T. Boykin. The Judge's chargeio that jyry was concise and to the point, and when we say this we feel that we have covered tne ground. Judge Boykin rs a graduate of . Trinity College of this state.' He went to that institution a poor boy" arid" worked his way through doing whatever his hand found to do. He is to-day one of the foremost men of the state.. We, coruld say much more but our space is limited this week. Superior Court ilocket. Tin foil j a D.MSB list of the ca es disposed of on tbe a'a e doecet at. the lime we go t .p:edtf. The c v 1 docket his uot lejn yet reach eJ. . sfate vs. Fr nk -Forney," affraj,;J not goibv ; L F Reynolds nolproa ; Etna lne L;ok, Mm . Lnk; Nora Lrnfc and Sutie Clait, ffray, uol pr .s a3 to Eaiiline L'nk nd Sis'e Claife ; Maj. L nk aud Njr. Liuk, guil'y ; JodseiDPUt su-p' nded upou i ay ui lit . f cos" . Matt Rosemao ft ay, defend and uncharged; Joli Ruiiiour, c c w. o l pro j Joe Morri.-ou and Gecrge Coutur, no p or as Counor vereict if gailty a- t Morrison, Und 815 aDdcbsts ; CLMi'ev Ljnc , 'Sialt with 'e -dly wrap es, D ft. i-bad tfuil'.v, judgi m t M)8.e d it upo i j aymen of c t ; Jam s S a g and Letbe Vir ntr, F an.! A, jmy rl.cr, eu Ity, Spa", o x ui'Miths ia j-i.il au ! c s, Ltl e V nr t ree months in til tok hii Hpp at ant cs v- load; R el Black aud Lhwoq Blac, a i u' wifli dra My eij)0 j iry ver dicr, n a guih ; Wih KobmsiMi, as tult w b deadly wep ns, ja y v )idie no!; t uilt.v J Tho. vy 1 is, a s uit witj dad y weapoo, jur ve d ct, i ot gud 3 ; Fruk k Lackey aid Sa ffd Gnr. affriy, b f t pad guilty, Luk y 82U fine aud c )st", Gaut $10 fine ar d coTe ; Cbttly lino!d8, c C W, i.i q;iar-tert-o ; Jjhu C o", bi.I amended to 1 h ire forci .To tie-spas.", deft, pi -ads guilty, judgt ment aaspenJed u d parneut oc es.s ; Mrs. M M. Lu z, assault with deadly weapon, jury fiud def-ndftit rat guilty ; N D Au op, CCW rdj not guilry Rif d lp K i'g, U'ce.ij, 2 c 8 , jur fi.d cett g'Ji!l.r, ur .ar iu Perii' nrtat y ; J.ihn C nq e, 'a cent, dtfeud nt disthugrd; M M Bogg-, d s oing m'tged property, t-ootin-O'd ; Wade HaTS an-1 Elward Er wing, aaulr irh eaUy weapon, erdior yu'lr, 830 fi.e each and o ' and t o'id to kei p tLe pe .Cr J James Spnrgo and John Bumgatner aH-r.ult with deadly weapon 8, ver dict gailty, Sfjurgo t igbt mouths in j il aud c ht!, Bumzaruer 825 fine nd cC8t j Wm Q ncklc, c c w, cou tiuQi'd ; Wm Hull, misreme mor, nol pros; Arthur Barr, assault with deadly weapons, dt ft. pUads pu-llty, ju'VmDt -usi endfd payment . of :ot ; John B s, assault with deal lr wi aptn, di ft p e-i 8 nu-.Itv, 12 aooths coonty il with amhoiuy , commrs to h.re oat. Person all. J. E. Burke, of Maiden, called to see us lartt Friday. Mr. genry Huss, cti Johns town called to see us this week. v. B. Guthrit, of Bessimer City, spent Sunday in Lincolnton. Rev. T. J. Renn, P. E., passed through town on Monday: in route to his home at Shelby. We had a pleasant call this from "Bill Shanks" and D. Kin baid of Lowesville. Capt A. F- Brevard, of Mac h pelah, gladdened our office by his presencethis week. Miss Shelton Wells, of Gas tonia, spent several days witfi her sister, Mrs,. Fannie Alexander of this place. Misses Lillie and Lavenia Huffstetler, danghters of L... J.I ( Huffstetler, left this week to at- tend school at Shelby H. E. Baxter, of Orleans, cal led to see us this week. He is an other of those sturdy old farmers around whose premises plenty a bounds. jr-Pr. .Strong, of the Charlotte Democrat honored our office with his presenoe during this week. We are always glad to see him or his excellent paper. Dr. R. M. Eames, of Salisbury -X. C, was a Lincolnton visitor this week and called and paid his respects to the .Courier. We are always glad to greet such genial friends. Come again Dr. Rev. J. D. Carpenter, who is travelling in the interest of the North Carolina Christain Advo cate, has been-in and around Lin colnton for some time. He hs met with -success in his work. . . Capt'. P. W. Carpenter come in to see us last week andtold us that hia wheat ciop was greatly damag ed by the recent cold snap, but he added, VI have plenty to do-me another year. wi TC.. IeadenJ the colored man who has charge of th free school for his race at this place, has fin ished his "work in a satisfactory way'and has taken his departure: He has :ma-d -friends among'the; whites duVing" his stay here. ! Having taken tbe agency for the partaubujg Steam Laondry, I will thank you for your patroc?ge Colla'8, Cufl-t and Shirts done up in style. Prices are cheaper thau any other Laundry in the- soatb Collars 2':ts., cutis per pair 4jr. sh'rts 10ct8t eacb-. Regular price list ou application. Send 10 joafj work. Stisfaotio- truiranleed J. F. Eudt,- Agr. . v rrcsbjtery Here April'lOlh The Committee very cordially tender thanks, in the Dame of the 1st Presbyterian church, to5 all the families, and friends who have of fered their hospitalities to mem bers during the less ions of Pres bytery here next week. Most of the'member9 are expected to arrive on the forenoon trains, next Tues day April 10th and will be sent to their homes with cards of introduc tion, or taken to the church at llo'clock a. m. and introduced, as may be most convenient. Sermon at 11 a.m. followed by roll, call aud Jclection of Moderator " and clerks. Seats free and a hearty invitation extended to the people to attend. A. Nixox. S D BUBQIX. T " " " J. A. AB1RSATHY. . ...Corn. Entertainment. Rheumatism and catarrh are b' o ' diseases, for which Ayei's Sirsv pat ilia ii a pure spcifitf.- Tlie Itatiie Over. Jacob Huss, aged 78 years, 9 months and 18 dayi, died of par alysis on last Saturday and was buried on Monday at Bethpage Church 6 miles' west -of Lincoln ton. Mr. Huss ' was a soldier in the late war and belonged to Co. K., 49th regiment. He was a good soldier and a good citizen. He ljavesa wife and five children, j three children hav'ng preceded him to th grave. tie leaves 11 grand children and five preceeded him to the other world. Just be fore dying h- said he was ready to j meet his heavenly Father. Jas. F. Black, of Lucia, Gaston Co., died very suddenly on last Thursday, aged about 86 years. He had put in most of the 4ay in planting "corn. Ifequrt work and i I went to his residence and befor gunuunn nil? u cwhibc A little child of A. Lee Cherry, county commissioner, died at Tri angle, about ten days ag, aged about one year, J. T o. ..McLean is openiog op the marb'e.basiuesij at the old Rand and is oow doing some work. tie has a practical experience or twelve years.io tbe business, and bid work rrabehip '8 too well known in Lin coln' and otber.conoties to need any commendation at oar hands. Maiden Loiter. Mr. Editor The- cold wave that we are -still undergoing has done great - damage. The peach and apple crop has been complet- ly . de3trCfyed. Wbeat has been badly damaged ; and ir the season snould be Very favorable, it can'r make more than half the amount to would have -made; J. . W. Jchn son says -that he is financially em barrassed. Hernad 1$ acres of onions which wer growing verv nicely, . but are now bitten' to the ground. ... Rov; Thomas Wetmore preached a very interesting sermon here Sunday evening. The Lutherans expect to build 0 brick church here in the near fu ture A Grand Hop. will be given to the young people on the 13th. A big time is expected. This will be the lasl one given this season. The farmers are buying grains iu larger quantities than ever be fore they si ill hope to see times 1 improve under this administra tion. Messrs. D. M. and Jno. Boyd were at cou.it in Liucolnton Mon day". ; The stock holders of Union Cot 011 mill meets the 5th It i3 thought that Mr. Thos. Davis will notrallow his name to be used as a candidate for the po sitiou as Superintendent. Maiden wiil loose one. of her . best citizens if Mr. Davis lpavas, , We,., hope he wfll 4pcide to:stay with rris Youra S'ery respectfully. . C. Maiden X. C. April 2nd 1894.. Hood's Pills are purely vgetaVe, or. lul'y prepared .from the bgst fn gredienrs. . 2oe. A Visil-To .Nor lb Carolina. Cochbanton Pa, S meyfars ago I bad occasion to vi-it North Catolaa ami while there bPd "6oe of my bii ious attacks. Hiaiiog for thefi'tt time of. S, mmoDS Liver. R gulator tried it.- Nothing btJore bad 80 ef fevJtual'y relnved rau. 1 could in no way benefir, others more than by patting h a remedy in tht'r bands --N. N. Shepard. Deaiue! Can not le . Cured by lecal applicitioo!, us they can uot resich tbe diseased jpoitionof tbe ear. Tbete is cnl one way to cure D. auess. and that is by cor-tinu-l reinedifs. Dea'nes is caus ed by an inflamed coaditiou ol tbe mucous lining of tbe Ecstacbiau Tuba. Wheu this tube gt-ts infl lin ed you baving a rumb'ing snnd of imperfect bearim. and when it '8 eutirely c'osf d Dfafness is the ie sulr, and unless the iufltmition can :e tikeu out aud this tuuo restored to it 4 normal conditioo, heat lug ill be destroyed foiever ; nine eases out often" He caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an 11 Aimed c rjriitiou of tbe mucous' eUffacs. ' c win give vae uunareu 101.. liars for any case ot Deatuess (caus. i 4 l y catarib) thH cannot b car I .j hy iiaii's Catarrh 'u'e. Seod f r cwcnla'ip, free. F, J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. ioId:by Druggists, 75o. M :roh 1C. 4r. The Courier Job .Office KT TOUIS BIILUr jp YOU Sntisf action Guaranteed. ed to Promptly. 1 16 Boils at Once Hood's Sarsaparilla Purifies tho Blood and Restores Health. Mr. F. IF. Stncell Wllmot, S. Dak. "C. I. Hood & Co., LoweU, Mass.: "About four years ago my wife wu troutl4 with salt rheum. Although we tried nearly everything It got worse Instead of better and spread over both of her hands so that she could hardly use them. Finally she commenced to use Hood's Sarsaparilla and when she had taken two bottles her hands were enttrelf healed and 18U2, my neck was covered with boils of a Scrofulous Nature. 1 There were sixteen of them at once and aa soon M heJ healed others would break out My neck finally became covered with ridges and Hood'sCures scars. I then commenced taking Hood's Sarsa parilla, and after taking four butUes the bells had all healed an l tho scars have disappeared. I recommended Hood's Sarsaparilla to all suf fering from any disorder of the blood ' F W Btowell, Wilmot, South Dakota. Hood's Pills act easily, yet prompUy aad Jucienuy, on tao urei and ton els. 25c. LIC()l!VlO MlltKET Reooitfd for ibe CuUBlEB every Thursday morning by Cpt. B F Grigg : .... 7 .... 60 45 50 .. 1.50 1.65 0 00 0 Wheat Coin new M.-al Flour, Bulkr Flour Pafeut Poik Btcou side-- l icon hams Uect Lard Ta'.ow Cl.n-keus... . . . Uutur HuiJt'y E.gs Rtr8 Hides, green Hide", diy ,Wnol, washed Cabbage Appit-j", ilrid IVaches diit-d Peaches iiied per bu 100 I lb N C ' ; ...13 '.round ...... 5 N. C 10 0 15 to 20 10 to 18 .8 10 per lb . " doz; Mb.. 41 1st class, it u ' 27 3 u u peeled 4 peeled... '.5 W Apples gjreen per bu Sweet Potatoes " " Pea '.. Irish " " " Onions . k " Onion Vets " 00 40 50 50 00 .... 100 Blac.beiries dtied, p. -rib 5 Bee3-wax ...per pound.. 16 P nblic f Dfrrctory. Sopt. A. Nixon, Lincolnton, N. C. BOARD OF EDUCATION. K. Z Johnston, Chm. Lincolntoo. S V. Goodsou, " I. R.Se:r. ... MEETING OF THE BOARD. First Moi d iy- in Jana ry, Jane; JuJy aod Sptem'-.er. Board- may rema;n iu session two ilijys ar a time when necessary and may meet at other t'me o ca'.l of Chairman or n q lest of one member. EXAMINATION OF TEACH EH. On seoi:d Thursd8 of. Febru ary, April, Ju'y, September, Octo ber and Decern b r. Exaniiuatioua mny continue thiough mainder of Of week when ntc-.tsafy. Couuty Institute iu August. CATJTION. If a dealer offM XV. I Doaglas hoe at a reduced prlc, r say he ha them -without nan rtamped on bottom, pat him down as a fraud. Udips I Li 1 1.75 W.'L. Douglas S3 SHOE THE WORLD. W.t. DOCOLAS Shoe are stylish, easj ft tin?, and give betttr fcs.tisfacUon r.t ihe price ad- vcrtisca inaa any oir.'.r du.rv-. j be com-inced. The stamping of . U Douglas n.irr.8 nd once en tns Dcitom, wnicn naramco their value; saves thojsand3 of dollar nuaiiy to tnose wno wear mem. tscniKi pun m c-il- W T routlaa Shoo Prda cbtome-s. which help to increase the sale on thelf fuil lira ol ?ooa. I r.cj ran sji and we believe' va cm voav footwear of I he Oitaloe-jc frre upon appiicatioa. Addrc?, Mau ley & Bro., Cnyvine, C j Tbere is no reason woy oimui a ah u d be allowed to peffer imo natt-soHe pcroaloa notes BDd ti'rtodul ir felin2S wli-n nch a p'e "8 1"'. ff" tlv". AU,l economical mo li t e as Ayei's S irnr 11a ruRY be u odoced of thf uatf 8' !ragg h. Ee sure yoa g?t Ajei'. 125 X -i I rami We place on exhibition this week our Spring purchases in Men's Boys' and Chilreno' Clothing, and ask the critical examination of the public both as to price, make-up and quality We are showing many new fancies In Children's wer. and Mothers will do well to see our stock before making a tflrid purchase. T Oat claim that we have the best shoe made for the mooej hf never beea successfullj disputed. Do not forget to call and sec them. We hare many eoods bought hiach bflovr rem vln and tnit tnn tr come aod shre these eool tbincs offeriup of RuiroM Hnrv SheMr rorotner oarpHins Do Sure 10 SPRING SPRING THE FINEST LOT AND GREATEST VARIETY OF PRESS PATTERNS EVER BROUGHT TO LINCOLN COUNTY. Dress GOODS from Silks down. The best of Irish Linen, double with, 121 eta. per yd. coes, new style prints, 4 to 6 eta. per jd. 3tiiH. (j..buii le ltd 'c-U frum 30 tt. tt !i2i D. E. RHYNE. Laboratory Cotton Mills. Owingto the Failure of a lagre Tobacco Manufacturer at Mt- Airy N C I can now sell you a fine tobacco at a very low price having bought a large lot very cheap, I also have a car load 100 Biw of Indian R k L;mo ircb I am 8ellTDJT CQEAP. fYlY STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES IS FIRST CLASS S ATI s- FACTION GUARANTEED both In QUALITY & PRICE. Be sure ym . & set m , VERY TRULY, A. W- REEDY. North Carolina In Superior O-urt. Lincoln C'ou mty Bolure C'K Child, esc. K S Griy r J M Kamsaur ) St t of North Carolina to the no i-rei 'ent defendant J M flamsaur In ab te en litlel judgmer.t. 'it u re hcr-iy n"tiflnl that tt e above name 1 plaintiff R S Gray will nove be. fore th ur.dnrMgned rk f th Supei.tr '.;ourt or Lrnoo n i ounty at en office in said County on Friday l8th d"J of v?nv 1S94 at 12 o'cI.k k noon for lve to i'i e zee tion on the judgement ai above cn tu'el against yoa cow on tbe Judteeiaent Docket of Lincoln Cunty 6mm 2, pg 243. Ja'd motion will b mad' m the al' fidavit now on fi!e in th i- ofSco on tbe ground tbat 8riljadgm nt h-s not ben paid, tnd you are i cti fled to epjear- at siid time and place and show cause if acy you cn wny paid l ave Douid .not r be granted and why execution snowM 2-t 'is Witues"my Land and wal of o' fice this tbe 26th day ot March 134. SEAL j C CBtLD, c s c. Maecb BO ATrENTION i In medicine quality is of prime importance, at J. M. Lawing's Phar macy : . l J 4i . can always be found the purest and freshest of Drus the mar- kEt affords . Also can be fouiid Paints, Oils and Var nishes. A Nice Une of Stationary. Just ifctMVfd qait u nuiiir latt popular t' ck. Carefully div anj poondntj rw th ty Cal' and e os. April 5 lmo. with on Wi im itmfetn iMMtil t 5cts. cm! I on GOODS! GOODS! Cali- THE LINCOLN FO MACflXNE WO Are still runninsr and are prepared to repair EnolxJs, SAWMILLS, T&K3H.ftd) CO0H oiN8 and cottoU - mIIl . XACHin ert etc., at living prices. Will also keep on hans a fall stock of castings, such as plow point. I of all kinds and stees, luggers; ana pulleys ; will also giro prices on wood-split pulleys. ' NVit bave a cod line of i.ipjfif and fife rtinS of all kinds. Will alto fm? a gr-l BJtck .Smith to do all kinds f Bltrt&mixh work. Anv obe having any woA v be done in ur Jine will do wall toca! on me tor ood work and Kock Bottom Prior. Orders Irom a diUfice will rctifa PKOMPT ATTENTION. (Jive me a trial and be Convinced VOUJW TO S&KVK, LB. ST U ITS- Lincoln Foundfy & Machine Work.-. Feh 10. 1893. tr LIME Important Notice i i lu . quid" AnifiioM ran Iihi i hh: n tf plication o iii- Agent at N. C. R. R. Station, in 2 : kji, N. C. A u? 618 )2 M - , An Antidote RESULTANT EVILS-- A WELL-SUPPLIED THINKING-SHOP and Frequent PotionS of Bottled En erg Y, G&H&ndsee, B. F. ORJGG. Are yoa interested la Lincoln, SubSCXioe lot tue COtBLEa. UNDRY ElKS