T ffl E ,:L II & G. JUN .nra : I LINCOLN UOUKIER. F S bTAUUETTK LD1TOK AN D PROiMil HTuI LiM. t.i -JTi.N. N.i!., AU(j1;24jH4 liKKKD in tu i'oHr OFuCE AT r-i.-MfuN AM HtOONli CLABS Mali u.k r rta' buliscriptiuaCasti in Advance 1 vtvw uoutha Z0 3 mouths ... 5 je 0 Advertising. Daemon, ouh time. $1.00 ; 25c to. each subseqaeu insertion. To inches, one time, 11.60; CO vtiti tor each -.absequent insertion Turee inches, one time, 2.0C 7,j wilts for each subsequent iuser on. Four iucbe; one tnue, $2.50 : 11.00 for each subsequent insertion. Special rates tor one-hall and oae t'oartb column ; also, for an a 1 vrriment couttnncd longer 1 a v,n r mothi I.TlEiliTA.r ASXOVSVK 31 EXT. AH partus indebted to ihe LlN (;oln Courier either on account cr subscription or adveitetarutt u; fo Deceuitiei 1, 1803, must make immediate pay mtnt by 1 emitlance j to the uu lerMjzned at Ahhfilh, N. J C, or oy payo.g M r. atarrette, tLej 1-renent editor. All aM ountn n.ade since December 1, 1803, iust be settled w.ih the present editor and prop :etor o the COultlER. J. M. HOBEETS. AHheille, N. O. to ouii seism oiiibfiis. u e hnow irum uciuai Hint money is scarce but we can ; 1 l 1 -. r . not afford tc pay cash for :aper to Kiid i,ui on credit. We want to luinibh tl.e citizen of Lincoln county a good paper. W iced money to get more material so as to give more reading matter. If vou are duo us anything, however small th3 amount, come up and help us out and we will do better for you. We can work much bet ter w li-n we have no heavy weight 11 1 on our s'loulders. Come and pay what you can now, and linieh up 11 litl If later on. (Mir ivudur have been advised that a certail election was held in Alaktina la.st week. It was held under a funion of Populists and Hepublicaus and under the Aus tralian ballot system, which the I'opulist Omaha jdatfoi in demand ed as in the interest of honest el ections. The Democrats swept the deck, and no explanation is ottered by I lie Populists of why the great victory thy were to have won is turned to defeat except the charge that they were defrauded de frauded, mind you, under a sys tem of voting which their nation al platform demanded as one which would insure fair elections. The true explanation of this and of previous elections for years is that there are in Alabama, as in every other Southern State, more demo crat than their are either Repub licans or Populists, and that, w hile there may appear to be more of th-jse two combined than of Dem ocrais. whenever and w herever they attempt to fuse enough fall away trom both side to leave the Dem ocrats till in the Lad. The re sults of these two last Rep.-Pop fusion elections those of Tennes eo and Alaba.na promise but one thing as to the election m North Carolina this year; and he who nub may read. Landmark. WiiMillllKtiMI I.CllCf. C 'i r sio:iiienc3 of Coubier. Washinotos. Aug. '20, 1S94: IVisident Cleveland will not,ac couling to those who ought to Know, definitely decide what ac ti n lie will take on the tariff bill i;!.t;l j;, i turns from Uray Gables, wnni.tr no was vtnvei. by a trou- bl -on..- attack of malaria : but th.it only r.-lates to detail, as it is r-: nd.'d a fully settled that the bill .-hall become a law. In fact, o ltiti-d copies of the bill are now on the way to ewry collector of ut nis. t.,, that when it beoomes si it a-;11 only be necessary to I -:iaj)li the collectors .b have it f t nht into eifect. Th 8 Presi--- t w 1I1 r, turn this week. Ifi -onie quarters there is a dis- tion to believe that the Mur jdjy resolution, against further consideration of taritY legislation, which was adopted by a vote of 27 itlfi - a bare;iuorbyAt ' Senate, may he the cause of the lanil bill DblJi veio. lt.ls oi Clevekijd ig Uiuch , interested 11 of the borate bills placing ;oal,iron or1 and barbed wire on thy fine list, and deaires to'soe them "be come laws, and it id equally well known that the Murphy resolution was intended to kill .those hills for the prejij, sesajqiu Ijwas .stated when the House democratic cau cus which resulted- iu the passage of the Senate tariff bill was in ses sion that the. oemocratic steering committer of thaSenatehad Riven a pledge that these seperate bills, and that providing. .fory free sugai, ahould be voted upon by the Sep ato before adjournment, if the House would accept the Senate, amendments to the Wilson bill, and it is believed that without that pledge the House'would nJt "have kcted. These' things were all known to Mr. CleVelahd, but those whose opinions would carry weight will not at this time express them, ns to what, if any, eifect the S'e"n- ate resolution may haVe on the fate of the tariff hilf. An otiicVal stalebieht "made by tti; disbursing clerk of' the Depart-' j inent of Agriculture shows ' that the reduction in the expend itUfres ofthst department for the fiscal vear ending June '3rd, 1894, was slightly in excess of 14' per cent., and that nearly $500,000 of the an-. nual appropriation" niaVle for the' department was uuexpanded and would be covered back into' the Treasury. ' That's the 'kind of a I . " : democrat Secretary Morton is. Hi in8 connection it is well to Call' ... attention to another official fact' calculated to' impress "people with' the idea that the damocfats in Congress are living '"Up ; to the' parly pledges' of "economy ' in public expenditcre, if they haven't gone as far in some other direction as they might- have 'cone. The total amount 'appropriated at this session of ' Oohirressj accofijl'n'g jo the figures of Chairman SayerSjOf the House appropriation' commit tee, is $28,835,989 less than the to tal appropriations made at the last session cf Congress. In othe-r words, the government lids been saved just that much Representative Bland 'prevented the bimetallic league'eiiuoKsing the populists at tho cohfore'fico hek! here last week. He simply told1 the other members of the' commit tee, w hen the" chairman of :' the'" populist national committee' asked : that his party be en'dorseii7'that-if the league was to be turned iVito a populist machine, he " aiVd'o'thtltH democrat would draw out. '(ik& committee decided to endorse nothing but silver and to use! its entire efforts to Secure 'tfre "election- of silver men to' the 54th Congress, and issued'an address' hi accord ance with that dtcisio'n.1 , '' The old rumor that "Secretary Carlisle was about (o retireTro'nr the calunet came' Out- as fepry as thyugh" it had not 1een "killed a dozen or more "times,' during the last three or four days." lf was preceded by the riiinorll1iat"Sec retary Carlisle's letter to Senator Ilanis, who is actin'g'ch'airmah .of the Senate finance .committed 011. account of sickVess"' "Senator Voorhees, concerning "the effect the bills passed by tiie House, placing on the Free lrst sugar' coal iron ore, and bkrberj wire; vron'ld. have upon the revenues'' of the government if favoraby acted u'pon by ili.eSeiidtb;Kad bee'rr-writ-ibjood ten withont'-rresident Clevehind'e knowie'dge and that it bad-caused a coohiess between Ihe ttro'-menj. Never was a t6ry -built "upon a falser foundation.-. Although: Sec-; retary CarlilseVleUAr waa written m accordance-with' tiie. -routine- custom ir answer to 4he. usual in- quiry- mad ; by the chairman of the finance committee of. the. Sec retary of the .-TreaRury egijcernjiig'. contemplateil legislation it .qan be. positively stated that. Present, t leveland was.,-..fully iniormwl 0 its contents before it .was se.nt Jt rd contained,--by the.. way, u'a wcr ot argument- f "111, mereiY-nil. PsJimstP.nt i'ha I - --r- . revenue tbat wculd bQ.jetained or- lost. It is. doubtless -whetler. any- resvtn I. ver ,ejijoyertet jlation with his Secretairyof Je Treasury tian- Air. Cleveland do$ wit h Mr: CarjTslnd ? all talbf coolness betwaeii i tolals imply notdeservirig'anj'i?netns:con-Bideration. ; ;Th'e ejtidehce9 of alalVtate jiftir atialelglrhis year, contouue to muuipiy. - It has already ben announced that such large farms as the Vau derldlt estate, of buncombe; the Mcl 11 tyie estate, of Onslow; the Kennedy, 'farm, of! Lenoir; the jUidijkndHoinewoodlarni, ofAl- amance ; Fair View farm, of Wake; Mott" Farm, of Iredell; Sedgeheld stcck and dairy farm, of Forsyth ;" the lleg poultry farm, of . Forsyth; Osceola poultry yards, of Craven :' Occ'ii'6echee rV" '"' ' jp-'-'fi i . . - 1 iarm, 01 urange, me apenari farm',' of Berti5; the Scotland Neck breeding fetud, oT Halifax ; Robin son Stables, of Abson : WachoVia Kennels, of Forsyth';' Kelt's pit gam'y ar'd, of Caldwell Parker farm, of "RaiidoipHpbesides hdn dfe'8s of farmers representing the State -from thd extreme East to tho'extreme Wesf, will make ex hibits ; The peanut, rice and grain in dustry will be extensively and ar tistically shown.' J . Voluminous ccrrf spondence is being ' had " with famous cattle breeders, oijtside trie State who desire to exhibit their cattle at the 'Tsorth Carolina Fair, and cplite a number have promised to berpres- ehf: "; '' Among the attractions that have been secured are the Cyclorama of t.hS Battle ot Gettysburg, of w-hicb. State Treasurer Tate and Col. T. S Kenan 8,peak highly and favorably ;' (hev Working WorW; one of the most 'wonderful pieces of mechan ism 'itf.jneumtecT. Spates'; the TJo hsmian glais blowers, wbbse'artis lie and delicate .y work .in'glass. chain attention by the "liours, and other fascinating novelties. ' There will be three great days : Education day on Tuesday ; Sol- 4ifersrJay, wjiich Incofporates a reunion of the. Confederate and r eterai veterans, on Wednesday ; 1 r arrners Jay, on "rnnrsday.. Col. J. H. Holtof Burlington, N. C. is Chief Marshal, and will il?iwe..a lajgecorps .""of: dasjiiiyr and gallant assistants ' - M.iUiil-and oil.er aluio8ihern ; jntltt,nce8 am t?jt couutei acttd: Ur kt-epiug -tbe , blooL pure nd vig oroui 'itu ... Aer'-. . s .raapnlla A httlq caution 1 la this rrsitrct uiaj i)revuaV xerious ifluesi at tbi hea .690. Ayer's Srr-apardla v is the' b si alLtue,-year 1011ul me ioiue ; if) exiHience Li pibl iruu, I'rliu u rj' , .:, TlieRopublican Primaryaneett yniyr iprej .Uank Pnecenct met .Aug4, lgih5 1 8p.4, and ojgaiuzed by electing- J .lichalj- Chairman, mul.Jjfl.' 3. A be'rn.eth.y. -jSecy. ,.-j The o-bject.-.jtlu8 being loelect delegabBs. to the County Cciven- tion .wb.je.Ji istojbo held in Lincoln L.tpn .August 24Uln -u- .h,i3f IJpon , jnption, nominated and .elficted,fir. M RUchal, W A Keener, and "A C.t.ip.eberggr, delegates. W F Huggins . J P Armstrong anu jonn lunen were electea aL ternates.."' 4 'v G M Micha'(?l;'fownship commit tee. . ; . tJpon motion the delegates were uiiuisfructed ': Upon motipn adfoiirnednd the 'proce'e'diilg's of .the 'me&ting to. be pu ulis'h'yd iii" the Lincoln Courier. J M 31'iciiael, Ch'm. . Abkrkthy, Sec. Ayei'j Sars tiiarill free th ir'oiu l!ali"' scro'.ulous. and inflamnTatony l.uinois- The SuVceVa whieh ' Hood "a Sar saparilla litts u'hiI in treeidk old tnd yountj Irorp affictutha' cuuhctl b impure blood," fa really' rtuSartatile IfoodV Sarsaparflla is a building u'pvmedibiue.'. '" ' " : i alipl Meuafojrlal OniiTeiiiluit. Ijy authority, of the'Democratic Exeutiyy Committee ! of "the 29tR enatnnajistnct of North; Caro- M."". cnjI2?seas )) V.t, Ate?anj rter, Catawha andtincblncouhtie's 1 nereoy call a convention if, arid 1' for said Dis'tiict 'to meet in Tav- Vnt T'Tn.tnf thannrtjn.B rr" " i--"" - iiULii- ( 1 infhiff- Candidates'---for tho'W'i lh land menKcned in StalSSfin'ate: anH trftaoT?ww si " "' ""7fhiran(tidjoiningthelajdsof S. F.Sher- fotlgrjjdness that ,Piay come be I rill and otheis, said tract containioj two foi'eit: -ii i 1 . -C f " aeies three 'rocda and' thirty tares poles. TS 'n :xi ui ts A I mcrtgagei duly recorded in Ua- J..O. Hall, hh E2&. Com. coin County EegUtiy Book, No-r& pages -u.mu uou.pwgd, jam cr, gripe. 1 Sold by all draggiitb- ," To The IlrpublloauM f Liu- Ab Ujo ' State Convention dpe not riiet ifrrtirthe 30th of Augufif;' the Republican Executive Com mittee of Lincoln county have de cided to withdraw the call for ft convention 011 the 4th of August and follow more closely the plan of organ ization'adop ted by the 'last State Convention The Republicans of each-township in - the-county are therefore rtHjueeted to meet, at such place as the Committeeman ot each town ship may designate, on Saturday.. August the 18th at 1 o'clock p. m. to elect ' delegates.' to the county convention and toelact a Township Committee." Each, Township, will tie entitled - ta. tjiree delegates iu the county con vetition , Jm- Liricolnton township will meet J in the conrt house at Linpolnpn. ; r , By.jnstructiont irom the .county E xecutivj Committee a Republi- can conventioft?is hefehy-called to ' meet iu the court .houseat Lin- ; colnton on Saturday August the ' 25th at 12 a'elock- top the purpose ; of electing delegates to the State and District Convention and for 1 snch other-business as may come before the convention; . . 1 ' ; W. C. "Mulles, Ch'ai. . j : "J. , T. DeLane ?eVy. I July 25, '94. " ' . Take it as yoo tt 1 , in liqald or powder form, ooly e th .1 .-u $el Simmons Liver Rrgu(aicr. 1( cores Sick He-nlacer, Uiiiuusittsi Ooastir rtioo. You nee. t net irako i Tea of It. Aspoontul of th.1 n-; qtid, or a itinch ol tbe p.iwder, just def rc go oj to bed win insure refrtstiing nlefp, and the next morning you it I ns thou . li 50a had a re linie on liti. o .i : (tack ape po(l. i-25 , hen untying imo t iir pic en. nouie 1 b.u.ui a t Ctirtia .i aiu Pam Biliulctl liy a luliiur tenant". Outh ;ab .il toutiil ih ilateiufiit thrti It hh yo. d fix Cuts ird ImiiiH. I 1 nil ieury to iLe lutUt f ihin. Noiilii tu' ah uy xpeiiencA baa foun.l itn ttquitl lui vr atiiig bliatei8 ut i.uriis. F. VI. Bairetrp, muager Le Sueur Senti nel, le Sueur, Miun. Paiu iiulva is ilso a sure cure lor rheumatism. For sale by Dr. VV: L. CroUrc, Diutf. 181. m:ivct:u uatis 0 w, . l.. Kulgbn ol IjiIiIn roiiclttvc, VMh liitfiuii, I, cr. ' To Coupon Agents: On ac count of the above occasion you are authorized to sell. round-trip tickets to Washington, D. C, and xeturn-at rate of On Fare for the round trip, using tickets Form S. A. L. Ex. 1057, or S. A. L. Ex. 1058 as parties may elect, detaching the regular contract and substitut ing therefor Iron-clad Paster con tract. Tickets tc be limited to a con tinuous passage in each direction; extreme limit Sept. .6th; provided, however, that the extreme limit may be extended to Sept 16th if the." tickets .are ..deposited with the Joint Agent . at Washington on or before Sept 6th. Post two oopies. T. J. Anderson, Uen'L Pass. Agent. Tickets "on sale 23rd to 28th in clusive. Rate from Laicolnton 112.45. My lov was trtken with a disease r6Newiiing bloody flui. The first thing I thought of was Chambers laih'w Oolic, Cholera and Diarrhoea li mt-dy. Two doses of it settled th- matter and cured him tound ari.i well- -1 heartily recmmf od ibis lemtMly to all peisons sulT.i.ior troin a like complaint. I will an wtr Hiiv ti.quiries regardiuif it Whin stuicp 8 ebcloaid. I iefrr to in c utity uffi.'.ial aa to - iar reli- . Wm. Iti'AcH, J P., Primroy Q.niltrH,.U'., Ttiui. For haie bv ir. W L Grouse, Uiupfcibt, MT GEE'S LANDSALE- A mortggH Laying bren executed by A. , 8rdt tj tte unsersiEnti dated jure 2nd ISS 1 , t i cat -thfr payment ot a dcbl tbea j t onthictod, 'sndrdetanit' ha?lng been made j 1 " 1 ;PMur,r: .ue 6f the fity i-. ' 1- 11 L.incnincon, u com couniy vn vsciooe :iiid aprfgage lying in Uncolnton Towa- ' J. B. LtwiKlIfgce, 'Augit,24i8sfr:r4: ;Kf2metb'Kasetiiora lnd the good fottlnitf '.iceivr.tt aniall boitlf 'f'.' Difcrtbma. -tb medy Ha of Wei lamily wer aii dymuieiy; Thi- ouw 3iillj wl en I D I HO tDtmbi" with bottle curftd ibt-m all uud be hnd j Baker, pruiuiaeut merohaut or the place. Lewinoo, N. 0 and It cnid Limot the .MPUiot. WUq tMtublt-d with dyiilrv, di- -airboea, colic or chidem. moibua iriv ibis.iiDedj . .trial. nnil oa will h iiiore ihMD pIrM:! with iie refcblt. Tlie iii ibftl nalnrally tollowa ilm iutroduatho hdI utw baa made it rry popuUr. 5 60. v t'ottfeN for Mile by Dr. W U Cruae, ; Mrs. J. II. IIobsnydeh, 152 Pacific Avs., Santa Cruz, CaL, writes: " When a girl at school, In Reading, Ohio, I had severe attack of brain lever. On my recovery, I found myself perfectly bald, and, for a long time, I feared I should be permanently so. Friends urged me to use Ayer Hair Vigor, and, on doing 'so, my hair Began to Grow, and I now have as fine a head of hair as one could wish for, being changed, how ever, from blonde to dark brown." . " After a fit of sickness, my hair came out in combfulls. I used two bottles of Ayers Hair Vigor and now my hair to over a yard long and very full and heavy. I have recom mended this preparation to others with like good-effect."- Mrs. Sidney Carr, 1160 Begina St., HarrUburg, Pa. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for several years and always obtained satis factory results. I know it Is the best preparation for the hair that Is made.' O. T. Arnett, Mammoth Spring, Ark. Ayer's Hair Vigor rrefr4 Dr. J. C. Ayer 6 Co-, Lowell, Uw. by i (jae film fym. Open Your Eyes , lo these showy, shoddy shoes, that the country is being flood j ed with they are sold,- as bar gains on account of their fine appearance, but in reality they aae dear aj: half the. price a&ked Tu great mistake that tbe mnjoiity ot the Merchants make, U that they liiten to tbe eiy of the public for cheap good., and they go into ' ttiti Market with; the one Idea o1 buying the Showiest Shoe lor the money' and they meet with success with these shoddy shoes for a while, but the reaction is" leartul. We do not believe in PASTEBOARD SHOES. We therefore appeal to your eo ber Second Thought and Oood jUommon Senio with our method of buying shoes (Alter 15 years of experience.) ; "Out great object, when we goUto the Shoe Market is to buy the"-very best wear ing and fitting shoe legatdless of their showy appearance. . And to jirove to you that the public appreciates our meth od of buyiug: We have one shoe alone that wer - placed be fore the public only a lew years ago and the first year we suc ceeded in selling only a few prs. We axe now selling 800: pairs of the same tbces yearly.. ... :: This shoe in our Famous $L"p Black Bottom G o.lwt ar shoe. This is the o.igiu.t and i.nl? . (Jertulqe 46 Jdwea'r,' A shoe of which we havd Sold over 600 Pairs and have . not had 12 pairs re . turned. They re the CHEAPEST BEST good made in the tbe worid at the nrice. The sale of tham sa great that they are jUnT' tated with Cheaper Goods at' less price. Not only their general style bt?ing copied but the name alao", as it n not copyrighted' I None are genuine unlea St. John Kirkham Shoe-Co-is 'stamped on the heel. FATHER OF Hix-a in v- Mttmm " est asbn of the hai dest yer, our sales aro more than bikp LY satisfactory, they are far better than our expecta tions. uui pnuw ai 1- wcuci, We bought otirgooda for caah is the reason we could afford to IlO PllOeS JELJLGrlESU'JIPm - - ye are now making prepa- I We will not buy more goodi ' rati0n8for the Fall Trade." 1 -than we can paycaakfor. . M !: Anrl in nfder to cat un &a much moiiev Sl3 DOSSlble. wer rtAva- j hhA'A'h 7tiH I UYtVY 'nH, iu (Jlottiing and Dry (Joods. : Straw Hats, one half our original Price. Thin week .we will receive our Full line of" lieni FVVMl j UAIS Shlukea's VH ATS " Tbankuog tbe public tor their liberal patronage, we ar& H. Superior advantages offered at . The Marion Art School - Concord, N- 0- F..11 urni begios Seid. 12 1894 BM.tt found with pitvate tamiiies hi low lars. p if lurtQpr pHiticnJ lars, add 1 ess, . - Miss iiKTTiJt aLsxAVDsa. . i-. Priiic p d Throw Iliyslc to flie Dogg. Matiy t.i. ihe became dia gnsted with d ctora and 1 ur alls Sach have never tiied lyors D)spppia Reined r. It pits'the stomach io order, and many riHtaaea are iua pot to light. Keep tbe stomach iu crder and diseases can not exist. Try lyner's Dyspepsia Beaiedy. It builds op and gms new lite from the first dose. T'jv it. 50o. bi.t le. For stle 1.3 dtag W. L. Douclas 0 LT is THI BUT. OliVEaNOIQUEARlNQ. ffl. CORDOVAN, rafJtCHAEfMNELLEDCALT. 3.fJPOUCE,33oui. EXTRA riNET -LADIKS-: ii Ta re CATAL0SU6 L.-DOUQLAA, BROCKTON, fiK. mu eit mumer hr rokUm W. 1hkI ka, Byuii. we arc thr largest luaaufacturtrs oi advertised "nhoea in the world, and ruarantec the value by stamping the name .and price oa the bottom, which protect you against high prices aad the middleman' pro&Ls. Our shoes qual custom work la style easy fitting aad wearing qualities. We have them sold every where at lowex prices for the value given thaa any other make. Take uo substitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, we caa. 8oldty Mau.tej & Bioh., Ohnyvule, N. O. CRYSTAL LEASES TRABt MARK.) fisaUtf rtnt aU alyi. J. A. Smith, Druggist, has ;er elusive sale of these glasses" in Newton, N. C. From the factory of Kellaui & Moore, the only com plete optical plant in the south Atlanta, Qa. itpPeddlers &t& not supplied with-these famous glasses. UNIVERSITY OF N. GAROL1NA. Includes the College, the Uni versity, the Law School, the : Med ical School for Teacher. College tuition 160.00 a year; board $7.00 to $13.00 a month. Session " be gins Sept. 6. Address President Wiuston, Chapel HiilN: C. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having been qualified ai' iha"'Skocatdra of the la8t wm d Te3Ument ofBoS! Larr.enter, dee d, all Mrsons hav!n Hum. agnast said deceaacXiWe hereby noUfied 1 t prsent tbe same for will Le pleat m .tar of recoveiv. 'TBIs Aagoitllih 1894- L. B. Wit 9mm, Aity. - j- - . Wieo Bb wu sick, W 4.,. Le-'atoria. ; Waea aha waa a CLfla, ae crM fcac CaatorU. abin;ialili e&jfa CaatorU. abe Ud OJldrfa,tte jaVetirta Cartoria, Ik LOW PRICES b J lug vuv Why id tins 7 hkhAtf Aft ftAtih" Fl1 t ' TrVfTU- BESPCTF.ULLY..U, . Eobinson & Co 1894 1894. 0PENED::.W1TH "T'NEW work; Harness, vBLdles, Saddles :-;9nd io fact ( that ii used; -needea or to bs f : WORN by HORSE or MULE. . With Fifteen years experiaruM f I jam prepared to furnish any- j h thing in" my LlnJat HdrdTlmt prices, tor casn or Barter. t I -RepaifinG, done on iktrt ; .' - MOTICE. j Give me a call and be ! vincd. Shop on Tohrt Squara ' back of W- H- Michal. Respectfully, ... f a , Wotloc ! And don t forget to no . tice whatf I arp about to say. ; I wish to cmIi yoiii airtuiiou to fine grade of Alaoldue Oil I io? ft va ou hand far Reapers aoi Jdowers, wbioh will not goes cfi jour luachliim. . I I will alflo bate Io titook In a faf oav a, a lot cf open end TiULt BLErt, torwbhii iters U 10 much demand. I alteady bavs on hsnd a supply well vtatilated ou ulbtz iik which I do not tr to fU. sj I leetton ot curiosities. "' "Jiiat received triora Coto Saryowsf fh beat ting of b Kind on ihd Tmarstet1 Don't forget to call nj timl&4 a i SHOKSJurficdlyiJcr.'jmi'-lioTr j ' . ' - setlinw iLun to the tote Now, like the PLoaoiiMLb. in aiu what y.Qii.har tatan; la,' you aie ieady to rdprodoce to Ty mtuds forjeosral applioatisa ' i i; . Ji-iff. A. TOBY. if- i.-f" An AntidQtft A WELL-SUPPLIXO n and Frequent Bottitf ... Bottled "' -tK.-iKi--'. Euorg! Callnde, BF. OR1Q0. ... WQU, MSPKPtU m ijflfwtioa, and irca iii'inlsn BROWW'tf W03T 1TT- 40 dealers kteptt.fi per bettl. ?Et i it I - . L 1 l V