LINCOLN COURIER, looal department. " fs stakretteT Editor & Proprietor. CllUROU DIRECTORY. . I'rmbttikun. Key. R. Z, Johnston, Pastor; Freach'me every 2nd, and 4tb Bitidheiys 11 A. M. and b 1 M. 'Sunday School every Sunday 5 P. M. i-erVita toryounij jrpojtle every Wadneaday 6 pm. . .. Preaching at Iron Station on first uoiAva, 3 P. il. : ilwaowjT.-Rev. M. T. Stoole, Pas tor. Preaclilng Mvery ldt and 3d Sunday. ;U A M., and i:30, P. M. . LUTaRAtf. Rev J. A. Rudidill, Pw tox. betfpbgb every 1st Sunday ; Trinity, every iid Sunday ; Daniel's every 2nd and 4th Sunday. Hour 10 a. m. LUTM1&A.H. Key. J.' J. George, Pastor St. Mark's every 2d Sunday ; Cnerryville every 4h Sunday. Hour, 10 a. m. "Westenbarger, lastor, Lutheran yhapeJ, every '2nd Sunday ut 10:30 a. in. and 4th Sunday at 3 o iu, tben-j.or, 2nd 'Hunday at ua and 4th Sun-lay at 10:30 a rn, Labjratory Mills, on 2nd and -ItU Sundays at 7 p in. Rothttl, Ut and 3rd Sundays at 10.30, a m. i'rklay'a School Uouse, 1st and 3rd Sundays, 3 p m. li.U'TiaT. Rev. D. M. Austin, Pastor. Pikaching every 3d Sundays at 11 A. M. and SOU P. .U. Sun Jay School every Sunday at 3 P. M Prayer meeting every i'liui-fiy ven i n-r at 7:00. Episcopal. Rev. YY . R. Wttuiore.RfCi tor. Services evry SurJiiy ut 11 a ni, ex-' twpt 21 Sundays i at nijilu, on lt, 2nd and every other 4th Sunday; Holy Couhl.lldioh lit and 3rd 'Sundays ; catechising ot child" rcQ every 3rd Sunday iu the P M. All coraiahy invited to attend. Seats Free. JL1NCOLNTOJS, N. C. APR 20, 1894 All subscribers who will coaie m and pay tbeir i).ck dues on nub scriptioo t the rates of $ Lift and pay one dollar in addition, tan gel tbe COURIER one year from date of such payment. All wbo are. up with subscriptioDH to dale canget cue year nubsciip ion by payirjg 1.00 casfi 'ih-nJvarwe. This proposition" is jrood only for caib. - . , j II. S. KoniN.sov. -GJueral Me- I i chaiKtisr. ! Miasms Bessie and Knox .John ston spent several days io Newton this week..: -. For want f npaee some mat that v; would like to publi.-di this wetdc, must iro ovr. ency let every man do all he can to help his worthy fellows. -Mr. A. C. Rozz.'lle, of Mt. Island, is spending some time in Lincoluton for the benefit of his health. ''"'.'- The sight of a few dollars just now would bo a great benefaction to.our eyes-and a great consolation j cto our heart, ' In ..writing .communications for Ihe Courier writo only on one .side of the paper and use no su- ' pevliuous words We present to our readers 1 1 i u . .11 mis weeiv a ni'tiT jm'r aim nope to iinpnne upon it as the weeks iiud months go by, In the report of . commission er's meeting last week we had paid ito L. W. Hoyle $11. 00 for repairs On bridge when it 'should have been $1.00. If you are sick, and have that tired feeling, try the Lincoluton Lithia water. It will renew your ; entire system anil make a new . creature of you. Miss Goorgianua Massagee' who livgs'a few miles west of Lin coluton has been visiting relatives iii Ellenboro ami Ruthorfordton for the past few weeks. Some of .the gooil ueople of Daniels Church, Lincoln Co., N. C, kindly remembered us again Eas tor. May God bluss tliese kind people. J. A. Rrnisiix, Pastor. The Sheriff desires taxpayers to take special L6tice of his call this week, He has .been as lenient as possible and cannot extend the time auy longer, so if you do not wishyour property'put up for sale call and settle at once. A fine property for sale near the town of Lmcdlnfon is that, ot ti'aper Miil,oO,0 acres of well .Wooded land, many dwellings, aad a magnificent water power. This properly is only a short distatice from the Lincolnton Lithia bprings.. Confer with the Editor of The Courier. I-have now placed the Tax .. Books '.in the hands of. the Deputy for the collection of Taxes for 1893 i. i ou uo not mv vour 1 ax hv the first- Monday in May I will be iorcrid to advertise your property. I cannot indulge longer this is tne last notice. J. K. Cline, Sh'if. Dr. W. II. Wakefield, of Winston, N.CVwiir W in Lin- """"-""i ;n lo J-iucoin Hotel, on Tuesday, May Sth for one day only. Practice limited to Eve Ear, Nose and Throat. ' Glasses furnished. Parties desiring to attend tho Southern Baptist Convention to be held at Dallas Tex., can now make the trip at a small cogt. The rate from Lincolnton and return is only 134. lf. Tickets will be on sale May 7th, Sth and 9th limited to a continuous passage in each direct! ion, with final limit thirty days from date of sale, 3t. Having taken tbe agency for the Vpartauluig Steam Ltundry. I will tbaok you for your patronage. Collars, Cuff and Sbirta done up in style. Prices are cheaper than any other Laundry in tbe south. Collars 2 :t., cuffs per pair 4cte. shirts lOcts. eacb. Regular price list, ou application. Send in yo;ir work. Satisfaction guaranteed J. F. Eudt, Aart. ltNo!tlt ICII4 of It?P!Ct. A meeting of the citizens of Lincoln ton was called by i. 0. Cobb. Esq.; Intend. P. T. to ex press the grief of- this town and community at the los sustained by the death of our '"Old War" Governor ana' late Senator Zeb. B. Vance The meeting was held in the Court House, and largely attend ed. .Mr. B. C. Cobb ' stated the object of the meeting, in a. short speech in which he paid tribute to the late Senator in elegant lan guage. Rev. R. Z.. Johnston was called and led. in prayer and a committer on resolutions was ap pointed, consisting of Rev. R. Z. Johnston, Dr. W. L. Crouse and L. B. Wetmore, The following resolutions were reported and adopted. v " ' North Carolina. April 18, 1894. Lincoln county ) .'.'." Whereas. Almighty God in His wise providence has released from its earthly fetters. the,.,.soul of our beloved Senator Zebulon B. Vance ; and whereas we are desirous of paying some loving tribute to his illustrious memory; therefore we the the citizens of Lincolnton, and Lincoln County, iu mass meeting assembled do Resolve, 1st, That in tho' -death of Senator Vance, North Carolina has lost one of her most illus trious and devroted sons ; that the nation has lost one of its ablest and wisest statesmen, and human ity at large has lost one of its greatest benefactors. ' Resolve, 2nd, That as an ora tor he was peerless ; as a compan ion genial ; as a soldier fearless and. brave ; in intellect quick ;j in virtue strong and in true manhoad un surpassed. Resolve, 3rd, That we tender our heartfelt sympathy to the fam ily of th late Senator and com mend them to the loving care of "Him who doeth all things well." Resolve, 4th, That the Lincoln Courier and the Charlotte Obser ver be asked to publish these res olutions, and that a copy of same be sent te the bereaved widow of tne deceased. R. Z. Johnston, W. L. Crouse, L. B. Wetmtjre, Com. Tried and True is tbe verdict of people who take Hood's Saraapa rilla. Tbe good effrcta of this med icine are soou felt in oerve strength' restored, appetite created- and health giveo. Further- Proceeding o I Prenbylery. On Thursday 11 a. m,M. C. Air- owood, member of Long Creek church Gaston county, formerly a student of Piedmont Seminary here, and licenced to preach last year, was ordained to the Ministry. Rev. Ii F. Campbell of Asheville preached the sermon and Rcv.-J. A. Preston D. D., of Charlotte'; de livered the charge. Rev. Jos. K. Hall, of King's Mt. was dismissed to Bethel Presby tery, S. C. On Thursday evening ofter sermon by Rev. T. A. Whar ton, pastor ot Steele Creek church Mecklenburg county, the Com munion service was. conducted.aiid then a memorial. sketch of the late Rev. G. D. Parks was read by Rev: Roger Martin, pastor of MalJard Creek- chvrch, Mecklenburg Co., and several affectionate tributes to 1IT. the deceased were made. OruOd evening u Foreign Missionary ser vice wa.s held, the Agent, Rev. Jessee W. Siler presiding, and I nru Sampson, feoretarv ol Synod of N. C. made a ery inter esting address. Revs. II M Dixon, and Jesse W Siler were elected Commissioners to the General Assembly tormeet in Nashville Tenn. May 17th with Kevs. G A Sparrow and J A Pres ton D D Alternate respectively. Jno W Moore, elder in Hunters ville church and C E Graham eld er in 1st church Asheville church were elected Commissioners to the General Assembly with Dr. Chas. Actanis of Gastonia and John E Brown ot Charlotte alternates re spectively. A call from Rutherfordtou church for Rev. G A Hough was approved and Revs. R Z Johnston and W P McCorkiewere appointed io .install Jiim as pastor. Order 1 was . made that Revs. Johnston, McCorkle and Miller, John F Tiddy of Shelby, organize a church at Latimore's StPtion in Cleveland county on the oth Sun day in April. Revs. Divon, Johnston and Black and Elder Steyens of Mon roe were appointed a Committee to arrange programme for the proper observance of the 25th An niversary of the organization of the - Presbytery, October 16th 18-.' 94. ':-J: .. . The Colored Evangelistic work was V presented, 'in a, report' and a collection of $44.00 was given for' the immediate relief of the work- The following resolutions were olfered by Dr. Preston and adopt ed by a rising vote : " 1st. Resolved that the hearty and unanimous thanks of Meck lenburg Presbytery be extended to the congregation and people of Lincolnton for their abundant and cordial hossitality and that a rich blessing be invoked upon Pastor and people." 2nd. That the thanks of Presby tery are ; extended to the various churches of Lincoln ron for their cordial hospitalities and christiau courtesies in offering to Pxesbyte ry the use of their pulpits. At noon on Friday Presbytery adjourned to meet in Charlotte May 10th to examine and license candidates. . ' - The Moderator made a beautiful closing address. Rev. Chalmers Moore, pastor of Hopewell church preached Friday evening, Rev. R Martin Saturday forenoon and Rev. H. M. Parker, pastor oi Swannanoa church, Bun combe county, Saturday evening. Rev." J L Williamson, pastor of Sugar Creek church, Mecklenburg county preached Sunday forenoon, after which the New House of worship was dedicated, Rev.- R F Campbell offered the prayer and Rev. J T Williamson gave the charge to the officers of the church. It would be wortn wbile for the ladies to bear m mind that f tbey taka a gentle course of Ayer's S ir-sapai-llla io tbe spring, tbey will have no trouble with "prickly heat." "hives," "sties." "boils," or blackheads, when summer comes'. Prevention is better than cure. Tribute of Respect to Dr. Turner J. At a regular conrumication of Rock Spring Lodge No. 341 A. F, & A. M. held in their, hall April 14;" 1894', the following resolutions were adopted. ... " 'Whereas, it ' has pleased the great Architect of the-Univeree to remove from us our much esteem ed and beloved brother Dr. J. Tur ner, be it . Resolved 1st, Tnat in his death, we have 'sustained great loss, and, in no. one member of Rock Spring Lodge No. 3'4 was held in higher esteem or ties more fraternal, , Resolved 2ndv That a copy of these resolutions be : sent to the Newton Enterprise ' and Lincoln Courier for publication and also to his bereaved widow. . Resol-ved, 3rd That a blank page on our minutes' be left to hi6 memory. Dr. J-. A Shkrfill, Dr. J. D. Mundy,' i : . D. H. Drum. ' . J."'""; .Committee. Denver, N. P., Apri 14, 1894. Hood'a Pills do ncrt weaken, but aid digestion and tone the stomach. Try them. Maiden Letter. Mr. Emtoi:: Spring has come. Tli" fanners are planting. Wheat is grow ing slowly, can't make more I than half of crop, f". Rev. Dr. Clapp, of Newton, preached a most excellent sermon Sunday night, subject : "Avoid all things that have the appearance of evil." - Rev. Cline, of Lenoir College will hold communion services here Sunday. Miss Cauble, of Lincolnton, has been visiting friends in town. Miss Laurs Carpenter, of Hick ory, was in town Monday. Two ticket will be before the people of our town for considera tion. W hojir to see alfairs some what changed. Some low life scoundrel has been poisoning clous in Maiden. We do not know who it is,: but will pay any one a liberal reward who will point him out. A man who has the heart to kill his neighbor's dog will rob or burn his neighbor. We were pained to learn of the death of Senator Vmce. The State has lost here a most distin guished son. Dr. McNary is visiting friends in S: Carolina. Very Respectfully, C. The Caiwe of Nil turner $lck Do you know that many of the Stimmea ailments are in to Con stipation T The bowels do not car rvoff the wa-te and poison, and it. goes through the system. Simmons Liver Regulator cares Coostipation Get a 2p-cent package(powder.) 1S94. Now is the time everybody wrants an Almanac for the New Year. Numbers of tliese are publish and scattered throughout the coun try. ' The one issued by The Cen taur Company of New York City ir by far the most beautiful and complete. The can be had free of our druggists. Bright Spring Days. Tbe spriug should be pre-eminent-ly a season of contentment, happi ness and hope. In these !rigbt aod pleasant mouths the country should enjoy its highest degree of traDqnilU ty and prosperity. But spring, it is well known, is often a period of dis comfort and disturbance in the physical system. Important organs of the brdy become torpid or irreg ular iu their action, and the fact is instantly reflected in the mental condition of the individual. A dis ordered liver means disordered nerves and a dull and u u steady Drain. Anything which will bring the physical system iuto harmony with budding N.turs confers an e normous benefit upon the nation, besides tbe trere allaying of physi cal discomfort. Hood's Sarsaparil la doe this, us thousands of grate ful and happy nieu and womeu can testify, and increased use of this stand -trd spring medicine is of more real practical importance in promo ting hefclth aud quiet io the busi Desa world than reams of abstract theorizing. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the laet few jear was supposed to t-e incurabta.' For a great many 5 eats doctors pronounced it a local dis ease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to care with local treatment, pronounced it lucarable. Science has proven ca tarrh to be a c; nutitutiounl disease and therefore requires constitution al treatment. HaU'a Catarrh Cure manufrctured by F. J' Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., 19 tbe only consti iattonal cuie on the maiket It is taken internally io doses from 10 drops to a teaopoonfol. It acts di rectly on tbe blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system. Tbey offer one hundred dollars for any it fails to cure. send for circulars and testimonials. Addrea-, F J Cheney & Co , Toledo, O. tdSold by Druggists, 75e April 13th 4r. The Buin On Your Face. Are cansed bv impute blood, and will never be well uuies you cleanse it nd build it op in richness and puiry. Botani! Blood Bilm, the great Mood purifier ana tonic, is what jou need. Ooe boitle will clear your complexion and putify your blood. Try it. Price S1,00 per bottle. For sale by druggist. EGGS for hatching from selected j thoroughbred Black Minorcas. ?150 i for 13. S.tisf4Ction guaranteed ' Address, Jxo. K. Patters ojt j Concurd, N. C. i For Malaria, Liver Trou ble, or Indigestion, use BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Burning Pain Erysipelas In Face and Eyes Inflammation Subdued and Tor tures Ended by Hood's. "I am so j?Ial to rll.v',l .f my tortures tbat I am willing to ti 11 tli- Lrnr tits I liave do rived from Hood's SaiHupiiillLi. In April and May, I va aftli.-U-d wiU erydpelas in my fao and eyes, vs hi. lt spread to my throat and neck. I tried divers ointments and alteratives, hut there was no lennaiieiit .ilnieniei.t ui the hum tnr. torturing p:un. pernliar to this rompLimt. I hgau to tike lion I s Sarajiarili.t and Felt Marked Relief before I had finished the first hottle. I con tiuued to improve until, when I had taken four Sarsaparilla bottles, I was completely enred. and felt that al sigms. marks and symptoms of that dire com plaint had forever vanished." Mfie. E. E. Ottawa, HUlsboro, Wisconsin. Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient, yet easy In action. Sold by all druggists. iOc. LIXCOLXTOX MARKET Renorted for the COURIER every Thursday morning by Capt. B. F Gri gg : Cotton Wheat Corn new Meal Flour, Bohr Flour Patent Poik Bicon sides Bacon bams 7 CO 45 per no .so " 100 lbs 1.50 44 " " . . 1.C5 0 00 " lb C " 44 N C . . . . 7 44 41 ' 4 round 5 " 44 N. C 10 " ' r 15 to 20 per !b 10 to 18 i Beet Lard Tallow Chickens Butter liouey Eggs Rans Hides, green Hides, dry Wool, washed doz. ib.. S 10 1st claes. . 27 Ca&bage " 2 Apples, dried " 3 Peaches. dri d " " unpeeled 4 Peacbey. dried " " peeled 5 5 Apples green per bn 00" Sweet Potatoes " " 40 ' Peas DO Irish " 44 " Omons Oniofl sets " " Blackberries drid, per lb., Beeswax pound. 50 00 100 r 1G R-tdical results ia blood diseases are effect el bv the use of Ayer's Sarsnariiia. I'liMic ScImm'I Ilsreetory. Supt. A.-Nixon, Lincolnton, N. C. 230 A KU OF EDUCATION, R. Z. Johnston, Chm. Lincolnton. S. V. Ooodson, 1 I. R. Self. MEETINU OF THE BOARD. First Mondays in Jauoary, June; Julv aud SpternMer. Board may remain in session two days at a time when necessary aud may meet at other times o : call of Chairman or reqoest of one oionjUer. EXAMINATION OF TEACHERS.. On second Thursdays of Febtn ary, April, July, September. Octo ber and December. Examinations may continue through remainder of of week when ncssary. County Institute iu August. A GR4S1) IlirlLY OF EX COXFEIIKHATES! Al an informal meeiing of ex con federate soldiers: hela on the 9th inst., it was unanimously otrropfl in have a irrand rallv and 1 "iV- , , a big dinner at an early aay ; ana to this end all said ex-soldiers are earnestly requested to meet in Lincolnton on the 2Sth of April to fix the-date 01 the celebration, to organize, and to effect all neces sary preliminary arrangements to having a good time. Recall the days of Bethel. Sev en Pines, Cold Harbor, The Wil derness, and come. April 11th 194. Many Ex-Cokfederates. St. J. T o-. M-Lan i oppnine no tht marb e bum at h old s.and and is now dome some work. H1 bas a practical expense ot r.Hlvn ear" m the hcpin1, an1 ri wnrk manehip h t-no known in Lin coln and otbfi cnnnti-s to n'-pd any commendation at our nanus. CJ IjOTHIlXTGi We place on exhibition this week our Spring purchases in Men's Boys' and Chilrens Clothing, and ask the critica 1 examination of the public both as to price, make-up and quality We are showing many new fancies in Children's wear, and Mothers will do well to see our siock before making a single purchase. Oai chum that we have the best shoe made for the money has never been successfully disputed. To not forget to call and see them. We have many poods bought much below real value and invite you io CTine1 :md sh-in thse foo l thing; with u. We are making a special oflWirg of Knx'on A Havv Si orif 5cts. For other bargains be Sure to call on Jim Ii,d:b;b, SPRING SPRING THE FINEST LOT AND GREATEST VARIETY OF DRESS PATTERNS EVER BROUGHT TO LINCOLN C 0 U N T Y. Dress GOODS from Silks down. The best of Irish Linen, double with, 12 3 cts. per yd. Cali coes, new style prints,. 4 to cts. per yd. 3o" in. rm'to ifd icm! from .'50 -t?. to .'22 'it. D. E, RHYNE. Laboratory Cotton Mills. A Shoe !creii:Mif Cnril, Mr. Ja. E Crltou, of Atlanta,. Ga. had n severe cae "t md gPtion th-t batii-d nil other uiclici r.n. lie used Tvnei'is Dyspepsia n dy. and nfterwurdo writes :-T ha'1 sever Ind'sctin, r;is . srurin f focf on tbe fs'omactie, and severe pains. TTnei's Dyppsia Kemedy promptly cured me. I cormneLd it t the pn''?c tb1 lst remedy f" mdiueiii i l." Trv 't. April 20 it l0OU,l' I DIES !?.oo ;s vJ ftLr. .'iA ' IoOYS ( 2)V AO 'r&-7C I OVa A$4-- ' y CUCLAS IIr BEST IN THE WORLD . , ,c-t. tin'd five b-crVati' faction at'lhc prircsal. j TCrtiscdthati anv other make. Try one jair n(l nnme ana p.ire .ii ineir value, iuwu3"w - . , ., - ; to thoc xvhn weir thtm. Dalcrs w ho pu; h th j sale of W. L. Doucla ShK S pnin w?tnnc, which h'I"- tr. infrtrn1 the aW on their full line ofeoodsTh-.T enn aHord to ft'.l at a lr.rrf.t. and we believe von cm ivc tmr-V hv b'iy:naJ you- fxtwear of the denier advertised I cltAv. C'lnt-'t:" f'ee "POT application. j?rr--., W. L. DOCgLA-S, Brockton, Ma. Sold by Maudey & Bros., Chenyvil'e, N C An Antidote TUEIU RESULTANT EVILS: A VvELL-SUPPLIED THlNKlG-SKOP and Frequent PotionS of Bottled Kfi'"'. Call and .eo. B. F dUlG'i t.ub-.cine for in- COURIKE f! nfl. mm WW, ri GOODS! GOODSi Owing to the Failure of ' alagre Tobacco Manufacturer at Mt- A0' N C I can now ell you ji line tobacco at a very low price having bought a Large lot very cheap. I also have car load 100 Bln of Indian Rock Lime which I am Helling CHEAP. MY STOCK OF STAPLE AND FANCY .GflOCERIES IS FIRST CLASS SATIS FACTION GUARANTEED both nilAi 1TV Ji- PRinr T. . ttt A- WOO ... VERY TRULY, A. W- REEDY. North rnrolina In Sjpf rior Curt. Lincoln County ) Before V K Chilcfs, c 8 c K S Gray ) vs Notic'.. . I l k.mcmir 1 j tite of North Carina to the non-reai- 'tcntdefcnd-nt.J M Kan)-ur if. above en-. title! judgment. ; You ure herry notifi'5 that the nbovo i nHrned pliiititifTK S Grny will move be- ' fore th-i r.4ri-:f;nd ( ')f-rk r 1 .Superior i Court of L'ncoifi Countv at hi otGce In ! said (Jonnty on Fridy diy of Miy 1S04 nt 12 o'cI h k r.oi.n for J-hvp to i-?ae execution on the judm' nt a- above en I til ed against mj.i no n tho .1 ud'eoent , Docket ot Lincoln :ounty B'ok 2, pge '' a ,,10i'" w" " ' ' " " hdavit now on ii in tnis owic; on xue ground th!t f. i J jud'-TO nt h rif t ben , hn.d VOU HTt ' otitied to af'J.enr at 1. RVp ?houi1 not oe J ' - . - - - - granted ini why ex-oution ?ho'o rjt i i?sue. Witues my Land and eal of kof- iice mis tne 2htn cay oi .iarca (J K Child', c s c. Mpech an et- ATTENTION! In medicine quality js of prime importauce. at J. M- Lawing's Phar macy can always be found the purest and freshest of Drus the mar kEt allbrfl?- Iso can be found Paints, Oilsand Var- nh i o n I. ' c; - A til J