wf I IF " : wfiff fffii iter - ;3fSf iti wliw- - will : iIHillw VOL VIII. LINGOLNTON; N. C, FRIDAY, SEPT. 21. 1894. NO. 22 I PESFAIR. There's a sail o of vour misery. You've tried Dnn't rivf nn (- friends have recommended, eminent physicians and , special ly ists, change of scene and climate ; but you have not tried 1, the Ei.r.cTKOi oisK. Now, come, don't be bigoted.'' Don't stick to the old schools through prejudice, He generous ) to yourself. Use the Electropoise. You will be cured a-. others have been. Write us. A TLA X TIC ELECTROPOISE BELWOOD INSTITUTE Prepares boys for tin? gopomoro Class at nnity College and girls for thti Senior Qhiss al (Jreensboro I'Vinal" College. KxcelliMit advantages- in llie .study of vocal ami instrumental AllJ.SlC. Thorough I list ruction. I nl i ucii in Hook kepii. (Vnimneiai Ai it IjiimM ic. and Commercial Lev.v. r.orti.l hihI t iiit till in English couise 7.K per imunli.-" Pat- itm opens An;'. For Catalogue, giving lull n.tor iai i.t. mhlret-B, MET, M MA9 MKAvmmR CHAR OTTE . COLLEGE Of MUSIC AND ART. 18 SOUTH TRYONST., ." : , SCHOOL FOIUIUCAL TRAINING IN Till: .. : Southern Slates. THE MOST IMl'KOVKl) .-' EUROPEAN 'MISTilODS M any f i ad vantages Modern I.j'tut.uii-H tmifclit im ' l) native teacher , . HOARDING ?1 Accommodations lor non resident lad, Studen's in Of He .liuildm V. er model n couvenu in c. Special iohim. in VA I NT1 NO, DRAWING, rl i'LOCUTlON. Catalogues sent on appllcaliou. CtM !! or address : CAULS (iAICR'l SEK, Auir 1", Is'1 1 E. M. ANDREWS Wli.i'c-nliMntl KetsiiliUenlerg ii O.A vX I) I):R I;1AIV7S Oak i 1(mI roojn wills o t.-ii p . s. ' 1 1 i VMIO to Slf.0.00. Parlor Suits of M ;. i cc-, f' . iu s-)j;,.l, t. -OO.tlli. NlDKIiljAKDS tioin Mo on ... To un EXTENSIONS TABLES lion l no ,, sjo ),) !iiiiii (Iloscts si; 00 to 8ir .oo. (U'lticr ijnl!c?j 1 0i'5 o So.OO. Easels and icture's ; no o ?20 oo, con 7 r:s t: i 7.50 iolfi.OO, .Music, r i !:s ami ('..0 n ts, 1 f0 to Jl'J.dO. Revolving to.k Casrw and Koll l op D-hl s and ill Clia'.r, Sa.oo t. 4(M;). Oigis, $50 00 to I'lano-, $-.'25 00 to ShOO.Oo. This is a reat sale and you make a L'roat mistake if yon fail to lake advantage of it ALL loiters promptly answer ed. rite ni once ur particu lars. ih4 AXS7iDIRKWS HI find IS We.t 'I r.nle St, CHARLOTTE. X C. Jan. L'G, 18'al. 3 'Cures when all else fails." in sii'ht even on thr ncr-n evervt hi ncrmp1 id nr.c , - CO., Washington, . C. 'frit "r Professional Carcls. J. W.SAIN.M. D.,. lias loe-uod hi it n t:on t ; jt'.i i I ot fcts his services as phsldaRj jo I ho en i7'H9 ol fjiucoliiiou'SMid 'jioa!:fl iig couni iy. " ' . . VYiil Oc touud at niglri af b hn C"! Hotel. ... M.trcb 'J7, 1S9I . v.t ,'rVr 1 v DENTAL NOTICE. D'. A. W. Ah'Xan dor .w nJ.Vo a bis oflioc at Laieoiaion, J'wfif" iit j h r , Oiobc, Dec ni'1: . l bn man and April. V d'P !c 111 .Vit. :lo Ij, ,Iuiy. Si ptetiib' r. NUvembfr, Jauairv, Murrh aini ;'M.;V. Pa f oiihc g'i6iit d. and in i.h ialc Makes life miserable;-!!. pother ailments are as nothing m com parison. Women cppeciaUy.know its suffering, and few escape ita torture, THE RELIEF AND CURE IS fany peoplo take pilL, which ripoand purgeweakening tho ' body. More take Simmons Liver Regulator, liquid or powder, be-, cause moro pleasant to take, docs , not gripe, and is a rhi Id laxative, that also tones --up tho -system. Tho relief is quick. . It-is Nature's own remedy, purely vegetable. "1 never found anything to jo mo any pood until I used Simmons "Liter. Hrguliv .. tor. It haa been tliree years since, I Ilrst used it and I have not had -BJokJleadachc sinee. I sentmy Bister (Who had from one. to two attacks of, lf k :JI$adaeho every, r week) one-half of Ap"kafe ft"1 ''h0 has not had it sluco." C. BMokbis, Brown ville, W.Va. 3EVEB"E PACKAGE'S Rm our Z Stamp In red on wrapper, J. U. ZEILIN Jit CO.. Thiladelphia, F. f ,M m'm ii i 'Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, nd all 1 at-J J ent business conducted tor mode ati FEES. ' Our Office is Opposite u.s patent office f J and we can secure patent in less time thau taose remote from Washington. 5 Send model, drawing or photo., with de-np-J 'tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of? JcNire. Our fee not due till palent is secured. A pamphlet "How to Obtain Patents," with J i cost of same in the U.S. and toreign countries 5 t sent free. Address, :C.A.SNOW&GO.I opp. Patent Office, WASHfridtoN. LVC i P? 8 rip VI HUP AN hwn onoumakea the aasertioa that the. late Congress. did.tDpthjn for the good of .the., people, b,pi..ig piiner ignorant 01 tne racta ., or. is wilfully ' rmi8refiresenting them. ' I.I i ' .... iierore we make a wholesale on- domri'ation of anything we. should look into the matter carefully tUid stie if -the fa'ta justify the coaclu- sibni?. '-:And (X!euilly:?baor8;2rjp6 set huffed up audvleave thft pajrty wlueh has a) ways been pur friend we shouM s je whether or.!.ot,.that pa rty haa made, proper etforta to keep faith with u. Let us notice wbat Congreaa did at its last aea- Kion which ia of special interest to the taxpayers of . the country." r .1 t ro pealed the federal ? election law which Wa8'BO:otn)txlbli8 as to call forth tlio ciindeTunatio'fi.'pf the lU'h-e pfefls'o-f thV'South.' It has made ail money equally taatile, by. giving the Statei the power to.tajx gro,eu back a and other united otatea currencv. this ,is an important! measure, as will . be seen from the folfowiug "' word's " of Mr. McMilhn,of Tenneaaee. ."Authorizing the iaaue of green backs and the treasury warrants under the Sherman act exempting them irom the Stale, county and niunicipial taxation,. Hundidda of tnillions thereby escape all taxa- tioiL - lndividualfl escape it by having their . .funds in bank' nominally invested in greenbacks or-United Statea.treaourY warrants on the dayr,for .asseament Banks accomplished the; same object iii tlie sanio way. Under the new law thia vast a niount of money must bear its bur den of taxation. . It has imposed an income tax, thereby snifting great burden's of taxa tion off of poverty and putting it on wealth,, w It has passed. a tariff bill which .hatters, the, "pytected trusts of lIcKinleyism' and thereby giving to all the opportunity: pf .living cheaperaudt better. It has greatly reduced the ex penditures of the government. It has'cut'bff tiera8cally pen sion saved nearly:.i30.(-fetiEi-e people ih that respects alone: - I t:Veclnimed OOO.OOO, acres df pu blic lands' given by .Kepublican cofirgresses- to; virions corporation's.' yo:Qin'ecsdll yj&dr it has main-! l triis'ti arid-iVR?6 1 wb ic h frVvlectionhad' 'create' Rpreseiijt'ative McOreary, oi Keai tricky says m House "passed ni;ro goo'd.-bills and enacted more ijnportant legislation than any of ils predecessors in ten years, or any with which I am familiar, and have been watchihg the Course of legislation for twenty years." The Democratic party t goes' into the campaign with his record be hind n, and upon it will the par- ty make a vigorous and aggressive ligiit", rejoicing. in the atrenght of its cause. Speaker Crisp and Secretary -Smith opened the cam paign in Georgia last Friday, and tho former closed his speech with the 'following '.' words, "which put ha whole matter in a nutshell. ''The Democratic party enters upon ilff contest-with' Republscan- lsm and every other temporary ia s'ne which may present itself, with courage -and confidence.... While we have-not done all we hoped to do, we have done mow in the past j oar to redress the v.rongs- of the .pooile,'ve have done more for their relief, than was ever dona'by any party, iu the same lenght of time in any country under the sun' These are. .. bold .wprds.yet I hold myself at all times ready to defend them; Coming into ..power at a time of panic, when business was at a stand still, when labor was unemployed, - when our treasury- was empty, with courage and fideli- y we entered upon a struggle with'. the enemies of the people, we e- merged from that struggle victcP rious in this;.' We have repealed the McKinley law; we havo great ly reduced taxation ; we have made living cheaper; wo ha v& .spade alll moDey . taxable U .we :iiave taxed surplus incomes wt.have jestored freedom of elections ; we hare re duced public expeudituxds, and, we have deolared undying hostility, to to all tr,uftU,taid jraonopgliee, . pr ganized for the opjressioa :of. the people. ; On. theswi:. foundations twe build ouTouse.". . IIUTkrenl. - . What do youmiau by threaten ingme,a you havalr 1 hear that you swore if I cut Across your field again you would shoot ma as you would, a.ilog." r. . . ?Uh,; that's alb right. I never shoot TaiNSSBiPT, Am i tlMatlac-a An EhglUh Methodist preacher of much fame, M reprice, - wants the Methodists, in -iiiU county to take a hand in -suppressing lynch- ing. , Ha, Ought te read Bishop tiaygooa s.. .powerful, jirticle. : lie will perhaps .come' to the oonclu sipn that . if .black. devils roam and devour, .despoil and murder at will, that there will not be much. chance to suppress shootings and hangings in retaliation any more tnan there is to atop shoot ings among nations on a big scale and known as wars. ' The Kngliah awaya have a war or two n hand and,tbeyhoot promptly. If Mr. Priceaiid his people saw thoua, anda of brutes, white or black roaming England to size . and assault the -wivaand daughters of the bettor ..rclasses, they would ahoot, hang, burn, quarter or would give the lie to all that is known of Johh BuU and his folks. Fine sentiment at long taw con demns swe'epifigly the hanging of a devil who de'flou raa helpless wom an and then murders her, but they have no curves for the - scoundrel who doer the devilish deed. Let rapes and murders stop and hang ings shootings will stop... The Northern people who say much as to hanging brutes never have a ..word in ..denunciation of the hellish crimes for which tho devils die-. All . the . Governors iu all the States,-with courts con structed as they arej-will.; never stop. ;.regrisalsj by r, shooting , ana. tiangings so .-.long as ..the, persons of ;the. motders, wives . and daught: are .safe ns are the wives and daughters of the royal and iioble . families of. Knglandi.; Let thechurches if .they can. put.dowft the awfuthrutalities:that provoke rssentment and retaliation And the hangings by mobs will practically ceasw. . .... There must -nat. only be switt trial but unerring and conviction. There must not only, he no laws delay, but there must be.;ntvac quittals of- pain cases ..of murder. People lose all confidence ,in and patience with criminel courts that fail to convict andunish, scoun drels of whose guilt ninety-five men in a hundred, feel positively assured. With such criminal laws as exist -all leaning. .toward the .criminal and i ithnsuch juries to try there is not much else in court trial now than a broad. travestie ot justice. The-Governor , at Raleigh thinks the.. Legislature - should ,d, some thing, and . that rapists should be taken. to the.. penitentiary at once to prevent them from being hang ed by. mods,. . He a,lso favors that all hangings be had at the penU tentiary, .r -That or something else should be. done,, to ..prevent public exhibitions called hangings. Johu GvMAiier Editor of the Sunbeam: Sellguiau,: Mo.,-who uatL- ed G r o Ver C foreland for - the Pre. tdeucy lu Not., 1882, wb tie he was Major of Bunalo. N. Y., u mthDii- MStio Iu bin praise of' Chamosrlalo' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhea l Kem edy. He Hy; I hare used it for rue past five reai a hiitl uouaider it the L&t prepsr'tttiou of the kind io uiuitet. It is at slapla at sugar tud coftVje in ibis section. It is an article of merit and should oe used Id eviy "bousehold." For sale by Dr. W. I. OrOuse Druggist Mop uiit Tliluk ofTliln. We trut thit all who have read the accounts of the Southern Railway and other reorganiations the many important invetinentsof .utsile cap ital and the marlod increase in trade throughout the last few weeks will stop and think what it all means. This combination of good fortune is too great to be appreciated at once. It requires time to estimate its mag nitude, and the great benefit which will result from it cannot be at pies rnt calculated Perhaps niiver in the history of the States south of the Potomac have so many events occurred to help theui as at ' present. The abundant crops in themselves would bo a great source ot pros perity, coming as they do when drouth has depleted the great Western granaries, but tho crops form only one phase of tho situa tion. Not only the Southern has been reorganized, but several. other systems ares soon to Im. while thive important railroads on which work was stopped during the general depression, leaving them with no termini of any importance, are to be completed. Then, we must add the 'quickness of the South to res pond to the revival ot business, just as the Man'f Record predicted it would always. It has been so noticeable as to be commented n generally in the Northern press. Some newspapers, ignorant, of the true condition of affairs, have been astonished al th volume of busi ness already being transacted it Southern trade centres. Othns that have heen watching these cities with. keen interest, began con curring with the Manufacturers Record months ago in its predic tions,' and now-' have the satisfac tion of- knowing that they were ngnt. Here we have three important points: Abundant crops;; the railroads which were weak linan cially placed on a sound basis by the investment of millions of out side capital, and an activity in business circles almost without parallel. They' will be. truly niem OJable events in the year lb. 1-4, and tli9re is ample food 'for thought on what ther are going to do for t he Southern country. Manufacturers Record.- Pimfiles -AND- Blotches jRE EVIDENCE That' the blood is ' wrong, and that nature ir. end, alt ering to throw off the impurities. Nothing is so bemjicial in assisting nature as-Sudffs Specific. (.S .V. S.) Jt is a simple vegetable compound. Is harmless to the most delicate child, yet it forces the poison to the s urfuce and. eliminates it from the blood. I contracted a severe case of Wood poison tLat unfitted me for business for four years. A few bottles of .Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) cured too. J.C.Jones, City Marshal, . . Fulton, Arkansas. Treatise on r.loo.-! and Skin Diseases mailed fro. Swift SrkciFic Co, Atlanta, Ci A itiiKHinii rbariu. ..The Russian met hod for young girls to . find whi n they will be married is for a party of them to assemble and take off their rings and drop, them in a basket of corn, stirring the grain meantime till all the rings are hidden and then a hen is. brought, in an .invited to partake of the corn and the owner of the:first ring uncovered will be the first to enter matrimony. lureMfgatioii Invited. Ol hours it Is pioper to inqu re about what auy m u says, is it true The roost rigid investigation is invited into the testimonials pnbr ltsbed in behalf of Hood's Ssrsa parilla. Special attention is called to he high character of the persons whose testimonials are published bj the proprietors of this medicine at evidenced by tbeir occupations or indorsements. Iu fact, no math ter.wherea testimonial in behalf or Hood 'a Sarsaparilla may be from, it it reliable aud as worthy of confi dence as if it came from your ni st trusted neighbor. u beer i be fur me Courier. KLnte Fntr Xte. Col. J. H. Holt, Chief Marshal of the StaU Fair, has appointed a corpse of 160 ausistants from evry section of the Stte ail. of whom have accepted , the appointment and have notified : hm that they will be present at the fair. Among tho greatest attractions engaged to be on the Fair grounds in Hurd & Berry's World Museum, embodying numerous novelties and curiosities. Tho race programme this year has excited more attention than ever before. The purses offered aggregate $2,(100. The fields of running horses will be larger and hotter than over seen in North Car olina. Mr. W. Jt Carter the turf editor ot the Richmond Times, has been engaged to act as Starting Judge in all races. - . More than 300 prominent farm ers in tho State. have expressed by letter tbeir intention of making exhibits at thw Fair in all the de partments. TLo poultry exhibit this year will be a special' feature . The So ciety has over oOO new and im proved wire covered exhibition coops, all of which have already been engaged. Resides these a number of exhibitors will supply their own coops. The oxhibition of game fouls will be superb, and the display of pot stock will bo somettuug that will please. and delight every body. Numerous additions and im provements are being made at the Fair grounds to supply accommo dations and space applied for by exhibitors. V new feature of the Fair ibis yar will be practical lectures and essays on economical subjects by competent speakers in Common Hall at night. Arrangements are being perfect ed for good theatrical attractions during the week. Social features will be lively and exhilarating, in" eluding germans and balls every niirht, elegant receptiona &c. Arc. The dates of the fuir are October the i: to the 2Gth, and the R. R. rate is one fare for the round trip. After Week after week, year afi year, you plod a beaten lat from your home to your tro and back again. No hope t the future, nothing ahead b work, work, work, and a at darker prospect for your fami should you dL. A 20-9 e Tontine Policy iu the Equitable Life will give you something to 11, for ; a bright star to look ahei to ; an end to toil when yj are no longer able to follow tt beaten path of drudgery ; s assurance that your wife nr children will be provided for 1 yourdeatii. Isn't it worth 001 sidering? For facts aud figur address W. J. RODDEY. fUnacw. Department of the CaroUoaa, ROCK HILL, 3. C H 1 iltC TouiUiy lrt: Ihe DelCer The Teacher It is better, far better to give than receive. Now, Johnny, you may tell me what you mean to do toward following ont this beautiful rule. Johnny I'll let brother Tommy do all the givin' when either of us has somethin' good. Chicago Record. FOlJKBru"jrucuitaajS Having the Deede-i merit to more than maVe gool all the advertising claimed fur tht in, the fullowiog four runaelie have reached a phenoma&l aaie. Dr Kidk's N-iw DicoTery, for (JonsumptkD( Aughs nd Colds, each bottle gnarentefd ftifcct ric Bitter, the grvat remedy fwr Liver, Siomtich bnd Kidney - backlaa'a Arnica Salve, the ryt in the world, and Dr K'dk'h New Life Pills, whieh are a per tec t pill. All tbee remedies are "gaarestced to do just what is c'aimed for them and the deal er whose name is attached herewith will be glad to tell jou more of them. Sold at Dr J M Lb wings Drag Store. i Day Day t-'arm i'liiloMopliy. Theory is not equal to corn as n hog faltener. When the plowman counts tho clouds he nesjle'ts the corn. The man with a grievance is of ten a grievance to his friends. Don't scold tne cook about the victuals for which you have thank, ed Cod. It is impossible to cultivate a good disposition in a horse by swearing at him. That e J Vert ot' a mule' kick does not depend u; ui the ound. liess of hi-; brain. It is hard for ;.i;i church peo ple to lean- that j-houtnig will not pay tlept.s. The still-houe worm destrovs more corn than all the eut-wornis put together. Many men, if lle-v possessed a "title clear to man-ion in (he skies " would morgage it. Stealing a horse is not a much greater sin than working on-- hand on starvation rations. It. looks a me like an attempted swindle to try to t plenty of milk from a poorly led cow. If the weather .vould go out of business the coi ner loafer would go out of business, too, from lack of an excurse. -BOTANIC- A lioiisrliulil r. MM .Iy lor .ill III.mmI ami f Skin li.s a's Cun-s wmIm.-.u lail. Srol' uluJ IrtTN. lUit uiiiMltsm.t nlitnli. S .lt lU.i-um i ftii'l i H-i v loriu c.f HIi-hI His. as.- Ir. in lti' K tinpl-st.piiiipi i. 1 r..ul : i i;u r. Fifty k years' use with un varying snci ss, li in f; onstral.-w us paramount liruliu:', purity- ) UiK Jiiul Ixiililintr up virtues (m-'e tius more eiH-u til ii tin- than a ilo7 n of Jlc anyf.tli. r I; in. I It 1.1. h.-allh ?: anl streiif.Mli from ll,.- iiitilos.-. r. rtrtritiTiT'vr ii7,.,k r 11 oh- uorfnl t'nrn, m-at if- v-w Clttl'tH. ? I f not kept l.y your local l rurvi- ' . i: ! ' for it l.iriT.- Im.ii!.'. or for -.i:: I...- . ties, anil iii.-.tii iiic v 1 1 1 In- sent, In-iirl.: pal.l. l.y S BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Gc CoiM'onl Stand ud : Ti disease is doing damage in l!o,;ni and Meek leiibiu g conntie-.. Mr. .lani. s T. Uurris. who lives near Locust, lias a In g 1 1 .ugh which has been in conshinl is ever since H:V. It is niabol rich pine wo d. We- were shown a I Iter tie- otl. day wriMen by the Populist caii dilate. for ( 'lerk of the Sui-erii.e Court of Stanley county to a good Democrat, soliciting the yte ,f the Democrat iii Ihe coming ej.v tion. The letter contained jn.-t 11! word.-, and -K", mistaki s. Tl 1 :andidate .-tated b. f,,ie n,,. 'i,p:,. list con v. nt i. 01 that nominal, i him that he w:s- incompetent to discharge the duties ol a (Merl. . !' the Superior Coiiil.and hish'-tf.-j-proves it. IT MAY l)i MtJ"ll hi: V(M Alr. Kre.l Mtll.rr, . living' In. wic ttiti lie Ici'l h - vcre Kn!ii-v I I . iiiiny jenr-i, vv it, svr-u- 1 air.- n l a.1, and ni-.. Iii- r ' iii- Ifl. : tri l n.)in - a!"! t.n without nn . ;'( i oni'. A :-t a y ' a lu le.-un !-'' l-.h.tri i:i tne 1.1 loiiii'l r- Ji'i t i.imv. Klci-tri.' I - i : ter- i-- pi-itdly sei:i.:el l. en r: of n ' l Ketse-y n biv. f til - :'!'ll'.- I ftant iel: f . ir al v iii , HUt' i.i-ri t. I'm '. mi 'y .'.it ! .1 ' ' ft L'r .1. M- l-iwiug Dr;- Htore. 51 :!'- III ! S!l er nf. Mr. Ti'mniidd How Would .1 girl feel if she -received a prop - 1 by letter ? Friend If - she didn't care 1: r roii, slie 1 feel msnlted. "Urn well er suppice shet.i.i caro lor me?" uSheM say 'yes' by u,egrap! .'' N.V." Weekly. living W, Laiimore, phys c 1 din cJor of Y. M . i A., Des Moin low?, -a-, s h con-cientiou.-ecouimend Ch.jmber'a'n'rt I' . . U.-ibn to athletes, gjiuiiastP, Iii v cliat', toot ball piayeis and 1 profession iu generd l(r bru; 1 . sprains and diphetionF; also f--o:eness and stiir ess ol the muse'' When applied before the pati becotne swollen it will effect a cu e iu one half the tiiue ur u .1 v t i i jd. For tale by Dr. VV L. C.- i. Druggest. 1 y