i T W IB '"If TK HJ 12 H E E3. LINCOLN COURIER. F S HTAUUETTE, KDITOK ANl l'KOHlUvTuR. LIN(H)L.1T()n7n:., SKPT.l31ft94. KNTKItBD IN TUB I'oht OFriCEAT f.ivn.)LsroN A HEOONO CLAHB fllali. I4ATTKU Subscription Cash in Advance 1 ye.ir G months :." ,50 3 iQOIltliS " Mites of Adoertisina. ' 'r' OiiiMUnii, oue time, fl.00 ; 25e mihrffviueu iutariiou. Two inched, one time, 91.50 ; GO foreaoti -.ulwequeut i"')10? Three inches, oue time, f-.UO If, wjuts for each subsequent iitfterr.. nou. Four inches; one ttue, 1 00 for each aubaequeut insertion. Special rates tor one-half and 0 10-fourth oolaniu ; also, for any 4 J vortiseoient coutinued , longei 'n.i I month l j;5IOC It ATIO XoMIX EES' f OH COS0KEMS 7TH DISTRICT, ; JXO. H. IIENDKRSOX. KK HENaToR. AMBROSE COSTNEK. Y iK liOl F HE PKESENTATIVEa, I. F.REhNilAKDT. FOR LEKK OF THE COURT, ;. E. CIIIED.S. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS, 15. C. WOOD. for sheriff, J.K.CL1NE. TREASURER, J. C. QUICKEL. CORONER, J. 13. 11EIM. HURTEYOU, " ; A. NIXON. Til ESTATE I' A lit. t;ive II Your Hourly Support, una I'ernoiirtl Attention. The State Fair, which will be held Oct io VJ 180,4, promise3to.be the het the htate has ever had. Kveiy man in the btate should ex tit hiuiM. lt to make the fair a success The iui n who have it in charge give evidence that it shall be a success. Col ). S. I arr never does things by halves and he has a oorps of as sistants of the same make-up which fact alone is evidence of success, but hy proper co-operation of the entire citizenship of the Old North State still greater success may be attained. I.et every man exert himself to Initi about success, and it should not be the sole aim of any man to en ter into this association with nothing in view save a Meed for gain, for self interest. The object should be to show to the world the great le s.muccs of North Carolina Our gieat State is in its infancy, and all it needs to bring it to maturity is a true knowledge of its vast hidden wealth. The Press of the State is a meat factor in the up-building of the state, but a more impressive knowl edge mabe had by seeing a collec tion f her products at the Annual St;ite Fair; then let a tine exhibit of the Animal, Vegetable and Mineral Kingdoms be made, so that the many visitors who w ill attend on a piospec tie tour can be convinced of the meat wealth of the State without turtlur hni:M ation This annual gathering will bring the people together w hich w ill enable them to exchange views and thus benetlt each other. ill show to all who attend the vast resources of the state and stim ulate them to a greater degree vf state pride. It will open up an avenue for de sirable in estigation. It will be an incentive to those,vho haw; hitherto taken no special inter est in the up-building of our state, to re-double their efforts in that direc tion. ; Every citizen of the state should take a special interest i in the State Fair for the reason it is as much to hi interest as to that of any one else. A knowledge of our resources will incite us to greater efforts to advance, and this knowledge can-li- t bo obtained m well as at the Suae Fair whore all thes-a things can be seon. i'ho ladies all ovtii" the btate frio-uid send in an exhibit ot their handiwork and thus "cieate a" desire on the. part of others to enter some of th k j commendable corite'&ts for fancy work A:c. ' . Every worthy child feels an abidinir interest in" his father-, welfare, and so should .every citi zen of the state feel towards the buccess of the State Fair. JSTo county or citizen will be shut out the gates stand ajar and a hearty welcome awaita every one. The corn crop, thin year, ia an abundant one and a fine exhibit can bo made in that line alone,but North Carolina soil will produce moat anything that germinates in the soil, therefore an exhibit of all the crops grown in the borders ot the state may be exported. Some of our fanner friends who have labored all their lives and are yet in ahjuct circumstances, may learn how to live in greater ease by looking over the exhibit and making inquiry about it. Many farmers work themselves very near "to death in trying to obtain a liv ing from the soil. This is a piece of foolishness. Let them attend the State Fair and learn how to produce the various fruits of the uoil with less labor and greater profits. They will learn there that the most successful farmers are those who do not cultivate the greatest number of acres, butthob who havo sybtem and work to ad- j of Consistency, in speech ud v vantage. Tho foundation for tb: ! pen. Petition added ti petition fine vegetables products that will has gone up from many a lip pray be exhibited at the State Fair next iug it to abide in the hearts of. men month, had its origin during the and to show it6elf in all their ac previous winter, which lact will be tious. It has even been apostro- fully demonstrated at the coming State Fair. Again, we say let every faimer in North Carolina, and nut farm ers alone, but eveay citizen, attend the Fair if at all possible to do so, for it will afford the information that many people id the 6tate stand greatly in need of. Hurrah for the State Fair and its worthy officers. A$IIi:VII.L.: LETTER. Democratic X'roi'pecln llaii aom umkea a 3reat Speech Pearson 2or Tom led 11 a ii co in be Itepiihlicun thrown Into confusion Ac. Curiespondenca of Cocbier. A she ville, Sept. 17, 1894: Capt, Jno. Baxter Eaves leader o the Republican forces and Chair man of the State Republican Ex ecutive Committee, until the day the fusion Co-operation Con glomerationists trampled under their unhallowed feet every spark of principle that may have hereto fore been found in the Republican party, said at Raleigh on that au gust occasion that this act of fu sion on the part of Republicans and Populists would give the Dem ocrats a majority of fifty thous and in the State. One of the staunchest and most reliable Re publicans of Asheville estimates that tne Democrats will go in by a majority of at lest sixty thous and. This same Republican is thoroughly posted on tho politics of the State and is confident that a large and the best element of his party will not disgrace themselves by "eating f!row"and disregarding every principle by locking arms with Buck Kitchen, the bitterest denunciator of Republicanism the Stale has ever produced ; and wit h ''Mariann" Butler who has not and does not hold a single idea in ac cord with Republican principles. He is confident furthermore that the r.ink a nd file of the Populists who have become members of that par ty from principle will not ''co-operate" with the Republicans who are and ever have been further by fnr from the doctrines of the Populists than the Democrats are or ever have been. It can scarcely seem possible, and I do not believe it is possible that men who have gone from the Democratic ranks with honesty ot purpose can oe inuueed to I use and "co-operate" on the day of election with that element whose onlv aim and purpose is to "beat the Democrat", and who have avowed opsnly their readiness to relegate their principles to the rear in order to gain that end. Can Populists of principle join hands with Furches, Prictharo, Linuey, Loge Harris, Lu6k, Helton and all that mess of "crow-eating" Repub licans? When Republicans march to the polls on the 6th day of November i "rear" part, Pfirfcipe; was seen next side by side with Buck Kitch- J trailing in I he - dust and being en and "Mariann" Butler or with I trampled under unhallowed feet their followers what ticket will j and Capt,, Eaves snatched it up they call for? And if they vote j aud carried it with him to;Ruth-- will they vote a ticket made up ot men representing their political principles ? When Third party men go up hand in hand with Furches,Priteh ard, Linney, Settle, Holton, or their allies, for whom will they cast their votes ? Will their ir tici- j en that et e composed of the men endorse and stand on the Ocaja-St. Louis-Omaha platform? Vhat' say you Populists of Lincoln on n ty you who have in meetings as sembled and on the hustings and at all times declared by speech and by resolution that you would not endorse any man oret of men who do not stand on Tur plat form ? Jeter Pritchard rrrom the Republicans hope by your ",Cp-op-eration ' to send; ..to ,.the. Viited States Senate look , upon, lljn. How do you like him ? .Does he represent the doctrines of the St.. Louis or Umaha Platform?. And. what think the honest Republi cans, who are such from principle, of sending Mariana Butle.r.to the United States Senate as a repre sentative of Republicanism of North Carolina, and A. 0. Shuford to represent the Republicanism of tho Seventh Congressional . dis trict! A great deal has been said phised and called upon as a living thing of perfection! ft has been praised as a precious jewel and one without blemish. But if it can ia truth be applied to the action at Raleigh, in the Seventh Congres.-. sional district and elsewhere when the Republi-Poplican tickets were enunciated, then indeed it has, lost its virtue as a jeweland its perfec tion has decayed and. bscomo a stench in the nostrils of. Jippest men! God foibitf. tfcat the day should ever come. : .when such a sickening, inconsistent . mess of conglomeration can draw to its en dorsement and support the major ity of the people of North Caroli na. But what are you going; to call this new political machine? If you call it Populist yon may let slip from you the good will of some Republican. I have called it Republi-Poplican, but if I were asked to tell what sort of doctrine that is I would hot kiioV how to do so in order to please its advo cate; but of course I knoSv enough of it to know that it means uni versal political salvation and at the same time condemns more than three fourths of the people of this country! It teaches low tariff but demands high protection ! It teaches equal rights to all but de mands protection for, the few I It teaches special privileges to none after the offices can be filled! It means opposition in principle but "co-operation" inaction! It says ''get behind me principle'and let Satan it. front! These are only some ideas that this combination suggests. Its full meaning is hid den in the wily purposes of its or iginators which has not yet been translated into n regular form of words, but if its doctrine should become law i. would mean the overthrow of good government and prosperity in oui great State. Dear reader, it you . have read 'the speeches of those who set up this "Eureka", you are informed that they announce that thy could af ford to "relegate the principles to the rear" in order .to "beat the Democrats": Of one thing, there fore, you can be ,sure, and that is that while you are fighting against the nameless, and unhal lowed machine . you are not fight ing against principle for that is in j the reiir. and this reminds me that j lt is no -yonder this thing cannot be named, for it is to .be doubted whether the English language could furnish a word that would appropriately name a hydro-headed thing moving over the, country with "Principle in the rear." More over it is not stated how far in the rear Principle is left no whether, nor how it is connected with this head or front part, if connected .at all. Bnt it is generally conceded that when this hydrb-headed thing e-tarted to leave 'Raleigh on the final day ot it's'Chrhstening the j erfordton to be preserved there in (luiet till the lasT days" of Re- publi-Poplicanism, or till the 6th day of next November. Beware, honest men of North Carolina, of tnis double-headed monster and let not a spark of vitality remain iu it; by the, eve of next election day, to disgrace the anuaia of our worthy State ; Sbn'atou felN'soar'spoke in Ashe- ville hut Wednesday iu the ''Grand Opera House" winch was full to overflowing. He met with a hearty reception and bin speech waa a master-piece of elecpuence 'and sound Democratic history and doctrine. At tirana the cheering was deafening and prolonged. It made one feel prouder than ever to be a Democrat. He gave a brief out line of what Congress has already done towards reform and economy ! in the short tim the Democrats have been in power. The repeal of the odious and tyrannical elec tion law; the reduction of Govern ment expenditures in the past 16 months to the amount of 141,000, 000 ; ' the great reduction in the tariff making free nearly all wear ing apparel, all ; farming imple ments so great indeed the reduc tion that John Wannamaker of Philadelphia filled page after page of the Philadelphia papers an nouncing that he had 5,000 casee. of goods just taken from the Cus tom House which on . account of the Democratic tariff he could eel for one-half of the price for which he had sold the same goods here tofore I The reduction on article of common wear made by the tarif ' will save to ' the people of North Carolina $10,000,000, to say noth ing of .the saving on farming lm .pleaaents. These are a few of the items en umerated by. Mr. Ransam. But what about sugar ? You hear Re publicans and .Populists " say. that the Democrats got in league with I that all perniMneid and pOfitive the sugar trusts and allowed them-j cure are im.ught ab nt with re.i selves to be controlled by them,and!',,,H,,,e modeiafinn, ll.iod'a S,u yet only a few days ago the Louis- j Barilla attack- disease vignro.i-ly iana sugar men met in convention aud neTer ,'XH! ir'e ti 11 M,,,u " and denounced the democrats for passage of the new bill which takes from the pockets of sugar com bines and trusts about $80,000,000 paid as bounty by the McKinley bill. But this duty on sugar be comes a mere speck when compar - JJ ed with the great reduction madej c on articles of common wear and on farming implements and mechan ical tools by this new tariff meas ure. Another great question that southern peonle cannot honorably afford to disregard-il-considering the work of the present Democrat-' ic admistration. Those who Willi take the pains to post themselves will learn that the Republicans never have given important na-' tional appointments to southern' men. While under the present administration the south has been recognized equally with the north, or any other section in this par-! ticular and North Carolina has' gottona full quota of this just lee-' ognilion. All that is required in the com-; ing campaign is to get the people' educated up to a knowledge of the' truth. To do thirf will require or-' ganization and oarnest work on; the part of every Democrat. For' this hydro-headed Republi-Popli j can "thing" now moving over this state will faUify and distort and! trample under foot the truth and1 facts just as it has trampled upon and crushed out whatever of prin ciple its component parts once had I or claimed to have. Democrats here-are enthusiastic over the prospects for V. T. Craw - foid in the 9th Congressional dis trict, w ho will defeat Pearson with an overwhelming majority. Pear" son is one of these non-partisan J Republi-Poplican candidates who; says he carries his politics "under his hat". . Her-announced in a speech here recently that one of the first things he'would do when he got to Wa8hiugtdn;vould be toj support Tom Reed of Main for the lower House of CougressI But he will never get there. That one de claration is enough to defeat any Congressional Candidate in North Carolina. Thk Republicans met in Ashe ville last Saturday in County Con ventionnd nominated V. S. Luak and T. H. Weaver for representa tives, both- republican, but they endorsed -independents", formerly Democrats,3 for county officer to the corifusrori of 'convention and the disgust of straightout Repub iicans. -Some Republicans say that the Democrats will have a regular "walk over" in this coun- try. Tho convention was anything else but harmonious. J.M.R. The LimIIc ' t rlrud. No wowau can w tteutitu Iwith oat a good cotnpltfxuiu, aul uo oomplexion.can le Kod without good health aud pur blood. Bot auio llhod balm will lautirj your coiuphxoii by purifying and enriching your Uuod. Try It for all kin and idood diseas. It never fails to care the aiost iovetrrate ohb att-r Poaineut ptiyficiatiH bare futn Pibe 91 W pr Inige boti le. For Hale by druggists See nd?ifif6uifiii lewii'iH. In tl.e past wh i bought ouly bad tasting mullein eun d ; and it wt uo bother to make an dio tea be foie going to bed ; oow, ir. ia too much trouble. Tueae changed ouv. ditlons are all met by Siuioioufl Lir er Regulator, which im pleasant to the. taste, and already piepared io liquid auil powder fiu. Try a 25 Orut faaiplft package. Not qIqk bet fur BillioanneHfl, Headache, OoDsti pafion, Iudigeatiou. H hat Do YouTakke Mdlcloe. Fr? Because jou are a.ck, aud wauc to gel well, ot couree. Then teuieni ber, that Hood's Saraaraiilla Cures. All we adk im, that in taking Hood.e SirsapaiilJa jou will do so with perseverance equalling or ap proaching lit teiiacilt !th which your coiuplauil int. cluag to jou It take-i tun and care, to eiitdiurfie old aud deeti-t-eated mladie , par ticularly when they I ? in o 'oog biddt n in (he system itit they haye become cihronicj. Remember, baa oi.q ieied. II mil d. lt) 000 -nl bHiul jiki- ued in Ppbi.io NtW B X.KS I ln -. h I . I . .. ! . ! S .'! I O . l I .Ml '-I k .... . - ,H " 'U o.ngi tu . x..ttt., ... '!' " i I II. I. I; I.- I.- y nil .i i-h-i. in PhiFior The n I . rt. . It MM . i : I. t: Ik. Mrs. J. H. IIorsnyder, 152 Pacific Ava., Santa Cruz, Cab, writes: " When a girl at school, in Reading, Ohio, I had a severe attack of bim'm fever. On my recovery, I found myself perfectly bald, and, for a long time, I feared I should be permanently so. Friends urged me to use Ayers Hair Vigor, and, on doing so, my hair Began to Grow, and I now have as fine a head of hair aa one could wish for, being changed, how ever, from blonde to dark brown." ' After a fit of sickness, my hair came out in eombfulla. I used two bottles of Ayer's Hair Vigor and now my hair is over a yard long ) and very full and heavy. I have recom- mended this preparation to others with like good effect." Mrs. Sidney Carr, 1400 Regin'a St., Harrisburg, Pa. "I have aiei Ayers Hair Vigor for several yeeHtnd always obtained satis factory results. I know lt U the best preparation for the hair that is made." O. T. Arnett, Mammoth Spring, Axk. Ayer's Hair Vigor rrpsr4 by Dr. J. 0. Ay sr ft Ga. LowsU. slsss. Tax Notice. I will meet Iba citizens of Lib coin coun ty to collect tba Taies for 1894 as follow: Loweevilie. Taesdav, Oct 9th 1894 Triangle, Wed. u lO.h '94 Denver, Thnra. Hth '94 Uullen'a St're Fri. lUib 94 1oq Station Sat. 15th '94 Liocoloton Tues, 11 16th '94 Jfnks Store Wed. 24th '94 BeM' Store Thurs 25th '49 Leori'd' Fork Friday 26th '94 RepTille Sat. 27ih '94 Thrt candidates will attend with roe at the above named times and places. Let tyt-ry body come oat and bear toem. ' J K ULINii, Sheriff. Sept 18, 1894. "Quick Sales & IS THE MOTTO WE STAISTIEB WITH- nd as the F511' season approaches, we dare not depart from this motto. Since our sales in the past six months have boon very much larger than we expected. We are daily receiving new goods and iu A very short time our stock will bo complete. We have so many Bargains we cannot decide which to giva tha preference in this short 4ad". HENS, YOUTHS, CtOTHHKG.IJIHY GOODS. SHOES. mens Hats BOYS CAPS Carpet, Chairs, Furniture, Trunks &c &c RESPECTFULLY, EL S. jRoMiison & Co Superior advantages offered at The Marion Art School Concord, JJ. Q. Fall term begins Sent. 12, 1H'J4 Board secured with private families at low ratea. For further particu lars, addresa, Misa Bettie Alexander, Principal Throw Playalc to ;lie Dkm. Idany do tbiH. They Ik come din gusted with drc'ors and curn alls. Such have never tiied Tjm i's Dinpepsia Iieuiedy. It pits (he stomach in ordr, and many li a-ft are ihu put to . rl j lit. Kep t1' etouiuch in ordr Aud dioaes (md not exist. Tiy Tyner'n Dynpppsia Reondv. Ir hoilds up nd givis ntw li e f run lh. tirst los. ir. 60c p-r l t Fii ai'e r, 5nig i"a W. L. Douglas 33 H O w'1? r a k r c. My&F,i -.vvmpkv',-... I Coi:o,:::..!:..J,:. '4M CmU mii Mc..lw .. . ... . I . . tl.c . 1 . . ! r tin 1 . V' !l ..(u..l . . Wk.llli: . Wilt 1 . ..I t ..:. 1 r.J ... 1. , 1 . (kllV I .1. -1.. . xuiul aul-i-l It 1 fi . J. A. S'uith, 1 n 1 1 1 . Ikih i-x-cliihivH aalti of tl)HH' ;l;i3SMrt in Newton, N. C. From tin; hirti.ry of KhIIuiu iV: Aloorf, the only coin plote optical pPint in 1 1 1 - south Atlanta, Ga. aCCTPeddlers arc not supplied with these 1'ainouM glussf. UNIVERSITY OF N. CAROLINA. Includes the College, the Uni versity, the Law School, the Med ical School for Teacher', College tuiti(n IG0.00 a year ; hoard $7XX) to $13.00 a mouth. Session be gins Sept. 6. Address President Wiuston, Chapel Hill, N. C. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having beca qualified aa the Executor of the last Will and Testament of Solomon Carpenter, dee'd, all persons baring tJaimq against said deceased, are bertby notihVd ti prseat th same for payment on or betore the 20th day of Auguet 1895, or tbia notice will be pkal in bar of recovery. This Augo.t llih 1894- Jclii a Cabpkstsb, t'AtTIN Tabpinter. B. Wjct oaa, Atty. When Bky waa alck, we gave her Caswrla. Whea aha u a Child, aho" cried for Castoria. ' " Waea abe became Miaa, she clung to Castoria. When abe had Children, ah gare them Castoria. Short Profits 93 1894 1894. OPENED WITH NEW WORK, Harness, Bridles, Saddles and in fact ANYTHING that is used, needed or to be WORN by HORSE or MULE. w ith Fifteen years experience l am prepared to furnish any- thing in my Line at Hard Time? Prioes, for Cash or Barter. j RepairinG done on short NOTICE. J Give me a call and be con- vinced. Shop on fnrtSquarel hack ot W- H M'chal. Kefipectfiillj', J. P. BE A IV IMotice ! PJoticc ! And don't forget to no tice what ! am about to say. I i-h 111 n l hi. iiileiilioil to g M . ,! of ll;icliim Od I U0W '11 !! ImihI ..r lUapeis aud '.!. f, tvi'ich will not gum oq 'I :mh liiili H. i ' H .1' o hvo in Stii;k in a few i h lot 1 I o.i i. end THIil I'-1 I) i. r v in. i i bt-re is IIMH'il llMIIttit. I i 1 1 Im ve ou Il-Mlll H Mijiply ! Tb'in tilcH II ' 1 11 ' 1 1 tit t'tl nn fill l.irh I 'lo iml ti lo sell, us I li to k-i p (m hi Hiuong ray col' lull III 1111 ItlMl .S. .Just received more Cotton Harrow! The best thing of llii Kind on Ihe marKet hon'i turret to (.all an.l eiamina mj iSHohJS jusl r nioJ. I Hia now selling the iu t.. the time No'Jikn 11. v 1'iioiiogtHpb, rei liiin vilMi you lave iHken io, until you an lendy to lopioduce to yi.Qf iiiinda to-- yeii'-nd iippMcation asd Itespfctfully, K A. TOBY. An Antidote HAIR ID TIMES & RESULTANT EVILS A WELL-SUPPLIED THlNKIG-SHOP and Frequent PotionS of Bottled EnergY Call and see, B. F. OR1GG 1 I f

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